Yes I Make Money Online Wed, 24 Feb 2010 18:43:29 +0000 en 1.0 blogroll contests events food luxury make-money-online other personal pittsburgh ramblings reviews tech-related the-blog the-net the-think-network uncategorized 2009 2010 96-1-kiss ads backupify big-bob bit-ly blog blogger blogging blue-collar cea ces ces-2010 charity content disqus facebook g20 google-docs header-image image-rotator jami-broom jessica-lea-mayfield lenovo mikey morning-freak-show new-media new-york-times nytimes online-backup palazzo palms-place party pc-race pcpgh4 penguins pittsburgh plugins podcamp podcamp-pittsburgh podcasting rackspace-cloud robots-txt rss s3 salad schenley-plaza seesmic-desktop seo snow social-networking sports steelers super-bowl sushi sushisamba swag tech thinkcomputers twitter url-shortening ustream vacation vegas wifi wordpress youtube Welcome to my Blog Sat, 19 Nov 2005 08:50:28 +0000 Well the TC blogs are up! You can check out mine and Dracos's. Remember you can comment on all post etc. Let us know what you think of the blogs...

2 2005-11-19 03:50:28 2005-11-19 08:50:28 open open welcome-to-my-blog publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267155871 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8913 2007-05-06 16:53:33 2007-05-06 20:53:33 1 0 0 40070 2009-12-17 16:07:00 2009-12-17 20:07:00 Vinyl Bathroom & Kitchen Floor Tiles =-.]]> trash 0 0
Parents suing Blizzard for World of Warcraft addiction Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:13:39 +0000 3 2005-11-20 17:13:39 2005-11-20 22:13:39 open open parents-suing-blizzard-for-world-of-warcraft-addiction publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267238146 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:85:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7703 2007-03-07 01:37:54 2007-03-07 05:37:54 1 0 0 38605 2009-08-04 11:58:50 2009-08-04 15:58:50 1 0 0 38351 2009-07-20 11:47:32 2009-07-20 15:47:32 Bladder Infection And Its Remedies =-.]]> 1 0 0 Update!! Tue, 29 Nov 2005 03:33:33 +0000 4 2005-11-28 22:33:33 2005-11-29 03:33:33 open open update publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267057503 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:37:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Im Alive!! Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:10:24 +0000 5 2005-12-13 07:10:24 2005-12-13 12:10:24 open open im-alive publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223582 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:39:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3 2005-12-22 01:32:38 2005-12-22 06:32:38 1 0 0 Good Food Tue, 20 Dec 2005 23:22:30 +0000 6 2005-12-20 18:22:30 2005-12-20 23:22:30 open open good-food publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267245071 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:40:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:4:{i:1957392926;s:7:"retweet";i:1953682347;s:7:"retweet";i:1952830871;s:7:"retweet";i:1952784505;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 4 Shopping... Tue, 27 Dec 2005 13:10:08 +0000 7 2005-12-27 08:10:08 2005-12-27 13:10:08 open open shopping publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266954596 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:39:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:4:{i:1220128092;s:7:"retweet";i:1220077210;s:7:"retweet";i:1205065846;s:7:"retweet";i:1205063612;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 6 Starbucks Fri, 30 Dec 2005 19:05:04 +0000 8 2005-12-30 14:05:04 2005-12-30 19:05:04 open open starbucks publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267290655 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:40:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1968202861;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 Airport Security Tue, 03 Jan 2006 11:29:47 +0000 9 2006-01-03 06:29:47 2006-01-03 11:29:47 open open airport-security publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267286106 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8 2006-01-04 00:06:05 2006-01-04 05:06:05 1 0 0 23811 2008-05-28 13:08:53 2008-05-28 17:08:53 1 0 0 Finally back and sick... Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:13:22 +0000 10 2006-01-12 03:13:22 2006-01-12 08:13:22 open open finally-back-and-sick publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266979002 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Netflix Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:56:51 +0000 11 2006-01-21 02:56:51 2006-01-21 07:56:51 open open netflix publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917514 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 New Phone Sat, 04 Feb 2006 20:21:52 +0000 12 2006-02-04 15:21:52 2006-02-04 20:21:52 open open new-phone publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267006205 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:40:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Back up! Mon, 13 Mar 2006 07:18:11 +0000 13 2006-03-13 02:18:11 2006-03-13 07:18:11 open open back-up publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267276223 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:4:{i:1197857559;s:7:"retweet";i:1197842879;s:7:"retweet";i:1196919804;s:7:"retweet";i:1960531923;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 5 Ikea Tue, 14 Mar 2006 04:24:46 +0000 As some of you may know I will be moving to The Woodhawk Club April 1st. Well since I'm moving I figured I needed a new bed. So where to get a bed? Ikea of course!! I'm actually lucky there is an Ikea in Pittsburgh, there are only like 25 stores total. Anyways I got a new queen size bed, matress, and night stand for $820.49, which isn't that bad really. I will put some pictures up when I get moved in and set the bed up!

14 2006-03-13 23:24:46 2006-03-14 04:24:46 open open ikea publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267085207 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:35:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
And I thought my roomate was bad.... Tue, 14 Mar 2006 18:12:59 +0000 post. Now I thought my roomate was bad! Now my roomate is basically the same way, except he drinks, smokes, and chews ALOT. Now that might not be that bad but when you desk looks like this.....
It's really a problem when your desk is covered with bottles of spit with old cigarettes in them. Just the spit itself has to smell, add some cigarettes and it makes it even worse. Everytime he isn't here I have to close his door. His room smells HORRIBLE. Like when I walk it makes me wanna vomit. When I took the pictures I almost threw up. Now being that we are in college how could you have a room like that if you wanna bring girls back to you APT? Even if you cleaned the smell is still gonna be there! Maybe thats why I've never seen a girl in there...Now onto work ethic...Now for the first 6 months we were living here he did NOTHING. Now myself and our other roomate went to school, but his excuse was he "forgot" to pay for school. How the hell do you forget to pay for college??? I'm pretty sure they would let you know if they didn't get your money! Now during these 6 months he said he tried looking for a job, but couldn't find one. This is hard to believe because if you can work full time or even 30-40 hours a week any place would hire you. Now how was he paying for food and the APT? Your guess is as good as mine. Our other roomate handled the finances so I'm not sure how that went. Although he did order pizza everyday because he was to lazy to make anything. He always used a credit card too, so I'm guessing it was his parents or he has a HUGE credit card bill. Now being at home alll the time there is alot to do, but he just watched TV and played playstation all the time, he couldnt even wash his own dishes...Now lets take a look into his room...
Not that bad I guess...notice the closet nothing but 2 shirts are hung up. Also you can see an old milk container on top of his TV, that has to smell. It's been there for over a month. You can also see some bags on the floor. Those are from all the take out he gets and just lets them sit there, never cleans any of it up. I don't think I have ever seen him wash his sheets, and I've seen him wash his cloths once. Skattered all over his room are old plates with half eaten food on them, I'm just waiting for an ant infestation.Well Stephen look like me and you are in the same boat. So what am I doing about this problem? Moving on UP!! 16 more days!]]>
16 2006-03-14 13:12:59 2006-03-14 18:12:59 open open and-i-thought-my-roomate-was-bad publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264808 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1974892228;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 25 2006-03-14 13:24:09 2006-03-14 18:24:09 1 0 0
Getting used to my new "job" Sun, 19 Mar 2006 02:39:58 +0000 CyberConXion because it's good to get out of the hole I live in! Yes I'm still in my crappy apartment! I will be moving april 1st to the woodhawk club and I can't wait. Once I'm all settled in there then I can get on a good schedule of updating the sites etc.]]> 17 2006-03-18 21:39:58 2006-03-19 02:39:58 open open getting-used-to-my-new-job publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267246503 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:4:{i:1184836917;s:7:"retweet";i:1184830052;s:7:"retweet";i:1183348240;s:7:"retweet";i:1181530131;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 4 Possible Vacation Spots Wed, 22 Mar 2006 09:22:55 +0000 Well it’s getting closer and closer to summer, and what does that mean? Vacation!! This week I have been thinking of places to go with Ashley this summer. I wanted to go some place where we havent gone before and that is by the beach. My first thoughs were Florida. We looked at Miami, South Beach, Key West, Daytona, etc. They all looked nice, but they just didn’t seem to be what we were looking for. Plus they would be extremely busy in August. So searching around we found Cabo! We instantly fell in love with the place. Now just to find where to stay. This is what we came up with…








The Sheraton Hacienda del Mar Resort & Spa. This place has it all, it’s right on the beach, has 3 pools, 4 restaurants, a beach bar, and even internet access. Ashley and I plan to spend a week here sometime in August. Now we just have to save up the money! It’s going to be nice to get away, and to Cabo San Lucas!!

21 2006-03-22 04:22:55 2006-03-22 09:22:55 open open possible-vacation-spots publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267120439 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 30 2006-03-22 05:25:13 2006-03-22 10:25:13 1 0 0 32 2006-03-23 02:23:14 2006-03-23 07:23:14 1 0 0
It's a HOCKEY night in Pittsburgh! Sun, 26 Mar 2006 13:28:43 +0000 Friday night my friends Jason, Ryan, Trevor and I went to the penguin game. Jason's dad works for federated so we got awesome seats. Our seats were in the Igloo club. The Igloo club is the best place to be besides the private box seats. You get your own Bar, Concession stand, and bathroom which is nice. Igloo club seats are on each side of the arena. Our seats were about 15 rows up right on center ice.











We all went out before the game to Applebees before the game. I had a Perfect Margarita, which equals about 4 Maragarita's, because it is served in the shaker tin, so you can keep on filling up your glass! So I really did not drink that much at the game. I did enjoy a Barcardi Silver, John got me hooked on these things at CES. Now my Perfect Maragita was $5.75, at the game a Bacardi Silver served over ice is $5.50, you can see how you could spend ALOT of money at the game.

Anyways the penguins played the NY Islanders. It was a really intense game, there was alot of action. It was tied 3 to 3 at the end of the 3rd period, so we went into overtime! In overtime Sidney Crosby scored the game winning goal. Beating the goalie on the short side, it was the perfect goal! The hockey game was alot of fun and I hope to go again sometime soon!

22 2006-03-26 08:28:43 2006-03-26 13:28:43 open open its-a-hockey-night-in-pittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267233313 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:3:{i:1180395999;s:7:"retweet";i:1049750608;s:7:"retweet";i:1049619809;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3
360 finally! Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:25:19 +0000 Well today I finally got an Xbox 360!  This past month I was debating to get one or not.  It's an investment I guess, I got the 360 premium bundle, plug & charge kit, ghost recon, and NHL 2k6. 











I was really impressed with the system and graphics.  Finally I have something to use my HDTV for instead of just cable.  The whole XBOX live and gamerscore thing is really cool.  To increase your gamer score you have to get certain achievements in games.  Another really cool thing is that you can download movie trailers (in HD), game demos, and even old school arcade games.  Microsoft really did a good job and made this a really good system.  The only con I can say about it is that it runs REALLY hot!

23 2006-03-29 04:25:19 2006-03-29 09:25:19 open open 360-finally publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267080177 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1959201658;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 79 2006-03-30 20:25:23 2006-03-31 01:25:23 1 0 0
Finally Moved In! Tue, 04 Apr 2006 06:51:56 +0000 Well I'm finally moved into my new apartment!! It has not been all fun and games though, it has been very stressfull! For one I dont have internet, as you notice TC has not been updated in almost a week, so I have turned my old room at my parents house into an office for now so I can run all of my sites. Anyways here are some shots of the new apartment, they are before we moved in!

This is the kitchen area, all of the appliances are brand new, and also notice the marble countertops. All of the sinks and countertops in the apartment are marble. The kitchen also has a high countertop as you can see so it's a place to eat as well!

There is a dining room space next to the kitchen, I will probably use this for an office.

This apartment has a fireplace which is awesome! It is a wood burning fireplace too! No using gas! This saves a ton of money!

Here is a little sink area that is connected to the master bedroom, this will be used to get ready to go out etc. We also have a full size bathroom. I did not get pictures of my walkin closet, master bedroom, 2nd bedroom, and the bathroom, I will have pictures of everything with all of our stuff moved in soon!

24 2006-04-04 01:51:56 2006-04-04 06:51:56 open open finally-moved-in publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267080190 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
5.1 Sound! Tue, 11 Apr 2006 06:13:12 +0000 26 2006-04-11 01:13:12 2006-04-11 06:13:12 open open 51-sound publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267301798 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:39:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 The New Apt - The Kitchen Fri, 14 Apr 2006 06:13:39 +0000 Well this week has been extremely busy!! Just been working on all of the sites, and trying to get more traffic to TC. I showed you all pictures of the new apartment before we moved in but not since we have moved in so here yah go!

Here is a picture of the the living room and kitchen. As you can see we got some nice stools for the bar area. We have a small TV in the living room, the bigger TV's are in our rooms.

Here is a nice picture of the kitchen. It is probably my favorite part of the apartment because I love to cook, as you can see I'm cooking up some breakfast now! I love the marble countertops! Also all of the appliances are brand new, the microwave, stove, refrigerator, even the toaster oven!! In the secound picture you can see the stove has a glass top, this is great, and causes less mess.

Beside the kitchen there is a dining area that I have converted into my office. It works really good too, and if im hungry I can walk 2 feet and make something.

I'm really enjoying this new apartment, It gives me a better work enviroment than my last apartment. Check back soon to see pictures of the rest of the apartment!

27 2006-04-14 01:13:39 2006-04-14 06:13:39 open open the-new-apt-the-kitchen publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267235219 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Missing Cable Thu, 20 Apr 2006 06:33:59 +0000 28 2006-04-20 01:33:59 2006-04-20 06:33:59 open open missing-cable publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267281419 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 202 2006-04-20 01:37:08 2006-04-20 06:37:08 1 0 0 The New Routine Fri, 28 Apr 2006 06:50:31 +0000 Well this past week and a half I have been on a horrible sleeping schedule.  Because of that I have not been able to get that much work done.  Being that I'm a dot com mogul and all sites rely on content it is bad when your not getting done what your supposted to.  With that in mind I'm finally getting back on track.  This is my new routine I hope to keep...

Wake up
Finish what I didnt get done the night before
Update ThinkCE and ThinkGaming
Send E-mails etc
Check ThinkComputers Forums
Write for Either ThinkComputers or ThinkGaming
Proof and edit review to be posted on TC
Post review on TC and send news E-mail 

Thats not all I do all day but thats what I hope to get done each day.  Remember the more you get done the more money you make.  So hopefully I can stick to this new routine! 

29 2006-04-28 01:50:31 2006-04-28 06:50:31 open open the-new-routine publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267294057 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Bill Gates Goes To College Sat, 29 Apr 2006 16:30:15 +0000 ]]> 30 2006-04-29 11:30:15 2006-04-29 16:30:15 open open bill-gates-goes-to-college publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279576 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 The Think Network Launched Thu, 04 May 2006 04:19:40 +0000


Well today I finally got The Think Network site up. Basically what it is, is a listing of everything that is happening on the network. The best stories from ThinkGaming and ThinkCE will be listed, review links from ThinkComputers will be listed, and event info from our events page will be listed. Also we will have information on network-wide advertising etc. Its a little project right now, not aimed at making alot of money, but a place where people can go to get low down on everything, who knows it might catch on!]]>
32 2006-05-03 23:19:40 2006-05-04 04:19:40 open open the-think-network-launched publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267268030 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1954243338;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1
The Week Ahead... Mon, 08 May 2006 07:16:44 +0000 33 2006-05-08 02:16:44 2006-05-08 07:16:44 open open the-week-ahead publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961442 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Thoughts on PS3 Tue, 09 May 2006 06:09:42 +0000 Well I watched the entire webcast of Sony's E3 press conference. It was about the PS2, PSP, but mainly the PS3. Well I can say I am more excited about the PS3 now. It will have a Blu-ray player, gigabit ethernet port, 20gb or 60gb hard drive, and a new controller. The controller is much like the PS2 controller except it is wireless. It also has the same technology the Nintendo Wii controler will have with a six-axis sensing system. The cost of the PS3 will be $499 for the 20GB and $599 for the 60GB. Now here are my thoughts on it after seeing everything.

First of all the controller is much better than the previous version. Plus the six-axis sensing system is totally cool! No one was expecting that! The new games look really cool and match up the the 360 graphics. Now many of you think $599 is alot for a console...well it is LOL! But think about this the PS3 comes with a blu-ray player. Blu-Ray players are retailing for around $800 - $1200. Not sure what the prices will be in November when it is released but you are getting a Blu-ray player, game console that plays PS and PS2 games, CD's, DVD's, and Blu-Ray for that $599. So this might go on my holiday shopping list, we will see...

34 2006-05-09 01:09:42 2006-05-09 06:09:42 open open thoughts-on-ps3 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266885764 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
ThinkGaming On Slashdot Fri, 12 May 2006 09:46:59 +0000 ThinkGaming was posted to Slashdot. Now it was not posted on the front page of Slashdot, but on their gaming page, none the less it brought a ton of people to ThinkGaming. The article has got over 9700 hits so far, much better than the normal 400-700 a regular article gets. Now a Slashdot on any site is good, but when ThinkComputers gets Slashdotted it is usually for a product review, and in the review is a matching ad. Usually that ad gets clicked over 1000 times, but since the article on ThinkGaming has no matching ad then profits were not as great. I am still very happy, all of the sites in The Think Network have been on Slashdot except for our new Events page. Hopefully this will keep up traffic on ThinkGaming and bring more return visitors to the site. ]]> 35 2006-05-12 04:46:59 2006-05-12 09:46:59 open open thinkgaming-on-slashdot publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267269855 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1958176154;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 400 Reviews! Fri, 19 May 2006 06:23:02 +0000 36 2006-05-19 01:23:02 2006-05-19 06:23:02 open open 400-reviews publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267063079 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Wednesday.... Wed, 24 May 2006 14:16:27 +0000 ThinkComputers its crazy. Me and Kris have our hands full with reviews!! I also have to find content and update 3 other sites besides ThinkComputers....rough job eh? Besides website stuff Ashley and I actually got some what of a workout yesterday. We went for a walk down to the clubhouse to see when the pool would open and we took the long way back. We came up to the tennis and basketball courts and found there was a basketball there so we played for about an hour. No hard workout, but better than nothing! We are hoping to go play tennis / basketball atleast 3 times a week.]]> 38 2006-05-24 09:16:27 2006-05-24 14:16:27 open open wednesday publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267303207 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:40:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:6:{i:1640570883;s:7:"retweet";i:1640268872;s:7:"retweet";i:1640257218;s:7:"retweet";i:1608970291;s:7:"retweet";i:1607721380;s:7:"retweet";i:1594664345;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 9 Galleria at Pittsburgh Mills Fri, 26 May 2006 12:41:26 +0000

Ashley and I took a trip out to the Galleria at Pittsburgh Mills, and it was anything but a Galleria. The Galleria is supposted to be a nice shopping mall, but it is basically filled with "Mom and Pop" stores that sell like antiques and crap like that. The only designer store in there was Guess. We thought this mall might have some nice designer stores, but they didn't even have an Abercrombie. Don't get me wrong, the inside of the Mall is nice, everything is new etc. The mall layout is horrible. Most mall's have 2 floors so you don't have to walk very far to get from one end of the mall to another. Well this mall is only 1 floor and it takes you forever to walk all the way through it!!! There are some cool things in the mall like glow in the dark miniture golfing, a bowling alley, 3 restaurants, and a movie theatre, but that does not take away the fact that there is really not good shops there. Ashley and I did eat lunch in one of the restaurants called Johnny Rockets which had a like 1950's diner theme. The food was good and the atmosphere made me forget that I was in the mall. Well ashley and I were not impressed at all with Pittsburgh Mills and will not be going back there for some time. Their major problem is that for one they had no nice stores, and there were alot of vacant stores. The 2nd problem is that the mall is only 1 floor so you have to walk forever to get from 1 end to the other.]]>
39 2006-05-26 07:41:26 2006-05-26 12:41:26 open open galleria-at-pittsburgh-mills publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279619 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1952996339;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 8853 2007-05-04 01:32:41 2007-05-04 05:32:41 1 7671 0 7671 2007-03-05 12:15:12 2007-03-05 16:15:12 1 0 0
The Pool!! Tue, 30 May 2006 14:41:31 +0000 Well this past weekend the pool at my apartment complex opened. Ashley and I have gone the past 3 days. It is really great and im getting a tan!  Also they have WiFi down there so I can bring my laptop down and do work. It's much better than sitting at the apartment. There is a grill down there too so we can cook food too! So with the pool being open I kinda have a new routine. I would usually post a review at midnight for the next day, but because the pool is open I wil be posted reviews in the morning around 9-10AM. I'm not sure that this will effect revenue, we will just have to see. So here is the new routine...

Wake Up
Post A Review
Update ThinkGaming / ThinkCE
Go the the pool
Write a review while at the pool
Go back to the apt and eat
Catch up on what I didn't get done during the day

40 2006-05-30 09:41:31 2006-05-30 14:41:31 open open the-pool publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266965232 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:39:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
2 New Movies Sat, 03 Jun 2006 17:48:14 +0000 41 2006-06-03 12:48:14 2006-06-03 17:48:14 open open 2-new-movies publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267044068 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Everyone's In Taipei! Mon, 05 Jun 2006 04:53:42 +0000

Well everyone is seems to be having a great time so far in Taipei. Above is a picture of John and Cam at Ruby Tuesdays in Taipei. Everyone is over there for Computex. It is basically Taipei's version of CES. I was going to go on the trip with everyone, but the trip was just to damn expensive. I'm glad to see that everyone is having a good time without me though!

42 2006-06-04 23:53:42 2006-06-05 04:53:42 open open everyones-in-taipei publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267174496 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Ok Ok! Sat, 17 Jun 2006 08:10:43 +0000 43 2006-06-17 03:10:43 2006-06-17 08:10:43 open open ok-ok publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917512 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:36:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Red Lobster!! Mon, 19 Jun 2006 09:23:23 +0000 Tonight Ashley and I went to Red Lobster. I have not been to Red Lobster in forever...maybe 4 years? So I really did not know what to expect. There was a 30 minute wait, but we go seated in about 15. Looking through the menu there was alot the choose from (that I would actually like). I was extremely hungry so I got the "Ultimate Feast" which included 1/2lb snow crab legs, lobster tail, 6 shrimp scampi, and 6 breaded shimp. Along with that it came with salad and a baked potato, now thats alot of food! After getting our food I was suprised at how good it was too. I really enjoyed it and would go there again!

44 2006-06-19 04:23:23 2006-06-19 09:23:23 open open red-lobster publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267070831 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1194836289;s:7:"retweet";i:1181290129;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3
Vegas All Booked Up! Tue, 20 Jun 2006 07:55:58 +0000 John and Diceman from VH are staying at Treasure Island as well. So we are all booked up, we are coming in on the 6th and leaving the 12th. It should be a good trip. Not sure where im gonna put up my staff this year...]]> 46 2006-06-20 02:55:58 2006-06-20 07:55:58 open open vegas-all-booked-up publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267304804 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:22:{i:1964109911;s:7:"retweet";i:1961143940;s:7:"retweet";i:1960906877;s:7:"retweet";i:1960667346;s:7:"retweet";i:1960363071;s:7:"retweet";i:1960226182;s:7:"retweet";i:1960198285;s:7:"retweet";i:1959687852;s:7:"retweet";i:1959507483;s:7:"retweet";i:1959437995;s:7:"retweet";i:1959405116;s:7:"retweet";i:1959350729;s:7:"retweet";i:1959277055;s:7:"retweet";i:1959258072;s:7:"retweet";i:1959208650;s:7:"retweet";i:1959174389;s:7:"retweet";i:1959168130;s:7:"retweet";i:1959161459;s:7:"retweet";i:1959150078;s:7:"retweet";i:1959119301;s:7:"retweet";i:1959116281;s:7:"retweet";i:1959111912;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 37 hrmm....Pittsburgh Sun, 25 Jun 2006 13:42:06 +0000 Well I have been thinking, why do so many people that I know love pittsburgh? I mean I grew up here and I guess I have to like it, but love it? A lot of my friends live in much bigger cities and it seems like there is a lot more to do in those places, not to mention events to go to. I guess the majority of people that really like pittsburgh either like football or beer, because that is basically all there is to do here. Most people I know either go out to the bar or go to the football game. One of the only things that might keep me in Pittsburgh is hockey, but so many people hate it here, I'm really not sure why? But who knows, I do think that in a few years I might move away, only time will tell. For all you people that hate hockey here is a clip...

47 2006-06-25 08:42:06 2006-06-25 13:42:06 open open hrmmpittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267122656 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
A Nice Lunch Wed, 28 Jun 2006 18:03:19 +0000  


Well yesterday I actually had the time to make myself a nice lunch. If you didn't know I LOVE salad. It is one of my favorite foods, but unlike most people I do not like dressing on it. I made an italian salad mix with mozzarella & asiago cheese with roasted garlic. I also added some cheese and garlic crutons. To top it off I cooked up some chicken on the grill that was marinated with Italian garlic marinade. It was delicious!!


48 2006-06-28 13:03:19 2006-06-28 18:03:19 open open a-nice-lunch publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267232884 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:35:{i:1216999512;s:7:"retweet";i:1975210309;s:7:"retweet";i:1970242100;s:7:"retweet";i:1967682911;s:7:"retweet";i:1966787150;s:7:"retweet";i:1966552280;s:7:"retweet";i:1965984063;s:7:"retweet";i:1965832179;s:7:"retweet";i:1965775499;s:7:"retweet";i:1965482449;s:7:"retweet";i:1965343960;s:7:"retweet";i:1965308942;s:7:"retweet";i:1964987912;s:7:"retweet";i:1964953336;s:7:"retweet";i:1964841857;s:7:"retweet";i:1964834288;s:7:"retweet";i:1964608329;s:7:"retweet";i:1964371028;s:7:"retweet";i:1964348008;s:7:"retweet";i:1964345020;s:7:"retweet";i:1964307014;s:7:"retweet";i:1964288613;s:7:"retweet";i:1964285483;s:7:"retweet";i:1964260218;s:7:"retweet";i:1964253134;s:7:"retweet";i:1964244008;s:7:"retweet";i:1964239770;s:7:"retweet";i:1964230037;s:7:"retweet";i:1964218788;s:7:"retweet";i:1964199791;s:7:"retweet";i:1964193111;s:7:"retweet";i:1964188039;s:7:"retweet";i:1964187822;s:7:"retweet";i:1964165356;s:7:"retweet";i:1964158401;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 92
Content is EASY! Fri, 30 Jun 2006 04:17:10 +0000 Running a website like ThinkComputers content is everything. If I don't constantly produce content people do not come back to the site. I mean some will, all sites have return visitors, but if you don't put out new content then what reason do people have to come back to your site? Some people think this is a big problem because they have trouble producing content. Having a tech website it is almost impossible not to have content, at ThinkComputers we post a review a day. For some sites it's hard to get review items so there goes the content right? Wrong!! The tech industry has so much going on it is easy to write an article about what is going on or just your feelings on a certain subject. These articles might not do as good as a review, but it's content, thats whats important. I mean hardware companies are not going to send you a product if they see you have posted 3 things last month. So many people complain that they can't get products for review so they don't have anything to post on their site, well write an article, or even a buyers guide those are easy!

49 2006-06-29 23:17:10 2006-06-30 04:17:10 open open content-is-easy publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267063143 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
The BBQ Tue, 04 Jul 2006 06:17:30 +0000 50 2006-07-04 01:17:30 2006-07-04 06:17:30 open open the-bbq publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267065763 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 New Camera! Fri, 07 Jul 2006 00:56:06 +0000
Today I finally got my new camera! I have been waiting a week for it to arrive. If you are wondering what type of camera I got, it's a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT Digital-SLR camera. The lens I got is a Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3, it seems like a good starting lens. I also got the BG-E3 battery grip that holds 2 camera batteries instead of just 1. All in all I think it was a good purchase and I will get a lot of use out of the camera. It is my first D-SLR so I have have a bit of learning to do...

51 2006-07-06 19:56:06 2006-07-07 00:56:06 open open new-camera publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917509 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:41:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 2239 2006-07-08 03:04:39 2006-07-08 08:04:39 1 0 2
Work Work Work! Tue, 11 Jul 2006 07:08:07 +0000 52 2006-07-11 02:08:07 2006-07-11 07:08:07 open open work-work-work publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266947482 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Staying Up a Full 24 hours... Fri, 14 Jul 2006 00:13:49 +0000
1. Keep youself occupied - When you are tired and there is nothing to do you will just say forget it and go to sleep so make sure you have doing something
2. Make sure you eat - many people think that just energy drinks will get them through the night, they wont.  Make sure you get food in your system.
3. Go out - If you are out doing something or out with friends you are being active which helps when you are tired
4. Try and do things that will take up alot of time - the biggest thing about staying up is that it is very boring, I mean there really is not much to do from 3AM - try to do things that will take up alot of time so time goes by faster
5. Shower / Swim - getting wet will refresh you and make you feel much better

Well those are some tips...this is basically how I stayed up...Posted a review, watched a move / ate, played WoW (3 hours), updated ThinkCE, updated ThinkGaming, posted news on ThinkComputers, ate, played Xbox 360 (3 hours), started writing a review, played around with my new d-slr, shower, made food for Ashley and I, took more pictures, went to my parents house (ate), came home, went in the hot tub, posted a review on ThinkComputers, watched a movie / ate, went to SLEEP!]]>
53 2006-07-13 19:13:49 2006-07-14 00:13:49 open open staying-up-a-full-24-hours publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267160713 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1170101196;s:7:"retweet";i:1170067679;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 23638 2008-05-22 19:21:06 2008-05-22 23:21:06 1 0 0
Vacation in Geneva Sun, 16 Jul 2006 18:30:44 +0000 54 2006-07-16 13:30:44 2006-07-16 18:30:44 open open vacation-in-geneva publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266912991 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Back To Work Thu, 20 Jul 2006 17:59:33 +0000 55 2006-07-20 12:59:33 2006-07-20 17:59:33 open open back-to-work publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917465 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 The Power of D-SLR Sat, 22 Jul 2006 05:54:54 +0000 Photography section in my Gallery section on our gallery so check it out.  You might notice a change there too, I finally changed the layout to match our site!  And I fixrd the problem with the page looking all funky when you went to upload a photo.  Enjoy!]]> 56 2006-07-22 00:54:54 2006-07-22 05:54:54 open open the-power-of-d-slr publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266977599 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 The Nerve of Some People... Sun, 23 Jul 2006 06:47:50 +0000
Works Made for Hire.— In the case of a work made for hire, the employer or other person for whom the work was prepared is considered the author for purposes of this title, and, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in a written instrument signed by them, owns all of the rights comprised in the copyright.

Now read that carefully, "
employer or other person for whom the work was prepared is considered the author for purposes of this title".  Now many of you don't know Kris was paid for his work and also compensated by being able to keep the product he reviewed, which on average was $1000 - $1500 worth of product.  And he told me I was screwing him?  Weird huh?  So according to the law I own the copyright.  If you talk to many site owners out there they either pay the writer or let them keep the product, Kris got both, but yet that was not good enough for him??

Now he has his own site, which he has said the he got sponsors for.  I'm really not sure how he got those sponsors when some of them have turned down other tech sites that do way more traffic than him and look alot better.  Could he have used ThinkComputers as leverage to get products for review?  I think so, but I will never know for sure because he can just deny it. 

As most people have told me "
His site will fade away soon enough...".  So I am not really worried about it, all of the old reviews have been taken down.  Just pisses me off the according to him I was screwing him when he got all that free stuff and was being paid.  I'm sure there are alot of people out there that would have loved to get all that free stuff and all they had to do was write a review, and hell you get paid too!
57 2006-07-23 01:47:50 2006-07-23 06:47:50 open open the-nerve-of-some-people publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267109725 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
A CMS vs. Coding Tue, 25 Jul 2006 03:54:36 +0000 Running a many different websites there are some things to choose from. One of the biggest is hand-coding everything or choosing a CMS that will work for your site. On ThinkComputers I hand code all of the review and article pages, where as on ThinkCE and ThinkGaming I use a CMS called Joomla. There are Pros and Cons to both. As you can see ThinkComputers looks alot better, most popular CMS's do have alot of templates around but if you want something to look really good you have to do it yourself. Another big thing to think about is traffic. Most CMS's use some type of database, usually MYSQL. So everytime someone is accessing your site it has the access the database. When you code everything all it has to do is read the page that is being accessed. I noticed a difference when ThinkComputers got slashdotted and when ThinkCE got slashdotted, ThinkComputers loaded much faster. Also I know when I hand code the pages for ThinkComputers everything is going to look how I want it, you may run into problems when trying to format things the right way on a CMS. Well it really sounds like I don't like CMS's, but I must because I use them for my sites. Well there alot of good things about CMS's, the most important being the are EASY!! They have self installers so it takes no more than 5 minutes to install them. All of the pages are generated for you. On ThinkComputers everytime I post a new review I have to edit many pages, on a CMS's it does it automatically. Also most CMS's have text editors that easy allow you to enter plain text and it will turn that into HTML. There are also other cool things that CMS's can do like tell you how many people are online, have a user registration system, and more. The best thing I like about CMS's is that they save time. So when creating a site check out a CMS, all of my new site's run on CMS's and they work great. That does not count out coding it yourself, creativity is fun too!

60 2006-07-24 23:54:36 2006-07-25 03:54:36 open open a-cms-vs-coding publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298510 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
A Fun Weekend! Tue, 01 Aug 2006 19:21:44 +0000
This past weekend Ashley and I went camping! We went to Bear Run Campground which is about 30 minutes away from Pittsburgh. We stayed in a log cabin, which is pictured above. It was suprisingly nice inside. It had a full refridgerator, microwave, 2 full size bunk beds, table, and a sink. The campground also had WiFi so we were able to get online to do our work. The campground was not the best, but you always have to try something. The cabin was in the woods so at night it was kinda creepy!

On Sunday we drove up to Geauga Lake. We were just planning on going into the waterpark but we went on both sides of the park. The waterpark was a lot of fun! The one waterslide I went on was the craziest waterslide I have been on, I got down to the bottom and I was dizzy and didn't know where I was!! The Amusement parks side was cool also, but it had mostly coasters. I'm used to Kennywood that has a bunch of different types of rides. Lines were not long at all so we got to ride a lot of rides. Overall it was a fun weekend and gave Ashely and I some time to get away from it all.]]>
61 2006-08-01 15:21:44 2006-08-01 19:21:44 open open a-fun-weekend publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266959194 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3687 2006-09-07 15:55:21 2006-09-07 19:55:21 1 0 0
Freedom Sat, 05 Aug 2006 22:48:28 +0000 With all my friends around the age of 20-25 most of them are getting out of college and heading for full time jobs. With all of this going on I feel happy that I make enough money to work for myself. I do not have to be at work at a certain time, I don't have to worry about what to wear, and I don't have to put up with a boss who treats me like shit. It gives me almost total freedom! Running your own web business is really great, I can do all of my work from my home or anywhere that has an internet connection really. This makes planning vacations easy! The best part about it is that I love what I'm doing, I'm not working my ass off for some company that I could care less about. Even better is that I probalby work about 50% less than people that get paid less than me! If you can work for yourself and it's something you love go for it!

62 2006-08-05 18:48:28 2006-08-05 22:48:28 open open freedom publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267141909 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Go Get a Real Job Mon, 07 Aug 2006 01:09:06 +0000 Today I came across this thread on sitepoint. The user talks about he is always told to "Go Get a Real Job", mostly by his parents. This brings back memories of when my parents would tell me to stop spending so much time on my computer. If I would have listened to them I might not be doing what I am doing now, which is making a living off my computer. I do not hear that from my parents for one because I do not live with them, and because I make more than enough money to support myself and they can see that. The biggest reason that parents tend to tell their kids to not spend so much time on the computer is because they themselves do not understand it. They do not understand that you can make a living off the internet. It will not go into all of that, but I will say if you are debating going into the web business don't let people discourage you by telling you to go get a real job. If you believe in yourself you can do it!

63 2006-08-06 21:09:06 2006-08-07 01:09:06 open open go-get-a-real-job publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266824738 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1179363651;s:7:"retweet";i:1179348422;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 3455 2006-08-07 11:54:59 2006-08-07 15:54:59 1 0 0 3459 2006-08-08 05:43:26 2006-08-08 09:43:26 1 0 0
ThinkGaming making some headway Wed, 09 Aug 2006 03:37:29 +0000 ThinkGaming by send us a few games to review.  I really was not expecting that much of a response from any of them, but I did get some.  The reason I did not expect a big response was ThinkGaming is still a small site and it is growing.  When I contact a company in regards to ThinkComputers I usually expect them to say yes because of the size of ThinkComputers.  They usually only say no when I ask for high price items...hehe.  But now ThinkGaming has official sponsors so it is picking up!  I won't tell you the sponsors here, but check ThinkGaming in the next few weeks for the reviews!]]> 64 2006-08-08 23:37:29 2006-08-09 03:37:29 open open thinkgaming-making-some-headway publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264871 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 A Weekend Of Gaming Wed, 16 Aug 2006 04:10:26 +0000 Pittco's 5th LAN party. Pittco is Pittsburgh's biggest lan party and I am on staff. Pittco is always a lot of fun because you get to see a lot of people that you have not seen since the last event, and of course you get to game! I played a lot of games, but my favorite would have to be Unreal Tournament on Low Grav InstaGib mode. It is the best!! Also the LAN gave me some time to learn more about my camera as I was the one taking all of the pictures. Overall the weekend was great, except only getting 1 hour of sleep!! When the LAN party was over 1 slept for almost 20 hours!!]]> 65 2006-08-16 00:10:26 2006-08-16 04:10:26 open open a-weekend-of-gaming publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267125599 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1958897521;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 3541 2006-08-17 15:15:40 2006-08-17 19:15:40 1 0 0 3543 2006-08-17 15:35:28 2006-08-17 19:35:28 1 0 1 3544 2006-08-17 15:52:01 2006-08-17 19:52:01 1 0 0 A Fun Night Out Mon, 21 Aug 2006 07:24:51 +0000 Zach, JD, and JD's girlfriend.  We went to TGI Fridays, it was alot of fun and gave all of us some time to catch up.  We were all at Pittco, but we were working!  It was nice to catch up with Zach because I really have not got the chance to sit down and talk with him for a long time.  He is buying a condo, which is badass!  JD is moving back up to college next week so he is sort of excited about that.  Hopefully we will either head up that way, or he can come down a few weekends so we can chill.  I think we were there for 2 or 3 hours just hanging out and eating.  I have one of their Ultimate Electric Lemonade's which if you havent had one are amazing!  It was nice for Ashley and I to get out because being a dot com mogul you are ALWAYS working!!  ]]> 66 2006-08-21 03:24:51 2006-08-21 07:24:51 open open a-fun-night-out publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267288308 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3579 2006-08-21 15:48:27 2006-08-21 19:48:27 1 0 0 3661 2006-09-03 17:03:17 2006-09-03 21:03:17 1 0 0 Another Year Older... Tue, 22 Aug 2006 07:06:06 +0000 ThinkComputers is doing great, we are getting a ton of new products in and our traffic is way up!!  I am still working hard on the other sites and there will be more content added to them very soon!  So my birthday has gone and past and I'm another year older...]]> 67 2006-08-22 03:06:06 2006-08-22 07:06:06 open open another-year-older publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298579 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:7:{i:1214606310;s:7:"retweet";i:1212994622;s:7:"retweet";i:1417516148;s:7:"retweet";i:1417508084;s:7:"retweet";i:1261278707;s:7:"retweet";i:1258703023;s:7:"retweet";i:1879411661;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 11 3586 2006-08-22 14:07:55 2006-08-22 18:07:55 1 0 0 13732 2007-09-25 07:35:28 2007-09-25 11:35:28 1 0 0 Update!!! Mon, 28 Aug 2006 06:17:43 +0000
I have been keeping up with reviews posting 3-5 a week plus posting daily news.  I also am working on some visual improvements, but thats later down the road.  We have also picked up a few new sponsors so thats good.  Our new reviewer JD is working out really well.  He starts back at Clarion tommorow, I hope that does not slow down his review process.

CONTENT!!  I have been trying to get REAL content for the site.  Games to review and hard to come by so I have a few articles in the works.  Also I have been trying to post news each day, even if its one thing. 

I have been trying to keep up with posting news.  Sometimes it is just so hard to find good news that people will actually like.  I am also working on some articles for some REAL content

Well if you didn't know I have started a MySpace site.  Why?  Well if you think Myspace has so many users and is so popular you really cannot pass up the marketing opportunity.  MyProfileResource provides users with images and other things they can put on their profile.  Unlike other sites out there all of the content is original.  It is going good, I try to make something new for it each week.

So that is what is basically going on with me, I will update regularly....I hope]]>
68 2006-08-28 02:17:43 2006-08-28 06:17:43 open open update-2 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267247006 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:39:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Holiday Season Coming... Sat, 02 Sep 2006 18:05:08 +0000 69 2006-09-02 14:05:08 2006-09-02 18:05:08 open open holiday-season-coming publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267048715 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 The Zoo Tue, 05 Sep 2006 12:00:00 +0000

After you walk around outside there is a building that looks like an aviary, but it is where they keep all of the monkeys.  There were all different types and there were even babies, which was a cool thing to see.  Out of all the monkeys the orangutan's where the funniest to watch they kept of fighting and swinging around!

The last stop at the Zoo is the aquarium.  I was suprised to see a completely new aquarium, the PPG Aquarium.  It was really cool inside.  There were tons of tanks with all different types of fish.  Each tank portrayed that fish's natural habitat.  Also some tank's has a "setting" with like trees and other things to make you think you were actually there which was also a nice addition to the new aquarium.  One of the coolest things that I saw at the aquarium was the jelly fish tank.  It was filled with jelly fish and it looked amazing, it was proabably one of the most popular tanks!

The aquarium is not finished so Ashley and I will have to go back when it is done.  Overall it was a nice way to spend Labor day, even though it was kinda packed with little kids running around!!]]>
70 2006-09-05 08:00:00 2006-09-05 12:00:00 open open the-zoo publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266930066 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1182434764;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1
Armin in DC Tue, 12 Sep 2006 01:08:27 +0000

This past weekend Phil, Dan, Rob and I went down to Washington, DC to see Armin Van Buuren.  If you do not follow trance at all Armin Van Buuren is a DJ.  He is currently ranked #3 on The DJ List.  The show was on Saturday night at a place called Fur that kinda was in the middle of nowwhere.  We got there around 9:45 and waited in line to get into the show.  While we waited we talked to a few people and found out a lot of people came from out of state (like us) to see the show.  The show went from 10PM to 5AM.  We could only last till 3AM.  At 3 we made out way back to the hotel and went to sleep.  During the entire show Armin was dancing and having a great time!  Not sure how he did it because we could only last till 3AM and were exhausted!!  Here are some videos I took of the show...

71 2006-09-11 21:08:27 2006-09-12 01:08:27 open open armin-in-dc publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267176438 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3735 2006-09-13 22:01:19 2006-09-14 02:01:19 1 0 0 3753 2006-09-16 03:35:14 2006-09-16 07:35:14 1 0 0
ThinkGaming Re-design Tue, 12 Sep 2006 20:13:05 +0000

Well if you stop over at ThinkGaming you will notice it looks a lot like ThinkComputers.  The old version of ThinkGaming was running on Joomla CMS and it just was not working out.  The reason was I was not able to put things exactly where I wanted them and I had to use a template and it was hard to work with.  So after thinking about it I took the time to transform the ThinkComputers layout into a layout for ThinkGaming.  I think it looks good and it will do great for ads.  It has all of the ad placements that I want, especially the in-article ads.  They are ThinkComputers #1 income, so hopefully they will do well on ThinkGaming.  Also I still wanted to keep a commenting system like the old version of ThinkGaming had so I used cutenews to do that and it works well.  Now that I have the site looking how I want it I just have to push content onto it and all will go well!!]]>
72 2006-09-12 16:13:05 2006-09-12 20:13:05 open open thinkgaming-re-design publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266543541 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Firefox vs. IE Thu, 14 Sep 2006 00:48:30 +0000 73 2006-09-13 20:48:30 2006-09-14 00:48:30 open open firefox-vs-ie publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961500 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Almost a dot com mogul Sat, 16 Sep 2006 13:13:49 +0000 John in this post I am not a dot com mogul!  I only don't meet one of those requirements, you can take a guess at what it is.  Very soon I will meet that last requirement and then John will have to call me a dot com mogul!  Until then.....oh well...]]> 74 2006-09-16 09:13:49 2006-09-16 13:13:49 open open almost-a-dot-com-mogul publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266670321 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1248146717;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 Weekend Traffic Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:32:14 +0000 ThinkComputers traffic has been way up.  I'm not 100% sure of the reason, but I have a few guesses.  First off it has nothing to do with the products that are being reviewed, because I usually save smaller, less popular items for the weekend as usually there is not as much traffic.  Normally the weekdays have higher traffic, especially Monday.   This traffic has been awesome, especially for google since my earnings for the weekend have been up 3x of what I get on weekdays.  The main reason I think for the traffic is everyone is back to school, college and highschool kids and they are very busy so the only time they have to check out stuff on the internet is the weekend.  If this were the reason then weekday traffic would be down right?  Well our weekday traffic has been the same so I'm still really not sure where all this weekend traffic is coming from!  Whatever the case is it's good!]]> 75 2006-09-20 02:32:14 2006-09-20 06:32:14 open open weekend-traffic publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267102515 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Picture Taking Days Mon, 25 Sep 2006 05:11:50 +0000
Well if you look at the above picture you can see the place is a mess!!  This is what happens when I have a bunch of products that I have to take pictures of.  This usually happens every other week because I like to take them all at once to save time so I pick a day to do it all.  Since I really do not have a real office the living room turns into my "studio" if thats what you want to call it.  I have to move the 2 chairs over and move everything across the room and then set up the lights etc.  I wish I had a real place where this stuff was always setup so I didn't have to move everything each time.  But yeah thats what happens to my apartment on picture taking days!
76 2006-09-25 01:11:50 2006-09-25 05:11:50 open open picture-taking-days publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917477 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Adsense is all about tweaking Thu, 28 Sep 2006 04:36:07 +0000 MyProfileResource.  If you have worked with adsense for a while you will know that tweaking is the key to sucess.  On MyProfileResource I really do not have the much room to work with because of the template im using.  I have a 160X600 skyscraper and 120X90 adlink on the right side.  I had the adlink at the top where the 160X600 is.  It was not doing so great so I decided to put the 160X600 at the top.   This little tweak really helped out, the 160X600 was getting a CTR of around .20% now it is getting around .90 - 1.0%.  So if you are having adsense troubles try changing some things around you will be suprised at the result!]]> 77 2006-09-28 00:36:07 2006-09-28 04:36:07 open open adsense-is-all-about-tweaking publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267171992 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1960383717;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 An Update... Fri, 29 Sep 2006 06:50:55 +0000 ThinkComputers, ThinkGaming, and MyProfileResource.  Everything else is being put on the back burner while I get all of these sites to make a GOOD amount of money.

As always we are posting 5-7 reviews a week and constantly are having new products come in.  I have just hired my good friend Jason to write for the site.  Just in time too, the holiday season is right around the corner and we are going to be getting crushed with products to review.  Also I am looking into some advertising for the site, so if anyone has any ideas please let me know.  Our traffic has been increasing a little each month and I hope to be pushing a higher level of constant traffic.

Well it's back!  I have a passion for gaming and I really could not give up on this site.  I totally redesigned the site to look like ThinkComputers and it is doing well.  I am also keeping up with it, posting daily news and getting some good content.  I am working on getting some games to review and hopefully we can pickup some advertisers.  The biggest thing I have to do right now is get traffic to the site.  After that things should just fall into place.  ThinkGaming is still looking for a few good writers if anyone is interested.

The past week I have been adding something new each day.  The increase in traffic has been great.  Hopefully if I keep this up the site will make a good amount of money.  I am also looking for a new Joomla template for the site, a 3 column instead of the 2 column I am using.  If anyone knows any good ones please let me know.  Once I get a little more content on the site I will also be looking into advertising and affiliates.

Ok so right now that is what is going on with my sites.  I do hope to get the ThinkNetwork fully working by using RSS feeds from all of my sites and the ThinkNetwork pulling all of the information from each site to one main place were people can check it out.  Of course I do not know how to even go about doing that yet, so I have to research it.  But hopefully I will have a record breaking Q4 and a good holiday season!!]]>
78 2006-09-29 02:50:55 2006-09-29 06:50:55 open open an-update publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266970585 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:40:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Corsair Sat, 30 Sep 2006 09:12:55 +0000 ThinkComputers I realized why Corsair is so well known and everyone really likes them.  The biggest thing that makes any company a well known company is marketing, and Corsair sure does a good job at it.  If you look for reviews of any Corsair product you will find them.  Corsair sends out a lot of product for review.  This of course costs money but in the end when you are well know any many people's first choice when it comes to memory it really pays off.  Also when you receive review products from Corsair they come with a reviewer's guide that has all of the information about the product.  This allows for the review of Corsair's products to be more informative and clear.  Can you think of any other memory company this is as well known as Corsair?  Now think of how many reviews you see of Corsair memory compared to other memory companies?  You see where im going...I think to be sucessful in any business you have to have a good amount of exposure.]]> 79 2006-09-30 05:12:55 2006-09-30 09:12:55 open open corsair publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267143570 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Blog Updates Sun, 01 Oct 2006 08:10:46 +0000 ThinkComputers.  All I really had to do was export the database and import it over at  Next I added the recent comments addon.  Now you can see what posts have been commented on and who is commenting.  I also added my earnings report.  Many other people have them on their blogs so I decided to add it to mine so you can see what what sites are bringing in.  Im at a daily average of $109 Woohoo!!  I added the feeds section where you can subscribe to by blog via RSS feeds using feedburner.  I have only added the google and yahoo feeds right now, I might add a few more popular RSS readers in the future.  Also another small change is that I have moved the archive section over to the 3rd column.  I really never used that column except for the photos, but since I added the recent comments and feeds the 2nd column was a bit packed.  Let me know what you think of the updates.]]> 81 2006-10-01 04:10:46 2006-10-01 08:10:46 open open blog-updates publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917527 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 RSS Feeds and Paid Advertising Mon, 02 Oct 2006 13:23:55 +0000 feedburner with my blog I decided it would be a good idea to add it to some of my other sites.  I really never used RSS feeds on any of my sites.  My main sites do not use a CMS so its not like there is an RSS feed that you can easily enable and your all setup.  I was lucky enough to be using cutenews on ThinkGaming so I can make a news feed of the latest news posts by just enabling it in cutenews.  Thats all I really wanted on ThinkGaming because the actual site content does not get updated that often.  Now for ThinkComputers I wanted an RSS feed of the actual content.  This meant I had to actually hand code the RSS feed.  It was a pain in the ass!!  Well 2 and a half hours later and about 20 runs through the RSS Feed Validator I finally had an RSS feed for ThinkComputers content.  You can check out the Feedburner link here.

Also while surfing the sitepoint forums a couple of days ago I came across a gaming site called GamersMark selling a few advertising spots.  It was one of the first sites that I have seen selling advertising that I could actually use.  Gaming and Computers are one in the same so I decided to buy a month's worth of advertising on their 468X60 spot for ThinkComputers.  I will see if there is any traffic increase from this purchase.

This is my first post of the month so I calculated my earnings, and I was not that excited.  I really slacked off the last part of the month so I only increased my daily average by 1 dollar a day.  Oh well it is a new month so we will see how things go!!]]>
82 2006-10-02 09:23:55 2006-10-02 13:23:55 open open rss-feeds-and-paid-advertising publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917617 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1217690430;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1
A New Laptop?? Wed, 04 Oct 2006 00:59:44 +0000 Dell XPS M1210, and the ASUS A8Ja.  The Dell is the same 12.1 inches as my current 700M, and the ASUS is 14.1 inches, which still makes it very portable.  I am stuck between which one to get, I have looked at the Dell at their kiosk at the mall, but I have no way of taking a look at the ASUS.   The main difference between the 2 besides the screen size is the video card, the Dell has a Geforce Go 7400 256MB, and the ASUS has an ATI X1600.  So I am really torn between the 2.  Will the 7400 be enough to play games?  Is the 14.1-inch to big?  Am I going to like the ASUS if I haven't seen it yet?  So I am undecided, any suggestions are welcome!]]> 83 2006-10-03 20:59:44 2006-10-04 00:59:44 open open a-new-laptop publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267097194 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3853 2006-10-04 00:00:51 2006-10-04 04:00:51 1 0 0 3854 2006-10-04 04:20:18 2006-10-04 08:20:18 1 0 0 3855 2006-10-04 09:11:29 2006-10-04 13:11:29 1 0 0 3856 2006-10-04 09:45:33 2006-10-04 13:45:33 1 0 1 500 Reviews! Thu, 05 Oct 2006 16:07:36 +0000 ThinkComputers!  Thats a lot of free products!  I started ThinkComputers when I was back in highschool and look where it is today.  It is the most profitable site in my network and the one that I enjoy working on the most.  I think even if ThinkComputers was not making any money I would still work on it, it's always fun!  Oh well more and more reviews to come!!]]> 84 2006-10-05 12:07:36 2006-10-05 16:07:36 open open 500-reviews publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266604194 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3857 2006-10-06 17:10:40 2006-10-06 21:10:40 1 0 0 Why College Was Useless for Me Sat, 07 Oct 2006 05:21:27 +0000 As so many of my friends are finishing up college I am thinking of what a waste of time it was for me.  If you don't already know I make 100% of my income online.  I did not need a college degree to start my online business nor will that really help me in my business.  Here are some of the reasons I thought it was a waste of time......for me.

College takes up a lot of time.  I took a few night classes that were 3 hours long.  During those 3 hours I would listen to a teacher talk about things that I already knew, so basically I would sit there bored off my ass.  Another thing about class was that most of the teachers were part time so they would come from their normal job then come right to their class.  They were very unprepared and really didn't care that much about the class.

As we all know College is EXTREMELY expensive!!  And the prices of books...jeeeesus!!  Why waste all that money if you are not even going to get anything out of it.

Job Placement
Some College's do have a good job placement programs, but most don't.  So many people are not guaranteed a job when they are done with their 4 years.  And the thing that makes me really mad it seems now a days that it is more about who you know then how well you did.  Like if you join a fraternity and you are applying for a job and the person hiring is from that fraternity you are more likely to get that job then a better qualified person.  This really makes you mad when someone who drinks their way through college, while you worked your ass off and they get the job instead of you.  Also recently I have noticed that just because you have that college diploma you don't get the better job at the company you are applying at.  You have to start at the bottom and work your way up.

Those are some of the reasons that College was a waste of time and money.  The one thing that College does is make you "think" you need to be there, that without that college education you won't "fit in" to society.  The big thing that college does to many people is does not allow them to think creatively, because you do not get a chance to do that (for the most part) in college, everything is by the books.  That's how it was for me what about you?

85 2006-10-07 01:21:27 2006-10-07 05:21:27 open open why-college-was-useless-for-me publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267235631 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1192431295;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 3858 2006-10-08 22:42:56 2006-10-09 02:42:56 1 0 0 3859 2006-10-09 11:01:33 2006-10-09 15:01:33 1 0 0 7488 2007-02-17 23:45:19 2007-02-18 03:45:19 1 0 0 11964 2007-08-04 23:11:27 2007-08-05 03:11:27 1 0 0 38952 2009-08-24 02:33:26 2009-08-24 06:33:26 1 0 0
The Apartment Tour Mon, 09 Oct 2006 06:54:05 +0000 Well I made this video for the guys over at GAF, but I decided I would put it on here too. Here is my apartment, it's nothing great, but let me know what you think!]]> 86 2006-10-09 02:54:05 2006-10-09 06:54:05 open open the-apartment-tour publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267145592 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3866 2006-10-16 20:08:49 2006-10-17 00:08:49 1 0 0 3867 2006-10-17 05:20:56 2006-10-17 09:20:56 1 0 0 3868 2006-10-18 00:01:40 2006-10-18 04:01:40 1 0 0 3872 2006-10-18 17:44:13 2006-10-18 21:44:13 1 0 1 4818 2006-12-06 01:01:29 2006-12-06 05:01:29 1 0 0 Getting More Pages Indexed By Google Wed, 11 Oct 2006 02:52:59 +0000 ThinkComputers.  I reason for this is getting more pages indexed by google.  When I used to post news on ThinkComputers it was displayed as one large news post that was part of the front page.  After the day was over the news was moved to the archive.  Everything worked fine and there were no problems, but John made a good point that Google could not index the news because it is included on the front page as one big post.  The way to fix that is to make each news post an actual page itself and link to it from the front page.  Usually when I would post a review I would be adding 3-6 new pages to the site.  We get almost 20 news e-mails a day so each day I will now be adding 20 new pages to the site for google to index instead of just the 3-6.  Hopefully I will see an increase in page view's because if this.  It took me almost 4 hours to get it right so hopefully it was worth the work.]]> 87 2006-10-10 22:52:59 2006-10-11 02:52:59 open open getting-more-pages-indexed-by-google publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267296013 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 My New Toy Thu, 12 Oct 2006 03:31:05 +0000 Well as I said before I needed to get a new laptop. I decided on the Dell XPS M1210. There were a few things that made me choose it over the other laptops I was looking at. The biggest one being size. The laptop I had before this one was the Dell 700m, which is also 12.1-inches. I am used to this size and love the portability being that it is so small. I didn't want to go to anything bigger that I would not be comfortable with. Another factor was Dell's customer support, which is one of the best. My roomates laptop was having problems and they gave him a brand new one! Support like that is hard to come by in the PC industry. The final deciding factor was that I was able to go look at the laptop in person. Dell has a kiosk at the mall so I went up there and was able to check it out before I bought it. I did have to go through getting hassled by the dell rep, but it was worth being able to check out the laptop. The M1210 is amazing I upgraded a few of the components from the base model, but here are my specs, Intel Core Duo 2.0 Ghz Processor, 1GB Memory, GeForce 7400go, 60GB hard drive, 8x DVD RW drive, webcam, and integrated wireless and bluetooth. The only problem I have with it is that you can see hand marks really easily on the casing, you can tell from the pics below. Check on each pic for a full size image.


88 2006-10-11 23:31:05 2006-10-12 03:31:05 open open my-new-toy publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267302933 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:41:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3861 2006-10-12 11:34:13 2006-10-12 15:34:13 1 0 0 3862 2006-10-13 19:27:35 2006-10-13 23:27:35 1 0 0 3860 2006-10-11 23:48:49 2006-10-12 03:48:49 1 0 0 3870 2006-10-18 03:30:14 2006-10-18 07:30:14 1 0 0 3874 2006-10-19 20:23:13 2006-10-20 00:23:13 1 0 0 3875 2006-10-20 01:53:31 2006-10-20 05:53:31 1 0 1
Student Loans!! Sat, 14 Oct 2006 10:35:26 +0000 89 2006-10-14 06:35:26 2006-10-14 10:35:26 open open student-loans publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267290849 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3863 2006-10-15 03:12:38 2006-10-15 07:12:38 1 0 0 3883 2006-10-22 10:45:22 2006-10-22 14:45:22 1 0 0 14291 2007-10-07 21:57:36 2007-10-08 01:57:36 1 0 0 My First Interview Tue, 17 Oct 2006 23:31:40 +0000 Buck Being Normal.  Buck Being Normal is all about people who go against the normal of working the 9-5 for someone else.  They are a very new site so make sure you check them out.  The interview was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed talking about what I do, atleast someone is interested!  You can check out my review here.  They are have reviews of some of my friends like John Chow, and David Lithman.  Oh yeah sorry for not updating in like 3 days!!]]> 90 2006-10-17 19:31:40 2006-10-17 23:31:40 open open my-first-interview publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267069360 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3869 2006-10-18 03:28:42 2006-10-18 07:28:42 1 0 0 3871 2006-10-18 14:25:49 2006-10-18 18:25:49 1 0 0 3873 2006-10-18 17:46:05 2006-10-18 21:46:05 1 0 1 3876 2006-10-21 06:25:22 2006-10-21 10:25:22 1 0 0 No Time! Fri, 20 Oct 2006 05:52:53 +0000
Over at ThinkComputers I have noticed that even if I don't post 1 thing a day traffic stays the same.  Even the day after I post something the traffic is the same of sometimes better.  Because I have been so busy I have only been posting reviews every other day.  I started doing it this week and I have really not noticed a big traffic or income change at all.  This will give me more time for my other sites and my life (yes I have one!! LOL).  The normal review schedule will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.  I will keep this schedule over the next few weeks and see how it effects traffic and income.

I am still trying to find the time to get content on ThinkGaming.  We will have a bunch of content in the next few weeks because was nice enough to throw out a whole bunch of gaming accessories for us to review.  We are still looking for a few more writes and someone to post news so if you are interested e-mail me!  I am also working on implementing the news system that I put on ThinkComputers a little while ago.

MyProfileResource has been doing good.  I have started an in-direct marketing campaign that will, in time turn into a direct marketing campaign.  I was reading the 15K challenge and got an idea of how to market MyProfileResource indirectly, then eventually move into direct marketing.  I am testing it right now, but it seems to be working good.  If it is a success then I will have a full blog post all about it.  Other than that I have been trying to make more graphics (when I have time), and jsut keep the site updated!

Thats about it, trying to keep myself motivated!  Oh the pens won 4-3 in overtime tonight!!!]]>
91 2006-10-20 01:52:53 2006-10-20 05:52:53 open open no-time publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267269564 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
I need Energy! Sat, 21 Oct 2006 11:02:40 +0000 92 2006-10-21 07:02:40 2006-10-21 11:02:40 open open i-need-energy publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267178237 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 3877 2006-10-21 09:36:50 2006-10-21 13:36:50 1 0 0 3878 2006-10-21 15:50:34 2006-10-21 19:50:34 1 0 0 3879 2006-10-21 17:13:30 2006-10-21 21:13:30 1 0 0 3880 http://nowebsite 2006-10-21 17:37:43 2006-10-21 21:37:43 1 0 0 3881 2006-10-21 22:37:30 2006-10-22 02:37:30 1 0 0 3882 2006-10-22 05:52:46 2006-10-22 09:52:46 1 0 0 3884 2006-10-22 10:50:30 2006-10-22 14:50:30 1 0 0 3887 2006-10-24 01:02:59 2006-10-24 05:02:59 1 0 0 3891 2006-10-28 20:30:07 2006-10-29 00:30:07 1 0 0 A Busy Monday Tue, 24 Oct 2006 06:02:14 +0000 ThinkComputers all weekend.  Usually I would see a decrease in traffic, but it stayed the same.  This could be because of the news system or the review I posted on friday carried over the weekend, there is no way to really tell.  I also got a chance to continue to work on the video show Jason and I are going to be doing, mainly learning Adobe Premier is very hard to learn!  You should see the review live by the end of the month....HOPEFULLY!]]> 93 2006-10-24 02:02:14 2006-10-24 06:02:14 open open a-busy-monday publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267172734 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Awesome Penguin Game!! Sat, 28 Oct 2006 21:46:57 +0000

The pens look like they are going to have a good season, they have a lot of young players that are playing very well and Malkin who has 4 goals and 6 points in 4 games is playing amazing.  Can't wait to see the next game!  Go Pens!]]>
94 2006-10-28 17:46:57 2006-10-28 21:46:57 open open awesome-penguin-game publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267283310 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 4658 2006-11-29 12:09:41 2006-11-29 16:09:41 1 0 0
Great Shrimp Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:46:26 +0000
Shrimp is one of my favorite foods.  I always like getting shrimp when I go out to eat.  I love to cook and when I was a teenager my parents taught me to make some really kickass shrimp.  All you need is Old Bay, Olive Oil, pepper, and garlic salt.  What you do is pour some olive oil into a pan then put your shrimp in.  After that sprinkle on your garlic salt, old bay, and pepper.  Cook the shrimp till it is tender, re-applying your seasonings as needed.  When you are done with will be left with an awesome snack!]]>
95 2006-10-31 05:46:26 2006-10-31 09:46:26 open open great-shrimp publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917465 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:5:{i:1193914761;s:7:"retweet";i:1192797612;s:7:"retweet";i:1192779710;s:7:"retweet";i:1192767649;s:7:"retweet";i:1180594462;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 6 4281 2006-11-09 11:15:25 2006-11-09 15:15:25 1 0 0 4310 2006-11-12 22:41:13 2006-11-13 02:41:13 1 0 0
The Show Progress Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:55:16 +0000 96 2006-11-02 07:55:16 2006-11-02 11:55:16 open open the-show-progress publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267244671 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1967592642;s:7:"retweet";i:1959923366;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 How It All Began Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:54:07 +0000
Well the site had some articles about my friend’s computers and mine and some guides on how to do various things. Once I got the site up and running and had some content on it I reached out to companies to try to get some products to review. Sending out tons of e-mails there were a few companies that send us items. I was really excited, especially since I was getting the stuff for free. I really never thought about making money off of the site, it was more of a hobby and I just did it for fun. Well this hobby was becoming more and more fun and I was getting a lot of really cool products for free. I had been running the website on and off for almost 4 years. I would always keep up with it no matter what. Then after meeting some other webmasters the idea of making money off the site came to light. Not really knowing much about it I looked for some advice. I met John Chow and he helped me explaining how everything worked and how to tweak ads etc. Well my first month after putting ads on my site I only made $63, but that was an extra $63!! And any extra money is good for a college student! So after I knew I could make some money off the site I pushed content so I could get more traffic, which in turn would lead to more money. After all the tweaking and hard work I am now running ThinkComputers full time and it is 90% of my income. I have really learned a lot about online advertising and web marketing since 2001. And I am happy that I am able to do something that was a funny hobby for a living.]]>
97 2006-11-11 08:54:07 2006-11-11 12:54:07 open open how-it-all-began publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917562 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1181262523;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1
Reviewer's Wanted! Tue, 14 Nov 2006 15:44:08 +0000 Reviewer’s Wanted!!

ThinkComputers is looking for new reviewers for the Holiday Season.  Because the holiday season is upon us we are getting tons of products in and we need people to review them.  We are seeking 1-2 reviews for the holiday season and if we like you we will keep you throughout the year.  Here are the basic requirements:

Must Be 18 years of age or older
Must have a 2.0MP camera or higher
Must live in the Pittsburgh area
Must be able to drive
Must be able to complete work on time
Must be a good writer

This is not a paid position, but you get to keep all of the hardware you review.  If you are wondering what type of stuff we review check out our website.  If you are interested send me an e-mail at with a full written review, including pictures of a product you already have.  Here is an example of an article submission here.  Only serious applicants apply.]]>
98 2006-11-14 11:44:08 2006-11-14 15:44:08 open open reviewers-wanted publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267247289 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Every Link Helps Thu, 16 Nov 2006 20:06:11 +0000

Well when it comes to website marketing there are a lot of options.  One of the easiest and most popular was to promote anything is Digg.  Even if your story does not get dugg you still get some traffic from the post.  For some people this little traffic means nothing, but if your site does not get a lot of traffic then it helps out.  As you can see above I've gotten 19 hits from the digg submission.  You may think that is nothing, but even if 1 person out of that 19 click your ads that will bring your CTR up.  This is great for niche sites that do not get a lot of traffic.  There are a few different types of free marketing websites, the first is news sites.  The biggestest out of these are Digg, Slashdot, and Netscape.  Slashdot is a bit different because if you submit something it has to be approved and posted, and they only post like 20 items a day so good luck getting posted there.  Besides news sites there are social networking websites.  On these sites you can make a profile for free for what you are trying to promote.  You can even send messages to people letting them know about your site/product.  These sites include Myspace, Friendster, and Mindviz.  So those are some great forms of free marketing.  Remember every link to your site helps!  We will go into paid marketing soon!
99 2006-11-16 16:06:11 2006-11-16 20:06:11 open open every-link-helps publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267247293 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 4355 2006-11-18 15:23:40 2006-11-18 19:23:40 1 0 0 4350 2006-11-17 00:52:13 2006-11-17 04:52:13 1 0 0
Where did all the time go? Tue, 21 Nov 2006 04:56:10 +0000 ThinkComputers!!  I haven't touched MyProfileResource in 2 weeks!  And my new site which I will not name yet has not been touched, when it should have been launched by now!  I know I can get so much more done, but I just don't!  And it makes me mad because I could be making more money than what I am, especially since it is the holiday season!  If anyone out there wants to give me some tips on getting things done, and time management, please leave me a comment, thanks!

P.S. - Hopefully I will keep this blog updated.....IF I HAVE TIME!]]>
100 2006-11-21 00:56:10 2006-11-21 04:56:10 open open where-did-all-the-time-go publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279644 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1180243074;s:7:"retweet";i:1179874981;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 4428 2006-11-21 18:03:21 2006-11-21 22:03:21 1 0 0
Get Paid To Surf The Web! Fri, 24 Nov 2006 06:38:48 +0000 I’m sure some of you remember AllAdvantage.  It was a company that paid you to surf the internet!  And what was even better was that it paid you when people you referred to the service surfed the web, and when the people they referred and so on.  When I first heard of this back then I was skeptical, but when I got my first check is was like, “damn this is easy money!”  Well AllAdvantage is back under a new name, AGLOCO. 

The way the service works is it install’s a viewbar at the bottom of your browser that displays ads.  Before it was a pain to get on and surf the web, but now it is a much more common thing, especially since I spend 6-8 hours a day on the computer.  The viewbar is in BETA right now, but it will be released soon so what you want to do now is build up your network, because the more people that you refer the more money you make!  You can signup here, and make sure to put in my referral ID which is BBBB1166.  The viewbar will be released very soon so build up your network so you can make easy money!

101 2006-11-24 02:38:48 2006-11-24 06:38:48 open open get-paid-to-surf-the-web publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279624 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Getting There.... Tue, 28 Nov 2006 14:24:39 +0000 Well it's been another 4 days since I have updated my blog....geez! Well I have been getting a lot of things done with my sites. First off I want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hope everyone enjoyed all of the Turkey! Ok like I said I have been doing a lot of work the past few days. I am trying not to stretch myself out so that I don't end up accomplishing what I REALLY need to get done. So let's see what I have been up to...

Yes ThinkCE is back. I will be concentrating more on just news not as much on content. I have added the site's RSS feed to feedburner and only after a day I have 6 readers. This number could go up and down depending on what is posted etc. I am still using the Joomla CMS and I am having not problems at the moment. I will also be looking into changing some of the advertising setup as well as updating the ads.

I have been keeping up with this site more. It has hard to get content, but I have been posting news as well as writing a few articles here and there. I'm trying to squeeze a few buyers guides in before the holiday season, because they do very well with traffic and bring in some good revenue. I am also thinking about buying a Wii to review and just to have, any thoughts on this? Let me know.

Just the regular here, keeping up with reviews and everything. I am also looking a writing more buyer's guides here too. My first one of the holiday season was a big hit and generated a good bit of traffic as well as some nice extra revenue. If you haven't noticed I have added a small 125X125 banner advertising TWERQ. TWERQ is a really cool search engine that you must check out. If you go to their page, check out the videos of all what you can do with it, it is very powerful. The ad gave me some extra revenue, which was nice, hopefully they will renew.

Ok nothing big here, but I did make some simple Happy ThanksGiving graphics. There was a small traffic spike from these graphics. I will be making holiday graphics soon. Also my experiment on indirect Myspace advertising has worked very well. I will be explaining this later this week after I do some final tests.

New Site!
Ok I have not announced this new site, but I have been doing some work on it. I got a really cool layout from Rocket Theme and have been tweaking it. I have also come up with ad placements. I just have to fill it with content and hopefully watch it take off. We will see how it turns out.

On another note, Starbucks has the Peppermint mocha's out now and they are awesome! Make sure you go down to your local Starbucks and check them out.

102 2006-11-28 10:24:39 2006-11-28 14:24:39 open open getting-there publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267260207 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1179224881;s:7:"retweet";i:1179220729;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 4617 2006-11-28 12:56:12 2006-11-28 16:56:12 1 0 0 4622 2006-11-28 17:36:31 2006-11-28 21:36:31 1 0 0
A Gift From Google Thu, 30 Nov 2006 02:05:36 +0000

Well today I was surprised to see that I received a package from Google. After opening it up it was a Holiday gift from them. As you know I use Google Adsense on many of my sites, and it is a major source of income for me. This gift is something they give to their publishers each year. Last year I did not receive a gift, probably because my volume was not as big as it is now. I'm not sure how much you have to make to receive a gift, but it's nice for Google to send something out their their publishers. This years gift is a digital photo frame! I would say it's better than last years gift. I already have a digital photo frame, which I reviewed a while back. I have that one in my bedroom, so this one will probably sit at my desk, especially since it is smaller. Thanks Google!!

103 2006-11-29 22:05:36 2006-11-30 02:05:36 open open a-gift-from-google publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298576 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 4673 2006-11-30 10:09:41 2006-11-30 14:09:41 1 0 0 4663 2006-11-29 22:13:33 2006-11-30 02:13:33 1 0 0 4666 2006-11-30 00:27:47 2006-11-30 04:27:47 1 0 0 4759 2006-12-03 19:30:28 2006-12-03 23:30:28 1 0 0 4766 2006-12-03 23:03:33 2006-12-04 03:03:33 1 0 0 4858 2006-12-06 18:27:41 2006-12-06 22:27:41 1 0 0
Rant! Thu, 30 Nov 2006 16:36:59 +0000 This has really been bothering me lately! Why is it that people who don't have to work because "mommy & daddy" pay for everything think they are better than you? If there is one thing that pisses me off it is people who think they are the shit because their parents have money. Yeah it would be nice if my parents bought me everything and I didn't have to worry about money, but of course I was raised right and was taught to earn a living not be given it. It just makes me mad when all they have been taught is how to be lazy, and think they are better because thats what they have been told by their parents. And it even makes me more mad when these people try to show off something liker their car and think it makes them "cool". The sad thing is they didn't earn that car, they were given it. These people are the same people that hate people like John Chow and leave him bad comments. Excuse me, but he earned his money so he deserves it and is allowed to tell you about it. If you want to tell me how cool your new car that your parents bought you is, or about that awesome apartment that your parents pay for then don't even bother, because people like you make me sick!

/end rant

104 2006-11-30 12:36:59 2006-11-30 16:36:59 open open rant publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267263492 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:35:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 4674 2006-11-30 13:01:39 2006-11-30 17:01:39 1 0 0 4676 2006-11-30 13:24:54 2006-11-30 17:24:54 1 0 0 4737 2006-12-03 11:47:48 2006-12-03 15:47:48 1 0 0 4765 2006-12-03 23:00:24 2006-12-04 03:00:24 1 0 0
Sapporo Japanese Steakhouse Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:51:27 +0000 As some of you may have known Ashley and I broke up about a month ago. It has been a hard month for both of us, but we put all our differences behind us and decided to get back together. We went out for our 2 year anniversary (even though we were broken up for a month). I really do not need to explain the details, but we are happily back together. So we decided to go to Sapporo Japanese Steakhouse. I talked about it before, but never really went into detail about it.
Sapporo is one of those Japanese restaurants where they cook in front of you. This is really cool because it gives you some entertainment while you are eating and you can actually see your food being made. Each table sits 8 and has a grill in the center for a chef to cook on. We were lucky enough to be the only 2 at this table the entire time we were there.

Ashley and I both ordered entrees, which come with soup and salad. The soup that is served is a type a mushroom soup and is very tasty. They also use some really cool spoons. The salad is your basic salad with some type of sweet sauce on top. From what the chef said the sauce helps clear your sinus's, which would be great for me since I have been fighting a cold. Next you are made fried rice right in front of you. The chef does some really cool tricks like throwing the egg up in the air and cutting it perfectly in half, he really puts on a show.

I ordered the Special, which is a filet mignon, lobster tail, and shrimp. Ashley ordered shrimp and broccoli. Each entree is with vegetables as well. You also get a shrimp sauce and a ginger sauce to dip things in. I really did not use them, but Ashley loved the shrimp sauce. It was a great dinner and more than enough food for both of us. Our total with my generous tip was around $85, which is a lot less than other moguls spend on a dinner, but hey I'm just getting started in the internet business! It was a great dinner for both Ashley and I and we plan on going there again.

105 2006-12-05 04:51:27 2006-12-05 08:51:27 open open sapporo-japanese-steakhouse publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267269658 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1192421979;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 4802 2006-12-05 06:14:39 2006-12-05 10:14:39 1 0 0 4851 2006-12-06 17:34:51 2006-12-06 21:34:51 1 0 0
The Web 2.0 Poster Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:01:39 +0000 Looking at it I can see a lot of the services I use today, Google (who doesn’t use google!), Feedburner, Wordpress, Skype, Myspace, Digg, YouTube. I did see a Google talk logo, but not a Gmail logo, unless I haven’t found it yet. Some other cool things to notice are the Bluetooth logos, all the hidden RSS logos, and both black and white iPod’s. If you really like this poster you can actually order it. I really thinking about getting it, maybe get it for when I actually have a real office! ]]> 111 2006-12-07 07:01:39 2006-12-07 11:01:39 open open the-web-20-poster publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266597332 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 4900 2006-12-07 10:07:36 2006-12-07 14:07:36 1 0 0 4933 2006-12-09 00:17:29 2006-12-09 04:17:29 1 0 0 Our First Snow! Fri, 08 Dec 2006 23:22:29 +0000 In other news I have been extremely busy trying to get reviews done and trying to get some holiday shopping done! This month is crazy for me! I will have some more interesting stuff tonight or early tomorrow, sorry for all these personal posts! ]]> 112 2006-12-08 19:22:29 2006-12-08 23:22:29 open open our-first-snow publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266396592 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 4931 2006-12-08 21:43:08 2006-12-09 01:43:08 1 0 0 4932 2006-12-08 23:27:13 2006-12-09 03:27:13 1 0 0 5039 2006-12-12 13:29:13 2006-12-12 17:29:13 1 0 0 5075 2006-12-12 19:25:13 2006-12-12 23:25:13 1 0 1 In-Direct Marketing Using Myspace Sat, 09 Dec 2006 15:47:18 +0000 Myspace is probably the biggest online community out there. Myspace has made many people rich, not just its owners. Jon makes a good amount of his money off Myspace. It is crazy the amount of traffic you can push to a website because of Myspace. The 15K challenge used Myspace to make $14,185.37 in 1 month! Most of my websites are tech related, but I have ventured into Myspace related sites because of the ability to push a lot of traffic to them easily and I don’t have to update them everyday to have constant traffic.

What I wanted to talk about today is in-direct marketing. You basically want to advertise a product, or website in our case without “really” advertising it. I actually got this idea from the 15K challenge. Basically this is how it works; you create a Myspace profile that you want to look real. Some things when wanting to make the profile look real you want to use more than 1 picture of the person. I’ve seen a ton of fake Myspace profiles that use the same picture over and over again. If you want people to think you are real then find more than 1 picture of someone. Next fill out the profile completely, people will be able to spot a fake profile if it isn’t filled out at all. The last thing that you want to do is make sure the person you have created is from a major city. This will get more people to add you as a friend. It also helps if the person you create is good looking.

Ok now for the marketing part. My Myspace resource site is MyProfileResource, which has layouts, graphics, etc. So basically on this fake profile will be comprised of a layout from MPR, graphics from MPR, and maybe a blog entry about how “I found all of these cool layouts at MPR”. This will draw some traffic to your site, but we want more! Here are some more things that you can do. Well first you want to get some friends, you can easily add people from your area and they usually won’t wonder why you have added them. If you want to accumulate a lot of friends fast you can use a program like Badder Adder. The next in-direct thing you can do is leave comments to people with comment images from your site. Those images will link back to your site. So if you have 100 friends and leave comments on all 100 of them and say 10 people view each one of their profiles that’s 1000 people that you would be advertising to. Some other things you can do is send bulletins or messages to people talking about your site or things like that.

So does it work? YES! On MPR I was averaging around 700 unique visitors a day. After creating 3 profiles like this and doing some work on each a month later I am averaging 1300-1500 unique visitors a day. A lot of the traffic is coming directly from Myspace too. Now imagine if I had made 100 profiles?

113 2006-12-09 11:47:18 2006-12-09 15:47:18 open open in-direct-marketing-using-myspace publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267235198 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1381469492;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 6391 2006-12-29 03:18:38 2006-12-29 07:18:38 1 0 0 7404 2007-02-10 02:11:15 2007-02-10 06:11:15 1 0 0 20426 2008-03-03 03:04:43 2008-03-03 07:04:43 1 0 0 19872 2008-02-12 07:06:51 2008-02-12 11:06:51 1 0 0 20039 2008-02-17 16:26:20 2008-02-17 20:26:20 1 0 0 22637 2008-04-22 14:10:28 2008-04-22 18:10:28 1 0 0 39909 2009-12-01 16:03:03 2009-12-01 20:03:03 1 0 0 40498 2010-02-16 10:15:29 2010-02-16 14:15:29 spam 0 0 40497 2010-02-16 10:13:36 2010-02-16 14:13:36 spam 0 0
Getting Ready for CES Tue, 12 Dec 2006 23:24:14 +0000 A while ago I received my press pass for CES. The past week I have been setting appointments and sending RSVP’s for all of the events. Last year CES was a shamble because it was my first time going and I had no clue what to expect. This year I am organized and know what I’m doing. We have so many meetings this year it’s crazy! We probably won’t even hit the show floor until Wednesday because all of our meetings Monday and Tuesday are off the show floor in surrounding hotel suites. This is nice because the show floor is such a zoo. There are so many people and it is so busy that it’s hard to get real work done. It is also nice because the companies usually provide food and drinks when you come to their suite, and even sometimes some nice swag! After looking at the press pass I noticed there were meal tickets. Which means during the press lunch’s you are only able to get 1 serving, when last year you could go up as many times as you wanted. Oh well not a huge deal to me, anyways I’m really looking forward to CES and hopefully this year we can make more contacts and promote ThinkComputers even more! ]]> 114 2006-12-12 19:24:14 2006-12-12 23:24:14 open open getting-ready-for-ces publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917601 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1180226978;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 6482 2006-12-31 15:18:09 2006-12-31 19:18:09 1 0 0 World’s First Underwater Hotel Thu, 14 Dec 2006 17:16:33 +0000 ThinkCE I found this really cool article on an underwater hotel. Well before I get into it I guess I should tell you that ThinkCE is going good again. This time I am focusing more on just cool tech/gadget news so if you are interested in that check out the site. Also if you know of a better RSS feed addon for Joomla than the one that it comes with please let me know!

Ok so anyways I was looking for news for ThinkCE and I came across this really cool article on Popular Science’s website that was talking about an underwater hotel that is scheduled to open in 2008 off the coast of Fiji. It immediately reminded me of the movies of all the underwater hotels/places where things went wrong! But if they actually pull this off it will be amazing, to bad I don’t have the 15K it will cost for a 1 week reservation.

From the article...

The $500-million Hydropolis Undersea Resort is said to be the world’s first underwater hotel. A sprawling 1.1-million-square-foot complex—with lavish suites, a ballroom, a shopping mall and a missile-defense system to ward off terrorists—Hydropolis is an ambitious vision of luxury at 60 feet underwater. As of press time, though, the project had stalled in the preconstruction phase. According to Mansoor Ijaz, deputy chairman of the board for Crescent Hydropolis Resorts, LLC, Hydropolis is on hold pending “land acquisition” and probably won’t be finished before the current opening date, set for 2008.

Money, naturally, is the first hurdle facing any large-scale endeavor. In the case of Poseidon, private investors and an American merchant bank have anted up nearly all of the $105 million that Jones needs to complete the resort. Clearly, they are optimistic that Poseidon can lure enough celebrity guests and high rollers to be a financial success. Meanwhile, Jones has inked a deal with the owners of a privately held South Pacific island. If all goes well with construction, the Poseidon Mystery Island will soon be submerged in 40 feet of water in a 5,000-acre coral lagoon near the coast of a narrow, 225-acre isle located in northeastern Fiji.
115 2006-12-14 13:16:33 2006-12-14 17:16:33 open open world%e2%80%99s-first-underwater-hotel publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266279901 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:69:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:17:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Another Japanese Restaurant Sun, 17 Dec 2006 18:25:59 +0000
I got the Shogun triple which is filet mignon, chicken, and shrimp. Ashley got the lobster, shrimp, and scallops. Each meal comes with soup, salad, and fried rice. Now comparing the food to Sapporo some things were better some things were worse. The soup and salad were a lot better, but I have not found a place that has better rice than Sapporo. Ashley’s scallops were huge and very tasty. The shrimp tasted about the same, but Sapporo’s lobster was much better. The steak and chicken also tasted about the same. One big difference between The Shogun and Sapporo is that at The Shogun the chef’s seemed to do a lot more tricks and tried to put on a show. It was a good meal and I managed to spend just under $100 with tip included. ]]>
116 2006-12-17 14:25:59 2006-12-17 18:25:59 open open another-japanese-restaurant publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961508 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 5501 2006-12-17 18:41:00 2006-12-17 22:41:00 1 0 0 6243 2006-12-26 07:31:49 2006-12-26 11:31:49 1 0 0 6716 2007-01-17 14:09:00 2007-01-17 18:09:00 1 0 0
Year In Review: ThinkComputers Tue, 19 Dec 2006 13:21:17 +0000 ThinkComputers and also a proving year as I proved to people and my parents that ThinkComputers could be a full time job and it has become one!

