You may have noticed a link on the top of the page as well as the side of the page that says, “Watch me live!”. That is because I have started lifecasting. Basically I have a webcam on me most of the day. I have been very interested in lifecasting and wanted to see if I could do it. I have a pretty nice webcam and laptop so it’s really easy. All I had to do was find a streaming service. To my surprise there where quite a few to choose from and they all were free. Out of all of them Ustream seemed to me the most popular and a lot of popular shows were on there so I signed up and in less than 5 minutes I was online.
So if you ever want to see what I am up to you can check out the watch me live page or go to my Ustream show page. There you will also find a live chat so you can talk to me. Wonder how long I can do this for?