Should You Start a Blog?

People ask me all the time what is the easiest way to get started online. I usually tell them to start a blog. With services like Blogger and you can easily start a blog without any major knowledge of the internet or computers. Also bloggers are not a small group anymore, blogging has become mainstream and there are so many services that help bloggers make money it is stupid to not have a blog. But before you just rush into blogging here are some things to think about.

Unless you are doing a personal blog you really need to think of a topic. Even if you just want to do a personal blog you should think of what you are going to talk about. Even though this is a personal blog I talk a lot about business and making money online. When picking a topic think of something you are passionate about and that you are really interested in. That way you won’t have any problems coming up with new ideas for posts.

If you are serious about blogging then you need to have time to do it. Content is king in this business and if you are not updating your blog then no one is going to come back to read it. I would say try to keep a blogging schedule that you can keep up with. I try to update this blog at least 4-5 times a week.

What Platform
So you have your topic and you know you will be able to update the blog regularly. Now what platform are you going to use for your blog? Well if you are a beginner I would suggest Blogger or, because you don’t need to worry about hosting or any of that stuff. If you want to host your own blog the obvious choice is WordPress. It is become the most popular blogging software out there. Also there are many different themes and plugins for it that you can get for free.