As I have said before ThinkComputers is my biggest source of income. I have learned a lot this year about tweaking google and I have seen the increase in income because of that. Although google in not my biggest income on ThinkComputers, is. offers product matching for reviews where I can put in ad in to buy the product that we are reviewing. This works on a CPC rate which is very good and makes me around $30-$50 a day. This can explode if you get a digg or Slashdot on a review.

Traffic on ThinkComputers has been good. We average about 2-5k uniques depending on what is reviewed, which is good, but it could be better. I have not noticed the increase in traffic around the holidays, which was huge for us last year. Although I am not the only one, a lot of tech site owners have said the same thing. Hopefully after CES we will get a big boost in traffic.

We have been able to hold onto a good amount of sponsors throughout the year and pickup some really good ones as well. Here is the list of sponsors I want to thank for helping support us through the year,, OCZ, Logitech, Saitek, Cooler Master, Thermaltake, Corsair, and Antec. These sponsors have provided us with products throughout the entire year and we really appreciate it!

Work to be done
Well no site is perfect and there are always things to work on so here are some things that I want to make better at ThinkComputers. New forum layout, the forum layout matches the site, but I would like to clean it up a bit and maybe add in some ads for non-registered users.

Reviews listings, when you go to a specific review section there is just a list of all of the reviews. I would like to change this up a little bit because if you are looking for a water-cooled CPU cooler in the cooling section you have the scroll down the list until you find one. What I want to do is in each review section have it separated into mini sections (on the same page). So for cooling it would be like Air Cooled CPU Coolers, Water Cooled CPU Coolers, notebook coolers, Video card coolers, etc. I think that would help a lot of people navigate the site better.

Mailing list, I used to have a good sized mailing list to mail out a newsletter whenever we had a new review, but it is very outdated. I want to add a small input forum on the side of the page where users can put in their e-mail address and it automatically adds them to the list. If anyone knows of any software that will do this, please let me know.

More reviews! ThinkComputers is a content based site so if there is no new content there is no traffic. I have been trying to do 4-5 reviews/articles a week, but my bad time management sometimes impedes that. Recently I just hired another reviewer and he seems to be working out very well. So we should be posting a lot more reviews a week!

Marketing! I have wanted to put some money into advertising for ThinkComputers this will definitely help traffic out and hopefully increase income. I’m looking to do some text advertising as well as well as some banner advertising. If anyone knows of any good ad agencies (besides google) to advertise with please let me know.

That’s about it for ThinkComputers. Thanks everyone for the support throughout the year! ]]>
117 2006-12-19 09:21:17 2006-12-19 13:21:17 open open year-in-review-thinkcomputers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266670191 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Why The Web Is Easy Fri, 22 Dec 2006 05:49:15 +0000 Hardly Any Startup Time Say you are opening a store of some type. You have to wait until the store gets finished and you also have to order supplies / products. This waiting time you are not making any money at all. With the web things are almost instant. Once you register a domain and setup hosting it usually only takes an hour for your DNS to go through and you’re ready to start building your site. So usually if you have an idea that day you can be setup and ready to go. Cost Starting a regular business is hard work especially if you have to rent and office etc. There are a lot of startup costs associated with starting a business. There are only a few startup costs when starting a web business. They are hosting, domain name, website design, coding, and maybe some other graphic design. If you are really short on cash there are tons of places that you can get free website layouts. When it comes to domain names I have used GoDaddy for years now and I haven’t had a single problem with and most domains are between $8 and $10. Also they always have promo’s going on so you can easily save money. Graphic design firms can be very expensive even if you only need a few logos made. I you checkout the SitePoint Forums you can get logo’s made for as cheap as $10! I got a few banners for ThinkComputers by some of the users there for $20 and they came out very well, much better than the $100 I would have paid for a design company to make them. Exposure If you have a small store only the people who are local to it really know about it. If you are online almost anyone with an internet connect PC can check out your store / website. This give you a chance to not only cater to the people in your area, but all over the world. More than one Income Source With Web 2.0 upon us there are a lot of ways to make money off of the internet. If you are selling some type of product you can also have some type of ads or link exchange on your site making you money if sales are low. Also some services like PayPerPost or ReviewMe which pay you for reviewing items are also an nice and easy way of making extra income if your main source of income is low. (There are probably a lot more ways of making income, but it’s very late and I can hardly think!) Now this may make you think that making money off the internet is so easy, but remember one thing if you are not dedicated then you will go nowhere!]]> 118 2006-12-22 01:49:15 2006-12-22 05:49:15 open open why-the-web-is-easy publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267020955 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1959902528;s:7:"retweet";i:1959207289;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 6001 2006-12-23 02:43:23 2006-12-23 06:43:23 1 0 0 6547 2007-01-03 13:26:50 2007-01-03 17:26:50 1 0 0 The Blog Overhaul Sat, 23 Dec 2006 04:01:06 +0000 MistyLook 2.3. I changed a lot of things, I first made it a 3 column design instead of a 2 column. Then I found a better picture for the top. Finally I edited the CSS and colors so it would look better with the new picture at the top. For some reason in Internet Explorer dots show up next to Photos, Archives, and Meta, but in Firefox they do not. If anyone can help me get rid of them I would appreciate it. If you noticed a couple of weeks ago I started adding some ads into the blog. I first put them at the bottom of every post, but since I have the new layout I will be trying to integrate them into the posts. I am using the Adsense Deluxe Wordpress plugin and it seems to be working well. It is very easy to use and you can use it with YPN as well. I will see if I am able to make some money off this blog. If that does not happen then I will just take the ads off. I also have changed which pictures are going to be displayed on the side of the page. Before they were being pulled from the entire ThinkComputers Gallery database. This is good and everything, but this is my personal blog so I am having them being pulled from my section in the gallery. This way all the pictures are in some way related to me. I will also be trying to add in pictures more frequently. Hope you enjoy the new blog look! Let me know what you think!]]> 119 2006-12-23 00:01:06 2006-12-23 04:01:06 open open the-blog-overhaul publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917548 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6006 2006-12-23 19:34:49 2006-12-23 23:34:49 1 0 0 6396 2006-12-29 14:07:47 2006-12-29 18:07:47 1 0 0 6399 2006-12-30 23:19:35 2006-12-31 03:19:35 1 0 0 The Evolution of my business card Sat, 23 Dec 2006 23:59:12 +0000 Business cards are very important, not just for the information that is on them, but the quality as well. If you give a company a flimsy poorly designed business card they might make the judgment that your company is not that good or that you are not professional. Above you can see 3 different business cards. The all black and white one was my first ever business card. I made it myself and I think it turned out well for what is was used for. The one above it was a disaster. I took the design to Fedex Kinko’s where I got the first ones made. They first printed them on what was a little bit heavier than paper, but no where near close to business card stock. Next half of them were not even cut right. A lot of them were uneven. I was surprised by the horrible quality so I took them back and told them the problems. They said they would remake them for free so I agreed. When I got the second batch THEY WERE THE SAME! Still misprinted, and on the crappy stock. I was able to get my money back, but I was screwed because CES was a week away and those were the only cards I had to go with! The last 2 cards on the left are the new cards, which I am very impressed with. Instead of designing them myself my friend Alan designed them for me. And instead of taking them to a local place to get them printed I went to VistaPrint and they really did a great job. I did pay a little more for these, but it was well worth it. The cards are 2-sided, with my information on 1 side and the other side has a list of the sites in my network. The front also has the glossy finish which I really like. I will feel more comfortable giving these out at CES than the flimsy ones from last year!]]> 120 2006-12-23 19:59:12 2006-12-23 23:59:12 open open the-evolution-of-my-business-card publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267157405 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:3:{i:1962691701;s:7:"retweet";i:2092753342;s:7:"retweet";s:10:"2313800393";s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 6008 2006-12-23 22:00:15 2006-12-24 02:00:15 1 0 0 6009 2006-12-24 00:42:26 2006-12-24 04:42:26 1 0 0 6011 2006-12-24 11:18:52 2006-12-24 15:18:52 1 0 0 6013 2006-12-24 16:26:21 2006-12-24 20:26:21 business card design for a class this semester. I had made something very neat and simplistic, while maintaining the brushed metal motif of my site, but the prof hated it and kept prodding me in directions I didn't want to do. When we presented them, I outright told the class that I'd never actually use this design.]]> 1 0 0 13805 2007-09-27 05:09:03 2007-09-27 09:09:03 1 0 0 40419 2010-02-04 14:29:31 2010-02-04 18:29:31 Vinyl Bathroom & Kitchen Floor Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 Merry Christmas!! Mon, 25 Dec 2006 19:38:11 +0000 Christmas Wish List, but at my age a rarely get presents, usually just money. So with the money that I received I will probably go out and buy something on that list. Last night I went over my parents where we have dinner with all of our relatives and have our present exchange. It was crazy to see my cousins and how big they are getting. It really makes me feel old! Well I hope everyone has a safe holiday...Merry Christmas!!]]> 121 2006-12-25 15:38:11 2006-12-25 19:38:11 open open merry-christmas publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267046519 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 40068 2009-12-17 16:01:20 2009-12-17 20:01:20 Vinyl Bathroom & Kitchen Floor Tiles =-.]]> trash 0 0 5 things you don't know about me Tue, 26 Dec 2006 03:02:07 +0000 tagged by my good friend John Chow. He wants me to tell you 5 things you didn’t know about me. Well I usually do not hide that much from people so let’s see what I can come up with... 1. My first ever website was a Dragon Ball Z fan website. When I first got into Anime Dragon Ball Z was one of my favorites! So I decided to make a website about it, especially since it was not that popular in the US at that time. The site was hosted at the old Geocities free hosting. What ever happened to Geocities? 2. I worked at Abercrombie & Fitch. Now some of you may think that this is funny but being paid to stand around and talk to hot girls all day really is not bad at all! The discount on the clothes was also nice. I met a lot of really cool people while working there and some are still my good friends. 3. I used to play the saxophone. From fifth grade to ninth grade I guess I was a band geek! I even went to band camp! I was in regular band as well as marching band. The whole band thing was more pushed on by my parents then anything, I mean it was fun but I would have rather been doing something else. I was happy when I was able to quit! 4. I eat salads plain. Everyone I know thinks this is weird! I really do not enjoy dressing that much, so I prefer just salt, pepper, and maybe some bacon bits. Every time I ask for a plain salad at restaurants I get like a double take from the waitress. I do enjoy cooking up some type of meat like chicken, steak, pork, and putting on my salad. It just can’t have dressing! 5. I have never been sick from drinking. There has not been 1 time that I have ever thrown up from alcohol. I have been completely wasted and still have not thrown up. I’m not sure what it is, but I have seen many people that have thrown up from being drunk that I am glad that I don’t do that. Just remember to take 2 Aleve before you go to bed to avoid the hangover! Ok so that was fun, Jon, JD, Jason, and Sal, consider yourself tagged!]]> 122 2006-12-25 23:02:07 2006-12-26 03:02:07 open open 5-things-you-dont-know-about-me publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267240419 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6584 2007-01-11 15:57:53 2007-01-11 19:57:53 1 0 0 No Gift From ValueClick? Tue, 26 Dec 2006 22:36:15 +0000 Well as most of you know Google was nice enough to send me a Digital Photo frame as a thank you for being a Google Adsense publisher. Well the other day I received a nice card in the mail from ValueClick. I mainly use ValueClick on my myspace related sites and Ashley’s site. Actually ValueClick pulls in more money than Google each month! So when I got the card I was a bit disappointed that there was no gift! Oh well, wonder if I have to make a certain amount to get a gift? I was talking to John yesterday and he said he didn’t even get a gift from, just a card and imaging what the TTZ media network makes! Oh well, maybe next year?]]> 123 2006-12-26 18:36:15 2006-12-26 22:36:15 open open no-gift-from-valueclick publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267144408 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6268 2006-12-26 18:54:10 2006-12-26 22:54:10 1 0 0 Another Roomate Gone! Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:48:57 +0000 rent-helper than a roommate, because he was hardly here and when he was he stayed in his room mostly. Now in his defense he was not as bad as one of my old roommates but here his what happened. One night Ashley and I were watching TV in my room and I was going out into the living room to check to see if something finished downloading on my computer. On the way out my roommate comes out and asks me to turn the volume down. I said no problem and I go out into the living room to check on the download, note if you take a look at my apartment here you will see it takes no more than 10 seconds to go from my room to the living room where my computer is. Any say at most 10 more seconds to check on the download and 10 more seconds to walk back. So 30 seconds go by and before I can even go back into my room he comes back out and starts yelling at me to turn it down. So I say, “Dude you don’t need to be an ass about it”. Well he continues to flip out and I just close my door cause I have nothing to say to someone who is that retarded and can’t wait 30 seconds for me to turn something down when he knew I was walking out to my computer. He also slammed his door like a 10 year old child would when they wouldn’t get their way. So that is what started this whole thing. After that night he really didn’t talk to me and stayed in his room when he was actually at the apartment, which was fine with me. Then the garbage happened...
This is what I would always see each morning when I would wake up. As you can see the trash is way overflowed, and all of those boxes beside the trash are his too. My roommate ALWAYS did this. I would never have a problem with taking out the trash, I usually would always do it too, but who wants to take out the trash when you can’t even get the bag out without getting things all over you. I guess he liked getting crap all over him when we went to take the trash out (which was not that often). This was the case not only in the kitchen, but in the bathroom too...
Ok a few things to point out here, one the trash is way overflowed and everything in there is from him. Who puts pop cans in the bathroom trash? Maybe it is because he was to cheap to by a trash can for his own room? Not really sure here, and I never really used this trash can because I have a vanity in my room and the only time I would be in there is to go to the bathroom or take a shower. It was really annoying going in there to take a shower and having an overflowed garbage can and having it smell. And I have taken that trash out so many times too, even though none of the trash was mine! I guess it was to hard for my roommate. Ok so maybe those 2 things are not that bad, here is exhibit 3...
Ok so because the trash can in the kitchen was overflowed and he was to lazy to take it out and I had it with him overflowing every trash can in the place so it would be impossible to take anything out without ruining your shirt, he started piling up his trash on the kitchen counter. Now I first thought it would only be there for a few days. Then it was a week then it was 2 weeks, this stuff really started to smell and how hard is it to take out your trash! When all of the trash cans where full I was still taking out my trash no problem etc. So after 2 weeks I had enough of his crap, so I decided to put all of his trash in front of his door to his room so he would know to take it out. Also to note, the night before I went out on the deck to cook a steak on the grill. The next morning I come out to find that light that was outside was smashed. I guess he does not want me to cook outside? I was like wow someone is 5 years old! Well that day I went out and when I came home all hell broke loose. He started flipping out telling me not to put trash in front of his door etc. Well I told him to stop being lazy and take out his garbage etc and he actually had the nerve to say he is clean and always takes out the trash...LOL. I almost lost it there, then he started arguing about other stuff then he said and I quote, “I’ll kill you” and I totally lost it, I just laughed in his face and thought to old are we? Note that my roommate is 26. So after all the fighting etc I basically told him that he can leave because I can’t deal with someone that acts like a child and that I would have no problem paying the rent myself. To my surprise he left the next day. Now I am still waiting for the papers to take him off the lease, but most of his stuff is out of here. All of that garbage that was on the counter is still there, I moved it all into his room though so he knows to take it with him, along with all of his other junk and he was just going to leave here. I’m just waiting for him to bring me the rent money for December and get the rest of his garbage out of here and then I will sign the papers to take him off the lease. Once I clean his room it will become my new office, which will be very nice :)]]>
124 2006-12-28 05:48:57 2006-12-28 09:48:57 open open another-roomate-gone publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267040857 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1958565552;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 6368 2006-12-28 14:28:33 2006-12-28 18:28:33 1 0 0 6340 2006-12-28 05:55:26 2006-12-28 09:55:26 1 0 0 6342 2006-12-28 06:07:24 2006-12-28 10:07:24 1 0 0 6344 2006-12-28 06:17:01 2006-12-28 10:17:01 1 0 0 6381 2006-12-29 00:25:41 2006-12-29 04:25:41 1 0 0 6389 2006-12-29 02:39:09 2006-12-29 06:39:09 1 0 0 6436 2006-12-31 11:26:46 2006-12-31 15:26:46 1 0 0 6539 2007-01-02 15:49:04 2007-01-02 19:49:04 1 0 0 6546 2007-01-03 12:55:29 2007-01-03 16:55:29 1 0 0
Having a schedule and my goals for 2007 Mon, 01 Jan 2007 22:00:49 +0000 Jon tagged me. This time it is my goals for 2007. I actually like this tagging thing, because it gives you interesting content to write for your readers. So here are my goals for 2007... Keep up with ThinkComputers – This holiday season has been extremely busy for me with ThinkComputers, it has been hard to keep up with the reviews etc. I hope to better manage my time so I can get more done. Really get ThinkGaming going – ThinkGaming was launched this past year and it has done alright, but I wish I had more time to work on it. We are only posting 2-3 reviews a month. I would like to be posting more than that and also be posting daily gaming news etc. Learn more about photography – I really have not had that much time to mess around with my D-SLR camera. I use it mainly to take product photos, but I would like to learn more about taking pictures etc with it. Meet more contacts in the industry – This past year I have really met some great people like John Chow, Stephen Fung, and Jon Waraas who have really helped me learn a lot about the internet, money, websites etc. This year I hope to meet even more people and learn more. Manage my time better – This has to be my biggest goal. If I can manage my time better I can accomplish all of the goals above. When working for yourself it is hard to keep a good schedule and manage your time. I hope to improve on this in the coming year. So now for tagging, John Chow, Jonathan Daniel, and Jason Greiner TAG YOUR IT! Also a few quick blog updates. I have finally fixed the dots that were appearing on the 3rd column. All I had to do was put in a ul tag and everything was fixed. I have also added the top commentators and recent comments to the side of the page. If you would like to see anything else on the side of the page let me know!]]> 125 2007-01-01 18:00:49 2007-01-01 22:00:49 open open having-a-schedule-and-my-goals-for-2007 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267053850 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:70:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6536 2007-01-02 03:15:21 2007-01-02 07:15:21 1 0 0 6540 2007-01-02 17:21:44 2007-01-02 21:21:44 1 0 0 6559 2007-01-06 14:19:50 2007-01-06 18:19:50 1 0 0 The New Office! Wed, 03 Jan 2007 06:27:29 +0000 kicked my roommate out! So what am I doing with his old room? Turing it into my office!! It will be a nice change of scenery and actually make the apartment feel more like a normal place. Not having the computers out in the living room will be really nice and when people come over they won’t be like, “Oh there are computers in the living room”. So here is the before picture...
And here are the after pics...
As you can see I have moved both Ashley’s and my desk into the room. Everything fits very nicely inside. It is nice to have a room to just work in rather than an open room. It gives you a place to think, and if you want to get away from the work you can leave the room and come back. This is very important especially if you spend the amount of time on the computer that I do. Also I have moved the Sumo Omni & Otto into the office so if I am working and want to relax on my laptop I can. I am using the closet to store all of the products that I have yet to review. Before they were all either in the living room or in my bedroom. The closet is nice and big so it works well. I really think this move will make me more productive. All of the walls are kind of plain though, any poster/painting suggestions?]]>
126 2007-01-03 02:27:29 2007-01-03 06:27:29 open open the-new-office publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267168237 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6551 2007-01-03 23:02:06 2007-01-04 03:02:06 1 0 0 6553 2007-01-04 06:32:21 2007-01-04 10:32:21 1 0 0 6542 2007-01-03 02:30:44 2007-01-03 06:30:44 1 0 0 6543 2007-01-03 02:31:32 2007-01-03 06:31:32 1 0 0 6544 2007-01-03 02:40:44 2007-01-03 06:40:44 1 0 1 6545 2007-01-03 02:49:28 2007-01-03 06:49:28 1 0 0 6548 2007-01-03 14:34:21 2007-01-03 18:34:21 1 0 0 6550 2007-01-03 22:12:46 2007-01-04 02:12:46 1 0 0 6552 2007-01-04 03:27:24 2007-01-04 07:27:24 1 0 0 6558 2007-01-06 13:35:27 2007-01-06 17:35:27 1 0 0 6566 2007-01-08 15:16:42 2007-01-08 19:16:42 1 0 0 6713 ashwin@30gigabytes.coom 2007-01-17 06:37:06 2007-01-17 10:37:06 1 0 0
Small Business Advice & Info Wed, 03 Jan 2007 10:06:19 +0000 free advice for small business owners. This site does have a lot of good information on it, and they already have an article on Tax Law Changes for Business in 2007, which could be very helpful for a lot of people. I just learned that the Standard Mileage Rate has increased to 48.5 cents. So that means the cost of operating my car for every business mile driven is 48.5 cents. There is a ton of other interesting information so check it out!]]> 127 2007-01-03 06:06:19 2007-01-03 10:06:19 open open small-business-advice-info publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917652 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1959395022;s:7:"retweet";i:1952855880;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 6561 2007-01-07 13:26:14 2007-01-07 17:26:14 1 0 0 6549 2007-01-03 22:07:19 2007-01-04 02:07:19 1 0 0 6688 2007-01-15 00:36:13 2007-01-15 04:36:13 1 0 0 11654 2007-07-27 01:36:41 2007-07-27 05:36:41 1 0 0 20076 2008-02-21 01:06:31 2008-02-21 05:06:31 1 0 0 38884 2009-08-20 15:59:45 2009-08-20 19:59:45 1 0 0 39003 2009-08-26 15:56:52 2009-08-26 19:56:52 1 0 0 A Good Start To The Year Sat, 06 Jan 2007 14:32:37 +0000 ASUS WL-500W Super Speed Wireless Router made it to the front page of Digg. It was a surprise because it has been increasingly harder to get stories to the front page, and even if you do sometimes they would get buried very quickly. 2 previous stories, the Tom Bihn Super Ego Laptop Bag, and the Holiday 2006 PC Case Buyer’s guide both made it to the front page of digg, but where buried within 15 minutes of hitting the front page. Because of the dig we had a huge spike in traffic and also the product ad got clicked 3x what is usually does. That is a CPC ad so it made me 3x of what I would normally made. So the year has started off well! You may have noticed I have not updated my blog in a few days. This is because I have been preparing for CES. Right now I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight. Getting through security was much easier than last year. I was through in 5 minutes and I did not have to wait in any line! I am really excited for CES! Hopefully they do not loose my bags!]]> 128 2007-01-06 10:32:37 2007-01-06 14:32:37 open open a-good-start-the-year publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250743 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6565 2007-01-08 15:15:59 2007-01-08 19:15:59 1 0 0 Busy, Busy, Busy! Tue, 09 Jan 2007 09:54:24 +0000 CES Unveiled. It has been like that the entire trip, one big rush! The plane ride was not that bad, we took a direct flight which took about 4 and a half hours to get from Pittsburgh to Las Vegas. We took Southwest which I took last year, which was not bad. It was Ashley’s first time flying so I let her sit by the window. Here are a few pictures she took while we were in the air.
I will try to update again when I have time. We had our party with TheTechZone and FutureLooks and it went very well. A lot of people showed up and I finally met a lot of company reps that I have not met yet. I will post pics and more when I get some free time. Make sure you check out our photo gallery, as we will be updating it each day!]]>
129 2007-01-09 05:54:24 2007-01-09 09:54:24 open open busy-busy-busy publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266546845 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6572 2007-01-10 00:08:27 2007-01-10 04:08:27 1 0 0 6573 2007-01-10 04:34:41 2007-01-10 08:34:41 1 0 0
CES Kick-off Party Thu, 11 Jan 2007 05:36:21 +0000 FutureLooks and The TechZone. We invited all of our friends that would be at CES and all of our sponsors. We did not announce the party at all because last year over 200 people showed up! The only people that were to know about the party were the people invited.
The party was held at the MGM Skylofts, which if you haven’t seen them they are badass. The party was sponsored by OCZ and Big Foot Networks. We had a ton of food (which we ate the rest of at 2AM), a live DJ, and of course an open bar. Even though Stephen made fun of me and John for drinking Smirnoff ice, because he thinks it’s a girly drink.
The party was great and we stayed there till 2AM! I got the chance to meet Rick from OCZ and he is a really cool guy. I also met a lot of other really cool PR people that I have not met in person. It was nice to see a lot of the same people that I only met for the first time last year. The party gave everyone a chance to meet and just relax because the next day is the first day of CES and that is just crazy. I am glad I did the party this year with Stephen and John.
130 2007-01-11 01:36:21 2007-01-11 05:36:21 open open ces-kick-off-party publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267081230 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6583 2007-01-11 15:21:42 2007-01-11 19:21:42 1 0 0 6585 2007-01-11 20:38:17 2007-01-12 00:38:17 1 0 0 6649 2007-01-13 02:07:12 2007-01-13 06:07:12 1 0 0 6684 2007-01-14 17:57:34 2007-01-14 21:57:34 1 0 1
The PC Race for Charity Sun, 14 Jan 2007 21:26:47 +0000 PC Race for charity. It was a lot of fun and the food was great! So when they asked me to do it again I agreed! The PC race for charity is sponsored not only by Tiger Direct, but by companies like AMD, Microsoft, and Acer. All of the people in the race are members of the press, so it is a good event to meet other people that do the same as you. The event also gives all of us members of the press some time to relax, enjoy some drinks (open bar) and just have some fun.
This year’s theme was sort of like a baseball theme. Each contestant was given a baseball jersey with a corresponding number. Then before the event they called us up by number and had cheerleaders cheering for us. Also each guest at the event was given a number to cheer for, and if their number won they received a free gift. The top 3 contestants to build a PC the fastest will be given money toward their charity. The charity I chose was the Mario Lemieux Foundation. Well I did not get in the top 3, I finished 7th. This was much better than last year, but I would have done better if I had not made some mistakes. Oh well it was a lot of fun, and I did beat John!! Can’t wait to do it next year!
131 2007-01-14 17:26:47 2007-01-14 21:26:47 open open the-pc-race-for-charity publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267053853 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6691 2007-01-15 06:17:28 2007-01-15 10:17:28 1 0 0
The CES Swag! Mon, 15 Jan 2007 06:18:01 +0000 Well you know when you go to CES you will be coming back with free stuff! Well this year I got double free stuff because Ashley came with me. Above you can see everything that we got. First off the 2 big backpacks were given out to all press at CES. They were really helpful during the event and the front actually came off to become a shoulder bag. Another great gift was from Microsoft, they gave out these big boxes, which at first I thought were Vista, but I was wrong! Inside the box were a whole bunch of goodies. They included a Windows Vista Media DVD, Belkin USB easy transfer cable, Windows Live USB key, Microsoft Office Live trial card, SanDisk Cruzer Micro 2GB flash drive (with 2 included covers), T-Mobile DayPass, Windows mousepad, and a Games for Windows title. Ashley and I both received Company of Heroes, she wished she would have got Zoo Tycoon 2. Besides those gifts some other cool things to point out were a full PC toolkit (for being in the PC race for Charity), a USB Beverage cooler from CoolIT, 1GB Flash Voyager drive from Corsair, a backpack from Lian-Li, and a card reader from S3. Overall I think we actually received some useful things. You should have seen us trying to pack everything into our luggage, plus we bought a lot of things in Vegas, but all of that will be in a later post!]]> 132 2007-01-15 02:18:01 2007-01-15 06:18:01 open open the-ces-swag publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267013591 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Having a flat CPM rate is great! Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:31:46 +0000 It’s great having a flat CPM rate on ads. This means that every time an ad is displayed 1000 times you get the CPM rate. This is great because no one has to click the ad at all for you to make money. Most 3 party advertising companies do not offer a flat CPM rate, but if you can get one go for it! I experienced great success when ThinkComputers booth babe gallery hit the front page of Digg. I would say less than 10 percent of users click ads on our page, but if we are running CPM ads no one has to click the ads they just have the view them. So with a front page digg there was a ton of traffic and with that traffic came a lot of ads that were viewed. Right now we have a flat CPM rate with Vibrant Media. Just to give you an idea of how well a CPM ad performs compared to something like google where your CPM is dependent on how many people click the ad, we would average about $15-$20 a day on Vibrant, the day of the front page digg we made $250+!! That’s a huge jump! If a review of ours makes it to the front page of digg the google ads do well, but only make a $20 or $30 more than normal, not to the effect of what we saw with the flat rate CPM ads that we have with Vibrant. If you are able to get a flat CPM rate with any advertiser than I would take the offer, unless its under $1 CPM.]]> 133 2007-01-16 00:31:46 2007-01-16 04:31:46 open open having-a-flat-cpm-rate-is-great publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267237002 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6699 2007-01-16 00:42:59 2007-01-16 04:42:59 1 0 0 6726 2007-01-18 01:36:56 2007-01-18 05:36:56 1 0 0 Vegas Photos Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:27:08 +0000
In other news I finally uploaded the rest of the photos I took from the show floor. I am still waiting for more pictures from the rest of my staff, but here is what we have online now... CES 2007 Booth Babes CES 2007 Press Events CES 2007 Parties CES 2007 Showfloor]]>
134 2007-01-16 04:27:08 2007-01-16 08:27:08 open open vegas-photos publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917529 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1958320829;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 6705 2007-01-16 14:43:55 2007-01-16 18:43:55 1 0 0 6729 2007-01-18 02:43:29 2007-01-18 06:43:29 1 0 0 6744 2007-01-18 17:27:18 2007-01-18 21:27:18 1 0 0 6751 2007-01-19 07:49:34 2007-01-19 11:49:34 1 0 0
Our Room at Treasure Island Wed, 17 Jan 2007 07:27:30 +0000
While in Vegas for CES Ashley and I stayed at Treasure Island. We both were very surprised at the size of the room and how nice it was. Some nice thing about the room was that it had a strip view, LCD TV, a nice desk and table, large mirrors, and a very clean a spacious bathroom. We may stay at Treasure Island next year, although the internet was not very good at all so we will have to see. Has anyone ever stayed at the Venetian?]]>
135 2007-01-17 03:27:30 2007-01-17 07:27:30 open open our-room-at-treasure-island publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267237025 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1205966825;s:7:"retweet";i:1205958577;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 6709 ashwin@30gigabytes.coom 2007-01-17 06:30:51 2007-01-17 10:30:51 1 0 0 6718 2007-01-17 18:50:17 2007-01-17 22:50:17 1 0 0 6722 2007-01-17 22:45:36 2007-01-18 02:45:36 1 0 1 6723 2007-01-17 22:56:37 2007-01-18 02:56:37 1 0 0
The Las Vegas Purchases Thu, 18 Jan 2007 02:44:14 +0000 Fashion Show Mall, Shoppes at the Bellagio, The Forum Shops, and Aladdin’s Desert Passage. Here are a few things I picked up...
Tiffany for Men Sport Cologne – Tiffany as some of you know makes fine jewelry, but I was surprised to see that they had cologne. After going from store to store trying to find cologne that Ashley liked she really like this one so I had to get it. Also while in the store Ashley picked up 2 necklaces and a bracelet.
Nintendo Wii – While walking through the Fashion Show Mall I saw an EB Games and I said to Ashley, “They won’t have any Wii’s” and we just walked past it. 2 stores down I saw a guy with an EB games bag, and through it I could see a Wii! Ashley and I turned right around and went into the EB games and asked if they had anymore Wii’s, we got the last one! We also picked up an extra controller and and 2 controller gloves so we don’t go throwing the controller’s into our TV. We did not get any games, the system comes with Wii Sports, which will be good for now. I will probably get Zelda very soon.
VOSS Artisan Water – Many people think all water is the same, well it isn’t. If you don’t believe me go out to your local grocery store and get a bottle of Figi water and a bottle of Aquafina, you will notice a big difference in taste and quality of the water. It is hard to go back to drinking regular after you drink Figi. It is very smooth and tastes great. Well VOSS is a step up from Figi and believe me the taste is worth the money. It is extremely refreshing and smooth. Plus is comes is a cool glass bottle. VOSS can only be found at Major hotels and nightclubs. I wish I would have gotten more, but I barely fit these into my luggage.
Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses – Dolce and Gabbana is one of my favorite designers. They make awesome clothes and accessories. Usually when I find something from them I like I have to order it online or look on ebay for it. Well in Vegas I was able to find a very nice pair of sunglasses, which I would never buy online because I would need to try them on. This pair looked really good on me and Ashley loved them so I had to get them. They also came with a really cool carrying case. Some other things I got that are not in the above photos are some shot glasses from Treasure Island, and few shirts from Armani Exchange. If you are looking for a great place to shop Vegas is it!]]>
136 2007-01-17 22:44:14 2007-01-18 02:44:14 open open the-las-vegas-purchases publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267237050 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1127327270;s:7:"retweet";i:1954137972;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 6758 2007-01-19 17:13:58 2007-01-19 21:13:58 1 0 0 6791 2007-01-23 22:51:59 2007-01-24 02:51:59 1 0 0 6834 http://-none- 2007-01-27 16:07:40 2007-01-27 20:07:40 1 0 0
$355 For an E-mail Address! Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:21:48 +0000 Now I thought domains were a big market especially when new popular products are announced. I remember all of the domains that sprung up for the Playstation 3, Wii, and Xbox 360 when they were announced. There were tons of auctions going on over at Sitepoint. Well the biggest product announcement right now is the iPhone. There are tons of domains for sale with “iPhone” in the name, but I did not think people were selling e-mail address’s with “iPhone” in them. Well even if they were I did not expect one e-mail address to sell for $355!! The e-mail address is I’m not sure if people bidding thought the auction was for an actual iPhone although the auction clearly states that it is for the e-mail only. You rarely see domains going for that much, especially since there are tons that are almost the same. Who knows, wonder who actually paid $355 for a single e-mail address!]]> 137 2007-01-18 13:21:48 2007-01-18 17:21:48 open open 355-for-an-e-mail-address publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267236981 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6737 2007-01-18 15:35:57 2007-01-18 19:35:57 1 0 0 6740 2007-01-18 16:16:50 2007-01-18 20:16:50 1 0 0 6742 2007-01-18 17:19:38 2007-01-18 21:19:38 1 0 0 6743 2007-01-18 17:25:51 2007-01-18 21:25:51 1 0 0 6748 2007-01-19 01:13:19 2007-01-19 05:13:19 1 0 0 6750 2007-01-19 07:47:27 2007-01-19 11:47:27 1 0 0 6757 2007-01-19 17:12:12 2007-01-19 21:12:12 1 0 0 Our New Kittens Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:43:03 +0000
Ashley and I love both cats! We don’t want them to grow anymore!]]>
138 2007-01-19 14:43:03 2007-01-19 18:43:03 open open our-new-kittens publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250762 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6764 2007-01-19 23:17:09 2007-01-20 03:17:09 1 0 0 6754 2007-01-19 15:04:03 2007-01-19 19:04:03 1 0 0 6755 2007-01-19 16:23:06 2007-01-19 20:23:06 1 0 0 6756 2007-01-19 17:10:45 2007-01-19 21:10:45 1 0 0 6761 2007-01-19 18:08:23 2007-01-19 22:08:23 1 0 0 6766 2007-01-20 00:32:29 2007-01-20 04:32:29 1 0 0 6776 2007-01-20 17:25:11 2007-01-20 21:25:11 1 0 0 6813 2007-01-25 11:05:46 2007-01-25 15:05:46 1 0 0 6814 2007-01-25 11:06:56 2007-01-25 15:06:56 1 0 0
The Fireplace Coffee Table Fri, 19 Jan 2007 22:26:41 +0000 Right now I really do not have a coffee table in my living room. There is couch, and 2 chairs. A coffee table would be a nice addition, but which one to get? How about a coffee table / fireplace! This coffee table has a stainless steel top with an embedded fireplace! The coffee table is from Schulte Design. Although this coffee table would be really cool, I already have a fireplace, but it would be nice sitting there with your nice hot cup of coffee being kept warm by the fire on your coffee table!]]> 139 2007-01-19 18:26:41 2007-01-19 22:26:41 open open the-fireplace-coffee-table publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917595 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6772 2007-01-20 08:56:00 2007-01-20 12:56:00 1 0 0 6789 2007-01-23 17:16:08 2007-01-23 21:16:08 1 0 0 8749 2007-04-28 18:30:48 2007-04-28 22:30:48 1 0 0 19691 2008-02-08 07:10:50 2008-02-08 11:10:50 1 0 0 20226 2008-02-26 20:11:52 2008-02-27 00:11:52 1 0 0 40516 2010-02-20 10:24:53 2010-02-20 14:24:53 essay writing service to purchase their term research paper at. These actions I do as well.]]> spam 0 0 Shawn's Blog and Other Blogs I Visit Sun, 21 Jan 2007 13:23:47 +0000 has just setup his own blog. is a hardware review site just like ThinkComputers. I really like the site and have been following it for a few years now. Shawn’s blog is brand new so there is not much there right now. Hopefully he will keep it updated regularly. Besides Shawn’s Blog here are some other blogs I visit. John Chow – My good friend John from TheTechZone. John’s blog has tons of good information about the internet, business, and marketing. He also shows you all of the disgusting food he eats! Well ok some of it is ok, but this is just disgusting! John is a great guy and I enjoyed hanging out with him during CES. Stephen Fung – Stephen is another good friend of mine. If you don’t know he runs FutureLooks. His blog is a lot like mine, a lot of personal stuff and stuff the interest’s him. I always like to see what’s going up in Stephen’s neck of the woods. Jon Waraas – John is another young internet entrepreneur that I recently have met. His blog talks a lot about his sites and how he has come to make money off of the internet. There is a lot of good information here for people that are just starting out in the web business. David Lithman – David is also young and he is trying to do the web thing part time while working another full time job. He hopes to eventually be able to quit the full time job. David makes far less than many site owners but is very optimistic and knows one day he will be making enough money from the web to quit his real job. Those are some of the main blogs that I read on a daily basis. I usually read everyone’s blog that is on my friends list at least 2 times a week. If you would like to be added to my friends list just shoot me an e-mail.]]> 140 2007-01-21 09:23:47 2007-01-21 13:23:47 open open shawns-blog-and-other-blogs-i-visit publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267242686 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 21919 2008-04-06 16:15:43 2008-04-06 20:15:43 1 0 0 40549 2010-02-25 13:36:41 2010-02-25 17:36:41 spam 0 0 Ahhhh No Updates! Wed, 24 Jan 2007 13:28:49 +0000 141 2007-01-24 09:28:49 2007-01-24 13:28:49 open open ahhhh-no-updates publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267051769 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6797 2007-01-24 11:45:22 2007-01-24 15:45:22 1 0 0 6798 2007-01-24 14:02:48 2007-01-24 18:02:48 1 0 0 6807 2007-01-24 18:19:17 2007-01-24 22:19:17 1 0 0 Why Not Strive For More Wed, 24 Jan 2007 18:36:07 +0000 A few years ago my life was hell. I was a full time student at Robert Morris University, worked 30+ hours at an insurance company, and was running ThinkComputers. I barely had time for anything. The thing that kept me going was the thing that I was most interested in, ThinkComputers. Now it is what I am doing full time. All the extra time I had I would work on the site. During my break at work, in between classes at school, and before I went to bed a night. I knew I could make something out of the site that would help me with my current situation and it really did. I added some ads to the site and started updating it more frequently. This of course brought more traffic to the site which in-turn gave me some extra income. Because of this extra income I did not have to work as many hours at the insurance company. From there I kept on working and now I am doing ThinkComputers full time and it is paying the bills. So why do so many people just sit around and complain about their current situation? I’m really not sure, but here are some thoughts. Laziness – This is probably the biggest reason why people do nothing for themselves. Some people come home from work and just sit around. And for them it is to hard to try to do anything that might help them out. Or these people would rather do other activities like video games, drinking, etc instead of helping themselves. What they don’t realize is they would have much more time for those activities if they would do something for themselves and get out of the situation that they are in. Dependent on someone else – I see this a lot with younger people. They are living at home with their parents and their parents pay for most things so they are satisfied with the way things are going. So if they have free food and a roof over their head then why would they want to change things? These people really need a reality check. You also see this with people who are like, “Oh yeah Jeff is going to get me that job”. You can’t totally rely on other people to get you a job, you have to do some work yourself. I guess those are really the only 2 big factors that I can think of right now, laziness is a huge factor in why so many people are not happy with their situation. Helping yourself out whether it be financially, mentally, or even physically is not easy, but if you don’t even try then you will never know how far you can go. That is why I continually worked on my websites and even now when I am happy I am still working hard to make things even better for myself. Hopefully some of you will do the same.]]> 142 2007-01-24 14:36:07 2007-01-24 18:36:07 open open why-not-strive-for-more publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250835 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1292228970;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 6800 2007-01-24 15:19:21 2007-01-24 19:19:21 1 0 0 6801 2007-01-24 15:24:13 2007-01-24 19:24:13 1 0 0 6802 2007-01-24 17:06:25 2007-01-24 21:06:25 1 0 0 6805 2007-01-24 17:51:01 2007-01-24 21:51:01 1 0 0 6806 2007-01-24 18:14:58 2007-01-24 22:14:58 1 0 0 6808 2007-01-24 20:10:25 2007-01-25 00:10:25 1 0 0 6809 2007-01-24 21:47:41 2007-01-25 01:47:41 1 0 0 6812 2007-01-25 09:15:57 2007-01-25 13:15:57 1 0 0 6818 2007-01-26 00:29:09 2007-01-26 04:29:09 1 0 1 Blogs Added Thu, 25 Jan 2007 22:13:55 +0000 e-mail.]]> 143 2007-01-25 18:13:55 2007-01-25 22:13:55 open open blogs-added publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266963280 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6825 2007-01-26 14:52:18 2007-01-26 18:52:18 1 0 0 6839 2007-01-28 10:24:06 2007-01-28 14:24:06 1 0 0 40487 2010-02-13 16:05:38 2010-02-13 20:05:38 xxvgycldbaew, [url=]lazexqoqrvva[/url], [link=]srxoxhecjizj[/link],]]> spam 0 0 Favorite Products of 2006 Fri, 26 Jan 2007 01:06:20 +0000 ThinkComputers. We published 220 reviews and 16 articles. With all of those products that came in I decided to make a list of my favorite products that I reviewed over the past year. I tried to keep the list to 10, but there were so many great products I had to expand the list to 14. They are in chronological order from the date they were posted. Corsair Voyager 4GB Flash Drive – The Corsair Voyager drive is simply awesome. It is very rugged and you can do anything to it and it will not break. This was my main drive I took with me everywhere and had all of my important files on. I recently lost it, but Vivian from corsair was nice enough to hook me up with another one. Antec P150 Quiet Case – Antec really outdid themselves with this case. First of all it is white, which you do not see many cases that color. The design is very sleek and stylish. The insides of the case features sound dampening material, Tri-Cool fans, fan filters, and removable hard drive bays. If you do not want to use the drive bays you can suspend your hard drive in the hard drive suspension system, this will also cut down on sound. I am still using this case today for one of my systems. iRiver U10 Portable Media Player – This little media player is just amazing. What sets this media player apart from others is its size and control system. It only measures 0.5 x 2.5 x 1.75-inches! You control the player by actually pressing down on the screen. It is not touch-screen but the entire screen is a button. I used the U10 all through summer while exercising and going to the pool! GeCube Radeon X1600 Pro Video Card – This way my first PCI-Express card. was nice enough to send it out to me when I told them I was building a new system. For being my first PCI-Express card it performed really well and I still use it for testing today! Antec 2U26ATX400XR-2 Rackmount Case – It was time to add a second server into our server rack for ThinkComputers. We had the system ready, but were unsure of the case. Talking with Antec they were nice enough to send the case out. We all know Antec for quality and this rackmount case shows just that. It was perfect for our server and if you are looking for a great rackmount case then I would definitely check out what Antec has to offer. Saitek Eclipse II Illuminated Keyboard – This was one of my most anticipated products of 2006. The Eclipse II takes everything the original eclipse had and makes it better. Not to mention you get 3 different colors of illumination, not just one. I am still using this keyboard today and I love it! Antec Fusion Media Center Case – This is my favorite media center case of 2006. Antec did a great job making the case stylish, but not to flashy. The case is perfect for anyone who has a media center. The included VFD and front ports really sell the system. I am currently using this case as my media center case and have no plans to replace it! OCZ PC2-6400 Spec Ops Urban Elite Memory – This memory just kicks ass! It performs great and the heatspreaders look awesome. They are painted in urban camo paint and will turn heads at any LAN party. I am still using these sticks in one of my servers. Corsair HX620 Power Supply – This was Corsair’s big jump into the power supply market and they did a great job. It seemed like they took all the great things about many different power supplies and put them into one. This power supply is still in my system. Crucial 10th Anniversary PC2-5300 Memory – Crucial celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2006 and to commemorate that they put out a special edition memory kit. The kit is the normal PC2-5300 memory, but they feature special heatspreaders that commemorate their 10th anniversary. NZXT Adamas Case - This case is probably the best case I received all year. The NZXT Adamas case really gives you all that you can ask for out of a case and adds its own style. And it is very durable, being able to support over 300 pounds! The Adamas is truly something different than the normal case. Alienware Area-51 m5550 Laptop – We recently started working with Alienware reviewing their notebooks. The m5550 was the first unit we received and we were very pleased with it. It was amazing to see how well games played on a laptop! Logitech AudioStation – This was the best iPod speaker system I reviewed all year. The touch sensitive controls are really cool and the huge LCD display on the front looks great. I have it sitting in my room now and it sounds great! If you are looking for any iPod speaker system I would check out the AudioStation. Altec Lansing FX5051 Speaker System – I squeezed this review in right before the end of the year. What great about this system is that you do not need a sound card for full 5.1 surround sound! Everything is done via USB. Also the speakers are very small so they are easy to place. I am using this system in my office right now! Well those were my favorite products that I got a chance to review over this past year. Hopefully 2007 will bring even better products!]]> 144 2007-01-25 21:06:20 2007-01-26 01:06:20 open open favorite-products-of-2006 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267179834 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 6824 2007-01-26 14:51:38 2007-01-26 18:51:38 1 0 0 6844 2007-01-28 20:52:42 2007-01-29 00:52:42 1 0 0 Why the iPhone is not for me Sun, 28 Jan 2007 16:24:11 +0000 Price - $500 - $600 with a 2 year contract! Most smartphones or PDA’s cost that without the 2 year contract! So since I am already with Cingular I would have to pay full price for the phone, which I’m guessing will be around $800-1000! $800 to $1000 for a phone…A PHONE!! Now that is crazy! There are so many other things that would benefit me more than an iPhone for that price, a laptop, tablet pc, OQO, etc. So price is probably the biggest factor. It’s a phone – Ok I use my phone mainly to talk on it sometimes send some text messages, I do not need it to send e-mail or surf the web. That is why I do not have a smartphone in the first place. No Keyboard – I guess I could get used to not having a keyboard, but I would prefer to have one. Pushing buttons on a phone has become like second nature to me and changing that would just be weird and also not worth the hefty price tag. No Customization – At one time I did have a Windows smartphone and the thing I liked most about it was that I was able to download third-party applications and themes for free! Apple has said there will not be any third-party software / customization for the phone at all! So those are some of the reasons I will not be getting the iPhone. There are probably more I could list! Anyone agree / disagree?]]> 145 2007-01-28 12:24:11 2007-01-28 16:24:11 open open why-the-iphone-is-not-for-me publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267170563 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1187417703;s:7:"retweet";i:1180742844;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 6842 2007-01-28 16:56:38 2007-01-28 20:56:38 1 0 0 6853 2007-01-29 16:03:34 2007-01-29 20:03:34 1 0 0 6840 2007-01-28 15:05:30 2007-01-28 19:05:30 1 0 0 6841 2007-01-28 16:16:16 2007-01-28 20:16:16 1 0 0 A Night of Fine Dining with John Chow Tue, 30 Jan 2007 00:56:43 +0000 While in Vegas at CES John was nice enough to take me as well as other TTZ Media affiliates out to Roy’s. Roy’s is an award winning Hawaiian themed restaurant. I have only been out to a few restaurants that serve fine cuisine so it was a new experience for me. We were served a 3 course meal. This was also a first for me.
Dinner started out with a appetizer plate. Then we were served salad with some type of weird dressing on it. It was not bad. The main course was a choice of shrimp, mahi mahi, chicken, or pork. I choose the shrimp. It was very tasty and good. For dessert we were given a tray with 3 different desserts on them. I really enjoyed the Crème Brulee.
I really enjoyed going out to dinner with John and the other TTZ media affiliates. It was great to relax during the busy week of CES and talk with friends you only get to see once a year. Roy’s was very good, but I vote Morton’s for next year because I love steak!]]>
146 2007-01-29 20:56:43 2007-01-30 00:56:43 open open a-night-of-fine-dining-with-john-chow publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267273707 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:68:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1196466506;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 6884 2007-01-30 14:00:16 2007-01-30 18:00:16 1 0 0 7119 2007-02-01 03:41:38 2007-02-01 07:41:38 1 0 0
Running Your Own Business is 24/7 Wed, 31 Jan 2007 21:13:16 +0000 Now I do take breaks and nights when I’m done working I try to relax and watch a movie or something, but my mind is always on work. I guess the reason for this is because I always strive to make things better. I am always thinking of ways to improve my sites or what I am going to have to do when I wake up. I’m not sure if this is true for all people that run their own business but it’s kinda that way for me. It’s nice to go on vacation because you finally get the feeling of “nothing to worry about”. Also when running your own business for the most part you take care of mostly everything. In my case, e-mails, site maintenance, site updates, reviews, etc. People working for normal companies would have one, maybe two of these tasks. And in larger companies they will have an entire department working on one task. I guess running your own business can be stressful at times, but I wouldn’t give it up to go work for someone else!]]> 147 2007-01-31 17:13:16 2007-01-31 21:13:16 open open running-your-own-business-is-247 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267254507 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7061 2007-01-31 20:34:30 2007-02-01 00:34:30 1 0 0 7084 2007-01-31 23:06:18 2007-02-01 03:06:18 1 0 0 7086 2007-01-31 23:15:03 2007-02-01 03:15:03 1 0 0 7161 2007-02-01 14:40:38 2007-02-01 18:40:38 1 0 0 7215 2007-02-03 00:17:09 2007-02-03 04:17:09 1 0 0 January a record month for posts! Fri, 02 Feb 2007 04:00:49 +0000 148 2007-02-02 00:00:49 2007-02-02 04:00:49 open open january-a-record-month-for-posts publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267147833 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7169 2007-02-02 00:11:42 2007-02-02 04:11:42 1 0 0 7208 2007-02-02 17:14:23 2007-02-02 21:14:23 1 0 0 7211 2007-02-02 17:52:37 2007-02-02 21:52:37 1 0 0 What am I going to review next? Fri, 02 Feb 2007 22:25:17 +0000 Product Inbox section on the ThinkComputers Forums. This section provides users with information of all the new products that we have got in. I kind of took a break from posting things to it over Christmas / CES, but now I will be updating it weekly so if you want to know what we are going to review next on ThinkComputers just stop by the Product Inbox section on the forums.]]> 149 2007-02-02 18:25:17 2007-02-02 22:25:17 open open what-am-i-going-to-review-next publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267075076 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7288 2007-02-05 04:46:13 2007-02-05 08:46:13 1 0 0 7297 2007-02-05 12:51:25 2007-02-05 16:51:25 1 0 1 Do I have a life? Sat, 03 Feb 2007 22:51:28 +0000 150 2007-02-03 18:51:28 2007-02-03 22:51:28 open open do-i-have-a-life publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267288737 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7265 2007-02-03 21:08:56 2007-02-04 01:08:56 1 0 0 7267 2007-02-03 22:46:40 2007-02-04 02:46:40 1 0 0 7274 2007-02-04 02:52:32 2007-02-04 06:52:32 1 0 0 7276 2007-02-04 03:26:07 2007-02-04 07:26:07 1 0 0 7277 2007-02-04 04:09:58 2007-02-04 08:09:58 1 0 0 7294 2007-02-05 10:44:24 2007-02-05 14:44:24 1 0 0 7296 2007-02-05 12:37:45 2007-02-05 16:37:45 1 0 0 7310 2007-02-05 22:06:38 2007-02-06 02:06:38 1 0 0 7334 2007-02-07 12:37:50 2007-02-07 16:37:50 1 0 0 How to Promote a Website Mon, 05 Feb 2007 19:50:48 +0000 Link Exhange – This is one of the easiest ways to promote your website. Although it might not bring you a ton of traffic it will help out. With any website you start there will be others like it, or in the same category. A lot of these sites will have some type of link exchange or affiliate list. Just e-mail the site and most of the time they will be more than happy to exhange links. Newsletter – A newsletter is a great way to get traffic to your site, especially if you update it a lot. Of course you need people to signup for the newsletter. There are tons of free newsletter software or you can even just have a form where someone puts in their e-mail and it mails you. You can have a daily, weekly, or monthly newsletter. It will bring people back to your site because they are reminded of your site/content. News Mailing – This is one of my biggest helpers on ThinkComputers. Each time I post a review I send a news mailing out to all of my affiliates. They in-turn will post the news on their website. Now I know most tech related sites do this, I’m not sure about other type of site. These news mailings make up about 40% of my traffic for ThinkComputers. Signatures - On many online forums you are allowed to have a signature. Usually when I signup on a forum I put a link back to ThinkComputers in my signature. This will not create a lot of traffic, but as I have always said every little bit helps. So those are some of the free ways to promote your site, let’s see what money can buy! Banner Advertising – Banner advertising can be purchased on a CTR, CPM, or flat rate. It all depends on who you are dealing with. I have never bought banner advertising from third party advertisers like Google or Yahoo so I am not that familiar with how they work it. I have bought banner advertising directly from some site. I have seen mixed results, it all really depends on where the ad is located. Text Link Advertising – This type of advertising is becoming extremely popular. You will see on many sites a set a random links on the side. These random links are Text Link Advertising. I have worked with a few companies on this type of advertising and have got very good results. Out of all the paid advertising I would go with this one for sure. In Text Advertising – I’m sure if you have been to ThinkComputers you have seen this type of advertising. On every page you will see some text double underlined. When you hover over it, it will bring up an advertisement. I have never used this type of advertising to promote anything, but the 2 biggest In-Text advertising companies are Vibrant Media and Kontera. Buy Forum Posts – If you are starting a forum this is a great way to promote it. There are many companies that you can pay to post on your forums. And it’s not like they are posting spam, they are actually posting relevant information. I have never tried this, but I might for the ThinkComputers forums. Well I hope this post is helpful to some people. When I first wanted to promote my websites I really had no idea what I was doing so this is some of what I have learned over the past year. Thanks for reading!]]> 151 2007-02-05 15:50:48 2007-02-05 19:50:48 open open how-to-promote-a-website publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279629 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7303 2007-02-05 16:54:39 2007-02-05 20:54:39 1 0 0 7309 2007-02-05 22:03:29 2007-02-06 02:03:29 1 0 0 7315 2007-02-06 05:46:24 2007-02-06 09:46:24 1 0 0 7322 2007-02-06 17:26:48 2007-02-06 21:26:48 1 0 0 7351 2007-02-08 05:03:51 2007-02-08 09:03:51 1 0 0 8091 2007-03-28 09:25:13 2007-03-28 13:25:13 1 0 0 8948 2007-05-08 10:20:56 2007-05-08 14:20:56 1 0 0 39018 2009-08-27 05:57:41 2009-08-27 09:57:41 1 0 0 What's In My Fridge? Tue, 06 Feb 2007 22:24:05 +0000 Jon tagged me and wanted to tell you all what is in my fridge. Well I’ve finally got around to taking a picture. So what’s in my fridge...
A little bit of everything I guess. We have of course alcohol, energy drinks, pop (soda for all you non-pittsburgh people), milk, salad, and tons of condiments! I have a ton of different sauces and marinades for cooking steak and other types of meat. I also have quiet a few wing sauces because I recently bought a deep fryer and love making wings! I guess you can say my fridge is normal, or maybe it’s not. Let me know! John, JD, and Stephen.....TAG you’re it!]]>
152 2007-02-06 18:24:05 2007-02-06 22:24:05 open open whats-in-my-fridge publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267111113 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1154046435;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 7323 2007-02-06 20:29:34 2007-02-07 00:29:34 1 0 0 7324 2007-02-06 20:29:53 2007-02-07 00:29:53 1 0 0 7329 2007-02-07 00:41:56 2007-02-07 04:41:56 1 0 0 7393 2007-02-09 09:28:00 2007-02-09 13:28:00 1 0 0 7410 2007-02-11 00:16:23 2007-02-11 04:16:23 1 0 0
ThinkGaming Now on Wordpress Wed, 07 Feb 2007 19:59:32 +0000 Over the past couple of weeks I have been working on ThinkGaming. It is now running 100% on Wordpress! Instead of using a Wordpress template and trying to edit it to how I would like it, I actually took ThinkGaming’s original layout and made it fit into Wordpress. This took some time, but I think it looks great! So what have I made this change to Wordpress? Well ThinkGaming is more based on news than content. I would say there are only 5 reviews a month on the site, but each day there is daily news. I wanted something where users could easily comment on news and which also had good SEO and RSS integration. So my answer was Wordpress. Also Wordpress has a ton of addons and it is very easy to find information on problems you are having. In my Goals for 2007 post I said that I really wanted to get ThinkGaming going and I think this is a step in that direction. Check out ThinkGaming and let me know what you think.]]> 153 2007-02-07 15:59:32 2007-02-07 19:59:32 open open thinkgaming-now-on-wordpress publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279639 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7341 2007-02-07 19:56:34 2007-02-07 23:56:34 1 0 0 7342 2007-02-07 21:01:35 2007-02-08 01:01:35 1 0 0 7345 2007-02-07 21:35:25 2007-02-08 01:35:25 1 0 0 7346 2007-02-07 23:17:24 2007-02-08 03:17:24 1 0 1 7348 2007-02-08 01:00:42 2007-02-08 05:00:42 1 0 0 7377 2007-02-08 12:58:56 2007-02-08 16:58:56 1 0 0 ThinkComputers and ThinkGaming join BuzzBums Fri, 09 Feb 2007 00:31:00 +0000 Jon’s blog you probably have heard of BuzzBums. If you have not it is basically a blog of blogs. There are various types of categories on BuzzBums like business, sports, technology etc. As I always say every link counts so ThinkComputers and ThinkGaming have joined BuzzBums. What BuzzBums does is read the RSS feed from the site and posts a blurb about each post on the site as sort of a headline. Jon has always done a good job with his sites so I think BuzzBums will do well. It is cool because it gives you an idea of what’s going on all the blogs all over the net.]]> 154 2007-02-08 20:31:00 2007-02-09 00:31:00 open open thinkcomputers-and-thinkgaming-join-buzzbums publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917653 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:75:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7387 2007-02-08 22:18:36 2007-02-09 02:18:36 1 0 0 Ad Testing Mon, 12 Feb 2007 14:10:33 +0000 ThinkComputers, hopefully it will perform better than the old ad colors.]]> 155 2007-02-12 10:10:33 2007-02-12 14:10:33 open open ad-testing publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267169197 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:41:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7419 2007-02-12 16:51:38 2007-02-12 20:51:38 1 0 0 7421 2007-02-12 17:38:06 2007-02-12 21:38:06 1 0 0 Agloco Update Tue, 13 Feb 2007 21:12:10 +0000 Agloco. If you were not reading my blog then I will explain Agloco to you again. I’m sure you have heard of the services that pay you money to surf the web, the most popular of them was AllAdvantage. Well AllAdvantage is back under a new name, Agloco. It will work the same as before you will install a viewbar at the bottom of your browser and it will display ads. The reason I think it is going to be a big success is that when AllAdvantage was out there not as many people were surfing the web and on the computer as much. Now it is a common thing to be on your computer for hours at a time, and a few ads at the bottom of your page are not as obtrusive as they once were. The way to make a lot of money off Agloco is to build up a network. Basically there is a referral process. Once you signup you can refer people to Agloco with your referral ID. Agloco then keeps track of your referrals. If your surfing equals one of your referrals or more you make 0.25% of what they make. Now this may not sound like a lot, but if you have 1000 or more referrals then you will be making a good hunk of change for just surfing the web! So most of you already know all this so what I am talking about Agloco now? Well the viewbar is slated to be released in March, which is less than a month away. So now is the time to really get your network going if you have not already. This is not a scam, this is a real way to make money for just surfing the web. AllAdvantage was real and so is this! So make sure to signup ASAP!]]> 156 2007-02-13 17:12:10 2007-02-13 21:12:10 open open agloco-update publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266992923 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7683 2007-03-06 05:54:37 2007-03-06 09:54:37 1 0 0 An Interesting Valentines Day Fri, 16 Feb 2007 01:35:24 +0000 Well this Valentines Day was quite interesting for me. First of all I went outside and was greeted with something that looked like the picture above. This picture was taken today, yesterday it was much worse. So Ashley and I were going to go out for dinner for Valentines Day and I go outside and see my car is completely covered, in not just snow...ICE! The night before it was snowing, but I guess it got warm enough that there was freezing rain, so my car was completely covered in the sheet of ice! It took me 20 minutes just to get into my car, the doors were iced shut! Then I had to clear the rest of the ice off my car and try to get it out. This was a pain because it still was snowing and the ground was ice. Anyways we finally made it out and got to the restaurant, which was packed so we had to wait. We had a great dinner and tried to enjoy the rest of the evening. On the way home the roads were horrible, luckily nothing bad happened. Times like this I was I had a garage! Ashley and I are looking into a townhouse that has 2 garages, but that’s another story. Anyways besides that I have been busy, you might have noticed I haven’t been keeping up with posting. I have been working on a lot and I will have a lot of business related posts coming up!]]> 157 2007-02-15 21:35:24 2007-02-16 01:35:24 open open an-interesting-valentines-day publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264805 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1716084621;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 7628 2007-03-02 11:51:09 2007-03-02 15:51:09 1 0 0 7471 2007-02-16 15:18:05 2007-02-16 19:18:05 1 0 0 40488 2010-02-14 20:45:59 2010-02-15 00:45:59 spam 0 0 ThinkGaming Looking For Bloggers! Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:46:09 +0000 Problogger. I have got 2 responses since I posted it yesterday, hopefully more will come in. Here is the job listing... The ThinkNetwork is looking for a video game blogger for our recent re-launch of ThinkGaming. We are looking for someone who has a passion for writing about all gaming topics from console gaming to PC gaming. The ThinkNetwork is expanding and we would like you to be a part of it. What we are looking for: Reliable Individuals A Passion for Gaming A Passion for Writing Creativity Writing Skill You will also need to be familiar with Wordpress, an FTP client, and have basic knowledge of HTML. This is a paid position and we are looking for someone who can post at minimum 1 post a day. To apply send an e-mail to with your basic information, a writing sample, and any URLs of current or past blogs you have worked for. So if you are interested please let me know. Please make sure you are reliable.]]> 158 2007-02-16 17:46:09 2007-02-16 21:46:09 open open thinkgaming-looking-for-bloggers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267272410 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7472 2007-02-16 21:10:06 2007-02-17 01:10:06 1 0 0 7483 2007-02-17 23:04:48 2007-02-18 03:04:48 1 0 0 A Few More Ad Changes Sun, 18 Feb 2007 23:30:27 +0000 ThinkComputers than you may have noticed a few things that are different. I told you before I was doing some Ad testing on my inline Google 336 ads. With the addition to that I have been making my actual review pages longer. This cuts the total review pages down. Why would I want to do this? Well here are a few reasons. First my average pages viewed per visit is 3.52. This means that on average if 1 person visits my site they check out 3 pages then leave. So what’s the point of having a 10 page review if most of the people viewing the site are only looking at 3 of those 10 pages. Also if I have 10 pages all with Google 336 ads on them it is likely that not as many people will click on the ads. Now with the 10 pages my impressions will go up, but my CTR will go down. This won’t really help me at all. So if I make the pages longer and have less pages with ads on them for one the ads won’t seem as obtrusive, and people are more likely to click on them. Ok so I have made that change and things are going good, but I also made another change. If you look on the left side of the page you will see another 160X600 banner ad. This banner ad is Tribal Fusion. If they can accept you I would definitely signup with them. They have really good rates, and a lot of them are direct CPM. So now that the pages are longer people will actually see that ad, they won’t have the scroll down past the article the view it. This will help so people will actually click on the ad, but if it is direct CPM it does not even matter if they do click on it! Now I was running my top 468X60 on Tribal Fusion, but one thing with Tribal Fusion is that they do not have a lot of inventory, especially for a 468X60 placement, so a lot of the time you would see an ad council ad. You don’t make any money on ad council ads. So I have put that in rotation with a Google ad. Also I have also put a Tribal Fusion ad in my 728X90 rotation. So it is now Google, TF, and TTZ. 728X90 and 160X600 ads pay more and have a bigger inventory, which is why I have added them. So how has this helped? Well on average I was making like $2.50 a day off Tribal Fusion. Now I am making around $12 a day! That is $360 compared to $75! A nice increase for just adding some ads in! Also I have not noticed a big change in the Google 728X90 revenue. This is good because I was expecting it to go down, because instead of just 2 ads in rotation, there are 3. It’s a little too early to gauge Google 336 earnings. I will update you with that next week!]]> 159 2007-02-18 19:30:27 2007-02-18 23:30:27 open open a-few-more-ad-changes publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917424 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1193646790;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 Some new blog features! Tue, 20 Feb 2007 02:48:13 +0000 John’s and Stephen’s blogs both got attacked by someone exploiting these vulnerabilities. So I guess I am lucky no one has tried to mess with my blog, or maybe I’m just not that popular! The first feature I implemented was threaded comments. This allows users to actually reply to specific comments, not just to reply to the post. This makes post discussion a lot better and when you reply to someone they are know you are talking to them. Threaded comments are achieved with Brian’s Threaded Comments plugin. Keeping up with your comments may be a tough thing to do, especially if you visit and comment on a lot of blogs. With this in mind I installed the Subscribe to comments plugin. This will ad a check box in the comment section that users can click that will subscribe them to the comments via e-mail. So when someone comments on the post they are notified. One thing I really like about a lot of blogs and even websites is that if you are reading a certain post at the bottom of the page there is a list of related links. These links are other posts that deal with the same thing as what is being said in the post you are reading. That is why I had to add the related posts plugin. I have seen a lot of my friends add MyBlogLog to their blogs so I did the same. It is really cool to see the different people that view your page and you can checkout their MyBlogLog profile and see what blogs / sites they author. With the addition of MyBlogLog I have also added MyAvatars. It actually puts a user’s MyBlogLog picture in their comments. This really puts a face to your readers. So that’s about it for the blog updates. If you know of any other worthwhile plugins that you don’t see on my blog please let me know, thanks!]]> 160 2007-02-19 22:48:13 2007-02-20 02:48:13 open open some-new-blog-features publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267299391 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7510 2007-02-20 03:29:35 2007-02-20 07:29:35 1 0 0 7508 2007-02-19 23:36:27 2007-02-20 03:36:27 1 0 0 7513 2007-02-20 13:14:14 2007-02-20 17:14:14 1 0 0 7512 2007-02-20 11:46:13 2007-02-20 15:46:13 1 0 0 40524 2010-02-22 02:52:35 2010-02-22 06:52:35 spam 0 0 40500 2010-02-17 10:26:04 2010-02-17 14:26:04 spam 0 0 40531 2010-02-22 13:20:53 2010-02-22 17:20:53 spam 0 0 40561 2010-02-27 15:36:33 2010-02-27 19:36:33 spam 0 0 40503 2010-02-17 22:03:44 2010-02-18 02:03:44 spam 0 0 40504 2010-02-17 22:23:55 2010-02-18 02:23:55 spam 0 0 40499 2010-02-16 21:59:37 2010-02-17 01:59:37 spam 0 0 40505 2010-02-18 14:07:43 2010-02-18 18:07:43 spam 0 0 40550 2010-02-26 03:34:28 2010-02-26 07:34:28 spam 0 0 40558 2010-02-26 23:28:12 2010-02-27 03:28:12 spam 0 0 40560 2010-02-27 07:13:10 2010-02-27 11:13:10 spam 0 0 AdBrite’s InVideo Advertising Tue, 20 Feb 2007 21:13:41 +0000 AdBrite to take a look at my earnings. I rarely even go in there and look because I really do not use AdBrite that much. While looking at my earnings I saw a new thing for videos. Wondering what it was all about I took a look. I discovered AdBrite is offering a very nice video advertising solution. Unlike ValueClick’s video advertising solution AdBrite uses their own web player, much like YouTube.

AdBrite has a video that tells you all about this new service and the video itself shows how the ads are displayed in your video. Upon watching the video I was very surprised at how unobtrusive the ads really were. The video player is a lot like YouTube’s. The cool thing about it is just like YouTube you are given a code to embed the video onto not just your website, any website. So say you have a very popular video and a lot of people post it on their blog, with YouTube you basically get nothing for it, but with AdBrite’s player you get paid even if the video is not being played from your page! Here is an example video that I used for the SilverStone LC14MC HTPC Case review on ThinkComputers.

This all sounds great, but there are some downfalls. The biggest is that you have to host to video file. If your videos are very popular then this could rack up a large bandwidth bill and using a lot of bandwidth will also slow down your site. Second the file can’t just be any movie file it has to be .FLV. This can be a pain for some who are just used to uploading their video straight to YouTube.

As far as how much you get paid I am really not sure. I set this up yesterday and when I go into my AdBrite earnings under the videos it says so data is available so I am not sure if I am even making any money! I will keep you updated over the next few weeks to see how things go. If you want to signup for AdBrite do it via my referall link HERE!]]>
162 2007-02-20 17:13:41 2007-02-20 21:13:41 open open adbrite%e2%80%99s-invideo-advertising publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267251707 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:68:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7518 2007-02-21 13:11:57 2007-02-21 17:11:57 1 0 0 7525 2007-02-21 21:12:10 2007-02-22 01:12:10 1 7518 1
Some Digg Tips Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:06:34 +0000 Digg is a great marketing tool not just for technology websites, for all websites. Getting your story or article on the front page usually guarantees a great increase of traffic. With that increase in traffic you usually are also guaranteed an increase in ad revenue. Lately I have noticed a lot of people making simple mistakes that make it so their stories do not make it to the front page of Digg.

The biggest problem I see with users who submit to Digg is that they submit every article / review they write. This is a HUGE mistake. I’ve seen this with a few review sites and just wonder how they think every one of their reviews are going to make it to the front page. For one who is going to digg that review when there are probably a lot of other reviews of the same product out there. Also if digg users see that you are submitting everything all of your content they will automatically not digg it, or even bury the story as spam!

As you look at the front page of Digg almost all of the stories are somewhat interesting. So when writing articles you want to submit to Digg you should try to make them interesting so other Digg users will digg the story as well. If you are not creative try to write about something controversial that will grab people’s attention. These are type of stories Digg users like and will digg themselves.

If you run a review site like me you know that product reviews are not that interesting, but you can still get these stories to the front page. How do you do that? Well for starters you want to give the story a good name, not something like Asus WL-500W Router. That review did make it to the front page of Digg, but the title of the story was File, Print, and Webcam server in 1, the Asus WL-500W N Router. This title tell the users that it’s not just some ordinary router. Other techniques include saying thing like Exclusive, Worlds First, First Look, etc.

Digg has become very bloated with millions of stories that get under 10 diggs, so if you want your story to get to the front page try to make it interesting and unique.]]>
164 2007-02-21 21:06:34 2007-02-22 01:06:34 open open some-digg-tips publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267159541 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7531 2007-02-22 11:56:01 2007-02-22 15:56:01 1 0 0 8659 2007-04-22 09:04:11 2007-04-22 13:04:11 1 0 0
Pittsburgh Bloggers? Thu, 22 Feb 2007 09:33:29 +0000 here!]]> 165 2007-02-22 05:33:29 2007-02-22 09:33:29 open open pittsburgh-bloggers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267253524 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7688 2007-03-06 13:18:39 2007-03-06 17:18:39 1 0 0 7532 2007-02-22 13:55:06 2007-02-22 17:55:06 1 0 0 7530 2007-02-22 11:17:50 2007-02-22 15:17:50 1 0 0 7576 2007-02-26 20:54:01 2007-02-27 00:54:01 1 0 0 Our New Townhouse Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:30:32 +0000 current apartment will be up April 1st. We wanted somewhere that was in the same general location because we wanted to be close to our families and we were not ready to move out of Pittsburgh yet. We looked at all the apartments around this area and were only impressed by one, The Christopher Wren. We were first showed an apartment, which was much nicer than our current one so we knew we were going to live there. Next they told use they wanted to show us the townhouses, since we had nothing else to do we agreed. After looking at the townhouse we could not go back to the apartment. So here are a few photos for everyone, we will move in sometime in March.

The main living room

Kitchen area

Stairs up to loft

Loft area

The new office

Our bedroom

Master bathroom with both bathtub and standup shower

HUGE walk-in closet!

Well that’s about it for pictures. The townhouse also has another full size bathroom, half bath, 2 garages, and tons of storage space / closets. Two years ago I would have never thought I would be in a place like this. Good thing I went away from the “norm” and did things myself. It has really turned out great!

166 2007-02-23 07:30:32 2007-02-23 11:30:32 open open our-new-townhouse publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267229833 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7541 2007-02-23 12:30:18 2007-02-23 16:30:18 1 0 0 7540 2007-02-23 12:28:36 2007-02-23 16:28:36 1 0 0 7538 2007-02-23 09:54:25 2007-02-23 13:54:25 1 0 0 7542 2007-02-23 14:20:21 2007-02-23 18:20:21 1 0 0 7559 2007-02-25 12:46:26 2007-02-25 16:46:26 1 0 0
Being Dependent on 1 Computer Mon, 26 Feb 2007 14:08:16 +0000 ThinkComputers did not post a new review for 5 days! That’s one of the longest times it has gone without new content! The reason for this is that the CPU in my main PC died so I had to wait until new parts came in to work on most of the ThinkComputers content. Now I did have my laptop, but my main PC had my affiliate mailing list on it, which makes up about 60% of my traffic so it would be pointless to post a review and not send out a mailing list. When you are testing various types of hardware on your main PC it could easily break and you will not be able to get your work done. For this reason I went and forked out some extra cash to build a work PC. This PC will be my main PC that I do all of my work on and will not be used to test hardware. So now I have a dedicated test machine to do all of the hardware testing on that it wouldn’t matter as much if a piece of hardware in there breaks because it is not interrupting me from doing work. So things are back to normal now, hopefully I will have some interesting posts soon!!]]> 167 2007-02-26 10:08:16 2007-02-26 14:08:16 open open being-dependent-on-1-computer publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267018184 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7574 2007-02-26 20:52:26 2007-02-27 00:52:26 1 7570 0 7575 2007-02-26 20:53:03 2007-02-27 00:53:03 1 7569 0 7570 2007-02-26 16:28:15 2007-02-26 20:28:15 1 0 0 7569 2007-02-26 13:40:03 2007-02-26 17:40:03 1 0 0 7567 2007-02-26 12:56:59 2007-02-26 16:56:59 1 0 0 7568 2007-02-26 13:00:53 2007-02-26 17:00:53 1 0 0 7595 2007-02-28 03:52:15 2007-02-28 07:52:15 1 7575 0 So Busy! Thu, 01 Mar 2007 13:44:28 +0000 Well if you haven’t noticed I haven’t been updating a lot.  The main reason for that is I am in the process of moving.  It is such a busy time going out and getting things for the new place, going through the lease process, and just driving stuff to the new townhouse.  We are not officially moved, but we signed the lease yesterday and got our keys.  We have been moving some things in, but our big move is Saturday.  The only thing that sucks is that we cannot get cable / internet installed until Tuesday.  Oh well hopefully once we are moved in things can go back to normal and I can get more work done!

168 2007-03-01 09:44:28 2007-03-01 13:44:28 open open so-busy publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267100900 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7609 2007-03-01 11:35:34 2007-03-01 15:35:34 1 0 0 7611 2007-03-01 13:48:25 2007-03-01 17:48:25 1 0 0 7615 2007-03-01 17:05:37 2007-03-01 21:05:37 1 0 0 7616 2007-03-01 17:06:12 2007-03-01 21:06:12 1 0 0 7621 2007-03-01 22:52:56 2007-03-02 02:52:56 1 7616 1 7634 2007-03-02 17:27:31 2007-03-02 21:27:31 1 7621 0
All Moved In! Wed, 07 Mar 2007 04:03:59 +0000 Well Ashley and I are all moved in! We finally have every put together and this place finally feels like a home. It has been a pain trying to clean this place up, put together furniture, go out and get stuff for the place, and keep up with work. We just got our internet installed today so I was finally able to post a review on ThinkComputers. I am completely exhausted, just like my cat Gizmo. I will have a bunch of photos of the new place and all the new stuff we bought. Catch you all tomorrow!]]> 169 2007-03-07 00:03:59 2007-03-07 04:03:59 open open all-moved-in publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267285569 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7705 2007-03-07 02:55:49 2007-03-07 06:55:49 1 0 0 7715 2007-03-07 17:07:54 2007-03-07 21:07:54 1 0 0 7716 2007-03-07 18:12:41 2007-03-07 22:12:41 1 0 0 7718 2007-03-07 18:54:37 2007-03-07 22:54:37 1 0 0 7801 2007-03-11 00:04:11 2007-03-11 04:04:11 1 0 0 7714 2007-03-07 14:18:26 2007-03-07 18:18:26 1 0 0 7701 2007-03-07 01:15:07 2007-03-07 05:15:07 1 0 0 7704 2007-03-07 02:24:18 2007-03-07 06:24:18 1 0 0 A Look at Our New Townhouse Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:52:11 +0000
The new office

Other side of the office, my test machines for ThinkComputers

My setup in the office

Big bedroom with like nothing in it!

TV / HTPC setup in bedroom

Master bathroom

Loft area

Living room

Kitchen / other side of living room

Brand new TV, HTPC, Xbox 360, and Wii

Ok so yeah about the move. I was smart this time moving and rented a moving truck and got some friends to help me out (thanks Phil, Rob, and Steele!). So that made moving much easier, it only took 1 trip. That is also because Ashley and I got a lot of new stuff. First off we had to get new living room furniture. We looked a bunch of places and just by chance we were eating lunch and there was a La-Z-Boy right beside the place so we decided to go in. We saw the couch that in now in our living room, we had to get we did! Then we went across the street to Ikea and we picked up a coffee table. To finish off the living room I had to get a TV and stand. So looking around Circuit City had a 42-inch Sharp Aquos 1080p LCD HDTV on sale and we really liked it, plus I’ve always heard Aquos’s were a good TV. Ashley and I also needed to get a new set of desks for the office, since we do all of our work online. Once again it was to Ikea. We got matching desks and set them up against each other. I used her old desk for my test machines. We finally got internet and cable. The provider is Armstrong and it seems they are just like Comcast, so it will be better than DSL, which we had at the old apartment.

With the new furniture and everything else this place actually feels like a home. All of my previous places seemed like a place to live not a home. It is nice to have that “home” feeling. I think the main reason is because we have a lot of space and we actually have like a real living room. Anyways let me know what you think. Since I have the internet back, it’s back to WORK! ]]>
171 2007-03-07 21:52:11 2007-03-08 01:52:11 open open a-look-at-our-new-townhouse publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266987311 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7719 2007-03-07 22:00:53 2007-03-08 02:00:53 1 0 0 7761 2007-03-09 14:31:54 2007-03-09 18:31:54 1 7747 1 7720 2007-03-07 23:12:38 2007-03-08 03:12:38 1 0 0 7747 2007-03-09 01:48:00 2007-03-09 05:48:00 1 0 0 7734 2007-03-08 11:50:56 2007-03-08 15:50:56 1 0 0 7733 2007-03-08 10:43:04 2007-03-08 14:43:04 1 0 0 7738 2007-03-08 16:32:09 2007-03-08 20:32:09 1 0 0 7735 2007-03-08 14:27:06 2007-03-08 18:27:06 1 7733 1
300 – Prepare for Glory! Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:00:29 +0000
Last night I went to the midnight showing of 300. I’m sure most of you have heard of this movie, trailers have scoured the internet and the movie has been all over Myspace. If you have not heard of the move you can check out the trailer here. I was first shown the trailer back in September by my friend Alex who runs FirstShowing. From then on I’ve wanted to see the movie. The trailer really makes you want to go see the movie!

Ok so I’m no movie buff and I really don’t go to see movies at all. The last midnight showing I went to I think was The Matrix. I ordered my tickets online to make sure I got a seat. By 9PM the midnight showing was sold out! So arriving at the movie theatre around 11:15 we were surprised that the theatre was almost full. It was very hard to find 3 seats together. Also there were a ton of people dressed in Spartan outfits! The only other time I’ve seen anyone dressed up to go see a movie was when I went to see Star Wars Episode 1.

The movie starts out telling you about the Spartans and how they are born to be warriors. The way the movie is directed you really get a connection with the characters. You really understand that fighting is what Spartan men were born to do. I’m not going to spoil the movie for anyone, but I will say the movie is graphic, so if you don’t like blood then it might be hard for you to watch. The fight scenes are just amazing. Believe me this movie is worth going to see. Like I said I rarely go and see movies, but this one was really worth it!]]>
172 2007-03-09 14:00:29 2007-03-09 18:00:29 open open 300-%e2%80%93-prepare-for-glory publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266521720 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1256183106;s:7:"retweet";i:1958281138;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 7762 2007-03-09 14:40:39 2007-03-09 18:40:39 1 0 0 7764 2007-03-09 15:30:19 2007-03-09 19:30:19 1 0 0 7766 2007-03-09 18:11:22 2007-03-09 22:11:22 1 0 0 7767 2007-03-09 19:44:10 2007-03-09 23:44:10 1 0 0 7844 2007-03-12 02:39:58 2007-03-12 06:39:58 1 0 0 7887 2007-03-13 09:56:58 2007-03-13 13:56:58 1 0 0 7910 2007-03-14 19:44:41 2007-03-14 23:44:41 1 0 0 7975 2007-03-20 07:12:35 2007-03-20 11:12:35 1 0 0 7823 2007-03-11 14:55:33 2007-03-11 18:55:33 1 0 0
Magazine Advertising Sat, 10 Mar 2007 04:38:48 +0000 Wired magazine. Looking through it I kind of wish I didn’t. Almost half of the magazine was advertisements! The first 11 pages of the magazine were advertisements. I really don’t know that much about magazine advertising, but I guess these ads don’t sell for that much because these magazine companies need to put so many in the magazine. It is really annoying when there is a full page ad in between an article you are reading. Web advertising like Google, Yahoo, or similar ad companies is not even that intrusive. These full page ads are like big pop-ups on a webpage! So it’s like going to a webpage and having 10 pop-ups come up before you can even read anything! Going through the entire magazine there were 75 full page ads out of 182 pages. This is around 41%! That does not include smaller quarter-page and half-page ads, which there were quite a few. I guess you can see why a lot of people prefer to read things online, there are some ads, but there are a hell of a lot less and they are way less intrusive! ]]> 173 2007-03-10 00:38:48 2007-03-10 04:38:48 open open magazine-advertising publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298621 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7774 2007-03-10 01:29:58 2007-03-10 05:29:58 1 0 0 7797 2007-03-10 19:20:08 2007-03-10 23:20:08 1 0 0 7802 2007-03-11 02:33:27 2007-03-11 06:33:27 1 0 0 7845 2007-03-12 02:56:29 2007-03-12 06:56:29 there's almost nothing on it.]]> 1 0 0 7888 2007-03-13 10:00:56 2007-03-13 14:00:56 1 0 0 7780 2007-03-10 06:13:35 2007-03-10 10:13:35 1 0 0 8054 2007-03-25 14:50:40 2007-03-25 18:50:40 1 0 0 7810 2007-03-11 08:25:56 2007-03-11 12:25:56 1 0 0 Wealth TV Mon, 12 Mar 2007 19:08:44 +0000 townhouse we have cable now. I’m not spending all of my time in front of the TV, but usually when we eat we turn it on. We have Armstrong cable, which is basically like Comcast. Looking through the channels I found one called Wealth TV. Wealth TV is a very cool channel that will show you things like how the wealthy live, what you can do to become wealthy, and even proper dinner table etiquette. I enjoy most of the programming on the channel and if your cable / satellite provider offers Wealth TV I would check it out. Also another cool thing is that it is 100% HD. Here is a video about the channel I found on YouTube.

