Halo 3!!

It seems like Halo 3 has taken over my life…haha! I waited in line for about an hour and a half to get it too! It was actually the first time I have waited in line on launch day to get a game or anything for that matter. It was cool and the people who I was sitting by were cool. I went to my local GameStop and they did things very well. They made you cash out before midnight and then you would get in line. At midnight you would just show your receipt and they would give you the game. There were probably about 100-150 people in line. Because the way they had everything setup I only had to wait about 10 minutes after midnight to get my copy and there was about 50 people in front of me.

I ended up getting the Legendary Edition. I’m a big halo fan so I had to get it. Also last week I got a Halo 3 Limited Edition controller. Once I got home I put the game in and instantly started playing. I started the campaign and beat the first mission then went online and played with friends.

That’s one of the best things about the game is the online aspect. We played online until 7AM! Yesterday I played even more online! Hopefully I don’t waste all my time playing Halo 3, but I do have to review it for ThinkGaming, so playing it is like work! If anyone else got Halo 3 send me your gamertag so we can play online.