A couple of weeks ago I saw a tweet about a site called HoopStick.com, the tweet said 500GB hard drive for $5! I was like damn I know storage is cheap, but not that cheap! So I decided to check out the site, and it was setup like that of Woot, selling one product a day, but unlike Woot where the product has a set price, at HoopStick there is dynamic pricing based on their supply and the consumer demand. So if there is a product and a ton of people are buying it the price will go up, but if not many people are buying it the price will go down. It is quite an interesting system and enables you to get some great deals on products.
So when I got to the site the price of the drive was up to $6.26 based on the demand. Not knowing much about the site I worried about giving my credit card information out, but thanks to Citi Cards virtual account numbers I really didn’t have to worry about that and I figured if the site was BS then I wouldn’t be losing that much money. So I ordered the drive for $6.26. About a week later I received a box from HoopStick with the drive and a HoopStick.com sticker! So the site is definitely not BS and I got a 500GB SATA drive for $6.26! It will give me something to do with all the external hard drive enclosures I have laying around!

At first HoopStick was going to do a new product every day, but since all of their popularity they are doing new products on the weekend. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8AM PST you will be able to see the new “Stick of the Day”. I would definitely put the site in your bookmarks as you can find some really great products at amazing prices.