174 2007-03-12 15:08:44 2007-03-12 19:08:44 open open wealth-tv publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917523 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:40:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7893 2007-03-13 21:43:39 2007-03-14 01:43:39 1 0 0
Some Funny Cat Photos Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:26:48 +0000

175 2007-03-14 12:26:48 2007-03-14 16:26:48 open open some-funny-cat-photos publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298635 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1204558359;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 8061 2007-03-26 08:24:49 2007-03-26 12:24:49 1 8052 1 7917 2007-03-15 04:39:01 2007-03-15 08:39:01 1 0 0 7902 2007-03-14 13:19:52 2007-03-14 17:19:52 1 0 0 8122 2007-03-29 07:51:50 2007-03-29 11:51:50 1 0 0 7907 2007-03-14 16:27:00 2007-03-14 20:27:00 1 0 0 7908 2007-03-14 19:12:21 2007-03-14 23:12:21 1 0 0 7914 2007-03-14 23:56:57 2007-03-15 03:56:57 1 0 0 7915 2007-03-15 00:40:09 2007-03-15 04:40:09 1 0 0 7916 2007-03-15 00:56:56 2007-03-15 04:56:56 1 7915 1 8052 2007-03-25 14:43:11 2007-03-25 18:43:11 1 0 0 8093 2007-03-28 09:31:53 2007-03-28 13:31:53 1 0 0
Reviews! And getting caught back up! Thu, 15 Mar 2007 04:53:11 +0000
Well I have been working my ass off trying to catch back up with all of the reviews I need to write. Right now I am writing about 90% of the reviews on ThinkComputers so it is a bit hard to do all that plus all of the other things I am trying to do. Not to mention because of the move I am behind on my reviews, but I am getting caught back up. A lot of the upcoming reviews are big ones. This picture above is from the Lenovo X60 Tablet PC, which will be posted tomorrow on ThinkComputers. We also have some other cool products in like a full PC System from Velocity Micro, LCD from Viewsonic, Motherboard from ASUS, and a new keyboard from Logitech. These larger items do take longer to review, but they are worth it because the traffic is much better for those items. I’ve been pumping out reviews and last week I was writing the review the day it was being posted, which put extra pressure on me to hurry up and finish the review. Now I am ahead so I have 2 reviews done when I am ready to post. This should keep the pressure off and enable me to get some other things done. So that is what’s going on in the world of ThinkComputers.]]>
176 2007-03-15 00:53:11 2007-03-15 04:53:11 open open reviews-and-getting-caught-back-up publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917657 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:65:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7922 2007-03-16 02:13:21 2007-03-16 06:13:21 1 0 0 7928 2007-03-16 15:08:00 2007-03-16 19:08:00 1 0 0 7930 2007-03-16 18:58:14 2007-03-16 22:58:14 1 0 0 7933 2007-03-16 22:18:15 2007-03-17 02:18:15 1 0 0
CSS and Ad Changes to ThinkComputers Sat, 17 Mar 2007 03:25:34 +0000 a while ago I was testing the Google 336 ad placement. I changed the colors to see if it would increase the click through rate. It did to some extent but it was not a huge increase as I would have liked. So a few days ago I went full out and changed all of the ads on the site and the links to the same color. So all of my links, Google ads and ads on the review pages are the same color. I was easily able to update the links on the pages via the CSS. The Google ads were changed by just changing the include file for the Google 336 ad. If you are unsure about what I am talking about check out this post about putting your ad codes in IFRAME’s. The only ad placement I was not able to completely change was the placement. Each ad is individually generated so I would have to go back though all of the ads and change the link color. So only the latest reviews have the link color changes.

So after I changed all the colors I was actually surprised at how well the page looked. It seemed to me to look a lot smoother and more fluid. The ads on the page did not stand out as much and actually seemed to be like part of the review. See this is what I want. Yes ads that stick out get people’s attention, but if the ads on the page actually look like they are supposed to be there people are more likely to click on them. Hopefully this method will increase my click through rate even more and make me more money. Right now the click through rate on the latest reviews has been twice of what it normally was so it seems to be working. I am going to test for a couple of more weeks to see if I’m going to keep things this way. ]]>
177 2007-03-16 23:25:34 2007-03-17 03:25:34 open open css-and-ad-changes-to-thinkcomputers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266793757 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7938 2007-03-17 10:27:18 2007-03-17 14:27:18 1 0 0
The Penguins are staying in Pittsburgh! Sat, 17 Mar 2007 20:26:18 +0000
I’m sure some of you know that I am a huge hockey fan. This all season there had been talks about the Penguins leaving Pittsburgh. There were talks that they might go to Kansas City where a brand new area lay waiting. Mellon Area is the oldest hockey area in the league. A few months ago there was a hearing on who would get the slots license for the Pittsburgh area. The Isle of Capri organization if awarded the license would have given 290 million in private money for a new multi-purpose arena for the penguins. They of course were not awarded the slots license. A lot of people thing this had a lot to do with politics, I mean what local government would turn down 290 million dollars in private money to build a public facility?

So after that announcement many people though the penguins were gone. Penguin’s owners were meeting with officials in Kansas City and a few other cities. No one really heard anything about a deal forming so we still had hope they would stay in Pittsburgh. Then there was a meeting set with Penguins owners and government officials. After the meeting a new arena deal was reached so the penguins would stay in Pittsburgh! The new arena will be built across the street from the current Mello Arena. This new area will keep the Penguins playing in Pittsburgh for the next 30 years!

It’s great to know that the penguins are staying in Pittsburgh because they are playing amazing hockey. After being the worst team in the league last year the pens are 2nd in their division, 4th in the eastern conference, and 8th in the league (out of 30 teams). This young Penguins team reminds me of the 91-92 penguins. I’m not saying they are going to win the Stanley Cup, because they are such a young team, but it is going to be nice to see the Penguins in the playoffs. Something Pittsburgh has not seen in a long time. Check out the video below of some of the highlights from the Penguins season!
179 2007-03-17 16:26:18 2007-03-17 20:26:18 open open the-penguins-are-staying-in-pittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267181825 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:69:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 7944 2007-03-17 23:49:14 2007-03-18 03:49:14 1 0 0 7978 2007-03-20 09:46:35 2007-03-20 13:46:35 1 0 0
Review My Post Sun, 18 Mar 2007 07:39:00 +0000 end of December I talked about PayPerPost and how you could easily make money blogging about various topics. Now PayPerPost has a really cool service that I want to tell you about, it is called Review My Post. It is a form of blog marketing that pays YOU every time someone signs up for the service and reviews a post on your blog.

This sounds to good to be true right? We it isn’t all you have to do if you are already a PayPerPost member is go into the affiliate tools section and then click on Review My Post. You are brought to a page that gives you a code to put an image into every one of your posts. Here is the image and link below:

This is great for bloggers who like to write about what they want to talk about, because with PayPerPost you have to write about a specific to get paid. All you have to do with review my post is ad the image and link in your post and wait for people to review your posts! Also when people review your posts this will generate more links back to your site. And as I always so every link counts! So if you are not signed up for PayPerPost check it out and try out review my post, I will be trying it too!

180 2007-03-18 03:39:00 2007-03-18 07:39:00 open open review-my-post publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266923881 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Lenovo ThinkPad X60 Tablet PC Review Mon, 19 Mar 2007 20:54:23 +0000 review on ThinkComputers!

181 2007-03-19 16:54:23 2007-03-19 20:54:23 open open lenovo-thinkpad-x60-tablet-pc-review publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266551793 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1192127989;s:7:"retweet";i:1179938246;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 7990 2007-03-21 03:19:37 2007-03-21 07:19:37 1 7970 1 8092 2007-03-28 09:30:17 2007-03-28 13:30:17 1 0 0 7970 2007-03-19 23:38:12 2007-03-20 03:38:12 1 0 0 7984 2007-03-20 15:05:54 2007-03-20 19:05:54 1 7970 0
There are Bloggers in Pittsburgh! Wed, 21 Mar 2007 07:47:37 +0000 website. I was surprised to see how many bloggers there are around the Pittsburgh area. Pittsburgh is not really a huge tech city, but of course not many of these blogs have anything to do with technology. Most of them are more like personal journals or about sports (Go Pens!). But it is very interesting to see what other people in the Pittsburgh area are up to. I submitted my blog about a week ago and now it is listed. Getting your blog listed get’s you a few things. First it is linked on the side of the page and they make a post saying you are a new blog. These are 2 nice link backs, but even better they list all of your headlines. That is why there is always one Technorati link to each one of my posts. The site is really cool and hopefully I will meet some cool bloggers in the Pittsburgh area.]]> 182 2007-03-21 03:47:37 2007-03-21 07:47:37 open open there-are-bloggers-in-pittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264866 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1212624918;s:7:"retweet";i:1190214547;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 dnScoop - All in one Domain Check Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:59:23 +0000
Well the other day my girlfriend Ashley told me that ThinkComputers was worth $116,560. She was checking out this site called dnScoop. Their slogan is, “All in one Domain Check”. A lot of sites will give you certain information like page rank or traffic rank, but dnScoop gives you a ton of information.

First up you it will give you the age of your domain. Man I’ve had for almost 6 years! Next is the page rank check, ThinkComputers has a page rank of 5. Below that is your inbound links. This number is found by using Yahoo Site Explorer, so it is only the incoming links that are indexed in Yahoo.

Next there is your Alexa traffic ranking and graph which is of course pulled from Alexa. Now we have indexed pages. This is the number of pages these search engines have indexed. I was really surprised to see that only 260 pages were indexed on Google compared to the others. The HTTP status section will give you various information about your domain.

Finally you have your Site Value report, which is a figure that is determined by domain age, Alexa rank, incoming links etc. ThinkComputers is said to be worth $116,560. In reality I would not be able to see it for that much, probably not even half! You are also given how much Text-Link-Ads would sell for on your site and if you had 8 links sold how much extra it would make you each month. I bet after people see that they might signup for Text-Link-Ads. Good thing dnScoop has a nice affiliate link there! You are also given a code to but a button on your site that shows how much it is worth.

Well some of you might not be impressed with dnScoop, but it gives you all the information you want all in 1 page. A lot of people frequently check their Alexa, page rank, etc. so it is nice to have everything all in once place, where it is easy to check. If you know of any similar sites let me know! ]]>
183 2007-03-22 07:59:23 2007-03-22 11:59:23 open open dnscoop-all-in-one-domain-check publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267188254 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8027 2007-03-23 08:07:51 2007-03-23 12:07:51 1 0 0 8184 2007-03-31 21:37:38 2007-04-01 01:37:38 1 0 0 8009 2007-03-22 09:26:29 2007-03-22 13:26:29 1 0 0 8034 2007-03-24 06:10:43 2007-03-24 10:10:43 1 0 0 8013 2007-03-22 11:16:45 2007-03-22 15:16:45 1 0 0 8016 2007-03-22 16:17:54 2007-03-22 20:17:54 1 0 0 8017 2007-03-22 17:27:41 2007-03-22 21:27:41 1 0 0 8553 2007-04-17 00:39:06 2007-04-17 04:39:06 1 0 0 39500 2009-09-30 06:06:42 2009-09-30 10:06:42 – a free tool that provides a nice summary of the website performance.The estimation provided by estimix is the result of a complex analysis based on factors like: the age of the website, the demographic structure of the traffic, the countries where the website is popular and sources of the traffic.]]> 1 0 0
Intro to Affiliate Marketing Sat, 24 Mar 2007 03:06:15 +0000
A lot of people do not selling things for a commission, but a lot of these products give you at least a 50% commission, with up to a 75% commission. So even 50% of $10 is $5, which some sites don’t even make in a week. A lot of the products sell for a lot more than $10, eBook’s sell for well over $50 each.

So you decide you want to try this affiliate marketing thing. Well where do you start? Here is a list of the top paying affiliate marketing sites:

Commission Junction

There are others, but those are the best ones out there. So now that you are signed up with one of these you have to create a pitch site right? Wrong! Most affiliate marketing sites will have the pitch page already made up for you. All you need to do is get the link that tracks you to that affiliate’s page. Here is an example (aff). You can see how the link goes to a site that is selling Satellite TV for the PC. That is basics of affiliate marketing. Later I will give you some tips on how to actually sell these products. Hope this was helpful!]]>
184 2007-03-23 23:06:15 2007-03-24 03:06:15 open open intro-to-affiliate-marketing publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267161500 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1195228551;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 8043 2007-03-24 14:37:15 2007-03-24 18:37:15 1 0 0 8110 2007-03-28 21:47:47 2007-03-29 01:47:47 1 0 0 8033 2007-03-24 03:17:46 2007-03-24 07:17:46 1 0 0 8053 2007-03-25 14:46:58 2007-03-25 18:46:58 1 8033 0 8060 2007-03-26 08:23:59 2007-03-26 12:23:59 1 8033 1
Lunch and a Movie Wed, 28 Mar 2007 13:33:27 +0000 ThinkComputers I am doing almost all of the reviews. My two other guys are really busy with school / personal life to do any reviews so I’m stuck with all of the reviews for now. I am looking for new reviewers, so stay tuned for a blog post about that. Also I am working on some other projects and my blog is not as important right now, but as I always say I hope to keep it updated! Because both Ashley and I are very busy, we do not have a lot of time to spend together. While we do live together, spending time and living together are 2 different things. So yesterday we took some time together to go see a movie and go to lunch. We just moved out to the Cranberry / Wexford area so we wanted to explore some of the local places. We ended up at Carmike Cinemas, which is only a 5 minute drive down the road. We went to the 1PM show. I really like going to the afternoon shows for two reasons. One it is way less crowded, and two it’s much cheaper. We went to go see Premonition starring Sandra Bullock. The movie was not that bad, but nothing that great. I really did not like the ending, but oh well.

Next we were looking for a place to eat and in the same plaza was Dynasty Chinese Buffet. Since Ashley and I love Chinese buffet’s we decided to check it out. Upon going inside we were amazed at how nice it was inside, there were ponds with real turtles inside of them, waterfalls, and crazy lighting. Dynasty claims to be PA’s largest and greatest oriental buffet. Well besides the two buffet’s Ashley and I ate at in Las Vegas this was the biggest one we have been to. There were 7 buffet stands, with one shaped as a ship! The food was very good and the sushi was actually fresh. We went for lunch so we didn’t get to see all what dinner had to offer. We will definitely be going back there very soon! Sorry about the bad quality picture, it was taken with a cameraphone. Next time we go back there I will bring my digital camera. ]]>
185 2007-03-28 09:33:27 2007-03-28 13:33:27 open open lunch-and-a-movie publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267268444 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8115 2007-03-29 03:39:02 2007-03-29 07:39:02 1 0 0 8101 2007-03-28 15:48:02 2007-03-28 19:48:02 1 0 0 8179 2007-03-31 13:34:47 2007-03-31 17:34:47 1 0 0 8152 2007-03-30 14:47:22 2007-03-30 18:47:22 1 0 0 8175 2007-03-31 11:30:49 2007-03-31 15:30:49 1 8152 1
Best Home Workstation Contest Thu, 29 Mar 2007 16:23:58 +0000 Shawn’s Blog today and I noticed he had a picture of his home workstation setup. The reason for that is Gary Lee is hosting a best home workstation contest. I’ve seen some extremely nice setups so hopefully some people will like my setup. I was never really proud of my setup before, but since Ashley and I both work from home we need a home office. Well now that we have moved into our new townhouse we have a brand new office. Here is our setup...

As you can see it is very nice and actually organized. My system is on the right and Ashley’s is on the left. Here is some info on my machine: ASUS P5N-E SLI Motherboard, Sapphire X1900 XT Video Card, Intel Core 2 Duo E6400, Crucial 10th Anniversary 2GB PC2-5300 Memory, 2x 320GB SATA hard drives, Benq DVD +- R lightscribe burner, Thermaltake Soprano DX Case, Dell 2005FPW 20.1-inch widescreen LCD, Saitek Eclipse II keyboard, Logitech MX revolution mouse, and the Altec Lansing FX5051 5.1 speaker system. Ashley’s system: EVGA 122-CK-NF68-TR 680i SLI Motherboard, Intel Core 2 Duo E6400, XFX 7600GT Video Card, OCZ 2GB PC2-6400 Special Ops Memory, 320GB SATA drive, Lite-On Lightscribe DVD burner, Thermaltake Soprano White case, ACER 26-inch widescreen monitor, Saitek Eclipse II keyboard, Logitech MX310 mouse, and the Logitech Z-10 speakers.

As you can see our systems are very much alike. Ashley also has a Macbook and I have a Dell XPS M1210 laptop (not pictured). We have matching Ikea desks that when placed together create what you see in the above photo. In the center of the desks we have our printer/copier/scanner and wireless router. I think this office really kicks the old one's ass. And hey we have a big window to look out of and spy on people!]]>
186 2007-03-29 12:23:58 2007-03-29 16:23:58 open open best-home-workstation-contest publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267059800 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8129 2007-03-29 12:48:49 2007-03-29 16:48:49 1 0 0 8135 2007-03-29 15:45:54 2007-03-29 19:45:54 1 0 0 8142 2007-03-29 23:42:14 2007-03-30 03:42:14 1 0 0 8151 http://http:/ 2007-03-30 14:02:47 2007-03-30 18:02:47 1 0 0 8171 2007-03-31 11:16:28 2007-03-31 15:16:28 1 0 0 8174 2007-03-31 11:28:36 2007-03-31 15:28:36 1 8135 1
Stay Motivated! Fri, 30 Mar 2007 16:51:56 +0000
Setting Goals - I try to set daily, weekly, and monthly goals. The daily goals are more like lists of things that I want to get done that day. The list keeps me on track and also reminds me of what I need to get done. Weekly goals are like a list but have a number value like, "Have 5 reviews posted on ThinkComputers" or something to that effect. My monthly goals are somewhat the same as my weekly goals, but they also contain things that can take up to a month to complete.

Working Towards Something - This is another great way to stay motivated. Do you want that brand new car, video game, laptop, etc? What better way to stay motivated than working towards the goal of getting what you want. Of course your goal could be to be to have financial freedom, but that is more like a lifetime goal. Working towards small things like a new cell phone, laptop, etc should help you stay motivated.

Wanting to better your business - When ThinkComputers started I never imagined it would be what it is today, but I am always trying to make it better. Some things to "better the business" for ThinkComputers would be to try and make it more respected in the industry, get more sponsors, and put out quality reviews. If you care about your business and continually strive to make it better it will succeed.

Not getting discouraged easily - Some websites that I have started have failed and some are struggling, but I always try to stay positive, because I do have successful websites that are keeping me from working the 9-5 job. When something goes wrong I try to stay positive and work through the problems rather than giving up.

Being "Hungry" - Well if you are anything like me there are things that you imagine having, that nice car, luxury boat, etc. In reality many of us may not get these things, but it is always good to stay "hungry" to have such things. Being "hungry" basically means you want more than what you currently are making. Believe me I'm HUNGRY!

Hopefully this information is helpful to all the website owners out there and can help them get through some tough times. Being motivated has really helped me out a lot in my endeavors. ]]>
187 2007-03-30 12:51:56 2007-03-30 16:51:56 open open stay-motivated publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266953748 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8242 2007-04-03 09:54:45 2007-04-03 13:54:45 1 0 0 8160 2007-03-30 22:47:35 2007-03-31 02:47:35 1 0 0 8154 2007-03-30 17:48:39 2007-03-30 21:48:39 1 0 0 8172 2007-03-31 11:26:58 2007-03-31 15:26:58 1 8160 1 8173 2007-03-31 11:27:34 2007-03-31 15:27:34 1 8154 1 8180 2007-03-31 14:14:35 2007-03-31 18:14:35 Dugg]]> 1 0 0
New Advertiser on ThinkComputers Sat, 31 Mar 2007 15:24:59 +0000 ThinkComputers has just picked up a new advertiser, They bought the 468X60 top placement for April and May. Cableorganizer offers a ton of different products to help you organize your cables! From home to business solutions they have it all. And not just simple things like wire loom and sleeving they have data center racks, wire ducts, and cable tray systems. If you need any type of cable organization, whether it be at your house or business I would check out CableOrganizer. I might get some sleeving so my cats stop eating my wires! Also if anyone is interested in advertising on ThinkComputers we still have 728X90, 160X600, and 125X125 ad placements available. Shoot me an e-mail if you are interested.]]> 188 2007-03-31 11:24:59 2007-03-31 15:24:59 open open new-advertiser-on-thinkcomputers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267302242 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8181 2007-03-31 16:47:36 2007-03-31 20:47:36 1 0 0 Timeshare…How about a DreamShare Mon, 02 Apr 2007 15:59:58 +0000
We all know what a timeshare is, but how about a DreamShare. Gotham Dream Cars is calling their new timeshare membership program DreamShare. Gotham Dream Cars is a car rental company, but not you’re typical rental company. They only rent what they call “exotic” cars. Unlike other exotic car rental companies they only offer what they call exotic. These are not Vipers or even Mercedes, they are Ferrari’s, Lamborghini’s, and Aston Martin’s. Their fleet of cars include...

Aston Martin Vanquish Bentley Continental GT
Bentley Continental GTC
Bentley Continental Flying Spur
Corvette Z06
Ferrari F430
Ferrari 360 Spider
Ford GT
Lamborghini Murciélago
Lamborghini Gallardo
Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder
Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet

With this exclusive line of cars they offer the largest “ultra-exotic” club fleet in the country. The DreamShare program was created for frequent drivers to have access to their entire fleet at discounted rates. The program is based on blocks points. These points are exchanged for use of their vehicles at any time, in any city. Before I continue you may be thinking what’s the point to renting a car like that, or why not just buy one. Well for one most of these cars are extremely expensive and it’s not like you are going to be driving this type of car everyday. These types of cars are made for special occasions. Also when you have this type of car they take a lot to maintain and need to be stored properly. So for all of these reasons it is just easier to rent.

There are 3 different membership levels...

Platinum - Designed for recreational drivers who desire the benefits of discounted vehicle access and our white-glove DreamShare service. The cost to join as a Platinum member is $9,000 and includes points that can be exchanged for up to 20 days of driving.

Titanium - Receive a greater discount for more driving time. The cost to join as a Titanium member is $18,000 and includes points that can be exchanged for up to 45 driving days.

Elite - Our highest level offering. You receive the most points at the lowest per-point cost available to any customer. The cost to join as an Elite member is $27,000 and includes points that can be exchanged for up to 90 driving days.

Besides just being able to rent vehicles Gotham Dream Cars offer a 10,000 sqft. clubhouse, which is only 10 minutes from Manhattan. In the clubhouse you can exercise with the on-site fitness equipment, take a shower, do some laundry, play a game of pool or ping-pong, watch TV or DVDs on the 50” High Definition Plasma set, or pick up a controller and play the latest XBOX 360, Nintendo Wii, or PlayStation 3 games! ]]>
189 2007-04-02 11:59:58 2007-04-02 15:59:58 open open timeshare%e2%80%a6how-about-a-dreamshare publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267268945 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:71:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8223 2007-04-02 22:55:17 2007-04-03 02:55:17 1 0 0 8224 2007-04-02 23:24:52 2007-04-03 03:24:52 1 0 0 8225 2007-04-02 23:39:38 2007-04-03 03:39:38 1 8217 1 8227 2007-04-03 00:23:02 2007-04-03 04:23:02 1 0 0 8231 2007-04-03 01:52:16 2007-04-03 05:52:16 1 0 0 8217 2007-04-02 17:41:03 2007-04-02 21:41:03 1 0 0 8241 2007-04-03 09:53:29 2007-04-03 13:53:29 1 0 0 8214 2007-04-02 14:17:10 2007-04-02 18:17:10 1 0 0 23127 2008-05-04 14:29:10 2008-05-04 18:29:10 1 0 0 22036 2008-04-10 18:08:55 2008-04-10 22:08:55 1 0 0 22035 2008-04-10 18:06:20 2008-04-10 22:06:20 1 0 0 22992 2008-04-30 09:58:42 2008-04-30 13:58:42 1 0 0 22696 2008-04-23 20:59:06 2008-04-24 00:59:06 1 0 0
LongHorn Steakhouse Tue, 03 Apr 2007 03:34:11 +0000 So we went out and were looking for a place to eat and we ended up at LongHorn Steakhouse. The reason we went there is for one I love steaks and two I’ve never heard of LongHorn Steakhouse, but apparently they are all over the east cost. The inside of the steakhouse has a western theme, like a lot of steakhouses. It was lunchtime so it was not that packed inside. Looking at the menu there was a lot that I actually thought would be good. This does not happen often because I am usually very picky. Ashley I both started out with some french onion soup. The soup was ok, but I’ve had better other places. For Ashley’s main course she had the chicken fingers (which she gets almost everywhere we go). For my main course I had the bacon wrapped filet, which is a 9 oz. filet wrapped in peppered bacon. It was good, cooked perfectly as well. I also got a baked potato with my filet.
Overall the food was good, but nothing to rave about. I would have to go there again and try something else to really get a good feel to how the food is. The atmosphere was good and it sort of made me forget we were in PA. Anyone know any other places in Cranberry that are worth checking out?]]>
190 2007-04-02 23:34:11 2007-04-03 03:34:11 open open longhorn-steakhouse publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267128165 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8226 2007-04-03 00:19:31 2007-04-03 04:19:31 1 0 0 8229 2007-04-03 00:53:43 2007-04-03 04:53:43 1 8226 1 8232 2007-04-03 01:54:51 2007-04-03 05:54:51 1 0 0 8240 2007-04-03 09:49:05 2007-04-03 13:49:05 1 0 0 8248 2007-04-03 13:46:04 2007-04-03 17:46:04 1 8229 0 8237 2007-04-03 04:47:40 2007-04-03 08:47:40 1 0 0
Busy day so here are some links Tue, 03 Apr 2007 17:24:38 +0000
Fireplace with build-in iPod station & speakers
Bad day at the office?
ViewSonic VX2235wm 22-inch HD Widescreen Monitor Review
Shawn has another picture for his daily ownage section
Halo 300!

Enjoy the links!]]>
191 2007-04-03 13:24:38 2007-04-03 17:24:38 open open busy-day-so-here-are-some-links publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180930 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8250 2007-04-03 15:32:03 2007-04-03 19:32:03 1 0 0 2007 T-Shirt Design Contest Thu, 05 Apr 2007 00:02:16 +0000 Shawn is hosting a T-Shirt contest for his site is just like ThinkComputers, it is a computer hardware review site. Well OCIA is having a contest where you can win $100 via Paypal by creating an OCIA T-Shirt logo for them to use. Here is a link to the contest thread, but I will fill you in on some of the details.

Shawn will be accepting designs in both black and white versions. You will only have till April 18th to submit your designs. To submit your design all you have to do is reply to the thread with your design. Right now there are no entries so it’s anyone’s game. If you have any skills in Photoshop or graphic design then I would go ahead and enter the contest. $100 is a great prize, I’ve gotten logo’s made for only $20 on some forums so $100 is well worth the time it will take to make a T-shirt logo. Good Luck! ]]>
192 2007-04-04 20:02:16 2007-04-05 00:02:16 open open ocianet-2007-t-shirt-design-contest publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267293549 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8267 2007-04-04 20:07:41 2007-04-05 00:07:41 1 0 0
The Waterfront and Yokoso! Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:15:26 +0000 Dave & Buster’s. For lunch we decided on Yokoso! Japanese Steak House because Ashley and I love Japanese food!

Since it was such a nice day we were able to eat outside. Well I’ll start with Ashley’s meal. She got the most expensive thing on the menu! It was the Seafood Lover’s Combo, which is scallops, shrimp, and Lobster. The meal also came with fried rice and cooked vegetables. All this for a whopping $32.50!

I decided on the Steak & Shrimp which is NY Strip steak and of course shrimp. My meal also came with fried rice and cooked vegetables. Both meals also included salad with ginger dressing and soup. Does anyone know how to make ginger dressing? It is the only dressing I like! My meal was $25.50.

The food was very good, but not the best Japanese place that I have been to. The best still is Sapporo Japanese Steakhouse. Still I have to give a thumbs up to Yokoso! for having tables outside. Easting outside is very relaxing especially on a nice day like yesterday was and not many places in Pittsburgh have an outside eating area.]]>
193 2007-04-05 00:15:26 2007-04-05 04:15:26 open open the-waterfront-and-yokoso publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266996209 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:4:{i:1181646523;s:7:"retweet";i:1963800198;s:7:"retweet";i:1958955876;s:7:"retweet";i:1954298550;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 7 8296 2007-04-05 22:37:13 2007-04-06 02:37:13 1 0 0 8287 2007-04-05 15:09:16 2007-04-05 19:09:16 1 8282 0 8282 2007-04-05 13:38:37 2007-04-05 17:38:37 1 8270 1 8270 2007-04-05 02:01:48 2007-04-05 06:01:48 1 0 0 8272 2007-04-05 03:22:05 2007-04-05 07:22:05 1 0 0 8281 2007-04-05 13:38:02 2007-04-05 17:38:02 1 8272 1 27322 2008-09-28 18:25:41 2008-09-28 22:25:41 1 0 0 27459 2008-10-04 18:17:41 2008-10-04 22:17:41 1 0 0
RSS or Bookmarks? Thu, 05 Apr 2007 17:25:30 +0000
So since I recently reformatted my computer I have been using bookmarks. They are easy to keep organized, but do not tell me if someone has updated their blog. That is not such a big deal to me since most of the blogs I visit are updated each day. Going to someone’s blog instead of reading the RSS sort of brings you into their world. Their blog design, layout, etc lets you know that you are at their page reading their blog, rather then reading some text from Google Reader. So everyone RSS or bookmarks?]]>
194 2007-04-05 13:25:30 2007-04-05 17:25:30 open open rss-or-bookmarks publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223363 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8289 2007-04-05 16:57:30 2007-04-05 20:57:30 1 0 0 8326 2007-04-08 01:51:14 2007-04-08 05:51:14 1 0 0 8288 2007-04-05 15:30:41 2007-04-05 19:30:41 1 0 0 8286 2007-04-05 15:07:29 2007-04-05 19:07:29 1 0 0 8285 2007-04-05 15:01:18 2007-04-05 19:01:18 1 0 0 8291 2007-04-05 18:27:44 2007-04-05 22:27:44 1 0 0 8292 2007-04-05 19:58:13 2007-04-05 23:58:13 1 0 0
ThinkComputers is looking for new staff members! Fri, 06 Apr 2007 04:10:44 +0000 ThinkComputers is looking for new staff members. Below is all the info, any links to this post or repostage is appreciated! is looking for more staff. We are looking for more writers and reviewers.

Who we are: is a comprehensive hardware review site. We have reviewed well over 550 computer related products, including cases, video cards, keyboards, etc. We have daily site updates including new reviews, articles, guides, and affiliate news. We have many great sponsors sending us their latest products. Some of these sponsors include; Logitech, Corsair, ASUS, ViewSonic, Antec, Saitek, and OCZ. We pride ourselves on publishing in-depth comprehensive reviews and articles.

What we are looking for: We are looking for someone who has a real interest in computers and technology. Who can provide us with a great writing ability and an understanding of technology. A person who can be very active with the site and give us good results with the tasks given to them. We want someone who can be truly dedicated to the site, and not slack off. Although we would like to offer this position to everyone we have some requirements.

- At least 18 years of age or older
- Valid photo ID or drivers license
- Must live within the United States
- High Speed internet Connection
- Have a digital camera, at least 2.0MP or higher
- Have the time to write reviews (our turn over time is 2 weeks from when we receive the product)
- Stay active
- Be part of our forums and stay active in them
- Have a ThinkComputers blog which is updated at least once a week

What you get: Being a part of there are some privileges that you receive. The biggest one being you get to keep the all the hardware that you review. This introductory position is not paid, so you get paid in free hardware. If you are a loyal staff member for 6 months there is the possibility of getting paid if you prove yourself to us. As a ThinkComputers staff member you will receive free press passes to the events that we are invited to (CES, E3, Cebit, etc). Also part of your expenses at these events will be paid for.

If you are interested in this position or want more information on it, please send an e-mail with your resume and sample writing to We are looking for serious people only so please don’t waste our time.]]>
195 2007-04-06 00:10:44 2007-04-06 04:10:44 open open thinkcomputers-is-looking-for-new-staff-members publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267257670 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:78:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8334 2007-04-08 20:43:51 2007-04-09 00:43:51 1 0 0 8404 2007-04-11 16:48:51 2007-04-11 20:48:51 1 8334 1 8311 2007-04-06 18:23:28 2007-04-06 22:23:28 1 0 0 8911 2007-05-06 16:51:24 2007-05-06 20:51:24 1 0 0
Another Contest from John Chow Fri, 06 Apr 2007 23:06:41 +0000
Well it looks like my buddy John, or as some of you may know him as the root of all evil is having another contest. This time he is giving away a Microsoft Zune media player. Not bad eh? This is not an old Zune that he has been using for a few months, it’s brand new! So how do you enter the contest? All you have to do is write a post in your blog about the contest linking back to it! Easy enough right?

While you are at John’s blog be sure to check out some of his posts. He has tons of information and advice on how to make money on the internet. And I’m sure all of you want to do that and quit your day job! Good Luck! ]]>
196 2007-04-06 19:06:41 2007-04-06 23:06:41 open open another-contest-from-john-chow publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180914 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8335 2007-04-08 20:44:35 2007-04-09 00:44:35 1 0 0 8339 2007-04-08 23:01:38 2007-04-09 03:01:38 1 0 0 8791 2007-05-01 08:44:01 2007-05-01 12:44:01 winning a free DS Lite?]]> 1 0 0 8784 2007-04-30 22:26:34 2007-05-01 02:26:34 1 0 0 8776 2007-04-30 07:10:09 2007-04-30 11:10:09 $50 Link Contest Best, Pbanker]]> 1 0 0
Busy Weekend! Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:16:23 +0000 favorite video game easter eggs over at ThinkGaming. Make sure you check it out and digg it too! Of course I went to the parents for the family dinner. It was good to see my relatives and eat a nice home cooked meal. My mom always makes great food so you can’t pass it up! Finally most of my day today was taken up by testing video cards. I just posted the review of the ASUS EAX1950PRO video card on ThinkComputers so check that out as well. Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend, its back to work for me!]]> 197 2007-04-08 23:16:23 2007-04-09 03:16:23 open open busy-weekend publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961441 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 ThinkGaming gets a Digg! Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:09:49 +0000 favorite video game easter eggs article made the front page of digg. Now ThinkComputers can take a digg without a problem, but TG is based off wordpress which uses a mysql database. ThinkComputers does not use a database at all. My setup is just one server for both http and sql so the box got overloaded. I will be purchasing a second server and have them load balanced.

The digg was a good test to see just how well the server could handle things. I was 90% sure the article would make it to that front page. Here were a few reasons.

Well it was Easter! Just look at the title, people are definitely gonna digg it just because of the title and its easter!

There was no other story like it. I checked digg before I submitted the story. It’s pointless to try to submit a story if there are duplicates. Luckily no one had thought of the idea. Not very often that happens on the internet!

The last thing that gave me an edge was that the story was not the best game easter eggs of all time (there are tons of articles like that), it was a list of my favorite that I actually experienced. This sort of personal feel to the story will bring back memories for other gamers of their favorite easter eggs and they will digg it just for that. You can see in the comments a lot of people were pointing out their favorites.

Hopefully this digg will get ThinkGaming some return visitors. Now I just have to think of more interesting articles to write! ]]>
198 2007-04-09 23:09:49 2007-04-10 03:09:49 open open thinkgaming-gets-a-digg publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267044379 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8367 2007-04-10 07:13:46 2007-04-10 11:13:46 1 0 0 8368 2007-04-10 09:04:57 2007-04-10 13:04:57 1 0 0 8359 2007-04-10 01:50:44 2007-04-10 05:50:44 1 0 0 8375 2007-04-10 11:24:23 2007-04-10 15:24:23 1 0 0 8580 2007-04-18 02:53:36 2007-04-18 06:53:36 1 0 0 8402 2007-04-11 12:52:11 2007-04-11 16:52:11 1 0 0 23276 2008-05-10 17:12:04 2008-05-10 21:12:04 1 0 0
The Digg Effect Wed, 11 Apr 2007 20:43:59 +0000 ThinkGaming. Well first off ThinkGaming was barely doing any real traffic, maybe about 100 uniques a day. That is mainly because I haven’t had much time to work on it and it was mostly news posts no real articles or anything like that.

As you can see from the graph above the Digg caused a huge traffic spike. Over 16,000 uniques in one day. That is sure a big boost from 100 uniques a day! Getting digg’s is always a great way for traffic, but they do not happen that often. You really have to rely on good content and constant content. If you want to have good constant traffic you have to keep your site updated. This has been the hard part with ThinkGaming. Right now I am running ThinkComputers, ThinkGaming, and one other site along with this blog. I am the only one doing all of the work so I have to post all the news, do all the reviews, respond to e-mails etc. I have to do this and still make time for my girlfriend and some free time! Let’s just say this is a hard thing to do!

Since the digg I have been managing to keep ThinkGaming updated. I have been making around 2 posts a day, which is nothing compared to the larger gaming sites, but hey I’m one person! Hopefully these constant updates will keep people coming back. I also plan to write at least 3 – 4 articles a month. Let’s see if I can keep that goal!]]>
199 2007-04-11 16:43:59 2007-04-11 20:43:59 open open the-digg-effect publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267042689 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8432 2007-04-12 22:37:53 2007-04-13 02:37:53 1 0 0
Vote for a new Star Wars Stamp Thu, 12 Apr 2007 00:56:20 +0000
Last week when Ashley and I were down at the Waterfront I walked by a mailbox and I had to do a double take. When I looked for the second time I was like, “It’s R2D2!!”. Ashley was wondering why I was so excited. Of course she is not a Star Wars fan like I am. Luckily I had my camera with me so I got a shot of the mailbox, which you see above. The mailbox had a URL on it So when we got home I went to the site and saw what it was all about. So it looks like the US postal service is going to come out with a Star Wars stamp.

The cool thing about it is you get to pick out of 15 stamps for the one that will actually become the real stamp. This is the second time in history that the USPS has let people choose which stamp they will issue. Also USPS is offering Star Wars express mail pre-paid 3 packs. There is also a sweepstakes where you can win a grand prize VIP trip for four to Star Wars Celebration IV in Los Angeles, May 24-28. The new Star Was stamp will be available at your local post office on May 25 and online at You can vote once daily for the stamp you like. My pick is the X-Wing Starfighter what is yours?]]>
200 2007-04-11 20:56:20 2007-04-12 00:56:20 open open vote-for-a-new-star-wars-stamp publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267195169 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1198343098;s:7:"retweet";i:1198168707;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 8476 2007-04-14 11:36:50 2007-04-14 15:36:50 1 0 0 8552 2007-04-16 21:58:42 2007-04-17 01:58:42 1 0 0 8588 2007-04-18 13:00:26 2007-04-18 17:00:26 1 0 0
Text Link Ads Thu, 12 Apr 2007 22:19:05 +0000 Text Link Ads last night. To my surprise my site was instantly approved. I’ve heard of a lot of other blogs have had a hard time getting accepted. Maybe I’m just lucky? Anyways after I was accepted I had to get the ad code to put on my site. Text Link Ads makes it really easy for anyone to get the ad code working on their site. Whether you are using Wordpress or Blogger they make it extremely easy to do. Of course this site uses Wordpress so I selected that. From there are you asked how many links you want, link color, background color, and border color. After you set these values you are given a Wordpress plugin to download. Just go ahead and upload the plugin to your Wordpress plugins directory. Then just go into your dashboard and enable the plugin. Finally add <?php tla_ads(); ?> into your side bar. It’s that easy! One reason I really like Text Link Ads is that they are not obtrusive like banner ads or contextual ads. They are off to the side of the page and really do not get in the way of your reading. If you are interested in buying a featured link on my site you can do that for free! That’s right Text Link Ads is giving away $100 in free text links! You can click here to signup or click on the banner below.
Text Link Ads
Another good thing about Text Link Ads is that they go out and get advertisers. You just sit back and collect the money. This is great because I’m way to busy as it is! They just get a cut of what they sell the links on your site for. That’s fine with me because I did nothing!If you want to signup for Text Link Ads you can do that here. Everything from signing up to implementing the ad code has been very easy. Good Luck!
Text Link Ads
201 2007-04-12 18:19:05 2007-04-12 22:19:05 open open text-link-ads publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223369 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1422218864;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 8453 2007-04-13 14:24:59 2007-04-13 18:24:59 1 0 0 8433 2007-04-12 22:40:48 2007-04-13 02:40:48 1 0 0
Quit Looking for Instant Results! Sat, 14 Apr 2007 01:11:01 +0000 Maybe it’s because a lot of people myself included make it sound so easy. It’s not easy, but in my opinion it’s much easier than working a 9-5 job and doing something that you do not enjoy doing. Plus I don’t really have a schedule and some days I don’t have to do anything. But hey that’s not what this post is about. This post is about instant results. I think everyone including myself is looking for the get rich quick scheme and many people think that the internet is it. People start sites and expect to be quitting their jobs the next month. Really it’s not that simple and a lot of these people will give up on their idea because at first they are not making that much money if any at all. These people do not realize that on the internet your website is not going to become popular overnight and it can take months, even years for it to become profitable. I started ThinkComputers in 2001 and it did not turn a profit until 2005. This is where these people need to do the internet as a hobby and see where it goes from there. Do not expect to make a ton of money real quick and don’t expect to quit your day job. If you work hard and are lucky enough you will eventually be able to quit your job. It’s just that you cannot give up and hell it’s not costing you that much to maintain your website I’m sure. So with everything said don’t expect instant results just stay focused, work hard, and one day you just might be able to quit that day job. Good Luck!]]> 202 2007-04-13 21:11:01 2007-04-14 01:11:01 open open quit-looking-for-instant-results publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180961 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:4:{i:1291612358;s:7:"retweet";i:1281490319;s:7:"retweet";i:1280635154;s:7:"retweet";i:1953377509;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 6 8474 2007-04-14 10:44:13 2007-04-14 14:44:13 1 0 0 8473 2007-04-14 10:03:45 2007-04-14 14:03:45 1 0 0 8465 2007-04-14 05:22:03 2007-04-14 09:22:03 1 0 0 8488 2007-04-14 20:29:06 2007-04-15 00:29:06 1 0 0 8467 2007-04-14 06:37:41 2007-04-14 10:37:41 1 8465 0 Some Advice for the Penguins Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:00:34 +0000 Well as a lot of you know I’m a big hockey fan and I can’t be more excited for the 2007 Stanley Cup playoffs, not to mention that the Penguins are actually in them! It’s been a while since the Pens have been in the playoffs so of course I’m real excited. Watching the first game on Wednesday I was very disappointed in the penguins. They did not come out to play at all. They were completely outplayed by the Senator’s the entire game. The Senators are a great team, but we have beaten them before in the regular season so I expected the game to be close, not a 6-3 blowout.The penguins were just outplayed, and the Senators know what it’s like to play in the playoffs. Almost all of the penguin players except for a few have never played in a playoff game. Playoff’s are so different from the regular season because its do or die. The hitting picks up, the skating is faster, basically its way more intense. Most of the penguins came out like it was just another regular season game. Not until the middle of the second period did I really see the Penguins pick it up. By then it was already too late. For Saturday’s game the pens have to come out hard, finish their checks, and take the extra effort. Playoff hockey is much more grittier and we cannot rely on just skills to get us through the playoffs. I really do not want to see us go out in the first round. Well good luck Pens!!!]]> 203 2007-04-14 00:00:34 2007-04-14 04:00:34 open open some-advice-for-the-penguins publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267130158 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1213710759;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 8464 2007-04-14 05:06:43 2007-04-14 09:06:43 1 0 0 The Logitech diNovo Edge Wireless Keyboard Sat, 14 Apr 2007 22:17:42 +0000 diNovo Edge Wireless Keyboard. This keyboard is so sleek and hell it’s thinner than a penny. It has a ton of cool features that no other keyboard has. Check out this vide below of the keyboard in action.

I’m not going to spoil the review for you. Go head on over to ThinkComputers and check out my full review. Looking at the real time price check below it looks like you can get the keyboard for around $140, which is of course better than the suggested retail of $199. You may think that even $140 is a lot for a keyboard but with this keyboard you are sure getting what you paid for.

204 2007-04-14 18:17:42 2007-04-14 22:17:42 open open the-logitech-dinovo-edge-wireless-keyboard publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266512953 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:73:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8487 2007-04-14 20:27:24 2007-04-15 00:27:24 1 0 0 8493 2007-04-14 23:26:09 2007-04-15 03:26:09 1 0 0
Win a 1GB Mushkin Flash Drive! Sun, 15 Apr 2007 01:46:25 +0000
Well my blog has been around long enough it’s about time I have a contest. Up for grabs is a brand new 1GB Mushkin flash drive that was given to me during the 2007 CES. They gave me two so I really do not have a use for this one so why not give it away to one of my readers! Here is how the contest is going to work...

All you have to do to enter the contest is to write about the contest on your blog. It’s that simple! Just make a blog post about the contest linking back to this post and you are entered. At least 2 sentences though! Once you have made your post just shoot me an e-mail or post a comment on this post and I will put your name into the pot.

Now here is the fun part. If you want 2 entries in the contest all you have to do is take a picture of yourself browsing and put that in the blog post. An example of what I’m looking for is below.

The contest will run from today until April 30th when the winner will be announced. This contest is only open to the US and Canada. Good Luck Everyone!]]>
205 2007-04-14 21:46:25 2007-04-15 01:46:25 open open win-a-1gb-mushkin-flash-drive publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266990403 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8634 2007-04-20 23:26:50 2007-04-21 03:26:50 1 0 0 8664 2007-04-23 02:49:05 2007-04-23 06:49:05 1 0 0 8725 2007-04-26 21:19:04 2007-04-27 01:19:04 Pic: I only posted the two links here in the case that the photo didn't load on my blog.]]> 1 0 0 8498 2007-04-15 02:33:48 2007-04-15 06:33:48 1 0 0 8523 2007-04-15 23:30:31 2007-04-16 03:30:31 1 0 0 8526 2007-04-16 03:51:54 2007-04-16 07:51:54 1 0 0 8610 2007-04-20 02:44:22 2007-04-20 06:44:22 1 0 0 8587 2007-04-18 12:58:56 2007-04-18 16:58:56 1 0 0 8756 2007-04-29 08:27:20 2007-04-29 12:27:20 1 0 0 8513 2007-04-15 14:29:40 2007-04-15 18:29:40 1 8512 0 8512 2007-04-15 14:28:15 2007-04-15 18:28:15 ]]> 1 0 0 8709 2007-04-25 16:20:39 2007-04-25 20:20:39 1 0 0 8771 2007-04-30 03:02:13 2007-04-30 07:02:13 1 0 0 8515 2007-04-15 15:39:13 2007-04-15 19:39:13 1 8498 0 19454 2008-02-04 06:16:42 2008-02-04 10:16:42 Google Assassin... It is true that finding confirmed research on this matter can be troublesome....]]> 1 trackback 0 0
Penguins Tie the Series 1-1 Sun, 15 Apr 2007 21:04:24 +0000
Well it looks like the Penguins have tied the series 1-1. It would have been really hard to fight back going down 2 games to 0. Now we are heading back home for the next 2 games. The win will give us momentum going into game 3 and the game is at home so that is an advantage for us. The game starts in about an hour and I am very excited! It’s been the first time in a while pens fans will see the penguins playing a playoff game in Mellon Area. The place should be very, very loud!

Game 2 we saw a different Pittsburgh penguins team. A lot of the players were finishing checks and skating much faster. We also shut down a lot Ottawa’s offense. Compared to the first game they were not in our zone as much. Crosby came out very big in this game. Besides his 1 goal and 1 assist he was stepping up to people and really skating. He even got slashed in the chin, yeah and nothing was called! Also Colby Armstrong really came out to play, you could see the intensity he was bringing to the game. Although getting an assist Evgeni Malkin still has not scored in the series. He needs to really step it up.

If you want to get a recap of the games you can check out The Pens Blog. They do really funny recaps and do a lot of photoshop work! Well I can’t wait for the game to start! Let’s go pens! ]]>
206 2007-04-15 17:04:24 2007-04-15 21:04:24 open open penguins-tie-the-series-1-1 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267274278 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8611 2007-04-20 02:45:09 2007-04-20 06:45:09 1 0 0 8619 2007-04-20 10:16:27 2007-04-20 14:16:27 1 0 0 8615 2007-04-20 05:53:49 2007-04-20 09:53:49 1 8611 0 8533 2007-04-16 05:03:44 2007-04-16 09:03:44 1 0 0
Make Your Blog Your Own Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:58:11 +0000 before I prefer going to everyone’s blogs instead of reading the RSS, therefore I use bookmarks. I like going to the blogs themselves because it brings me into the bloggers “world”. This personal feel is something I try to give to my readers too. That is why I have changed elements of my blog to give it my own personal style.

If you are using the default wordpress layout then your blog does not have any style at all and users might find it boring. One of the easiest things you can do is change the CSS. You can change the font and colors of the page. Something simple that gives the blog some uniqueness compared to all the other blogs using the default wordpress layout.

If you want to get another layout has a huge list of free layouts. A lot of these layouts have a picture at the top of them. To give your site some style you can edit that picture or use a completely different one. On my previous theme I used a different picture and added some text to the picture. These things can be easily done.

If you look at my layout you may know what it is. I am using the MistyLook 3.2 wordpress layout. If you look at it compared to my site you can see that it is much different. I first expanded the page to make it wider, then added a second column on the right to make it a 3 column layout. I also changed the text colors and font via the CSS to give my page a really unique look. Finally I changed the top picture to a picture of 2 of my favorite cars. All of this gives my blog a look all its own.

I know when I’m looking around at blogs I usually return to the ones that are unique. Making your blog unique is really not a hard thing to do and in my opinion is something you should do to make your blog stand out amongst the rest. ]]>
207 2007-04-16 22:58:11 2007-04-17 02:58:11 open open make-your-blog-your-own publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209534 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8612 2007-04-20 02:49:10 2007-04-20 06:49:10 1 0 0 8585 2007-04-18 11:41:13 2007-04-18 15:41:13 1 0 0 8586 2007-04-18 12:56:47 2007-04-18 16:56:47 1 0 0 8595 2007-04-18 23:10:45 2007-04-19 03:10:45 1 0 0 8574 2007-04-17 20:08:39 2007-04-18 00:08:39 1 0 0 23342 2008-05-12 14:41:05 2008-05-12 18:41:05 1 0 0
Smart PageRank Wed, 18 Apr 2007 11:47:27 +0000
Because of comments on my dnScoop post and some e-mails about it I also want to tell you about Smart PageRank. Apparently according to Smart PageRank dnScoop was using under-handed tactics to steal website traffic. Smart PageRank was so upset they created Now it seems everything between them is ok. There is only one small change I see on dnScoop. The page rank currently is not working. So now onto SmartPageRank.

Smart PageRank’s main page has an input where you will put in your domain. From there it will process your domain and give you the following information, pagerank, age of domain, alexa traffic, directories, backlinks (Google, Yahoo, Altavista, AllTheWeb), indexed pages (Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista, AllTheWeb), and website value. There is also a screenshot of your website displayed for you. And you can add the pagerank button to your page. If you want to be updated of your pagerank you can enter you e-mail address and when your pagerank changes you will be notified via e-mail. On the left side of the page you can see your pagerank results from various data centers.

Comparing the 2 sites I still like dnScoop better. I really like the web 2.0 feel of dnScoop. According to dnScoop ThinkComputers is worth $112,488 compared to Smart PageRank’s appraisal of $74,619. ]]>
208 2007-04-18 07:47:27 2007-04-18 11:47:27 open open smart-pagerank publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917541 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
A State of Trance Thu, 19 Apr 2007 20:07:29 +0000
As some of you may know I enjoy listening to techno and trance. It is hard to find new music that you haven’t heard if you are working at your computer each day. I swear I listen to so many of the same songs it gets annoying. That is why I am happy when Thursday’s come around. Each Thursday I listen to Armin van Buuren’s live radio show A State of Trance. On this two hour radio show Armin plays some of the latest trance and progressive music. You can listen to it free on’s Trance channel. A State of Trance is on every Thursday from 2-4PM EST. If you are not by a computer you can still listen to the show. Here is a list of FM stations around the world that broadcast A State of Trance.

- America: Indie 103.1 FM Southern California (international)
- America: XM/Worldspace "The System" (satelite, Northern America)
- Canada: The 246 Element Show Canada Chin 100.7FM Toronto & 97.9FM Ottawa
- Cyprus: Energy 107.6 FM (south, greek)
- Jordan: Play 99.6 FM (nationwde)
- Netherlands: Fresh FM 95.6FM (nationwide)
- Russia: Radio Record - 106.3FM (nationwide)
- Luxembourg: WAKY 107FM (105.6 and 105.2 on Cable, nationwide)
- Australia: Kiss FM 87.6FM (Melbourne)
- Dubai: Dubai 92 92.0FM (nationwide)
- Lebanon: Mix FM 104.4FM (Beiroet, Mount Lebanon, the north, Saida)
- Ukraine: Kiss FM, check the website for your frequency (nationwide)
- Switzerland: Rouge FM 106.5FM (French side of Switzerland)
- Romania: Deea FM 92.1FM (nationwide)
- UK: Kiss 100 -

If you have never listened to trance you should give it a shot, you might just like it. I know that it always puts me in a good mood to get a lot of work done.]]>
209 2007-04-19 16:07:29 2007-04-19 20:07:29 open open a-state-of-trance publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223310 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8609 2007-04-20 01:45:07 2007-04-20 05:45:07 1 0 0 8614 2007-04-20 05:52:15 2007-04-20 09:52:15 1 0 0 10797 2007-06-25 23:55:15 2007-06-26 03:55:15 1 0 0 15173 2007-10-29 15:44:07 2007-10-29 19:44:07 1 0 0 28650 2008-12-06 02:20:13 2008-12-06 06:20:13 1 0 0 37388 2009-05-21 14:20:59 2009-05-21 18:20:59 1 0 0
Being Sick... Sat, 21 Apr 2007 18:24:49 +0000
With this cold I have been very tired and because of that I have been unmotivated to work. I am behind 2 reviews on ThinkComputers and I planned to write a big article for ThinkGaming this weekend. It does not look like that is happening either. I do not have anyone else to do the work so I guess I just have to be behind. That is one problem about running everything yourself if your sick, hurt, etc. you will fall behind. I have been looking for staff for both sites. I have a few people interested, but I am still looking for more. If you are interested in either site please e-mail me. Hopefully I will be 100% in the next few days. ]]>
210 2007-04-21 14:24:49 2007-04-21 18:24:49 open open being-sick publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267236984 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:41:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1191684545;s:7:"retweet";i:1191677520;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 8647 2007-04-21 18:56:56 2007-04-21 22:56:56 1 0 0
Contest Update! Sun, 22 Apr 2007 17:15:43 +0000 It has been 8 days since I announced the 1GB flash drive giveaway. As of right now I only have 4 entries. I know a 1GB flash drive isn’t a Nintendo Wii, but hell it’s free! And it is very easy to enter the contest. All you have to do is write about the giveaway on your blog and link back to the original post here. It’s that easy. Here are the 4 entries I have received so far. I’m A Lucky Girl Obsidian Profile Beyond the Rhetoric Shawn-Knight Good luck everyone!]]> 211 2007-04-22 13:15:43 2007-04-22 17:15:43 open open contest-update publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267088153 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1420005464;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 8689 2007-04-24 11:27:36 2007-04-24 15:27:36 1 0 0 8696 2007-04-24 23:58:10 2007-04-25 03:58:10 1 0 0 8697 2007-04-25 00:13:30 2007-04-25 04:13:30 1 8696 1 8788 2007-05-01 01:38:20 2007-05-01 05:38:20 1 0 0 8910 2007-05-06 16:49:59 2007-05-06 20:49:59 1 0 0 Some of my Favorite Things Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:02:38 +0000 Shawn tagged me in one of his posts. Shawn has a list of his favorite Song, Color, Food, TV Show, Movie, and Animal. I will be giving you my favorites on all of these and adding a few more things to the list, enjoy!

Song: T.I. – What you know about that

Color: Metallic Blue

Food: Filet Mignon (Best type of steak I have had, damn someone go buy me some Kobe beef!)

TV Show: The Screen Savers (Before the G4TechTV days, so much interesting stuff on this show!)

Movie: The Boondock Saints (Very close with 300, but 300 is way to new)

Animal: Monkey (Who doesn’t want a crazy little monkey!)

Season: Summer (Gotta love the warm weather!)

Sport: Hockey (And anyone who says baseball is better than hockey should be shot!)

Car: Ferrari F430 Spider (It’s EPIC!!)

Well that is my list. Hrmmm Jon Waraas, John Chow, and Sal you have been tagged!]]>
212 2007-04-23 13:02:38 2007-04-23 17:02:38 open open some-of-my-favorite-things publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209537 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8683 2007-04-24 01:26:36 2007-04-24 05:26:36 1 0 0
Don’t Blog Just to do it... Tue, 24 Apr 2007 21:44:54 +0000
The biggest problem is that people are not blogging because they like to or want to. It’s because they think they need to. They write about things they are not even interested in just to post something. That is the biggest mistake right there. If you’re going to blog about anything you better be interested in it, because your posts are going to sound boring and people will most likely not come back. I blog about the internet, technology, personal life, and food because those are things I am interested in and passionate about. Also make sure you know what you’re talking about. Making money online is the new “cool” thing to blog about and if you don’t know that much about making money online don’t blog about it because people are going to know you are full of shit.

If you are trying to post at least one blog post a day and each day you are having troubles finding something to blog about maybe you should rethink the topic of your blog. I’m tired of seeing so many boring blogs just because blogging is the new cool thing to do. And I’m tired of seeing so many blogs about the same thing I know there are more interesting things to write about than making money online. Make your blog your own, that’s what will make it unique and people will come back.]]>
213 2007-04-24 17:44:54 2007-04-24 21:44:54 open open don%e2%80%99t-blog-just-to-do-it publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180934 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:22:{i:1964109911;s:7:"retweet";i:1961143940;s:7:"retweet";i:1960906877;s:7:"retweet";i:1960667346;s:7:"retweet";i:1960363071;s:7:"retweet";i:1960226182;s:7:"retweet";i:1960198285;s:7:"retweet";i:1959687852;s:7:"retweet";i:1959507483;s:7:"retweet";i:1959437995;s:7:"retweet";i:1959405116;s:7:"retweet";i:1959350729;s:7:"retweet";i:1959277055;s:7:"retweet";i:1959258072;s:7:"retweet";i:1959208650;s:7:"retweet";i:1959174389;s:7:"retweet";i:1959168130;s:7:"retweet";i:1959161459;s:7:"retweet";i:1959150078;s:7:"retweet";i:1959119301;s:7:"retweet";i:1959116281;s:7:"retweet";i:1959111912;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 22 8736 2007-04-27 18:04:08 2007-04-27 22:04:08 1 0 0 8692 2007-04-24 22:10:16 2007-04-25 02:10:16 1 0 0 8694 2007-04-24 23:44:54 2007-04-25 03:44:54 1 8692 1 8751 2007-04-28 18:38:25 2007-04-28 22:38:25 1 0 0 8914 2007-05-06 18:04:07 2007-05-06 22:04:07 1 0 0 8934 2007-05-07 18:43:48 2007-05-07 22:43:48 1 0 0 8707 2007-04-25 14:46:46 2007-04-25 18:46:46 1 0 0
Finally Some Exercise! Wed, 25 Apr 2007 14:11:33 +0000
I barely work out, exercise or anything like that. Once of the main reason for that is that I’m just lazy and I really do not like going to work out. The only reason I stay slim is because I have a high metabolism. That basically allows me to eat whatever I want and not have to worry about getting fat!

Anyways it was nice out yesterday so Ashley and I decided to go look for some roller blades so we could go roller blading outside. Finding the skates was an adventure in itself. I wanted hockey style skates because I like the way they feel and I am used to playing on them because I used to play hockey. I was surprised that so many sporting goods stores did not sell hockey style skates. Like where are kids these days supposed to buy skates if they want to play roller hockey? I was also very surprised to see that the hockey section in these stores has extremely small. It was basically a handful of sticks, gloves, and some tape. I remember when I played hockey sporting goods stores would have well over 100 sticks to choose from, tons of different skates, basically anything you needed for hockey they would have. So eventually at the 3rd store I was able to find a pair of hockey skates. It was the only pair they had!

After Ashley and I got our skates we were able to skate the rest of the afternoon. It was nice to be able to do something together and get a workout at the same time. I was surprised at how well Ashley could skate too! Getting exercise is nice and makes you feel like you have more energy for the rest of the day. Ashley and I wanted to go skating today but looking out the window this morning it is raining, gotta love Pittsburgh weather!]]>
214 2007-04-25 10:11:33 2007-04-25 14:11:33 open open finally-some-exercise publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267062961 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8702 2007-04-25 10:20:10 2007-04-25 14:20:10 1 0 0 8703 2007-04-25 11:19:44 2007-04-25 15:19:44 1 8702 1 8704 2007-04-25 11:34:10 2007-04-25 15:34:10 1 0 0 8726 2007-04-27 01:48:07 2007-04-27 05:48:07 1 8703 0
Some Small Updates to ThinkGaming Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:12:39 +0000
ThinkGaming has been doing very well. With the exception of today I have been posting at least 2 posts a day. The only reason I didn’t today was because I was working most of the day cleaning out my old apartment. Anyways when I finally switched ThinkGaming over to Wordpress I sort of left it how it was. Now since I’m actually putting some time into it I am trying to make it better for the users.

The first thing I did was changed the latest content to display all of the latest post not just the latest articles. I was just using a php file and doing a php include. So each time I would post an article I would have to manually update the php file. Now it is all automatic. It took a bit of css work to get it to look like it did before but now you can’t tell the difference.

ThinkGaming’s RSS feed is not that popular, it hovers around 10-12 users. So in hopes to get that number up I have removed the feedburner counter. I have heard this might make a difference and increase RSS subscriptions. We will see.

Finally to help with SEO I installed the optimal title plugin. This makes the title of the post come first instead of the title of the page. So for instance on the Stanglehold Massive Destruction Trailer! post the title would normally look like this ThinkGaming – Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and More! >> Stanglehold Massive Destruction Trailer! Now it with the optimal title plugin it looks like this Stanglehold Massive Destruction Trailer! >> ThinkGaming – Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and More!

Hopefully these little changes will help out ThinkGaming. Any suggestions on the site are welcomed.]]>
215 2007-04-27 00:12:39 2007-04-27 04:12:39 open open some-small-updates-to-thinkgaming publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266933666 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
My Adventure Into the City Fri, 27 Apr 2007 21:03:45 +0000 Phil called me. He maintains my servers so when he called early I though it had to be a problem with the servers. He actually wanted to go to lunch. He has been telling me about this Chinese buffet that is downtown. He was working downtown today so he thought it would be a good day to go. Also our friend Rob works downtown so we all decided to go.

Ok first off I NEVER go into the city. There are a few reasons, one I really don’t have a need to, I work from home etc. Second there really is not much in the city of Pittsburgh to do. When I go out with friends we are either in the Southside or the Strip District. So anyways Ashley and I went down to meet Phil and Rob for lunch. Getting down there was no problem at all, but finding a place to park was another story. I had to park in a parking garage under ground. It was not that big of a deal, but I had to basically go in a circle because the first parking garage was full.

It was lunch time so a lot of people were out. It made it very hard to drive without hitting anyone. Anyways we made it to the Chinese buffet ok. The place was packed, of course its lunch time and $7 for an all you can eat buffet is a great deal. It was funny walking in there because most of the people were all dressed for work and Ashley and I came in normal clothes. The buffet was good and I enjoyed talking with Phil and Rob because I am usually very busy and they both work full time so it is hard to find time to hang out. While eating I noticed a lot of people rushing because they had to get back to work. I’m glad I’m my own boss because I can take a long of a lunch break as I want. I like to enjoy my food.

Last year my friend Alex was living in Manhattan. He would always show me pictures out of his window of the city. It was an amazing view and it made me wonder what it would be like to live in the city. After spending a few hours in the city I realized I prefer the suburbs much better.]]>
216 2007-04-27 17:03:45 2007-04-27 21:03:45 open open my-adventure-into-the-city publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267255915 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8806 2007-05-02 04:02:10 2007-05-02 08:02:10 1 0 0 8739 2007-04-27 19:02:06 2007-04-27 23:02:06 1 0 0
Another Digg For ThinkComputers Sat, 28 Apr 2007 17:44:46 +0000
Yesterday my review of the Icydock MB561 4-Bay External SATA Removable Hard Drive Enclosure made it to the front page off Digg. As I always say I rarely submit things to Digg. Just for the fact that most of the reviews are not super interesting and I don’t want to get the reputation of someone who submits everything to Digg. I think the thing that really made this one get front page was the title, Finally! Enough Room For All Your Porn! You know a title like that is going to catch someone’s attention! People might even Digg the story without even reading the review. I want to thank Mr. Make Money Online for coming up with the title. Now how did the Digg affect traffic?

As you can see there is a huge spike for yesterday’s traffic. We went from an average of 3000 uniques to almost 25,000! That’s a HUGE difference! Unlike ThinkGaming ThinkComputers is not based on a CMS so it is not dependent on a database. For that reason the server took the Digg without any problems. So how did the traffic increase affect earnings? Here is a list of the days earnings compared to what the average was.

Google Adsense: $153.89 Daily Average: $49.36

Vibrant Media: $56.28
Daily Average: $9.84

Tribal Fusion: $47.22
Daily Average: $8.16

TTZ Media: $202.50
Daily Average: $24.00

Looking at the results you can see there is a big increase in earnings. The biggest increase was in the TTZ Media earnings, making 8x what it normally made. The reason for this is the targeted ad placement. If you look at the Icydock MB561 4-Bay External SATA Removable Hard Drive Enclosure review you can see that you can actually see a listing of prices of the product from various retailers. So if people are reading the review and they are interested in buying the product they can see how much it will cost and with 1 click they are brought to the retailer’s website where they can buy it. This targeted ad placement is key, a lot of times though will not carry some of the products that ThinkComputers reviews, especially if we receive the product before it hits retail. Then we have to insert a similar product. This still works, but not effectively as the actual product.

Well it looks like ThinkComputers has survived another Digg. Now today and tomorrow I should see a huge decrease in traffic because the story is now off the front page, but I hope that some of the users thought the story was cool and might come back to check out other reviews. Hopefully they will! ]]>
217 2007-04-28 13:44:46 2007-04-28 17:44:46 open open another-digg-for-thinkcomputers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267160125 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8753 2007-04-28 19:54:26 2007-04-28 23:54:26 1 0 0 8754 2007-04-28 19:57:12 2007-04-28 23:57:12 1 8750 1 8755 2007-04-28 22:05:44 2007-04-29 02:05:44 1 0 0 8792 2007-05-01 09:15:11 2007-05-01 13:15:11 1 0 0 8750 2007-04-28 18:34:53 2007-04-28 22:34:53 1 0 0 8794 2007-05-01 17:43:39 2007-05-01 21:43:39 1 0 0 8822 2007-05-02 22:50:38 2007-05-03 02:50:38 1 8818 0 8769 2007-04-29 22:01:42 2007-04-30 02:01:42 1 0 0 8779 2007-04-30 14:11:28 2007-04-30 18:11:28 1 0 0 9177 2007-05-15 13:57:40 2007-05-15 17:57:40 1 0 0 8818 2007-05-02 17:12:32 2007-05-02 21:12:32 1 0 0 8909 2007-05-06 16:49:09 2007-05-06 20:49:09 1 8750 0
One Day Blog Silence Mon, 30 Apr 2007 19:11:53 +0000

One Day Blog Silence

218 2007-04-30 15:11:53 2007-04-30 19:11:53 open open one-day-blog-silence publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267059572 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8786 2007-04-30 23:21:16 2007-05-01 03:21:16 1 0 0 8780 2007-04-30 15:23:56 2007-04-30 19:23:56 1 0 0 8781 2007-04-30 18:20:36 2007-04-30 22:20:36 1 0 0 8783 2007-04-30 21:20:38 2007-05-01 01:20:38 1 0 0 8960 2007-05-08 19:30:01 2007-05-08 23:30:01 1 0 0
And the Winner Is? Tue, 01 May 2007 19:01:51 +0000
So who won the 1GB Mushkin Flash Drive? The contest ran for around 2 weeks and I only had 9 entries. I wish I would have had more, but hey it’s only a 1GB flash drive not a Wii or PS3. Here are the nine entries that I received...

I’m A Lucky Girl (Cher Free)
Obsidian Profile (Sean)
Beyond the Rhetoric (Michael Kwan)
World of Joel (Joel)

Well you all got a linkback! So as you can see above I wrote everyone’s name down on a piece of paper. People who posted a picture got 2 entries. Then I folded each piece of paper up and put them all in an old hat. I shook it up and picked out 1 folded piece of paper. So the winner is...

Cher Free from I’m A Lucky Girl! Congrats!! I have already e-mailed you about the contest so if you are reading this and you have not received an e-mail from me let me know! Well that concludes the April’s contest. There will be a contest for May, I just need to find something else to give away. How many people out there are interested in an iPod car accessory? Let me know and stay tuned for the next contest!]]>
219 2007-05-01 15:01:51 2007-05-01 19:01:51 open open and-the-winner-is publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917552 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8800 2007-05-01 22:12:21 2007-05-02 02:12:21 1 8796 0 8812 2007-05-02 11:05:27 2007-05-02 15:05:27 1 0 0 8810 2007-05-02 09:01:53 2007-05-02 13:01:53 1 0 0 8795 2007-05-01 19:22:29 2007-05-01 23:22:29 1 0 0 8796 2007-05-01 19:55:15 2007-05-01 23:55:15 1 0 0 8797 2007-05-01 20:37:06 2007-05-02 00:37:06 1 8796 0 8805 2007-05-02 04:00:27 2007-05-02 08:00:27 1 0 0 8801 2007-05-01 22:38:30 2007-05-02 02:38:30 1 0 0 8802 2007-05-01 22:43:20 2007-05-02 02:43:20 1 8801 1 8803 2007-05-01 23:17:12 2007-05-02 03:17:12 1 8802 0
Digg Gets Owned by It’s Own Users Wed, 02 May 2007 20:51:48 +0000 Last night the scene at was quite funny. It’s not often you head over to Digg and see every story on the front page be about the same thing. Not to mention all the stories were just links to various sites, but had the HD-DVD encryption key in them. Some of the stories were extremely funny titled “Key Fun lawlzwtfbbq” and “Today’s Lottery Numbers”.

The whole thing started when Digg removed a story that hit the front page that was a legit story about the HD-DVD encryption key. I guess Digg did not want to get into any legal trouble so they took the story down. Because Digg is user-based and users thought that the story was unrightfully taken down they starting submitting tons of stories with the HD-DVD encryption key in it. Every story on the font page as well as the first 5-6 pages were stories with the HD-DVD encryption key in them. This was really funny to see, there was even a Myspace Profile and a Facebook group with over 5,000 members!

Finally Digg was taken down and the front page is still down, but you can still easily submit stories or check out stories. I’m sure Digg has coded something that will auto-bury stories with the HD-DVD encryption key in them. Digg founded Kevin Rose has posted his thoughts on the whole thing. He obviously knows it was a mistake for them to remove the story. What do you think?]]>
220 2007-05-02 16:51:48 2007-05-02 20:51:48 open open digg-gets-owned-by-it%e2%80%99s-own-users publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267166557 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:72:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8824 2007-05-02 22:55:52 2007-05-03 02:55:52 1 0 0 8826 2007-05-03 01:31:19 2007-05-03 05:31:19 1 0 0 8864 2007-05-04 12:04:49 2007-05-04 16:04:49 1 0 0 8821 2007-05-02 22:47:23 2007-05-03 02:47:23 1 0 0 8908 2007-05-06 16:47:41 2007-05-06 20:47:41 1 0 0 8944 2007-05-08 02:28:21 2007-05-08 06:28:21 1 0 0 8842 2007-05-03 15:15:59 2007-05-03 19:15:59 1 0 0
Top Commentators for April Thu, 03 May 2007 01:18:14 +0000 Well we do have somewhat a community here at It is the start of a new month so I though I would give a shout out to my top commentators. They take the time out to post their thoughts on my post and this user interaction helps out the community.

Shawn Knight – Shawn is one of my friends who owns He has just recently started his blog and there is always something interesting on it.

Glenn Hawkins – Glenn always seems to comment on a lot of my posts. His blog is about making money online, investing, and working out. A lot of good stuff to read over there.

Moulinneuf – Well this guy must not have a site, but he always makes great comments that are lengthily and though out.

Jacob – Jacob runs, which is about his journey trying to pay for medical school using the internet. He updates often so check it out!

Dimitry – My good buddy Dimitry! We used to hang out all the time when I was in highschool. Had some good times! He also has a blog

Well that is the top 5 for April. Comment numbers reset on the first so if you want to be mentioned in the top commentators post for May start posting! ]]>
221 2007-05-02 21:18:14 2007-05-03 01:18:14 open open top-commentators-for-april publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209556 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8823 2007-05-02 22:55:05 2007-05-03 02:55:05 1 0 0 8827 2007-05-03 02:50:03 2007-05-03 06:50:03 1 0 0 8825 2007-05-03 01:01:15 2007-05-03 05:01:15 1 0 0 8863 2007-05-04 12:00:18 2007-05-04 16:00:18 1 0 0 8878 2007-05-05 00:23:25 2007-05-05 04:23:25 1 0 0 8961 2007-05-08 19:34:14 2007-05-08 23:34:14 1 0 0 40523 2010-02-22 02:29:11 2010-02-22 06:29:11 xtfveswrcnot, [url=]hmnnwigrlnuz[/url], [link=]szboxzrapacw[/link],]]> spam 0 0
The Real John Chow Fri, 04 May 2007 03:13:30 +0000
I’m sure a lot of you know John Chow by now. Maybe from his four front page Digg’s in 2 days, or from his many ways to make money online, or even more recently for his 13,000 AGLOCO signups, but do you know the real John Chow? I met John Chow around 2 years ago. After attending Million Man Lan and meeting John “Gruntman” Krump, the owner of he told me about a tech site owner’s forum. On this forum users talked about advertising, products they were getting to review, and just shared their stories about running a tech site. After using the forum for a few month one user really stood out “Moto”, which was of course John. He was always answering questions and helping people out. He also made very funny posts and often showed off the new things he bought.

There was a thread on the forums to post your screen name so I got John’s screen name and decided to message him. Sometimes when you talk to people who are accomplished (which he was at the time running TheTechZone) they really don’t feel like helping you and see you as a “peon” so I really was not expecting much. After messaging him and telling him who I was he was very easy to talk to and answered all of my questions and even gave me some tips. What I was asking him about was Google Adsense. Back in 2005 I really did not know anything about online advertising. Up until that point ThinkComputers was just a hobby to me, after talking with John I realized it could make me some money. I was in college at the time so any extra money was good.

After helping me signup for Adsense and helping me place ads I realized what ThinkComputers could become. With the help of John I really went full steam with ThinkComputers and ended up going to the 2006 CES in Las Vegas. I had never been to a trade show before let alone met any of my sponsors. I met John at the first press event. You can pick him out of the crowd anywhere, a 6 foot tall Asian guy! John invited me to his party at the MGM skylofts. This was a lot of fun being able to kick back with other tech site owners like Stephen Fung, Sal Cangeloso, and of course John. The party was great and John made sure he said hi to everyone and made sure you were having a good time. The entire time at CES all John was doing was having a good time, enjoying the free food and drinks of all of the parties he crashed!

After CES 2006 John further helped me by introducing me to other ad networks. The one in particular was John runs his own network, TTZ media. These are the ads that you see in every review on ThinkComputers. TTZ Media ended up becoming my biggest money maker.

Over 2006 John helped me out with various things like advertising, sponsors, and even legal problems! He always seemed to want to help no matter what. Now he has become one of the most popular bloggers out there. Has it changed him? NOT AT ALL! I still talk to him on a daily basis and anytime I need help with something or advice he is the first person I turn to and he is always there to help. That’s what I always liked about John his willingness to help. He is not a person to hide his secrets he openly talks about how he makes money online and tells you how to do it! I am really glad I met John and who knows I might not be where I am without his advice.

In January at the 2007 CES John, Stephen, and I held a “Night before CES Party”. It was a lot of fun and just like the year before John made sure everyone was having a good time. It would be nice if so many other accomplished people would be like John and be willing to help out. That is very hard to find these days. ]]>
222 2007-05-03 23:13:30 2007-05-04 03:13:30 open open the-real-john-chow publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209548 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1191525820;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 8918 2007-05-06 18:52:49 2007-05-06 22:52:49 1 0 0 8975 2007-05-08 23:23:58 2007-05-09 03:23:58 1 0 0 8862 2007-05-04 11:58:34 2007-05-04 15:58:34 1 0 0 8865 2007-05-04 14:25:51 2007-05-04 18:25:51 1 0 0 8866 2007-05-04 15:00:42 2007-05-04 19:00:42 1 0 0 8876 2007-05-04 21:31:00 2007-05-05 01:31:00 1 8867 1 8889 2007-05-05 17:04:57 2007-05-05 21:04:57 1 0 0 8867 2007-05-04 15:30:38 2007-05-04 19:30:38 1 0 0 8868 2007-05-04 18:03:57 2007-05-04 22:03:57 1 0 0 8874 2007-05-04 20:43:27 2007-05-05 00:43:27 1 0 0 8875 2007-05-04 21:30:40 2007-05-05 01:30:40 1 8866 1 8884 2007-05-05 07:05:21 2007-05-05 11:05:21 1 8876 0 8888 2007-05-05 16:31:50 2007-05-05 20:31:50 1 0 0 8900 2007-05-06 12:11:03 2007-05-06 16:11:03 1 8884 0 8902 2007-05-06 14:26:56 2007-05-06 18:26:56 1 0 0 8907 2007-05-06 16:42:19 2007-05-06 20:42:19 1 0 0 8920 2007-05-06 20:23:14 2007-05-07 00:23:14 1 8900 1 8922 2007-05-07 03:08:34 2007-05-07 07:08:34 1 8888 0 8923 2007-05-07 05:12:17 2007-05-07 09:12:17 1 0 0 8939 2007-05-07 20:09:27 2007-05-08 00:09:27 1 0 0 8959 2007-05-08 19:28:14 2007-05-08 23:28:14 1 0 0 8985 2007-05-09 09:05:13 2007-05-09 13:05:13 1 0 0 8987 2007-05-09 09:40:05 2007-05-09 13:40:05 1 0 0 8990 2007-05-09 10:22:04 2007-05-09 14:22:04 1 0 0 9002 2007-05-09 15:39:13 2007-05-09 19:39:13 1 0 0
April’s Blogging Thoughts Fri, 04 May 2007 23:12:06 +0000
We had our first contest. Which went well, I wish I would have got more entries, but hopefully the next contest will go better. Cher Free was the lucky winner of the 1GB flash drive. There were also some very popular posts this month that got a lot of comments, they included RSS or Bookmarks, Quit Looking for Instant Results, Timeshare…How about a DreamShare, and Another Digg for ThinkComputers. It’s good to see a lot of people commenting, it means they are actually interested in what you have to say. Plus I also give a shoutout to my top commentators.

RSS subscriptions have been up. Before April I was averaging around 20-30 RSS subscriptions. Now I average 50-60, which is a nice improvement. In the beginning of April I wrote down my Technorati ranking (34,033) and my Alexa ranking (172,399). As of today my Technorati ranking is 32,522 and my Alexa raking is 154,790. So there is an improvement on both of those. The blog really has not made any money, but that is not what it is here to do. Hopefully May I will increase my numbers and keep more of you coming back!]]>
223 2007-05-04 19:12:06 2007-05-04 23:12:06 open open april%e2%80%99s-blogging-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180917 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1952345806;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 8937 2007-05-07 19:02:27 2007-05-07 23:02:27 1 0 0 8901 2007-05-06 12:58:08 2007-05-06 16:58:08 1 0 0 8906 2007-05-06 15:11:51 2007-05-06 19:11:51 1 0 0 8912 2007-05-06 16:52:47 2007-05-06 20:52:47 1 0 0 8921 2007-05-06 22:06:51 2007-05-07 02:06:51 1 8901 1 8928 2007-05-07 12:01:39 2007-05-07 16:01:39 1 0 0 8943 2007-05-08 02:25:25 2007-05-08 06:25:25 1 0 0 8989 2007-05-09 09:42:12 2007-05-09 13:42:12 1 0 0
A Busy Weekend Mon, 07 May 2007 20:02:11 +0000 224 2007-05-07 16:02:11 2007-05-07 20:02:11 open open a-busy-weekend publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267107311 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8936 2007-05-07 18:58:37 2007-05-07 22:58:37 1 0 0 8932 2007-05-07 18:29:29 2007-05-07 22:29:29 1 0 0 8940 2007-05-07 20:35:56 2007-05-08 00:35:56 1 0 0 8942 2007-05-08 02:23:46 2007-05-08 06:23:46 1 0 0 8951 2007-05-08 10:49:53 2007-05-08 14:49:53 1 0 0 8964 2007-05-08 19:38:21 2007-05-08 23:38:21 1 8936 1 8958 2007-05-08 19:26:48 2007-05-08 23:26:48 1 0 0 8988 2007-05-09 09:40:27 2007-05-09 13:40:27 1 0 0 3 Guidelines for Starting a Website Tue, 08 May 2007 23:34:34 +0000
Keep it Updated – If you just put some content on a website and don’t update for months most likely people will not come back. If I go to a site and I think it’s interesting I bookmark it and come back and check it out every few days. If I see that the site has not been updated in a couple of weeks I take it off my bookmarks and usually do not return. So updating is key, especially since you can send out news releases about your latest content and people can subscribe to your RSS feed to see when you have updated.

Make the site something you are interested in – It is a lot easier to write and keep a site updated if it is something you are interested in. All of my site’s topics are things that I like or I’m interested in. That is why it is not a hard thing for me to keep them updated. Just because a topic is popular does not mean it has to be what your website is going to be about. Make your site about things you like and you will enjoy working on it.

Get Your Own Domain – I RARELY go to websites that are hosted on free services like Tripod, AOL, and Geocities. It really does not cost that much to register a domain and get some hosting. You can get domains for around $6-$10 a year and a lot of hosting packages are only $5 a month! Anyone can afford that and a lot of these hosting companies have free website builders if you do not know that much about making websites. If the hosting is to much, make sure you get a domain. You can have the domain pointing to your free hosting until you get enough money to purchase hosting. Believe me having your own dot com is a nice thing!

Hopefully this list will help anyone who is starting a new website and help them make their site look official and maybe even make them some money! Good Luck!]]>
225 2007-05-08 19:34:34 2007-05-08 23:34:34 open open 3-guidelines-for-starting-a-website publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267166540 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 8978 2007-05-08 23:34:13 2007-05-09 03:34:13 1 0 0 8968 2007-05-08 21:50:59 2007-05-09 01:50:59 1 0 0 8967 2007-05-08 21:41:51 2007-05-09 01:41:51 1 0 0 9000 2007-05-09 15:10:45 2007-05-09 19:10:45 1 8984 0 9001 2007-05-09 15:24:09 2007-05-09 19:24:09 1 0 0 8979 2007-05-09 00:02:00 2007-05-09 04:02:00 1 0 0 8981 2007-05-09 02:02:53 2007-05-09 06:02:53 1 0 0 8976 2007-05-08 23:28:41 2007-05-09 03:28:41 1 0 0 8977 2007-05-08 23:31:18 2007-05-09 03:31:18 1 0 0 8984 2007-05-09 08:54:56 2007-05-09 12:54:56 1 0 0 9049 2007-05-10 21:17:59 2007-05-11 01:17:59 1 0 0
Ashley Shows you the Townhouse Wed, 09 May 2007 22:27:55 +0000
A couple of weeks ago Ashley made this video for her myspace. Because I’m way to busy to make a video myself and I’m sure most of you would rather see her than me I posted her video to give you a tour of our new townhouse. Enjoy! ]]>
226 2007-05-09 18:27:55 2007-05-09 22:27:55 open open ashley-shows-you-the-townhouse publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267195103 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1179190572;s:7:"retweet";i:1179185729;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 9074 2007-05-11 17:32:41 2007-05-11 21:32:41 1 0 0 9007 2007-05-09 22:40:20 2007-05-10 02:40:20 1 0 0 9008 2007-05-09 23:06:12 2007-05-10 03:06:12 1 0 0 9010 2007-05-10 01:53:47 2007-05-10 05:53:47 1 0 0
Dawn Thu, 10 May 2007 10:03:36 +0000 stay up a full 24 hours! Anyways the sun just came up and I went outside and took a few photos. Enjoy!

