My Schedule

A lot of people have sent me e-mails and have left comments asking me what my schedule is and how I manage to get things done. A lot of the time I don’t get what I want to done, but I do have a system. This system is not really that complex at all and anyone can’t implement it. All I try to do is cut my work day into sections. So here is what my current system looks like…

Wake Up
Post News on ThinkComputers
Find and Post news on ThinkGaming and ThinkCE
Check and send important e-mails

— Lunch Break —

Write a blog post
Write a review for ThinkComputers
Write an article for ThinkGaming or ThinkCE
Post a blog post
Test hardware I am reviewing
Take product photos
Edit product photos for an upcoming review

— Dinner Break —

Post a review on ThinkComputers
Post an article on ThinkGaming or ThinkCE
Start a new review or blog post

— Sleep —

As you can see there is a lot here, but the things that are italicized means that I maybe do 1 or 2 of those in any given day. It all depends on the day of the week which ones I do. Also you can see there are no times anywhere on this schedule. I don’t like having to wake up at a certain time or get things done within a certain amount of time. This isn’t the best schedule, but it is a good mix of work and down time.