Well tomorrow is the day, Black Friday. It is the craziest shopping day of the year! People start heading to stores at 3-4am trying to be first in line to get the best deals of the day. Honestly it is insane, people basically killing each other for a better deal on a TV or Laptop. I have never gone out for a black friday and I probably never will. I hate waiting in lines and even more than that I hate traffic, you are going to see a lot of that tomorrow so that is why I’m staying home, also I really don’t need anything. If you do play on going out tomorrow then I urge you to find the deals you are looking for ahead of time, and some you can even get online as well as in the store. Here is a list of black friday sites…
Black Friday Page @ GotaDeal
Probably the best deal I found was…
52-inch Samsung 1080p LCD TV /w Free Geek Squad Install
Here are the links to online sales that are going on now…
Circuit City
Best Buy
I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday!!