227 2007-05-10 06:03:36 2007-05-10 10:03:36 open open dusk publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267236989 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:35:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9020 2007-05-10 08:02:19 2007-05-10 12:02:19 1 0 0 9021 2007-05-10 08:19:28 2007-05-10 12:19:28 1 9018 1 9016 2007-05-10 06:15:29 2007-05-10 10:15:29 1 0 0 9018 2007-05-10 06:39:13 2007-05-10 10:39:13 1 0 0 9019 2007-05-10 06:47:16 2007-05-10 10:47:16 1 0 0 9022 2007-05-10 08:21:19 2007-05-10 12:21:19 1 9016 1 9031 2007-05-10 10:15:04 2007-05-10 14:15:04 1 0 0 9033 2007-05-10 10:46:29 2007-05-10 14:46:29 1 0 0 9038 2007-05-10 11:35:31 2007-05-10 15:35:31 1 0 0 9042 2007-05-10 14:18:33 2007-05-10 18:18:33 1 0 0 9048 2007-05-10 21:17:19 2007-05-11 01:17:19 1 0 0 9153 2007-05-14 22:42:04 2007-05-15 02:42:04 1 0 0 9154 2007-05-14 23:59:05 2007-05-15 03:59:05 1 0 0
Watch out Tribal Fusion Publishers Fri, 11 May 2007 12:50:34 +0000 I have been using Tribal Fusion on ThinkComputers for a while now. I really like them and they offer great CPM’s for technology related sites. I really have never had a problem with them, I always get paid on time and there have not been any issues with customer support or anything like that.

Well the other day I sent my friend a link to a review I post posted on ThinkComputers. He usually reads over the review and fixes any mistakes that I might have made. After fixing the mistakes he said, “You making good money off those huge ads?”. I was like huge ads? He told me that full page ads or interstitial’s were coming up randomly when he clicked through my page. These are the huge ads that take up the whole screen and have the Skip Ad button on them.

At first I thought it might have been some code on my site that someone put there. I had that problem about a year ago. So my friend and I worked on finding what was pulling the ad. After about 30 minutes and taking down the ads on my site one by one we figured out that it was the Tribal Fusion ads were causing the full page ad. Now I never put a Tribal Fusion full page ad on my site. I have specific 160X600 and 728X90 ad placements for Tribal Fusion.

At the beginning of May I received the Tribal Fusion Impressions newsletter. Towards the bottom there was this…

Special note: In the past, we served Pop-unders with an accompanying 468x60 banner and only served them through 468x60, 728x90/468x60 and special 1x1 Pop-under tags. With the new tags, we will no longer use an accompanying banner, and Pop-unders will run through all ad tags. If you already block Pop-unders across your site, they will continue to be blocked. If you need control over which tags can launch Pop-unders, you can use tag-level ad blocking.
So basically what this means is that Tribal Fusion will run Pop-unders and full page ads if you don’t tell them not to, even if you ad placement is something like 468X60. Honestly I think Pop-unders and full page ads are very annoying and I really do see them as necessary on a site like mine, although they do have quite a high eCPM.

To block Pop-unders, full page ads, etc. login to your Tribal Fusion account and click on Manage Site. Then click on ROS under your sites name. Now click on the Tags tab, select you ad size and click on Enable Advanced Ad Blocking. That will bring up a bunch of different ad types that you can block from the Pop-unders and full page ads to adult and alcohol ads.

I hope this was helpful to people who may have had the problem that I was having and can easily fix it. Not waste almost an hour trying to like I did! ]]>
228 2007-05-11 08:50:34 2007-05-11 12:50:34 open open watch-out-tribal-fusion-publishers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180976 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:65:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9090 2007-05-12 03:59:01 2007-05-12 07:59:01 1 9083 1 9072 2007-05-11 15:30:38 2007-05-11 19:30:38 1 0 0 9064 2007-05-11 10:11:58 2007-05-11 14:11:58 1 0 0 9083 2007-05-12 01:07:34 2007-05-12 05:07:34 1 0 0
Another Busy Weeked!! Mon, 14 May 2007 20:11:16 +0000 Last weekend I was fixing computers for some family friends, this weekend was mother’s day and I had a lot going on so I really did not get much done. As you can see I did not post anything over the weekend. I actually have a ton of things that I want to write about, but finding the time this week is going to be hard. I have a lot of products in for ThinkComputers and I am working really hard on ThinkGaming. I did hire a new reviewer for ThinkComputers, that will take some stress off me. You can see his first review of the Plustek OpticSlim M12 Portable Scanner here.

This weekend was a lot of fun though. Friday I spend all day cleaning the townhouse. We had a party on Saturday night so the place had to be cleaned. Saturday morning Ashley and I went to lunch with my family for mother’s day. It was a nice lunch, especially because its not often all of my family is together. Saturday night was our party. It was our first party at the townhouse so we were not sure how it was going to go. It ended up great! The larger townhouse was much better than having a party at an apartment. We had about 15 friends over. Sunday I spent most of the day recovering and finished my review of the Vizo Saturno hard drive enclosure. Hopefully I will get some time this week to write the blog posts I want to write. Hope everyone had a good weekend!]]>
229 2007-05-14 16:11:16 2007-05-14 20:11:16 open open another-busy-weeked publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267027042 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:4:{i:1959168672;s:7:"retweet";i:1959168569;s:7:"retweet";i:1959095272;s:7:"retweet";i:1959095195;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 4 9162 2007-05-15 04:14:27 2007-05-15 08:14:27 1 0 0 9175 2007-05-15 13:29:39 2007-05-15 17:29:39 1 9158 0 9158 2007-05-15 00:20:40 2007-05-15 04:20:40 1 0 0 9159 2007-05-15 00:26:52 2007-05-15 04:26:52 1 0 1
Some People Just Don’t Get It Tue, 15 May 2007 19:50:27 +0000
A lot of people don’t understand all what goes into running ThinkComputers, ThinkGaming, and this blog. ThinkComputers takes up most of my time. In short I have to post news every day, write a review, edit that review, edit pictures for the review, format the review to TC’s template, post the review, and send out a news e-mail. ThinkComputers is a flat file system so I have to create every page and update every page myself. I used to have a guy that wrote for me saying that he basically ran ThinkComputers because he wrote a lot of the reviews. That just makes me laugh because he had no clue what I had to do after he gave me the review. He eventually quit because I wouldn’t give him 25% of my earnings even though I was paying him per review and he was getting to keep all the products he did review. Now it’s really funny to hear him talk on his blog about not being able to make any money off his site. This is because he just doesn’t get it! Just looking at his site you can easily tell why he isn’t making any money. He just thought he could put a few ads on his site and make a lot on money, WRONG! Here are a few money making tips for new webmasters.

Don’t Overdo Your Ads – Don’t plaster tons of ads all over your site. Do I really want to read a site where all I see is ads? If you are starting a new site just put a few ads on the site and see how they perform. They you can ad more ads in the future if needed.

Good ad Placement – Ad placement is very crucial. If you are running ads like Google Adsense or YPN the best ad placement is actually inside an article. You want you ads to be visible to the reader so they will click on them. There is no point to having ads on your site if no one is clicking them.

Have a good template / layout – Good layouts almost all the time make for better ad placement, which in turn means you will have better earnings. A lot of layouts have predetermined ad placements spots that are perfect for ads. When I redesigned ThinkComputers I made a strict ad placement for TTZ ads and I saw a 300% increase in my TTZ earnings. And it was well worth it, I was able to payoff the cost of the redesign the next month. The 2 biggest things you want when looking for a template or layout is that it is fixed width, and is wide enough where you can place an ad in the text and it won’t take up the whole page.

Always Be Tweaking – You should always be tweaking your ads. There are tons of simple little things you can do like changing ad colors or sizes to try to see what works better for you. You should never stick with one type of ad and leave it there, unless it’s making you a ton of money. Change things up and see what works best.

Good luck in making money online everyone! Don’t make the mistake this guy did, actually research, tweak, and see what works best for you! ]]>
230 2007-05-15 15:50:27 2007-05-15 19:50:27 open open some-people-just-don%e2%80%99t-get-it publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917632 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:68:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9205 2007-05-16 00:25:24 2007-05-16 04:25:24 1 0 0 9207 2007-05-16 00:54:20 2007-05-16 04:54:20 1 9205 1 9202 2007-05-15 23:36:31 2007-05-16 03:36:31 1 0 0 9204 2007-05-16 00:12:10 2007-05-16 04:12:10 1 0 0 9189 2007-05-15 18:56:53 2007-05-15 22:56:53 1 0 0 9193 2007-05-15 19:52:54 2007-05-15 23:52:54 1 9189 1 9284 2007-05-17 04:11:43 2007-05-17 08:11:43 1 9245 1 9297 2007-05-17 09:01:15 2007-05-17 13:01:15 1 9284 0 9197 2007-05-15 21:09:48 2007-05-16 01:09:48 1 0 0 9216 2007-05-16 04:58:30 2007-05-16 08:58:30 1 0 0 9222 2007-05-16 07:28:59 2007-05-16 11:28:59 1 0 0 9234 2007-05-16 11:23:29 2007-05-16 15:23:29 1 9222 0 9243 2007-05-16 15:05:05 2007-05-16 19:05:05 1 9234 0 9245 2007-05-16 15:33:59 2007-05-16 19:33:59 1 9207 0 9258 2007-05-16 18:26:36 2007-05-16 22:26:36 1 0 0 9262 2007-05-16 19:13:08 2007-05-16 23:13:08 1 9243 0
Jon Waraas Another Young Entrepreneur Wed, 16 May 2007 19:51:08 +0000 Some of you might know Jon Waraas, others may not. He is not a high profile blogger like John Chow, but he is another young entrepreneur like me. Actually he is younger than me! He is 20 years old, but I met him when he was 19. I actually found his blog through John’s. It was not long after that we started talking. I always like meeting new people especially people that have the same interests as me.

When I first started talking to Jon it was if he already knew me. We talked about everything from online advertising to girls. What I found most astounding is the amount of money he was making off of his sites. I don’t know the figures, but you can take a look here and see that he is bringing in some serious cash! Most of his online income comes from LoserAlliance, which is a Myspace Layout / Resource site. The site was actually a photoshop / webmaster tutorial site then Jon added some Myspace stuff and the site took off. It gradually moved more towards a Myspace site.

LoserAlliance is actually not Jon’s first site. His first site was where he built skateboard rails and sold them online. He managed to sell some rails, but wasn’t making a lot of money. To avoid having to keep on working at his local Home Depot he started his other sites. John has an entire network of sites under the Developer Hut Network. Actually a lot of his sites have the word loser in them sort of a branding as he calls it. He has FunnyLoser, BlogLoser, MyspaceLoser, etc.

Just like me Jon does the internet thing full time, which is quite an accomplishment in itself. Another big accomplishment for him was his house, which we have seen from foundation all the way to finish. Not often a 20 year old has a brand new house! Jon is using his money wisely and buying up rental properties and other real estate, something I need to look into!

To be honest I have never met Jon, we have spoken on the phone and talked all the time on the internet, even when he is drunk and doesn’t remember it! He is a great guy and is enjoying life, but he does work very hard and deserves what he has. He knows just as well as I do that you need to put in the work to get the reward! He has helped me a lot with things like SEO and other tricks to make me more money. To see more on Jon check out his blog where he talks about everything from daily life to his real estate interests.

231 2007-05-16 15:51:08 2007-05-16 19:51:08 open open jon-waraas-another-young-entrepreneur publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267166564 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:68:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9310 2007-05-17 15:24:36 2007-05-17 19:24:36 1 9305 0 9305 2007-05-17 12:04:15 2007-05-17 16:04:15 1 0 0 9268 2007-05-16 20:58:34 2007-05-17 00:58:34 1 0 0 9269 2007-05-16 21:41:23 2007-05-17 01:41:23 1 0 0 9289 2007-05-17 05:39:49 2007-05-17 09:39:49 1 9259 0 9251 2007-05-16 17:17:56 2007-05-16 21:17:56 1 0 0 9259 2007-05-16 18:36:59 2007-05-16 22:36:59 1 0 0 9263 2007-05-16 19:32:19 2007-05-16 23:32:19 1 0 0
Relying 100% On Online Income Thu, 17 May 2007 19:54:31 +0000
The Cons

I would say the worst thing about relying 100% on online income is the pay times. Most 3rd party advertising companies have a 30 day net payment period, which means what you earn in May you won’t get until the end of June. But a lot of companies have 60 day net’s which really suck. You don’t get what you earn for 60 days! After you start earning it is not that bad, but if you had a normal job you get your paycheck once a month or every 2 weeks.

The next thing that sucks is if your traffic is low you make less money no matter how many hours you put in that month. So if I work my ass of this month and traffic on my sites are low I will make less than I did last month. At an ordinary job if I work more hours I get paid more…well usually unless you’re on salary.

Just like the net payouts advertising companies have a set amount of money you need to earn each month in order to receive a payment. It is usually $25-$50, but some are $100. I really do not have to deal with this problem, but if you are not making much you won’t get paid until the next month’s earnings have been calculated. Your earnings from the previous months are added on.

Finally the last downside to relying 100% on online income is that you are your own boss. Why is this is a bad thing? Well most of us are used to being told what to do. We go to work and there are things we are told to do. When working for yourself it is hard not to become lazy and it is even harder to keep on task. I have had this problem many times. Then when I get my Google money in and see how low it is I get motivated and get back on task!

The Pros

I would say one of the best things about working for yourself and getting all your income online is that you don’t have to put up with a shitty boss. I’ve have some very crappy boss’s over the years and I’m glad I don’t have to answer to anyone except for myself. But as I said above being your own boss can be a bad thing too.

What’s great about most of the online advertising companies is you can see how much you are making. Unless you are on salary you really don’t know how much you are getting paid at the end of each month at a regular job. You may have some idea, but you are never sure. Each month I know how much I’m getting in.

With making money online the limits are endless. Working at a normal job you are on salary or get paid per hour so there is a limit, I mean there are only so many hours in a day. Some people have made more than I make in a year in just 1 month! This does not mean if you work more you will get paid more though!

You can work from anywhere there is an internet connection. I love this! I don’t have to worry about missing work because I can logon to my sites as long as I have an internet connection. So going away on vacations is not a problem as long as where we are going has an internet connection.

You are always making money. If you are running websites they are always making money for you. You can be sleeping and your sites are making money, well as long as they have ads on them!

So those are some pointers about relying 100% on online income. Believe me I enjoy working for myself and not having to deal with a boss. Hope this article was helpful.]]>
232 2007-05-17 15:54:31 2007-05-17 19:54:31 open open relying-100-on-online-income publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267195149 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:17:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9318 2007-05-17 18:05:34 2007-05-17 22:05:34 1 0 0 9363 2007-05-18 13:04:07 2007-05-18 17:04:07 1 0 0 9317 2007-05-17 17:42:34 2007-05-17 21:42:34 1 0 0 9326 2007-05-17 22:36:10 2007-05-18 02:36:10 1 0 0 9337 2007-05-18 04:56:42 2007-05-18 08:56:42 1 9326 0 9345 2007-05-18 07:21:22 2007-05-18 11:21:22 1 9337 1 9371 2007-05-18 14:50:09 2007-05-18 18:50:09 1 0 0 9382 2007-05-18 18:44:28 2007-05-18 22:44:28 1 9363 1 9484 2007-05-21 22:46:38 2007-05-22 02:46:38 1 0 0
Halo 3! Fri, 18 May 2007 19:48:16 +0000 For the past few days I have been playing the Halo 3 beta. I’m sure some of you have been too! In order to get into the beta you had to either signup and be selected or buy a copy of Crackdown. The beta is only a multiplayer beta so you just get to play matches against other people, but that’s still a lot of fun. In short the graphics are better, and they added new weapons, but it still plays like Halo 2. You can read my full Halo 3 beta impressions article over at ThinkGaming. Check out the above video of me playing!]]> 233 2007-05-18 15:48:16 2007-05-18 19:48:16 open open halo-3 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267236995 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:37:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9414 2007-05-19 19:33:26 2007-05-19 23:33:26 1 0 0 9381 2007-05-18 18:44:02 2007-05-18 22:44:02 1 0 0 9454 2007-05-21 03:33:28 2007-05-21 07:33:28 1 0 0 A Personal Day Sun, 20 May 2007 13:30:35 +0000
A personal day to me is a day where I don’t do any work and just relax. That’s what yesterday was. I spent most of the day watching TV and relaxing. I really tried to not think about work and it was very relieving. Everyday I have something to do with one of my sites. There is always something I can do whether its posting news, tweaking, etc . I was barely on my computer yesterday; I didn’t update any of my sites or even post news on them. Because of that I won’t make as much money today, but I would rather be happy and motivated than make a few extra dollars.

When you continually work things become repetitive and you get frustrated very easily. That’s why most people have weekends off. They take that time to just relax and not think about work. I rarely give myself days off, because missing news or not posting a review essentially costs me money and I loose traffic. But when I get frustrated with work I just need a day to relax and not think about work. Yesterday was a perfect day for that and now I’m motivated to get this weeks work done! ]]>
234 2007-05-20 09:30:35 2007-05-20 13:30:35 open open a-personal-day publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223305 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1191844957;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 9452 2007-05-21 03:17:54 2007-05-21 07:17:54 1 9435 0 9453 2007-05-21 03:31:55 2007-05-21 07:31:55 1 0 0 9483 2007-05-21 22:11:12 2007-05-22 02:11:12 1 0 0 9461 2007-05-21 07:34:37 2007-05-21 11:34:37 1 0 0 9435 2007-05-20 11:51:24 2007-05-20 15:51:24 1 0 0 9439 2007-05-20 15:23:40 2007-05-20 19:23:40 1 0 0 9443 2007-05-20 15:38:23 2007-05-20 19:38:23 1 0 0 9444 2007-05-20 16:16:36 2007-05-20 20:16:36 1 0 0 9485 2007-05-21 22:49:53 2007-05-22 02:49:53 1 0 0
Don’t Do It for the Money Mon, 21 May 2007 16:31:09 +0000 Personal Day I was watching a lot of TV, and actually there was something interesting on. The Science Channel has their Geek Weekend, which focused on the history of personal computers etc. On the one show they talked to a lot of the people who revolutionized personal computers. The interesting thing about all of these people is that they were doing what they were interested in, not what was going to make them rich. Most of the successful people in the technology industry did not go out looking for fame and fortune. Yes money is good motivation, but if you doing something you don’t enjoy is it really worth the money?

Now I don’t make a ton of money, but I do make enough to live in a nice place and have some nice things. When I was growing up everyday my Dad would come home pissed off at work. I always would notice that and told myself that I would not end up like that. I wanted a job that I enjoyed doing. Because of this I went full steam with ThinkComputers and my other sites instead of finishing school and getting a normal job.

I started ThinkComputers as a hobby, something I enjoyed doing and was interested in. I never thought I would be doing it as my job. I also never imagined it making any money. It was always a hobby to me, I did it in my free time. Finally after realizing I could make money off it I wanted to see where it could take me, and now here I am. As long as I’m doing something I enjoy and it’s paying the bills its well worth it for me. Don’t try to go out and make all the money because you can only be motivated so much and it’s not so easy to go out and make a ton of money. If you are doing something you enjoy you will be much happier and more motivated to make it big. ]]>
235 2007-05-21 12:31:09 2007-05-21 16:31:09 open open don%e2%80%99t-do-it-for-the-money publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180938 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1958503525;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 9481 2007-05-21 21:24:28 2007-05-22 01:24:28 1 0 0 9482 2007-05-21 22:10:27 2007-05-22 02:10:27 1 0 0 9476 2007-05-21 15:24:15 2007-05-21 19:24:15 1 0 0 9474 2007-05-21 14:23:27 2007-05-21 18:23:27 1 0 0
A Keyboard for iPod Lovers! Tue, 22 May 2007 21:13:55 +0000 Finally someone took a hint and put an iPod dock into a keyboard! The Razer Pro|Type is the first keyboard with an integrated iPod dock. Razer was nice enough to send me one to review on ThinkComputers. You can check my review out here. Besides the iPod dock Apple fans will love the all white look. Also gamers will enjoy the keyboard because it has 10 programmable hot keys and up to 10 different profiles so in reality you have 100 programmable hot keys! Enjoy the review.

The Pro|Type is actually based on the Tarantula keyboard, which is focused more towards gamers, so if you don’t need the iPod dock and don’t like the all white design of the Pro|Type the Tarantula is a great keyboard. The Pro|Type is very hard to find right now. It only started shipping on April 9th so I would it to be available more places by mid June. You can order it directly from Razer for $129.99. Make sure you check out my review!]]>
236 2007-05-22 17:13:55 2007-05-22 21:13:55 open open a-keyboard-for-ipod-lovers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917595 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9576 2007-05-23 11:00:00 2007-05-23 15:00:00 1 0 0
Ashley’s New Puppy Wed, 23 May 2007 20:45:24 +0000 Well Ashley has talked about getting a dog for a while. I just said ok thinking she would never get one. Yesterday she came home with a puppy! It is an 10 week old Yorkshire Terrier. Ashley named it Teddy. I can’t believe how small it is, it’s smaller than both of our cats. So now we have 2 cats and 1 dog. So far the cats have gotten along pretty well with the new puppy. We will see how things go.]]> 237 2007-05-23 16:45:24 2007-05-23 20:45:24 open open ashley%e2%80%99s-new-puppy publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209525 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1181117616;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 9596 2007-05-24 05:47:55 2007-05-24 09:47:55 1 0 0 9589 2007-05-23 19:53:49 2007-05-23 23:53:49 1 0 0 9591 2007-05-23 20:54:02 2007-05-24 00:54:02 1 0 0 9584 2007-05-23 17:00:38 2007-05-23 21:00:38 1 0 0 9597 2007-05-24 10:43:36 2007-05-24 14:43:36 1 0 0 9599 2007-05-24 21:31:04 2007-05-25 01:31:04 1 9597 1 9600 2007-05-24 22:06:05 2007-05-25 02:06:05 1 0 0 9601 2007-05-25 01:26:44 2007-05-25 05:26:44 1 0 0 9602 2007-05-25 02:49:27 2007-05-25 06:49:27 1 9601 1 Increase RSS Subscribers with Facebook Fri, 25 May 2007 02:03:39 +0000 Facebook. If you haven’t it is the less spam version of Myspace that allows you to connect with old classmates from college and high school. Facebook has a feature called Notes, which is much like a blog type system. You can post notes and all of your friends will see them in the recent notes section. This is cool and everything, but I have my own blog and I don’t want to write posts twice.
What’s cool about the note system is that you can import a RSS feed and every time you post on your blog the post will show up in its entirety in your notes on Facebook. So all of your Facebook friends can see what you are up to. To import your RSS feed into Facebook all you have to do is login to your Facebook account, click on Notes on the left, click on My Notes at the top, on the right side you will see something that says import settings, click on that and there you can import your RSS feed. It’s pretty simple and now you will see all of your post in your Facebook notes now. These notes will also appear on the mini feed in your profile. So how does this increase your RSS subscriber account? Well every time someone reads one of your notes that are counted as a subscriber. Since implementing the system I have seen a 10-15 reader increase in my RSS. This is really easy to setup and even if it does not help you out a lot it still lets all of your friends from school know what you are up to. Thanks to Michael for the tip!]]>
238 2007-05-24 22:03:39 2007-05-25 02:03:39 open open increase-rss-subscribers-with-facebook publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267166561 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:69:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9685 2007-05-28 00:45:25 2007-05-28 04:45:25 1 0 0 9618 2007-05-25 14:56:10 2007-05-25 18:56:10 1 0 0 9614 2007-05-25 12:16:33 2007-05-25 16:16:33 1 0 0 10460 2007-06-15 20:10:53 2007-06-16 00:10:53 1 0 0 13603 2007-09-22 22:31:27 2007-09-23 02:31:27 1 0 0
$3 For a Link on Fri, 25 May 2007 16:22:02 +0000 ReviewMe review on is $400! A Text Link is $240! So how did I manage to get a link in his latest post? I bought him a beer! John just installed the Buy Me a Beer Wordpress plugin. You can see it at the far bottom of the right column of his site. All it is, is a link to paypal. He suggests $3 for a beer and $7.50 for a pitcher. I decided to buy him a beer for $3. He made a post for the people that bought him a beer with links to everyone blogs / websites. This will give me some good traffic and it only cost me $3! The only other way to get a link back like that on is to write a review, and that takes time. Paying $3 is much easier!

If you want to get the buy me a beer wordpress plugin you can get it here. I might install it on here, but no one would buy me a beer! ]]>
239 2007-05-25 12:22:02 2007-05-25 16:22:02 open open 3-for-a-link-on-johnchowcom publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267195100 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9779 2007-05-31 04:55:44 2007-05-31 08:55:44 1 0 0 9629 2007-05-25 20:47:43 2007-05-26 00:47:43 1 0 0 9707 2007-05-28 20:37:51 2007-05-29 00:37:51 1 0 0
VOSS Water in Pittsburgh!?! Sat, 26 May 2007 20:42:56 +0000
Well last night I was doing some work and I was a bit hungry, but didn’t want to make anything. Luckily there is a Sheetz 2 minutes from my place. So I decided to go over there and get a MTO. MTO’s are great, I usually get a 12-inch steak hoagie with double meat, double cheese, and bacon. Anyways while waiting for them to make my hoagie I went over to get something to drink. I really did not feel like pop or an energy drink so I figured I’d get a water. I would normally pickup a Fiji, but looking over at the water section there was VOSS! I was like, “What the…”. Usually you only find VOSS in high class restaurants, hotels, casinos, etc. Now they are selling it at Sheetz?

It was not VOSS Glass, which comes in a glass bottle, it was VOSS Red that comes in a plastic bottle. Of course you know I picked it up! It was $1.59 for the small bottle (pictured above) and $2.29 for larger bottle. As far as taste goes it was still awesome, but not as good as the glass version. I don’t even think any restaurants in Pittsburgh serve VOSS. I guess I will have to wait till Vegas for that. ]]>
240 2007-05-26 16:42:56 2007-05-26 20:42:56 open open voss-water-in-pittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298467 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9686 2007-05-28 00:47:51 2007-05-28 04:47:51 1 0 0 9728 2007-05-29 15:44:46 2007-05-29 19:44:46 1 0 0 9733 2007-05-29 19:27:03 2007-05-29 23:27:03 1 0 0 9659 2007-05-26 23:27:00 2007-05-27 03:27:00 1 0 0 9675 2007-05-27 15:48:11 2007-05-27 19:48:11 1 0 0
Connecting With People Mon, 28 May 2007 19:46:57 +0000 ThinkComputers) I am constantly dealing with people. Every time you see a new review I’ve had to talk to someone at that company in order for them to send it to me. Well sometimes things just show up, but not that often. Most of my contact is done through e-mail, but I also talk to some people on the phone, especially when I want something specific. When I call them on the phone they know I mean business!

The thing about most of these PR people is that they just think you are some “kid” running a website. Over the 6 years I’ve been running ThinkComputers I have been turned down plenty by many companies. Even now I still am, but not that often. A lot of PR people will just never e-mail you back. Yes I’m serious, I guess it’s their easy way of not saying yes or no, but also PR people get tons of e-mail each day so answering every e-mail is kind of hard. So how do I get these companies to sponsor ThinkComputers? Meet them in person!

Once a year I travel to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). CES is HUGE! Anyone that has anything to do with technology is there. You will find all types of things from computers to massage chairs there. It is where most companies showcase what they will be releasing in the upcoming year. CES is great for coverage articles, but it’s really good for making new contacts and meeting sponsors. I try to fill up all of my days with meetings. Some meetings are with my current sponsors and some are with new companies that don’t know me.

When you meet people they can finally put a face to the name and unless you’re a jerk they will most likely send you something out to review. There are a few companies that sponsor ThinkComputers now that I would have never imagined would, but because of meeting them in person they are now sponsoring ThinkComputers. Also the same PR people that would ignore your e-mails are now e-mailing you about new products. The main reason for this is that they know you are serious about your website. Going to Vegas for a week is not cheap, so they know you have spent some money to get there.

Some people that I know say that going to CES is a waste of time. Well my first year we got a Slashdot for one of our coverage articles, then a few months later we received a product which our review also made the front page of Slashdot. The company we received the product from we met at CES. The revenue from those 2 days paid for the entire trip. This year at CES one of our articles made the front page of Digg and just the revenue from that article alone paid for the trip! Even if you don’t get any big stories if you meet people and they send you product throughout the year that is essentially money because if you are not posting reviews then you are not making money.

So in any business I believe that it is better to meet people so they know who you are and what you are all about. They know you are serious about what you do and will be more willing to help you out if you need it. ]]>
241 2007-05-28 15:46:57 2007-05-28 19:46:57 open open connecting-with-people publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267177619 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9740 2007-05-29 23:15:42 2007-05-30 03:15:42 1 0 0 9714 2007-05-29 00:57:30 2007-05-29 04:57:30 1 0 0 9716 2007-05-29 04:01:53 2007-05-29 08:01:53 1 0 0 9727 2007-05-29 15:42:55 2007-05-29 19:42:55 1 0 0 9711 2007-05-28 22:36:00 2007-05-29 02:36:00 1 0 0
Finally Someone Shut-up the Senators Wed, 30 May 2007 09:10:12 +0000
If anyone does not know the Stanley Cup Finals are going on. If you get to a chance to watch any of the games I would. You will see some of the best hockey! The 2 teams that made it to the final are the Anaheim Duck and the Ottawa Senators. After the Senators beat the Penguins I grew to hate them. Not just because they beat the Pens, but because Emery is rubbish and throughout the playoff’s he has barely been tested. The Senator’s block so many shots it’s crazy. Pucks hardly get to Emery and if they do he usually has a hard time with them. I mean he has stepped it up a little bit because of the playoff’s, but there are way better goaltenders in the league. But of course goaltending does not win you a Stanley Cup. The Ottawa offense is good, but hit them a few times and they wear down.

That’s what happened in game 1 on Monday night. The Ducks came out hard and punished the Ottawa forwards, especially Daniel Alfredsson and Jason Spezza who were both a -1 in game 1. Jason Spezza missed quite a few passes during the game, she definitely was shaken up. Alfredsson has a turn over that almost ended up as a goal. The Ducks came to play and their plan was simple punish them and play hard. I wish the penguins would have done this, Alfredsson barely got touched during our series against them. Although Colby Armstrong laid out Patrick Eaves. To read a funny recap of game 1 check out the pens blog.

So it’s on to game 2, hopefully the Ducks can keep up the strong play and come out with a win tonight to go into Ottawa 2 game to 0. We will just have to see, Go Ducks!]]>
242 2007-05-30 05:10:12 2007-05-30 09:10:12 open open finally-someone-shut-up-the-senators publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267257045 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9756 2007-05-30 09:30:33 2007-05-30 13:30:33 1 0 0 9755 2007-05-30 09:26:26 2007-05-30 13:26:26 1 0 0
The Man Behind Thu, 31 May 2007 16:01:56 +0000
Now I know most of you have probably never heard of Alex Billington. He isn’t a blogger like John Chow or Jon Waraas, but he is a good friend of mine that is doing great things. Alex runs, which is a movie news website. You will find everything from reviews to event coverage. Lately FirstShowing has been hitting it big by getting on the front page of Digg at least once a week, but before we get into all that let’s talk about how I met Alex.

A few years ago I was searching the web and found that CMU was having a LAN party. I was really into the LAN party scene, being part of the biggest LAN group in Pittsburgh, Pittco and going too many different LAN’s my friend Zach and I decided to go check it out. The event was run very well and the man behind it was Alex. After the LAN party Alex and I exchanged info and started talking online. It was weird because we both had a lot in common, we liked the same music, movies, etc. So eventually we became friends and hung out from time to time. Over the years Alex was written for ThinkComputers and every year I take him to CES with me.

When Alex was in college (at CMU) he kept on telling me how much he didn’t like it. I told him about my college experience. He was like me and wanted to do his own thing. He decided to leave CMU to fully dedicate himself to what he wanted to do, which was

When Alex and friends were camping out for X-Men 3 and he thought it would be a good idea to start a blog about their camp-out adventures. FirstShowing came online around late May of 2006. FirstShowing is quite a unique name. Alex tells me since Star Wars Episode 1 came out in 1999 he has been going to the first showing of every last movie big or small. So he decided to use FirstShowing as the name. The thing that makes FirstShowing so different from other sites is that they never mention home theatre or DVD’s, they focus primarily on the theatrical experience. So this makes them very unique. FirstShowing has really grown since it has started. Alex has really done a great job and spends most of his day working on the site. FirstShowing still camps out for movies, they have a full event schedule.

It’s really great to see a good friend be able to do what I do, work for himself. It’s not easy to start a site from scratch and build it up, but Alex has done it and I’m very proud of him. Alex really does not like to brag, but he says one of his accomplishments was being able to go to Sundance. If you are at all into movies than I would definitely check out FirstShowing.

243 2007-05-31 12:01:56 2007-05-31 16:01:56 open open the-man-behind-firstshowingnet publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267230497 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9789 2007-05-31 19:43:04 2007-05-31 23:43:04 1 0 0 9918 2007-06-01 17:43:01 2007-06-01 21:43:01 1 0 0
The Ducks go up 2-0 in the Series Fri, 01 Jun 2007 02:26:45 +0000 When this game started I was kind of worried. Ottawa came out hard in the first period. They were hitting everyone and trying to set a tone early in the game. After a few penalties I guess they ditched that strategy. After about the 10 minute mark in the first period the Ducks dominated the game. Yeah the score was only 1-0 Ducks, but this was one of the most dominating games with a 1-0 score. Surprisingly Emery kept Ottawa in the game. At the other end Jean-Sebastien Giguere did an awesome job as always. Ottawa couldn’t even score on a 5 on 3!

Just like in game 1 Ottawa is getting out-played and over worked. There were inexcusable turnovers, 1 which ended up being the game winning goal for the Ducks. The number 1 scoring line in hockey during the regular season (Spezza, Alfredsson, Heatley) has not been able to generate much offense at all in the first 2 games. Surprisingly this is the line that has been giving up most of the turnovers. So it’s on to game 3 in Ottawa. We will see if Ottawa breaks up that top line and if they will play better in front of their home crowd. It’s very hard to come back down 2 games 1. Go Ducks! ]]>
244 2007-05-31 22:26:45 2007-06-01 02:26:45 open open the-ducks-go-up-2-0-in-the-series publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279366 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9907 2007-06-01 00:12:36 2007-06-01 04:12:36 1 0 0
The Feast at Outback Sat, 02 Jun 2007 02:33:46 +0000
Last weekend my friend Sebastian and I were hanging out and we both felt like getting some steaks so we decided to go to Outback Steakhouse. Now I haven’t been there in probably 4 years. I’m really not sure why but I need to go more often. Sebastian and I were both really hungry so we decided to get a lot of food. What I really liked about Outback is that the menu was very big, and they had a lot of steak selections. A lot of restaurants will only have a filet and maybe one other type of steak. At outback you can get a filet, New York strip, sirloin, prime rib, ribeye, and a porterhouse. So what all did we get?

Sebastian and I started out with a Bloomin Onion. I haven’t had one of these in so long! It’s probably so bad for you though, all the grease! We also were given this really good bread. We went through about 4 loaves during the entire dinner. After the Bloomin Onion Sebastian had a bowl of clam chowder and I had a Salad.

For the main course Sebastian had The Melbourne, which is a 20oz. porterhouse steak. He got it medium-rare of course. For his side he got the roasted garlic mashed potatoes.

I was considering the Melbourne, but I decided on the 12oz. New York strip. Because it was only 12oz. I added a 1/2 lb. of Alaskan king crab. I also had my steak done medium-rare. The steak was very juicy and tasted great, much better than the steak I had at Longhorn Steakhouse.

With my $10 tip our bill was around $70, not bad for all the food we got! ]]>
245 2007-06-01 22:33:46 2007-06-02 02:33:46 open open the-feast-at-outback publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267230365 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9923 2007-06-01 22:48:52 2007-06-02 02:48:52 1 0 0 9926 2007-06-02 04:53:26 2007-06-02 08:53:26 1 0 0 9935 2007-06-02 18:11:34 2007-06-02 22:11:34 1 0 0 9981 2007-06-04 01:35:49 2007-06-04 05:35:49 1 0 0 9995 2007-06-04 06:29:08 2007-06-04 10:29:08 1 9981 0 10018 2007-06-04 21:50:43 2007-06-05 01:50:43 1 0 0 10119 2007-06-07 11:55:59 2007-06-07 15:55:59 1 0 0
Buy Me a Beer! Sun, 03 Jun 2007 00:26:37 +0000
A lot of my friends have added this plugin to their blogs so I have decided to add it to mine. The buy me a beer plugin is quite a cool plugin and is really easy to install. What better way to let me know you like my post than buying me a beer. I suggest $3 for a bottle and $7.50 for a pitcher. Once I get enough donations I will go out and buy some beer and take a picture for you guys.

I like a lot of different beers, but my favorites are probably Miller Lite, Labatte Blue, and Heineken. I don’t drink beer that often though, usually when I go out I get Captain and Coke’s. If you look at the picture below you will see what I look like after I get a few beers in me! The other guy in the photo is one of my best friends Mark. He always ends up getting me drunk!

246 2007-06-02 20:26:37 2007-06-03 00:26:37 open open buy-me-a-beer publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266549913 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9951 2007-06-03 09:09:47 2007-06-03 13:09:47 1 0 0 9961 2007-06-03 17:30:31 2007-06-03 21:30:31 1 0 0 9965 2007-06-03 19:15:14 2007-06-03 23:15:14 1 0 0 9940 2007-06-02 22:25:36 2007-06-03 02:25:36 1 0 0 9937 2007-06-02 21:50:30 2007-06-03 01:50:30 1 0 0 9945 2007-06-03 02:31:51 2007-06-03 06:31:51 1 0 0 9963 2007-06-03 18:39:00 2007-06-03 22:39:00 1 0 0 9976 2007-06-03 23:10:28 2007-06-04 03:10:28 1 9965 0 9977 2007-06-03 23:14:45 2007-06-04 03:14:45 1 9976 0 9982 2007-06-04 01:37:01 2007-06-04 05:37:01 1 0 0
May’s Top Commentators Sun, 03 Jun 2007 23:05:36 +0000
Well I have been so busy this week that I forgot to take a screenshot of the top commentators. So I decided instead of not making this post I would just go through and count the comments. It was not fun, but I did it! Here are the top commentators for May done Leo Chiang style.

Justin loves custom PC’s. This one has to be one of my favorites, it’s so clean. You can also add your PC!

Moulinneuf does not have a website, although with all of the commenting I really think he should have a blog or something!

The Business Twins will show you 10 Steps to build traffic to your blog and even how to burn fat!

Jacob was nice enough to list me in his top 5 blogs and talks about what gives him motivation to blog.

Damien has the low down on the new X-13D Doritos that taste like a cheeseburger! He also gives you the info on 3 blog networking and promotion services.

Those are the top commentators for May, it’s June now so hopefully at the end of this month I won’t forget to take a screenshot and have to count all the comments again!]]>
247 2007-06-03 19:05:36 2007-06-03 23:05:36 open open may%e2%80%99s-top-commentators publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266341060 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 9969 2007-06-03 20:44:22 2007-06-04 00:44:22 1 0 0 9971 2007-06-03 22:31:47 2007-06-04 02:31:47 1 0 0 9978 2007-06-03 23:14:52 2007-06-04 03:14:52 1 0 0 9980 2007-06-04 01:32:22 2007-06-04 05:32:22 1 0 0 9987 2007-06-04 02:53:50 2007-06-04 06:53:50 1 0 0 9983 2007-06-04 01:48:03 2007-06-04 05:48:03 1 0 0 9984 2007-06-04 02:08:51 2007-06-04 06:08:51 1 0 0 9993 2007-06-04 06:03:14 2007-06-04 10:03:14 1 9980 0 9994 2007-06-04 06:04:05 2007-06-04 10:04:05 1 9984 0 10031 2007-06-05 02:57:04 2007-06-05 06:57:04 Business Twins, I think we have always been using this theme. It isn't custom made, but we have had a very generous friend help us out and fix it to our liking. You can get the dark blue theme here: Dark Theme Website]]> 1 9994 0 10067 2007-06-06 03:23:04 2007-06-06 07:23:04 1 0 0
The Agloco Viewbar is FINALLY Released! Mon, 04 Jun 2007 11:27:34 +0000
This is a day I really did not think would happen. All of the speculation and rumors that Agloco was a scam. Well now we have what we have been waiting for the viewbar, the thing that makes us money! In order to download the viewbar you should receive an e-mail from Agloco saying that the viewbar is ready for download. These e-mails are sent out in order that you have signed up. So if you have signed up yesterday just sit tight and you will get your e-mail. Once you login to your account you will see a small button that says download viewbar. After you agree to the terms you can download the viewbar.

I have been playing around with the viewbar for the past 20 minutes and it’s much better than the old All Advantage bar. It is much smaller sitting at the bottom of your screen. Although I’m not getting served any ads, it’s just blank right now. In the e-mail from Agloco they said the ad targeting system will not be fully active at first. So I am getting paid to look at nothing!

As I said the viewbar is very small and you really do not notice it, which is very nice. I did my daily morning routine of posting news on ThinkComputers and it really did not get in my way at all. There is also a search box and favorites button on the bar for easy searching and access to your favorites in both Firefox and Internet Explorer.

So how am I doing on signups? Well to be honest I really did not push Agloco that much, mainly because of all of the speculation. The Agloco site is getting hammered right now so I cannot even see how many signups I have, but it know it’s not a lot 24 was my last count. Now I’m really behind because so many people have signed up!

If you have never heard of Agloco then you should signup! You can read my first post about it where I explain how it works. In simple terms you install a small viewbar on your computer and it serves you ads. So you basically be paid to surf the web. Making money couldn’t be easier! Also you get a cut of whatever people who you have signed up make so signup now!]]>
248 2007-06-04 07:27:34 2007-06-04 11:27:34 open open the-agloco-viewbar-is-finally-released publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266014297 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:69:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1184722386;s:7:"retweet";i:1184570405;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 10027 2007-06-05 02:06:01 2007-06-05 06:06:01 1 0 0 10064 2007-06-06 01:19:53 2007-06-06 05:19:53 1 10020 0 10063 2007-06-06 01:18:21 2007-06-06 05:18:21 1 0 0 10004 2007-06-04 12:27:14 2007-06-04 16:27:14 1 0 0 10029 2007-06-05 02:54:04 2007-06-05 06:54:04 1 0 0 10012 2007-06-04 16:26:00 2007-06-04 20:26:00 1 0 0 10015 2007-06-04 18:11:57 2007-06-04 22:11:57 1 0 0 10019 2007-06-04 21:52:03 2007-06-05 01:52:03 1 0 0 10020 2007-06-04 21:54:56 2007-06-05 01:54:56 1 10004 0 10041 2007-06-05 07:31:27 2007-06-05 11:31:27 1 0 0 10066 2007-06-06 03:19:17 2007-06-06 07:19:17 1 10004 0
May’s Blogging Thoughts Tue, 05 Jun 2007 21:54:43 +0000 ThinkComputers and writing quite a few articles for ThinkGaming. Luckily I got 3 new writers for ThinkComputers, now I can distribute all the products I get in to review between the 4 of us so I don’t have to do all the reviews myself.

The most popular post of the month was my article on John Chow. In May I also wrote 2 more articles on two of my friends Jon Waraas and Alex Billington. Both of these guys and John Chow are doing great things on the internet so make sure you check out the articles. But as I said this month has been a busy one so I did not get as much done as I would have liked. Hopefully I can write more interesting articles this month and maybe have a contest. Thanks to all the top commentators on the blog and people who visit. If you have any suggestions for post or topics to write about leave a comment! ]]>
249 2007-06-05 17:54:43 2007-06-05 21:54:43 open open may%e2%80%99s-blogging-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961306 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1194857052;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 10059 2007-06-05 22:39:00 2007-06-06 02:39:00 1 0 0 10069 2007-06-06 03:36:32 2007-06-06 07:36:32 1 0 0 10204 2007-06-09 12:19:11 2007-06-09 16:19:11 1 0 0 10065 2007-06-06 03:18:32 2007-06-06 07:18:32 1 0 0 10085 2007-06-06 16:12:54 2007-06-06 20:12:54 1 10069 1
Why Would I Pay you $25 Tyler?! Wed, 06 Jun 2007 19:19:45 +0000 I first read about this over at Jon Waraas’s blog then followed the story to WickedFire. So Tyler Cruz made a post on his blog about is new site and was talking about how he liked the forum layout that he got designed. He complained about the waiting so long for previous layouts and he said this new layout company was really great, especially their turnaround time. Then he goes on to complain about people e-mailing him asking him who this design company is. So what does he do? He wants you to pay him $25 for the name of the design company! Here it is directly in the post…

So, if you really want to know who I used, it’s going to cost you $25. Sorry.
What an asshole, I’m sorry but are you that desperate for money? I know for a fact that you are not so why make people pay for a name? That’s just stupid and goes against what most of us believe in. We always help people out if they need it, we don’t charge them for a damn name. Anyways WickedFire pointed out if you google “who designed” it says Custom skin designed by Now why the hell would anyone pay you $25 Tyler? Get over yourself…

250 2007-06-06 15:19:45 2007-06-06 19:19:45 open open why-would-i-pay-you-25-tyler publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267195175 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:7:{i:1273646634;s:7:"retweet";i:1273580786;s:7:"retweet";i:1182372421;s:7:"retweet";i:1182032195;s:7:"retweet";i:1179393287;s:7:"retweet";i:1952241505;s:7:"retweet";i:1952233991;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 10 10089 2007-06-06 19:38:23 2007-06-06 23:38:23 1 0 0 10083 2007-06-06 15:21:55 2007-06-06 19:21:55 1 0 0 10084 2007-06-06 15:22:33 2007-06-06 19:22:33 1 0 0 10125 2007-06-07 15:51:35 2007-06-07 19:51:35 1 0 0 10186 2007-06-08 23:47:28 2007-06-09 03:47:28 1 0 0 10096 2007-06-06 23:22:27 2007-06-07 03:22:27 1 0 0 10101 2007-06-07 01:22:54 2007-06-07 05:22:54 1 0 0 10172 2007-06-08 14:32:04 2007-06-08 18:32:04 1 0 0 10173 2007-06-08 14:36:40 2007-06-08 18:36:40 1 0 0 10108 2007-06-07 08:34:25 2007-06-07 12:34:25 1 0 0 10143 2007-06-07 23:09:08 2007-06-08 03:09:08 1 0 0 10414 2007-06-14 16:32:39 2007-06-14 20:32:39 1 0 0
The Ducks Take Game 4 Wed, 06 Jun 2007 21:30:58 +0000
Another game of the Stanley Cup Finals is in the books and the Ducks now lead the series 3 games to 1. The first period was back and forth but with only 0.3 seconds left Alfredsson scored to give the Senators a 1-0 lead. The second period was almost all Ducks. Andy McDonald scores 2 goals within 60 seconds of each other. With only 2 minutes left in the second Dany Heatley scores to tie the game at 3. The third period was also mostly all Ducks. About 4 minutes in they score their third goal, which was the game winning goal.

It was great hockey to watch, but a lot of things pissed me off. Only a minute into the game Chris Neil of the Senators basically gets nudged and falls down. One of the biggest dives I’ve seen in a hockey game. Penalty on the Ducks. Then Ryan Getzlaf charges towards the net and barely touches Senators goalie Ray Emery. Emery fly’s back like he got punched in the face. Another huge dive that the Ducks got penalized for. That call what total BS, Emery was barely touched, not to mention he was out of the crease. And finally the thing that really pissed me off about this game was in the final seconds of the second period Afredsson is going up center ice and is about to shoot the puck at the net because there are only a few seconds left on the clock, then he changes his mind and shoots the puck right at Scott Neidermayer of the Ducks. It was so blatant and just a plain cheap shot. After it happened a lot of the players went over and got in Alfredsson’s face. He ended up punching one, which is a penalty for sure. At the beginning of the second period there were only 2 penalties, and none of them were on Alfredsson. The officiating in this series has been horrible, at times it’s like if you touch someone you will get a penalty, but they again you can shoot the puck directly at a player and then punch another one in the face and you won’t get anything. You can check out the recap of the game here.

So now it’s on the game 5 in Anaheim. It would be really nice for the Ducks to finish this out and win the cup at home. I do want them to win, but I don’t want hockey to be over. Go Ducks!]]>
251 2007-06-06 17:30:58 2007-06-06 21:30:58 open open the-ducks-take-game-4 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209544 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1218991562;s:7:"retweet";i:1218922642;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 10088 2007-06-06 18:56:29 2007-06-06 22:56:29 1 0 0 10091 2007-06-06 21:21:05 2007-06-07 01:21:05 1 0 0
Missing Out on Another Trade Show Thu, 07 Jun 2007 18:41:10 +0000
If you follow technology at all you should know that Computex is going on all this week in Taipei. Last year I said I would go, but I’m sitting here at home. I LOVE going to trade shows. For one I love technology and it’s great to see what all of the companies are coming out with and usually you get to demo a lot of new things before they come out. Also trade shows are great for networking and making contacts. As I said before in my business it is good to know a lot of people and what better way to meet people than at a trade show.

Finally I would get to see a lot of my friends. Some of my really good friends like John, Stephen, and Jason are all at Computex right now and if you look at the picture above it looks like they are having a great time. I hung out with these guys a lot during CES and I had an awesome time. To bad I’m sitting at home now. Well I can’t promise anything for next year, but I really do hope to go to Computex and some other trade shows besides CES. Have a great time guys!]]>
252 2007-06-07 14:41:10 2007-06-07 18:41:10 open open missing-out-on-another-trade-show publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180951 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10151 2007-06-08 04:56:26 2007-06-08 08:56:26 1 0 0 10147 2007-06-08 02:01:45 2007-06-08 06:01:45 1 0 0 10130 2007-06-07 18:07:16 2007-06-07 22:07:16 1 10128 1 10128 2007-06-07 17:25:26 2007-06-07 21:25:26 1 0 0 10187 2007-06-09 00:01:59 2007-06-09 04:01:59 1 0 0 10179 2007-06-08 17:28:30 2007-06-08 21:28:30 1 0 0 10170 2007-06-08 12:23:12 2007-06-08 16:23:12 1 0 0 10176 2007-06-08 17:14:52 2007-06-08 21:14:52 1 10151 0 10178 2007-06-08 17:21:46 2007-06-08 21:21:46 1 0 0 10152 2007-06-08 06:51:30 2007-06-08 10:51:30 1 10151 0 10142 2007-06-07 23:07:41 2007-06-08 03:07:41 1 10130 0 10132 2007-06-07 18:27:44 2007-06-07 22:27:44 1 0 0
The Ducks are Champions Sat, 09 Jun 2007 10:14:08 +0000
Well there is good news and there is bad news. The good news is that the Duck's are Stanley Cup Champions. The bad news is that hockey is over. Hockey is one of the most intense sports to watch, I still don't understand why so many people hate the sport, but anyways.The Ducks took game 5 to win the Stanley Cup. The Stanley Cup is the oldest trophy competed for by professional athletes in North America. It is also the only trophy in professional sports that the names of the winning players, coaches, and management are engraved upon it. That is what makes it so special to the players.

I am not going into detail about the game, you can watch the highlights for yourself. The Ducks pretty much owned the game the whole way with a final score of 6-2. The thing that I really love about hockey is the respect level of the players. At the end of each of the playoff rounds the players shake hands. You do not see this many other sports. The teams have battled all series long and grew to hate the other team, but after it is all over they have the respect to line up and shake hands.

So another NHL season is in the books and this one was one of the best to date. All of the amazing plays, goals, and saves. The Penguins even made the playoffs! I can't wait till next year! Go Pens! ]]>
253 2007-06-09 06:14:08 2007-06-09 10:14:08 open open the-ducks-are-champions publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209540 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10203 2007-06-09 12:10:49 2007-06-09 16:10:49 1 0 0 10208 2007-06-09 14:47:45 2007-06-09 18:47:45 1 0 0
My Mobile Office Sat, 09 Jun 2007 15:55:09 +0000
Anytime I take a trip or even go somewhere like my parents house where I know I will be there for an extended period of time I usually end up taking my "mobile office" with me. The reason I do this is because as they say time is money and if I can get things done while I'm out why the hell not. All of the things listed are not essential, but are always good to have if I ever need them.

The first and most important thing in my mobile office is my laptop. All of my work is done on a computer so I definitely need to have one handy to get anything done. I currently have a Dell XPS M1210. The reason I choose the M1210 is because it is small (12.1 inches) and it can still play games too. I also like the integrated webcam in case I want to take any photos or video.

Next is the cell phone. If I am ever going anywhere and need to get a hold of someone or someone needs to get a hold of me I have my cell phone with me. I am using a Motorola RAZR v3 and although it's getting old I still don't have a problem with it. It is small enough to fit inside of my pocket and the call quality is great. I don't need a cell phone that I can check e-mails on or that has a full keyboard because I really don't TXT that much either. I am going to be looking for a new phone soon so any suggestions are welcome.

I always carry a flash drive with me. It houses default files for all of my sites, e-mail lists, and a few of my favorite MP3's that I like to listen to when I'm working. I am using a 2GB Kingston DataTraveler Secure drive. What's nice about it is that I can partition it with a secure side where I have important files like say passwords and my financial info and have the normal side where I have all of the other files. This is really good incase I lose the drive.

I always have an extra mouse around with me. If I'm doing a large amount of work the extra mouse is nice because using the touchpad can get annoying. I usually carry my Logitech MX1000 mouse that came with the MX5000 desktop set. It is very comfortable and wireless. The only thing is that it needs to be charged so I have to bring along the charging dock. So sometimes I will just bring along an extra mouse I have.

I always have extra cables with me. I carry an extra Ethernet cable, phone cable, and USB cable. The only one that I would really use is the Ethernet cable, but you never know when the phone cable will come in handy so it is always there. I also carry an extra PCMCIA wireless adapter incase the built-in wireless on my laptop decides to not work.

Finally I have always have a stack of business cards inside of the bag. It's always good to have business cards with you wherever you go. I usually have a small notepad and some pens in there as well. I currently use 2 bags, it all depends on what I'm doing and where I'm going. The 2 bags I use are the Tom Bihn Buzz and the Tom Bihn ID. I've had these bags for well over 2 years and they are just like new. Sometime I take my camera along with me and I use my Lowepro CompuDaypack, which protects my D-SLR camera very well.

So that's my mobile office, what's in your mobile office?]]>
254 2007-06-09 11:55:09 2007-06-09 15:55:09 open open my-mobile-office publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267265004 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10663 2007-06-21 08:41:52 2007-06-21 12:41:52 1 0 0 10207 2007-06-09 13:48:57 2007-06-09 17:48:57 1 0 0 10238 2007-06-10 10:12:27 2007-06-10 14:12:27 1 0 0 10240 2007-06-10 11:37:35 2007-06-10 15:37:35 1 10231 0 10257 2007-06-10 21:29:52 2007-06-11 01:29:52 1 0 0 10232 2007-06-10 05:39:56 2007-06-10 09:39:56 1 10207 1 10231 2007-06-10 04:31:27 2007-06-10 08:31:27 1 0 0
The Summer Outlook Sun, 10 Jun 2007 13:30:40 +0000
You ever remember those summers when you were in high school when you worked your ass off to get that new car, or just to have some money? Well that is looking to be what this summer is going to be for me. I don’t want a new car or anything like that, but I do want to elevate some debts and become more financially free. The biggest problem I have right now are my student loans, I’m not going to say how much I owe, but it’s a lot and the thing that really pisses me off is that I could have just saved my money because I’m not using what I learned in college now! No I’m not going to be working outside all summer, I’m going to be inside busting my ass on all of my sites.

Becoming More Financially Free
I do have certain goals in mind, but the overall goal is becoming more financially free. Each month I have certain payments that need paid and I also have to buy the essentials like groceries. The easiest way to do this is to make more money, but how exactly do I do that? Well of course I’m going to be working more. Usually if you work more you end up making more, but in this business it is not always like that. I hope to be publishing more reviews and articles on ThinkComputers and ThinkGaming as well as keeping up to date with this blog. That should essentially increase income. I might also look towards other forms of income, but all online of course, no working for “the man”!

Stay Motivated
The most important thing that I have to do is keep motivated. When you are motivated work comes easy and you do not get frustrated when certain things do not get your way. There are a lot of different ways to stay motivated, but one of the easiest ways is to be on a schedule that works for you. If you are exhausted and tired all the time motivation is not going to come easy. Also setting daily goals and tasks will help you stay motivated.

Don’t Burn Out
So with all of this work won’t I get sick of it? That’s what happens to so many people, they get burnt out. There are some really easy steps you can take to not burn out. The first being pick a day of the week to just take off. You would not believe how nice it is to not think about work for an entire day. If taking a whole day off is not an option make sure you are taking proper breaks. Usually each day I take about 2 1-hour breaks in between doing work. This way I can schedule tasks and just have some down time where I can relax. I’m also not going to be a hermit all summer. I will definitely be taking the time to go to the pool and hang out with friends. So hopefully this summer will be a success, we will just have to see…]]>
255 2007-06-10 09:30:40 2007-06-10 13:30:40 open open the-summer-outlook publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223374 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1193330901;s:7:"retweet";i:1180159441;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 10254 2007-06-10 19:55:10 2007-06-10 23:55:10 1 0 0 10252 2007-06-10 18:52:19 2007-06-10 22:52:19 1 10248 0 10253 2007-06-10 19:06:39 2007-06-10 23:06:39 1 0 0 10248 2007-06-10 16:06:23 2007-06-10 20:06:23 1 0 0 10256 2007-06-10 21:24:20 2007-06-11 01:24:20 1 0 0 10274 2007-06-11 09:23:53 2007-06-11 13:23:53 1 10252 0
Finding Out Who Your Readers Are Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:30:33 +0000
The readers of your blog / website are very important. They enjoy reading your posts and come back each day to see what is new. If you are publishing any type of media you want to know what type of people are reading / watching your works. You might find out that some very interesting people read your blog. So how to you go about seeing who reads your blog? There are quite a few easy ways to see who is reading your blog.

If people are interested in a post they might voice their opinion in the comments. Most comment sections ask for a name, e-mail, and website. If someone new comments I always check out the website that they have listed. A lot of those have become permanent bookmarks of mine.

Incoming Links
If you go into your Wordpress dashboard on the far right is your incoming links. Some of them can be permanent links on blogroll’s of people, but others can be links from people who are writing about what you are writing about. I usually check my incoming links each day. Also if you click on the more link it will bring you to a Technorati search for your blog. This is always good to look at too.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free web traffic monitoring program that you can easily install on your website or blog. All you have to do is put in a simple code and your good to go. The traffic software is so in-depth that you can see your top referring sites, then see the actual pages where the clicks are coming from.

MyBlogLog is a really cool service that puts a face to your readers. MyBlogLog is sort of like a social networking site for bloggers. You can create a profile and add all of your sites. After that you can put cool widgets on your site like the one you see on the right side of this page. It shows the last 5 MyBlogLog readers to view my blog. Usually when I see someone on there that I haven’t seen before I go and check their profile out.

These are 4 different ways I can see and interact with the people who read my blog. There are a ton of other ways to see who is reading your blog, but these are the methods I use. ]]>
256 2007-06-11 09:30:33 2007-06-11 13:30:33 open open finding-out-who-your-readers-are publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267180946 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1179644778;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 10315 2007-06-12 11:06:47 2007-06-12 15:06:47 1 0 0 10369 2007-06-13 17:28:10 2007-06-13 21:28:10 1 0 0 10278 2007-06-11 10:56:35 2007-06-11 14:56:35 1 0 0 10283 2007-06-11 13:46:57 2007-06-11 17:46:57 1 0 0 10299 2007-06-12 01:51:30 2007-06-12 05:51:30 1 0 0
A Day at the Pool Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:05:45 +0000
The other day Ashley and I went down to the pool they have here at our complex. It was the first time we have seen it. It’s not super big or anything like that, but hey it’s a pool none the less! Around the pool they have the typical chairs and tables, but they do also have 2 grill’s that you can use to cook on. Ashley and I did that last year at the pool at our old complex. It’s nice being able to bring down food so you can stay at the pool all day. The pool only goes up to 5 feet but it is still nice to swim in and cool off.

Spending some time at the pool is nice because it keeps your mind off work. As I said in an earlier post if you are always thinking about work and don’t take time to relax you will burn out. The pool is perfect because I can walk down there for a few hours and come back up to do work later in the day. My summer is going well, I have been managing my time well and getting a lot of work done. I hope everyone is having a good summer!]]>
257 2007-06-12 22:05:45 2007-06-13 02:05:45 open open a-day-at-the-pool publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223302 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10434 2007-06-15 01:37:31 2007-06-15 05:37:31 1 10430 0 10430 2007-06-15 00:02:51 2007-06-15 04:02:51 1 0 0 10340 2007-06-12 23:39:14 2007-06-13 03:39:14 1 0 0 10341 2007-06-12 23:58:16 2007-06-13 03:58:16 1 0 0 10342 2007-06-13 01:31:41 2007-06-13 05:31:41 1 0 0 10368 2007-06-13 17:21:42 2007-06-13 21:21:42 1 10341 0 10348 2007-06-13 03:58:41 2007-06-13 07:58:41 1 0 0 10453 2007-06-15 15:10:31 2007-06-15 19:10:31 1 10434 0
What Do You Focus On? Wed, 13 Jun 2007 13:30:57 +0000
When I am thinking about posts to write a lot is going through my head. There are many different things that I want to write about, but there are key things that I try and focus on. These key things are what shape my blog. They are the ideas behind my blog and the things I like to blog about as well as the different characteristics of the posts.

A lot of people see my blog as a business blog, but it really is my personal blog. I talk about my experiences as I live through them and try to offer tips to people going through the same thing. The main topics on my blog are business, the internet, personal stuff, and technology. These are things I’m passionate about and like writing about, which makes for easy writing. If you read through my blog you can see a lot of different types of posts. I try to keep everyone updated on what is going on in my life. I also try to cater to all of the users as well. I’m sure that not everyone wants personal posts, just as much as everyone does not want all business posts. I try to mix it all in.

Post Length
Post length is always a factor when writing a post, but is not that important to me. When I am writing my posts I usually just go through it and don’t think about the length, but if I am writing a short personal post I try to make it at least 2 paragraphs long. I also try not to make a crazy long post either. I can get across my point so that it is not to short, but also not to long that you are bored by the time you are done reading it.

Post Quality
Most of my personal posts get done and posted immediately. I look them over, but I do not proof them extensively like I do my business and other posts. Also I usually go into more detail and if need be look things up for my business related posts. This way I am giving my readers quality information. I also take the time to closely read the post out loud to myself to make sure it sounds right. I really try to take my time on these posts because more people read them. My personal posts I do not spend as much time on.

Post Frequency
If you have been reading this blog for a while you know I have been trying to post at least 1 post a day. You should try to have a system and keep it. That way users will know when to come back and check for new posts. A lot of people think posting all the time will help them out a lot, but if the posts lack quality you won’t see a lot of traffic. I’ve seen a lot of very popular blogs that only post once a week, but their posts are awesome. So you want to try to have a compromise between post frequency and post quality.

So those are the main things I focus on when writing a blog post. Each one gives me some type of guidance when writing. What do you focus on when writing? ]]>
258 2007-06-13 09:30:57 2007-06-13 13:30:57 open open what-do-you-focus-on publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209570 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1193227874;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 10357 2007-06-13 10:38:34 2007-06-13 14:38:34 1 0 0 10367 2007-06-13 17:20:33 2007-06-13 21:20:33 1 10357 0 10375 2007-06-13 21:23:10 2007-06-14 01:23:10 1 0 0 10415 2007-06-14 16:38:39 2007-06-14 20:38:39 1 0 0
Getting More Comments Thu, 14 Jun 2007 22:13:51 +0000
I love when people comment on my posts. It actually shows that people are interested in the post and they want to add their 2 cents in. It also letís me find out who my readers are. There are a lot of different things you can do to get people to comment on your blog. I have done a lot of these things and I have seen my comments increase over time.

Top Commentators Plugin
This is one of the easiest ways to get more comments on your posts. The top commentator's plugin allows you to display the name of the top commentators on the blog. The name is also a link to their website, so itís a free link for them. On a lot of blogs people race to become the top commentator on many blogs.

Top Commentators of the Month
At the end of each month I make a Top Commentators post. In the post I talk about each one of the top commentators for the previous month. I also give them a linkback. I do this because they provide input into the blog and itís nice to give something back to my readers. This type of post is common on a lot of blogs. Iím usually one of the top commentators on Leo's blog.

Ask a Question
This could be one of the easiest ways to get people to comment on your post. If you write a post and say at the end, "What do you think?" people usually will voice their opinion on the subject if it is interesting to them. This also comes into place when you need help with something if you openly ask for help a lot of people are sure to comment to help you out. Michael made a post about looking for a designer and people commented about designers they knew.

If you write about a controversial topic people are sure to reply. Politics, religion, health are the popular ones. Also if you bash someone like a popular blogger or someone that is well known people will either agree with you or try to blast you back. Also if you write a post to piss people off that will sure get some comments.

A lot of people have blog contests where they want you to write a review of their blog or link to their blog, but some just want you to comment on the contest post and you are entered. You can give away small things too, like webspace or headphones. They donít have to be large items like iPod's or Wii's. Also you can have a contest where the person with the most comments at the end of the month wins something.

You Comment
Recently I have been commenting on other peopleís blogs and I have noticed that they have come to my blog and commented on my posts. If people see you commenting on their blog they will at least come to your blog to check it out and if they are interested in your posts they will comment too. Also if you are commenting on someone's blog and other people see your comment they will come to your blog too.

So those are some tips for getting more people to comment on your blog. There are many other ways but these are very simple and should get you started. ]]>
259 2007-06-14 18:13:51 2007-06-14 22:13:51 open open getting-more-comments publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267209528 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10435 2007-06-15 02:00:10 2007-06-15 06:00:10 1 0 0 10446 2007-06-15 11:54:59 2007-06-15 15:54:59 1 0 0 10973 2007-07-02 18:44:45 2007-07-02 22:44:45 and quality comments. And if they do, they have helped you more than they have helped themselves. Thanks for the plug tip and keep up the good work! Kind regards, Chris Peters]]> 1 0 0 10427 2007-06-14 22:06:00 2007-06-15 02:06:00 1 0 15 10451 2007-06-15 14:17:38 2007-06-15 18:17:38 1 0 0 10465 2007-06-15 21:55:32 2007-06-16 01:55:32 1 0 0 10421 2007-06-14 19:42:33 2007-06-14 23:42:33 1 0 0 10438 2007-06-15 03:30:16 2007-06-15 07:30:16 1 0 0 10607 2007-06-19 20:39:06 2007-06-20 00:39:06 1 0 0
Win a Zune From Ms. Danielle Fri, 15 Jun 2007 19:29:32 +0000
What? Another Zune contest? I didn’t win John Chow’s Zune contest so I better win this one! Actually Ms. Danielle is the winner of John’s contest. She is giving the 30GB Zune away! What a great way to drive traffic to her site and gain readership. Contests always bring in readers because they have the chance of winning something for nothing. And a Zune is a great prize!

I have been reading Ms. Danielle’s blog for about 2 weeks now. She always talks about interesting topics and personal life. One of my favorite posts is her birthday post where she has pictures from 1998 to now. It’s cool to see how people have changed over time. Have you guys seen the YouTube video where the guy takes a picture of himself everyday for 6 years? Anyways wish me luck in the contest! And if I win I might give the Zune away too!]]>
260 2007-06-15 15:29:32 2007-06-15 19:29:32 open open win-a-zune-from-ms-danielle publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917597 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10470 2007-06-16 00:06:30 2007-06-16 04:06:30 1 0 0 10468 2007-06-15 23:45:28 2007-06-16 03:45:28 1 0 0 10478 2007-06-16 06:38:07 2007-06-16 10:38:07 1 0 0 10454 2007-06-15 15:42:44 2007-06-15 19:42:44 1 0 0
Going On Vacation! Sun, 17 Jun 2007 20:06:34 +0000
Well I know I talked about doing all work this summer, but Ashley talked me into taking a vacation and we both really need it. As I always say it is good to take a break and just relax. Now this trip won’t be a total relax trip as the hotel we are staying at does have WiFi and I will be updating my sites as well as updating you guys on my trip.

Ashley and I have decided on Florida because it’s only a 2 hour flight and it’s not super expensive. We will be staying at the Sirata Beach Resort (pictured above) that is right on the water. Both of us have never been to Florida so it will be quite an experience. We will be leaving July 7th and staying till the 14th. I am really looking forward to the trip. Hopefully there are no problems at airport security. There is always something of mine that they need to hand search.]]>
261 2007-06-17 16:06:34 2007-06-17 20:06:34 open open going-on-vacation publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223353 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1194873134;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 10593 2007-06-19 10:29:26 2007-06-19 14:29:26 1 0 0 10525 2007-06-17 16:44:18 2007-06-17 20:44:18 1 0 0 10549 2007-06-18 06:37:17 2007-06-18 10:37:17 1 0 0 10533 2007-06-17 21:15:48 2007-06-18 01:15:48 1 0 0 10540 2007-06-18 00:16:58 2007-06-18 04:16:58 1 0 0 10544 2007-06-18 00:40:55 2007-06-18 04:40:55 1 0 0 10536 2007-06-17 23:45:55 2007-06-18 03:45:55 1 0 0 10538 2007-06-17 23:53:19 2007-06-18 03:53:19 1 0 0 10534 2007-06-17 22:37:51 2007-06-18 02:37:51 1 0 0 10541 2007-06-18 00:25:02 2007-06-18 04:25:02 1 0 0 10562 2007-06-18 17:06:40 2007-06-18 21:06:40 1 0 0 10599 2007-06-19 15:10:30 2007-06-19 19:10:30 1 0 0 10570 2007-06-18 21:10:36 2007-06-19 01:10:36 1 0 0 10573 2007-06-18 21:29:21 2007-06-19 01:29:21 1 0 0
The XPS vs. Mac Tue, 19 Jun 2007 03:53:51 +0000

Hell yeah XPS > Mac! Here is the second video too. Dell should make these a real commercial. Anyways these videos brightened up my day, hope they do the same for you!]]>
262 2007-06-18 23:53:51 2007-06-19 03:53:51 open open the-xps-vs-mac publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267223379 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10616 2007-06-20 00:44:35 2007-06-20 04:44:35 1 0 0 10579 2007-06-19 01:00:39 2007-06-19 05:00:39 1 0 0 10578 2007-06-19 00:00:31 2007-06-19 04:00:31 1 0 0 10581 2007-06-19 01:39:18 2007-06-19 05:39:18 1 0 0
Always Try to Work Ahead Wed, 20 Jun 2007 00:18:50 +0000
I always have a problem getting behind in my work, it could be that I have bad time management or that I don’t always set daily goals or even that I’m just lazy. It any business it is always great to be ahead in your work. Once you get behind in your work things just go down hill from there. You end up doing more work, you have more stress put on you because things are not getting done, and since things are not getting done you lose motivation. It’s like a domino effect.

Set Goals
This is one of the easiest ways to stay ahead in your work. If you set a daily “to do” or goal list you know what you have to get done during the day and you can pace yourself. Some days I forget to make myself a to do list and I always end up forgetting to do something important. I find it easier to make the list the night before right when I’m going to sleep.

Don’t Get Distracted
Because of the nature of my type of work I tend to get distracted a lot. Sometimes it can be talking to someone on AIM or someone sends me a funny YouTube video and I end up being on there for a few hours. When I’m really trying to get things done I will either sign off of AIM or put an away message up. The best way to not get distracted is to eliminate your distractions.

Be on a good schedule
I’ve talked about this over and over again. You will accomplish more work when you are on a better schedule. When you are on a bad schedule you always feel tired and worn out. Try to find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. I’ve been on bad schedules where I was waking up at 3-4PM and as soon as I woke up I felt behind in my work because the day was half over.

Those are just some easy tips on staying ahead of your work. What I try to do is have reviews done and stockpiled so I don’t have to write a review and post it all in the same day. When this happens I feel like I have no free time and I still feel that I haven’t accomplished that much because the next day I have to write another review. If I have reviews on hand I can write a review over a few days and just add it to the stockpile. So try to stay ahead in your work, it makes things easier! ]]>
263 2007-06-19 20:18:50 2007-06-20 00:18:50 open open always-try-to-work-ahead publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917590 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10617 2007-06-20 00:45:56 2007-06-20 04:45:56 1 10610 0 10606 2007-06-19 20:34:32 2007-06-20 00:34:32 1 0 0 10610 2007-06-19 21:41:08 2007-06-20 01:41:08 1 0 0 10626 2007-06-20 06:53:57 2007-06-20 10:53:57 1 0 0
Keeping Track of Money and Payments Thu, 21 Jun 2007 19:59:40 +0000
Some people are good at this and some people are just horrible at it. With so much going on it is hard sometimes to keep track of your expenses and payments. Also when you work exclusively online most of your money comes in around the same time each month so you basically have one payday all month. So you need to manage your money well. When I first started managing my expenses I was not organized and ended up missing a lot of payments resulting in late fee’s etc. So here are some tips for keeping track of your money and payments.

Setup a Payment Spreadsheet
I have an Excel spreadsheet where I have all of my payments each month listed and the day that they are due on. This is simply a checklist. After I have paid each bill I mark paid beside it. This way I know it is paid and never forget. Also having the dates that the bills are due makes sure that I will never miss a payment.

Online Banking
I do all of my banking online. If your bank does not offer online banking you should look for another bank. Online banking is so convenient because you can check your balance anytime and see a list of all of your transactions. You can also do things like transfer balances between accounts.

Consolidate Bills
If you are able to consolidate bills into just 1 bill that makes things even easier because you only have to deal with 1 big bill each month. I am able to do this with my American Express card. I can add things like my phone bill and even Netflix so that American Express will pay them automatically each month. A lot of banks and credit cards do offer this, if you can do it, it is definitely recommended.

These are some of the things that I do to keep track of my money and payments. It makes things easy to manage and fast so I can devote more time to my work, not paying bills. ]]>
264 2007-06-21 15:59:40 2007-06-21 19:59:40 open open keeping-track-of-money-and-payments publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267166568 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1959017662;s:7:"retweet";i:1952558249;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 10684 2007-06-21 22:15:59 2007-06-22 02:15:59 1 0 0 10685 2007-06-21 23:08:57 2007-06-22 03:08:57 1 0 0 10692 2007-06-22 03:11:24 2007-06-22 07:11:24 1 10685 0 10699 2007-06-22 10:05:47 2007-06-22 14:05:47 1 0 0 10704 2007-06-22 13:38:20 2007-06-22 17:38:20 1 0 0
5 Days, 5 Reviews Fri, 22 Jun 2007 21:39:28 +0000
This week was a great week for ThinkComputers, we posted a review each day of the week (Monday-Friday). Usually we post reviews on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but we had enough products in that we were able to post reviews on Tuesday and Thursday too. Because of the added content I saw about a 5% increase per day in earnings. That’s a great thing to see and keeps me motivated to get more reviews done.

The reason for this increase in revenue is because of the extra content and better writing. My 2 new writers Colin and Greg are much better writers than previous writers I have had. The reviews we posted this week are the Antec P182 Case, Tagan GuardianX Silver Power 1000W PSU, Saitek Obsidian Wireless Mouse, Cooler Master Real Power Pro 650W PSU, and the Logitech X-540 5.1 speaker system. Now having 3 reviewers plus myself makes pumping out content much easier and puts less stress on me. Hopefully we can keep this trend up.

ThinkComputers is a content based site meaning that if we are not putting out new content we will not be making much money at all. I try to post at least 3 new content items a week if not more. Enjoy the rest of the rest of your Friday and check out one of the reviews! ]]>
265 2007-06-22 17:39:28 2007-06-22 21:39:28 open open 5-days-5-reviews publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266912103 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1962077690;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 10727 2007-06-23 12:18:29 2007-06-23 16:18:29 1 0 0 10729 2007-06-23 12:51:22 2007-06-23 16:51:22 1 0 0
Ashley's Blog Sat, 23 Jun 2007 19:58:08 +0000 blog again. She originally had one, but never updated it. She says she will be updating this one all the time, but we will see. She is using the same layout I have, but she has changed it up to fit her style. She says she is going to talk about her personal life, making websites, and how she makes money online. If she keeps up with it I think it will become very popular. In any case check it out.]]> 266 2007-06-23 15:58:08 2007-06-23 19:58:08 open open ashleys-blog publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267277245 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1457155043;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 10738 2007-06-23 20:28:36 2007-06-24 00:28:36 1 10735 0 10735 2007-06-23 16:49:08 2007-06-23 20:49:08 1 0 0 Taking Ashley to Outback Sun, 24 Jun 2007 13:15:22 +0000
After going to Outback with Sebastian and telling Ashley about it she told me she had never been to Outback so I decided I would take her. We went to the Outback in Robinson because we were out that way. It was nice out so we decided to beat the wait and eat outside. The Outback in Robinson has a few tables outside on the patio, which is perfect for a summer day. I really enjoy eating outside, it makes me feel more relaxed. The last time Ashley and I ate outside was at Yokoso.

For Ashley’s meal she decided on the King Crab legs, which came with a baked potato and salad. The crab legs were good (I had a bite), some places you go that don’t specialize in seafood have horrible crab legs, the ones at Outback were quite good.

This time I went with the Melbourne, which is a 20oz porterhouse steak. I really think Sebastian got ripped off when we went because my steak this time seemed much bigger than the one he got. Oh well.

My meal also came with mashed potatoes and a salad. Ashley and I also shared a Bloomin Onion. I can’t find the recipe here, but I think everything with tip was around $70. Not bad for great tasting crab and steak. ]]>
268 2007-06-24 09:15:22 2007-06-24 13:15:22 open open taking-ashley-to-outback publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267122657 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10839 2007-06-28 09:49:00 2007-06-28 13:49:00 1 0 0 10770 2007-06-25 05:38:07 2007-06-25 09:38:07 1 0 0 10753 2007-06-24 11:49:16 2007-06-24 15:49:16 1 0 0
Finally on Flickr Mon, 25 Jun 2007 08:00:23 +0000
I’ve had a free pro Flickr code for some time now, well I finally cashed it in. For those who don’t know Flickr is a place where you can store photos online and people can view them, leave comments, etc. I always like to get feedback on pictures I take or just some funny comments so since I had some free time I setup my account.

I was surprised how easy it was to upload a lot of photos at once. Flickr does have a web based upload system, but they also have a program where you can just drag and drop photos and click upload and they are there. Also if I have a large photo I don’t need to resize it, Flickr will do it for me. I wasn’t going to resize 100 old photos just to upload them to Flickr!

So I have my account setup and have added a bunch of older photos. I hope to keep up with it and add a few photos each week. I used to have random photos from my ThinkComputers Gallery on the side of the blog, but no one really would comment on them so I have added the Flickr badge that shows 10 random photos of mine. Feel free to add comments on my photos and add my as a contact!]]>
269 2007-06-25 04:00:23 2007-06-25 08:00:23 open open finally-on-flickr publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267262180 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10813 2007-06-26 18:30:12 2007-06-26 22:30:12 1 0 0 10769 2007-06-25 05:36:53 2007-06-25 09:36:53 1 0 0 10777 2007-06-25 10:17:03 2007-06-25 14:17:03 1 0 0 10781 2007-06-25 11:11:53 2007-06-25 15:11:53 1 0 0 10787 2007-06-25 13:50:23 2007-06-25 17:50:23 1 0 0 10786 2007-06-25 12:59:09 2007-06-25 16:59:09 1 0 0
Brainstorming Tue, 26 Jun 2007 20:07:08 +0000
Why is brainstorming important? I think for me it allows me to come up with quality posts and content. I see a lot of bloggers writing impulse posts. These are quick posts that they have thought up that day and post right away. Now there is nothing wrong with impulse posts, but I feel that the long though out and written well posts are better. With this blog most of my personal posts are impulse posts, I do something fun and I write about it. But when I am writing a post about business or blogging I usually take the time to think out each post and take my time writing it.

Write Things Down
The first and most important part to my brainstorming is coming up with ideas for posts. When I do any type of brainstorming I usually try to find a relaxing place in my townhouse and sit down with a notepad. The first things I write down are the possible topics I want to write about. Writing things down is always important. Sometime I think of a great idea when I’m out, but then when I get home I totally forget about it. So it is always important to write things down.

Think out the whole post
Besides just thinking about the topic of the post there are a few other things you might want to write down about the posts. I usually write down the main things that I want to point out in the post and also the post length. These sort of give me a guideline for my writing. I know when I have a topic I start writing and sometimes don’t know where to go after a certain point so having those guidelines make writing easier.

Time Management
Brainstorming helps me out a lot with time management. I know I get a lot of IM’s from fellow bloggers saying, “What should I blog about today?”. Since I have a good list of topics to write about I don’t have to take the time each day to come up with topics. Usually I take one day a week and think up about 7-10 topics that I can write about for that week. Also having the list of topics gives me some choice, because sometimes I will think of a topic, but I know the post will take quite a while for me to write so I will pick a shorter topic instead then work on the longer one over a few days. This way I will have a steady flow of posts, not missing any days.

Brainstorming is a very valuable tool in any type of business. It is always better to think things about before you do them. ]]>
270 2007-06-26 16:07:08 2007-06-26 20:07:08 open open brainstorming publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961476 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10823 2007-06-27 10:05:27 2007-06-27 14:05:27 1 0 0 10980 2007-07-02 22:59:49 2007-07-03 02:59:49 1 0 0
Cooking Mama! Wed, 27 Jun 2007 22:57:18 +0000
If you have a Wii you need to check out Cooking Mama: Cook Off! It is a really fun game and anyone can pickup a Wii remote and start playing. I’m not going to tell you all about the game, you can read my review over at ThinkGaming. If you have a chance, pick this game up for sure. Enjoy the video above of me cooking some Shrimp in chili sauce!]]>
271 2007-06-27 18:57:18 2007-06-27 22:57:18 open open cooking-mama publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917537 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:8:{i:1963644778;s:7:"retweet";i:1963302926;s:7:"retweet";i:1963183516;s:7:"retweet";i:1963120304;s:7:"retweet";i:1963083453;s:7:"retweet";i:1963081075;s:7:"retweet";i:1963034448;s:7:"retweet";i:1963023246;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 8 10849 2007-06-28 20:46:53 2007-06-29 00:46:53 1 0 0 10835 2007-06-28 03:12:33 2007-06-28 07:12:33 1 0 0 10842 2007-06-28 13:16:56 2007-06-28 17:16:56 1 0 0 10843 2007-06-28 13:47:15 2007-06-28 17:47:15 1 0 0
ThinkComputers Updates Sat, 30 Jun 2007 01:11:54 +0000
Usually with all of my sites there are little tweaks or things I want to change. With ThinkComputers there was been many things that I have wanted to get done, but I just haven’t had the time. Finally last weekend I took the time to fix a lot of the little problems with ThinkComputers and add a few new things too.

The Newsletter
I had a newsletter going for a while, but I took down the signup form when ThinkComputers got its new layout. I finally put the signup form back in and Justin was nice enough to write me a script that adds e-mails into a database. Since I put it up I have about 15 people signed up for the newsletter. If you want to know when we post a review, or when something is going on make sure you sign up for the newsletter.

Revamping The Reviews Section
The reviews section of the ThinkComputers has been the same since the new layout. You would see the latest 5 reviews and then icons for each review section. Each review section would contain a list of reviews of that specific section. First I switched it around and put the review sections first. There is a list of the latest 5 reviews on the front page as well as a list of the latest 10 on the side of the page so having the latest 5 reviews on the reviews page is not that important, so they are at the bottom. Having the review sections first will hopefully allow users to check out some of our older reviews. In each review section I have added a picture and description of the latest 5 reviews of that section. Before it was just a straight list, I think that having a picture and description will make more people want to check out the reviews. I also added a few new sections to the review page, Bags, Displays and Full Systems / Laptops, and the review page photos are all updated to newer photos.

Ads There are a few ad updates. First all of the ad sections are run on OpenAds. It is a really powerful program that allows you to input ads into the system and they are stored in a database. So for each ad spot on my page I can have many ads rotating and enable and disable certain ads. The system also tracks impressions and clicks so if I have private advertising they can see how their ads are performing. I have signed up for 2 new advertising companies. I have had Text Link Ads on my blog for a while now, but haven’t had really any luck. I figured I would give it a try on ThinkComputers. I have already sold 1 link at $75, hopefully more come along. The second company is Auction Ads. I have heard some good things about Auction Ads so I decided to give them a try. It’s too early to see how well they will perform, but I will keep you updated on that.

