So who won the 1GB Mushkin Flash Drive? The contest ran for around 2 weeks and I only had 9 entries. I wish I would have had more, but hey it’s only a 1GB flash drive not a Wii or PS3. Here are the nine entries that I received…
I’m A Lucky Girl (Cher Free)
Obsidian Profile (Sean)
Beyond the Rhetoric (Michael Kwan)
World of Joel (Joel)
Well you all got a linkback! So as you can see above I wrote everyone’s name down on a piece of paper. People who posted a picture got 2 entries. Then I folded each piece of paper up and put them all in an old hat. I shook it up and picked out 1 folded piece of paper. So the winner is…

Cher Free from I’m A Lucky Girl! Congrats!! I have already e-mailed you about the contest so if you are reading this and you have not received an e-mail from me let me know! Well that concludes the April’s contest. There will be a contest for May, I just need to find something else to give away. How many people out there are interested in an iPod car accessory? Let me know and stay tuned for the next contest!