For most people the weekend is the time to relax and just take time off from work. Usually I try to do the same, but what I should be doing is being productive. Weekends are usually slower for internet traffic so I usually don’t post reviews on the weekend, I try to relax and work on some reviews for the upcoming week, but I could be doing a lot more.
Two of my sites are run on WordPress, this blog and ThinkGaming. WordPress’s timestamp feature is really great. I can write 10 posts and have them go live throughout the week, not the day I actually publish them. So how will this help me? Each day I won’t have to take the time to write these posts or even post them. WordPress does it all automatically. So each day during the week my daily task list would be shorter giving me more time do get other things done and making things less stressful.
Besides just writing on the weekends you could also be tweaking your sites or adding new features. As I said the internet is usually less busy on the weekend so you are not required to update your site on the weekends. So instead of updating you could be tweaking. In my ThinkComputers updates post I talked about various tweaks I did on ThinkComputers. Little things like this can really improve your website / blog.
If you work all during the week and all weekend you will eventually burn out. I’m not saying to work all weekend, but be productive. In order to be productive you need to manage your time well and set your goals.