So those are some of the little tweaks and updates I have done to make ThinkComputers a little more user friendly and easier to manage. Have a great Friday everyone! ]]>
272 2007-06-29 21:11:54 2007-06-30 01:11:54 open open thinkcomputers-updates publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267187347 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10879 2007-06-30 05:02:18 2007-06-30 09:02:18 1 0 0 10873 2007-06-29 23:55:29 2007-06-30 03:55:29 1 0 0 10885 http://www, 2007-06-30 08:57:56 2007-06-30 12:57:56 1 0 0
Be Productive on the Weekend Sun, 01 Jul 2007 19:21:29 +0000
For most people the weekend is the time to relax and just take time off from work. Usually I try to do the same, but what I should be doing is being productive. Weekends are usually slower for internet traffic so I usually don’t post reviews on the weekend, I try to relax and work on some reviews for the upcoming week, but I could be doing a lot more.

Two of my sites are run on Wordpress, this blog and ThinkGaming. Wordpress’s timestamp feature is really great. I can write 10 posts and have them go live throughout the week, not the day I actually publish them. So how will this help me? Each day I won’t have to take the time to write these posts or even post them. Wordpress does it all automatically. So each day during the week my daily task list would be shorter giving me more time do get other things done and making things less stressful.

Besides just writing on the weekends you could also be tweaking your sites or adding new features. As I said the internet is usually less busy on the weekend so you are not required to update your site on the weekends. So instead of updating you could be tweaking. In my ThinkComputers updates post I talked about various tweaks I did on ThinkComputers. Little things like this can really improve your website / blog.

If you work all during the week and all weekend you will eventually burn out. I’m not saying to work all weekend, but be productive. In order to be productive you need to manage your time well and set your goals. ]]>
273 2007-07-01 15:21:29 2007-07-01 19:21:29 open open be-productive-on-the-weekend publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961448 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10985 2007-07-03 01:49:50 2007-07-03 05:49:50 1 10971 0 10935 2007-07-01 17:06:13 2007-07-01 21:06:13 1 0 0 10979 2007-07-02 22:55:57 2007-07-03 02:55:57 1 0 0 10971 2007-07-02 17:02:15 2007-07-02 21:02:15 1 0 0 10948 2007-07-02 02:20:59 2007-07-02 06:20:59 1 0 0
June’s Top Commentators Mon, 02 Jul 2007 17:10:22 +0000
Wow it seems like time is flying, another month has gone by. Last month was a great month for this blog and we had a good amount of comments. Only the top 5 commentators make our list though. Here they are, Leo Chiang style…

BigMan – He reviews PC Hardware just like me, and enjoys swimming in the pool he help build.

Sean – Sean is my good Lan Party buddy, Pittco is coming up and I should see him there. His also is trying to keep an organized schedule, we all know that is a hard thing to do.

Shawn Knight – Shawn loves seeing people get pwned! Ashley was nice enough to model his T-shirt!

David Lithman – I was quite concerned when Adbrite did not pay him the right amount on his March payment. He also had a great post on what other bloggers were doing a year ago, he included me in the list!

Business Twins – They have a list of the Top 30 fastest growing jobs, this would be a good thing to know if this internet didn’t work out! Both of them have gone through the Abercrombie & Fitch interview process, that brings back memories for me!

Become a Top Commentator
Becoming a Top Commentator on is really easy, all you have to do is comment! Comments are recorded and the top 5 commentators are listed on the side of the page. At the end of each month I do a Top Commentator post, with links back to your blog / website. So a linkback on the side of the page as well as a few more links in a post. So there is no reason not to comment! ]]>
274 2007-07-02 13:10:22 2007-07-02 17:10:22 open open june%e2%80%99s-top-commentators publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267257778 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10982 2007-07-03 00:20:12 2007-07-03 04:20:12 1 0 0 11165 2007-07-09 19:34:04 2007-07-09 23:34:04 1 0 0 10977 2007-07-02 21:04:16 2007-07-03 01:04:16 1 0 0 10965 2007-07-02 14:25:18 2007-07-02 18:25:18 1 0 0 10966 2007-07-02 14:29:32 2007-07-02 18:29:32 1 0 0
The 40oz Porterhouse Tue, 03 Jul 2007 16:18:34 +0000
My friend Sebastian and I were hanging out last week and once again we wanted steak. My Dad had told me about a place around here where if you ate this steak in a certain amount of time you get your meal free or something like that. Now that sparked my interest! So after making a few phone calls I found out that the place was called Hereford & Hops. I had never heard of the place so I was very excited.

It is actually diagonally across the street from Longhorn Steakhouse. So Sebastian and I headed out there. They had quite a large steak menu, from ribeye’s to filet mignon. They also have premium cuts of their best meat. The Butcher’s Challenge is a 60oz steak that if you eat it along with the accompanying baked potato in 1 hour and 15 minutes you will receive a $19.95 gift card for your next visit. Well it’s no free meal, but better than nothing! After looking at the menu Sebastian and I both decided on the 40oz porterhouse. It would give us a feel of what a 60oz would be like. The steak comes with your choice of potato and salad.

Sebastian got our steak medium-rare, there is no other way to get a steak! After about 35 minutes we both had finished our steaks as well as the rest of the food. Now we know we can definitely eat the 60oz steak. One thing that is really cool about Hereford & Hobs is that you can actually cook your own steak. There are quite a few grilling rooms where you can select your steak and cook it yourself. There are grill chef’s there so you aren’t totally on your own. Next time I talk about Hereford & Hobs I will be talking about how I ate the 60oz steak!]]>
275 2007-07-03 12:18:34 2007-07-03 16:18:34 open open the-40oz-porterhouse publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961487 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 10998 2007-07-03 15:04:30 2007-07-03 19:04:30 1 0 0 11051 2007-07-05 11:44:04 2007-07-05 15:44:04 1 0 0 11003 2007-07-03 15:55:14 2007-07-03 19:55:14 1 0 0 11055 2007-07-05 13:22:08 2007-07-05 17:22:08 1 0 0 11054 2007-07-05 13:18:36 2007-07-05 17:18:36 1 0 0 11058 2007-07-05 15:31:30 2007-07-05 19:31:30 Thanks Simon]]> 1 0 0 10996 2007-07-03 12:27:36 2007-07-03 16:27:36 1 0 0 11000 2007-07-03 15:24:33 2007-07-03 19:24:33 1 0 0 10997 2007-07-03 13:49:06 2007-07-03 17:49:06 1 0 0 11005 2007-07-03 16:43:50 2007-07-03 20:43:50 1 0 0 11013 2007-07-03 21:20:04 2007-07-04 01:20:04 1 0 0 11016 2007-07-04 00:34:38 2007-07-04 04:34:38 1 10996 0 11033 2007-07-04 16:18:35 2007-07-04 20:18:35 1 11016 1
Busy, Busy, Busy! Thu, 05 Jul 2007 19:33:54 +0000 going away to Florida on Saturday. Because of this I am trying to get a lot of work done before I leave. This means doing 2-3 times more work than what I am used to. I’m trying to get a lot of the testing out of the way for a lot of the products. This way while I’m on vacation I can just write the reviews and have all the results from the tests done. Oh well this week has been so busy, but I’m trying to keep you guys updated. Stay tuned for some better posts by the end of the week!]]> 276 2007-07-05 15:33:54 2007-07-05 19:33:54 open open busy-busy-busy-2 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250754 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11061 2007-07-05 17:43:59 2007-07-05 21:43:59 1 0 0 11077 2007-07-06 09:12:50 2007-07-06 13:12:50 1 0 0 11081 2007-07-06 14:41:25 2007-07-06 18:41:25 1 0 0 11064 2007-07-05 20:46:46 2007-07-06 00:46:46 1 0 0 11082 2007-07-06 14:42:35 2007-07-06 18:42:35 1 0 0 11083 2007-07-06 14:47:19 2007-07-06 18:47:19 1 0 0 The Joy of Packing Sat, 07 Jul 2007 00:11:50 +0000
For the past 2 hours I have been packing. This time I was smart and made a list of the things that I need to take, I always end up forgetting something! So hopefully this time I won’t. Packing for this trip is a lot different from CES. For CES I pack all dress clothes except for 1 or 2 pairs of regular clothes. I’m packing all regular clothes so it’s a lot more to pack.

If you notice there are no big suitcases in the above picture. I use a carry-on suitcase and a laptop / camera bag. I try to always carry on, I don’t want to have to deal with the airline losing my luggage. It will be my first time getting some good use out of the Lowepro CompuDaypack. It is designed to hold both a laptop and D-SLR camera. Hopefully I can fit all of my stuff in there, it is only designed for small day and weekend trips.

For entertainment on the flight I have my laptop, DS Lite, iPod, a magazine, and a book to read, although the flight time is not that long. We fly from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, which will be about an hour. Then we have about a 40 minute wait till our flight from Philadelphia into Tampa. That flight we will about 2 hours and 15 minutes. I always try to pack things to do because I hate being bored. I will probably end up writing reviews on most of the flight.

Our flight leaves at 5:45AM so I probably will just stay up, too excited to sleep! If I have time I will make a post from the airport on their free WiFi.]]>
277 2007-07-06 20:11:50 2007-07-07 00:11:50 open open the-joy-of-packing publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250777 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11164 2007-07-09 19:29:05 2007-07-09 23:29:05 1 0 0 11093 2007-07-07 03:02:12 2007-07-07 07:02:12 1 0 0 11103 2007-07-07 14:42:09 2007-07-07 18:42:09 1 0 0 11112 2007-07-07 17:32:46 2007-07-07 21:32:46 1 0 0 11111 2007-07-07 17:28:52 2007-07-07 21:28:52 1 0 0 11110 2007-07-07 16:25:28 2007-07-07 20:25:28 1 0 0 11089 2007-07-06 22:57:09 2007-07-07 02:57:09 1 0 0
At the Airport... Sat, 07 Jul 2007 09:07:32 +0000 278 2007-07-07 05:07:32 2007-07-07 09:07:32 open open at-the-airport publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250749 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11104 2007-07-07 14:42:48 2007-07-07 18:42:48 1 0 0 11105 2007-07-07 14:43:45 2007-07-07 18:43:45 1 0 0 I Need Sleep! Sat, 07 Jul 2007 23:38:23 +0000
Well its 7PM here and I haven’t slept since around noon yesterday! As you may have guessed Ashley and I made it to Florida! Our flight from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia was horrible! We were cramped on a 737. If this was my impression of U.S. Airways I would never fly them again! The service was horrible, flight attendants really did not say anything to you and were not very helpful at all. Luckily our second flight was much better. This time we were on an Airbus A321. The plane was much larger that the 737 and the actual size inside of the plane was larger. This made traveling much more comfortable. Also our flight attendants were very nice and helpful. The above picture is the sun coming up during our flight.

Once we got in we took a shuttle to our hotel. The shuttle drive was about 40 minutes. When we got to the hotel they had a room for us, but if we wanted a beachside view room we would have to wait. So we decided to wait. During that time we went down to the beach to swim, went swimming in the pool, and ate lunch. Finally after all of that our room was ready. This is the view we waited for, not bad at all!

279 2007-07-07 19:38:23 2007-07-07 23:38:23 open open i-need-sleep publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264856 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11177 2007-07-10 00:11:54 2007-07-10 04:11:54 1 0 0 11163 2007-07-09 19:25:16 2007-07-09 23:25:16 1 0 0 11150 2007-07-09 07:03:04 2007-07-09 11:03:04 1 0 0 11135 2007-07-08 14:27:00 2007-07-08 18:27:00 1 0 0 11124 2007-07-08 02:30:03 2007-07-08 06:30:03 1 11116 0 11120 2007-07-07 22:30:04 2007-07-08 02:30:04 1 0 0 11121 2007-07-07 23:44:05 2007-07-08 03:44:05 1 0 0 11116 2007-07-07 19:47:32 2007-07-07 23:47:32 1 0 0 11117 2007-07-07 20:26:20 2007-07-08 00:26:20 1 0 0
The Week So Far Wed, 11 Jul 2007 17:48:35 +0000
The week down here in Florida has been really nice. Ashley and I have had a lot of fun! When we got in on Saturday we spent most of the day at the pool / beach. Sunday we rented wave runners. This was the first time I have done and it was really a great time, although when Ashley was driving she almost killed me! When we were out on the wave runners we saw a big group of dolphins, they were only about 10 feet from us, to bad I didn’t have my camera!

Monday we were at the beach for a good while and went to the pool. We also went down the street to check out some stores. There really isn’t a lot around here. At the beach store they had someone doing henna tattoos so Ashley got one. It’s not bad, but good thing it only lasts for 2 weeks! We went out to eat at a place called Village Inn, which is basically like a Denny’s. We haven’t really gone to a really nice restaurant yet, we will before the week is over. Yesterday Ashley’s Uncle picked us up and we spent the day over at their place which is about 40 minutes away from where are staying. It was nice to meet some of Ashley’s relatives and get to known them better. We spent most of the day there then came back to the hotel where we went swimming. We are going to go snorkeling tomorrow and hopefully rent wave runners sometime before we leave. I have been slowly uploading pictures to Flickr. So you can check them out as I upload them.]]>
280 2007-07-11 13:48:35 2007-07-11 17:48:35 open open the-week-so-far publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267293390 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11237 2007-07-11 19:25:23 2007-07-11 23:25:23 1 0 0 11241 2007-07-11 22:18:38 2007-07-12 02:18:38 1 0 0 11239 2007-07-11 21:28:17 2007-07-12 01:28:17 1 0 0 11252 2007-07-12 06:06:22 2007-07-12 10:06:22 1 0 0
Finally Home Sun, 15 Jul 2007 23:37:15 +0000
Last night we finally arrived home in Pittsburgh. Saturday was a LONG day. Before we checked out of our hotel we went to the beach and the pool one last time, knowing we probably won’t see the beach for another year. People who live by the beach don’t realize how lucky they are! Anyways after that we went back to the room and packed everything up. I don’t think I forgot anything, although my suitcase is not completely unpacked yet. After packing up we went out to lunch then picked up our shuttle for the airport. When we got to the airport and got through security we found out our flight was delayed an hour, and we were there early to begin with so it very boring waiting for our flight. After you know your vacation is over you just want to get home! Finally we got on our flight, which was very bumpy on the way home. 2 hours later we were in Pittsburgh and back to the normal life. Once we got home we took all our stuff inside and tried to relax, I didn’t even touch my computer. We watched some TV and went to bed.

Waking up this morning I wished I was in still in Florida. You don’t realize how nice a vacation is to take until you get back from one. I have a ton of work to do and don’t feel like doing any of it, but I know I need to do it. It’s kinda hard the first day back to get back to the normal way of doing things, not relaxing all day and not having to worry about anything. Oh well, I’m glad I went on vacation! You can check out the Flickr set I made for the trip. I just updated it with more photos. I will also be doing some more posts about the trip. I also have some business / web related post to get done so stay tuned for those! ]]>
281 2007-07-15 19:37:15 2007-07-15 23:37:15 open open finally-home publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264845 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11359 2007-07-15 21:04:44 2007-07-16 01:04:44 1 0 0
Contact Me Mon, 16 Jul 2007 00:13:21 +0000 282 2007-07-15 20:13:21 2007-07-16 00:13:21 closed closed contact-me publish 0 0 page 0 buymebeer-post no _wp_page_template default tweetbackscheck 1267303928 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:36:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1181730695;s:7:"retweet";i:1181197336;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 _edit_lock 1264537176 _edit_last 1 aktt_notify_twitter no Diversify Your Online Income Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:57:09 +0000
Many people think there only one type on online advertising. That is not true at all. There are all different types, banner ads, text ads, contextual ads, etc. To maximize your online income you should use a mix of all different types of ads / advertising companies. You can’t rely on just one because you will only make so much. I have experienced this on ThinkComputers with Google so over the past 3 months I have been seeking out new and different advertising companies to maximize my income. So I will be telling you a little about those as well the ones I have been using for quite some time.

Google Adsense
Google Adsense is probably the most used and most popular type of advertising out there. Google is easy to sign up for and implement. Google will display text and banners ads relevant to what is on your page. These relevant ads will more likely be clicked than ads about something completely opposite of what your website is about. Click here to signup for Google Adsense

Vibrant Media
Vibrant Media specializes in in-text advertising. In-text advertising is where words on your website are highlighted with a double underline. If you hover over them with your mouse a small add will popup. What’s great about this is you don’t need a specific advertising spot for it, it goes right in your text. Add you have to do is add the code and Vibrant does the rest. Vibrant is quite hard to get into, but if you contact me with your site stats I will can contact my rep and send him your info, which should give you a better chance of getting in.

ValueClick Media
ValueClick Media is another well-known advertising company. They offer a lot of different types of ads from banner ads to in-video advertising. One thing I really like about them is you can enable and disable certain ads that are displaying. So if you see an ad that is not relevant to your site you can go in and disable it. You can signup for ValueClick Media here.

Text Link Ads
Do you ever see a row a links on the side of a page? It’s a good chance those ads are from Text Link Ads. Text Link Ads sells text ads on your site. Why not do it yourself? Well it is very hard to find advertisers and Text Link Ads has a great marketplace for advertisers to look through. So you have a better chance of selling ads through them then selling them yourself. You can signup for Text Link Ads here.

TTZ Media
TTZ Media is a network that provides great product banner advertisements. This is great for review sites and other product related sites. If a product is listed on I can make an ad out of it. It is the best advertising your can get because it is 100% relevant with what you are reviewing. The TTZ Media network is currently closed to new affiliates, but if you have a review site and are interested please contact me.

Auction Ads
Auction Ads is quite a new company, but is becoming very popular. It is a BIG eBay affiliate. What they do is enable you the user to make more money with them instead of with eBay’s affiliate program. Auction ads will display eBay auctions on your site by keyword. I have just added this to ThinkComputers and it has worked well so far. You can signup for Auction Ads here.

ReviewMe really is not an advertising company. It is an online service where you get paid to review something. You list your site and set your review price and people who want exposure for their site / product will pay for you to review their product on your site / blog. Review me is a great way to make easy money. The hardest thing is getting that first review. You can signup for ReviewMe here.

These are just some of the different advertising companies out there. There is a ton! The biggest thing to remember is that you need to no reply on just 1 income source. I’ve been able to make a lot more by using different advertising companies. Hopefully you can too! ]]>
284 2007-07-16 13:57:09 2007-07-16 17:57:09 open open diversify-your-online-income publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267236986 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11381 2007-07-16 16:21:23 2007-07-16 20:21:23 1 0 0 11406 2007-07-17 12:13:12 2007-07-17 16:13:12 1 0 0 11402 2007-07-17 08:23:05 2007-07-17 12:23:05 1 0 0 11398 2007-07-17 04:21:36 2007-07-17 08:21:36 1 0 0 11399 2007-07-17 04:22:18 2007-07-17 08:22:18 1 0 0
Crabby Bill's Tue, 17 Jul 2007 19:34:11 +0000
While in Florida we went to a restaurant called Crabby Bill’s. Of course it was a seafood restaurant. One thing that was great about it is that it was right one the beach. You could look out the window and see the ocean, they also had an outside deck. Once we were seated I looked around and the place really had a “crab shack” sort of feel to it. All of the tables were picnic tables and on every table was a huge bucket of crackers.

For starters Ashley got the crab and cheese spinach dip and I got an order of the hush puppies. Both appetizers were great. For our main course I had the 1LB of snow crab legs, which came with 2 sides of which I had a baked potato and fries. Ashley had the fried combo platter which had fried fish, shrimp, scallops, and stuffed crab. She also had 2 sides, which were coleslaw and a baked potato. Ashley’s mom and sister shared the Steamer bucket, which is snow crab, steamed shrimp, mussels, and clams. Everything comes in 1 big bucket, which was cool. All of the food was great and on each table you had cocktail sauce, hot sauce, tatar sauce, and ketchup so you didn’t have to ask for any sauces.

I would have gone there again, but we went on the last day we were in Florida. I wish we would have gone their sooner, because we probably would have ended up going there every day! Ashley’s and my meal was around $50 with tip, which is not bad at all considering all of the food we got. If you have a chance to check out Crabby Bill’s go for it, it’s great good at a great price! ]]>
285 2007-07-17 15:34:11 2007-07-17 19:34:11 open open crabby-bills publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266457768 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1962635480;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 11421 2007-07-17 20:53:39 2007-07-18 00:53:39 1 0 0 11718 2007-07-29 02:54:44 2007-07-29 06:54:44 1 0 0 11737 2007-07-29 15:29:40 2007-07-29 19:29:40 1 11718 1 11427 2007-07-18 01:25:44 2007-07-18 05:25:44 1 11426 1 15350 2007-11-02 23:55:46 2007-11-03 03:55:46 1 0 0 11559 2007-07-22 20:24:45 2007-07-23 00:24:45 1 0 0 11477 2007-07-19 15:49:21 2007-07-19 19:49:21 1 0 0 11426 2007-07-18 00:34:10 2007-07-18 04:34:10 1 0 0
Motivation: Movies Wed, 18 Jul 2007 21:23:40 +0000
Sometimes it is hard to get motivated to do work or start a new project. One good way to become motivated is to watch a movie that will motivate you. A lot of movies can motivate you, they don’t even have to be about what you are doing. I always have a few movies lying around that are the motivators. Some are about making money, others are about doing something important. The biggest thing is that they motivate me so I can get back to work. Although I don’t want to waste 2 hours of my day on a movie, I usually only watch movies when I am really unmotivated. Here are a few movies that you might want to check out if you feel unmotivated. NOTE: There is explicit language in these clips!!

Boiler Room
Everyone has to have this in their collection. The movie is about selling stocks and how these young guys are becoming filthy rich and having everything they want. One of the best scenes of the movie is where Jim (Ben Affleck) does the group interview. One of the best quotes, “They say money can’t buy you happiness, look at the f*cking smile on my face!” Here is that clip…

The story of a young programmer who gets a job at a Portland-based software company. Sort of a spin-off of Microsoft. One of my favorite quotes in this movie is, “This business is binary, you are a 1 or a 0, alive or dead”. Here are the opening credits of the movie.
If you haven’t seen this it is a great documentary about the rise and fall of This is a true story about the startup of during the dot com boom. It is very interesting to watch and reminds me of how crazy that time was. They received if I remember correctly around 20 million in venture capital and signed over 40 major cities up for the service. To bad it never worked out for them. If you have a chance check this one out.

These are 3 that I wanted to point out for everyone to check out. Other motivational movies I like include Rudy, any of the Rocky movies, 300, Glen Gary Ross, Wall Street, and Get Rick or Die Tryin’. There are probably more I am forgetting, but check some of these out if you feel unmotivated.]]>
286 2007-07-18 17:23:40 2007-07-18 21:23:40 open open motivation-movies publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250759 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11455 2007-07-18 23:40:44 2007-07-19 03:40:44 1 0 0 11475 2007-07-19 13:48:42 2007-07-19 17:48:42 1 0 0 11463 2007-07-19 05:35:05 2007-07-19 09:35:05 1 11454 0 11462 2007-07-19 04:53:08 2007-07-19 08:53:08 1 0 0 11451 2007-07-18 20:05:29 2007-07-19 00:05:29 1 0 0 11454 2007-07-18 23:35:44 2007-07-19 03:35:44 1 11451 0 11460 2007-07-19 02:30:11 2007-07-19 06:30:11 1 11454 1 11465 2007-07-19 07:20:18 2007-07-19 11:20:18 1 0 0 11459 2007-07-19 00:25:26 2007-07-19 04:25:26 1 0 0 27796 http://daniel 2008-10-16 13:22:21 2008-10-16 17:22:21 1 0 0 28825 2008-12-17 04:05:26 2008-12-17 08:05:26 1 0 0 38158 2009-07-06 05:44:48 2009-07-06 09:44:48 1 0 0
Using a Daily Routine to Maximize Work Thu, 19 Jul 2007 19:46:00 +0000
Since coming back from vacation it has been hard to get used to working again. So I have setup a daily routine to help me get back to work. It has really proved to be very effective and I’m now getting more work done then before I went away. My daily routine starts when I wake up. I first check my e-mail, then post news on ThinkComputers, then post news on ThinkGaming, and finally post a blog post. That is the first half of my work. I eat something then either work on writing a review or preparing a review to be posted on ThinkComputers. With this system I fell less stressed and I am getting more work done.

Not a to-do list
A daily routine is not a to-do list. Before I went away I made daily to-do lists and they worked well, but having a routine is so much better because I do everything in a specific order and make sure everything gets done. With a to-do list I was randomly doing the tasks.

Not a Schedule
A daily routine is not a schedule either. The main reason I say that is that I don’t have a specific time that these things need to get done. Just like today I woke up about 2 hours later then the previous days, but unlike a schedule this did not affect my routine, because my routine does not have time constraints. So anytime that I wake up works for me.

Different Parts
I split the routine up into a few different parts. First in the “morning” part, which is everything I do before I eat, which includes posting news on both my sites, checking e-mail, and writing a blog post. Then part 2 is lunch. Part 3 is either writing a review or preparing a review to post. This can take a while so I usually take a dinner break in between those which is part 4. Part 5 is finished the review or posting it. Then I have free time.

It is so nice have the free time. Even Ashley said it seems like I am getting more done each day and don’t seem as stressed. If you are having trouble with time management try a route. It has worked the best for me out of a set schedule and a to-do list. ]]>
287 2007-07-19 15:46:00 2007-07-19 19:46:00 open open using-a-daily-routine-to-maximize-work publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267237055 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:69:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11483 2007-07-19 19:08:58 2007-07-19 23:08:58 1 0 0 11498 2007-07-20 07:45:18 2007-07-20 11:45:18 Daily To Do List offers a "routine" type approach, where your to do list resets itself each day.]]> 1 0 0
100 RSS Subscribers! Fri, 20 Jul 2007 19:29:05 +0000
Finally I have reached the 100 RSS subscriber mark! I was close a few times getting up to 99, but never have a reach 100 until today. It is quite an accomplishment for me because this is my personal blog. It shows that people are actually interested in my posts and what I have to say.

If you are close to 100 RSS subscribers and you haven’t done the Facebook note trick you might want to try that to reach the 100 subscriber mark.

I want to thank everyone who subscribes to the blog via RSS. Knowing my luck tomorrow it will go back down to under 80 tomorrow!]]>
288 2007-07-20 15:29:05 2007-07-20 19:29:05 open open 100-rss-subscribers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267269006 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1179470307;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 11512 2007-07-20 18:41:52 2007-07-20 22:41:52 1 0 0 12140 2007-08-10 16:07:19 2007-08-10 20:07:19 1 0 0 11515 2007-07-20 22:32:49 2007-07-21 02:32:49 1 0 0 11520 2007-07-21 02:14:41 2007-07-21 06:14:41 1 11512 1
Back on the Smartphone Sat, 21 Jul 2007 14:00:34 +0000
A few years ago I purchased an Audiovox SMT5600 smartphone. At the time it was the world’s smallest smartphone and I loved it. This was before AT&T went over to Cingular. Once the switch happened I had to get a new phone. I ended up getting a Razr. I have been happy with it, but it’s just getting boring. So the other day I found my smartphone in a drawer and wondered if I would be able to use my Cingular sim card in it. I put it in and like I expected I got a no service message. So looking online I found a very easy way to unlock the phone.

Windows mobile is a great platform. One of the best things that I like about it is that I can easily sync via USB. I can sync e-mail, contacts, and appointments. I really liked the appointments feature because I would put in my classes in and I would never be late! Another great thing is that you are able to customize the look of the screen with different homescreens. Here are a few examples…

289 2007-07-21 10:00:34 2007-07-21 14:00:34 open open back-on-the-smartphone publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250752 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11535 2007-07-21 13:32:24 2007-07-21 17:32:24 1 0 0 11539 2007-07-21 16:44:14 2007-07-21 20:44:14 1 0 0 11557 2007-07-22 18:12:58 2007-07-22 22:12:58 1 0 0 11541 2007-07-21 19:06:45 2007-07-21 23:06:45 1 0 0 11545 2007-07-22 00:53:13 2007-07-22 04:53:13 1 0 0
Snorkeling Egmont Key Mon, 23 Jul 2007 01:16:56 +0000
While in Florida Ashley and I heard about a snorkeling trip, so we decided to check it out. We both had never been snorkeling before so we thought it would be a lot of fun. On the snorkeling trip they take you out to Egmont Key, which was about a 45 minute boat ride from St. Pete beach. Egmont Key was actually used as a military base from 1858 – 1923. We were actually going to be snorkeling the ruins of the fort that has been sunken by years of erosion and violent storms. This was great because I love history, especially military history. Once we got to the snorkeling spot, which basically looked like some concrete sticking up out of the water we were given our snorkeling gear and life jackets. The life jackets were the ones that allowed you to deflate them so you could dive down very deep. After jumping into the water Ashley and I got used to using the snorkeling gear and we started to look around. There were a ton of baby fish closer to the top of the water, but as you went down deeper you could see larger fish, we even saw a crab hiding under some rocks. You really could not make out that much of the old fort. It is covered with years of coral growth. I was able to sit up on the part of the fort that was sticking out of the water, as you can see pictured above. It was a really cool experience and if you haven’t done it you should. It is crazy because you are swimming right there with the fish.

We were unable to actually go onto the Island of Egmont key but the captain of the boat took us around the island so we could take a look at the lighthouse. The lighthouse is still working and is over 150 years old! On the island you can see old buildings, brick roads, and gun batteries that were built to defend Tampa Bay in 1898. There is also a lot of really cool wildlife on the island as it is a wildlife refuge. It would have been really cool to go on the island but we did this the day before we had to leave so we could not. If we are ever down by Tampa again I would love to be able to check out the island. On the boat ride back we saw a sea turtle and quite a few dolphins, which made the trip!
290 2007-07-22 21:16:56 2007-07-23 01:16:56 open open snorkeling-egmont-key publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250766 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11605 2007-07-24 19:40:43 2007-07-24 23:40:43 1 0 0 11593 2007-07-24 11:59:09 2007-07-24 15:59:09 1 0 0
Samsung SyncMaster 971P 19-inch LCD Monitor Review Mon, 23 Jul 2007 23:58:02 +0000
Today has been quite a busy day for me. I did want to let everyone know about the Samsung SyncMaster 971p 19-inch LCD monitor review, written by fellow blogger and new ThinkComputers staff member Michael Kwan. He will be doing most of the Samsung reviews for ThinkComputers. ThinkComputers just picked up Samsung as a sponsor and we hope to keep them for a long time. Well back to work, catch everyone tomorrow!]]>
291 2007-07-23 19:58:02 2007-07-23 23:58:02 open open samsung-syncmaster-971p-19-inch-lcd-monitor-review publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267032156 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:81:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1180749725;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 11851 2007-08-02 01:53:38 2007-08-02 05:53:38 1 0 0 12171 2007-08-11 16:29:46 2007-08-11 20:29:46 1 0 0 11592 2007-07-24 10:54:36 2007-07-24 14:54:36 1 0 0 11604 2007-07-24 19:35:48 2007-07-24 23:35:48 1 0 0
The Blogging Tip Meme Tue, 24 Jul 2007 18:16:18 +0000 Leo tagged me in his latest blog post. This time we have a blogging tip meme!

-Start Copy-

It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.)

Add the next number (1. 2. 3. 4. 5., etc.) and write your own blogging tip for other bloggers.

Try to make your tip general. After that, tag 10 other people. Link love some friends!

Just think – if 10 people start this, the 10 people pass it onto another 10 people, you have 100 links already!

1. Look, read, and learn. ****

2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other. ****

3. Don’t let money change ya! ***

4. Always reply to your comments. ****

5. Spell check is your friend. **

6. Be the blog. ***

7. Your readers are your treasure.*

8. Learn From The Pros. *

9. Pay a visit to your visitors. Be active in your community. *

10. Make Your Blog Your Own -

-End Copy-

OK I’m going to tag these fellow bloggers, David Lithman, Michael Kwan, Tyler Cruz, Niko Lupala, and MsDanielle, hopefully you all will participate. Also Leo I haven’t forgot about the previous tag, I will post that eventually! ]]>
292 2007-07-24 14:16:18 2007-07-24 18:16:18 open open the-blogging-tip-meme publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266957552 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11747 2007-07-30 01:14:16 2007-07-30 05:14:16 1 0 0 11613 2007-07-25 01:14:24 2007-07-25 05:14:24 1 0 0 11610 2007-07-24 23:09:58 2007-07-25 03:09:58 1 0 0 11611 2007-07-24 23:30:22 2007-07-25 03:30:22 1 0 0 11600 2007-07-24 16:18:51 2007-07-24 20:18:51 1 0 0 11628 2007-07-25 23:14:11 2007-07-26 03:14:11 1 0 0 11597 2007-07-24 14:31:36 2007-07-24 18:31:36 1 0 0 11598 2007-07-24 15:06:57 2007-07-24 19:06:57 1 0 0 11602 2007-07-24 18:14:56 2007-07-24 22:14:56 1 0 0 40111 2009-12-23 01:48:52 2009-12-23 05:48:52 trash 0 0 40511 2010-02-20 09:15:59 2010-02-20 13:15:59 dissertation writing service or just the thesis writing, some men can not notice such kind of good dissertation international like this topic.]]> spam 0 0
ThinkCE Re-Launched! Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:31:54 +0000
Some of you might have noticed that ThinkCE has been inactive for some time now. Since December actually! Well today I have re-launched the site. Over the past few weeks I have been debating whether or not to switch it to Wordpress. I knew for sure I wanted to start it back up because I love gadgets so I wanted to keep up to date with all the gadget / tech news. So I had to decide between Joomla (what it was previously on) and Wordpress. I also didn’t want to lose any of the old posts. I found a few ways to convert a Joomla database into Wordpress, but I could not find a wordpress theme I liked as much as the current Joomla one. So I stuck with Joomla.

Before re-launching the site there was a few things that I wanted to fix. First I updated Joomla to the latest version. Next I needed to make the URL’s SEO friendly. This improves Google search results a ton, which greatly helps with traffic. Then I changed some of the ads around, updating the older TTZ ads to the new version. I also installed openAds to make switching ads easier. Finally I added a few other little things like the MyBlogLog community widget and the Social Bookmarker mambot. Since my system of using a daily routine has been working very well I should be able to update the site each day.

Make sure you head on over to ThinkCE and subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]]>
293 2007-07-26 08:31:54 2007-07-26 12:31:54 open open thinkce-re-launched publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267170956 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 11637 2007-07-26 12:03:22 2007-07-26 16:03:22 1 0 0 11638 2007-07-26 12:17:03 2007-07-26 16:17:03 1 0 0 11634 2007-07-26 10:07:09 2007-07-26 14:07:09 1 0 0 11643 2007-07-26 17:51:50 2007-07-26 21:51:50 1 0 0 11705 2007-07-28 17:35:07 2007-07-28 21:35:07 1 0 0
About Me Thu, 26 Jul 2007 15:10:48 +0000
Hi my name is Bob Buskirk, you might know me as the owner of ThinkComputers, but I also run a few other websites. I am currently living in Pittsburgh, PA. You can usually find me sitting at my computer desk working on something site related. I enjoy traveling for computer related events such as E3 and CES. I feel I am leading a very happy and rewarding life for a 24 year old. Hope you enjoy the blog!]]>
294 2007-07-26 11:10:48 2007-07-26 15:10:48 closed open about-me publish 0 0 page 0 _wp_page_template default _edit_lock 1220627506 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267230506 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:34:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1958145387;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1
One Step at a Time Sun, 29 Jul 2007 19:27:35 +0000
One of the biggest problems I have is that I think too much. When I am working on something I will be thinking of what I need to do next, a day later, or even a week later. All of this thinking makes me less productive and can even stress me out at times. Sometimes I will end up working on something that does not have to be done for a few days instead of working on what needs to be done that day. Lately I have been not thinking as much ahead and just taking things one step at a time.

What I mean by taking things one step at a time is literally that. Once I finish one task and only then I go to the next. This is quite a basic method of doing things, but it works well.

Make Lists
First you need to know what your tasks are before you can complete them. Usually I make a daily task list and have ordered in the order that I need to complete the tasks. This way I know what I’m doing and I have a clear cut path to get everything done. Lists also help you keep on task if you are easily distracted.

Different Parts
What I do with my task list is separate it into parts. So I have a morning, afternoon, and evening part of the list. This way I’m not working straight through all of my work, which can be very stressful. Between each part of the list a take a break to relax, go do something with friends, just anything except for work. So when I start the next part of the list I’m not exhausted from previous work.

Force Yourself
Sometimes I look at my list and I want to do the easy things on the list first, then I end up never getting the harder ones done. By forcing yourself to stick to the list order and only doing 1 task at a time you end up being more productive, because you are getting everything done that needs to be done, not just the things you feel like doing.

By doing things one step at a time I really make doing work less stressful. The main reason for this is that I don’t have hundreds of things on my mind at once, only the specific task I am working on. ]]>
295 2007-07-29 15:27:35 2007-07-29 19:27:35 open open one-step-at-a-time publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267158295 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12170 2007-08-11 16:28:05 2007-08-11 20:28:05 1 0 0 11756 2007-07-30 06:34:53 2007-07-30 10:34:53 1 0 0 12126 2007-08-10 05:17:53 2007-08-10 09:17:53 1 0 0 11849 2007-08-02 01:51:45 2007-08-02 05:51:45 1 0 0
Web 2.0 Communities Mon, 30 Jul 2007 16:35:51 +0000
Web 2.0 communities and networks are all over the place now. There are tons out there, some for personal use and others for business. Before web communities there were online forums, now they are websites that are dedicated to the specific niche community they represent. So below I have listed the web 2.0 communities I am a party of. I’m sure you have heard of some of them and probably are part of at least 2 on the list below.

Windows Live Spaces

Feel free to add me on any of these communities. Also if you know of any communities that you think are worth joining let me know!]]>
296 2007-07-30 12:35:51 2007-07-30 16:35:51 open open web-20-communities publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266932890 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1179434494;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 11871 2007-08-02 12:14:02 2007-08-02 16:14:02 1 0 0 11766 2007-07-30 14:02:43 2007-07-30 18:02:43 1 0 0 11774 2007-07-30 18:48:29 2007-07-30 22:48:29 1 0 0 11834 2007-08-01 12:24:17 2007-08-01 16:24:17 1 0 0 12125 2007-08-10 05:16:26 2007-08-10 09:16:26 1 0 0 11768 2007-07-30 15:27:41 2007-07-30 19:27:41 1 0 0 11794 2007-07-31 07:47:54 2007-07-31 11:47:54 1 0 0
8 Fun Facts About Bob Buskirk Thu, 02 Aug 2007 13:00:57 +0000 Leo tagged me in a blog post. He has listed 8 fun facts about himself. Of course I knew that he was a ninja. Look at those tattoos, he was either a ninja or a member of the Triad. Anyways here are the rules…

- Each player must post these rules first.
- Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
- At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Ok so here are 8 fun facts about me…

1. I’m the only one in my family to go to college, and man it was a waste of time.
2. I have really bad allegies, my eyes used to swell shut!
3. My favorite music has to be trance.
4. I LOVE STEAK, especially the 40oz kind!
5. I own a Wii, Xbox 360, and a DS lite.
6. I’ve said this one before, but I eat salads plain, everyone thinks I’m some weirdo because this.
7. I’ve watched well over 500 movies, I try to watch 1 movie a week, it’s a good way to relax.
8. I LOVE hockey and I think anyone that says a sport like baseball is better should be punched in the face!

Ok tagging time…

David Lithman, Business Twins, Ashwin Khanna, Jon Waraas, Sean, Michael Kwan, Niko Lupala, and Thomas De Maesschalck you have been tagged!]]>
297 2007-08-02 09:00:57 2007-08-02 13:00:57 open open 8-fun-facts-about-bob-buskirk publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917639 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12138 2007-08-10 16:05:09 2007-08-10 20:05:09 1 0 0 12139 2007-08-10 16:05:24 2007-08-10 20:05:24 1 0 0 12013 2007-08-06 19:43:16 2007-08-06 23:43:16 1 0 0 11921 2007-08-03 11:18:13 2007-08-03 15:18:13 1 0 0 12181 2007-08-12 00:28:26 2007-08-12 04:28:26 1 0 0 11882 2007-08-02 14:39:54 2007-08-02 18:39:54 1 11880 0 11877 2007-08-02 13:50:05 2007-08-02 17:50:05 1 0 0 11880 2007-08-02 14:18:10 2007-08-02 18:18:10 1 0 0 11883 2007-08-02 14:45:03 2007-08-02 18:45:03 1 0 0 11884 2007-08-02 14:58:12 2007-08-02 18:58:12 1 0 0 11886 2007-08-02 16:12:42 2007-08-02 20:12:42 1 0 0 11887 2007-08-02 16:18:55 2007-08-02 20:18:55 1 0 0 11905 2007-08-03 02:45:59 2007-08-03 06:45:59 1 11887 0
LAN Party Weekend! Tue, 07 Aug 2007 13:00:51 +0000
This past weekend I attended Pittco’s Iron Strom 7 LAN party. I have been going to LAN parties since I was 14 or 15 so it was nothing new for me. One thing that was different was that I used to be on Pittco staff. Because I have been so busy with work I decided to not be on staff for the past 2 parties. So it was cool to experience Pittco as a gamer, not at as a staff member.

Pittco was held at a local fire hall, which has the perfect setup for a LAN. I went with my friend Sebastian and met up with some other LAN friends. It was a great time and gave me a chance to actually get some gaming in because I rarely play games anymore because of working so much. We ended up joining the Counter-Strike: Source tournament just for fun and we ended up getting second place! It was cool to play CS:S competitively, I haven’t played it like that in years and it brought back some good memories. The LAN party was a great chance to have a lot of fun and see old friends again. I will for sure be at the next Pittco! Check ThinkGaming this week for a full article about the event!]]>
298 2007-08-07 09:00:51 2007-08-07 13:00:51 open open lan-party-weekend publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267080028 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1195228551;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 12145 2007-08-10 18:59:11 2007-08-10 22:59:11 1 0 0 12136 2007-08-10 13:09:00 2007-08-10 17:09:00 1 0 0 12121 2007-08-10 02:21:51 2007-08-10 06:21:51 1 12101 0 12124 2007-08-10 05:14:56 2007-08-10 09:14:56 1 0 0 12069 2007-08-08 13:28:50 2007-08-08 17:28:50 1 0 0 12034 2007-08-07 10:10:14 2007-08-07 14:10:14 1 0 0 12036 2007-08-07 10:20:39 2007-08-07 14:20:39 1 0 0 12101 2007-08-09 06:19:27 2007-08-09 10:19:27 1 0 0
Logging the Hours Fri, 10 Aug 2007 22:14:30 +0000
So if you didn’t notice this week I have been extremely lazy in updating my blog. It’s not because I have a ton of work or anything like that, it’s just because I have been lazy and unmotivated. It has been really hard to get motivation lately, the weather has been horrible here and traffic hasn’t been great on my sites. But I can’t just give up and stop working, this would mean I would have to go out and find a real job and I’m not trying to do that! So I’m going to start to log my work hours. This way I can track how much work I am really doing.

I hope to do around 5 hours of work each day. Some days it seems like I am doing work all day, but really I am doing a few hours so logging the REAL work hours should help me stay focused. If I was working a real job I would be working 30-40 hours a week, and right now I’m not working anywhere near that mark. If I want to see my online income increase I need to start working harder, not just enough to get me by. Hopefully by logging my hours it will help me stay focused and I will end up getting more work done.]]>
299 2007-08-10 18:14:30 2007-08-10 22:14:30 open open logging-the-hours publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267043709 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12157 2007-08-11 05:22:50 2007-08-11 09:22:50 1 0 0 12161 2007-08-11 09:10:25 2007-08-11 13:10:25 1 0 0 12169 2007-08-11 16:25:21 2007-08-11 20:25:21 1 0 0 12173 2007-08-11 17:25:13 2007-08-11 21:25:13 1 12169 0 12148 2007-08-10 19:55:08 2007-08-10 23:55:08 1 0 0
Watch Me Live! Sat, 11 Aug 2007 05:03:28 +0000 Watch live video and chat on ]]> 300 2007-08-11 01:03:28 2007-08-11 05:03:28 closed open watch-me-live publish 0 0 page 0 _wp_page_template default tweetbackscheck 1267303075 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:39:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 Watch Me Live! Sun, 12 Aug 2007 21:53:16 +0000 You may have noticed a link on the top of the page as well as the side of the page that says, “Watch me live!”. That is because I have started lifecasting. Basically I have a webcam on me most of the day. I have been very interested in lifecasting and wanted to see if I could do it. I have a pretty nice webcam and laptop so it’s really easy. All I had to do was find a streaming service. To my surprise there where quite a few to choose from and they all were free. Out of all of them Ustream seemed to me the most popular and a lot of popular shows were on there so I signed up and in less than 5 minutes I was online.

So if you ever want to see what I am up to you can check out the watch me live page or go to my Ustream show page. There you will also find a live chat so you can talk to me. Wonder how long I can do this for?]]>
301 2007-08-12 17:53:16 2007-08-12 21:53:16 open open watch-me-live publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1254931219 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:5:{i:1959415499;s:7:"retweet";i:1959395025;s:7:"retweet";i:1959378540;s:7:"retweet";i:1959364353;s:7:"retweet";i:1959360863;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 5 12307 2007-08-15 21:54:42 2007-08-16 01:54:42 1 0 0 12210 2007-08-13 03:55:03 2007-08-13 07:55:03 1 0 0 12228 2007-08-13 16:59:33 2007-08-13 20:59:33 1 0 0 12229 2007-08-13 17:28:44 2007-08-13 21:28:44 1 0 0 12230 2007-08-13 17:58:36 2007-08-13 21:58:36 1 0 0 12248 2007-08-14 02:10:25 2007-08-14 06:10:25 1 12229 0 12201 2007-08-12 20:50:02 2007-08-13 00:50:02 1 0 0 12206 2007-08-13 00:24:01 2007-08-13 04:24:01 1 0 0 12224 2007-08-13 13:00:24 2007-08-13 17:00:24 1 0 0
Using Netvibes to Organize Your Life Mon, 13 Aug 2007 23:28:34 +0000
Running your own business is not an easy thing. It is so easy to get off task and even forget the important things you need to do. I have gone through making daily task lists, putting everything into outlook, and even considered getting a PDA. But before I wasted the money on a PDA I found Netvibes. Netvibes is sort of like your own personal homepage. You can move everything around on it, add modules, add widgets, add RSS feeds, and much more. I am using it as a daily task list / organizer and it has been working really well.

Here is what my personalized homepage looks like. Click on the image for a full sized screenshot.

As you can see in the center I have my daily tasks organized by day and below that I have the weather. On the right side of the page I have a list of blog topics that I want to write about and a list of upcoming reviews that I need to write. Below that I have RSS feeds for all of my sites. On the other side I have a list reviews that each one of my reviewers need to finish. This way I can keep track of what all they need to get done. Below that I have a calendar and web search.

As you can see I’m using a widget called Remember the Milk. Netvibes only offers a To Do List which is helpful, but I cannot have reoccurring tasks, so I am using Remember the Milk. You can setup a free account on their website then add the widget onto Netvibes. I really like it and I can organize things by the type of task as well, like work, personal, study, etc. Also I can set things at a higher priority than others.

Adding things to Netvibes is very easy. Just click on the add content button at the top of the page and you can add a ton of different things. Netvibes does offer basic widgets like weather, notes, to do list, calendar, etc, but there are a ton of widgets in their widget directory. You will find all kinds of widgets like a Digg widget, Myspace widget, and a Flickr widget.

Netvibes is really cool because you can move any of the widgets around anywhere on the screen and just as easily remove them. I also like it because it is online so as long as I have an internet connection I can be on task. The best part about it is that it is free! So if you are having trouble keeping on task or having trouble organizing work than you might want to check Netvibes out.

302 2007-08-13 19:28:34 2007-08-13 23:28:34 open open using-netvibes-to-organize-your-life publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266108919 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12245 2007-08-14 01:33:16 2007-08-14 05:33:16 1 0 0 12260 2007-08-14 10:07:44 2007-08-14 14:07:44 1 12256 0 12318 2007-08-16 03:35:27 2007-08-16 07:35:27 1 0 0 12238 2007-08-13 21:47:40 2007-08-14 01:47:40 1 12237 0 12237 2007-08-13 21:38:04 2007-08-14 01:38:04 1 0 0 12523 2007-08-23 01:36:57 2007-08-23 05:36:57 1 0 0 12257 2007-08-14 09:00:00 2007-08-14 13:00:00 1 0 0 12256 2007-08-14 08:50:01 2007-08-14 12:50:01 1 0 0 12277 2007-08-14 21:16:27 2007-08-15 01:16:27 1 0 0 12279 2007-08-14 22:12:25 2007-08-15 02:12:25 1 0 0 12286 2007-08-15 02:25:31 2007-08-15 06:25:31 1 12277 0 12298 2007-08-15 13:24:47 2007-08-15 17:24:47 1 0 0 12240 2007-08-13 22:45:00 2007-08-14 02:45:00 1 12238 1
Having Fun with the Corsair Flash Voyager Wed, 15 Aug 2007 23:32:34 +0000
It is not often I get a product in to review that is actually fun to test. I’ve been reviewing hardware for so long almost everything seems to be the same. Well a couple of weeks ago I received the Flash Voyager GT 8GB flash drive from Corsair and it has been a lot of fun to test! It is one of those rugged flash drives that is made to take a lot of abuse, so I decided to see how much abuse it could take! Make sure you check out the review on ThinkComputers to see if the drive survived!]]>
303 2007-08-15 19:32:34 2007-08-15 23:32:34 open open having-fun-with-the-corsair-flash-voyager publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267091038 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:72:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12310 2007-08-16 01:19:11 2007-08-16 05:19:11 1 0 0 12313 2007-08-16 02:12:47 2007-08-16 06:12:47 1 0 0 12346 2007-08-17 02:57:50 2007-08-17 06:57:50 1 0 0 12410 2007-08-19 06:37:57 2007-08-19 10:37:57 1 0 0 12324 2007-08-16 05:42:12 2007-08-16 09:42:12 1 0 0
Easy Ways to Promote Your Website Fri, 17 Aug 2007 20:48:13 +0000
Website promotion is not always the easiest thing to do. I know that I have had trouble promoting websites in the past. A lot of people who are starting websites do not have a lot of money to work with, and I am the same way. After spending the money on design, coding, and hosting you don’t want to have to spend even more money on promotion. Now buying advertising to promote your website is a good way to get traffic, but if you really don’t have the money there are a lot of other alternatives. Here is a list of methods that I promote my websites at no cost.

When I start up a new site sometimes I will put a banner up on one of my already established sites to drive traffic to the site. I never replace existing advertising, but I will put a banner in rotation. If you are creating your first site you may ask a friend to put a banner on their site for a few days at no charge, or an exchange of banners.

On most of my sites I have links to all of the other sites in the network. If the people reading one site like the content and see that you have other sites they are more than likely going to check out that site and see if they like it too.

News Exchange
This is how I get 60% of the traffic on ThinkComputers. If your site is in a specific niche you might want to see if there are other sites like it out there. Look on these sites and see if they have a news section with links to articles on other sites. They should list an e-mail to send news in to. Each time you post a new article send it out to these other sites and they will most likely post it.

Link Section
If you have a large network of sites you can put a link section at the top of all of your pages. Jon Waraas does this on all of his sites. At the top of each page is a random link to one of his sites and a drop down menu with all of his sites listed. This is more effective than just links somewhere on your page, because this is right at the top of the page.

Social Bookmarking Sites
These have become extremely popular and everyone tries to submit things to these sites to get on their front page and pickup a ton of traffic. These sites are like Digg, Slashdot, and Netscape. You are able to submit your articles to these sites and if enough people like your article it will make it to the front page. The big problem with this is a lot of people just submit every one of their articles. I would say the best way to get on the front page of these sites is to submit your best work.

So those are some very easy ways to promote your website. I know there are a lot of other methods, but there are the ones that I have used and have been successful with. ]]>
304 2007-08-17 16:48:13 2007-08-17 20:48:13 open open easy-ways-to-promote-your-website publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267181595 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12383 2007-08-18 10:02:00 2007-08-18 14:02:00 1 0 0
What a Horrible Design! Sun, 19 Aug 2007 14:13:18 +0000
You would think a large company like Intel would take time to test out their products, but when it comes to their CPU cooler design I guess they didn’t. Well maybe they did test it, but not for multiple installs. What I’m really talking about is the clip design on the stock Intel cooler, you can see it pictured above. I don’t know who came up with this design, but it’s horrible!

The biggest flaw of the clip design is that it is made of plastic. Plastic breaks extremely easily and also is easy to bend out of place. The design is 4 plastic plungers that you press down through holes in your motherboard. These plungers will lock into place and you’re good to go. Sounds easy right? Well it is if you only intend on installing the cooler once. If you want to use the cooler on another system you are in for some headaches.

As you try to remove the cooler by ejecting the plungers they tend to bend, this makes them extremely hard to install again. Also as I said the entire plunger is made of plastic so it can easily break. The ends can break off, the locking mechanism can break, or the tip can break off. If anything happens to 1 of the plungers you’re screwed because the cooler will not be properly secured onto the CPU.

I have been accustomed to the AMD clip system, which is made of metal. There is a single clip that you attach on each side of the CPU socket. I have installed over 50 AMD CPU coolers and they all have been relatively easy using the clip system, or similar design. Since the Core 2 Duo has come out I have built 4 different systems and each time I have had issues the CPU cooler installation. Even a lot of the aftermarket Intel CPU coolers use the damn plastic plunger design.

There are 2 reasons I think Intel has stuck with this system. One you don’t have to remove the motherboard from the case to install the cooler. Two, a lot of consumers just install the cooler once and never change it, or use it on another system. I really don’t understand why they don’t just use a CPU bracket like AMD does, it would make things a lot easier. If not a bracket then at least revise the current cooler with quality parts that won’t break. If I paid over $200 for a CPU I would feel more comfortable knowing what is keeping it cool is being held into place by metal, not plastic. ]]>
305 2007-08-19 10:13:18 2007-08-19 14:13:18 open open what-a-horrible-design publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298651 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1181892056;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 12422 2007-08-19 14:38:02 2007-08-19 18:38:02 all by themselves sometimes.]]> 1 0 0 12447 2007-08-20 09:09:35 2007-08-20 13:09:35 1 0 0 12418 2007-08-19 12:10:43 2007-08-19 16:10:43 1 0 0 12877 2007-09-01 05:43:43 2007-09-01 09:43:43 1 0 0 12415 2007-08-19 11:04:42 2007-08-19 15:04:42 1 0 0 12425 2007-08-19 17:48:59 2007-08-19 21:48:59 1 12415 0
Being Productive Means Being Healthy Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:46:10 +0000
I’m sure most of you have had days where you didn’t feel like doing anything. I felt like this all last week. When you don’t feel good or are tired it shows in your work. You get less done, it’s not the quality that is expected of you and because you get less done you don’t feel like you are accomplishing anything. And if you don’t feel like you are accomplishing anything depression can easily set in. There are 3 key things that will help you stay productive and feel healthy.

Get Enough Sleep
This is a big problem that I have. I get on a bad sleeping schedule and I end up not getting enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep you feel tired all day and don’t feel like doing anything. Also if you are on a bad schedule where you are waking up later in the day and going to bed in the morning that is not good either. A lot of the work I do has to be done at a certain time of day so if I am sleeping during this time I do not get it done. Being on a good sleeping schedule is probably the thing that helps me be the most productive.

Eat Right
I’ve also had this problem in the past. In order to feel good you need to eat right. Try to eat 3 times a day and eat full meals not just snacks. Full meals should include a main course like meat or pasta, a fruit or vegetable, and bread. Also don’t rely on caffeine to keep you going. Caffeine makes you feel like you are not hungry, when in reality you are. Also don’t get in a habit of eating out all the time. Most fast food is horrible for you and you will save a lot more money by making your own food. Eating right is probably the second most import thing that keeps me productive.

You can’t just sit in front of a computer all day without exercise. Try to exercise a few times a week. For me exercise makes me feel good about myself and makes me feel less tired. I try to do a little exercise each day, even if some of it is done in my office. If you don’t like the idea of exercise, try to do some type of physical activity. Sometimes when I don’t feel like running or lifting weights I go out and play some hockey. I focus most on getting enough sleep and eating right, but I always try to exercise a little each day.

These past 2 weeks I have felt completely horrible and have not been that productive or motivated. Trying to get myself back on track these 3 main principles has really helped me out and if I keep it up you should see this blog get back to the usual 1 post a day if not more!]]>
306 2007-08-21 06:46:10 2007-08-21 10:46:10 open open being-productive-means-being-healthy publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266153350 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12765 2007-08-29 06:21:56 2007-08-29 10:21:56 1 0 0 12474 2007-08-21 13:36:18 2007-08-21 17:36:18 1 0 0 12471 2007-08-21 10:47:50 2007-08-21 14:47:50 1 0 0 12477 2007-08-21 14:58:20 2007-08-21 18:58:20 1 0 0 12487 2007-08-21 18:27:01 2007-08-21 22:27:01 1 0 0
23…That Sounds Old! Wed, 22 Aug 2007 00:15:35 +0000 307 2007-08-21 20:15:35 2007-08-22 00:15:35 open open 23%e2%80%a6that-sounds-old publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267271199 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12495 2007-08-21 23:52:36 2007-08-22 03:52:36 1 0 0 12490 2007-08-21 21:54:04 2007-08-22 01:54:04 1 0 0 12496 2007-08-22 00:55:39 2007-08-22 04:55:39 1 0 0 15469 2007-11-06 15:13:43 2007-11-06 19:13:43 1 0 0 12502 2007-08-22 06:51:25 2007-08-22 10:51:25 1 0 0 12494 2007-08-21 23:43:02 2007-08-22 03:43:02 1 0 0 12503 2007-08-22 07:11:59 2007-08-22 11:11:59 1 0 0 12489 2007-08-21 21:42:22 2007-08-22 01:42:22 1 0 0 12491 2007-08-21 22:33:16 2007-08-22 02:33:16 1 0 0 12492 2007-08-21 22:41:58 2007-08-22 02:41:58 The Number 23 was actually a decent movie! Too bad I can't take Jim Carrey seriously. Bob, you're not old. I'm about to hit the quarter-century mark in a couple of months.... it's weird that I write for you, eh? Considering that you're almost 2 years my junior? Anyways, happy b-day dude. (See, just say "young" and "hip" things like that and you'll feel 16 again in no time, complete with the pressures of high school cliques and teenage angst).]]> 1 12490 0 12510 2007-08-22 11:51:33 2007-08-22 15:51:33 1 0 0 12513 2007-08-22 15:59:17 2007-08-22 19:59:17 1 0 0 The Next Internet Millionaire Wed, 22 Aug 2007 17:27:23 +0000
I watched this for the first time last night and it is very intriguing. I’m not a huge reality fan but the Next Internet Millionaire appeals to me because I make all of my money online. The Show is the joint production from Joel Comm and Eric Holmlund, who each have made quite a bit on money online. 12 contestants from different backgrounds where choose to compete for a $25,000 prize and a joint venture with Joel Comm.

After watching the first episode I am rooting for Jason Marshall from New Jersey. He not only won the first “Hacker Safe” challenge he really seems like he knows what he is doing and comes off as a natural leader. Plus he is from the east coast! Who is your pick for the winner? Episode 2 of the show will be released August 27, and I will be sure to check it out, you should too!

308 2007-08-22 13:27:23 2007-08-22 17:27:23 open open the-next-internet-millionaire publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264861 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12861 2007-08-31 18:49:43 2007-08-31 22:49:43 1 0 0 13264 2007-09-12 13:58:18 2007-09-12 17:58:18 1 0 0
Thanks for the Beers! Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:14:07 +0000
On Tuesday I turned 23 and my buddy Justin was nice enough to buy me a beer! He is only the 2nd person to buy me a beer via the Buy Me a Beer Plugin. When I first implemented the plugin Shawn Knight bought me a beer. My beer of choice is Heinken, in a bottle of course. Thanks for the beers guys, it made my birthday a little less boring! If you want to buy me a beer as a belated birthday gift you are more than welcome to. ]]>
309 2007-08-23 11:14:07 2007-08-23 15:14:07 open open thanks-for-the-beers publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1265980574 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12590 2007-08-24 22:43:54 2007-08-25 02:43:54 1 0 0 12589 2007-08-24 21:56:40 2007-08-25 01:56:40 1 0 0 12546 2007-08-23 11:45:49 2007-08-23 15:45:49 1 0 0 12611 2007-08-25 11:44:55 2007-08-25 15:44:55 1 0 0
Tips on Releasing Content Fri, 24 Aug 2007 15:01:24 +0000
A lot of people think that that releasing content in the morning is the same as releasing it at night. Believe me it is not. Learning when it is best for you to release content can really help you increase your online income and also increase your reader base. I have tested content release times extensively on ThinkComputers and I have come up with some very interesting results. Here are some tips to releasing content and finding out when is the best time for you to release content.

Peak Time
If you have any type of web tracking program it should have an hourly break down of visitors on your site. Track these stats for a week or so and see what time of day is your “peak time”. This is the time where they are the most users on your site. This is a perfect time to release content because the most people will be on your site to see the new content.

Time of Day
If you are posting daily posts on your blog or website there might be a certain time of day that you want to post them at. Say if you post each day before noon that gives your article a full 24 hours of exposure. If you are posting things at random times you limit the exposure time of your article. Also try to think what time of day would be best for your audience. Noon is a good time, but if you are on the east coast that is 9AM on the west coast so you might want to change it to 2PM depending on how much traffic of yours is from the west coast. The same goes if you are on the west coast, remember you are 3 hours behind the east coast.

Same Time each Day
Once again if you are posting daily posts you might want to have a strict schedule and be posting at exactly the same time each day. This way your users will know when to expect new posts and will come back each day at that time for the new content.

Day of the Week
I know on my sites the day with the most traffic is Monday. So I always post a review on Monday. I also try to make it a review that will earn me a lot of money. For an example I would post a LCD review instead of a CPU cooler on Mondays. Find out what day of the week you have the most traffic and be sure to release content on that day.

With anything on the internet it is all about testing. You need to test releasing content for atleast a week to get an idea if your new method is working for you. Sometimes it can take up to a week to see what works best for you. Try to track the differences in traffic and revenue.

Let Your CMS Help You
So many CMS’s have a timestamp feature that will allow you to write a post and release it at a specific time. This way you can write a post the night before and if you want it to be posted at 9AM it will auto post for you. This way you can sleep in and when you wakeup your site will have new content on it.

For ThinkComputers I have found out that posting the reviews the night before works the best. The main reason for this is because after I post the review I send out a news e-mail to all of our affiliates. They in turn post a link back to the review. So if the e-mail is in their inbox the night before when the site owners wake up it is there for them to put on their site. Also if we are posting reviews back to back the first review will have a full 24 hours of exposure. It took me about 3 weeks of testing to find out that this was the best time for releasing content on ThinkComputers. Test some different methods of releasing content and see what works best for you.]]>
310 2007-08-24 11:01:24 2007-08-24 15:01:24 open open tips-on-releasing-content publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266971855 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12578 2007-08-24 12:48:45 2007-08-24 16:48:45 1 0 0 13227 2007-09-10 23:56:39 2007-09-11 03:56:39 1 0 0 12905 2007-09-02 05:25:55 2007-09-02 09:25:55 1 0 0
July's Top Commentators Sun, 26 Aug 2007 13:36:01 +0000
I know some of you may have thought I have forgotten about the top commentators from July, but I haven’t! A few days into August I had to go back and track the comments, but I have been so busy that I haven’t have a chance to make a post about them. Now that that August is almost over I better make that post! So here are the top commentators from July…

Leo Chiang
David Lithman

Thanks for all of your comments during the month of July!

How Do You Become a Top Commentator?
Comment, that’s it! All you have to do is comment on the posts here on and the top 5 people with the most posts will be picked as that months Top Commentators. If you are a top commentator I will link back to your website / blog when I make that month’s top commentator post. So start commenting!]]>
311 2007-08-26 09:36:01 2007-08-26 13:36:01 open open julys-top-commentators publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267282249 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12673 2007-08-26 22:12:43 2007-08-27 02:12:43 1 0 0 12674 2007-08-26 22:46:59 2007-08-27 02:46:59 1 0 0 12697 2007-08-27 09:58:17 2007-08-27 13:58:17 1 0 0 12664 2007-08-26 19:50:03 2007-08-26 23:50:03 1 0 0 12712 2007-08-27 21:35:58 2007-08-28 01:35:58 1 0 0 12643 2007-08-26 12:20:52 2007-08-26 16:20:52 1 0 0 12672 2007-08-26 22:00:33 2007-08-27 02:00:33 1 12643 0 12658 2007-08-26 17:34:04 2007-08-26 21:34:04 1 0 0
The Digg Effect...Again! Tue, 28 Aug 2007 15:54:05 +0000
If you did not notice all of my sites including this blog were running VERY slow yesterday. The reason for this is the Samsung SyncMaster 940UX 19-inch LCD monitor review made it to the front page of Digg, so we were overcome with traffic. Now before we were able to handle a Digg just fine, but there were obvious reasons why we were slowed down so much. First the addition of ThinkCE, ThinkGaming, and this blog. They are all run on databases. Next the ThinkComputers page has been changed since the last Digg. There are a lot of database calls on the page including all of the ads, random photos from the gallery, blog listings, and the latest forum posts. After I disabled most of these things the page seemed to load a lot faster.

The page wouldn’t load for a good 2 hours I would say. That’s a lot of lost revenue! I guess I thought since last time we got a Digg there were no problems there would not be this time. Next time I go for a front page Digg I will be sure to disable the database calls and now I have the ads in cache mode so they don’t have to go to the database every time the page is loaded.

How Did it Make the Front Page?
Yes I was the person that submitted it to Digg. As I have said before I rarely submit things to Digg, mainly because most of the things we review at ThinkComputers have already been reviewed on other sites and they are not extraordinary products. The Samsung SyncMaster 940UX 19-inch LCD monitor has 1 very unique thing about it, you can hook it up to your PC via USB, without the use of a video card. This unique feature was why I submitted it to Digg.

A lot of other people thought it was very unique too. Within 30 minutes we already had 25 diggs, which was a real surprise to me. About 40 minutes after that we were on the front page. It has to be fastest Digg that I submitted to make it to the front page. Usually it takes 3-4 hours to make it. The Digg was well received too, there were not a lot of bad comments and as of right now it is at 1159 diggs. Yesterday it made the top 10 stories in technology and it is still on the Top in 24hr page at #3.

Traffic and Revenue
Because of the front page, and those 2 other listings there was a ton of traffic to the site. Yesterday we had about 31,000 unique visitors to the site and got around 50,000 page views, that’s quite a boost from our normal traffic. Of course with that much traffic our revenue increased. Here is a break down of revenue compared to our average revenue per day.

Google Adsense: $155.44 / $30 (Average)
TTZ Media: $160.50 / $30 (Average)
Contexual Ads: $175 / $17 (Average)
Tribal Fusion: $37.29 / $7 (Average)

Total: $528.23 / $84 (Average)

So making $528.23 instead of the usual $84 is a nice increase for sure! At that is only for yesterday the first day it hit Digg. The front page Digg and listings on other popular pages on the site will bring residual traffic to the site all this week and even longer. I still get a lot of hits from prior diggs. The Digg will help revenue for the next 3 days, as today I am already over my average earnings for the day.

How to Capitalize?
There are few things you want to do to capitalize on a front page digg. The first being making sure your server can handle it. Imagine if my site would have went down all day, I would have not made anywhere near close to what I made. Also people would see that it was down and not come back. You also want to have the right ads setup, this means if it is a review make sure you have a matching shopping link. Finally before you can even get a Digg you need to know that what you are submitting is unique, if it isn’t it will be removed from the front page and people will bury it as spam.

Yesterday was quite a success for me, hopefully I will be able to get another front page Digg soon! ]]>
312 2007-08-28 11:54:05 2007-08-28 15:54:05 open open the-digg-effectagain publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267225949 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12785 2007-08-29 13:15:50 2007-08-29 17:15:50 1 0 0 13394 2007-09-16 20:22:16 2007-09-17 00:22:16 1 12737 0 12749 2007-08-28 20:31:05 2007-08-29 00:31:05 1 12744 0 12745 2007-08-28 16:33:13 2007-08-28 20:33:13 1 0 0 12746 2007-08-28 16:46:25 2007-08-28 20:46:25 1 0 0 12789 2007-08-29 15:51:43 2007-08-29 19:51:43 1 12745 1 12790 2007-08-29 15:53:18 2007-08-29 19:53:18 1 0 1 13300 2007-09-13 08:38:49 2007-09-13 12:38:49 1 13298 0 13339 2007-09-14 14:24:20 2007-09-14 18:24:20 1 0 0 12871 2007-09-01 00:11:55 2007-09-01 04:11:55 1 12753 0 13298 2007-09-13 08:35:30 2007-09-13 12:35:30 1 0 0 13299 2007-09-13 08:36:40 2007-09-13 12:36:40 1 0 0 12906 2007-09-02 05:27:53 2007-09-02 09:27:53 1 0 0 12744 2007-08-28 16:00:48 2007-08-28 20:00:48 1 0 0 12737 2007-08-28 13:23:20 2007-08-28 17:23:20 1 0 0 12739 2007-08-28 14:48:17 2007-08-28 18:48:17 1 0 0 12741 2007-08-28 15:17:38 2007-08-28 19:17:38 1 0 0 12753 2007-08-28 23:52:14 2007-08-29 03:52:14 1 0 0
My 20 Hour Work Week Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:49:44 +0000
As I said before I have started to log my hours. The main reason for this is because I feel like I’m not getting enough work done. So what better way to see if I’m actually doing work than to log my hours. So over the past week I setup an excel sheet to log my hours (If anyone has a better method please let me know, excel is a pain!). Now this is over a 7 day period not the normal 5 day work week most of you are used to. Here is a day to day breakdown of the hours I worked.

Monday: 2 hours
Tuesday: 4 hours 15 minutes
Wednesday: 2 hours 28 minutes
Thursday: 4 hours
Friday: 4 hours
Saturday: 0 hours
Sunday: 4 hours

Total Worked: 20 hours 43 minutes

After seeing how much I worked in a 7 day work week I was very disappointed in myself. When I had a real job I worked anywhere from 30-50 hours in a 5 day work week!

Reasons For Not Working as Much
Well the main reason for not working as much is that I haven’t had a lot of motivation. That has a lot to do getting enough sleep and keeping a good schedule. I recently made a post about how being healthy helps you be productive and it really does. When you don’t get enough sleep or are not eating right it can really hurt your performance. Also I am very lazy, something I have been trying to remedy. All my life I’ve for the most part done what I need to get by, not try to do more.

Goals For This Week
This week my goal is at least 25 hours, but I do hope to do more, I just don’t want to set the goal to high and then be disappointed in myself. I have been doing a lot of right things already this week. I have been on a great schedule, eating 3 meals a day, and I’m motivated. Hopefully this week will be a good one, it already started off good with the front page Digg! ]]>
313 2007-08-29 15:49:44 2007-08-29 19:49:44 open open my-20-hour-work-week publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267272322 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12816 2007-08-30 05:42:51 2007-08-30 09:42:51 1 0 0 12793 2007-08-29 16:21:02 2007-08-29 20:21:02 1 0 0 12810 2007-08-30 00:50:48 2007-08-30 04:50:48 1 0 0 12792 2007-08-29 16:16:06 2007-08-29 20:16:06 1 0 0 12797 2007-08-29 17:04:25 2007-08-29 21:04:25 1 0 0 12870 2007-09-01 00:10:02 2007-09-01 04:10:02 1 0 0 12800 2007-08-29 18:49:06 2007-08-29 22:49:06 1 0 0 12820 2007-08-30 07:42:44 2007-08-30 11:42:44 1 0 0 13002 2007-09-04 18:19:37 2007-09-04 22:19:37 1 0 0
ThinkGaming Gets a New Look Sat, 01 Sep 2007 00:12:08 +0000
If you head on over to ThinkGaming you can see it has a new look. When I first switched ThinkGaming over to wordpress I used the same layout I was using for ThinkComputers, with different logos of course. This layout works very well on ThinkComputers, but I really did not like how it looked on ThinkGaming. ThinkGaming is more of a blog and ThinkComputers publishes full reviews so they are a bit different. I really did not like how the posts were looking on the layout and I felt like it needed a new look. So after looking through a bunch of wordpress themes I picked mistylook, which is also used on this blog.

Mistylook originally only has 2 columns, but as you can see on this blog and ThinkGaming I made it into a 3 column layout. ThinkGaming is different than this blog though, I moved one of the columns over to the far left of the layout. I really like this look and think it turned out well. I also made the top graphic myself. I’m no expert at Photoshop, but I think it came out alright. If anyone wants to make a better one you are more than happy to. I also added a few more features like the MyBlogLog reader community, and recent comments. I’m looking to add more features to the site so if anyone knows of any good wordpress plugins please let me know, thanks! ]]>
314 2007-08-31 20:12:08 2007-09-01 00:12:08 open open thinkgaming-gets-a-new-look publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267286464 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1969849551;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 12889 2007-09-01 15:22:43 2007-09-01 19:22:43 1 0 0 12931 2007-09-03 03:22:27 2007-09-03 07:22:27 1 0 0 12868 2007-08-31 23:07:22 2007-09-01 03:07:22 1 0 0 12869 2007-09-01 00:07:26 2007-09-01 04:07:26 1 0 0
August’s Top Commentators Sat, 01 Sep 2007 17:30:04 +0000
As you all might remember I was a bit late on the top commentators for July, this month I’m right on time, although I still forgot to take a screenshot last night of the top commentator’s widget on the side of the page. So this morning I had to go back and count them by hand, what a great way to start my morning! This month’s commentators are almost the same as last month, it’s good to see we have a community going here! So without further ado here are August’s Top Commentators done Leo Chiang style!

Sean – He has just started a hardware review site, looks awesome so far, hopefully he can keep up with it!

Thomas De Maesschalck – this guy must like movies and he also reviews computer hardware like me.

BigMan – Another hardware site owner, see a trend? He is heading out to LA soon and enjoys watching me on Ustream.

Michael Kwan – A proud hockey fan, and owner of a brand new T-shirt!

David Lithman – He must be famous because he was just interviewed, he also lets us know what his ideal work day would be like.

Thanks to everyone that commented during the month of August!

How Do You Become a Top Commentator?
Comment, that’s it! All you have to do is comment on the posts here on and the top 5 people with the most posts will be picked as that months Top Commentators. If you are a top commentator I will link back to your website / blog when I make that month’s top commentator post. So start commenting! ]]>
315 2007-09-01 13:30:04 2007-09-01 17:30:04 open open august%e2%80%99s-top-commentators publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267040480 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 12887 2007-09-01 14:20:48 2007-09-01 18:20:48 1 0 0 13585 2007-09-22 15:54:49 2007-09-22 19:54:49 1 0 0 13233 2007-09-11 04:11:17 2007-09-11 08:11:17 1 0 0 12900 2007-09-01 23:36:53 2007-09-02 03:36:53 1 12887 0 12888 2007-09-01 15:18:45 2007-09-01 19:18:45 1 0 0 12895 2007-09-01 17:57:45 2007-09-01 21:57:45 1 0 0 12891 2007-09-01 16:39:58 2007-09-01 20:39:58 1 0 0 12903 2007-09-02 01:09:22 2007-09-02 05:09:22 1 0 0 12930 2007-09-03 03:18:56 2007-09-03 07:18:56 1 0 0 12948 2007-09-03 13:49:43 2007-09-03 17:49:43 1 0 0 12957 2007-09-03 22:54:09 2007-09-04 02:54:09 1 0 0 13000 2007-09-04 18:10:24 2007-09-04 22:10:24 1 0 0
Now On Tue, 04 Sep 2007 17:17:23 +0000
I posted before about lifecasting. I started lifecasting over on Ustream and it was a lot of fun, but the whole reason I wanted to start lifecasting was because I heard about I signed up for over a month ago and I finally got into the beta. has a much larger viewer base and I like how it is setup better than Ustream. I also decided to get an EVDO card for my laptop so I can take you all with me wherever I go! It should be a fun experience, well tune in and see what I’m up to!]]>
316 2007-09-04 13:17:23 2007-09-04 17:17:23 open open now-on-justintv publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266480283 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13006 2007-09-04 22:22:25 2007-09-05 02:22:25 1 0 0 12987 2007-09-04 14:14:49 2007-09-04 18:14:49 1 0 0 13034 2007-09-05 15:52:32 2007-09-05 19:52:32 1 0 0 12994 2007-09-04 16:55:40 2007-09-04 20:55:40 1 0 0 12995 2007-09-04 16:55:56 2007-09-04 20:55:56 1 0 0 12997 2007-09-04 17:58:40 2007-09-04 21:58:40 1 0 0 13001 2007-09-04 18:15:35 2007-09-04 22:15:35 1 0 0 13030 2007-09-05 10:45:30 2007-09-05 14:45:30 1 0 0 13097 2007-09-07 03:27:07 2007-09-07 07:27:07 1 12994 0 22595 2008-04-21 13:15:33 2008-04-21 17:15:33 Breast Enlargement Pills - Penis Enlargement Pills - Pharmacy - Herbal Products - Herbs - Remedies Online Guide]]> 1 0 0
Finding New Blogs Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:12:59 +0000
I have a whole list of blogs that I check on a daily basis. A lot of them are my friends, some are people who I found their blog and ended up becoming friends with them, and others are blogs I have just found. A lot of these blogs are very informational and I really enjoy reading them. So are you looking to add a few new blogs to your RSS or bookmarks? How do you go about finding these blogs? When I feel I need to add a new blog to “the list” these are some of the things that I try to do to find new informational blogs.

Almost any blog that you go to will have some type of blogroll or friends list. These links are either friends of the blog that you are reading or might have exchanged links with the blogger. They may also be blogs that the blogger likes or are in the same blogging category, so if you like their blog there is a good possibility that you will like one of the blogs listed.

This is a great source to find new blogs. You can check out the most popular blogs, most favorited blogs, or check out the days hottest blurbs.

Link Posts
A lot of bloggers choose 1 day of the week where they list the “happenings of the net” or a similar post. In this post they list 3-5 articles on other blogs that they have read that interest them. Michael Kwan does “What’s Up Wednesdays” and Nate Whitehill does “Powerfull Posts”. I have found some really interesting blogs this way.

Talk to Bloggers
A lot of bloggers have a contact form on their blog. Most bloggers read other blogs so if you send them an e-mail asking what blogs they read they are sure to give you a few links. I have asked a few bloggers what other blogs they read and they were happy show me some informative blogs.

If you are looking to add some new blogs to your list hopefully these tips have helped you!]]>
317 2007-09-06 07:12:59 2007-09-06 11:12:59 open open finding-new-blogs publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267214831 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13686 2007-09-24 13:54:39 2007-09-24 17:54:39 1 0 0 13065 2007-09-06 09:42:26 2007-09-06 13:42:26 1 0 0 13062 2007-09-06 09:13:04 2007-09-06 13:13:04 1 0 0 13297 2007-09-13 08:24:07 2007-09-13 12:24:07 1 0 0 13071 2007-09-06 12:59:15 2007-09-06 16:59:15 1 0 0 13080 2007-09-06 19:48:37 2007-09-06 23:48:37 1 0 0 13079 2007-09-06 18:32:24 2007-09-06 22:32:24 1 0 0 40535 2010-02-23 08:43:18 2010-02-23 12:43:18 spam 0 0
Lunch at Redfin Blues Sat, 08 Sep 2007 20:55:50 +0000
There are not many places in Pittsburgh where you can get good seafood, let alone eat outside and have a great view of the river. Redfin Blues is a small restaurant right on the river that is a perfect place to eat on a nice summer day. Redfin Blues is located at Washington’s Landing on Herrs Island, which sits on the Allegheny River. The actual restaurant is very small, but the outside patio, which overlooks the river, is where most people sit.

One thing that is very unique about Redfin Blues is that they have all you can eat crab legs everyday for $22! Ashley and I both love crab legs so it’s perfect! Now you can get all you can eat crab legs from Chinese buffet’s, but they usually do not taste that good. The ones from Redfin Blues taste great. For the $22 you get unlimited crab legs, a salad, french fries, & vegetables.

Ashley and I went with her sister Amber and it was a perfect day too. It was sunny all day and not to humid. We all got the crab legs and enjoyed eating outside and watching boats go by. When you are eating there you really forget you are in Pittsburgh. The atmosphere is great when I say you are right on the river you really are. Here is our view from where we were sitting.

Summer is almost over so if you are in the Pittsburgh area make sure you check out Redfin Blues, it is worth the drive!]]>
318 2007-09-08 16:55:50 2007-09-08 20:55:50 open open lunch-at-redfin-blues publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917577 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:17:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13220 2007-09-10 19:27:44 2007-09-10 23:27:44 1 0 0 13170 2007-09-08 21:34:31 2007-09-09 01:34:31 1 0 0 13194 2007-09-09 17:15:42 2007-09-09 21:15:42 1 0 0 13332 2007-09-14 12:04:42 2007-09-14 16:04:42 1 0 0 13177 2007-09-09 01:30:43 2007-09-09 05:30:43 1 0 0 13184 2007-09-09 08:03:09 2007-09-09 12:03:09 1 0 0 13190 2007-09-09 11:58:06 2007-09-09 15:58:06 1 13177 0 13188 2007-09-09 11:10:00 2007-09-09 15:10:00 1 13184 0 13208 2007-09-10 07:57:33 2007-09-10 11:57:33 1 0 0
The Importance of Private Domain Registration Mon, 10 Sep 2007 21:57:18 +0000
I have never really thought that private domain registration was important, but when someone does not like you or wants to just bother you that is one of the easiest ways for them to get your personal information. If your domain is not private all of your personal information will show up on the whois, which can be easily searched for. So the easiest way to stop people from getting your private information is to get private registration on your domains.

If you are registered with GoDaddy then you can easily go into your domain control panel and select a domain and then select upgrade domain. You are then brought to a list of upgrade options, one which is private registration, select it and check out. GoDaddy has a special going on now where private registration is only $6.99 per domain. I’m not sure how you get private domain registration on other registrars, but that’s how you do it on GoDaddy.

Do you really need private registration? I would say yes, in this day and age you never know what people will do with your private information. The main reason I have switched all my domains over to private is that since I started lifecasting people thought it would be funny to prank call me. Even if this is not the case for you it is always important to protect your private information. Take John Chow for instance, a year ago most people did not know who he was, but now he is one of the most well known bloggers out there. Good thing he made his domains private. So if you are thinking about making your domains private it is probably a good idea.]]>
319 2007-09-10 17:57:18 2007-09-10 21:57:18 open open the-importance-of-private-domain-registration publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266834953 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:76:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13241 http://none 2007-09-11 11:36:11 2007-09-11 15:36:11 1 0 0 13222 2007-09-10 20:38:40 2007-09-11 00:38:40 1 0 0 13230 2007-09-11 01:10:12 2007-09-11 05:10:12 1 0 0 13240 2007-09-11 10:52:01 2007-09-11 14:52:01 1 0 0 13234 2007-09-11 04:14:45 2007-09-11 08:14:45 1 0 0 13245 2007-09-11 16:28:31 2007-09-11 20:28:31 1 0 0 13331 2007-09-14 11:57:41 2007-09-14 15:57:41 1 0 0 13302 2007-09-13 08:45:50 2007-09-13 12:45:50 1 0 0 13313 2007-09-13 16:39:30 2007-09-13 20:39:30 1 0 0 13224 2007-09-10 22:55:18 2007-09-11 02:55:18 1 0 0 13225 2007-09-10 23:07:09 2007-09-11 03:07:09 1 0 0 13218 2007-09-10 18:15:48 2007-09-10 22:15:48 1 0 0 13219 2007-09-10 19:24:33 2007-09-10 23:24:33 1 0 0 13320 2007-09-14 02:13:54 2007-09-14 06:13:54 1 0 0 36856 2009-04-12 23:59:14 2009-04-13 03:59:14 1 0 0
Why I Enjoy Trade Shows Wed, 12 Sep 2007 13:22:50 +0000
I really love going to trade shows. Trade shows are events / expos where computer and electronics companies show off their products. Each company has a booth with their latest and most popular products. I usually only end up going to one trade show a year, CES in Las Vegas. Trade shows are usually expensive to go to, the travel and the hotel stay really adds up. I really wish I could go to more trade shows because that’s what I like most about what I do.

