This week has been extremely busy for me. If you didn’t know I am moving this weekend. Ashley and I decided to move because it’s not worth wasting all the money on a townhouse when it is only the 2 of us. Also she wants to live closer to home. So after 2 full days of looking for places we found a great place, which is around $600 less a month then what we are paying now. Even better it is just about the same size living space, but on one floor. So that will save us on utilities too. The new place as has a balcony (something I have missed for a while) and a Jacuzzi tub. This place was the last place we looked at and I’m glad we did because it was so much better than all of the other places we looked at. The only thing we won’t have at the new place is a garage. Here is a floor plan of the new place.

Since we are moving this week has been very busy. Trying to get everything organized like movers, paperwork, utilities, etc. After I started packing I realized I have way to much stuff! Especially since we have moved every year for the past 3 years! We both really like this place so hopefully we will stay here for more than 1 year.
I’m not sure if I will be able to update the rest of the week, but keep in mind that the CES Swag contest is still going on and it will go until February 27th. It is really easy to enter, just subscribe to my RSS feed via e-mail: