As you all might remember I was a bit late on the top commentators for July, this month I’m right on time, although I still forgot to take a screenshot last night of the top commentator’s widget on the side of the page. So this morning I had to go back and count them by hand, what a great way to start my morning! This month’s commentators are almost the same as last month, it’s good to see we have a community going here! So without further ado here are August’s Top Commentators done Leo Chiang style!
Sean – He has just started a hardware review site, looks awesome so far, hopefully he can keep up with it!
Thomas De Maesschalck – this guy must like movies and he also reviews computer hardware like me.
BigMan – Another hardware site owner, see a trend? He is heading out to LA soon and enjoys watching me on Ustream.
Michael Kwan – A proud hockey fan, and owner of a brand new OCIA.net T-shirt!
David Lithman – He must be famous because he was just interviewed, he also lets us know what his ideal work day would be like.
Thanks to everyone that commented during the month of August!
How Do You Become a Top Commentator?
Comment, that’s it! All you have to do is comment on the posts here on BobBuskirk.com and the top 5 people with the most posts will be picked as that months Top Commentators. If you are a top commentator I will link back to your website / blog when I make that month’s top commentator post. So start commenting!