In any job you are given a task and if you do that task well you feel good about yourself. If you are selling something and do a large volume of sales you feel like you really have accomplished something, but in what I do (write reviews and run websites) I really do not feel like I accomplish that much if I finish a review or the site does a lot of traffic. I guess it’s just not the same as other jobs might be.

That is why I enjoy going to trade shows so much. The first main reason is I get to “sell” the site. What that means is I meet with companies face to face and get them to send us review products. So whenever we meet new companies and they sign on as a sponsor I feel a big accomplishment.

Another reason I like trade shows so much is that I get to meet with our current sponsors and other website owners. Sort of a meeting of peers. Usually companies will have functions like picnic’s or parties, also there is usually a meeting place like a bar or restaurant where employees like to meet. When you are your only employee you really don’t have those types of gatherings especially if you are in the internet business because people usually do not live close to each other.

I really enjoy what I do and I am glad I can do it as my full time job, but it really does not feel like a job to me. Doing things like reviewing products and maintaining the websites does not seem like work. When I’m at a trade show I actually feel like I’m doing work and it is really fulfilling.

So those are some of the reasons I really enjoy going to trade shows. I would like to be able to travel and go to more, but sometimes it is just too expensive. CES is just around the corner, it’s going to be January in no time!]]>
320 2007-09-12 09:22:50 2007-09-12 13:22:50 open open why-i-enjoy-trade-shows publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266999180 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1194873134;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 13270 2007-09-12 18:06:14 2007-09-12 22:06:14 1 0 0 13260 2007-09-12 10:14:11 2007-09-12 14:14:11 1 0 0 13263 2007-09-12 12:32:29 2007-09-12 16:32:29 1 0 0 13338 2007-09-14 14:21:42 2007-09-14 18:21:42 1 0 0 13304 2007-09-13 10:27:51 2007-09-13 14:27:51 1 0 0 13301 2007-09-13 08:42:59 2007-09-13 12:42:59 1 0 0 13309 2007-09-13 12:21:00 2007-09-13 16:21:00 1 0 0 13610 2007-09-23 01:34:39 2007-09-23 05:34:39 1 0 0 13286 2007-09-13 01:11:34 2007-09-13 05:11:34 1 0 0 13288 2007-09-13 01:54:28 2007-09-13 05:54:28 1 0 0 13419 2007-09-17 17:03:41 2007-09-17 21:03:41 1 0 0
250 Free Business Cards from VistaPrint Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:22:42 +0000 There is no easier way to promote your business than with business cards. I have had many different business card designs, but I was most pleased with the latest ones I received from VistaPrint. I had heard from a friend that VistaPrint does a good job and they were right! Anyways I was excited when I heard VistaPrint was giving out 250 business cards for FREE! On top of that they are also giving you 25% off all other products!

Well there has to be some catch right? Well you only get to choose from 42 pre-made business card designs. When I first heard that I was like man these designs are probably going to look crappy, but after checking them out they weren’t that bad. They have a design for just about anyone. Now I don’t think I would use any of these designs for ThinkComputers, but maybe for ThinkCE and definitely for my blog, especially because they are free! Here is a design I came up for my blog.

As you can see it is nothing special, but it gets the job done. If you have a blog or are just starting a website and don’t want to spend any money on your business cards VistaPrint has you covered. When I’m out and I meet new people they always ask what I do and I hand them a business card. It’s nice to be able to give them something with your blog URL on it so when they get home they can check it out. So what are you waiting for, head over to VistaPrint and get your 250 free business cards!]]>
321 2007-09-14 07:22:42 2007-09-14 11:22:42 open open 250-free-business-cards-from-vistaprint publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266941363 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:70:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1952877010;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 13343 2007-09-14 20:08:45 2007-09-15 00:08:45 1 0 0 13362 2007-09-15 14:15:15 2007-09-15 18:15:15 1 0 0 13326 2007-09-14 08:28:56 2007-09-14 12:28:56 1 0 0 13330 2007-09-14 11:54:48 2007-09-14 15:54:48 1 0 0 13336 2007-09-14 13:33:49 2007-09-14 17:33:49 1 0 0 13347 2007-09-14 22:55:37 2007-09-15 02:55:37 1 0 0 13348 2007-09-14 23:23:42 2007-09-15 03:23:42 1 0 0 13612 2007-09-23 02:32:43 2007-09-23 06:32:43 1 0 0 13426 2007-09-17 19:18:35 2007-09-17 23:18:35 1 0 0
My New Toy! Mon, 17 Sep 2007 20:16:01 +0000
Well as you can see I got myself an iPhone. Now I said before that I would not be getting an iPhone and originally I was not planning on it. Over the past month I have been looking at getting a new phone. The Audiovox SMT5600 I was using was so old that the battery life on it was horrible and sometimes it would just die out of nowhere. So I needed something new. I was looking at a bunch of blackberry’s, the Samsung BlackJack, and possibly a Treo. But with Apple’s new iPod releases and the price drop on the iPhone it made it very easy for me to decide on picking one up. I would never pay the $599 they wanted before, $399 is a little more reasonable of a price.

So after I got home and opened the phone up the first thing I realized is that it is a lot smaller than it looks in pictures and video. I actually thought it would be larger and thicker, but it isn’t at all. It is perfect size. Powering it up and activating was very easy (I was already an AT&T customer). Once activated I played around on it for a few hours. The interface is just amazing, at first I was not sure if I was going to like the idea of no buttons, but I really like the touchscreen. It only took me a few hours to get used to using the touchscreen keyboard and controls.

Besides just being a phone you also have mail, a web browser, and the iPod. Although Safari is horrible on PC, I was impressed with it’s capabilities on the iPhone. All of my sites look perfect on it, even the image popups work on the phone whereas they don’t work at all on the PC version of Safari, go figure. The browsing experience is the closest I have seen to a real browsing experience on a PC. The iPod is also very cool. I really like the ability to slide through my albums. Also the large screen really helps with song and playlist navigation.

A lot of people hate on the iPhone because they say it does not support 3rd party apps. Well I had no problem loading 3rd apps on the iPhone. There is a very easy to use installer that actually has a list of available apps and will download and install them directly on your iPhone. Another reason people don’t like the iPhone is that they say you have to have purchased music to make ringtones or buy ringtones. I also found another program iBrickr that easily let me put my own custom ringtones on the iPhone.

Overall I am very impressed with the iPhone so far and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a new phone. If you a skeptical about the touch interface then give it a try. You can check out the iPhone at any AT&T store on Apple store. ]]>
322 2007-09-17 16:16:01 2007-09-17 20:16:01 open open my-new-toy-2 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266913160 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13504 2007-09-19 22:44:51 2007-09-20 02:44:51 1 0 0 13608 2007-09-23 00:06:36 2007-09-23 04:06:36 1 0 0 13568 2007-09-22 04:07:11 2007-09-22 08:07:11 1 0 0 13567 2007-09-22 04:04:46 2007-09-22 08:04:46 1 0 0 13463 2007-09-18 14:21:31 2007-09-18 18:21:31 1 13434 0 13764 2007-09-26 04:38:53 2007-09-26 08:38:53 1 0 0 13415 2007-09-17 16:51:31 2007-09-17 20:51:31 1 0 0 13416 2007-09-17 16:53:25 2007-09-17 20:53:25 1 0 0 13446 2007-09-18 01:56:26 2007-09-18 05:56:26 1 13420 0 13440 2007-09-17 23:38:52 2007-09-18 03:38:52 1 0 0 13443 2007-09-18 00:22:45 2007-09-18 04:22:45 1 0 0 13671 2007-09-24 06:16:14 2007-09-24 10:16:14 1 0 0 13590 2007-09-22 18:44:07 2007-09-22 22:44:07 1 0 0 13418 2007-09-17 17:02:34 2007-09-17 21:02:34 1 0 0 13420 2007-09-17 17:18:38 2007-09-17 21:18:38 1 0 0 13422 2007-09-17 17:52:45 2007-09-17 21:52:45 1 0 0 13423 2007-09-17 17:55:54 2007-09-17 21:55:54 1 0 0 13427 2007-09-17 19:23:44 2007-09-17 23:23:44 1 0 0 13429 2007-09-17 20:23:51 2007-09-18 00:23:51 1 0 0 13432 2007-09-17 20:54:00 2007-09-18 00:54:00 1 0 0 13433 2007-09-17 20:57:32 2007-09-18 00:57:32 1 0 0 13434 2007-09-17 20:58:33 2007-09-18 00:58:33 1 13418 0 13436 2007-09-17 21:23:31 2007-09-18 01:23:31 1 0 0 13442 2007-09-18 00:12:17 2007-09-18 04:12:17 1 0 0 28674 2008-12-08 02:53:24 2008-12-08 06:53:24 1 0 0
Not Sleeping Well Wed, 19 Sep 2007 19:22:48 +0000 If you may have noticed I haven’t had a lot of good posts lately on the blog. I have a lot of good ideas and a list of blog topics to write on my Netvibes, but I have had a problem for over a week now, I’m not sleeping well at all! The biggest problem is that I am not able to fall asleep when I want to. I’ve been trying to go to bed around 12-1AM so that I am able to wake up around 9-10AM. I go to bed at this time but I just end up lying in bed for 4 hours not being able to fall asleep. I have tried things like taking Tylenol PM and similar products, but those always make me sleep a hell of a lot longer than I want to and it takes me forever to get up in the morning when I take stuff like that. I also don’t want to become dependent on products like that to fall asleep. Waking up later in the day has really affected my work schedule and its pissing me off. Also I feel like crap every time I wake up. This makes it harder to get up and is not a good way to start off my day. Because I don’t have a good morning the rest of the day sucks too. I basically feel like crap throughout the entire day and I never end up getting the things I need to do done because I feel unmotivated. So the reason for me telling you all this is because I wanted to know if any of you had any suggestions that would help me, I would really appreciate it, thanks!]]> 323 2007-09-19 15:22:48 2007-09-19 19:22:48 open open not-sleeping-well publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917564 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13502 2007-09-19 21:53:03 2007-09-20 01:53:03 1 0 0 13503 2007-09-19 22:14:30 2007-09-20 02:14:30 1 0 0 13609 2007-09-23 00:46:01 2007-09-23 04:46:01 1 0 0 13566 2007-09-22 04:00:14 2007-09-22 08:00:14 1 0 0 13505 2007-09-20 00:05:42 2007-09-20 04:05:42 1 0 0 13506 2007-09-20 00:06:17 2007-09-20 04:06:17 1 0 0 13491 2007-09-19 15:42:49 2007-09-19 19:42:49 1 0 0 13490 2007-09-19 15:32:13 2007-09-19 19:32:13 1 0 0 13494 2007-09-19 16:48:25 2007-09-19 20:48:25 1 0 0 13495 2007-09-19 17:40:39 2007-09-19 21:40:39 1 0 0 13498 2007-09-19 18:26:06 2007-09-19 22:26:06 1 0 0 13496 2007-09-19 18:03:51 2007-09-19 22:03:51 1 0 0 13587 2007-09-22 16:28:06 2007-09-22 20:28:06 1 0 0 23275 2008-05-10 17:03:14 2008-05-10 21:03:14 1 0 0 Get More Traffic with BlogRush Thu, 20 Sep 2007 23:56:20 +0000
It used to be that if you wanted to get a link on another blog you had to exchange links and usually the only people that would list you on their blog would be your friends. You can see on the side of my I have a list of my friends blogs. Well now you can get listed on a ton of blogs. John Reese, internet entrepreneur has created BlogRush, which is a blog syndication network. It is a great idea and an easy way to bring extra traffic to your blog.

How it works is you install a widget on the side of your page, which you can see on the side of my page. Everyone who is part of BlogRush has the widget on their page. So say you get 1000 visitors a day, that’s 1000 syndication credits. Also if your refer someone to BlogRush you get credits for each one of their visitors. So if they get 500 visitors you have a total of 1500 credits. What do these credits give you?

The syndication credits are used to broadcast your blog on other bloggers pages in the widget. As you can see in the widget on my page there are headlines from other bloggers pages. Since the referral ratio is 1:1 it is really easy to earn credits and get linked on popular blogs. John Chow and ShoeMoney are already on BlogRush along with a ton of other blogs so hurry up and sign up!]]>
324 2007-09-20 19:56:20 2007-09-20 23:56:20 open open get-more-traffic-with-blogrush publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266966117 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13583 2007-09-22 15:04:38 2007-09-22 19:04:38 1 0 0 13534 2007-09-21 02:06:52 2007-09-21 06:06:52 1 13529 0 13529 2007-09-20 22:34:28 2007-09-21 02:34:28 1 0 0 13545 2007-09-21 13:54:48 2007-09-21 17:54:48 1 13540 0 13540 2007-09-21 09:19:11 2007-09-21 13:19:11 1 13536 0 13542 2007-09-21 12:01:15 2007-09-21 16:01:15 1 0 0 13536 2007-09-21 04:14:30 2007-09-21 08:14:30 1 0 0 13586 2007-09-22 16:20:25 2007-09-22 20:20:25 1 0 0
Our First Blog Sponsor Sat, 22 Sep 2007 22:05:53 +0000 If you haven’t noticed by now you don’t see the Google ads on the blog anymore. They have been replaced by a ad. The reason for that is he is our first blog sponsor! Well actually second behind Create Business Growth, which has bought a TLA ad on this page for the past 2 months, but John is our first direct advertiser. That means I get 100% commission, no company taking part of what they sell the ad for.

Anyone can tell you that you will make a lot more money by selling ads on your sites direct and it’s true. The reason John bought the ads was I was telling him that Google was not performing well at all on my blog and that I was going to take it off. After I told him how much it was making me he made an offer for the spot and I didn’t hesitate to take it! It was a lot more than what the Google ads would have earned me!

After selling that ad I am thinking about offering a few other ad placements on the blog. I have a few ideas, but I wanted to know what you people thought about that idea. I want to try to roll out the new ad placements by early next month. Although for them to sell I have to keep my posting up! Let me know your thoughts, thanks!]]>
325 2007-09-22 18:05:53 2007-09-22 22:05:53 open open our-first-blog-sponsor publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266839299 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13758 2007-09-26 01:44:52 2007-09-26 05:44:52 1 0 0 13593 2007-09-22 19:06:25 2007-09-22 23:06:25 1 0 0 13601 2007-09-22 21:54:59 2007-09-23 01:54:59 1 0 0 13606 2007-09-22 23:36:39 2007-09-23 03:36:39 1 0 0 13596 2007-09-22 19:34:42 2007-09-22 23:34:42 1 0 0 13602 2007-09-22 22:24:54 2007-09-23 02:24:54 1 0 0 13604 2007-09-22 22:41:58 2007-09-23 02:41:58 1 0 0 13589 2007-09-22 18:40:12 2007-09-22 22:40:12 1 0 0 13619 2007-09-23 07:17:36 2007-09-23 11:17:36 1 0 0
The Net Vol. 1 Sun, 23 Sep 2007 19:34:51 +0000 Sunday is usually a down day for me. I am usually preparing a review for ThinkComputers and taking it easy. But I decided I would start a weekly post where I let you know the happenings of the net for that week. Not just with blogs, but with regular websites too. Hopefully I can keep this up and not become lazy and miss a few weeks. So here goes volume 1! Kanye West Beats 50 Cent in Record Sales I’m not sure if all of you follow Rap / Hip-Hop, but there was a feud going on between rapper 50 Cent and Kanye West. They both released their albums on the same day September 11th. In the first week of sales Kanye sold 956,936 copies which sure beat 50’s 691,304. 50 Cent said that if Kanye West beat him he would retire, now that he was beat do you think he will retire? I doubt it. I have listened to both CD’s and honestly I like the 50 Cent CD better, I was quite disappointed in Kanye’s CD compared to his first 2 albums. Caffeine Shootout
The guys over at were nice enough to send out a ton of caffeine products for us to try out. From drinks to candy, even caffeine soap! I let Greg try them all out, check out his 11 page article and see which products he liked best! The Dot Com Lunch @ Feenies
Fellow Bloggers Ed Lau, John Chow, Michael Kwan, Leo Chiang, and Stephen Fung headed out to Feenies to get lunch. What they ended up with was a $60 burger! Looking at it makes me hungry. I love reading out the BC blogger outings, makes me wish there were more bloggers around this area. If there are any local Pittsburgh bloggers that want to start a weekly lunch or something like that contact me! The XSR48 Powerboat
Now this is just sick! The XSR48 luxury powerboat is inspired from the worlds finest supercars. With 1600hp from 2 bi-turbo diesel engines it can sure get you to where you want to go in a flash. Also the design is just amazing! With a price tag of £1.2 million people are calling it the Bugatti Veyron of the sea! Halo 3 Legendary Edition Unboxing The guys over at Engadget some how got Halo 3 early! They have a full gallery of them unboxing the Halo 3 Legendary Edition set as well as the Halo 3 Xbox 360 limited edition console! If you want to see what your Legendary edition of Halo 3 will look like check this out!]]>
326 2007-09-23 15:34:51 2007-09-23 19:34:51 open open the-net-vol-1 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267250507 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13653 2007-09-23 21:45:20 2007-09-24 01:45:20 1 0 0 13655 2007-09-23 22:52:30 2007-09-24 02:52:30 1 0 0 13757 2007-09-26 01:42:30 2007-09-26 05:42:30 1 0 0 13647 2007-09-23 15:43:15 2007-09-23 19:43:15 1 0 0 13663 2007-09-24 03:53:00 2007-09-24 07:53:00 1 0 0 13706 2007-09-25 01:13:53 2007-09-25 05:13:53 1 0 0 13738 2007-09-25 11:46:04 2007-09-25 15:46:04 1 0 0
Halo 3!! Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:40:39 +0000
It seems like Halo 3 has taken over my life…haha! I waited in line for about an hour and a half to get it too! It was actually the first time I have waited in line on launch day to get a game or anything for that matter. It was cool and the people who I was sitting by were cool. I went to my local GameStop and they did things very well. They made you cash out before midnight and then you would get in line. At midnight you would just show your receipt and they would give you the game. There were probably about 100-150 people in line. Because the way they had everything setup I only had to wait about 10 minutes after midnight to get my copy and there was about 50 people in front of me.

I ended up getting the Legendary Edition. I’m a big halo fan so I had to get it. Also last week I got a Halo 3 Limited Edition controller. Once I got home I put the game in and instantly started playing. I started the campaign and beat the first mission then went online and played with friends.

That’s one of the best things about the game is the online aspect. We played online until 7AM! Yesterday I played even more online! Hopefully I don’t waste all my time playing Halo 3, but I do have to review it for ThinkGaming, so playing it is like work! If anyone else got Halo 3 send me your gamertag so we can play online. ]]>
327 2007-09-26 13:40:39 2007-09-26 17:40:39 open open halo-3-2 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267124337 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:39:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 13781 2007-09-26 17:12:19 2007-09-26 21:12:19 1 0 0 13776 2007-09-26 14:03:15 2007-09-26 18:03:15 1 0 0 13779 2007-09-26 15:04:28 2007-09-26 19:04:28 1 0 0 14288 2007-10-07 20:29:09 2007-10-08 00:29:09 1 0 0 13852 2007-09-27 22:31:57 2007-09-28 02:31:57 1 0 0 13855 2007-09-27 23:38:22 2007-09-28 03:38:22 1 0 0 13830 2007-09-27 13:32:08 2007-09-27 17:32:08 1 0 0
The Power of Endorsement Fri, 28 Sep 2007 17:45:15 +0000
If you think of any product or service there is usually someone famous or popular in that niche endorsing that product. Why is that? Say it’s a hockey stick and one of the best hockey players Sidney Crosby says it’s a good stick. I’m sure a lot more people will go buy it the stick then if it was not endorsed by Sidney Crosby. Almost all the time if the product is endorsed by a celebrity it will sell more, that is why these companies shell out a ton of money to these people to endorse their products.

One of the latest endorsements that I can think of is 50 Cent and Vitamin Water. When you hear 50 Cent and Vitamin Water in the same sentence it does not sound right, but it’s true. 50 Cent has his own “Formula 50” vitamin water flavor and it is one of the best selling flavors of the vitamin water brand. 50 Cent actually went 1 step further than just plain endorsement, he bought 10% stock in Glaceau, the company that makes vitamin water. Because of this he always has vitamin water with him, at award shows and at his concerts. There was even a Vitamin Water advertisement that came with his recently released CD. Earlier this year Glaceau was sold to Coca-Cola for $4.1 billion dollars making 50 Cent over 400 million dollars from the transaction.

Not to go off in another direction, but what I really wanted to stress is that if you are selling a product or service endorsement can really help you out and it is easy to get, especially in the blogging world. There is ReviewMe, PayPerPost, and a few others. If you don’t think people use these services to get hype for their product look at John Chow’s blog. He has done 118 ReviewMe reviews! And at $400 per review people are glad to pay it to get the traffic and hype for their product. Remember sometimes it does take money to make money. I’m sure Glaceau is happy with what they have paid 50 Cent and what they got out of the endorsement. Being able to hype their product up to the point that Coca-Cola bought it.

Also if you look in the other direction at branding you can make a lot of money yourself endorsing products. If you can establish yourself in your niche your word carries more weight than other people in that same niche. That is why companies are willing to pay the money for the endorsement. ]]>
328 2007-09-28 13:45:15 2007-09-28 17:45:15 open open the-power-of-endorsement publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267248852 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:17:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{s:10:"2389476118";s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 13918 2007-09-29 00:16:14 2007-09-29 04:16:14 1 0 0 13951 2007-09-29 13:20:52 2007-09-29 17:20:52 1 13924 1 13898 2007-09-28 16:17:56 2007-09-28 20:17:56 1 0 0 13924 2007-09-29 01:57:37 2007-09-29 05:57:37 1 13921 0 14178 2007-10-04 13:15:54 2007-10-04 17:15:54 1 0 0 13892 2007-09-28 14:46:50 2007-09-28 18:46:50 1 0 0 13911 2007-09-28 20:43:54 2007-09-29 00:43:54 1 0 0 13921 2007-09-29 00:40:30 2007-09-29 04:40:30 1 0 0 13960 2007-09-29 16:28:00 2007-09-29 20:28:00 1 0 0
The Net Vol. 2 Sun, 30 Sep 2007 22:55:13 +0000
This week has been quite a busy one for me. Only 2 posts since the last The Net post last Sunday. The main reason for this is Halo 3! I have been playing that non-stop! I have already beat the game and have been playing online a lot. So many of my friends have it I usually always have someone to play with online. If you have not tried the online co-op it is a lot more fun than playing the campaign by yourself, especially since you can turn the difficulty up to legendary! Also I have been trying to pump out reviews for ThinkComputers. I am still a bit behind, hopefully I can get caught up in the next few days. Ok so what’s going on this week?

iPhone Firmware 1.1.1 Out
This has to be the biggest technology story of the week! I have recently bought an iPhone and have successfully hacked it enabling it to run 3rd party apps, a lot of which are really useful. The new firmware update locks out those 3rd party apps. Even worse if you have hacked your iPhone to be used on another carrier your phone basically turns into a paperweight. You are brought back to the activation screen and you are basically screwed. The only thing the firmware update does that is useful is fixes the speaker phone volume and adds the WiFi iTunes music store. I think I’ll keep my 3rd party apps instead. Gizmodo has a great write-up on what will work and what won’t with the new firmware.

How Top Bloggers Display Their Ads
Serverdome has an interesting article on how the top bloggers display their ads. The article outlines 6 of the top bloggers pages and gives you the percentage of ads above the fold. Guess who was #1 on that list? John Chow followed by ProBlogger. It was interesting to see that a lot of the top bloggers are using the 6 square ad placement on the right side of their blog. That placement is becoming the new standard for bloggers.

A Wine Just for Microsoft
I’m sure Microsoft can afford any wine they want for their employees, but of course they had to have their own. The Blue Monster Reserve Sauvignon Blanc was created by South African winery Stormhoek for Microsoft and its employees. The bottle has a very creative and interesting logo that says, “Microsoft change the world or go home”. It was created cartoonist and blogger Hugh MacLeod. So how do you get a bottle of this wine? You have to either go to a Microsoft party that Stormhoek sponsors. World Clock
Now this is kind of scary. This live word clock shows A LOT of information. Everything from births, deaths, to computers produced. The figures on the clock are approximations based on past stats and estimates. It is really a lot to take in. I was really surprised to see that besides car accidents suicides are the 2nd biggest cause of death.]]>
329 2007-09-30 18:55:13 2007-09-30 22:55:13 open open the-net-vol-2 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267276840 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14014 2007-09-30 21:50:06 2007-10-01 01:50:06 1 0 0 14022 2007-10-01 00:38:14 2007-10-01 04:38:14 1 0 0 14017 2007-09-30 22:55:35 2007-10-01 02:55:35 1 0 0 14179 2007-10-04 13:20:15 2007-10-04 17:20:15 1 0 0 14010 2007-09-30 20:24:19 2007-10-01 00:24:19 1 0 0 14037 2007-10-01 08:01:38 2007-10-01 12:01:38 1 0 0
September’s Top Commentators Mon, 01 Oct 2007 21:07:47 +0000
September was another slow month here on the blog, I only wrote 15 posts. I haven’t been that lazy since December 2006! Hopefully this month things will change. I’m already on the ball and I actually remember to take a screenshot of the top commentators widget last night so I wouldn’t have to go back and count the comments like I have been doing the past few months. Thanks to everyone that commented this month, here are the top 5 commentators.

Christoph Puetz

How Do You Become a Top Commentator?
Comment, that’s it! All you have to do is comment on the posts here on and the top 5 people with the most posts will be picked as that months Top Commentators. If you are a top commentator I will link back to your website / blog when I make that month’s top commentator post. So start commenting!]]>
330 2007-10-01 17:07:47 2007-10-01 21:07:47 open open september%e2%80%99s-top-commentators publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917630 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14465 2007-10-12 06:45:02 2007-10-12 10:45:02 1 0 0 14077 2007-10-02 07:32:12 2007-10-02 11:32:12 1 0 0 14058 2007-10-01 18:36:37 2007-10-01 22:36:37 1 0 0 14059 2007-10-01 18:39:04 2007-10-01 22:39:04 1 0 0 14085 2007-10-02 12:12:31 2007-10-02 16:12:31 1 14058 0 14233 2007-10-06 02:01:40 2007-10-06 06:01:40 1 0 0 14093 2007-10-02 16:10:19 2007-10-02 20:10:19 1 0 0 14054 2007-10-01 17:36:23 2007-10-01 21:36:23 1 0 0 14061 2007-10-01 21:49:30 2007-10-02 01:49:30 1 0 0 14062 2007-10-01 22:38:04 2007-10-02 02:38:04 1 0 0
Agloco is Dead Tue, 02 Oct 2007 22:48:18 +0000
Last year Agloco was launched and there was a ton of hype around it. Everyone from bloggers to college students were trying to get people to sign up claiming you could make money just by surfing the web with a viewbar. Even I made a few posts about Agloco trying to get someone to signup. Because every time you would get someone to signup you would get a percentage of what they made. The viewbar was released in June and it is now October and no one has got paid at all. Will we ever get paid?

After reading Agloco’s latest post on their blog things do not look good at all. First thing that really caught my attention was that Agloco is still operating at a loss!

As you know AGLOCO launched stating it would make Member distributions when it was profitable. On this blog we said we would update you on the company results at the end of the summer. During the last three months, June, July and August, AGLOCO lost slightly more than $100,000. (As you are aware the Development team is still working for free. And also, the Development team and some of their friends are the source of the $100,000 so that AGLOCO can pay its bills.) The AGLOCO losses are getting smaller each month and at this point, we anticipate the September loss will be $10,000 to $15,000.
So they are $100,000 in the hole and still losing money. I thought when they released the viewbar they would be making money, apparently not. If all they have to offer is the viewbar, which has proved to not be successful then what can they do? If they don’t improve things I wouldn’t expect to get paid...ever.

So let’s say Agloco somehow manages to turn a profit, they will be paying you over 10 years! That’s right I didn’t make a mistake...10 years!! What is this the lottery or something? Agloco’s payout plan:

June $0.48 per hour - ($0.0040 per month for 120 months) July $0.42 per hour - ($0.0035 per month for 120 months) August $0.54 per hour - ($0.0045 per month for 120 months)
OK so say you’re a mega referrer like John Chow and you have around 5,000 hours for June. According to their system in total they will owe you around $2400, but it is paid over 10 years! So John is only looking at $20 a month for 120 months! Well not all of us are John Chow, say you have no referrals and do the 5 hours per month you are going to get your first check for $100 (the minimum payout) in 100 months! Will Agloco even be around then? Probably not!

This payout system is crap, the idea of them being in debt and still promising a payout is crap. In my opinion Agloco is dead… ]]>
331 2007-10-02 18:48:18 2007-10-02 22:48:18 open open agloco-is-dead publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917544 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14436 2007-10-11 14:45:53 2007-10-11 18:45:53 1 0 0 14386 2007-10-10 12:08:14 2007-10-10 16:08:14 1 0 0 14138 2007-10-03 11:13:21 2007-10-03 15:13:21 1 0 0 14146 2007-10-03 13:01:32 2007-10-03 17:01:32 1 0 0 14231 2007-10-06 01:50:05 2007-10-06 05:50:05 1 0 0 14122 2007-10-03 03:08:46 2007-10-03 07:08:46 1 0 0 14127 2007-10-03 04:42:42 2007-10-03 08:42:42 1 0 0 14229 2007-10-06 01:08:10 2007-10-06 05:08:10 1 0 0 14384 2007-10-10 10:47:14 2007-10-10 14:47:14 1 0 0 14245 2007-10-06 08:25:13 2007-10-06 12:25:13 1 0 0 14101 2007-10-02 19:01:04 2007-10-02 23:01:04 1 0 0 14102 2007-10-02 19:01:53 2007-10-02 23:01:53 1 0 0 14169 2007-10-04 09:36:11 2007-10-04 13:36:11 1 0 0 14107 2007-10-02 20:31:36 2007-10-03 00:31:36 1 0 0 14106 2007-10-02 20:14:28 2007-10-03 00:14:28 1 0 0 14108 2007-10-02 21:05:20 2007-10-03 01:05:20 1 0 0 14109 2007-10-02 21:14:12 2007-10-03 01:14:12 1 0 0 14110 2007-10-02 23:03:12 2007-10-03 03:03:12 1 0 0 14111 2007-10-02 23:51:01 2007-10-03 03:51:01 1 0 0 14114 2007-10-03 00:40:05 2007-10-03 04:40:05 1 0 0 14409 2007-10-10 23:43:20 2007-10-11 03:43:20 1 0 0 14397 2007-10-10 16:21:35 2007-10-10 20:21:35 1 0 0 14376 2007-10-10 09:21:10 2007-10-10 13:21:10 1 0 0 14387 2007-10-10 12:31:50 2007-10-10 16:31:50 1 0 0 14395 2007-10-10 16:11:46 2007-10-10 20:11:46 We are the engine that can push this car forward or can stop forever ! I can't say either i believe in Agloco or i don't believe in them . I only know that this company has huge potential and i'll stick around and do my thing to make this happen . And i know what i need to do , use the Viewbar and search engine ASK.COM . Payment plan is CRAP but in new post Brian explained that 10 year period is only provisional and when and if we make profits plan will change to 5 YEAR OR LESS. That means more and faster earnings ! That is all from me people ! Have a nice day !]]> 1 0 0 14401 2007-10-10 18:11:07 2007-10-10 22:11:07 1 0 0 40125 2009-12-28 10:21:22 2009-12-28 14:21:22 plagiarism check, and i'll approve you to check it in ! unlike other services, they give excellent class guaranty that your work is free of plagiarism. Students want order essays for sale using the assistance of the plagiarism detection. They will give you an accurate plagiarism detection reporting without any delay.]]> trash 0 0
Leo’s Halo 3 Legendary Edition Giveaway! Thu, 04 Oct 2007 20:31:05 +0000
If you have not been to Leo Chiang’s blog then you should really check it out. I first started visiting it about 4-5 months ago when I saw him commenting on Stephen’s blog. If you don’t know who Leo is he is an Actor. He plays the tattooed pilot on Battlestar Galactica. That is probably the role he is most known for, but he also he plays crazy Yakuza and Triad characters in various other films and TV shows. I really like reading his blog because he takes us behind the scenes at a lot of the movie and TV sets, which is something you don’t often get to see.

Anyways the real reason I am writing this post is to tell you that crazy Leo is giving away a copy of Halo 3! And not just any copy, the Legendary Edition, which includes a copy of Halo 3, a Halo 3 essentials DVD, and of course the Spartan helmet, which holds the game and the DVD! So how do you go about winning this? Here are the rules as listed on Leo’s Blog...

The rules are simple: 1.You MUST have a blog. 2.Write a dedicated post about this contest on your blog. It must be a dedicated post and cannot be combined with another post topic. 3.Make sure to link your post to this one. 4.Link the tag, “tattooed pilot on Battlestar Galactica” to this site. 5.Leave a comment here with a link to your post, with your desire to win, so I can properly count you in the contest (ping-backs don’t always work).
So it’s pretty easy to enter the contest. The contest will run till October 31st and a one lucky person will be picked at random. So what are you waiting for go ahead and write a post about the contest on your blog and get entered! ]]>
332 2007-10-04 16:31:05 2007-10-04 20:31:05 open open leo%e2%80%99s-halo-3-legendary-edition-giveaway publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266474488 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:78:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14232 2007-10-06 01:59:56 2007-10-06 05:59:56 1 14189 0 14379 2007-10-10 09:39:23 2007-10-10 13:39:23 1 0 0 14189 2007-10-04 17:15:59 2007-10-04 21:15:59 1 0 0 14338 2007-10-09 09:43:33 2007-10-09 13:43:33 1 0 0 14284 2007-10-07 15:53:47 2007-10-07 19:53:47 1 0 0 19870 2008-02-12 05:45:38 2008-02-12 09:45:38 1 0 0
The Net Vol. 3 Sun, 07 Oct 2007 20:47:06 +0000
Another busy week for me! It never seems like I get what I want to done! I really need to get some time management in action. Anyways as I said the week has been busy, but there has been a lot going on around the internet. Before I go into that I just want to let everyone know that the hockey season has started! The Penguins played their first 2 games over the weekend and ended up 1-1. Not bad for a start, but they played really bad the first game, in the second game they really came out to play. If I didn’t have enough distractions with Halo 3, now I have hockey games! Ok so what’s going on around the net?

Slap Shot Squad Launches
Fellow bloggers Ed Lau and Michael Kwanhave started a hockey blog called Slap Shot Squad. They are canucks so of course they like hockey. So what better topic to make a blog out of than hockey. On Slap Shot Squad you will find information, rumors, and more about what! Now the last post was 3 days ago so hopefully they can keep up with it as the hockey season is in full swing now.

ViewSonic VX2255wmb LCD Monitor Review
If you are looking for a new monitor this has to be one of your top choices. The ViewSonic VX2255wmb is a 22-inch screen with a 5ms response time, integrated 1.3-megapixel camera, and a really helpful swivel stand. It is one of the best monitors that I have looked at in a while. It received a perfect 10 out of 10 score and ThinkComputers Editor’s Choice Award! Make sure you check out the review!

Free iPhone Giveaway Results...Finally!
Well as you can see from the video Mr. Gary Lee and Ms. Danielle finally gave away that iPhone! They started the contest back in July and now finally they announced the winner. I really liked how they announced the winner through a video, and a well produced video too! Also in the video they announced a new site Creative Traffic Builders.

Sony Announces First OLED TV
I was amazed at these when I first saw them at CES, but Sony was unable to tell us when and if they would be available, so we were not sure if they ever would ever hit the market. Well earlier this week Sony announced the XEL-1, which is the first OLED screen coming in at 11-inches and at a price of $1,700! Although I am excited for OLED technology I’m not so excited at the price! ]]>
333 2007-10-07 16:47:06 2007-10-07 20:47:06 open open the-net-vol-3 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267262101 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1200055539;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 14466 2007-10-12 06:53:10 2007-10-12 10:53:10 1 0 0 14357 2007-10-09 16:31:18 2007-10-09 20:31:18 1 0 0 14314 2007-10-08 12:19:31 2007-10-08 16:19:31 1 0 0 14326 2007-10-08 23:35:26 2007-10-09 03:35:26 1 0 0 14378 2007-10-10 09:38:26 2007-10-10 13:38:26 1 0 0 14337 2007-10-09 09:38:12 2007-10-09 13:38:12 1 0 0 14289 2007-10-07 20:49:45 2007-10-08 00:49:45 1 0 0 14293 2007-10-07 22:45:56 2007-10-08 02:45:56 1 0 0 14294 2007-10-07 22:59:26 2007-10-08 02:59:26 1 0 0
Google Rolls Out Adsense Video Units Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:00:05 +0000 If you didn’t hear about this a while ago you should start to hear a lot about these video units because now they are available to use. It pretty simple to get setup with these new video units. Just login to your Adsense account, click on the Adsense setup tab and scroll down to see the new video units offering. Click on it and from there you will need to link your YouTube and Adsense accounts. After you have done that you will be able to setup video units.

If you need help figuring out how to get started with Adsense Video Units Google has made a video showing you exactly how to do it. Here it is for everyone that needs help...

So after you are all done setting everything up you are only able to make ad Adsense player. You are asked for the player name and description, are able to pick a theme, select the layout size, and choose whether to have your content automated or you can choose a category or provider. If you choose to automate your content YouTube will automatically target the most relevant videos for your website. If you don’t want to do that you can select a category or provider. I’m not sure how you get on the providers list. After you have everything setup you are given the embed code for your website. Here is what YouTube came up with since I selected automated content.

Well I really am not impressed with this at all. First off when I heard about this I was expecting pre-roll or post-roll advertising. Or maybe even something like AdBrite’s InVideo advertising. In those 2 cases the ads would be actually seen by the viewers and that would make them worth more money. All Google has done is just place an ad above the video, nothing impressive. Also you can only select automated content, category, or provider. You can’t select a single video, which is retarded. I mean if I made a video for ThinkComputers and I wanted to use the video in the review using the Video Adsense Unit I would have no way of doing that, it sort of defeats the purpose for a lot of web publishers.

I like the fact the Google has integrated Adsense into YouTube, but they could have done a lot better than this. Hopefully things will improve and we will see some changes! ]]>
336 2007-10-10 10:00:05 2007-10-10 14:00:05 open open google-rolls-out-adsense-video-units publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917632 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1192320249;s:7:"retweet";i:1191302731;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 14464 2007-10-12 06:42:15 2007-10-12 10:42:15 1 0 0 14495 2007-10-13 08:41:13 2007-10-13 12:41:13 1 0 0 14398 2007-10-10 16:41:51 2007-10-10 20:41:51 1 14391 0 14399 2007-10-10 17:09:38 2007-10-10 21:09:38 1 0 0 14391 2007-10-10 14:07:13 2007-10-10 18:07:13 1 0 0 14415 2007-10-11 00:46:03 2007-10-11 04:46:03 1 0 0
Crappy Weather! Thu, 11 Oct 2007 18:33:15 +0000
Anyone can tell you this is true! The past few days here in Pittsburgh have been cold and rainy and it just makes me feel like lying in bed all day. Of course I cannot do that, even sitting here now writing this post I don’t feel like doing anything. My desk sits right in front of a window so when it’s raining or dreary outside I can’t miss it. So when there are days like this how do I get out of my funk and actually get work done? Here are a few suggestions.

Go to Starbucks
For one there are Starbucks everywhere, I can think of 4 within 5 minutes of where I live! Anyways Starbucks always has a good atmosphere and WiFi (although it is not free) so you can easily get done with work and forget about the weather outside. Usually all coffee shops have a good atmosphere for working, so if you don’t have a Starbucks close then any coffee shop should do.

Go See a Movie
What better to get your mind of work and the crappy weather then going to see a movie. At the movie theater you are inside away from the weather and the movie will take your mind off working and the weather. After the movie is over you feel relaxed and ready to work.

Simply Close the Blinds
If your window is right by your desk like mine is then you can easily just close the window. This way you have no idea what its doing outside. Although this might work for some people I really don’t like the blinds closed because I prefer natural light over artificial light.

Make Your Office More Lively
Since I rent I really do not do that much to my office. It has plain white walls and that’s about it. You can easily make it feel more comfortable by hanging up a few posters or even changing the wall color. Anyone have any suggestions on posters? I need some ASAP!

Well those are some suggestions that might help you when you’re feeling tired and crappy when the weather is bad. I’m sure there are even more things that you can do, but these are the ones that I have come up with. Hopefully the weather where you are is better than here! ]]>
337 2007-10-11 14:33:15 2007-10-11 18:33:15 open open crappy-weather publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266670337 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14469 2007-10-12 08:11:10 2007-10-12 12:11:10 1 0 0 14438 2007-10-11 14:47:24 2007-10-11 18:47:24 1 0 0 14553 2007-10-15 21:46:21 2007-10-16 01:46:21 1 0 0 14435 2007-10-11 14:36:41 2007-10-11 18:36:41 1 0 0 14456 2007-10-12 00:59:16 2007-10-12 04:59:16 1 0 0 14439 2007-10-11 15:08:13 2007-10-11 19:08:13 1 0 0 14463 2007-10-12 06:39:07 2007-10-12 10:39:07 1 0 0 14496 2007-10-13 08:43:01 2007-10-13 12:43:01 1 0 0 14478 2007-10-12 14:34:33 2007-10-12 18:34:33 1 0 0 14572 2007-10-16 11:08:27 2007-10-16 15:08:27 1 14553 0 38559 2009-08-02 13:26:11 2009-08-02 17:26:11 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0
The Net Vol. 4 Sun, 14 Oct 2007 19:29:07 +0000
Once again another busy week for me! The crappy weather did not help that much at all. Times like this I wished I lived in a place where it was sunny and warm almost all year around. I have been trying to get a lot of work done this week, but I really did not get as much done as I wanted. I guess a new week and a new set of goals! So what was going on this week?

Forum Business Blog Launched
My buddy David Lithman has a new project and its Forum Business Blog. Forum Business Blog is a resource for current and prospective forum owners and administrators. From the looks of it he is off to a good start, there are a lot of posts already and he has a really great design. If you have a forum or are thinking of starting one head on over the Forum Business Blog and get some good advice from David.

World’s Largest Outdoor Swimming Pool

Now this is crazy! When I first saw this story I was like damn I need to go there, especially since the weather here has been horrible! This massive pool sits at the San Alfonso del Mar in Chile. It holds 250,000 cubic meters of water and features clear water artificial lagoons, which are transparent to a depth of 35 meters. Pretty impressive, this new clear lagoon technology is also being used in Dubai.

Spashtop Rapid-Start Platform
If you are a computer guy like me this is something you might be interested in. Splashtop or Express Gate as known on ASUS motherboards is a rapid-start platform that will allow you to surf the web, check e-mail, and make a skype call without your operating system loading. Pretty cool stuff, I’ll let the video explain the rest to you.

Well that is all for this week. Sort of a slow week. If you are launching a new site or have a really cool story from the week, please e-mail me the info and I will be sure to include it in one of these posts. ]]>
338 2007-10-14 15:29:07 2007-10-14 19:29:07 open open the-net-vol-4 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267050594 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14554 2007-10-15 21:48:53 2007-10-16 01:48:53 1 0 0 14557 2007-10-16 01:54:51 2007-10-16 05:54:51 1 0 0 14525 2007-10-14 22:40:31 2007-10-15 02:40:31 1 0 0 14563 2007-10-16 08:02:18 2007-10-16 12:02:18 1 0 0 14565 2007-10-16 09:28:39 2007-10-16 13:28:39 1 0 0 14571 2007-10-16 11:06:53 2007-10-16 15:06:53 1 0 0 14578 2007-10-16 15:45:59 2007-10-16 19:45:59 1 0 0 14580 2007-10-16 16:08:33 2007-10-16 20:08:33 1 0 0
My Schedule Tue, 16 Oct 2007 20:56:32 +0000 A lot of people have sent me e-mails and have left comments asking me what my schedule is and how I manage to get things done. A lot of the time I don’t get what I want to done, but I do have a system. This system is not really that complex at all and anyone can’t implement it. All I try to do is cut my work day into sections. So here is what my current system looks like...

Wake Up
Post News on ThinkComputers
Find and Post news on ThinkGaming and ThinkCE
Check and send important e-mails

-- Lunch Break --

Write a blog post
Write a review for ThinkComputers
Write an article for ThinkGaming or ThinkCE
Post a blog post
Test hardware I am reviewing
Take product photos
Edit product photos for an upcoming review

-- Dinner Break --

Post a review on ThinkComputers
Post an article on ThinkGaming or ThinkCE
Start a new review or blog post

-- Sleep --

As you can see there is a lot here, but the things that are italicized means that I maybe do 1 or 2 of those in any given day. It all depends on the day of the week which ones I do. Also you can see there are no times anywhere on this schedule. I don’t like having to wake up at a certain time or get things done within a certain amount of time. This isn’t the best schedule, but it is a good mix of work and down time.]]>
339 2007-10-16 16:56:32 2007-10-16 20:56:32 open open my-schedule publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267018665 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14620 2007-10-17 08:27:21 2007-10-17 12:27:21 1 0 0 14603 2007-10-16 22:34:08 2007-10-17 02:34:08 1 0 0 15059 2007-10-27 07:50:50 2007-10-27 11:50:50 1 0 0 14595 2007-10-16 19:03:33 2007-10-16 23:03:33 1 0 0 14601 2007-10-16 21:31:31 2007-10-17 01:31:31 1 0 0 14635 2007-10-17 15:00:58 2007-10-17 19:00:58 1 0 0 15067 2007-10-27 13:41:33 2007-10-27 17:41:33 zoloft common side effects... news...]]> 1 trackback 0 0 14607 2007-10-17 00:55:37 2007-10-17 04:55:37 1 0 0
A Nice Boost From SlickDeals Wed, 17 Oct 2007 21:05:19 +0000
Monday seemed like a normal day for me. I had posted the review of the Antec P190 Case and was expecting it to go over quite well. For one Monday’s are usually the busiest days for ThinkComputers, traffic is a lot higher than the rest of the week. Also Antec products always go over well, so I was expecting to make a little more than what I was normally making per day on ThinkComputers. So after doing my morning routine I checked how things were going, I was surprised to see that I made a lot more than expected. Taking a closer look I saw that I had an abnormal amount of impressions. Going into my site stats I notice I received over 2,000 unique visitors from SlickDeals. Looking through their site I saw they had linked my review of the Altec Lansing iM616 Earbuds. had a deal on them and SlickDeals listed it with my review if people wanted to check them out. So with all the extra traffic I got a nice boost of traffic and revenue.

Google: $63.57
TTZ Media: $59.10
Tribal Fusion: $21.90
Total: $144.57

Google: $48.52
TTZ Media: $47.40
Tribal Fusion: $9.79
Total: $105.71

Google: $20
TTZ Media: $25.50
Tribal Fusion: $5
Total: $50.50

As you can see it was a nice increase over what my average per day has been. Also I was surprised that the traffic kept on coming through yesterday. Now that the deal has expired I’m really not getting a lot of traffic from SlickDeals. If you look at the iM616 review you will notice that the review is using the old TTZ banners. If I had gone back and changed it to the new style banners I probably could have make even more money! I also do not have the stats for my contextual ads. I am working with a new company and I get stats e-mailed to me at the end of each month. So I made even more than what is listed!

Although it was not a Digg, it was an extra $150, which is a nice boost. Also the traffic helps and new people who have not been to ThinkComputers got to check it out and might come back. A good way to start the week :) ]]>
340 2007-10-17 17:05:19 2007-10-17 21:05:19 open open a-nice-boost-from-slickdeals publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917609 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14891 2007-10-23 10:12:36 2007-10-23 14:12:36 1 0 0 14638 2007-10-17 17:46:20 2007-10-17 21:46:20 1 0 0 14650 2007-10-17 22:46:17 2007-10-18 02:46:17 1 0 0 14651 2007-10-17 22:59:56 2007-10-18 02:59:56 1 14650 0 14654 2007-10-18 00:04:20 2007-10-18 04:04:20 1 0 0
Lunch at Joe's Fri, 19 Oct 2007 22:11:09 +0000
If there are 2 types of food I really like they are steak and seafood! So when I go out to eat its either to a steak or seafood place. The other day Ashley and I went to Joe’s Crab Shack. Surprisingly there are only 2 in Pittsburgh! The next closest one is in Columbus Ohio! And both of the Joes Crab Shack’s that are here are relatively new. As the name says Joe’s specializes in crab! We went for lunch, because Joe’s gets crazy a night, the last time we were there we had to wait for over an hour!

So after looking at the menu we both decided on the Crab Daddy Feast, which is has Snow, Dungeness, and King crab, along with potatoes, and corn on the cob. They bring it all to you in a big bucket, it is really cool and gives you the feel like you are at the beach. This is cool because as I said the weather around here has not been the best.

Also on the table is another bucket for you to put all of your shells on. On each of the tables there is a hole in the center where the bucket goes, but we sat at a booth so the bucket was at the end of the table. Overall I thought the food was very good. It was nice to get 3 different types of crab. A lot of places you go don’t have meals that have mixed crab, its either snow or king crab. Also surprisingly the Dungeness crab had a great taste to it. Each of the Crab Daddy Feast’s was $21.99, not a bad price. Going to Joe’s really got my mind off the crappy weather!

341 2007-10-19 18:11:09 2007-10-19 22:11:09 open open lunch-at-joes publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917556 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 14750 2007-10-19 23:38:15 2007-10-20 03:38:15 1 0 0 15010 2007-10-26 04:24:50 2007-10-26 08:24:50 1 0 0 14813 2007-10-21 16:53:15 2007-10-21 20:53:15 1 0 0 14738 2007-10-19 19:09:12 2007-10-19 23:09:12 1 0 0 14796 2007-10-21 03:38:30 2007-10-21 07:38:30 1 14738 0
Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:45:37 +0000 Ok so if you haven’t noticed I have not updated since the 19th! There are a few reasons for this. One I’ve been extremely busy with ThinkComputers, it’s the busy season for product reviews and they are kicking my ass! Two I’m on a horrible sleeping schedule! As I am writing this I have not gone to bed yet, hopefully I can stay up the rest of the day to get back on my normal schedule! Three I am helping a friend out with a new site. So all of those things combined are taking every last minute of my time!

For some reason today my RSS feed finally hit 150! I have been trying to get to 150 for a while now. It’s quite funny that I don’t post in 4 days and my RSS increases. Maybe I should take breaks more often. Anyways expect some useful posts later in the week, oh yeah I’m going to the Pens game in Thursday! ]]>
342 2007-10-23 08:45:37 2007-10-23 12:45:37 open open ahhhhhhhhhh publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267171490 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1179633420;s:7:"retweet";i:1179485771;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 14895 2007-10-23 14:41:29 2007-10-23 18:41:29 1 0 0 15058 2007-10-27 07:42:47 2007-10-27 11:42:47 1 0 0 14911 2007-10-24 00:28:47 2007-10-24 04:28:47 1 0 0 14912 2007-10-24 00:49:25 2007-10-24 04:49:25 1 0 0 14915 2007-10-24 01:19:18 2007-10-24 05:19:18 1 0 0 14887 2007-10-23 09:27:40 2007-10-23 13:27:40 1 0 0 14892 2007-10-23 10:14:18 2007-10-23 14:14:18 1 0 0
Just Shut up and Work! Wed, 24 Oct 2007 13:39:06 +0000
One of the biggest reasons that I don’t get things done that I need to is that I procrastinate and put things off till they absolutely need to be done. This is something I’ve been trying to remedy to make things less stressful on myself. I was talking to John Chow the other day I was talking to him about this and he said, “Just shut up and work!”, good motivation right? But thinking about what he said it really dawned on me. Seriously just shut up and work!

My problem like I said was putting things off, but it also was distractions and just being plain lazy. If I was posting a review on ThinkComputers I would start it, take a break, work on it some more, and then take another break, then finally finish it. This is no way to do any type of work! I mean I am wasting A LOT of time taking breaks and not just getting the review done. If I just did the review all at once I would have it done and not have to worry about it later in the day and I could concentrate on other projects. So I will be adding this mentality to my daily work routine.

Believe me it’s nice being lazy and only doing what you have to, but that’s not how you make money. If someone tells you different they don’t know what they are talking about. Almost everyone who is successful on the internet puts in long hours, just look at Nate with his 16 hour days! Wish me luck in getting more done and working more efficiently!]]>
343 2007-10-24 09:39:06 2007-10-24 13:39:06 open open just-shut-up-and-work publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267131750 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1959177642;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 15009 2007-10-26 04:13:39 2007-10-26 08:13:39 1 14997 0 14981 2007-10-25 08:36:08 2007-10-25 12:36:08 1 0 31 14933 2007-10-24 11:20:11 2007-10-24 15:20:11 1 0 0 14938 2007-10-24 13:48:09 2007-10-24 17:48:09 1 0 0 14946 2007-10-24 16:15:02 2007-10-24 20:15:02 too much, because you'll just get stressed out and suffer from burnout. At the same time, when you procrastinate and take breaks, there is an inevitable sense of guilt, because you know that you should be working, rather than playing Halo 3 or staring out the window. Taking breaks, like anything else, is best in moderation. If you don't take any breaks, your health will surely suffer. If you take too many breaks, your work (and income) will suffer. It's all about balance.]]> 1 0 0 14973 2007-10-25 02:06:50 2007-10-25 06:06:50 1 0 0 14997 2007-10-25 20:27:37 2007-10-26 00:27:37 1 0 0 15025 2007-10-26 13:32:45 2007-10-26 17:32:45 1 0 0
Microsoft Takes a Stake in Facebook Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:12:12 +0000
This week Microsoft bought a 1.6 percent stake in Facebook for a whopping $240 million! That puts the value of Facebook at $15 billion! Now that is a lot of money for a company that does not even have 200 million in annual revenue. Myspace was bought back in 2005 for $580 million. Since that time speculations of how much it is worth range anywhere from $10-20 billion. So I would say the $15 billion is right around what Facebook should be valued at. Good thing Facebook did not take Yahoo’s 1 billion dollar offer last year.

So what does this $240 million get Microsoft? Well now they own 1.6 percent of the company (big deal). The bigger thing here is that Microsoft will be the exclusive provider of banner advertising and sponsored links on Facebook, of course using Microsoft’s adCenter platform. This is huge for Microsoft as their adCenter is a slow third behind Google’s Adsense and Yahoo’s Publisher Network. They are also sticking one to Google who won the bidding battles on YouTube and DoubleClick Inc. I think in Google’s mind it would have been nice to have the exclusive deal with Facebook, but unlike Microsoft it was not necessary.

Facebook is another great story of a kid who started the site from his dorm room in school. Mark Zuckerberg started the site while at Harvard and in less than 4 years it is valued at $15 billion! Myspace is the only social network larger than Facebook, but a lot more people are heading the way of Facebook. I know I am, I am tired of all the crap on Myspace, and I really like the clean look of Facebook. In my opinion it is a much better social networking platform. So when are we going to see Facebook stock? Make sure you get it early, look at the Google stock! ]]>
344 2007-10-27 07:12:12 2007-10-27 11:12:12 open open microsoft-takes-a-stake-in-facebook publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267047687 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1179321351;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 15196 2007-10-30 07:36:38 2007-10-30 11:36:38 1 0 0 15062 2007-10-27 10:26:11 2007-10-27 14:26:11 1 0 0 15085 2007-10-27 22:00:03 2007-10-28 02:00:03 1 0 0 15095 2007-10-28 01:34:51 2007-10-28 05:34:51 1 0 0 15089 2007-10-27 22:16:22 2007-10-28 02:16:22 1 0 0 15127 2007-10-28 12:43:14 2007-10-28 16:43:14 1 0 0
The Net Vol. 5 Mon, 29 Oct 2007 00:06:42 +0000
Well we missed The Net last week so this week are not going to miss it! Although I have been crushed with work all week long! This is the real busy time of year for hardware reviews, because a lot of companies are releasing new products for the holiday season. Also real quick does anyone use twitter? You can follow me on twitter at It is a slow week for tech news, but I have few things that I found interesting this week. So what going on, on The Net this week?

ThinkComputers Published its’ 666th Review
Now this really isn’t real news, but it’s kind of interesting. It is quite weird that right around Halloween we post our 666th review and the product that we were reviewing the Thermalright IFX-14 CPU cooler performed horribly. It has to be one of the lowest rated products that I have tested. Anyways I thought it was weird.

iPhone Costumes

Since Halloween is coming up you know there would be some crazy costumes, but these have to be some of the most creative. Yeah you can make an iPhone costume, but does your costume have the iPhone in-store display video playing? I don’t think so! These 2 guys really pulled out all the stops for Halloween and are total Apple fan boys!

10 Absolutely Stupid Quotes by Steve Ballmer
We all know Steve Ballmer is hilarious. I’m sure most of you have seen the DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! video. The guys over at Learn More About Your Linux have a great article of 10 absolutely stupid quotes by Steve Ballmer with sources cited. I’ll give you their #1 and you can take a look at the rest.

"I'm going to f---ing bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again. I'm going to f---ing kill Google."
Microsoft’s Eclusive Deal with Facebook I talked about this in my previous post, but it is probably the biggest story of the week. Microsoft paid $240 million for 1.6 percent of Facebook and the exclusive advertising rights. This means that the ads on Facebook will now be powered by Microsoft’s adCenter. At the price that Microsoft paid for the 1.6 perfect it puts the total value of Facebook at 15 billion dollars! To hear my thoughts on the whole thing check out my post on it. ]]>
345 2007-10-28 20:06:42 2007-10-29 00:06:42 open open the-net-vol-5 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267185958 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 15141 2007-10-29 00:01:45 2007-10-29 04:01:45 1 0 0 15275 2007-11-01 05:29:40 2007-11-01 09:29:40 1 0 0
I won both RSS Contests! Tue, 30 Oct 2007 18:31:20 +0000
As you know both Shoemoney and John Chow are giving things away for their RSS competition. John and Shoemoney wanted to see who could get the most new RSS subscribers in the month of October. Shoemoney started out with 10,833 subscribers and John had 8585 subscribers. As things stand right now Shoemoney has more RSS subscribers at 13600, to John’s 13317, but the contest is for NEW RSS subscribers. John is in the lead with 4732 new RSS subscribers to Shoemoney’s 2767. It’s crazy how many new RSS subscribers they were able to get in only a months time. Hell I have only cracked 150 recently!

Of course both of them are giving away a ton of prizes to get people to subscribe to their RSS. I’m not an RSS guy as I said before, I have both of their sites in my bookmarks, but since they were giving stuff away I decided what the hell! So I added them both on my Google reader and subscribed to the RSS via e-mail. Not really thinking I would win surprisingly I won both contests!

I was a Google reader winner on Shoemoney’s blog winning 1 free page on the Million Dollar Wiki and 1 license of Backup Platinum. I was an RSS by e-mail winner on John’s blog winning a $25 gift certificate to NewEgg! Not bad eh?

I already know what I’m going to do with the $25 and the copy of backup platinum, but what should I do with the free page on the Million Dollar Wiki? I’m really not sure what to use it for, most good keywords are already taken, any suggestions?]]>
346 2007-10-30 14:31:20 2007-10-30 18:31:20 open open i-won-both-rss-contests publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267128643 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1959094955;s:7:"retweet";i:1959094859;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 15205 2007-10-30 16:09:25 2007-10-30 20:09:25 1 0 0 15206 2007-10-30 16:39:03 2007-10-30 20:39:03 1 0 0 15247 2007-10-31 10:03:41 2007-10-31 14:03:41 1 0 0 15239 2007-10-31 06:41:23 2007-10-31 10:41:23 1 0 0 15324 2007-11-02 11:33:54 2007-11-02 15:33:54 1 0 0 15264 2007-10-31 20:36:33 2007-11-01 00:36:33 1 0 0 15279 2007-11-01 08:51:11 2007-11-01 12:51:11 1 0 0 15226 2007-10-30 21:09:08 2007-10-31 01:09:08 1 0 0 15211 2007-10-30 17:55:46 2007-10-30 21:55:46 1 0 0 15218 2007-10-30 19:12:15 2007-10-30 23:12:15 1 0 0 15219 2007-10-30 19:12:45 2007-10-30 23:12:45 1 0 0 15221 2007-10-30 19:19:22 2007-10-30 23:19:22 1 0 0 15232 2007-10-31 00:59:41 2007-10-31 04:59:41 1 0 0 15311 2007-11-02 02:49:29 2007-11-02 06:49:29 Backup Platinum good enough :)]]> 1 0 0
Lifecasting from Starbucks Today Thu, 01 Nov 2007 22:27:51 +0000
If you check out the feed above you can see me live at Starbucks doing work. Sometimes when you work from home you need a change of scenery to make you feel more productive. If any of you didn’t know I lifecast on almost every day, but I’m usually sitting at my desk doing work. I have an occasion gone places with the camera like Walmart, Taco Bell, and even just driving around. So for the rest of the night I will probably be at Starbucks, so check out my feed above. If you want to chat with me go over to my JTV room where you can chat with me. Before you asking I am using a Dell XPS M1210 with a Sprint mobile broadband card and a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 webcam. If you check this post after 9PM I will probably just have a picture of me casting not the live feed above, enjoy!]]>
347 2007-11-01 18:27:51 2007-11-01 22:27:51 open open lifecasting-from-starbucks-today publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266925916 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 15323 2007-11-02 11:32:07 2007-11-02 15:32:07 1 0 0 15326 2007-11-02 12:00:02 2007-11-02 16:00:02 1 0 0 15378 2007-11-04 00:58:45 2007-11-04 04:58:45 1 0 0 15306 2007-11-01 23:40:13 2007-11-02 03:40:13 1 0 0 15344 2007-11-02 21:02:11 2007-11-03 01:02:11 1 0 0 15305 2007-11-01 23:38:01 2007-11-02 03:38:01 1 0 0 15302 2007-11-01 22:17:25 2007-11-02 02:17:25 1 0 0 15308 2007-11-02 01:44:42 2007-11-02 05:44:42 1 15302 1 15310 2007-11-02 02:10:29 2007-11-02 06:10:29 1 0 0 15312 2007-11-02 03:00:30 2007-11-02 07:00:30 1 0 0 15413 2007-11-05 01:23:12 2007-11-05 05:23:12 1 0 0
The Net Vol. 6 Sun, 04 Nov 2007 21:47:40 +0000 Another week has gone by and I’m glad to say I have been working a lot on my time management and I am getting a lot more work done. I’m gradually adapting myself to working more hours and doing more things in one day. With the holiday season coming up I will need to work a lot more if I want to stay on top of things and of course make money! Over the weekend I think I took close to 500-600 product photos for ThinkComputers. You can check out some of the new stuff in the Product Inbox section of the ThinkComputers forums. I will be updating it all week so check back often. So what’s the news on the net this week?

Shoemoney wins the RSS Competition
Well the contest is over and Shoemoney is the winner. When the competition first started things were pretty close, but then John started to take over. Towards the end it looked like John was the clear winner, but then on the last day Shoemoney had a crazy amount of new RSS subscribers (more than he gained in the entire month). Some say he cheated, but we will never know. No matter who the winner was they both gained a lot of exposure and new RSS readers out of the competition. Also a lot of people, including myself got some pretty cool prizes!

Airbus A380 makes its First Commercial Flight
The Airbus A380 “Superjumbo”, the world’s largest passenger airliner made its first commercial flight on October 25th, flying from Singapore to Sydney. All tickets for the flight were auctioned off for charity. Most passengers were amazed at the shear size of the plane, being able to fit 72 cars on each wing! I’ve only been on a 737 and an Airbus A320 so I cannot even image how large the A380 is! Besides being the largest passenger airline the A380 features 12 first-class cabins. Each cabin is outfitted with double beds (world’s first on an airliner), flat screen TV’s, and endless champagne, but that ask that you don’t have sex!

The Current Market Value of Make Money Online Blogs
45n5 has a really cool article on the market value of make money online blogs. They have looked at what make money online blogs have been selling for and came up with people are paying $30.98 per RSS subscriber! That would make this blog worth $4647 at 150 RSS subscribers (we are showing 77, because Google reader isn’t registering today, you might notice this on your blog too). Here are some interesting estimates: Shoemoney: $622,264.28, John Chow: $424,240.12, Earners Blog: $47,337.44, Nate Whitehill: $26,487.90. Of course estimating a site solely on RSS count is not that accurate.

Ice Skating on Lake Las Vegas

It is the holiday season and being from the northeast part of the U.S. it brings thoughts of Ice Skating outside and snow. Lake Las Vegas is about 17 miles from the Las Vegas strip and you wouldn’t even think that you are in the desert. It features world class hotels, spas, golf courses, and amazing residential communities. It is all centered around a 320 acre privately owned lake. What better way to bring in the holidays than turning the lake into an ice skating rink! It is actually a floating rink; the rink uses an ecologically safe glycol mix to freeze the surface of the water. Then they use 110 5-gallon buckets of water and a 12,000 pound freezer to help keep the ice cold. The floating rink is open November 16, 2007 through February 17, 2008. I might have to check this out when I’m in Vegas for CES.]]>
348 2007-11-04 17:47:40 2007-11-04 21:47:40 open open the-net-vol-6 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266561481 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 15401 2007-11-04 18:46:33 2007-11-04 22:46:33 1 0 0 15425 2007-11-05 09:55:56 2007-11-05 13:55:56 1 0 0 15406 2007-11-04 21:05:28 2007-11-05 01:05:28 1 0 0 15424 2007-11-05 09:53:59 2007-11-05 13:53:59 1 0 0 15422 2007-11-05 06:27:18 2007-11-05 10:27:18 1 15411 0 15453 2007-11-06 00:45:06 2007-11-06 04:45:06 1 0 0 15471 2007-11-06 17:00:38 2007-11-06 21:00:38 1 0 0 15431 2007-11-05 13:54:49 2007-11-05 17:54:49 1 0 0 15432 2007-11-05 13:56:16 2007-11-05 17:56:16 1 0 0 15411 2007-11-05 00:00:55 2007-11-05 04:00:55 1 0 0 15438 2007-11-05 18:39:03 2007-11-05 22:39:03 1 0 0
Unlocking the 1.1.1 iPhone Firmware Tue, 06 Nov 2007 21:19:24 +0000 As most of you know I purchased an iPhone back in September when Apple reduced the price by $200. After having it for only a few days I found out about the program and I was able to unlock the phone. By unlocking the phone I was able to customize the phone a lot by adding custom ringtones, themes, and sound packs. Beyond that there were a ton of third party apps that I could install free of charge, like IRC, instant messenger, SSH, and games. This really made the iPhone worth the purchase. Not that long ago Apple released the 1.1.1 firmware and that totally took all of that cool functionality out of the phone.

Instead of upgrading I just waited until there was an upgrade to the program. I would check the website a few times a week. Finally there was an update! They directed people with 1.1.1 firmware to go to on their iPhone’s browser. So not knowing if it would work I downloaded the 1.1.1 firmware and installed it. After installing of course all my customization and third party apps were gone. So I surfed over to on my iPhone’s browser. It brings you to the AppSnapp installer. It easily installs and then your phone restarts. Now you have the installer program on your phone and you can enjoy customization and third party apps. The only customization that isn’t there is custom ringtones. There are programs that will allow you to have custom ringtones, but once you sync with iTunes they get deleted. Hopefully someone will come out with a fix for this soon.

You really don’t get that many new features with the 1.1.1 firmware, there is the WiFi iTunes Music Store, Support for TV out, and a louder speakerphone. Besides that the other new features really are not anything that great. One thing that was different was the new version of Summerboard does not scroll up and down, instead you have “pages” for all of your icons as you can see from the photos below.

I’m glad that I was able to easily able to use the 1.1.1 firmware and unlock it, although I would have liked to be able to have custom ringtones. I’m sure that is a work in progress for third party app developers. ]]>
349 2007-11-06 17:19:24 2007-11-06 21:19:24 open open unlocking-the-111-iphone-firmware publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267252501 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1958114519;s:7:"retweet";i:1958004310;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 15475 2007-11-06 17:57:45 2007-11-06 21:57:45 1 0 0 15490 2007-11-06 22:55:10 2007-11-07 02:55:10 1 0 0 15511 2007-11-07 11:14:22 2007-11-07 15:14:22 1 0 0 15498 2007-11-07 02:56:12 2007-11-07 06:56:12 1 0 0 15495 2007-11-07 01:32:55 2007-11-07 05:32:55 1 0 0 15493 2007-11-06 23:46:49 2007-11-07 03:46:49 1 0 0 15492 2007-11-06 23:41:06 2007-11-07 03:41:06 1 0 0 15535 2007-11-08 05:57:08 2007-11-08 09:57:08 1 0 0 15477 2007-11-06 18:55:57 2007-11-06 22:55:57 1 0 0 15540 2007-11-08 08:13:51 2007-11-08 12:13:51 1 0 0 15594 2007-11-09 19:11:49 2007-11-09 23:11:49 1 0 0 16168 2007-11-20 05:18:13 2007-11-20 09:18:13 1 0 0 15676 2007-11-11 20:29:16 2007-11-12 00:29:16 1 0 0
Writers Block Sat, 10 Nov 2007 13:47:18 +0000 As you may have noticed I have not updated since Tuesday. That’s not a good thing because I used to post once a day. There are many factors that have contributed to my lack of posts. Now these are not excuses, but I will explain them to you before I go into the other things. Time has been a big issue lately. It is the busy time for product reviews. Over at ThinkComputers we are going to be posting 4-6 reviews a week! So that is taking up a lot of my time. With all the work at ThinkComputers I am working more so the extra time I do have I try to enjoy. I don’t want to be working all day everyday!

Anyways probably the main reason I have not updated much is because I don’t have that much to talk about. I guess I have ideas, but I never seen to be able to make a decent post out of them. Maybe it’s because I do not plan them out or maybe I’m just not interested in the topic. I guess you can call it writers block. Also not being interested in what you are writing about really does not help that much either.

Hopefully in this upcoming week I can get some good posts out. Maybe spending more time at Starbucks will help. Sorry for the slow posts guys, I will get back on track soon!! ]]>
350 2007-11-10 09:47:18 2007-11-10 13:47:18 open open writers-block publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917554 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 15628 2007-11-10 15:13:39 2007-11-10 19:13:39 1 0 0 15634 2007-11-10 18:48:25 2007-11-10 22:48:25 1 0 0 15620 2007-11-10 11:29:41 2007-11-10 15:29:41 1 0 0 15742 2007-11-13 00:14:31 2007-11-13 04:14:31 1 0 0 15709 2007-11-12 11:27:23 2007-11-12 15:27:23 1 0 0 15744 2007-11-13 01:19:50 2007-11-13 05:19:50 1 0 0
The Net Vol. 7 Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:17:11 +0000 Even though I have writers block I couldn’t miss a “The Net” post again! What’s really easy about writing these posts is that you are not actually writing the story, you are telling people about other stories. The only hard part is finding the stories. This week once again has been busy for me as ThinkComputers has been pumping out the reviews, I have highlighted some of the better reviews from the week later in this post. Ok so let’s see what happening on the net!

BlogWord Expo
It seemed like everyone and their mother was at BlogWorld this week. It was in Las Vegas and of course John Chow and Shoemoney were there. Also MsDanielle made the trip out there as well. From the looks of it BlogWorld is a small show, but it’s not like CES. I think it would have been a lot of fun to check out. One thing that is great about any convention is meeting up with other people. Networking is huge at all conventions. Of course John took all the bloggers out to eat! Looks like everyone had a great time, hopefully I can make the trip next year!

iPhone 1.1.2 Firmware
The new 1.1.2 iPhone firmware hit this week and no one really noticed! The only thing the firmware adds is foreign language support for UK English, French, German, and Italian. Also you get a battery status indicator in iTunes. It seems it has already been jailbroken, but there has been no official release. There really is no reason to even upgrade, so until there is an official jailbreak release stick with 1.1.1.

Self-filling Champagne Glasses

With the holidays coming up I know a lot of you will be celebrating. What better way to impress your guests than with some self-filling champagne glasses. This is great an allows you to fill up all the glasses in just 1 pour. The glasses are made from hand blown Pyrex glass. Thinking about getting a set, it will set you back around $1200!

New ThinkComputers Reviews
As I said it is the busy season for reviews at ThinkComputers. We have published 5 reviews the week, 3 of which are really cool products. The first is the ASUS Commando motherboard. It is part of ASUS’s Republic of Gamers motherboard line and is really badass. Second is the ViewSonic VA1930WM 19-inch LCD. If you are in the market for a new 19-inch LCD this is a great choice. And finally the Meizu M6 Mini Player. If you are not a huge fan of iPod’s than you might want to check out this player from Meizu, it can play music, videos, and photos, and costs far less than an iPod. ]]>
351 2007-11-11 18:17:11 2007-11-11 22:17:11 open open the-net-vol-7 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917558 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1192447599;s:7:"retweet";i:1192435763;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 15693 2007-11-12 01:25:47 2007-11-12 05:25:47 1 0 0 15701 2007-11-12 06:15:38 2007-11-12 10:15:38 1 0 0 15723 2007-11-12 18:15:25 2007-11-12 22:15:25 1 0 0 16167 2007-11-20 05:16:04 2007-11-20 09:16:04 1 0 0 15675 2007-11-11 20:27:44 2007-11-12 00:27:44 1 0 0 15684 2007-11-11 23:26:15 2007-11-12 03:26:15 1 0 0 15687 2007-11-12 00:03:20 2007-11-12 04:03:20 1 0 0 15689 2007-11-12 00:22:41 2007-11-12 04:22:41 1 0 0 15690 2007-11-12 00:25:04 2007-11-12 04:25:04 1 0 0 15691 2007-11-12 00:26:53 2007-11-12 04:26:53 1 15687 0 15708 2007-11-12 11:24:33 2007-11-12 15:24:33 1 0 0 15743 2007-11-13 01:18:53 2007-11-13 05:18:53 1 0 0
The Give One Get One Laptop Program Thu, 15 Nov 2007 21:58:04 +0000
The other day I was having coffee with my good friend Colin and he was telling me about the One Laptop Per Child program. I had heard of this awhile ago, but really have not heard much about it since. Well the laptop is real and it’s called the XO Laptop. Originally the laptop was supposed to cost $100, but the price has been upped to $200. The laptop does seem pretty cool, it is running linux, has WiFi, 6 hour battery, and a built in video camera and microphone. What’s even better is that it is spillproof, rainproof, dustproof and even drop-proof!

Originally these laptops were only for developing countries, not the U.S., but November 12, and November 26 you can get your hands on one of these. One Laptop Per Child, the company behind the XO laptop is doing a Give One Get One promotion where you can donate $399 and you will receive a XO laptop and a child in a developing country will receive one. $200 of your $399 is tax-deductible (fair market value of the laptop). To sweeten the deal T-mobile is offering free WiFi access at all of their HotSpot locations.

This seems like a great deal, but is this laptop really for you? Well first off it runs linux so for those wanting a Windows experience you won’t be getting it. Also there is no CD or DVD drive, no hard drive, and runs a bit slow. But you have to take into consideration this laptop was not intended for mainstream U.S. distribution, it was made for developing countries. If you are looking for a small laptop at a cheap price you might want to check ASUS’s Eee PC. The cheapest model is $199, although it runs on Linux it is Windows compatible. Hopefully I can get one from ASUS to review on ThinkComputers.

If the XO laptop is not for you it is still a great opportunity to help a child and the developing world. And it is holiday time so the XO PC would be a great gift for a young child. Still not sure if I’m going to order one, I should hurry up and decide before they are gone!]]>
352 2007-11-15 17:58:04 2007-11-15 21:58:04 open open the-give-one-get-one-laptop-program publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266009212 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 15942 2007-11-16 13:13:48 2007-11-16 17:13:48 1 0 0 15894 2007-11-15 20:45:09 2007-11-16 00:45:09 1 0 0 16166 2007-11-20 05:11:24 2007-11-20 09:11:24 1 0 0 15913 2007-11-16 03:19:33 2007-11-16 07:19:33 1 0 0 15915 2007-11-16 04:04:05 2007-11-16 08:04:05 1 0 0
The Day Finally Came… Tue, 20 Nov 2007 12:34:29 +0000
Well it is already November, and a few days ago we had the first snow of the year! This picture above is what I woke up to out of my bedroom window. I honestly hate winter! I’m not a big fan of snow and I really do not like the cold either. Also driving in the snow is just horrible. The winter does help me out though. Because it is crappy out I do not have the urge to go out and do other things instead of work. I can easily be focused and not have to worry about going out so much.

On the other hand cold weather usually means I will get sick at least once if not more. Getting sick really does not make anyone feel like doing anything and it is really hard to concentrate on work. Also the winter months usually mean it is going to be gloomy out, which really does not help things either.

So the snow can help and hurt me, but I would rather live somewhere that it does not snow and it is sunny all year around. Any suggestions?]]>
353 2007-11-20 08:34:29 2007-11-20 12:34:29 open open the-day-finally-came%e2%80%a6 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266885538 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16892 2007-12-05 11:12:55 2007-12-05 15:12:55 1 0 0 16180 2007-11-20 09:38:31 2007-11-20 13:38:31 1 0 0 16184 2007-11-20 10:22:21 2007-11-20 14:22:21 1 0 0 16349 2007-11-23 04:32:13 2007-11-23 08:32:13 1 0 0 16198 2007-11-20 14:04:02 2007-11-20 18:04:02 1 0 0 16191 2007-11-20 12:01:11 2007-11-20 16:01:11 1 0 0 16201 2007-11-20 15:39:49 2007-11-20 19:39:49 1 0 0 16227 2007-11-21 01:17:41 2007-11-21 05:17:41 1 0 0 16229 2007-11-21 01:52:16 2007-11-21 05:52:16 1 0 0 16209 2007-11-20 16:49:50 2007-11-20 20:49:50 1 0 0 16210 2007-11-20 17:17:54 2007-11-20 21:17:54 1 16206 0 16206 2007-11-20 16:15:05 2007-11-20 20:15:05 1 0 0 16224 2007-11-21 00:09:28 2007-11-21 04:09:28 1 0 0
Google Keeps on Screwing Us! Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:08:51 +0000 It seems it is just one thing after another with Google. First off a while ago Google slapped people’s pageranks who were using Text Link Ads on their websites. A lot of sites got huge penalties some even going from pagerank 9 to 4! The thing about pagerank is people will pay for that. It is how a lot of advertisers look at your site and how it is gauged. Just this past week Google once again slapped people who use another service rather than adsense, this time it was PayPerPost. It seems they are dropping the pageranks for these sites down to 0!

Then just recently Google has changed their Adsense ads as well. Before the entire ad and surrounding area was clickable, now only the title and URL are! You can see what I mean from the picture below. So if you are an Adsense publisher it is likely that your CTR and overall income will go down. This is killer for people who are dependent on Adsense.

So how do I feel about this? Well I was slapped by Google! ThinkComputers pagerank went from a 5 to a 3 and this blog’s pagerank went from a 4 to a 0! For the longest time I thought Google was the good guy, but now since more of their business is online advertising rather than search it seems like they are becoming that bad guy. They have about 60% market share in search and I guess they think if you are not using their advertising solutions and are using someone else’s they should penalize you! It seems like foul play to me.

Even people who have done link trains and contests on their blogs are being hit, even de-index by Google! So what to do? Should I drop Text Link Ads? I don’t see Google giving me that extra income each month! And if I replaced TLA with one of Google’s stupid link units it would not make anywhere near as much as what TLA makes me. But a lot of bloggers are dropping these services. I’m sure that pisses off TLA and PayPerPost. It seems like Google is forcing people to use their service instead of these alternative services by doing things like lowering pageranks to stop people from using these other services.

Anyone could say stop using Google for search. Even if a lot of people do that they will probably still uphold their market share and c’mon we all know they do have the best search out there. I think their actions will make their pagerank system obsolete and people will really start looking at what they are doing and see the foul play. As you can see from their stock it fell when they implemented the new ads.

I think what I’m going to do is become less dependent on all Google services. I’ve already dropped the main Google ad on this site and I want to drop Google on ThinkComputers. Also I’m not that worried about rankings for ThinkComputers as most of our traffic comes from affiliate sites. If you are pissed at Google you might want to try to use other sites like Digg and StumbleUpon to get traffic. In closing all I have to say is bad play Google...]]>
354 2007-11-21 09:08:51 2007-11-21 13:08:51 open open google-keeps-on-screwing-us publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917609 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16320 2007-11-22 13:50:15 2007-11-22 17:50:15 1 0 0 16292 2007-11-22 00:10:31 2007-11-22 04:10:31 1 0 0 16302 2007-11-22 04:41:32 2007-11-22 08:41:32 1 0 0 16254 2007-11-21 11:15:01 2007-11-21 15:15:01 1 0 0 16255 2007-11-21 11:41:25 2007-11-21 15:41:25 1 16254 1 16256 2007-11-21 12:09:17 2007-11-21 16:09:17 1 0 0 16301 2007-11-22 04:23:39 2007-11-22 08:23:39 1 0 0 16261 2007-11-21 13:25:47 2007-11-21 17:25:47 1 0 0 16262 2007-11-21 13:32:42 2007-11-21 17:32:42 1 0 0 16265 2007-11-21 14:25:06 2007-11-21 18:25:06 1 16261 0 16269 2007-11-21 15:31:29 2007-11-21 19:31:29 1 0 0 16294 2007-11-22 00:21:20 2007-11-22 04:21:20 1 16255 0 16248 2007-11-21 09:52:42 2007-11-21 13:52:42 1 0 0
Happy Thanksgiving! Thu, 22 Nov 2007 20:01:39 +0000
I wanted to take the time to wish all of the readers of a Happy Thanksgiving! While Thanksgiving means food and giving thanks to most people a lot of people see it as the day before Black Friday. This year there are a ton of deals so make sure you check out Now I am debating on whether or not to go out tomorrow morning but if I do here are some of the things that I would be looking at getting...

Logitech MX Revolution Mouse – Best Buy
Sony Vaio NR-Series – Best Buy - $499.99
Acer AL2416WBsd 24-inch LCD Monitor – CompUSA - $249.99
Sharp Aqous 52-inch 1080p LCD TV – Circuit City - $2199
355 2007-11-22 16:01:39 2007-11-22 20:01:39 open open happy-thanksgiving publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917566 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16343 2007-11-23 00:19:55 2007-11-23 04:19:55 1 0 0 16365 2007-11-23 14:17:19 2007-11-23 18:17:19 1 0 0 16350 2007-11-23 04:33:36 2007-11-23 08:33:36 1 0 0 16344 2007-11-23 00:28:20 2007-11-23 04:28:20 1 0 0 16345 2007-11-23 00:31:31 2007-11-23 04:31:31 1 0 0
Checking out the Original Quaker Steak & Lube Sat, 24 Nov 2007 23:37:12 +0000
If you live in the northeast you have probably heard of Quaker Steak & Lube. If not Quaker Steak is a restaurant that is mainly known for their wings. They have a bunch of different wing sauce flavors and you can even buy their wing sauce in grocery stores. The first time I went to Quaker Steak was when I was in high school. Everyone talked about their wing night, where you get unlimited wings in any flavor you want. After that first time my friends and I went there A LOT! Their wings are awesome!

As most of you know I lifecast on It is a great way to network and meet new people. Through I met a guy named Chris and his brother. They both also lifecast. Chris goes to Virginia Tech, but is originally from Akron, Ohio. He is home for the holiday so last Friday Ashley, her sister amber, and I met up with him. We decided to meet half way and that was in Sharon, PA. We of course decided on Quaker Steak & Lube as the place to meet up.

We left on a Friday afternoon and it had to be one of the worst days to go! It was frigid cold and snowing! I rarely drive, so an hour driving is kind of annoying to me, but we got there alright. The original Quaker Steak is sort of in the middle of nowhere! Like you drive into Sharon, which is like an old run down town and it is just there.

Anyways meeting Chris was really cool. It is weird meeting people you have met online because it does not really feel like you are just meeting them. It feels like you have known them for a long time. I felt the same way when I met John Chow, you can just go into conversation, and there is no weird silence or insecurity. For lunch I had some Louisiana Licker flavored wings, which have to be one of my favorites. Chris also got wings, Ashley got chicken fingers, and Amber got a salad. We all had a great time and hopefully Chris can stop down on his way back to school.

356 2007-11-24 19:37:12 2007-11-24 23:37:12 open open checking-out-the-original-quaker-steak-lube publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267005418 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:74:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16427 2007-11-24 20:31:49 2007-11-25 00:31:49 1 0 0 16430 2007-11-24 21:40:44 2007-11-25 01:40:44 1 0 0 16454 2007-11-25 06:27:24 2007-11-25 10:27:24 1 0 0 16441 2007-11-25 01:34:28 2007-11-25 05:34:28 1 0 0 16462 2007-11-25 11:18:42 2007-11-25 15:18:42 1 16454 1 16463 2007-11-25 11:19:13 2007-11-25 15:19:13 1 16427 1 16482 2007-11-25 23:38:40 2007-11-26 03:38:40 1 0 0 16437 2007-11-24 23:28:13 2007-11-25 03:28:13 1 0 0
The Net Vol. 8 Sun, 25 Nov 2007 17:16:29 +0000 Another busy week! As you may have noticed I sort of resurrected this blog. I was not updating that much at all, taking 3-4 day breaks between posts, but that is over. I will be making at least 4 blog posts a week if not more. Once again my biggest problem is time management, but I’m slowing learning to manage my time better. Also I now have a spark of motivation, hope it lasts. Let’s see what’s going on this week...

iPhone used the wrong way on TV
I was reading Pittsburgh’s own Justine Ezarik’s blog and she has a great post about how Hollywood is using the iPhone the wrong way. I’m many shows they are holding up like they are talking, but they are holding it the wrong way! Nice one Hollywood! This also happened on Bionic Woman too!

Crazy Hotel Perks
One of the main reason people pick certain hotels is for the perks, especially if money is not a big deal to you. Luxist has a great list of some of the craziest perks at some of the best hotels out there. Here are just a few, helicopter transfers between the airport, hotel, and shopping (Hilton Sao Paulo Morumbi), an end-of-the-year gift from Tiffany's for repeat customers (VX Beacon Boston), technology butlers available for handling every gadget crisis from cell phone chargers to internet crashes (Ritz-Carlton). Those are some crazy perks, hotels will do anything to keep you coming back!

The Wii Turns One
The Nintendo Wii is already a year old and it does not look like that Wii craze is going anywhere. It is really a great system and makes gaming fun for anyone not just gamers. It will be exciting to see what new things Nintendo has in store for us in the upcoming year. The holiday season has already seen some great games come out for the system, Guitar Hero, DDR, and Super Mario Galaxy. Happy Birthday Wii!!!

Apple Gets Creative with their Ads
Apple has always been creative with their ads and their latest one is great, you can see the video of it below. I have never seen anyone use the side skyscraper is conjunction with a top ad like Apple has done, great thinking. But I with exception of the iPhone and iPod’s I’m not an apple fan. I love this Dell XPS vs. Mac video! And yes I am a Dell XPS owner!

357 2007-11-25 13:16:29 2007-11-25 17:16:29 open open the-net-vol-8 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267224281 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16523 2007-11-26 19:09:03 2007-11-26 23:09:03 1 0 23 16483 2007-11-25 23:54:56 2007-11-26 03:54:56 1 0 0 16524 2007-11-26 19:10:29 2007-11-26 23:10:29 1 0 23 16891 2007-12-05 11:10:58 2007-12-05 15:10:58 1 0 0
A Look at BlogRush Phase 2 Mon, 26 Nov 2007 17:27:25 +0000
I have not talked about BlogRush since it launched back in September. When BlogRush was first launched a lot of people jumped on, but it had problems. Many blogs were gaming the system and just using BlogRush to get traffic and using it to get traffic to low quality sites. Because of all this BlogRush has improved their system rolling out what they call as Phase2.

A lot of things have been improved with Phase 2. I really like the new dashboard. You get to see syndication credits earned from your traffic, syndication credits earned from your referral network, where your credits come from, referral network, credit balance, credit earnings report, and the stats on your last 12 posts. The 2 things that really come in handy are your Referral network, which shows what level you are at, total referrals, referrals you’ve got in the past week and month. Also I like the last 12 blog posts at the bottom. This shows you your last 12 blog posts, how many times it was syndicated, and how many people clicked the link from the BlogRush widget.

Also they have added reports so you can search a specific time range and see the credits earned, traffic, referral traffic, bloggers in your network, and new bloggers added during that time period. Also it will list the stats for the specific posts during that given time period. This will help greatly to see what people are clicking.

With Phase2 BlogRush has also added more colors and styles to the widget. Before we only had the 175px widget, now there is also a 120px one. With each size you are also given 13 different colors to choose from. What is really cool is with most things if you change the color you have to retype in the code on your blog. With BlogRush all you have to do is click on the add flavor you want and refresh your blog and it will be there.

Finally there are filters. You can stop your posts from being syndicated in the widget by using keywords. You can also do the same for posts that will appear in the widget on your blog. You can also ban blogs entirely from appearing in the widget on your site.

With all of these new features it seems like BlogRush is more useful and they are trying to make it better for the users. If you want to take an in-depth look at Phase2 of BlogRush you can check out the video here, but remember if you want to signup go through my referral link! ]]>
358 2007-11-26 13:27:25 2007-11-26 17:27:25 open open a-look-at-blogrush-phase-2 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266964328 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16521 2007-11-26 18:50:21 2007-11-26 22:50:21 1 0 0 17227 2007-12-14 12:27:19 2007-12-14 16:27:19 1 0 0 16553 2007-11-27 10:40:28 2007-11-27 14:40:28 1 0 0 16507 2007-11-26 13:56:34 2007-11-26 17:56:34 1 0 0 16532 jfcarr@msn.ocm 2007-11-26 23:09:28 2007-11-27 03:09:28 1 0 0 17311 2007-12-16 19:13:06 2007-12-16 23:13:06 1 0 0
Make Money with your Old Cell Phone Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:16:54 +0000
Do you have an old cell phone just sitting around collecting dust? Well I have 2! It’s pointless to try to sell them. One is like 3 years old and the other isn’t in the best condition. I’m sure a lot of you are in the same boat as me. So what to do with these old phones, most people would just throw them away, but will give you money for your phone, although not that much its better than nothing right?

So how does it work? Well if you head on over to you can select and manufacturer and model of your phone. Then click on the sell button, a shopping cart will show up with what will pay for your phone. To give an example they will give me $20 for my RAZR V3i and NOTHING for my Audiovox SMT 5600, keep in mind the Audiovox is over 3 years old and most people get a new phone after a year. Once you have selected all of the phones you want to sell to them enter your contact information and hit finalize. From there CellForCash will send you a pre-paid packaging box for you to send the phone to them. Once they receive the phone from you they will mail you a check. They say the whole process takes 45-60 days so you do have to wait a while to get paid.

Now I do realize that $20 is not a lot, but its $20 for nothing! My RAZR would have been lying around forever or I would have just thrown it away. Instead of it going to waste I am making $20 and CellForCash recycles the phone.

You can even make more money with, they have an affiliate program where you will earn $5 for every person that sells their phone to CellForCash. I’m sure you know a few people that have old cell phones that are just sitting around collecting dust. So what are you waiting for, sell that old cell phone!]]>
359 2007-11-27 11:16:54 2007-11-27 15:16:54 open open make-money-with-your-old-cell-phone publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267174732 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16599 2007-11-28 00:09:38 2007-11-28 04:09:38 1 0 0 16761 2007-12-01 13:25:25 2007-12-01 17:25:25 1 0 0 16579 2007-11-27 17:02:54 2007-11-27 21:02:54 1 0 0 17069 2007-12-10 05:01:17 2007-12-10 09:01:17 1 0 0 16632 2007-11-28 10:49:08 2007-11-28 14:49:08 1 0 0 16585 2007-11-27 20:22:20 2007-11-28 00:22:20 1 0 0 16609 2007-11-28 02:35:28 2007-11-28 06:35:28 1 0 0 16641 2007-11-28 15:01:33 2007-11-28 19:01:33 1 16632 0 16670 2007-11-29 09:12:13 2007-11-29 13:12:13 1 16632 0 16671 2007-11-29 10:22:23 2007-11-29 14:22:23 1 16632 0 16569 2007-11-27 14:49:45 2007-11-27 18:49:45 1 0 0 16564 2007-11-27 13:08:12 2007-11-27 17:08:12 1 0 0 16601 2007-11-28 00:41:50 2007-11-28 04:41:50 1 0 0 16602 2007-11-28 00:45:08 2007-11-28 04:45:08 1 16564 0 22597 2008-04-21 13:28:23 2008-04-21 17:28:23 Breast Enlargement Pills - Penis Enlargement Pills - Pharmacy - Herbal Products - Herbs - Remedies Online Guide]]> 1 0 0
Signup for TTZ Media Today! Thu, 29 Nov 2007 16:21:03 +0000 As many of you have known I have been running TTZ Media since almost the beginning! TTZ Media is run by John Chow, who is one of my good friends. It is a affiliate network. You may be thinking why don’t I just signup for’s affiliate system by myself. Well first off you won’t get the CPC rate the TTZ does and also you will not get the banner styles that TTZ Media offers. To give you an example of the banners check out ThinkComputers and look at the 160X600 skyscraper called “Good Deals” on the left side of the page. Those are the type of ads TTZ Media offers. They have quite a bit of different ad sizes too, pretty much any size you can imagine. The links, background, and text can all be changed to fit the color of your site too.

Now there are many other affiliate networks but the main reason TTZ is the best is because they offer a set CPC rate. TTZ will pay you every time someone clicks on the ad, regardless if they buy the product or not. This is great because we all know how hard it is to make money of affiliate programs that are based on commission. TTZ Media is my biggest money maker for all of my sites. To give you an idea I make about $700 more a month from TTZ than Google Adsense! So you can see why I really like TTZ!

Just like every other ad network TTZ has an affiliate system where you can sign others up and make money off them. The way it works is you make 10% of what your referrals make for 12 months. So if they are making an average of $1000 a month you have an extra $100 in your pocket each month! Not bad right?

To make the deal even sweeter John Chow is giving away 2 22-inch LCD monitors! The contest will be raffle style. So for everyone you refer to TTZ you will get one entry. If you write about the contest that will get you 2 entries. For more information make sure you checkout John’ s post about it.

TTZ Media really helped be able to work online as my full time job and I’m sure it can do the same for you! Sign up today before John closes down signups for new affiliates.]]>
360 2007-11-29 12:21:03 2007-11-29 16:21:03 open open signup-for-ttz-media-today publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267266303 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16701 2007-11-30 04:03:24 2007-11-30 08:03:24 1 16678 0 16678 2007-11-29 15:21:36 2007-11-29 19:21:36 1 0 0 16681 2007-11-29 16:47:05 2007-11-29 20:47:05 1 0 0 16710 2007-11-30 10:42:53 2007-11-30 14:42:53 1 0 0 16751 2007-12-01 05:27:32 2007-12-01 09:27:32 1 0 0
A New Look for the Office Sat, 01 Dec 2007 20:43:19 +0000 Well it was about time the office got a new look. It has been pretty much the same since we moved in back in March! I really did not have a problem with the way things were organized, but after having them be that way for so long it was time for a change. Also changing things around can help out productivity. If you are so used to the same thing it gets very boring and can hurt your motivation. If you change things up it makes you feel like you are in a new place and allows you to be more motivated. So before I show you how I changed things take a look at what the office used to look like. As you can see the 2 desks are put together to make 1 big desk.

As I said I was tired of this setup so I took the desks apart and took off the round ends. That way I could put the desks up against the window. Although I do lose some desk space by doing this I still like it better. One thing I really like about the change is that I get a lot of window space. Since I have 2 monitors I really did not get to look out my window much. Not my monitors are more in the corner of the room so there really is nothing blocking my view out the window. Also by moving things around it gives me a lot more room to work on my test machines in the middle of the room. Before the desks were taking up a lot of the space. Here is a picture of the new setup and my side of the office. Let me know what you think.

361 2007-12-01 16:43:19 2007-12-01 20:43:19 open open a-new-look-for-the-office publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267067652 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 16964 2007-12-06 20:36:13 2007-12-07 00:36:13 1 0 0 16775 2007-12-01 19:37:48 2007-12-01 23:37:48 1 0 0 16989 2007-12-07 14:20:26 2007-12-07 18:20:26 1 0 0 16930 2007-12-06 04:13:04 2007-12-06 08:13:04 1 0 0 16771 2007-12-01 18:23:33 2007-12-01 22:23:33 1 0 0 16774 2007-12-01 19:35:03 2007-12-01 23:35:03 1 0 0 16809 2007-12-02 23:44:16 2007-12-03 03:44:16 1 0 0 16789 2007-12-02 07:33:47 2007-12-02 11:33:47 1 16783 0 17121 2007-12-11 02:44:24 2007-12-11 06:44:24 1 0 0 16795 2007-12-02 15:09:59 2007-12-02 19:09:59 1 0 0 16801 2007-12-02 16:16:23 2007-12-02 20:16:23 1 0 0 16799 2007-12-02 16:10:06 2007-12-02 20:10:06 1 0 0 16800 2007-12-02 16:11:56 2007-12-02 20:11:56 1 0 0 16778 2007-12-01 20:39:04 2007-12-02 00:39:04 1 0 0 16783 2007-12-02 01:40:28 2007-12-02 05:40:28 1 0 0 16787 2007-12-02 02:35:07 2007-12-02 06:35:07 1 0 0 16786 2007-12-02 02:32:46 2007-12-02 06:32:46 1 0 0 16785 2007-12-02 02:30:45 2007-12-02 06:30:45 1 0 0 16890 2007-12-05 11:05:23 2007-12-05 15:05:23 1 0 0 17181 2007-12-13 01:21:32 2007-12-13 05:21:32 1 0 0 18549 2008-01-13 06:59:54 2008-01-13 10:59:54 1 0 0
You Can Make Money from a Blog! Tue, 04 Dec 2007 17:18:35 +0000 So many people say blogs are useless forms of income, but they can be very profitable. Just look at John Chow, he made over $27,000 last month just from his blog, and he has only been blogging for about 2 years. ThinkComputers has been online for around 6 years and we don’t anywhere near that much in a month! So how can you make some decent money off a blog? Well there are many ways to make money off of a blog, but I’m really not going to go into that. I’m going to talk about what you need to do to have a successful blog. Once you have a successful blog making money off of it should be extremely easy.

Find a Good Niche
This could be one of the most important things when starting a blog. There are a lot of factors when selecting a niche, but the most important in my opinion is to write about something you are interested in. That why it is easy for you to write about a topic you know a lot about the topic. Another factor when selecting a niche is how many other blogs are there like it. If there are a lot it will be hard to break into that niche, but it still can be done.

One thing that really pisses me off when people diss blogs saying they didn’t make anything off their blog is because they did not update it that much, quit being lazy! More successful blogs post at least once at day if not more. If you cannot keep up with a set blogging schedule than blogging might not be for you.

Write Quality Posts
If you want people to read your blog you better write some quality posts. One paragraph little articles are not going cut it. When people come to your blog then want to read quality posts that are interesting, these types of posts will keep them coming back. If you are writing about something you are interested in and know a lot about writing quality post should not be a problem.

Put in the Work So many people think blogging is extremely easy, but it can be tough. I know that it is easier than the normal 9-5, but I really don’t believe you can have a successful blog if you are only working a couple hours a day on it. Most successful bloggers take a few hours just to write a good quality post. Not to mention all the other time they spend researching topics and tweaking their site.

A Good Layout Helps
A lot of times when I am looking for new blogs I can be turned off or on by the blogs layout. Remember people say first impressions are everything. Wordpress is the standard for blogging these days so make sure you have a visually appealing blog template. Most people prefer black text on a white background. If you have some money you can even get a custom blog design made. Unique Blog Designs make really good layouts.

If you put in the work, update your blog regularly, and write quality posts making money from a blog should not be a hard thing to achieve. Good luck to all the aspiring bloggers out there! ]]>
362 2007-12-04 13:18:35 2007-12-04 17:18:35 open open you-can-make-money-from-a-blog publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267050964 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 17092 2007-12-10 16:17:47 2007-12-10 20:17:47 1 17006 0 16862 2007-12-04 17:59:34 2007-12-04 21:59:34 1 16860 0 16855 2007-12-04 13:33:29 2007-12-04 17:33:29 1 0 0 17006 2007-12-08 05:16:39 2007-12-08 09:16:39 1 0 0 17194 2007-12-13 09:32:08 2007-12-13 13:32:08 1 0 0 16896 2007-12-05 12:39:41 2007-12-05 16:39:41 1 0 0 16860 2007-12-04 17:20:30 2007-12-04 21:20:30 1 0 0 16869 2007-12-04 22:01:10 2007-12-05 02:01:10 1 0 0 16870 2007-12-04 22:02:35 2007-12-05 02:02:35 1 0 0 16901 2007-12-05 15:30:20 2007-12-05 19:30:20 1 0 0 16902 2007-12-05 15:51:33 2007-12-05 19:51:33 1 0 0 17575 2007-12-21 08:03:31 2007-12-21 12:03:31 1 0 0 17180 2007-12-13 01:18:07 2007-12-13 05:18:07 1 0 0 18441 2008-01-10 23:44:25 2008-01-11 03:44:25 1 0 0 40545 2010-02-24 18:36:07 2010-02-24 22:36:07 spam 0 0
Agloco Dead in the Water Wed, 12 Dec 2007 14:00:45 +0000
A while ago I made the post “Agloco is Dead”, but a lot of people gave me criticism saying they were going to change things up and the proposed 10-year payment system would be changed, well it’s to late for that. The other day I got this e-mail from Agloco…

“Dear Bob,

We would like to update you on the status of AGLOCO’s operations. We continue to believe in the AGLOCO concept, but our revenue is currently not sufficient to give Members a meaningful distribution. And though there are increases in membership, the resulting revenue is not enough to support operating costs. As a development team we are unable to continue to use our savings to fund the operations. If any Member would like to pursue continuing the operations of AGLOCO, you may contact us at

We would like to thank every Member for supporting our effort to bring a piece of the Internet directly to the user. We hope that we can find a way to keep the operations going.

AGLOCO Development Team”
When I first heard about Agloco back in November 2006 I was really excited about it. Most people were saying it was going to be just like AllAdvantage, which I was a part of and made money off of. So I figured Agloco was going to be a good thing. Agloco urged people to signup, but there was no viewbar yet, so they wanted you to refer people to the program so you could make even more money. After many delays the viewbar was released. So people started using the viewbar, but months went by without a payment plan for members. Then one was announced and it was crap, a 10 year payout plan…WTF. Also at this time Agloco said on their blog that they were still loosing money. At this time I declared Agloco Dead and 2 months later it is.

Agloco was a great idea, but they just didn’t do it right. I’m sure we will see something like this again in the future. Hopefully then it will not fail like Agloco did. Here is a screenshot of my final stats, as you can see I really didn’t push the program that much.

363 2007-12-12 10:00:45 2007-12-12 14:00:45 open open agloco-dead-in-the-water publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267252966 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 17226 2007-12-14 12:26:44 2007-12-14 16:26:44 1 0 0 17170 2007-12-12 18:30:09 2007-12-12 22:30:09 1 0 0 17171 2007-12-12 18:56:32 2007-12-12 22:56:32 1 0 0 17195 2007-12-13 09:39:02 2007-12-13 13:39:02 1 0 0 20009 2008-02-15 16:43:41 2008-02-15 20:43:41 1 0 0 17237 2007-12-14 19:35:56 2007-12-14 23:35:56 1 0 0 17164 2007-12-12 11:08:47 2007-12-12 15:08:47 1 0 0 17178 2007-12-13 01:15:46 2007-12-13 05:15:46 1 0 0
Advertising Types Explained Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:53:02 +0000 The world of online advertising can be very hard to understand for someone who is new to it. A few years ago I had no clue about ads and how I was making money off the ads on my site. I just threw up some Google ads and was surprised that I was actually making money so for the longest time I never really understood the different types of advertising types. So here is a list of some of the most popular advertising types used today, their meaning, and some of the advertising companies that use these type of ads.

Cost Per Impression, where M = 1000 impressions. So in other words if you have a CPM rate of $4 you will make $4 for every 1000 impressions of the ad. A lot of 3rd party advertising companies like Google use eCPM, which is effective CPM. What they do is take the amount you make and divide it by how many impressions your ads get, this is the effective CPM. Having flat CPM rates is great because it does not matter if anyone clicks the ad or not, it is based on how many people view the ad. You can really cash in on CPM ads when your site / blog gets a front page Digg.

Cost Per Click, where you get paid a set amount every time someone clicks on an ad. A lot of low traffic sites like this type of advertising because they get paid whenever someone clicks the ad, it is not based on traffic. These types of ads are great for review sites like ThinkComputers, we use TTZ Media which is CPC and we put a matching ad on each review. This way if people are interested in the product we are reviewing they can click on the ad and check it out and see if they want to buy it. TTZ Media is the #1 money maker for ThinkComputers. I’m not sure of other CPC advertising services I know ValueClick offers some CPC ads, but they are mixed in with CPM ads.

Cost Per Action, where you get paid when someone completes an action like completing a purchase or a form submission. You can make a lot of money with CPA advertising as a lot of the payouts are over $25 depending on the product. So you only need 1 person to complete the action to make $25 or more! There are CPA ads for everything like web hosting, online dating, video games, etc. The 2 most popular CPA advertising services are Azoogle Ads and Commission Junction. They both offer a wide variety of CPA ads.

Commission is a lot like CPA, but instead of making a set amount per transaction you make a percentage of the total purchase. So if someone buys something for $500 and you get a 3% commission you earn $25. These types of ads are good for large items like TV’s and laptops but you really do not make much on other items. Amazon offers these types of ads, but I would rather go with TTZ Media where I get paid when someone clicks the ads, not when they buy something. Also Azoogle and Commission Junction offer these ads.

Those are the four types of ads you will usually deal with when you get into online advertising. Right now I make most of my money off CPC and CPM ads, but I am experimenting with CPA ads and affiliate deals. Hopefully this article was helpful to some people who are new to online advertising. If you have any questions just ask them in the comments. ]]>
364 2007-12-17 05:53:02 2007-12-17 09:53:02 open open advertising-types-explained publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266860878 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 17664 2007-12-22 14:48:56 2007-12-22 18:48:56 1 17601 0 17601 2007-12-21 15:57:59 2007-12-21 19:57:59 1 17544 1 17442 2007-12-19 12:26:24 2007-12-19 16:26:24 1 0 0 17544 2007-12-20 23:19:32 2007-12-21 03:19:32 1 0 0 17576 2007-12-21 08:05:10 2007-12-21 12:05:10 1 0 0 17370 2007-12-17 23:54:09 2007-12-18 03:54:09 1 0 0
The CES Press Events Sun, 23 Dec 2007 19:13:07 +0000
As most of you know CES is right around the corner! It is January 7-10th in Las Vegas. CES is one of the largest trade shows in the United Stats that means the show floor is packed! That is why I am really glad there are press events. Press events are smaller and held at hotels close to the convention center. At these press events companies get a small booth (table really) where they can show off some of their products. What’s great about the press events is that they are press only, which means they are less crowded and you actually get a chance to talk to the reps. Also the free food and open bar are nice. There are 4 main press events during CES.

CES Unveiled
CES Unveiled is CES’s official press event. It takes place on January 5th and is sort of like a sneak peak of what to expect during CES. The free food and drinks are great, but there really is not much to report there as the 60 companies there not really what we cover. Last year I was really disappointed with CES Unveiled, it was super cramped and not done well at all. It usually gets really packed because most people know about it because you are asked if you want to go to it when you signup for CES.

Lunch @ Piero’s
Lunch @ Piero’s is held at Piero’s restaurant which is right across the street from the Las Vegas Convention Center. At this event half of the restaurant is for dining and the other half is for booths. I really like this event because press are treated to a nice meal and it sort of gives you the feel for asking questions to company reps. Lunch @ Piero’s is held on both Monday the 7th and Tuesday the 8th.

Digital Experience
Digital Experience is hosted by Pepcom and they really do a good job. The event is half press event / half party and always has a theme. Last year it was pirates, this year it is tailgating / football. This is my favorite press event out of them all because Pepcom really brings in some good companies and it is a more relaxed environment. Also they always pick a great place to have it at so you are not crowded. I look forward to going to Digital Experience this year.

ShowStoppers is the final press event and it is held on Monday the 8th, but at night not during trade show hours. This event is much like Digital Experience, ShowStoppers usually is able to bring out some great companies and the food and drinks are good. ShowStoppers has to be one of the toughest events to get into. My first year at CES I was not invited but last year I was and of course this year I will be there. This event is held at the Wynn, which if you haven’t been there is amazing!

So you are going to CES, but you are not invited to these press events, how do you get in? Well first off you have to be press, most of these events will not accept bloggers. Here is what ShowStoppers says about bloggers, “Anyone can post to a blog. That does not make you a reporter. Just like driving fast does not make you a professional driver of race cars.” Most of the press events are invite only so if you are not invited you are not getting in. If you are qualified press you can e-mail the companies that are putting on the events and they might let you in or you can pull a John Chow and takes someone else’s name tag and just walk in! ]]>
365 2007-12-23 15:13:07 2007-12-23 19:13:07 open open the-ces-press-events publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266720509 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1953792886;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 17719 2007-12-23 20:44:07 2007-12-24 00:44:07 1 0 0 17731 2007-12-24 01:30:00 2007-12-24 05:30:00 1 17728 1 17727 2007-12-23 23:59:10 2007-12-24 03:59:10 1 0 0 17728 http://www.shawn-knight 2007-12-24 00:59:07 2007-12-24 04:59:07 1 0 0
Merry Christmas Everyone! Tue, 25 Dec 2007 19:54:13 +0000 Wow this year has gone fast! I wanted to take the time to tell everyone who reads my blog to have a very Merry Christmas! Last night Ashley and I went to my parents where they have Christmas Eve dinner with all of my family and we exchange gifts. I love the food my parents cook this time of year, they have fresh cooked ham, German Sausage, scalloped potatoes and much more! Also I usually never see any of my relatives that much so it is nice seeing them. All of my cousins are really going up, makes me think that I am really old! For Christmas I got mostly clothes and money, pretty much what I would expect to get. If you were wondering what I might have wanted to Christmas you can check out my Christmas wish list on ThinkComputers, my list is the first page.

I also put together a “Price is no Object” gift guide for those people who are made of money! It’s quite interesting to see what you can get when price is no object! You definitely want to check that out!

Tonight Ashley and I will be going over her grandma’s for dinner. You got to love the free home cooked meals this time of year! Merry Christmas Everyone!]]>
366 2007-12-25 15:54:13 2007-12-25 19:54:13 open open merry-christmas-everyone publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279634 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 17800 2007-12-25 17:46:46 2007-12-25 21:46:46 1 0 0 17803 2007-12-25 20:38:43 2007-12-26 00:38:43 1 0 0 17804 2007-12-25 20:46:01 2007-12-26 00:46:01 1 0 0 17805 2007-12-25 20:51:38 2007-12-26 00:51:38 1 0 0 17925 2007-12-28 19:27:45 2007-12-28 23:27:45 1 0 0 17802 2007-12-25 19:50:04 2007-12-25 23:50:04 1 0 0 40205 2010-01-06 12:02:04 2010-01-06 16:02:04 Vinyl Bathroom & Kitchen Floor Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0
Finally Some Changes to Adsense Wed, 26 Dec 2007 20:44:19 +0000 If you haven’t noticed when Google does something they usually keep it the same for a long time. Mainly because they usually do things so well they do not need changed. Adsense has been the same for a long time, there have been some minor updates but that’s about it. Well Adsense has rolled out a new ad management system, which I’m sure a lot of people will like. Also they have added a new feature to their adsense units, which we will talk about a bit later.

The manage ads feature is something people have been wanting for quite some time now. It will keep track of your ad units and allow you to change colors etc. without having to edit the ad yourself. Many people resorted to using a include file which had the adsense code in it, then they could call the include where they wanted in the page. If they ever needed to change the code they could just edit that one include file instead of editing every page of their site. Other people used ad serving systems like OpenAds, which basically does the same thing, but in a more advanced way.

To get to the manage ads section login to Adsense and click on the adsense setup tab at the top. You will now see the manage ads option. If you click on it, it will show you all of the manageable ads you have. Now only new ads that you have created are manageable, so all of your old ones need redone if you want to be able to manage them. Once you create a new ad it will appear in the manage ads section. In the manage ads section it will tell you the name of the ad, the last time you edited it, what type of content it is, the size, if it is active or not, and what channels it is on. You also get the option to edit the ad settings, get the code, and preview the ad.

I really like that Google has done this, before I would have to go into Google make a new ad unit, copy that code into my include file and re-upload it to my site. Or I would have to go into OpenAds and edit the ad. Now all I have to do is edit the ad in Adsense and it will automatically change.

The second change to Adsense is actually on the ad units themselves. I started to notice this last week. On each ad unit there would either be 2 arrows at the bottom or something that says “Show more Ads”. The up and down arrows will scroll down more ads and the Show more Ads will bring you to a page that has all ads related to your site. The arrows are not that bad of an idea, but the show more ads is just hilarious! What do you guys think about the new manage ads feature and the show more ads features on the adsense units?

367 2007-12-26 16:44:19 2007-12-26 20:44:19 open open finally-some-changes-to-adsense publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267117391 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1194863440;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 18148 2008-01-03 00:27:20 2008-01-03 04:27:20 1 0 0 18141 2008-01-02 21:20:34 2008-01-03 01:20:34 1 18004 0 17888 2007-12-27 21:33:48 2007-12-28 01:33:48 1 0 0 17889 2007-12-27 21:37:57 2007-12-28 01:37:57 1 0 0 18004 2007-12-30 19:29:05 2007-12-30 23:29:05 1 0 0
My 2008 Goals Mon, 31 Dec 2007 18:31:38 +0000 With 2007 coming to an end it is time to set some goals for 2008. Before I get into my goals for 2008 let’s see how I did on my 2007 goals…

Keep Up With ThinkComputers – I think I did a good job with this. ThinkComputers puts out at least 3 or more reviews a week if not more. Because of this we have got a lot of great sponsors and have been able to get some good ad deals.

Really get ThinkGaming going – Well I don’t think I did a good job at this. Because I have been so busy with ThinkComputers, ThinkGaming took a back seat. After CES I hope to get it going again.

Learn more about photography – I have learned a lot more about photography over the past year. Take a look at my review photos from earlier in the year compared to the latest ones, there is a big difference.

Meet more contacts in the industry – I have met some really cool people over this past year, who have helped me out a lot.

Manage my time better – This was my biggest goal and I did it at times, but was not 100% on it. Sometimes I would manage my time then I would be lazy and not manage my time well at all!

Now for the 2008 Goals…

Learn about affiliate marketing – affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive income, but it does take work and research. This past month I have been reading up on it a lot and I hope to do some tests soon.

Take ThinkComputers to the next level – ThinkComputers is my main source of income and I need to realize that. Over this past year I neglected it a bit and it has hurt the site. Lately I have been working on it a lot and I have seen good things come from that. In 2008 I really want to push ThinkComputers to the next level so I don’t have to worry about making a certain amount of money off of it, I will know that it will make more than enough.

Keep up with the blog – Lately I have been lazy with this blog. I really want to go back to the regular 1 post a day if not more. This can be easily accomplished if I just manage my time better.

Work more – As I have said before I can be very lazy and that is not a good thing. I need to realize that most other people have a normal 9-5 job that they usually don’t like and that they HAVE to go to. They also have to deal with someone telling them what to do. I am lucky enough to work for myself and be my own boss so I need to step it up and work more. Also if I work more I will be able to accomplish all of the goals listed above.

Wish me luck in 2008! ]]>
368 2007-12-31 14:31:38 2007-12-31 18:31:38 open open my-2008-goals publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267124656 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1661994717;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 18470 2008-01-11 18:53:53 2008-01-11 22:53:53 1 0 0 18052 2007-12-31 17:20:12 2007-12-31 21:20:12 1 0 0 18134 2008-01-02 16:53:39 2008-01-02 20:53:39 1 0 0 18109 2008-01-02 03:42:35 2008-01-02 07:42:35 1 0 0 18063 2007-12-31 23:57:00 2008-01-01 03:57:00 1 0 0 18120 2008-01-02 08:17:18 2008-01-02 12:17:18 1 0 0 18083 2008-01-01 13:58:03 2008-01-01 17:58:03 1 0 0 18105 2008-01-02 01:13:33 2008-01-02 05:13:33 1 0 0 18139 2008-01-02 21:17:34 2008-01-03 01:17:34 1 18134 0
Finally In Vegas! Thu, 03 Jan 2008 05:08:09 +0000 Well I have been waiting for this trip for the longest time! Each January I go to Las Vegas for CES. This year Ashley and I decided to go a few days earlier to get in a little mini-vacation. Last we year decided to stay an extra day, but we were so exhausted it was not even worth it. Coming in early will make things more relaxed as we do not have anything important to go to once we get in. This year packing was a snap, I guess I am used to packing now since I have done it quite a few times now, but I still could have forgot something as I am writing this while I am on the plane!

It just so happened that the day we were leaving there was a huge snow storm in Pittsburgh so it was fun driving through that to get to the airport. Also when we were taxiing out to the runway the plane had to get de-iced so that was interesting. The flight was not that bad, just long (around 5 hours). To cut down on time Ashley and I watched a movie and I wrote a few blog posts. Does anyone know if Southwest serves meals on any flights because I would have thought a 5 hour flight would get a meal, all we got was something to drink and a snack box that had some crackers and other stuff in it.

This year we are again staying at Treasure Island. Originally we had booked at the Flamingo because the CES rate was sold out at Treasure Island, but it is always good to check hotels a few weeks before you go away because that is when people will cancel and the hotel will drop rates in order to fill those rooms. Well that was the case and we were able to get a room at Treasure Island for much cheaper that we were quoted months ago. Once we got all checked in we went out shopping and picked up a few things for the room. On our way back we ate at a place called Cheese Burger, which if you guessed serves cheeseburgers, but they had a Hawaiian theme to them. The burgers were great and it was not that expensive at all.

It was a great first day to the trip even though we were jet-lagged and didn’t get much sleep the night before. Although I will be updating this blog you can also follow my Vegas trip on twitter and flickr. ]]>
369 2008-01-03 01:08:09 2008-01-03 05:08:09 open open finally-in-vegas publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961532 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1959167633;s:7:"retweet";i:1959167536;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 18171 2008-01-03 14:28:03 2008-01-03 18:28:03 1 0 0 18219 2008-01-04 20:28:37 2008-01-05 00:28:37 1 0 0 18169 2008-01-03 14:27:19 2008-01-03 18:27:19 1 0 0 18156 2008-01-03 05:14:07 2008-01-03 09:14:07 1 0 0 18153 2008-01-03 04:50:10 2008-01-03 08:50:10 1 0 0 18162 2008-01-03 08:17:13 2008-01-03 12:17:13 1 0 0 18172 2008-01-03 14:47:59 2008-01-03 18:47:59 1 0 0 18180 2008-01-03 19:30:28 2008-01-03 23:30:28 1 0 0 18178 2008-01-03 18:31:27 2008-01-03 22:31:27 1 18151 1 18181 2008-01-03 19:30:50 2008-01-03 23:30:50 1 0 0 18159 2008-01-03 06:14:14 2008-01-03 10:14:14 1 0 0 18158 2008-01-03 06:09:49 2008-01-03 10:09:49 1 0 0 18157 2008-01-03 05:42:32 2008-01-03 09:42:32 1 0 0 18165 2008-01-03 12:25:37 2008-01-03 16:25:37 1 0 0 18410 2008-01-10 03:48:22 2008-01-10 07:48:22 1 0 0 18151 2008-01-03 02:26:02 2008-01-03 06:26:02 1 0 0
The NHL Winter Classic Thu, 03 Jan 2008 22:29:44 +0000
January 1st we witnessed hockey history! The first ever NHL outdoor game in the United States was played at Ralf Wilson stadium in Buffalo. Now there have been other outdoor games like the heritage classic, which was in Canada, but this was the first one in the United States. The 2 teams selected were Buffalo and Pittsburgh. Watching any outdoor game would be great but if it is your hometown team playing it is even better. The game was held at Ralf Wilson stadium, where the Buffalo Bills play football. What the NHL did was build a rink in the center of the field! You can check out the building of the rink here.

Playing hockey outdoors is how most players started and it brings back a lot of memories for them. To bring it back even more both Pittsburgh and Buffalo wore their original jerseys they started with when they came into the league. The game was being broadcast on national television in the U.S. and Canada. Not many hockey games are broadcast on national television so it was great that anyone could watch this game. Tickets for this game sold out in the matter of minutes, it was a complete sell-out all 73,000+ seats, the largest audience for a hockey game ever! (most arena’s seat between 16,000 – 20,000 people).

As it came to 1PM both teams came out of their lockers rooms and onto the ice. It would have to be surreal for them as they have never played in front of this many people. After the opening ceremonies began they even had blackhawks fly over the stadium and fireworks, sort of felt like the super bowl. Conditions for the game were not that great, at the beginning of the game it was snowing heavily, but towards the end of the game it let up a bit. The Penguins scored first on their first shot of the game, but Buffalo came back in the 2nd to tie it. You could definitely tell the players had to adjust to the conditions, they were not used to the cold or all the snow on the ice. Both teams remained tied the rest of the game so it went to overtime. When overtime was done it was still tied, so it went to a shootout. My friend Jason and I said weeks ago that this game would be amazing if it went to a shootout (because not that many do) and it was crazy that this one did. In the shootout each team selects 3 players to go 1 on 1 with the goalie on a break-away. Buffalo elected to go first and they scored on their first shot. The pens first shooter missed and after that I was pretty scared since the ice has so much snow on it, it was hard for the players to make any real moves on the goalie. The pens 2nd shooter scored to tie it and Buffalo’s last 2 shooters did not score so it was tied 1-1. The Pens final shooter was Sidney Crosby everyone in the Stadium was on their feet. With the game on his stick he put it away and the Pens won the game!

I was really great seeing all the players play in the natural environment and seeing so many fans come out for the game. I hope the NHL does a game like this each year. I’ve heard people saying the Pittsburgh might play Philadelphia in the next one. That would be really great because they are one of our biggest rivals. Anyways if you have not heard anything about this game you should definitely check out the highlights! Oh and I go myself a nice Christmas present!

370 2008-01-03 18:29:44 2008-01-03 22:29:44 open open the-nhl-winter-classic publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917500 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 18182 2008-01-03 19:34:10 2008-01-03 23:34:10 really intense! Thats sweet though.]]> 1 0 0 18386 2008-01-09 06:26:48 2008-01-09 10:26:48 1 0 0 18211 2008-01-04 17:34:02 2008-01-04 21:34:02 1 0 0 18222 2008-01-04 21:22:57 2008-01-05 01:22:57 1 0 0 18191 2008-01-04 03:13:58 2008-01-04 07:13:58 1 0 0 18200 2008-01-04 10:43:39 2008-01-04 14:43:39 1 0 0 18531 2008-01-13 00:06:55 2008-01-13 04:06:55 1 0 0 38167 2009-07-06 10:17:14 2009-07-06 14:17:14 1 0 0
My First Pho Fri, 04 Jan 2008 20:41:03 +0000 I had not heard of Pho until this year. John always talked about going to get Pho and after checking out his posts I was very intrigued to go try it. Problem was there were no places around Pittsburgh that sold the stuff. Well not so in Vegas! As I said in my earlier post we are staying at Treasure Island and they happen to have a Pho restaurant and actually it is the only Vietnamese restaurant on the strip. The restaurant is simply called Pho and it is located at the far end of the Coffee Shop at Treasure Island. So Ashley and I decided to go try it out.

The menu is quite small only about 10 things were on it. A few appetizers and mostly Pho. Never having Pho before I went with the Pho Tai, which is raw beef with rice noodle soup. Ashley decided on the chicken with clear noodles (can’t remember the exact name of it). The Pho came out in really large bowls, I didn’t expect them to be that big. Also you were given a dish of fresh bean sprouts, jalapenos, and cilantro leaves. You can mix these into the Pho if you wanted. Here are pictures of the Pho Tai, and what Ashley got, after she ate all the broth!

After taking my first few spoonfuls of the Pho Tai I noticed that it was very bland. I was expecting something like a wonton soup taste. It was still good, just a little bland for my taste. I also tried Ashley’s and I like that a lot better. You could really taste the chicken flavor in the broth and the chicken pieces were really good. The clear noodles also tasted better than the rice noodles that were in my Pho. Even though my Pho was a bit bland for my taste I still enjoyed it. Nothing makes you feel better than a nice steaming bowl of soup! Each bowl of Pho was $10. ]]>
371 2008-01-04 16:41:03 2008-01-04 20:41:03 open open my-first-pho publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917532 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1198075741;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 18420 2008-01-10 09:24:45 2008-01-10 13:24:45 1 0 0 18310 2008-01-07 02:11:47 2008-01-07 06:11:47 1 18304 0 18296 2008-01-06 20:21:58 2008-01-07 00:21:58 1 0 0 18304 2008-01-06 23:30:56 2008-01-07 03:30:56 1 0 0 18402 2008-01-09 18:20:24 2008-01-09 22:20:24 1 0 0 18385 2008-01-09 06:23:48 2008-01-09 10:23:48 1 0 0 18210 2008-01-04 16:45:04 2008-01-04 20:45:04 1 0 0 18212 2008-01-04 17:38:51 2008-01-04 21:38:51 1 0 0 18234 2008-01-05 03:28:45 2008-01-05 07:28:45 1 18212 0 18220 2008-01-04 20:29:52 2008-01-05 00:29:52 1 0 0 18225 2008-01-04 21:57:23 2008-01-05 01:57:23 1 18220 0 18224 2008-01-04 21:45:55 2008-01-05 01:45:55 1 0 0 18213 http://none 2008-01-04 18:27:18 2008-01-04 22:27:18 1 0 0 18221 2008-01-04 21:20:40 2008-01-05 01:20:40 1 0 0 18233 2008-01-05 03:27:04 2008-01-05 07:27:04 1 18224 0 18352 2008-01-08 03:38:38 2008-01-08 07:38:38 1 0 0 18440 2008-01-10 23:37:25 2008-01-11 03:37:25 1 0 0
CES Kicked My Ass! Fri, 11 Jan 2008 18:51:42 +0000
Well CES is finally over and I am relieved. I had hoped to give you guys daily updates on what was going on at CES, but that didn’t happen. With all of my meetings, appointments, and partying throughout the week it was really hard to find the time to do work, let alone update the blog. After 4 straight days of walking from hotel to hotel for meetings and walking the show floor I am completely exhausted! Thursday I had my final meeting and I was glad when it was over because I knew I didn’t have to be anywhere else the rest of my time in Vegas, I could actually sit down and relax for once.

The rest of Thursday was a pretty chill day I finished a few coverage articles for ThinkComputers. You all should definitely check out our Booth Babe Gallery and Digg it too! John took out all of the TTZ Media affiliates that attended CES to the Flamingo Buffet. Yeah it is not as lavish as last year, but there were no good restaurants that could seat a party of 17 that were available the week of CES. Plus I love buffets, the more food the better. Since there were 17 of us we were sat right in the middle of the restaurant. It was nice just to talk to everyone and enjoy all you can eat food. As you can see from the photo below I was catching up on eating since I rarely got a chance to get a full meal during the show.

We were at the buffet for about 3 hours, even after everyone was done eating we just sat and talked. Everyone from TTZ Media becomes like a big family during CES. We all go to the same press events and parties so we are always seeing each other. CES is like a once a year get together for all of us.

After dinner Colin, Ashley, Alex, and I went to the Forum Shops to get some last minute shopping done. Since it was Colin’s first time in Vegas he had to be initiated with the half yard 42oz margarita. After walking around the Forum Shops for a while we went back to the hotel. Packing was horrible, we had so much swag from CES I really had to organize things so they fit in our suitcases. I’m ready to be home, but our flight is not until 5:45PM today!

I had so much fun this entire week don’t think that you won’t hear about it. I will be posting more articles on what all went on through the craziness of CES 2008. Check back soon!

372 2008-01-11 14:51:42 2008-01-11 18:51:42 open open ces-kicked-my-ass publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267014329 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1155680021;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 18469 2008-01-11 18:49:01 2008-01-11 22:49:01 1 0 0 18471 2008-01-11 19:00:41 2008-01-11 23:00:41 1 0 0 18496 2008-01-12 08:11:29 2008-01-12 12:11:29 1 0 0 18474 2008-01-11 22:22:32 2008-01-12 02:22:32 1 0 0 18472 2008-01-11 19:07:34 2008-01-11 23:07:34 1 0 0 18490 2008-01-12 05:55:07 2008-01-12 09:55:07 1 0 0 18476 2008-01-11 22:45:38 2008-01-12 02:45:38 1 0 0 18481 2008-01-11 23:26:29 2008-01-12 03:26:29 1 18472 0 18484 2008-01-12 00:50:59 2008-01-12 04:50:59 1 0 0 18489 http://www.shawn-knight 2008-01-12 04:37:55 2008-01-12 08:37:55 1 18484 0 18524 2008-01-12 23:16:02 2008-01-13 03:16:02 1 0 0 18537 2008-01-13 02:57:50 2008-01-13 06:57:50 1 18489 0
Starting Off CES Right! Sun, 13 Jan 2008 01:57:14 +0000 The only way to start off CES is with a party! This year John, Stephen, and I threw the CES Kickoff Party, but instead of the MGM Skylofts we went with the Absolut Suite at Caesars. The suite is of course themed after Absolut Vodka, what better place to throw a party! The suite has 4 bedrooms, all themed after a different flavor of Abosut Vodka. Besides the bedrooms the suite has a main room with dance floor, bar area, lounge area, and a balcony overlooking the main room. Also the view is pretty cool. We used the main room for the party mostly, but we had 2 sponsors Tagan and NZXT who used 2 of the bedrooms to show off products.

The party was a lot of fun. Unlike most CES parties ours is a lot more relaxed and is just for fun. We invite our friends and sponsors and just have a good time. I had a great time, but I had been sick with a cold so I couldn’t get as drunks as I would have wanted! I want to thank everyone for coming and expect another party next year! Here are some pictures…

A full house!

Stephen and John

Ramsom from Thermaltake


Shawn from OCIA

Jason from Techware Labs

373 2008-01-12 21:57:14 2008-01-13 01:57:14 open open starting-off-ces-right publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298646 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 18565 2008-01-13 17:52:20 2008-01-13 21:52:20 1 18548 0 18547 2008-01-13 06:56:45 2008-01-13 10:56:45 1 18525 0 18598 2008-01-14 11:27:13 2008-01-14 15:27:13 1 0 0 18525 2008-01-12 23:16:50 2008-01-13 03:16:50 1 0 0 18526 2008-01-12 23:17:31 2008-01-13 03:17:31 1 0 0 18527 2008-01-12 23:18:00 2008-01-13 03:18:00 1 0 0 18528 2008-01-12 23:18:18 2008-01-13 03:18:18 1 0 0 18538 2008-01-13 03:03:22 2008-01-13 07:03:22 1 0 0 18548 2008-01-13 06:57:25 2008-01-13 10:57:25 1 18526 0
Dinner and Phantom of the Opera Sun, 13 Jan 2008 23:33:02 +0000
There are so many CES parties, but they are mostly all the same. This year LiteOn and AOC did something different. These 2 companies went out of their way to really treat us. First they took us to see Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian. I had not been to a show since high school so I wasn’t sure if I would like Phantom or not. After seeing Phantom I was very impressed. The special effects and staging was amazing, I would definitely pay money to see it again. I am used to low production shows in Pittsburgh, but this is Vegas! If you are in Vegas be sure to check out Phantom of the Opera or any show for that matter.

After Phantom of the Opera we were taken to Zeffirino at the Venetian. They had a special menu for us. It was a 5-course menu, I’ve never had a 5-course meal before. I have had a 3-course with John last year, but never a 5 course. The menu started with an appetizer of cherries of mozzarella with speck. Then for our pasta we were served Pafutelli Zeffirino in a pesto cream sauce. Our salad was a spring mix salad. For the entrée you had a choice of medallions of beef with Barolo sauce, grilled Chilean sea bass with rosemary sauce, or chicken princess with peppers, asparagus and cheese. I went for the beef. Dessert was a tray of mini pastries. All the food was great, the beef was very tender, my knife went right though it. The dessert tray was cool too, it had the AOC & LiteOn logos on it, both of which were edible. Here are some photos...

I want to thank LiteOn and AOC for putting on such a great event. You really went all out! ]]>
374 2008-01-13 19:33:02 2008-01-13 23:33:02 open open dinner-and-phantom-of-the-opera publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267123859 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1191776943;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 18646 2008-01-15 21:19:54 2008-01-16 01:19:54 1 0 0 18661 2008-01-16 04:28:32 2008-01-16 08:28:32 1 18646 1 18691 2008-01-17 03:21:58 2008-01-17 07:21:58 1 18661 0 18586 2008-01-14 01:23:52 2008-01-14 05:23:52 1 0 0 18575 2008-01-13 21:48:38 2008-01-14 01:48:38 1 0 0 18585 2008-01-14 01:13:09 2008-01-14 05:13:09 1 0 0 18605 2008-01-14 18:09:30 2008-01-14 22:09:30 1 0 0 18601 2008-01-14 15:08:56 2008-01-14 19:08:56 1 0 0 18689 2008-01-17 02:43:02 2008-01-17 06:43:02 1 0 0
Envy Steakhouse with John Chow Wed, 16 Jan 2008 02:24:23 +0000
If there is one food I couldn’t live without it would have to be steak. It is probably my favorite food. That is why I was so mad that John was not able to have this years TTZ Media dinner at Envy Steakhouse, as I posted earlier we just went to a buffet. Envy Steakhouse is located right next to the LLVC (where CES is held) so when the convention center closed at 6PM John invited Ashley and I to join him for dinner. He also invited Justin from and Jason from Techware Labs to join us.

They had a pretty big menu with a lot to choose from. John pointed out that it was the first steakhouse he has been to that served Foie Gras. Foie Gras is duck liver that has been specially fattened. Sounds gross right? Well John let me try some of his and it sort of tasted like turkey gravy! It had a really weird texture too. For my appetizer I had a shrimp cocktail, which was 3 monstrous shrimp. For my main course I had the 22oz porterhouse. It was cooked perfectly to my liking (medium rare). It had to be one of the best steaks I have ever had. Since Ashley is not a big fan of steak she got seafood. There was surf and turf on the menu, but she got surf and surf. She had an 8oz lobster tail and scallops. I had a taste of both and they were great. For dessert both Ashley and I got the sweet envy trio, which was 3 brownies topped with ice cream, whipped cream, strawberry, and hot fudge that they poured on right at the table. It was also very good. Dinner worked out to be about $100 a person so it was not that bad for the quality of the food and service. Thanks to John for taking us out. Here are some photos…

375 2008-01-15 22:24:23 2008-01-16 02:24:23 open open envy-steakhouse-with-john-chow publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267233357 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 18648 2008-01-15 22:38:07 2008-01-16 02:38:07 1 0 0 18654 2008-01-15 23:52:01 2008-01-16 03:52:01 1 0 0 18688 2008-01-17 02:39:32 2008-01-17 06:39:32 1 0 0 18715 2008-01-18 00:14:45 2008-01-18 04:14:45 1 0 0
Bill Gates Last Day at Microsoft Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:12:31 +0000 Bill Gates goes to college video. Since this yeah was his last CES keynote he made a sort of farewell video showing his last day at Microsoft. Before I explain it anymore, check it our first…

It is quite funny and I know he is Bill Gates and everything but did you see all of the people in the video? There was George Clooney, Hilary Clinton, Bono, Barack Obama, and Steven Spielberg just to name a few. Wonder whose job it was to get all these people in the video? Anyways hope you enjoyed the video.]]>
376 2008-01-18 10:12:31 2008-01-18 14:12:31 open open bill-gates-last-day-at-microsoft publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267187108 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:63:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 18730 2008-01-18 12:22:12 2008-01-18 16:22:12 1 0 0 18738 2008-01-18 17:28:41 2008-01-18 21:28:41 1 0 0 18782 2008-01-19 21:13:24 2008-01-20 01:13:24 1 0 0
Sony Online Entertainment Party Sun, 20 Jan 2008 03:53:59 +0000 As I said before so many parties at CES are the same. Most companies will have their party in a Suite and it usually is the same every year. Well to set themselves apart from other companies Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) has a poker tournament in the spirit of Las Vegas. Now originally I was not going to attend the party because I had a boat load of work to finish and after eating the huge steak at Envy I was really beat. Also the party was held at the Hard Rock Casino, which is off the strip so there was also the task of getting there. I told the whole group from Envy steakhouse that I was just going to go back to my room and get some work done and relax. Well that was not acceptable to them, so we all headed over to the Hard Rock. John got us a limo so we would show up in style.

The party was held inside the Joint in the Hard Rock. Upon entering we could tell there was a definite pirate theme. That is because SOE was promoting their new game Pirates of the Burning Sea. Besides the girls dressed up as pirates there was pirate themed food and a special pirate themed drink, which I had quite a few of. There was also fire dancers, Sushi from Nobu, seafood, and an open bar.

The Joint is quite a large place so there was a lot of room inside, even though there were probably 200+ people inside. Even though there was a poker tournament where you could win a Sony Playstation 3 or $500 gift card to the Sony Style store, I decided not to play. For one I really don’t know how to play poker, and since there was a lot of room to move around I wanted to get some work done. Ashley decided to play poker though, she is a beginner at the game just like me. Besides our group from Envy some other people who attended SOE party were, Fatal1ty, Stephen Fung, Michael Kwan, Greg Morgan, David Lin, Paul Marini, Ramsom Koay (Themaltake), and Karen Thomas. The poker tournament was setup in 3 rounds, with the top 3 people from each table making it to round 2, the top person from round 2 would go onto the finals. Surprisingly Ashley made it to the seconds round, but was knocked out after that. Fatal1ty and Greg Morgan did make it to the final round, but both lost. Fatal1ty ended up second with Greg third.

This party had to be at the top of my CES parties list with Lite-On and AOC’s night of festivities. Everyone had a great time and I can’t wait for this party next year. It was really cool running into Fatal1ty again. I first met him back in 2002 at Million Man Lan, and then saw him 2 years ago at my first CES. It is cool that both of us started doing what we like to do and we are able to make a living doing it. Anyways here is a video and pictures from the party.

378 2008-01-19 23:53:59 2008-01-20 03:53:59 open open sony-online-entertainment-party publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267170007 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 18853 2008-01-21 19:41:59 2008-01-21 23:41:59 1 0 0 18814 2008-01-20 16:46:29 2008-01-20 20:46:29 1 0 0 18815 http://www.shawn-knight 2008-01-20 17:31:09 2008-01-20 21:31:09 1 0 0
The Pens Can Win Without Crosby Mon, 21 Jan 2008 21:49:40 +0000 As you all know I am a huge hockey fan. Living in Pittsburgh I am of course a Pittsburgh Penguins fan. Friday one of the worst things that could have happened to the Penguins did, Sidney Crosby got hurt, suffering a high ankle sprain. Usually in Hockey a high ankle sprain will take you out for at least a month or more. With the Penguins on a hot streak recently this was a killer. Sidney Crosby factors in close to 60% of the Penguins goals, so he is a big presence out there on the ice. After he was injured in the first period of the game on Friday the pens looked lost. With hardly any offense they lost 3-0.

They had a game the next night in Montreal. Without Crosby I though this game was going to be bad, but the Pens really stepped it up. All 4 lines were playing great and they were playing like they really wanted to win. Our 4th line ended up scoring first. Throughout the game the pens playing really tight defensively and they had some great offensive chances as well. The Canadiens goaltender Huet was playing great, it should have been 3-0 by the end of the game. Evgeni Malkin really stepped up as the leader of the team. He was making great plays and coming back defensively. He went end to end a few times, it was amazing to watch. With only 20 seconds left he scored an empty net goal to seal the victory. It was a great way to finish the game. Check out the highlights below…

Hopefully the Penguins will be able to play like that every night. They really showed that they have depth, let’s just hope that will last. ]]>
379 2008-01-21 17:49:40 2008-01-21 21:49:40 open open the-pens-can-win-without-crosby publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266983212 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:7:{i:1184238249;s:7:"retweet";i:1184073712;s:7:"retweet";i:1184058474;s:7:"retweet";i:1184041370;s:7:"retweet";i:1184031250;s:7:"retweet";i:1182102765;s:7:"retweet";i:1180876414;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 7 18874 2008-01-22 05:45:25 2008-01-22 09:45:25 1 18850 0 18850 2008-01-21 19:36:31 2008-01-21 23:36:31 1 0 0 18851 2008-01-21 19:39:00 2008-01-21 23:39:00 1 0 0
Vegas at Night Tue, 22 Jan 2008 13:51:36 +0000
Las Vegas is an amazing place, of course it is known for its hotels and casino’s, but it is also one of the United States fastest growing cities. I have been to Las Vegas 3 times and each was great, every year it seems like they are building something new. I have never flown into Las Vegas or flown out at night, usually our flights would be in the afternoon, but this year our flight was later in the day so we had the chance to see the strip at night from the air.

It had to be one of the most amazing things I had ever seen before. The strip is so bright and the entire city of Las Vegas looks like a circuit board with the strip bring like a central core. When you fly into Pittsburgh it is nothing like Las Vegas. Pittsburgh is very spread out and has a lot of hills so you do not get the circuit board effect. The picture above was taken with my iPhone so it is not that great, but I have included a video below, enjoy…

380 2008-01-22 09:51:36 2008-01-22 13:51:36 open open vegas-at-night publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267116671 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 18892 2008-01-22 13:47:54 2008-01-22 17:47:54 1 0 0 18894 2008-01-22 14:30:46 2008-01-22 18:30:46 1 0 0 18895 2008-01-22 15:26:11 2008-01-22 19:26:11 1 0 0 18889 2008-01-22 11:15:22 2008-01-22 15:15:22 1 0 0
CES Wrap Up Thu, 24 Jan 2008 00:01:05 +0000 my goals for this year is to take ThinkComputers to the next level and with that means a lot more work. So while at CES we tried to cover as much as we could as well as meet new companies and fit in a few parties. For those who haven’t been over to ThinkComputers in the past week or so here is what you’ve missed from CES…

CES Unveiled 2008
Digital Experience
Buffalo Technology
The Booth Babes
Microsoft ViewSonic
In Win
Lunch @ Piero’s
Zalman Cooler Master
Hewlett-Packard (HP)
The Sands Expo

As you can see there is a lot there so make sure you check out a few of the articles.]]>
381 2008-01-23 20:01:05 2008-01-24 00:01:05 open open ces-wrap-up publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267244326 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 18978 2008-01-24 22:18:59 2008-01-25 02:18:59 1 0 0 19000 2008-01-25 17:34:26 2008-01-25 21:34:26 1 0 0 18963 2008-01-24 07:57:43 2008-01-24 11:57:43 1 0 0
Arbitrage For Beginners Sat, 26 Jan 2008 18:13:49 +0000 Arbitrage is a word you probably have heard around the blogosphere. So what is it really? Wikipedia explains that arbitrage is the practice of taking advantage of a price differential between two or more markets. So basically you want to capitalize on the imbalance. Still don’t follow? Ok let’s make this easier, say you make a new hockey website with Google Ads on it. You buy an AdWords campaign with a limit of $25 a day to bring traffic to the site, at the end of the day you have made $50. So you are paying less per click for the traffic. So there is the imbalance right there. There are a few different types of arbitrage that I have tried and I will explain them to you below.

Adsense Arbitrage
This is probably the most popular type of arbitrage. It is just like I explained above, but you probably won’t turn out with a profit by making a hockey site. The thing about arbitrage sites is it is not about the content, these are sites that are made to make you money, not something you should care a lot about. So make the content quick and to the point, but whatever the content is make sure it has high paying keywords. Some arbitrage sites I have created are about sleeping pills, protein supplements, and of course male enhancement pills. These keywords pay very, very high! Also make sure your adsense units are very visible so people will click them. Now getting traffic to the site, you can either create an AdWords campaign or use other services like adengage to get traffic to the site. I have seen 2x to 8x profits from this type of arbitrage. Now you do have to watch as Google may ban you for doing this.

CPC & Commission Arbitrage
There are many advertising services that offer products some of them include Amazon, TTZ Media and Shopzilla. They will provide ads of specific products. You want to find a service that offers a set CPC rate like TTZ Media does. So think of a popular product, say an iPod. You make a site called iPod deals with a ton of TTZ Media ads. Just like with Adsense arbitrage you want to drive traffic to the site, once people go to the site you hope they click the ads and you get your set amount per click. You hope that you make more from the clicks than you are putting in for traffic.

With any type of arbitrage you are looking for a 50% click rate or higher. As you know your CTR depends on the placement of the ads, so make sure they are very visible. Also people who make a lot of money on arbitrage don’t even mess with low paying keywords, they want to make the most for the money they are spending on traffic. These people spend a large amount of money on traffic, because usually if you have a good keyword in arbitrage the more you spend the more you will make.]]>
382 2008-01-26 14:13:49 2008-01-26 18:13:49 open open arbitrage-for-beginners publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267268477 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 19702 2008-02-08 10:39:46 2008-02-08 14:39:46 1 0 0 19056 2008-01-27 14:20:02 2008-01-27 18:20:02 1 0 0 36963 2009-04-22 07:59:08 2009-04-22 11:59:08 1 0 0 36997 2009-04-26 02:17:08 2009-04-26 06:17:08 1 0 0 33477 2009-02-28 23:57:16 2009-03-01 03:57:16 penis enlargement pills’s last blog post..Pro Enhance Penis Enlargement Patch - Enlarge your penis today!]]> 1 0 0 34176 2009-03-16 15:00:44 2009-03-16 19:00:44 1 0 0 33616 2009-03-09 02:40:34 2009-03-09 06:40:34 1 0 0 33883 2009-03-13 13:03:42 2009-03-13 17:03:42 1 0 0
The CES 2008 Swag Sun, 27 Jan 2008 19:54:52 +0000
Almost every trade show you go to there will be some type of swag given away, usually its t-shirts and pens, but some companies go out of their way to have some really cool swag to make you remember them. This year at CES I did end up getting a good amount of swag, although I really did not try to get a lot of it. It is a pain to try to fit it all into your suitcase and a lot of it is junk really, I think I still have half of the swag I got last year sitting in my closet.

So what good did I get this year? Well AOC and Lite-On had some really good swag, they gave us a rolling bag with a ton of stuff in it. This was given to us at the Phantom of the Opera night out, it was not regular swag that was given out on the show floor. At the Sony Online Entertainment party everyone was given a grab bag with the game Pirates of the Burning sea and DVD on how they made the game. Also they gave out a ton of t-shirts there. It seems the bigger items were given out at parties, but I did manage to get some cool things on the show floor. My friends at Lenovo were nice enough to give me a watch and a 2GB flash drive. Besides that everything was the typical things you usually get at CES. The other bag in the picture is the press bag that is given out to all press.

I guess I should do a contest, besides the bags (which I am keeping) what is something from the picture above that you would like to see be given away. Just leave a comment below and whichever items get the most votes I will give away in a week or so. ]]>
383 2008-01-27 15:54:52 2008-01-27 19:54:52 open open the-ces-2008-swag publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267291338 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1564482158;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 19092 2008-01-28 16:31:46 2008-01-28 20:31:46 1 0 0 19095 2008-01-28 17:27:23 2008-01-28 21:27:23 1 0 0 19065 http://www.shawn-knight 2008-01-27 19:38:35 2008-01-27 23:38:35 1 0 0 19068 2008-01-27 20:15:51 2008-01-28 00:15:51 1 0 0 19096 2008-01-28 18:00:16 2008-01-28 22:00:16 1 0 0 19057 2008-01-27 16:06:56 2008-01-27 20:06:56 1 0 0 19060 2008-01-27 17:11:40 2008-01-27 21:11:40 1 0 0 19169 2008-01-30 02:34:49 2008-01-30 06:34:49 1 0 0 19211 2008-01-30 18:35:31 2008-01-30 22:35:31 1 0 0
Motivation From CES Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:48:49 +0000 Besides all of good times at the parties and events during CES the thing that I took away most from CES was motivation. I have been working on ThinkComputers since 2001 and I wouldn’t have imagined that it would be my full-time job that actually pays well and I enjoy doing. I proved to a lot of people that I could make ThinkComputers into a real business and I am proud of that. Now ThinkComputers is nowhere near where I want it to be as far as traffic and exposure, but it has grown a lot over this past year. At CES I realized that if I work hard good things will happen.

Name Recognition
Previous years at CES I would introduce myself to companies and they would have no clue what ThinkComputers even was. Now when I introduce myself they have heard of the site and know who we are and what we do. Also since we have been working with some companies for a few years now you don’t even have to introduce yourself to them, they come over and say hi to you. These companies deal with tons of press and customers and it is nice that they know who you are and take the time out to talk to you.

Doing What You Like To Do
My last few years of high school and when I was in college I always thought, “wouldn’t it be great if I could do this for a living”, and of course now I am doing that. When I was growing up I was always watching tech shows on TV. Shows like The Screen Savers and Fresh Gear bring back good memories. I always enjoyed those shows and now I am doing what they do, and I even see some of those people at the events I am at. Patrick Norton (The Screen Savers, now Tekzilla) and Jim Louderback (Fresh Gear, now CEO of Revision3) were both at the PC Race for Charity this year. It is really cool being in the same industry with people you were watching on TV growing up.

Wine and Dinned During CES there are a lot of parties, but many companies take their clients out showing them appreciation for what they have done for them. This year at CES we were taken out by Lite-On and AOC to go see Phanton of the Opera then to the amazing restaurant Zeffirino. It was a great night and one of the most memorable nights from CES this year. It is nice that companies will take you out to show their appreciation for your work.

What Could Be
Each year at CES you meet new people and there are always good conversations. Most tech site owners that I have met are great people and even if their site is huge. A lot of the guys this year were giving me tips and how to improve on things. Also they were telling me about companies flying them out to product launches and things like that. It was cool to get the advice from my peers and also to hear what companies will do for you when you reach that level.

CES is always a great trip and if there is anything I bring out of it, it is motivation to keep on working hard. I can see how successful people are at what they are doing and it motivates me to work even hard to get to that level and beyond. ]]>
384 2008-01-29 04:48:49 2008-01-29 08:48:49 open open motivation-from-ces publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267124976 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1181262523;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 19168 2008-01-30 00:18:20 2008-01-30 04:18:20 1 0 0 19172 2008-01-30 03:07:43 2008-01-30 07:07:43 1 0 0 19170 2008-01-30 02:39:27 2008-01-30 06:39:27 1 0 0 19221 2008-01-31 00:17:32 2008-01-31 04:17:32 1 19195 0 19231 2008-01-31 04:43:02 2008-01-31 08:43:02 1 0 0 19196 2008-01-30 14:29:50 2008-01-30 18:29:50 1 19172 1 19195 2008-01-30 14:29:34 2008-01-30 18:29:34 1 19168 1 19288 2008-02-01 04:28:20 2008-02-01 08:28:20 1 0 0 19549 2008-02-05 19:33:33 2008-02-05 23:33:33 1 0 0
Some Adsense Tips Wed, 30 Jan 2008 18:29:00 +0000 With affiliate marketing becoming so popular people are moving away from Google Adsense, but a lot of people are still dependent on it for income and I am one of those people. Since Google decided to screw us on the clickable area it has been harder and harder to make the money we used to. As I said affiliate marketing is very popular now so a lot of people are not talking about Adsense that much. Well since I still use it and I depend on it I will give you some tips that might increase your CTR and your income as a whole.

Blend Links In
If you are using in-content ads you should make the ads the same color as your links or text on your page. People will think that they are part of your page, not an ad. You can see what I mean here, as you can see we have the ad titles the same color as our links, people think these are actually part of the site, not an ad. Another good way to blend links in is on a sidebar. If you have a sidebar and add want to add some ads into it you should try to make them look like they are navigation links. The Link Units work great for this.

Make Ads Stand Out
Now I just said to make ads blend in, but there are times that you want ads to stand out. I very good example of this is a 728 x 90 or 468 x 60 ad on the top of a website. If have tried blending these in, but I had more success when I made them stand out. So when it comes to blending ads and making them stand out the general rule of thumb is if the ad is in the content blend it, if it is outside the content make it stand out. Also make sure you stay away from the default Ads style, by now a lot of people know that style and just seeing it they know it is an ad and won’t click on it.

Ad Sizes
A lot of people mess around with a lot of different ad sizes. When it comes to in content ads you want the biggest ad possible, so the user has the most options to pick from. For in content ads I usually use a 336 x 280 large rectangle or if space is limited I use a 300 x 250. These ads usually show 3-4 ads which gives the user more to choose from so they are likely to click at least one of the ads.

This is basically combining all of the tips above. If you integrate ads into your site well you will be successful. A lot of people just put up ads and expect to make money, that’s not how it works. You also don’t want to plaster ads all over your site. More ads does not always mean more money.

I have explained above what works for me, but it might not always work for you. If you are not happy with your CTR then change your ad colors, or move the ad completely. Make sure you test different ad placements and ad colors. Try the ad at one color for a week and then the next week try it with another color. If you see a big difference in CTR and income go with the color that performed best. Also after a while you might want to change up your ads because the people who frequent your site know what color the ads are by now, so if you change it up they are more likely to click on the ads. Adsense is all about tweaking.]]>
385 2008-01-30 14:29:00 2008-01-30 18:29:00 open open some-adsense-tips publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267263807 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 19208 2008-01-30 17:52:52 2008-01-30 21:52:52 1 0 0 19255 2008-01-31 17:19:37 2008-01-31 21:19:37 1 0 0 19293 2008-02-01 06:33:06 2008-02-01 10:33:06 1 0 0 19244 2008-01-31 12:30:12 2008-01-31 16:30:12 1 0 0 19429 2008-02-03 18:01:21 2008-02-03 22:01:21 1 0 0 19287 2008-02-01 04:18:16 2008-02-01 08:18:16 1 0 0
Advertise Sat, 02 Feb 2008 01:31:40 +0000 Advertise On is a great resource for people who are new to starting websites and making money online. This site is targeted to tech site owners, internet entrepreneurs, investors, and people who just want to learn more about the internet and making money online.

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The 300 x 250 ad is embedded onto the first 4 post on the front page. The ad also appears on the first 2 post on the full RSS feed. There are only 4 rotations available. You can purchase as many rotations as you want, buy all 4 and your banner gets full exposure. The price for this banner is $20 per rotation.

If you are interested in securing a 300 x 250 ad placement email the banner to and pay using the payment link below.

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125 x 125 Side Ad Sponsorship
The 125 x 125 ad appears on every page of the site, under Blog Sponsors. There are only 4 spots available at this time. Price for this ad placement is $15 The banner can be any type of media except for flash. If you are interested in securing a 125 x 125 ad sponsorship email the ad to and pay using the payment link below.

Buy a 125 x 125 Ad

386 2008-02-01 21:31:40 2008-02-02 01:31:40 closed closed advertise publish 0 0 page 0 _wp_page_template default tweetbackscheck 1267262495 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:35:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1952647850;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1
Advertising Now Available Sat, 02 Feb 2008 02:23:17 +0000 If you have been reading this blog for a while you may have noticed that we been running on mostly third-party ads, but now we are offering advertising for anyone. With a lot of good posts coming up and RSS subscribers increasing I though it would be a great idea to offer private advertising. Pricing is very reasonable and we have 3 available positions. The first is the 468 x 60 that you see at the top of every post. Second is the 300 x 250 ad in the first 4 posts on the front page. Finally the biggest change to the blog is the 4 125 x 125 ad spots to the right.

You can get all of the prices and you can pay directly from the advertising page. We are running ad software so you will be able to track impressions and clicks. We can even have the system e-mail you weekly stats. Please let me know what you think of the ad placements and if you have any suggestions.

Head on over to the advertising page to for more information on the ad placements and to get prices. ]]>
387 2008-02-01 22:23:17 2008-02-02 02:23:17 open open advertising-now-available publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267120053 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1276033853;s:7:"retweet";i:1205406430;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 19395 2008-02-02 23:54:34 2008-02-03 03:54:34 1 19361 0 19396 2008-02-02 23:57:25 2008-02-03 03:57:25 1 19322 0 19321 2008-02-01 22:45:43 2008-02-02 02:45:43 1 0 0 19322 2008-02-01 22:46:42 2008-02-02 02:46:42 1 19321 1 19361 2008-02-02 09:45:40 2008-02-02 13:45:40 1 0 0 19338 2008-02-02 02:42:08 2008-02-02 06:42:08 1 19331 1 19428 2008-02-03 18:00:20 2008-02-03 22:00:20 1 0 0 19331 2008-02-02 01:18:57 2008-02-02 05:18:57 1 0 0 19335 2008-02-02 01:49:14 2008-02-02 05:49:14 1 19331 0 19687 2008-02-08 04:23:48 2008-02-08 08:23:48 1 0 0
Microsoft Offers Yahoo $44.6 Billion!?! Sat, 02 Feb 2008 14:00:16 +0000 You may not think that I follow stocks that much, mainly because I never really talk about them on the blog, but I do follow the big players, Google, Apple, Yahoo, Sony, Microsoft etc. Things haven’t been looking good at all for Yahoo. Their Q4 earnings were down 23 percent and their stock has been going down since November. Yahoo also announced that they would be laying off 1000 employees to restructure the company. I know there have been talks before about Microsoft acquiring Yahoo, but with all of the recent troubles Yahoo has been in it seems it was a perfect time for Microsoft to put out an offer before it’s too late to save Yahoo. The offer went out January 31st for a whopping 44.6 Billion. Here is my take on the offer…

Honestly I think it would be great of Microsoft acquires Yahoo. Microsoft’s adCenter and Yahoo’s Publisher Network are really not any competition for Google Adsense, but if you combine the two there could be something there. Adsense has no competition, they have already screwed us and just recently they have lowered affiliate payouts and commission payouts on their products. You would not see these things happening if there was someone out there to compete with them. If Google and Yahoo do combine and make a decent ad serving platform it will be interesting to see how well it performs.

It will also be interesting to see if Microsoft would combine with the Yahoo home page or keep them separated. There are so many other things to consider when you think about the deal, but we won’t go into that. The 44.6 Billion that was offered was $11 more per share than what the stock was at yesterday ($19), but it looks like it will likely open today at around $28. Of course the stock is up because of the offer, but that puts Microsoft’s offer almost on par.

If Microsoft does acquire Yahoo it will be one of the biggest deals of our time. If you want to see Microsoft's letter to the Yahoo board you can check it out here. It will be very interesting to see how this all pans out, what are your thoughts?]]>
388 2008-02-02 10:00:16 2008-02-02 14:00:16 open open microsoft-offers-yahoo-446-billion publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961504 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:65:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 19388 2008-02-02 20:47:03 2008-02-03 00:47:03 1 0 0 19447 2008-02-04 03:30:23 2008-02-04 07:30:23 1 0 0 19382 2008-02-02 18:29:23 2008-02-02 22:29:23 1 0 0 19449 http://www.male-pattern-baldness.htm 2008-02-04 03:33:13 2008-02-04 07:33:13 1 0 0 19514 2008-02-05 07:25:15 2008-02-05 11:25:15 1 0 0 19518 2008-02-05 09:44:16 2008-02-05 13:44:16 1 0 0 19548 2008-02-05 19:32:46 2008-02-05 23:32:46 1 0 0
Super Bowl Thoughts Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:28:03 +0000 I’m not really a football fan, I mean I can sit and enjoy a game on TV, but I’m not a die-hard fan. Even though I rarely watch football I had to watch the Super Bowl, it is the biggest football game all year so it is going to be a great game and of course there are always great commercials. The game started out slow with both teams getting a feel for the game. It sort of picked up in second half, but it really got interesting in the 4th quarter. The Giants took a 3 point lead with only 35 seconds left. If the patriots got a good return and completed 1 or 2 passes they would be in field goal range, but they were unable to do it. I didn’t follow football at all this year, but since the Patriots were undefeated so I was rooting for them, wish they could have had their perfect season, oh well.

The half-time show was horrible this year, I didn’t think it could have got any worse than The Rolling Stones (2006) or Prince (2007), but c’mon Tom Petty. I wanted to turn off my TV, nothing is worse then someone sounding horrible trying to sing their own song that was popular over a decade ago. I mean Paul McCartney’s 2005 show was decent, at least he sounded good. Ever since the “wardrobe malfunction” of 2004 the half time shows have been pretty bad. My favorite half time show would have to be Super Bowl 35. It satisfied both young and old crowds and had all headliners.

Ok now for the commercials, the real reason I watch the game. First off I was really disappointed in the GoDaddy commercial, it basically told you to go to their website to see Danica Patrick’s “Exposure” ad, which was stupid as hell. They would have been better off playing the directors cut of the “White Light” ad, oh well. Next what’s up with the SalesGenie commercials, c’mon just a little racist? Ok so the first commercial that really caught my attention was the Audi R8, they did a play on the Godfather. The car is just sick!

Another video that definitely caught everyone’s attention was the Victoria Secret commercial. It was perfectly placed towards the end of the game in the 4th quarter.

The Doritos commercial was cool because it was a contest. Doritos teamed with Interscope records to give away a record deal. Musicians from all over sent in their songs, but only 3 finalists were picked. In the end Kina Grannis won and her video was played as a commercial, talk about exposure. She was discovered on YouTube for her Digg video.

Ok so here it is, my favorite video out of them all, the PepsiMax “What is Love” ad. It was perfect, a total play on Night at the Roxberry, and almost anyone you know has seen that movie so people understood it. Ton’s of cameos in the video, even Chris Kattan.

You can check out all of the Super Bowl commercials at Myspace or for U.S. readers Hulu has an open section with all of the ads. ]]>
389 2008-02-04 09:28:03 2008-02-04 13:28:03 open open super-bowl-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267078546 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 19470 2008-02-04 13:03:33 2008-02-04 17:03:33 1 0 0 19513 2008-02-05 07:22:26 2008-02-05 11:22:26 1 0 0
The Super Bowl and Ads Tue, 05 Feb 2008 16:53:47 +0000 Since the Super Bowl I have talked to a lot of people about the commercials, hell its good conversation and its great to remember some of the better commercials, who could forget the Apple Ad of 1984. Anyways most of the people I talked to said advertisers pay way too much for the 30-second spot, but do they really? This year’s Super Bowl was the most watched in history with 97.5 million people tuning in to watch the game. Even more interesting a whopping 107.5 million people watched the last 30 minutes of the game. That beats the 106 million viewers that tuned into the last episode of M*A*S*H.

So why did so many people tune into the game? The last largest viewing audience since this year’s super bowl was in 1996, so what has changed since then? Easy HD TV’s, they are finally more affordable and if you have a nice TV you are going to watch more TV…simple as that. You are not going to go out to a sports bar and watch their big screen, when you have one in your living room.

Each 30-second spot cost $2.7 million and I would say the advertisers got what they paid for, and the ads that showed during the 4th quarter really made out. If I was considering advertising at the Super Bowl I was definitely pick a 4th quarter spot. Also the ads really benefited the websites that were advertised. received 1.5 million views during the game, and a total of 2 million for Sunday. Myspace’s Super Bowl ads page received 14.5 million views from Sunday to Monday afternoon. I would say that is worth the $2.7 million they paid for the ad. I wonder if prices will go up for next year. In total Fox took in $156 million for the 5 hour game. It takes Google 3 days to make that much money.

Anyways this ad from 1999’s Super Bowl is great!

390 2008-02-05 12:53:47 2008-02-05 16:53:47 open open the-super-bowl-and-ads publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267147870 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 19572 2008-02-06 01:44:37 2008-02-06 05:44:37 1 0 0 19537 2008-02-05 17:24:43 2008-02-05 21:24:43 1 0 0 19547 2008-02-05 19:31:40 2008-02-05 23:31:40 1 0 0
CES 2008 Swag Giveaway! Wed, 06 Feb 2008 21:03:47 +0000 Last Month I showed you all the free swag I got at CES. I have decided to give a good amount of it away! Like I said in the previous post I still have a lot of the stuff from CES 2007 so why not give away most of this stuff. There will only be 1 winner, they will win everything pictured above. Here is the prize list, Pirates of the Burning Sea PC Game, Pirates of the Burning Sea Bonus CD, CoolIT Beverage Cooler, Lenovo Watch, Lenovo 2GB flash drive, Thermaltake 512MB flash drive, Creative ear buds, Otterbox accessory kit, Jelly call mate, Alienware lanyard, screen cleaner, laser pointer, and sticker, and 4 pens.

There are 2 ways to enter the contest. The easiest way is to subscribe to my RSS feed via e-mail, that will get you 1 entry into the contest. You can also write a blog post about the contest linking back to the contest and having another link to You must have both links in the post, this will get you 2 entries. Once you make the post make sure you leave a comment on this post. So in total you can have 3 entries.

The contest will run for 3 weeks ending on February 27th. The contest is only open to residence in the US and Canada. If you have any questions please let me know. *Update* - I accidentally made the input for the ThinkComputers RSS, if you have subscribed before February 8th you will need to re-subscribe to the correct RSS Feed

Subscribe via E-mail:
391 2008-02-06 17:03:47 2008-02-06 21:03:47 open open ces-2008-swag-giveaway publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266961486 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20232 2008-02-26 23:33:07 2008-02-27 03:33:07 1 0 0 20185 2008-02-25 21:21:32 2008-02-26 01:21:32 1 0 0 20186 2008-02-25 21:21:53 2008-02-26 01:21:53 1 0 0 20254 2008-02-27 23:51:33 2008-02-28 03:51:33 1 0 0 19984 2008-02-14 16:50:47 2008-02-14 20:50:47 Linkage ] ]]> 1 0 0 20182 2008-02-25 18:36:25 2008-02-25 22:36:25 1 0 0 19628 2008-02-07 01:22:06 2008-02-07 05:22:06 1 0 0 20173 2008-02-25 09:07:41 2008-02-25 13:07:41 1 0 0 19703 2008-02-08 11:01:50 2008-02-08 15:01:50 1 19697 0 20219 2008-02-26 16:57:24 2008-02-26 20:57:24 1 0 0 20220 2008-02-26 17:04:38 2008-02-26 21:04:38 ! Good job on the contest Bob!]]> 1 0 0 20189 2008-02-25 22:49:03 2008-02-26 02:49:03 1 0 0 20230 2008-02-26 22:00:21 2008-02-27 02:00:21 1 0 0 20190 2008-02-25 23:17:19 2008-02-26 03:17:19 1 0 0 20191 2008-02-25 23:17:56 2008-02-26 03:17:56 1 0 0 19697 2008-02-08 07:37:36 2008-02-08 11:37:36 1 19651 1 19686 2008-02-08 04:22:06 2008-02-08 08:22:06 1 0 0 19616 2008-02-06 18:37:37 2008-02-06 22:37:37 1 0 0 19663 2008-02-07 15:19:31 2008-02-07 19:19:31 [Link] to post. And...subscribed to the RSS.]]> 1 0 0 20221 2008-02-26 17:04:59 2008-02-26 21:04:59 1 0 0 20233 2008-02-27 02:15:09 2008-02-27 06:15:09 1 0 0 19651 2008-02-07 12:14:58 2008-02-07 16:14:58 [Link] Also... Im subscribed to your RSS via gReader. Is that ok, or is subscription via email required?]]> 1 0 0 20240 2008-02-27 07:19:59 2008-02-27 11:19:59 1 0 0 20207 2008-02-26 12:11:26 2008-02-26 16:11:26 1 0 0 20224 2008-02-26 19:06:06 2008-02-26 23:06:06 1 0 0 20225 2008-02-26 19:41:21 2008-02-26 23:41:21 1 0 0 20162 2008-02-24 23:54:58 2008-02-25 03:54:58 1 0 0 20245 2008-02-27 14:11:41 2008-02-27 18:11:41 1 0 0 20252 2008-02-27 20:21:50 2008-02-28 00:21:50 1 0 0
Revver Looking To Sell Cheap Thu, 07 Feb 2008 19:38:30 +0000
Revver is a user-submitted video sharing platform much like YouTube. What sets it apart from YouTube is that they share revenue with their users. YouTube has revenue sharing, but only for select publishers. Revver on the other hard offers this to everyone. I really like the service and it gave me another avenue to make some extra money. Sometimes I make videos for this blog or for ThinkComputers so uploading them to Revver to make a few bucks is better than YouTube. I also think the Revver player looks good. You don’t just make money if someone watches the video on the Revver website, if you or anyone else embeds the video onto a website you make money whenever it gets played, not bad right?

I started using Revver back in December and I had no idea they were in trouble. The site was started in 2004, before user-submitted video was really even popular. By 2006 they had received over $12.7M in investments from such companies as Comcast Interactive and Turner Broadcasting. You would think with all that funding and good service (in my opinion) they would be doing alright, but I guess not.

It seems half the companies staff has left in the last 18 months and the Revver has a debt of around $1M. Last month it was reported that LiveUniverse, a network of entertainment sites owned by Myspace founder Brad Greenspan had agreed to acquire the site, but the deal never materialized. There were also talks with Microsoft’s Soapbox (MSN Video), but they didn’t bite. Revver is looking for a measly $300,000 to $500,000 with assumption of their $1M debt. With that low of a price I hope someone picks them up. I would hate to see the site die, I really love their rev share model and their player. Here is one of my Revver videos.

392 2008-02-07 15:38:30 2008-02-07 19:38:30 open open revver-looking-to-sell-cheap publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917637 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20002 2008-02-15 09:37:54 2008-02-15 13:37:54 1 0 0 19684 2008-02-08 04:11:55 2008-02-08 08:11:55 1 0 0 19666 2008-02-07 16:46:45 2008-02-07 20:46:45 1 0 0
ThinkComputers and Thermaltake Giveaway Sat, 09 Feb 2008 23:40:14 +0000
It seems like it is the time for contests and giveaways. I am giving away some CES Swag and there are a lot of other contests going around the blogosphere. I wanted to let everyone know about a contest we have going on over at ThinkComputers. We have teamed with Thermaltake to give away over $450 worth of computer gear. Up for grabs is a Thermaltake Armor Case, Thermaltake Toughpower 850W power supply and a Thermaltake V1 CPU cooler.

This contest is not like other contests, we are doing it on the ThinkComputers Forums. In order to even be in the contest you need to be a registered forum member. Registration on the forums is free, you can signup here. Ok so how do you qualify for the giveaway? First you need to reply to the giveaway thread then just post, it’s that simple. Users with 10 posts will qualify for the V1 CPU cooler, users with 20 posts will qualify for the Armor Case, and users with 25 posts or more will qualify for the Toughpower 850W power supply. Remember if you have more than 25 posts you qualify for all 3 prizes.

The contest is running till March 2nd. It is open to all residence in the US and Canada. You can check out the contest page here or the contest thread on the forums. Good luck to anyone that enters. ]]>
393 2008-02-09 19:40:14 2008-02-09 23:40:14 open open thinkcomputers-and-thermaltake-giveaway publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267126320 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:70:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 19777 2008-02-10 08:10:21 2008-02-10 12:10:21 1 0 0 19770 2008-02-10 04:15:20 2008-02-10 08:15:20 1 0 0 22780 2008-04-25 11:33:20 2008-04-25 15:33:20 1 0 0
Lunch at Sushi Tomo Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:00:22 +0000
Over the past year I’ve gotten a real appreciation for Japanese food. I had my first Sushi back in 2006, but never really started eating it on a constant basis till about 4 months ago. After having amazing Sushi in Las Vegas from Social House and Nobu Ashley and I needed to find some good Sushi in Pittsburgh. We would normally go to Dynasty or Ichiban, where the Sushi was decent, but nothing to rave about. So last week I went into Google maps, went to Pittsburgh then searched for sushi. To my surprise there was a sushi place quite close, right on Mcknight road, called Sushi Tomo.

Pulling up to the place it was very small, but as John always says when it comes to these types of places the little ones are always the best. Once we were inside everyone greeted us and we sat down. Looking around the place was not that big inside, maybe 25 seats? We looked at the menu and for such a small place they had quiet a large menu. It was filled with tons of different sushi choices as well as traditional Japanese dishes. After looking at the menu we decided on some shrimp fried rice to start with. We decided on it because it was a safe choice since it was our first time at Sushi Tomo.

The fried rice came out steaming hot and after the first few bites I realized this was the best fried rice that I’ve ever had. The taste was amazing, nothing like any other fried rice that I’ve had before. The shrimp was cooked perfectly and the egg was cut so thin. I would go to Sushi Tomo just for the fried rice. For sushi Ashley got an order of the California rolls and an order or shrimp tempura rolls. I went with 2 orders of shrimp tempura rolls, like I said just before, to be safe since it was our first time. I fell in love with shrimp tempura rolls at Social House in Las Vegas. The rolls, while not as good as the ones at Social House, were extremely good. Both the California rolls and Shrimp tempura rolls were great, better than any other place in Pittsburgh that we have tried. Lunch for the both of us came to around $40 with tip. We have gone back twice already.

394 2008-02-11 10:00:22 2008-02-11 14:00:22 open open lunch-at-sushi-tomo publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267085271 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 19853 2008-02-11 23:31:59 2008-02-12 03:31:59 1 19843 0 19975 2008-02-14 04:25:59 2008-02-14 08:25:59 1 0 0 19835 2008-02-11 18:07:07 2008-02-11 22:07:07 1 0 0 19843 2008-02-11 21:25:04 2008-02-12 01:25:04 1 0 0 21284 2008-03-20 23:43:36 2008-03-21 03:43:36 1 0 0 19955 2008-02-13 18:40:36 2008-02-13 22:40:36 1 0 0 20016 2008-02-16 03:27:13 2008-02-16 07:27:13 1 0 0 19897 2008-02-12 13:51:26 2008-02-12 17:51:26 1 19860 0 19857 2008-02-12 01:54:49 2008-02-12 05:54:49 1 0 0 19860 2008-02-12 02:25:22 2008-02-12 06:25:22 1 19857 0 19861 2008-02-12 02:25:50 2008-02-12 06:25:50 1 19857 0 19855 2008-02-12 00:52:04 2008-02-12 04:52:04 1 0 0 24120 2008-06-06 19:16:39 2008-06-06 23:16:39 1 0 0
Yahoo Turns Down Microsoft Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:25:44 +0000 Well this was not the best news to me. I had really hoped if Microsoft and Yahoo joined forces a lot of good would come of it, especially in the online advertising market. As I said Yahoo’s Publisher Network and Microsoft’s AdCenter don’t even compare to Google Adsense, but if they were combined, there could at least have been some competition there. On Monday Yahoo’s Board of directors said that the 44.6 billion dollar offer substantially undervalues Yahoo. But does it really? As I said their Q4 earning has been down 23 percent and their stock has been going down since November.

By the end of the day Monday Microsoft had sent a response to Yahoo saying that a Microsoft-Yahoo combination would create a more effective company that would provide greater value and service to its customers. A lot of stories are coming up that Yahoo does not want to sell it all, and never did. Yahoo’s CEO Jerry Yang is said to have reassigned hundreds of employees 4 month ago, to make Yahoo more relevant. Some of the plans are to rethink Yahoo’s homepage, consolidate Yahoo’s social networks, open up Yahoo to third parties (like Facebook), and revamping Yahoo’s network infrastructure. It seems the Microsoft bid came at the wrong time as these things had not been achieved yet. But even if they are achieved well they make Yahoo worth the $40 a share (nearly $60 billion) they want?

It seems this week will be a crazy week for Yahoo. Layoffs have already started and from the looks of things it is not going good. Among the no-names let go there was someone you might have heard of. Yahoo has let go their VP of marketing for their search-ads business, Todd Daum. Also people are saying that instead of the normal 3 months severance pay they are only getting 2 months. No word of if this is true or not. If you are a Yahoo employee best of luck to you this week.]]>
395 2008-02-13 11:25:44 2008-02-13 15:25:44 open open yahoo-turns-down-microsoft publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267279649 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 19953 2008-02-13 18:15:59 2008-02-13 22:15:59 1 0 0 19958 2008-02-13 19:34:32 2008-02-13 23:34:32 1 19953 0
Getting People to take you Seriously Thu, 14 Feb 2008 16:15:13 +0000 If you are starting any new type of business and you are dealing with customers or other businesses sometimes it can be hard for them to take you seriously, especially if you are starting an online business. This happened to me when I first started ThinkComputers. I was about 16-17 when I started the site and when I would ask for something to review most companies would see how old I was and say no. I wouldn’t let this discourage me though. Over the years I would get these companies to take me seriously. Here are some tips on doing that for any type of business.

Make Business Cards
This is a very inexpensive and easy way for you to show someone that you care about your business and it is not just some website. Anytime you are talking about your site you can give someone a business card. It is a great way to promote your website as well as let them know you are serious about it. I definitely take someone more seriously if they have a business card. VistaPrint has a great deal, giving away 250 free business cards. If money is tight you should definitely check it out.

Get a Business Address
This does cost some money, but really not that much. Places like your post office and UPS store have mailboxes that you can put in a business name. So if anyone is sending you products they send it to your business name rather than you yourself. Even though the mail is going to the post office or UPS store the sender thinks that it is going to a business, not your house. If they think you have a business office they will take your more seriously.

Prove it to them
When I started ThinkComputers we didn’t have any sponsors or anyone sending us products to review. For a long time we wrote articles, guides, and bought hardware to review. By doing this companies saw that we were serious about it and after a while they started to send us products. Even at the beginning some companies would only lend us products, we did not care because that helped us build a good relationship with that company. This also goes hand in hand with blogging, if you want people to take you seriously you need to keep your blog updated on a steady basis.

Go to Trade Shows
This is the most expensive thing on the list. ThinkComputers growth really started to happen after my first CES in 2006. Every time I’ve gone to CES it has really been worth it. You get to meet the companies you deal with face to face and by being there they know you are serious about your business. I mean you’re not going to spend around $1000 on a hotel for the week just to hang out. I’ve always made great contacts at CES and it is the one show that I always have to go to every year.]]>
396 2008-02-14 12:15:13 2008-02-14 16:15:13 open open getting-people-to-take-you-seriously publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267304039 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20044 2008-02-18 00:23:23 2008-02-18 04:23:23 1 0 0 20049 2008-02-18 13:51:40 2008-02-18 17:51:40 1 0 0 20008 2008-02-15 16:20:58 2008-02-15 20:20:58 1 0 0 20021 2008-02-16 07:35:37 2008-02-16 11:35:37 1 0 0 20015 2008-02-16 03:25:58 2008-02-16 07:25:58 1 0 0 20057 2008-02-19 05:17:12 2008-02-19 09:17:12 1 0 0
Checking Out Yahoo Live Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:34:51 +0000
As some of you know I sometimes lifecast on I really like the service, I’ve been with them since beta and they have really made a lot of improvements since that time. All of the chat features and video features are something that you won’t find with other services like this. I also have made a lot of friends on and because of that I don’t think I would ever move over to another service. Also is more of a community now, you have a profile where people can add you as a friend and leave comments etc. But earlier this month Yahoo Live was launched and I had to check it out.

Yahoo Live is the first live broadcasting service from a major company that I know of. All the others are small startups, so with the amount of money that Yahoo has to use on their projects I was excited to see what the service could offer. It is pretty easy getting setup, especially if you already have a Yahoo account. Just go to the Yahoo Live page, sign in, and then click on the Getting Started tab. From there you will be able to create your channel. Once you are in your channel you will see a small control panel in the bottom left. Here you can choose your video and sound settings. There are no advanced options you are able to just pick your camera and microphone. Once you have that setup you just hit the Go Live button and you are broadcasting.

The first thing that I noticed was the quality of the feed was not that great, especially compared to and other services. One thing that was really cool was if someone came into your channel and they were broadcasting their feed would come in at the bottom of the screen. You can be watching up to 4 different people. If there are more than 4 people broadcasting in your room you can drag and drop the feeds to be able to see who you want. I think that this feature is really cool, it allows you to see who is watching you and allows you to interact with them better. Yahoo Live also has chat, one thing that needs fixed is the front size. I think it should be a set size, I don’t want people in my room spamming in huge letters.

As a service I think that it is good, a lot better then the other services when they came out, but it still needs some work. I would like to see some advanced options for video and a better feed quality. Also as I said the chat text needs to be fixed. And I would like to see more of a community like So for right now I will be staying on, but in the future I might switch over to Yahoo Live.]]>
397 2008-02-16 12:34:51 2008-02-16 16:34:51 open open checking-out-yahoo-live publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298585 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20043 2008-02-17 23:39:44 2008-02-18 03:39:44 1 0 0 20030 2008-02-16 16:12:43 2008-02-16 20:12:43 1 0 0 20036 2008-02-17 04:33:55 2008-02-17 08:33:55 1 0 0 20056 2008-02-19 05:10:20 2008-02-19 09:10:20 1 0 0
A Busy Week Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:40:42 +0000 This week has been extremely busy for me. If you didn’t know I am moving this weekend. Ashley and I decided to move because it’s not worth wasting all the money on a townhouse when it is only the 2 of us. Also she wants to live closer to home. So after 2 full days of looking for places we found a great place, which is around $600 less a month then what we are paying now. Even better it is just about the same size living space, but on one floor. So that will save us on utilities too. The new place as has a balcony (something I have missed for a while) and a Jacuzzi tub. This place was the last place we looked at and I’m glad we did because it was so much better than all of the other places we looked at. The only thing we won’t have at the new place is a garage. Here is a floor plan of the new place.

Since we are moving this week has been very busy. Trying to get everything organized like movers, paperwork, utilities, etc. After I started packing I realized I have way to much stuff! Especially since we have moved every year for the past 3 years! We both really like this place so hopefully we will stay here for more than 1 year.

I’m not sure if I will be able to update the rest of the week, but keep in mind that the CES Swag contest is still going on and it will go until February 27th. It is really easy to enter, just subscribe to my RSS feed via e-mail:

Subscribe To RSS Via E-mail:

398 2008-02-21 13:40:42 2008-02-21 17:40:42 open open a-busy-week publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267068811 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20084 2008-02-21 16:19:04 2008-02-21 20:19:04 1 0 0 20181 2008-02-25 18:32:33 2008-02-25 22:32:33 1 0 0 20165 2008-02-25 03:27:33 2008-02-25 07:27:33 1 0 0 20082 2008-02-21 15:32:00 2008-02-21 19:32:00 1 0 0 20085 2008-02-21 17:25:56 2008-02-21 21:25:56 1 0 0 20086 2008-02-21 17:59:19 2008-02-21 21:59:19 1 20084 0 20087 2008-02-21 18:05:19 2008-02-21 22:05:19 1 0 0 20099 2008-02-22 02:56:17 2008-02-22 06:56:17 1 20087 0
Moved In…Sort Of Mon, 25 Feb 2008 16:21:11 +0000 Well like I said in my previous post Ashley and I moved into our new place this weekend. We signed the lease on Friday and moved some things in that day, but the big moving day was Saturday. We have a lot of large furniture so we hired movers, but they were not from a moving company. I got quotes from a lot of moving companies and they all were VERY expensive. My mom told me to look on craigslist, I did and found 2 guys that usually move pool tables, but he said they could do the job. He quoted me a price that was half of what I was going to pay for the regular movers. I was a bit worried at first, but the guys worked out great and actually cared about our stuff and were really nice guys. The one guy even went to school with my aunt.

After everything was moved in I was completely exhausted. We were moving from 11AM – 8PM on Friday and 8AM – 6PM on Saturday! I have way to much stuff, I really need to get rid of all this extra computer stuff that I don’t even use. Ashley and I spent the rest of Saturday and most of the day Sunday unpacking all of the boxing and organizing things. We still aren’t done yet! Mainly because I have been working on ThinkComputers. Most people wouldn’t even know that I have moved, we had 4 reviews last week and should have 4-5 this week. Only thing that I haven’t managed to get done is posting news on the site each day. Being able to get work done on ThinkComputers this week made me realize I can have good time management.

Like I said we are moved in, but a lot of things are still of place and need organized, but I wanted to show you some photos now so I can do a before and after sort of thing. The office and the bedroom are a mess, we haven’t even put together our bed yet! Also there are a ton of boxes of computer stuff in the office. We should have everything all cleaned up by the end of the week. The only room that is pretty much done is the living room. All I know is I’m not moving again in a long time! Enjoy the photos…

399 2008-02-25 12:21:11 2008-02-25 16:21:11 open open moved-in%e2%80%a6sort-of publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267173621 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1180919396;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 20216 2008-02-26 16:29:44 2008-02-26 20:29:44 1 0 0 20228 2008-02-26 20:38:35 2008-02-27 00:38:35 1 0 0 20196 2008-02-26 02:12:41 2008-02-26 06:12:41 1 0 0 20456 2008-03-03 22:47:56 2008-03-04 02:47:56 1 0 0
Last Day for the CES Swag Contest! Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:06:29 +0000
That’s right I will be picking a winner tomorrow, but to sweeten the deal I will be adding a few more things to the prize list. Since moving into my new place I realized I have way to much stuff, so why not give it away. I mean I have no use for it, so some of the swag that I was going to keep is going to be given away. I will let you all know tomorrow what the extra prizes are.

If you don’t know about the contest it is really easy to enter. There are 2 ways to enter the contest. The easiest way is to subscribe to my RSS feed via e-mail, that will get you 1 entry into the contest. You can also write a blog post about the contest linking back to the contest and having another link to You must have both links in the post, this will get you 2 entries. Once you make the post make sure you leave a comment on this post. So in total you can have 3 entries.

As I said I will announce the winner tomorrow! If you want to subscribe to my RSS feed via e-mail you can do so below.

Subscribe to RSS Via E-mail:

401 2008-02-26 13:06:29 2008-02-26 17:06:29 open open last-day-for-the-ces-swag-contest publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267130107 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20214 2008-02-26 16:13:43 2008-02-26 20:13:43 1 0 0 20222 2008-02-26 17:05:36 2008-02-26 21:05:36 1 0 0
CES Swag Contest Over Wed, 27 Feb 2008 16:30:18 +0000
Well the CES Swag Contest is over and I have e-mailed the winner. If they do not reply to my e-mail within 5 days I will pick another winner. I think that the contest went very well and I want to thank everyone for participating. Pictured above are the extra items that I threw in. Since a lot of people commented saying that they liked pirates so I added in a Pirates of the Burning Sea T-shirt and I also added in another t-shirt and a Samsung flash drive. The main reason I did the contest was to increase my RSS subscribers. My goal was to get over 200 and up until the last 2 days we were looming around 180 so I wasn’t sure if it would make it over 200, but yesterday we had 209 and today we have 229! So the contest was a success in my eyes.

If you are wondering how I came up with the winner I did it in excel. It was easiest done this way since you can export your RSS by e-mail subscribers into an excel sheet. Once I did that I added the people who made blog posts about the contest. Then I had to create a custom function to randomly select an e-mail from the list of e-mails. If you want to know how to create a custom function you can do so here. The random selection function I used can be seen here. It was actually easier than I thought it would be, I really didn’t want to have to write out all of the e-mails into a script or something like that.

If you did not win the contest don’t worry we will be running a contest in March. Not to give anything away but it will be an accessory for a product that most of you probably have. The contest will probably be run the same way. Congrats to this months winner!

402 2008-02-27 12:30:18 2008-02-27 16:30:18 open open ces-swag-contest-over publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267127846 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20261 2008-02-28 00:40:09 2008-02-28 04:40:09 1 0 0 20431 2008-03-03 05:21:55 2008-03-03 09:21:55 1 0 0
Starting Your Day off Right Fri, 29 Feb 2008 19:16:03 +0000 Some people are morning people and some are not, but even if you are not a morning person you should start off your day right. If you have a slow start then you will end up getting less done and you will feel like crap too. I do a good amount of my work in the morning so if I’m barely awake I will end up being less productive and usually I will make mistakes and have to go back to correct them. That is why starting off my day right is very important to me.

Take a Shower
I usually jump in the shower as soon as I get up. It is a great way to wake yourself up. Before I would wake up, do some work, then get in the shower. But like I said I would end up being less productive. Now that I jump right in the shower I am wide awake when I sit down at the computer.

Eat Something
This is very important, your body will slow down if you don’t eat. I usually eat cereal or if I have time I will make some eggs. Most people just opt for coffee in the morning, but caffeine will only take you so far. Try to eat something in the morning even if its just some fruit or a breakfast bar, these should hold you over till lunch time. Sometimes I flip flop eating and taking a shower depending on how I feel.

You have to get your blood moving in the morning, now I’m not saying to do a full working but a few quick exercises will wake your body up and get you moving. And usually after doing the exercises you will feel a lot better too.

Get Out
If you are like me you spend a lot of time on your computer stuck at home or in an office. If you get any chance to get out before you go into work it really helps. I try to take a run around the block or something similar. I don’t know if it is the fresh air outside, but it really helps.

Starting your day off right will really help you to be more productive and will make it easier for you to get through the day. ]]>
403 2008-02-29 15:16:03 2008-02-29 19:16:03 open open starting-your-day-off-right publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267253617 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20366 2008-03-01 12:08:06 2008-03-01 16:08:06 1 0 0 20430 2008-03-03 05:19:03 2008-03-03 09:19:03 1 0 0 20480 2008-03-04 20:19:12 2008-03-05 00:19:12 1 0 0 20455 2008-03-03 22:46:16 2008-03-04 02:46:16 1 0 0
The First Dollar Mon, 03 Mar 2008 15:00:22 +0000 Everyone knows the tradition, frame your first dollar. A lot of times you see them hanging in local restaurants etc. In the online world there is no such thing since we get paid via check or direct deposit, but it is funny to think about making that first little bit of money online. I’ve only really started making a living online a few years ago, before that it was little by little. So let’s take a stroll down memory lane and see the different ways I made money online before making money online was so popular.

I think the first bit of money I made online was with AllAdvantage. If you don’t know what AllAdvantage was it was a program that you installed on your computer and it would display ads on the bottom of your screen while your surfed the internet. It was a lot like AGLOCO, but you actually got paid. Since I was on the computer most of the time when I was in highschool it was easy money to me. I remember getting my first check for $25, I was really surprised that I got paid for just surfing the web. AllAdvantage did not last long, only from 1999 – 2001.

After AllAdvantage I started selling computers on Ebay, back then computers were expensive and not that many people knew how to build them, or knew about Newegg. I was able to buy parts cheap on Newegg and build a system and put it on Ebay for $200-$300 more than what I paid and was able to turn a profit. It was not the easiest thing to do, but it gave me extra cash. Now you can buy computers so cheap it is not even worth trying to build custom PC’s. I also sold custom computers to people around the neighborhood.

ThinkComputers actually did make some money before I really took it seriously. KDS actually bought an ad on the site for $1000 for one month! That is actually a lot, even by today’s standards. Back then we were one of a handful of sites doing hardware reviews. Like I said I never took ThinkComputers seriously up until a few years ago. So what did I do with the $1000? I gave $500 to the guy that was helping me do reviews and I took the other $500 and bought a new digital camera, which actually really helped out ThinkComputers a lot.

My last year of high school and my first few years of college I did not have a whole lot of time on my hands between working a regular job and going to school. So it was not like I could spend a lot of time online trying to make money. I did however find a survey program that would pay $5 per survey, which isn’t a lot, but if you do a few a week it is easy extra cash. One thing that was really cool about this survey program is that they would actually send you products and then you would take the survey on them. A lot of it was food too, so I would get like “no name” chips and pop and get to try them out etc.

While in college John Chow told me about Google Adsense and that lead me to learning about making money online the easier way. So now I spend most of my time working on ThinkComputers and this blog. ]]>
405 2008-03-03 11:00:22 2008-03-03 15:00:22 open open the-first-dollar publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266732111 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20483 2008-03-04 21:31:14 2008-03-05 01:31:14 1 0 0 20454 2008-03-03 22:43:59 2008-03-04 02:43:59 1 0 0 21086 2008-03-16 22:38:50 2008-03-17 02:38:50 1 0 0
Delegate Tasks, Become More Productive Tue, 04 Mar 2008 18:49:05 +0000 When you start your own business you think that you have to do everything yourself. You want your business to succeed so you become a perfectionist and want everything done correctly and the way that you want it. Now this is ok, but a lot of tasks can be delegated to others. If you put too much on yourself you will end up getting stressed out and burnt out. This had happened to me a few times and that is why I delegate tasks to others so I am able to be more productive.

Start out Small
If you are like me you have a large list of daily tasks to do. Take a look at that list and pick out the smaller tasks that are easy and anyone can do. For me some of the easier things to do are posting news on ThinkComputers. That takes up about 30 minutes of my day and if I can eliminate it by delegating it to someone else I will. Small tasks are good to start with because they are easy for others to learn.

What Stresses You Out?
No everyone loves what they do, I know there are things that I have to do everyday that I wish that I didn’t have to do. Something you hate can be something that someone else loves to do. For example I really do no like doing motherboard reviews. They are just long and drawn out and all the tests that are required really take a long time. But I need to do motherboard reviews because they do really good traffic, which translates into money. Well one of my staff writers Frank loves doing motherboard reviews. He had no problem taking over the motherboard reviewer position from me.

Make sure they get something out of it
I’m not one to delegate a ton of work to someone and that person gets nothing out of it. I mean people are not going to work for you if they are not getting anything out of it. All of my reviewers on ThinkComputers get to keep the products they review. So in Frank’s case he gets to keep the motherboards he reviews, no bad right? In the blogging world this also follows suit, many bloggers allow guest bloggers to link back to their own blogs. This gets the guest blogger some traffic and makes it easier for the other blogger as he does not have to write posts everyday.

Make Sure You Stay Involved
If you have a good brand it should be easy to delegate tasks to other people, but you don’t want everyone else doing all of the work. In the case of a blog you don’t want all of the posts being written by other people. Most people come to your blog to read about what you have to say. I mean guest posts are good and interesting, but they want to hear what you have to say. If you are only posting 1 or 2 posts a month and the rest are guest posts people might find a new blog to check out. With ThinkComputers I stay involved by still doing reviews and dealing with all PR matters. I also post all news on the site to see what is going on in the computer hardware world.

Don’t Be Afraid
A lot of people are afraid to delegate tasks to others because they are afraid that someone else will not do a good job or will mess something up. The only thing I can say to that is give the person a chance.

If you have too much on your plate try to delegate some tasks to other people. You will be surprised at how much more productive you will become.]]>
406 2008-03-04 14:49:05 2008-03-04 18:49:05 open open delegate-tasks-become-more-productive publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1264919922 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:68:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1662816267;s:7:"retweet";s:10:"2575585020";s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 20486 2008-03-04 23:19:01 2008-03-05 03:19:01 1 0 0 20687 2008-03-09 22:07:55 2008-03-10 02:07:55 1 0 0
Social Networks and their Importance Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:18:30 +0000 Social Networks, some people hate them, some people love them, and some people just don’t care. I in fact I use a bunch of different social networks and I noted in a previous post. Now I do use these social networks for personal use (keeping up with friends, meeting new people, etc), but I also use them to promote my websites and other things. Even if you hate social networks you can use them to your advantage.

This is one of the easier ways to promote your business with social networks and almost all of them have groups. You can create a group (check out ThinkComputers FaceBook group) easily on any social network and that gives you another outlet to gain readers. On most group pages you are able to add links, pictures, etc. You are also able to send out a message to all the members of the group. So if you need to promote something it is that simple.

I know that Myspace has this feature, I am not sure what other social networks have it, but basically it is a message that is sent out to all of your friends. So if you have a lot of friends this can become very powerful. Ashley has around 60,000 friends on Myspace, that is something that she can really take to her advantage to promote her sites. People even have offered to pay her to send bulletins for them. You have to watch out with bulletins though, some people see them as spam.

A lot of people may not have thought of this but you can take comments to your advantage too, especially picture comments. One great way without people seeing it as spam is that make a graphic saying “Have a Great Weekend” with your website logo in it somewhere. Then post it as a comment linking back to your website. You can also make a graphic that links back to something that you are trying to promote.

Twitter, Pownce, etc
Many people do not consider these social networks, but they can be very powerful. I have both a Twitter and a Pownce account. If you do not know what these are they are a service that basically is an update service, you have to check them out to see what I mean. I use both services to promote ThinkComputers, this blog, and just let people know what I’m up to. People like Jason Calacanis and Robert Scoble use these services to promote things that they are doing.

Digg,, etc
If you don’t know these types of social networks can be VERY powerful. Just look at the difference in revenue when ThinkComputers got dugg. Anyone knows if you make it to the front page of Digg you will be sending a ton of traffic to your website, just make sure it does not crash and you have good ad placement so you can capitalize on all of the traffic.

As I always say any traffic is good and social networks are a great way to bring extra traffic to your website. Even if you hate them you should take advantage of what they can do for your business. ]]>
407 2008-03-05 15:18:30 2008-03-05 19:18:30 open open social-networks-and-their-importance publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267036482 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1959110938;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 20565 2008-03-06 19:43:49 2008-03-06 23:43:49 1 0 0
Griffin iTrip Auto Contest Fri, 07 Mar 2008 22:19:52 +0000
As I said when the CES Swag contest was over there would be another contest and here it is! I said I would be giving something away that is an accessory to something that most of you probably have, and I assume most of you have an iPod, new or old. I reviewed the iTrip Auto a while ago on ThinkComputers and they actually sent me 2, so why not give the extra one away! So this is not the used iTrip Auto (that is still in my car), this is a brand new, never opened one. The iTrip Auto is a small FM transmitter and charger designed for any iPod that has a dock connector, although it does not work with the iPhone. It retails for about $35 online.

Just like the CES Swag contest there are 2 ways to enter the contest. The easiest is by subscribing to my RSS feed via e-mail. You can do that at the bottom of this post or on the side of the page. The second way, which will actually give you 2 entries into the contest, is to blog about the contest linking back to the contest and having a link to Only blog posts that link to both the contest and will be valid. Once you publish the post to your blog, post a comment or e-mail me to let me know it is online so I can add 2 entries for you. So in total you can have 3 entries into the contest.

The contest will run for 3 weeks and the winner will be randomly selected on Friday the 28th. The contest is only open to residents of the United States and Canada. If you have any questions please let me know.

Subscribe via E-mail:

How Contests Improve Readership
Contests are my way of giving something back to my readers. Sure I write some decent posts and some that are helpful to other people but that does not always keep people around. Contests are a great way to increase your readership and also give something back to the people that read your blog. Whether you do RSS, linkbacks, etc it always helps out your blog in one way or another. If you are stuck on RSS readers or the same amount of traffic try out a contest it will help! ]]>
408 2008-03-07 18:19:52 2008-03-07 22:19:52 open open griffin-itrip-auto-contest publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917594 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20609 2008-03-08 03:40:05 2008-03-08 07:40:05 1 0 0 20597 2008-03-07 19:22:35 2008-03-07 23:22:35 1 0 0
Sakkio Japan Sun, 09 Mar 2008 15:00:33 +0000
I don’t go to the mall that often, only when I need to get some clothes or pickup a new video game or something like that. I have lived in the North Hills area all of my life so the mall that I would always go to is Ross Park Mall. I’ve seen it go through a lot of changes, but for as long as I can remember Sakkio Japan has been there. I think every other place in the food court has changed at least 1 time if not more. I had not been to Sakkio Japan in a long time so I decided to get it again for a quick lunch while I was at the mall.

When most people think of Japanese food at the mall they think pre-cooked food in bins that you pick from. Sakkio Japan is totally different from that, you pick what you want and they cook it right in front of you. Sakkio Japan does not have a lot on their menu. From what I remember they have teriyaki vegetables, teriyaki chicken, teriyaki beef, and I believe you can add shrimp to any one of those. I ordered the teriyaki beef and added shrimp. With any order you can choose regular rice or fried rice, I got the fried rice. The total for that with a drink was around $8.

Just like all of the other times I have eaten at Sakkio Japan the food was great and filling. No wonder the place has been there forever! This tells you something about any business if you do something good and the right way you will always have customers. Also it is not often that you are at a mall and can get food cooked right in front of you. There are many Sakkio Japan's located in mall, stadiums, etc so if you see one check it out, you won’t be disappointed. ]]>
409 2008-03-09 11:00:33 2008-03-09 15:00:33 open open sakkio-japan publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917538 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:43:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 aktt_notify_twitter no 20766 2008-03-11 05:14:20 2008-03-11 09:14:20 1 0 0 20825 2008-03-12 05:44:40 2008-03-12 09:44:40 1 0 0 20744 2008-03-10 23:40:29 2008-03-11 03:40:29 1 0 0 20679 2008-03-09 18:48:15 2008-03-09 22:48:15 1 0 0 20688 2008-03-09 22:14:45 2008-03-10 02:14:45 1 0 0 20791 2008-03-11 15:05:53 2008-03-11 19:05:53 1 0 0 20882 2008-03-13 01:28:13 2008-03-13 05:28:13 1 20744 0
Get a Larger Monitor, Become more Productive Tue, 11 Mar 2008 18:40:36 +0000
I’ve always liked larger screens, I mean I work on my computer 6-8 hours a day so the more screen real estate I have the easier it is to get work done. Back when everyone had 17-inch CRT monitors I decided to go out and get a nice big Dell 20.1-inch widescreen LCD. Back then everyone looked at me like I was crazy, but now look the standard seems to be a 19-inch or 20-inch LCD.

I’ve always said that having more space makes you more productive, but now someone has proved it.

Working late? Blame your computer screen. A new study finds that bigger monitors make people more productive.

Researchers at the University of Utah tested how quickly people performed tasks like editing a document and copying numbers between spreadsheets while using different computer configurations: one with an 18-inch monitor, one with a 24-inch monitor and with two 20-inch monitors. Their finding: People using the 24-inch screen completed the tasks 52% faster than people who used the 18-inch monitor; people who used the two 20-inch monitors were 44% faster than those with the 18-inch ones. There is an upper limit, however: Productivity dropped off again when people used a 26-inch screen. (The order of the tasks and the order of computer configurations were assigned randomly.)

The study concluded that someone using a larger monitor could save 2.5 hours a day. But James Anderson, the professor in charge of the study, tells the Business Technology Blog to take that result with a grain of salt: It assumes that someone will work non-stop for eight hours, which no one will, and that the tasks they perform will all benefit from a larger screen, which isn't always the case. But things like moving data between files are ideally suited to bigger or multiple screens. Anderson, who uses a computer with two 20-inch screens and one 24-inch one, recommends that businesses take the time to match employees with the proper size screen based on job requirements.
Story from The Wall Street Journal

Right now I am using a Soyo 24-inch LCD (I finally let the Dell 20.1-inch go) and I have a smaller 20-inch screen that I use for instant messaging, twitter, pownce, and IRC. So I have all of my work on 1 screen and the 2nd screen is used for chatting etc. I really think that having a larger screen does make you more productive, which in turn makes you more money. ]]>
410 2008-03-11 14:40:36 2008-03-11 18:40:36 open open get-a-larger-monitor-become-more-productive publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264851 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:74:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 21057 2008-03-16 18:19:22 2008-03-16 22:19:22 1 0 0 21063 2008-03-16 19:38:42 2008-03-16 23:38:42 1 0 0 20795 2008-03-11 17:25:41 2008-03-11 21:25:41 1 0 0 20822 2008-03-12 05:07:32 2008-03-12 09:07:32 1 0 0 20824 2008-03-12 05:39:03 2008-03-12 09:39:03 1 0 0 20788 2008-03-11 14:52:47 2008-03-11 18:52:47 1 0 0 20814 2008-03-12 00:50:29 2008-03-12 04:50:29 1 0 0 20820 2008-03-12 03:30:29 2008-03-12 07:30:29 1 0 0
Don’t Tell Me How to Run My Business Wed, 12 Mar 2008 19:09:03 +0000 Sorry to my regular readers for this post it’s just something that I need to say. Last night I was going through my list of blogs I check out on a daily basis and I wanted to check out what one of my friends has been up to. Since he isn’t in my blog bookmarks I normally don’t check his site that often. Going to his site (which I’m not going to give him the pleasure of a link) the first post I see is one making fun of me because something I submitted did not make it to the front page of Digg. Looking down the page I see another post (screenshot) where he talks about how many ads are on ThinkComputers and how he does not visit the site because of this, and even goes further talking about how people who sustain themselves via the internet should brush up on their business skills. Now usually I would let something like this go, but this really got under my skin because this person has no clue what it is like to run a business.

A little background on Zach…he grew up in a privileged environment living in a very nice house and being given pretty much anything he wanted. After high school his parents of course paid for him to go to college and after that they even bought him a brand new car. Since we all know how hard it is to get a job with a college degree his parents hired him at their company and just so things were not hard on him they bought him his own condo.

First off yes ThinkComputers is ad-supported, but what site do you go to that isn’t? Internet advertising is a big business and people make a ton of money off of it. If you look at any of the reviews on the site it follows the typical hardware review site layout, info about the product, ad for where you can buy the product, and a large rectangle ad in the article itself. All of the other ads on the page are not in the article at all. I can name a ton of sites that have the same type of layout. If the ads were so bad on the site I don’t think that the 4-5k unique visitors the site gets a day would stay around. Even if Zach thinks there are too many ads on ThinkComputers that is not what really made me mad.

Zach goes on in his post to say, “If you are sustaining yourself via your blog, I highly suggest that you brush up on your business skills, go back to school and get a job because the bubble is going to burst on professional blogging.” Ok Zach tell that to someone like John Chow who made over $29,000 in February from just blogging. Brush up on business skills? Some people are lucky to be making $29,000 a year let alone in one month. There are a lot of examples of bloggers making more than a living from their blogs, but I don’t need to go into that here. Get a job Zach? Who wants a job where you have to work for someone else, have crappy hours, and not do what you like to do? I like making my own hours and being my own boss, not to mention my job is awesome.

Finally ThinkComputers is my business and I am proud of it. I’m sorry Zach that you do not know what it’s like to have to pay rent, pay back school loans, and have a car payment. At a young age my dad taught me that things are not given to you, you work for them (I’ve had a job since I was 13). He also taught me to appreciate the things that I have. I feel good knowing that where I am in life is because I worked hard at it, not because someone gave it to me.

I think Zach’s biggest problem is that he does not understand the internet business. This happens with a lot of people who do not work in this business. Many people do not like bloggers and people who work on the internet because they think we are lazy, when in actuality we probably work harder then they do. Sorry to disappoint you Zach, but ThinkComputers is a real job and for many people blogging is a real job, don’t try to tell people how to run their business or their lives when you have no clue what you are talking about.]]>
411 2008-03-12 15:09:03 2008-03-12 19:09:03 open open don%e2%80%99t-tell-me-how-to-run-my-business publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266047522 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:75:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 20871 2008-03-12 21:16:50 2008-03-13 01:16:50 1 20847 0 20869 2008-03-12 20:42:28 2008-03-13 00:42:28 1 20860 0 20857 2008-03-12 16:52:21 2008-03-12 20:52:21 1 0 0 20872 2008-03-12 22:03:29 2008-03-13 02:03:29 1 0 0 21053 2008-03-16 14:43:12 2008-03-16 18:43:12 1 0 0 20860 2008-03-12 17:58:41 2008-03-12 21:58:41 ignorance is bliss. Most people who don't make their living online just don't understand; these are the same people that celebrate when they get a tax refund. Back on topic, let Zach think whatever he wants. Like John said, if he really thinks that getting a job is the best business practice, he's obviously pretty ignorant. Back off topic, his condo is only worth $138,800? That doesn't even get you a closet in Vancouver! Maybe I need to move to PGH.]]> 1 20854 0 20843 2008-03-12 15:13:49 2008-03-12 19:13:49 1 0 0 20844 2008-03-12 15:19:49 2008-03-12 19:19:49 1 0 0 20845 2008-03-12 15:22:17 2008-03-12 19:22:17 1 0 0 20846 2008-03-12 15:24:58 2008-03-12 19:24:58 1 0 0 20847 2008-03-12 15:26:54 2008-03-12 19:26:54 1 0 0 20850 2008-03-12 15:46:29 2008-03-12 19:46:29 1 0 0 20854 2008-03-12 16:17:29 2008-03-12 20:17:29 1 0 0 20884 2008-03-13 02:14:11 2008-03-13 06:14:11 1 20860 0 20905 2008-03-13 11:39:01 2008-03-13 15:39:01 1 0 0 20908 2008-03-13 12:48:50 2008-03-13 16:48:50 1 0 0 20960 2008-03-14 15:45:19 2008-03-14 19:45:19 1 0 0 22662 2008-04-23 11:16:35 2008-04-23 15:16:35 1 0 0 38746 2009-08-11 10:25:15 2009-08-11 14:25:15 1 0 0
A Look at TTZ Media and Why I’m Successful with It Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:13:22 +0000
As most of you know TTZ Media is John Chow’s ad network. You have seen the ads on many of my sites including this one. So what is TTZ Media really? Well it is a network of sites that are affiliates with comparison shopping websites. These sites provide us with the product listings and we are able to offer the products to our readers. Out of all of my income sources TTZ Media makes up for most of my money. Many people do not believe me when I tell them that, but it is true. Read on to find out why and the benefits that TTZ Media offers.

Easy and Fast Registration
One thing that is really great about TTZ Media is that it is extremely easy to register. They do not require a whole lot of information, just the basics. Also you do not need to have a really popular website to get accepted. After you register in a few hours you should be approved. Most sites get approved the same day they register. Most ad networks make you wait a few days, even a week!

User Friendly Control Panel
The control panel on TTZ Media has a very Web 2.0 feel to it. On the main dashboard you have your performance stats for the current day, previous day, week, month, and current month. At the top there are links to everything else you need, the ad code generator, detailed stats, payment history, etc. Everything is easy to navigate and anyone should be accustomed to the control panel in a few minutes.

Ads Made Easy
The ad code generator is very easy to use. It has so many options and settings. First and one of the most important things is you are able to change the color of pretty much everything in the ad. This will allow you to match the ads to the color of your site for a better CTR. Another thing that TTZ Media offers that many comparison shopping networks do not is direct product selection. So if I’m reviewing a LCD monitor I can select that specific one, which will give you a really good CTR on that ad. Keywords are also another feature of the ads. Keywords are good to use if you want to make an ad for iPod’s. You can just type in iPod in the keyword box and it will display iPod ads. You can use as many keywords as you want. Keywords make it so if the product ID you use in the review is not listed anymore you are still able display a relevant ad. So in my LCD monitor review I can use a keyword like “ViewSonic LCD”. Ads can display a single product or up to 4 (depending on ad size), so you can input 4 product ID’s.

If you are going to be using TTZ a lot for the same site it would be a pain to go in and change the colors each time. That is why TTZ has an ad template system where you can save ad templates and use them with just a click of the mouse. Also to help you keep track of your different ads there are ad channels (much like Adsense channels). Once you have you product ID(s) and keywords in and have selected your channel you can preview what the ad will look like, then get the code, copy and paste and you’re done! It is very simple and anyone can get an ad up in 30 seconds!

Paid Per Click
Many other comparison shopping affiliate networks pay you on a commission basis. I really do not like that model because it is not often that someone will actually buy the item, just click on the ad to check out the product some more. Also usually you are only given a commission of 1-2% so you need to be showing ads on items that are very high priced to get any real money. With TTZ Media you are paid per click. This means no matter what, if they buy the item or not you are still getting paid. This really makes it great when you get a front page Digg or a ton of traffic.

Why I am so Successful With TTZ Media
As I said at the beginning of this post TTZ is my biggest money maker and one of the main reasons why is because my main site is ThinkComputers, a computer hardware review site. So in every review we have a TTZ Media ad where people can buy the product that is being reviewed, most people that visit the site are looking to buy the products that are being reviewed. Also the fact that I am able to customize the ads, pick a specific product, and use a ton of different ad sizes makes TTZ Media the definite choice for me and ThinkComputers.

If you are looking to make some easy money online then you should definitely check out TTZ Media. If I would not be using it I would probably be making 50% less than what I am making now. ]]>
412 2008-03-13 14:13:22 2008-03-13 18:13:22 open open a-look-at-ttz-media-and-why-i%e2%80%99m-successful-with-it publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267264800 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:89:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 21059 2008-03-16 18:41:29 2008-03-16 22:41:29 1 0 0 20950 2008-03-14 10:49:49 2008-03-14 14:49:49 1 0 0 21010 2008-03-15 15:18:59 2008-03-15 19:18:59 1 0 0 21092 2008-03-17 02:07:52 2008-03-17 06:07:52 1 0 0 21093 2008-03-17 02:10:30 2008-03-17 06:10:30 1 0 0 20992 2008-03-15 07:24:53 2008-03-15 11:24:53 1 20970 0 20916 2008-03-13 18:56:25 2008-03-13 22:56:25 1 0 0 20918 2008-03-13 19:04:20 2008-03-13 23:04:20 1 20914 1 20914 2008-03-13 17:04:05 2008-03-13 21:04:05 1 0 0 20963 2008-03-14 16:38:47 2008-03-14 20:38:47 1 0 0 20970 2008-03-14 19:51:17 2008-03-14 23:51:17 1 20963 0 21087 2008-03-16 22:39:53 2008-03-17 02:39:53 1 0 0 23739 2008-05-25 16:52:12 2008-05-25 20:52:12]]> 1 0 0 34201 2009-03-16 21:17:09 2009-03-17 01:17:09 1 0 0
Pittco 8 Weekend! Mon, 17 Mar 2008 16:41:21 +0000
Well I took a few days off from Blogging to have a little fun. This past weekend was Pittco 8, Pittsburgh’s largest LAN party! Last year I talked about going to the event and this year was just as fun. As I had said before I used to be on Pittco staff, but because of how busy I am with ThinkComputers I cannot commit to it. I still try to support Pittco by providing servers and prizes for their tournaments as well as spreading the word about their upcoming parties on my websites.

Pittco was held at the same fire hall as last time and it is the perfect location. It has more than enough room, there is adequate parking, and food is a 2 minute drive away. Just like last year I went with my friend Sebastian. I also met up with friends from cant stop this. I did not plan on playing in any tournaments, but enough of us were there to make 2 Counter-Strike teams for cant stop this. The better players were on the main team and our team, can stop this was comprised of people who just wanted to play for fun. The tournament was double elimination, so we had to lose twice. We ended up losing our first game, winning our second, and losing our third against our other team cant stop this. It was funny hearing them announce cant stop this vs. can stop this.

I really only play Counter-Strike for fun, but it was cool being able to play an organized game. I used to play it like that all the time, but now I rarely have time to game at all. The weekend was a lot of fun and it was nice to get away from work. I was also broadcasting live from the event via One thing that is cool about is that they archive all of your broadcasts, so I made a small episode of me playing in the tournament.

Thanks to Pittco for putting on a great event! ]]>
413 2008-03-17 12:41:21 2008-03-17 16:41:21 open open pittco-8-weekend publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266988063 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1215129501;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 aktt_notify_twitter no 21119 2008-03-17 16:38:20 2008-03-17 20:38:20 1 0 0 21133 2008-03-18 00:14:25 2008-03-18 04:14:25 1 0 0
Win $12,201 in Cash and Prizes from Winning the Web! Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:04:43 +0000 Gyutae Park over at Winning the Web has a crazy contest going on right now. Up for grabs is $12,201 in cash and prizes, all put up by well-known companies. As I have always said contests are a great way to get people to come to your blog and generate buzz. With the amount of cash and prizes that he is giving away it is sure to grab a lot of people’s attention and surely bring a ton of traffic to his blog. Here is a list of prizes up for grabs…

  • $650 Cash from Azoogle Ads
  • $500 Cash from PepperJam Network
  • $250 Cash from NeverblueAds
  • $200 Cash from BidVertiser
  • $200 Cash from AffSpy
  • $100 Cash from The Social Millionaire
  • $50 Cash from Web Hosting Resource Kit
  • Ipod Touch 8GB from Shoemoney ($299 value)
  • 1 Full Conference Pass to Affiliate Summit East ($949 value)
  • 3 Month Membership to Aaron Wall's SEO Training Program ($300 value)
  • 6 Month Membership to SEOmoz Pro ($249 value)
  • 12 Month Subscription to RankSense Professional ($630 value)
  • $2,000 in email marketing services from Software Projects ($2,000 value)
  • 26 Week Internet Marketing Plan from Purple Internet Marketing ($800 value)
  • The Secret Classroom from Joel Comm & Next Internet Millionaire ($497 value)
  • Autographed Copy of Kris' Jones Upcoming Book on SEO ($20 value)
  • Copy of the SEO Handbook 2008 from HuoMah ($10 value)
  • 8 PSD Custom Banner Designs from Banners Mall ($275 value)
  • 1 Year Membership to Hlola ($354 value)
  • 2 Year Subscription to GoStats Pro ($180 value)
  • 1 License to Website Optimal Performance ($97 value)
  • 5 Licenses to OIO Publisher (5 winners - $37 value each)
  • 3 Licenses to WP Auctions Gold (3 winners - $25 value each)
  • 2 Exclusive Blog Themes from Unique Blog Designs (2 winners - $100 value each)
  • 2 Revolution Wordpress Blog Themes from Brian Gardner (2 winners -$80 value each)
  • Wordpress Coding from CSS Rockstars ($209 value)
  • Custom Blog Design from Pixel Jig ($500 value)
  • Logo Design from Xologo ($100 value)
  • 1 Year Swamp Plan Web Hosting from Host Gator ($150 value)
  • 1 Hour Blog Optimization Consulting from Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips ($175 value)
  • Blog Consultation Report from Jay Francis Hunter of Scribbles and Words ($90 value)
  • 1 Year Sponsored Category Listing & 1 Year Premium Upgraded Membership from Blog Catalog (2 winners - $300 & $72 value)
  • 3 Fast Passes, 3 Featured Statuses, and 5000 Credits from Entrecard
  • 3 Month 125×125 Banner Ad on ($100 value)
  • 1 Month Text Link Ad on Ades Blog ($90 value)
  • 1 Month 125×125 Banner Ad on John Cow ($125 value)
  • 1 Month 468×60 Banner Ad on ($60 value)
  • 6 Month 125×125 Banner Ad on ($300 value)
  • 2 Month 125×125 Banner Ad on Affiliate Confession ($70 value)
  • 4 $25 & 50 $5 Pre-paid Calling Cards from Pingo (54 winners - $25 & $5 value each)
  • 1 Paid Review on Winning the Web - sponsored by 1 Cool File ($100 value)
  • 20 Winning the Web T-shirts (20 winners - $9 value each)
Now that is A LOT of prizes! There are many ways to enter the contest from blogging about it to commenting on Winning the Web. There will be a random drawing on Monday, March 31 so make sure you get as many entries into the contest as you can!]]>
414 2008-03-18 13:04:43 2008-03-18 17:04:43 open open win-12201-in-cash-and-prizes-from-winning-the-web publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266688394 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:80:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 21228 2008-03-20 03:44:22 2008-03-20 07:44:22 1 0 0 21242 2008-03-20 08:27:47 2008-03-20 12:27:47 1 0 0 27135 2008-09-21 20:09:24 2008-09-22 00:09:24 ]]> 1 0 0
5 Reasons to Start Blogging Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:30:29 +0000 I started this blog back in 2005 as more of a personal journal, but it evolved from that into a platform where I can express myself, give business tips, discuss issues, and even make some money. Blogging to me is a lot of fun and it gives me an escape from writing all of the reviews over at ThinkComputers. Also a lot of my relatives and friends read my blog so they see what I am up to. I have learned a lot through blogging and met some really awesome people. If you are not sure about starting a blog here are 5 reasons to start!

Express Yourself
Is there ever something that is bothering you? One easy thing to do is write about it. Not a lot of things bother me but I do like to talk about my experiences and try to help people by blogging. Since I started doing ThinkComputers full time I have come across a lot of problems with running my own business. I realized that I should share these problems and my solutions with my blog audience because it could be helpful to them. If you feel the need to say anything a blog is the perfect place for it.

Practically Free & Easy
One thing that I love about blogging is that almost anyone can do it. You really do not need that much knowledge of computers or the internet to get a blog started. There are free solutions at Blogger and If you want to spend a little bit of money you can get a domain and cheap hosting. Once you have that setup Wordpress is really easy to install and get setup. Some hosting companies even have 1 click installs for Wordpress. After you have Wordpress setup all you have to do is start writing posts, it’s that easy!

Meet New People
I think that one of the best things that has come from me blogging is all of the cool people I have met. I have discovered a lot of new blogs that talk about the same thing that I do and I end up making friends with them and usually exchanging links. I also have met a lot of people from them leaving comments on my posts or them e-mailing me asking me questions. I have met some of the coolest and most interesting people I know from blogging.

Become an Authority
I bet a few years ago none of you probably heard of John Chow, Jeremy Shoemaker, or other popular bloggers. If you write good content you are surely going to start a following. When you get big enough you will start to become noticed and opportunities will open up for you like being asked to speak at conferences or people wanting you to be in their magazine.

Make Some Money
I never started blogging to make money, it was more to let friends and family know what I’m up to, but almost anyone can make some money from a blog. Now not everyone is going to make a living from blogging, but some extra money each month from writing about what interests you, no one can argue with that. There are so many opportunities out there for bloggers that it is really easy to make money from your blog.

I could list a lot more reasons to start blogging, but these 5 are the ones that I think are most important. If you have even considered blogging you should give it a try, you really don’t have anything to lose.]]>
415 2008-03-20 09:30:29 2008-03-20 13:30:29 open open 5-reasons-to-start-blogging publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267156330 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 21275 2008-03-20 18:26:45 2008-03-20 22:26:45 1 0 0 21252 2008-03-20 11:21:51 2008-03-20 15:21:51 1 0 0 21253 2008-03-20 11:22:44 2008-03-20 15:22:44 1 0 0 22110 2008-04-13 11:32:35 2008-04-13 15:32:35 Hosts Gate - Hosting - Reviews - Top 10 Hosts]]> 1 0 0 21978 2008-04-09 01:33:14 2008-04-09 05:33:14 1 0 0 21265 2008-03-20 16:18:51 2008-03-20 20:18:51 1 21253 1 40518 2010-02-21 16:45:48 2010-02-21 20:45:48 paper writing service to order the term paper thesis at, I opine.]]> spam 0 0
Happy Easter & Contest Reminder Sun, 23 Mar 2008 23:25:41 +0000
I wanted to take the time to wish all of the readers of my blog a very Happy Easter. I hope you all have nice dinners with you families. I will be spending most of the day at my parent’s house. Since I now live further away from my parents it is nice to take a day and go over there and visit with all of them, especially my niece Aalyiah, she is now 14 months old. She has grown so much over the past few months, and she is now learning to talk…well just a few words.

I haven’t really talked about it since I launched the contest, but the Griffin iTrip Auto contest is still going on, there is about a week left. The iTrip Auto is a really cool accessory to have for your iPod. I have one in my car right now. Anyways, all you have to do to be entered in the contest is to subscribe to my RSS feed via e-mail, that will give you one entry. If you want 2 more entries all you have to do is make a blog post about the contest linking back to the contest and So in total you can have 3 entries into the contest. If you are not subscribed via e-mail you can do that below.

Enter your email address:

Also I am thinking about another contest for next month. If anyone has any ideas on prizes or what type of contest let me know. Happy Easter everyone! ]]>
416 2008-03-23 19:25:41 2008-03-23 23:25:41 open open happy-easter-contest-reminder publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267201155 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:3:{i:1181408414;s:7:"retweet";i:1955924363;s:7:"retweet";i:1953523523;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 21495 2008-03-26 01:36:08 2008-03-26 05:36:08 1 21466 1 21533 2008-03-27 04:45:35 2008-03-27 08:45:35 1 0 0 21466 2008-03-24 21:09:40 2008-03-25 01:09:40 1 0 0
Ways to Make Passive Income Online Mon, 24 Mar 2008 19:53:22 +0000 Everyone wants to make money online, but to many people think that it is simple, that you can just make a site, put up ads and you will be making a ton of money. As much as we wish it was the case that is not how it works. Anyone can make money online, but making a living online takes a lot of time and hard work. Time is something that a lot of people do not have, they work 9-5 jobs and when they get home all they want to do is lay down. Also if you are already making a living online and want to make more money it is hard to devote the time to a new project. That is the case with me, but I have found ways to make hundreds extra each month without taking away from working full time on ThinkComputers. Here are some of the methods that I have used to make this extra money.

Content Sites & SEO You may be thinking wait isn’t ThinkComputers a content site? Yes it is, but it is one of my sites that I constantly update and work on everyday. These content sites that you make are not meant to be updated everyday. Depending on the topic they can be updated weekly, monthly, or even quarterly. These content sites are made as a resource for people to find information so you can either make up the content yourself or find a script that will auto-build a content site. If you are not following me an example of a content site would be a fan site for a band or a site about sleeping problems. So you make the site, slap up some ads, then you are ready to get some traffic to the site. If you have good SEO skills you can drive traffic to your site, but you can also buy traffic. These sites are not made to make that much money, but if you make a lot of these sites you can be pulling in some nice extra cash each month, and these sites only take a few hours to put together. If you want to learn about SEO check out, I have learned a lot from that site.

Adsense Arbitrage
Arbitrage is not talked about that much anymore, but a lot of people still use it to make extra money. If you do not understand what arbitrage is check out my post I made about it back in January. Basically arbitrage is taking advantage of a market imbalance. So the way this works with online advertising is you have a content site with a high paying keyword, let’s say Viagra. You then buy an adwords campaign for that keyword. If you have done it correctly the ads you have placed on the site should make at least 3x of what you have put into the adwords campaign. Adsense arbitrage does take some research, but you can really make a lot of money doing it. I know some people that spend thousands a day on adwords campaigns.

Blogging has to be one of the easiest ways to make some extra money. Setting up a blog is really easy and if you can take 30 minutes a day to write a post you will have a successful blog. There are so many opportunities out there for bloggers it is hard not to make a little extra cash.

Online surveys are a great way to make extra money. The hard thing about it is finding survey companies that actually payout, there are so many scams out there. Also there are a lot of survey companies that will never send you a single survey, they just get your information. Moms Cash Blog told me about Survey Savy and I’ve had a lot of success with it, and have actually got paid! If you can get enough surveys done each month you can make anywhere from $100 - $500 a month.

Affiliate Marketing and PPC
Out of all of the ways to make some extra money affiliate marketing has to be one of the toughest. The thing about affiliate marketing is that it takes a lot of research and trial and error. What you want to do is sign up for an affiliate network, I suggest Azoogle Ads. Then you need to research a niche and find a good offer and promote it. This may sound easy, but it takes a lot of research. I have only started in affiliate marketing, if you want to learn more about it check out Zac Johnson’s blog or UberAffiliate. These guys are making a lot of money through affiliate marketing.

These are some of the ways you can make some extra money online, but there are a lot more out there. A lot of these methods are helpful for people who have a full time job and want to get into making money online. ]]>
417 2008-03-24 15:53:22 2008-03-24 19:53:22 open open ways-to-make-passive-income-online publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267229265 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:65:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 22409 2008-04-17 06:37:19 2008-04-17 10:37:19 1 0 0 21485 2008-03-25 16:40:21 2008-03-25 20:40:21 1 0 0 21456 2008-03-24 17:39:42 2008-03-24 21:39:42 1 0 0 21510 2008-03-26 12:45:09 2008-03-26 16:45:09 1 0 0 21532 2008-03-27 04:43:12 2008-03-27 08:43:12 1 0 0 21569 2008-03-28 00:55:23 2008-03-28 04:55:23 1 0 0
Server and Web Hosting Importance Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:27:06 +0000 Some of you may have noticed that all of my sites were down including this one was down for some time early in the morning yesterday. I was having problems with e-mail so I decided to just restart the server. Well it did not come back up. I couldn’t figure out why it would not come back up. I have my servers in a local data center about 35 minutes from my house. I talked to the guys down there and they said the server was on and running. So there had to be a problem and I was going to head down there and check it out. Right before I left they hooked up a console to the server and noticed it was stopped at the BIOS and they just had to hit F1 for the sever to initialize. This is the first time my sites have been down in a while and it opened my eyes to a lot.

Downtime means you are loosing money
The title pretty much explains it, if your site is down you are loosing money. That’s the only downfall of working online, if you have server problems you lose money. This really became apparent to me because this is the first time my site has gone down since it became my full time job. Since my websites are my only source of income any down time costs me money. Also if people see that it is down they might not come back, and if sponsors see that it’s down they will think that we are unprofessional.

Reliable Web Hosting
Reliable web hosting is something that you are going to want to have. Say you hit the front page of Digg and your site goes down, imagine the money that you could have made. I have had a few different front page Digg’s for a few of my sites and I would rather have had the boost in revenue then none at all. As I said my servers are hosted in a data center so I don’t deal with a hosting company. If anyone knows a good hosting company please post it below in the comments.

Being Knowledgeable About your Server
My servers run on Linux, but I really do not know that much about it. Every time there is a problem I can’t go off asking someone how to fix it. If you are running your own servers be sure to know what you doing and know the basic commands to stop and start services. If you are being hosted by someone else make sure you understand the control panel and know how to fix things if they go wrong. If you are lazy you can hire a server admin, but of course that costs money.

Access to the Server 24/7
Whether its web hosting or server hosting you need to have access to someone that can troubleshoot the problem 24/7. If your site goes down at 2AM you want it back up ASAP, you don’t want to have to wait till 9AM when the help desk opens back up. Also I would suggest finding a host that has a technical support line. I don’t like the idea of me e-mailing or submitting a help ticket (which is basically like e-mail) and waiting for them to get back to me. If there is a problem I want to talk to someone as soon as I see the problem. Also if you are hosting your servers somewhere you want to make it local so if there is a serious problem you can go to the data center and fix it yourself.

If you are running a successful website you don’t want it to go down so make sure you research your hosting options. ]]>
418 2008-03-26 09:27:06 2008-03-26 13:27:06 open open server-and-web-hosting-importance publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298862 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 21522 2008-03-26 23:14:48 2008-03-27 03:14:48 1 0 0 21547 2008-03-27 12:11:40 2008-03-27 16:11:40 1 0 0 21977 2008-04-09 01:27:49 2008-04-09 05:27:49 1 0 0
A Look at the New Place Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:47:15 +0000 I showed you guys some pictures of the new place about a month ago. I have been so busy over the past few weeks that I haven’t had time to take pictures of the new place, but I promised I would do a before and after. I really like the new place, even more than the old place. The only thing that I really miss is the garage I had at the old place. Location-wise this place is about 30 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh, but is almost 45 minutes away from my parent’s house, compared to the 15 minutes it was before. This place is very different from most of the places that I have lived in before, hopefully I won’t get bored of it and move again in a year!

Starting off is the living room where we have the HUGE couch.

Behind the living room we have a small table and the large kitchen. I really like the kitchen because it is not a galley kitchen and the bay window brings a lot of light into the kitchen. Also there are accent lights on top of the cabinets that really light things up.

The bedroom is pretty plain, not much in there because we do not spend a lot of time in there.

There are 2 bathrooms a smaller one and a larger one that has a Jacuzzi tub. The Jacuzzi tub is great for relaxing after a stressful day.

The second bedroom is used as an office. There is a nice big window that lights up the room and each bedroom has skylights. Also each bedroom has a loft space, this is great since I no longer have a garage. As you can see I have a ton of boxes up there!

We also have a nice large deck area, this is something I really missed at the old place. I am hoping to get a nice table out there so in the summer I can sit outside on my laptop.

419 2008-03-27 14:47:15 2008-03-27 18:47:15 open open a-look-at-the-new-place publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267152415 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 21653 2008-03-29 14:01:12 2008-03-29 18:01:12 1 21557 0 21831 2008-04-04 09:53:46 2008-04-04 13:53:46 1 0 0 21688 2008-03-30 23:41:47 2008-03-31 03:41:47 1 0 0 21557 2008-03-27 16:44:10 2008-03-27 20:44:10 1 0 0 21560 2008-03-27 18:07:40 2008-03-27 22:07:40 1 0 0 21612 2008-03-28 19:16:55 2008-03-28 23:16:55 1 0 0 21551 2008-03-27 14:59:25 2008-03-27 18:59:25 1 0 0 21568 2008-03-28 00:30:50 2008-03-28 04:30:50 1 0 0 21572 2008-03-28 02:03:20 2008-03-28 06:03:20 1 21557 0 21578 2008-03-28 08:15:19 2008-03-28 12:15:19 1 0 0
Griffin iTrip Auto Contest Over Sun, 30 Mar 2008 14:00:35 +0000 Well the month has gone by and we have another contest winner. They have won the Griffin iTrip Auto! All they had to do was subscribe to my RSS feed via e-mail. If you have won you have been notified via e-mail. Thanks to everyone that participated and stay tuned for another contest really soon! Also if you have any ideas for contest prizes please let me know.

Talking about contests I wanted to let everyone know about the contest that is going on over at ThinkComputers. We have teamed up with NZXT to give away one of their newest cases the Tempest. The contest is being run on the ThinkComputers Forums, which are free to join so head on over there are check it out, there is about 10 days left in the contest.

Well I’m off to the Penguins game, it is about the 4th or 5th game I have gone to this season. Hockey games are always best towards the end of the season because teams are trying to make the playoffs and play really hard. The Penguins have already made the playoffs, but are trying to get first place in the division so they get home ice advantage. We are playing the Rangers, who always seem to get the best of us for some reason. Hopefully the pens play a good game, game starts at 12:30 so I’m out of here!

420 2008-03-30 10:00:35 2008-03-30 14:00:35 open open griffin-itrip-auto-contest-over publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267274414 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1193690563;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 21830 2008-04-04 09:48:53 2008-04-04 13:48:53 1 0 0 21690 2008-03-31 00:52:35 2008-03-31 04:52:35 1 0 0 21859 2008-04-05 01:57:50 2008-04-05 05:57:50 1 0 0 22641 2008-04-22 17:11:39 2008-04-22 21:11:39 1 0 0
Get Rich With Tue, 01 Apr 2008 06:00:24 +0000 If I have learned anything from working online is that you learn a lot from other people. I don’t think I would be where I am today without the help of people I have met from blogging. I’m sure all of you know who John Chow is. If you don’t then you should, he is a blogger making $30,000 a month from blogging and a close friend of mine. It seems like everything he does is profitable! He is launching a new service where he will teach you how to make money online, one on one! Making money seems to come easy for him and he wants to share his knowledge with you. He gets close to 1000 e-mails a day from people asking how to make money online!

This is your perfect opportunity to work with him one on one! He is only taking 25 people into this program, so you better get in if you want to make money online. Luckily for you he told me about this program before anyone else! The big sites should be breaking this news tomorrow.

So how does this program work? The new site is called and it is a modified wordpress site where John will be posting daily videos that will teach you how to make money online. They will be just like lessons that you can follow. Only registered users can see the posts and comment. Besides this you will be given a Skype account that you can use communicate directly with John. Also private e-mail accounts will be given to you for e-mail communication. As I said the site will be updated each day with a video as well as blog post.

The program will cost $499 a year and as I said John is only taking on 25 people so he does not have hundreds of people asking him how to make money. Even better John has given users a 50% discount, so at checkout type in “Bob” in the promo code box to receive 50% off your year membership. This is a great opportunity for people who are new to get right into the business and start making money fast! As I said we are the first site to break the news so sign up fast before the spots run out!]]>
421 2008-04-01 02:00:24 2008-04-01 06:00:24 open open get-rich-with-togetrichisgloriouscom publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917629 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1180930625;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 21809 2008-04-03 17:51:28 2008-04-03 21:51:28 1 0 0 22310 2008-04-15 00:19:55 2008-04-15 04:19:55 1 0 0 21829 2008-04-04 09:44:56 2008-04-04 13:44:56 1 0 0 21824 2008-04-04 05:36:45 2008-04-04 09:36:45 1 0 0 21720 2008-04-01 02:23:31 2008-04-01 06:23:31 1 0 0 21724 2008-04-01 05:28:59 2008-04-01 09:28:59 1 0 0
Fun at the Pens Game Thu, 03 Apr 2008 22:04:57 +0000 As I said when I announced the winner of the iTrip Auto contest I was going to the hockey game. If you are new to this blog then you don’t know that I am a HUGE hockey fan. I played hockey all through high school and have been watch hockey as long as I can remember. For a while hockey was kind of sad here in Pittsburgh, we were at the bottom of the NHL each year, but after the lockout we were lucky enough to get Sidney Crosby and now we have Evgeni Malkin and Marian Hossa. So hockey is real big in Pittsburgh now, we have sold out every home game this season!

Since every game is sold out it is really hard to get tickets. Luckily my friend’s dad’s company has season tickets, so we are able to go to 4-5 games a year. What is even better is that the seats are in the Igloo club. The Igloo club is a section of seats on each side of the rink right at center ice. These seats carry a premium, not only because of their location, but also there is special Igloo Club lounge area. This area has a full bar, concessions, and private bathrooms.

The game was on a Sunday afternoon and it was against the Rangers. For some reason it seems we always have trouble with the Rangers, but today we dominated. They had an early 1-0 lead, but we took that away and won the game 3-1. Watching players like Crosby, Malkin, and Hossa play together is just amazing, no wonder why the Pens have sold out every home game this season.

I made a video of my time at the game, enjoy.

422 2008-04-03 18:04:57 2008-04-03 22:04:57 open open fun-at-the-pens-game publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266946489 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1193070097;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 aktt_notify_twitter no 21822 2008-04-04 04:53:12 2008-04-04 08:53:12 1 0 0 21812 2008-04-03 20:47:43 2008-04-04 00:47:43 1 0 0 21818 2008-04-04 02:24:24 2008-04-04 06:24:24 1 0 0 22013 2008-04-10 04:03:17 2008-04-10 08:03:17 1 0 0
Heading to Ad:Tech Next Week Tue, 08 Apr 2008 00:10:54 +0000 I will be heading out to San Francisco on Saturday for ad:tech. Ad:tech is a conference that focus’s on marketing. They have 10 shows all over the world. So why did I decide to go to the San Francisco event? Well for one I have a few friends who live in the city and friends like John Chow are going to the event so I decided why not? Also I’ve never been out to California, the furthest west I have been is Las Vegas so I figured going to this event will give me a reason to go out to California, plus it will be good to get out of Pittsburgh.

The reason I am heading out on Saturday is that I’m going to be meeting up with some friends and they are going to show me the city. If I’m going all the way out to San Francisco I need a few days to explore the city, not just go for the conference. Also San Francisco is the home of and I hope to meet to crew their and stop by their offices one of the days that I’m there. Fellow broadcasters Jspin and Krystyl will be there too, so I am going to meet up with them.

At ad:tech I hope to meet a lot of new people and tell them about what I do. Networking is probably the main reason I am going to this event. Meeting new people, sharing ideas, and finding new ways to make money online are all things that I hope to accomplish at ad:tech. Also I am sure that John will make the trip a lot of fun, he always makes every trip I am with him at fun. I will also get to meet fellow bloggers that I have talked to online, but never met in real life.

If you are heading out to ad:tech in San Francisco leave a comment or drop me a line in an e-mail.]]>
423 2008-04-07 20:10:54 2008-04-08 00:10:54 open open heading-to-adtech-next-week publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267240556 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 22012 2008-04-10 04:00:06 2008-04-10 08:00:06 1 0 0 21991 2008-04-09 12:22:42 2008-04-09 16:22:42 1 0 0 21953 2008-04-07 21:21:28 2008-04-08 01:21:28 1 0 0 21955 2008-04-07 23:54:09 2008-04-08 03:54:09 1 0 0 21956 2008-04-08 00:47:14 2008-04-08 04:47:14 1 0 0 21984 2008-04-09 03:43:28 2008-04-09 07:43:28 1 21953 1
Working a Day Ahead Wed, 09 Apr 2008 13:30:45 +0000 If you are a content creator like me then you are always working to put out new content. If you are not actually making the content you are editing and finalizing it. This takes up a lot of time and if you have to meet a deadline you can really stress yourself out trying to make that deadline. A couple of years ago I had this problem, especially with school and a real job. I got really stressed and ended up not doing anything for an entire week! Content sites rely on new content so if you go any long period of time without updating you lose visitors as well as revenue.

Have a Good Start
Like I said I did not work for a week because I was so stressed. Instead of getting back in the same routine just for it to happen again I took a day out to just write articles / reviews. That way I have a good amount of content ready to be posted. That day was really hard but it paid off because I had content for the entire week.

Have a Routine
I took 1 day to write a bunch of articles, but I could not do that each week. After you have a good amount of content you should setup a schedule where you pick days to do certain tasks. Say Monday you write a few articles, Tuesday you follow up on e-mails and do some editing, then Wednesday write a few more articles. As long as you have a schedule and keep with it you should be able to pump out content on a constant basis.

Timestamp is your Friend
If you are using any type of content management system or blogging software it should have a timestamp feature, where you post articles, but they will not be published until the time you specify. This means you can post something on Monday and have it be published on Tuesday. So on Tuesday you do not have to worry about posting anything, just concentrate on other work.

Being overloaded with work can lead to burn out and that is a killer for content creators. I’ve been the victim of burn out a few times and it has really hurt my websites. That is why I try to work at least 1 day ahead if not more. ]]>
424 2008-04-09 09:30:45 2008-04-09 13:30:45 open open working-a-day-ahead publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266739069 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 22047 2008-04-10 23:13:31 2008-04-11 03:13:31 1 0 0 22039 2008-04-10 20:37:58 2008-04-11 00:37:58 1 0 0 22388 2008-04-16 16:42:54 2008-04-16 20:42:54 Posts In The Bank. Very good article. I usually have at least the next days posts lined up. Visit the all new: Shudogg Dot Com - Make Money Online Blogging]]> 1 0 0 22011 2008-04-10 03:54:59 2008-04-10 07:54:59 1 0 0 22055 2008-04-11 06:24:12 2008-04-11 10:24:12 1 0 0
First Day in San Francisco Sun, 13 Apr 2008 18:18:19 +0000 Well flying from Pittsburgh to San Francisco was not that fun. My flight was at 9:20AM, which was to Vegas (a 4.5 hour flight). For one I hate long flights, but I really did not get much sleep the night before since I was excited about the trip. I tried to sleep on my first flight, but that just gave me a sore neck. Getting off in Vegas I had about 2.5 hours to kill so I got some food and jumped on my laptop to get some work done. If you have never been to McCarren international Airport in Vegas they have slot machines all over the place and if you hate the sound they make, like I do it is quite annoying. Finally I got on my flight from Vegas to San Francisco. I landed about 3:30 western time.

I was met at the airport by friends who live in San Francisco. Instead of going right back to their place they took me down to check out the city. We took the BART into the city and when we came up from the terminal I was extremely surprised! There were people everywhere and tons of stuff to. In Pittsburgh the downtown area is mainly offices and things like that, not many people go down there to go shopping. Well in San Francisco it is a lot different, there are stores all over the place. We went to Union Square to relax and that gave me a chance to take a few photos of some of the buildings.

We ended up going back to my friend’s house and just hanging out the rest of the night. The weather here is awesome too. When I left Pittsburgh there was ice on my windshield, so 70s is a nice change! The rest of the week should be a lot of fun! ]]>
425 2008-04-13 14:18:19 2008-04-13 18:18:19 open open first-day-in-san-francisco publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267016002 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 22387 2008-04-16 16:40:19 2008-04-16 20:40:19 Shudogg Dot Com - Make Money Online Blogging]]> 1 0 0 22191 2008-04-14 00:31:43 2008-04-14 04:31:43 1 0 0 22195 2008-04-14 00:49:39 2008-04-14 04:49:39 1 0 0 22228 2008-04-14 07:03:04 2008-04-14 11:03:04 1 22195 0 22355 2008-04-16 05:23:41 2008-04-16 09:23:41 1 0 0 22115 2008-04-13 14:32:36 2008-04-13 18:32:36 1 0 0
San Francisco Day 2 Mon, 14 Apr 2008 18:40:53 +0000 Day 2 in San Francisco gave me a lot of time to explore the city. I went walking around with my friend Jack, who is from San Diego so SF is new to him too. We first headed down into the city on the BART train. It is cool that even if you live far away from the city you can easily get into the city without driving. This is great for people who have moved out to SF and don’t have a car, it also is good for people who just want to save time and money. After getting into town we headed to the big mall. The mall is HUGE and has almost every store imaginable. Nordstrom’s takes up the top 3-4 levels and the way it is designed is really cool.

After eating at the mall we decided to explore the city a little bit. We checked out Yerba Buena park. It was really cool that it was right in the city. It would be a great place to go and get some work done on a nice day. We kept on walking and discovered China town. I had never been to any China town before so we had to check it out. China town was very interesting, there were all types of crazy stores and restaurants. It was really cool to see all of the different herb and tea shops and the buildings looked really cool.

Once we were done exploring China town we met up with some more friends and went out to eat. We went to a place called Gordon Bierch, which is a brewery as well as a restaurant. Since it was a brewery I decided to try one of their beers, I went with the Blonde Bock and it was really good. The food was pretty good too. Gordon Bierch is right by the bay so I finally got to see some water!

Since my friend who lives in San Francisco is originally from Pittsburgh he decided to take us around and show us some sights. We went over to golden gate bridge but it ended up being to foggy to even see the bridge! The fog comes in really quick here, it was really surprising. Since we didn’t get to see the bridge he took us down Lombard street. Lombard is the street with all of the curves in it. You can only go down it like 5MPH! All of the houses on the street are really nice too, although pulling your car out of the garage on the street would be a pain in the ass.

Day 2 in San Francisco was awesome I can’t wait to venture out today, I will be going to the offices and checking out fisherman’s Warf. ]]>
426 2008-04-14 14:40:53 2008-04-14 18:40:53 open open san-francisco-day-2 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266918201 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 22386 2008-04-16 16:38:25 2008-04-16 20:38:25 Shudogg Dot Com - Make Money Online Blogging]]> 1 0 0 22273 2008-04-14 19:09:10 2008-04-14 23:09:10 1 0 0 22433 2008-04-18 00:07:52 2008-04-18 04:07:52 1 0 0 22314 2008-04-15 01:49:45 2008-04-15 05:49:45 1 0 0 22255 2008-04-14 15:10:53 2008-04-14 19:10:53 1 0 0 22356 2008-04-16 05:26:53 2008-04-16 09:26:53 1 0 0 22361 2008-04-16 07:32:48 2008-04-16 11:32:48 1 0 0
Visiting the Office Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:54:48 +0000
Since I was in San Francisco for ad:tech I decided I would stop by the office and say what’s up to the staff. It is really cool being able to go to the offices of a website or service you use. The staff was more than happy to let us come and hang out for a little while. Since Krystyl lives in San Francisco her and I headed down to the office and met up with Patrick (lifedoc). The office isn’t anything great to look at from the outside, but it’s a startup, so you can’t expect something amazing.

When we came into the office everyone introduced themselves and we were able to hang out for a bit before Michael took us out to lunch. During lunch Michael talked about the future of and what they have planned and asked our opinion on what they have coming out. He also asked us what we would like to see on and anything that we did not like on the site. It was nice being able to discuss our issues with with the actual staff. It is not often you get to do that with any company or service that you use. I like that was so open to suggestions and criticism from its users.

We went back into the office and hung out for a bit longer. Although the office is old it is quite big, there is more than enough room for everyone to work. Thinking about it I would love a space like that for ThinkComputers, it would be perfect for day to day work and product testing. The crew was very busy, but the atmosphere there seemed very relaxed.

Justin of

The day I left to come back home we all stopped by the office and we talked with Michael about ways could make money, and even how even broadcasters could make money. It was great shooting ideas back and forth. Also during that day Phil was giving a tour of the office on the help channel and included us in it.

If you want to watch my channel you can check it out here.]]>
427 2008-04-19 03:54:48 2008-04-19 07:54:48 open open visiting-the-justintv-office publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267161144 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:3:{i:1183858848;s:7:"retweet";i:1183857517;s:7:"retweet";i:1180399106;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3
Ad:Tech San Francisco – CPA Empire Sun, 20 Apr 2008 13:00:07 +0000
Since this was my first time going to an event like ad:tech I did not know what to expect. The show is sure a lot smaller than CES and other tech related events that I’ve been to. There were speaker sessions and an exhibit hall. The exhibit hall is where all the networks and companies were showing off their services. Rather than write a long blog post about what each company I talked to offered I decided for them to tell you! Today we will start with CPA Empire, who is an affiliate network. Here is what they had to say about what they do…

As Shane said they are a 1 stop shop for affiliates, they have a domain registrar Dynamic Dolphin and parking company Parking Empire. I have been using CPA Empire for a few months and have had success with them. Their control panel is easy to use and through their website it is easy to find offers that fit your niche. It was great meeting them at ad:tech and I hope to work even more with them in the future. If you want to signup for CPA Empire you can do so here.]]>
428 2008-04-20 09:00:07 2008-04-20 13:00:07 open open adtech-san-francisco-%e2%80%93-cpa-empire publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267157761 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:72:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 22566 2008-04-20 22:10:48 2008-04-21 02:10:48 Shudogg Dot Com - Make Money Online Blogging]]> 1 0 0 22591 2008-04-21 12:05:01 2008-04-21 16:05:01 1 0 0
Dinners at Ad:Tech Mon, 21 Apr 2008 13:00:00 +0000 With any conference there are dinners. It is a good way to catch up with old friends who you only get to see a few times a year. Also it is a great way to network and meet new people. Ad:tech is only 3 days long so there was not that many dinners to attend, but I was invited to 2 dinners. The first dinner, held at Asia de Cuba was sponsored by AdValient. Asia de Cuba is inside of the Clift hotel and has a really cool atmosphere. I was joined by Ian Lee, Missy Ward, Lisa Picarille, Connie Berg, Geofferson Marcy, and Ms Danielle. Asia de Cuba’s menu is sort of an Asian Fusion, something I told everyone you don’t find in Pittsburgh. I didn’t break out my camera until we were served our main courses; here are some pictures of some of the dishes.

The second dinner was a blogger dinner put on by Ms Danielle. It was held at Annabelle’s Bar and Bistro, which is right by Moscone Center. We were joined at Annabelle’s by Ian Fernando, Greg Morgan, Garret Gee, Wes Mahler, Ian Lee and Gloria. I decided on the rib-eye, which Ian and Danielle got also. It was cooked perfectly, I also ordered the French Onion soup, but they served it in a large bowl with cheese sprinkled on the top. Usually you get it in a crock with bread and cheese on the top, but it was still good.

Both dinners gave me a good chance to network with people and tell them about what I do. A lot of people were surprised that I have been doing ThinkComputers for so long and that I started it when I was in high school. In any business networking is very important so dinners like these are perfect for meeting new people and making contacts, regardless of the industry the people may be in. ]]>
429 2008-04-21 09:00:00 2008-04-21 13:00:00 open open dinners-at-adtech publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266788208 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 22617 2008-04-22 00:06:43 2008-04-22 04:06:43 1 0 0 23145 2008-05-05 07:03:33 2008-05-05 11:03:33 1 0 0 22590 2008-04-21 12:01:46 2008-04-21 16:01:46 1 0 0 22593 2008-04-21 12:57:25 2008-04-21 16:57:25 1 0 0 22665 2008-04-23 11:35:09 2008-04-23 15:35:09 1 22621 0 23008 2008-05-01 05:33:31 2008-05-01 09:33:31 1 0 0 22621 2008-04-22 00:58:14 2008-04-22 04:58:14 1 0 0 22622 2008-04-22 01:00:17 2008-04-22 05:00:17 1 0 0 22802 2008-04-25 20:32:50 2008-04-26 00:32:50 1 0 0
Ad:Tech San Francisco – XY7 Thu, 24 Apr 2008 19:26:40 +0000
As I said Ad:Tech was the first marketing event that I have been to. Even so I had heard of most of the companies that were exhibiting there. One name I heard a lot was XY7, funny thing was I had never heard of XY7 at all, weird because they seemed like they were the talk of the show, maybe because they had a party Monday – Wednesday! Anyways when I went over to talk to them they were very receptive and more than happy to tell me about what they do. Here is Auggie telling everyone what XY7 is all about…

As Auggie said XY7 is an affiliate network, but what sets them apart from other networks out there? Well the first thing that I noticed was customer service. As I said when I went to go talk to them they were very receptive and were more than happy to talk to me, even though I was not currently an affiliate. Also when I got back from Ad:Tech I e-mailed Auggie and he had my account approved within minutes. It’s always good to have a close relationship with the networks you are dealing with, not just be a number like you are with so many other affiliate networks. Since I’ve only been an affiliate for a few days I have not been able to try out any of their offers, but they do have a wide variety of offers and their control panel is very easy to navigate. I will definitely be using them in the future and if you do affiliate marketing you should too! ]]>
430 2008-04-24 15:26:40 2008-04-24 19:26:40 open open adtech-san-francisco-%e2%80%93-xy7 publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267141965 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:65:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 23144 2008-05-05 07:00:13 2008-05-05 11:00:13 1 0 0 22860 2008-04-27 12:11:00 2008-04-27 16:11:00 1 0 0 23025 2008-05-01 18:12:33 2008-05-01 22:12:33 1 0 0 22793 2008-04-25 19:11:48 2008-04-25 23:11:48 1 0 0
What to Write About Tue, 29 Apr 2008 17:16:01 +0000 In the world of blogging or any writing medium content is very important, but sometimes it is hard to come up with something to write about. This happens on this blog a lot, sometimes I cannot think of something useful to write about. Even though this is a personal blog I do try to keep a good schedule of postings. But when I cannot think of anything to write about this becomes a problem. Here are some tips for finding things to write about.

I don’t receive a bunch of e-mails asking about the internet or making money online, but I know there are people that do. They usually make a post with a few questions they have received in an e-mail and they answer the questions. This is informative to their users because they are the ones that submitted the questions. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me.

Comments are another great resource of finding topics to write about. If you write a post and someone asks a question about the post you can easily do a follow up post. Also many times comments bring up other great topics to write about. If you don’t have comments on your blog you really should.

Other Blogs
Reading other blogs is a great way to find something to write about. I have a long list of blogs that I try to read each day. If someone writes a controversial post you can write a response to it, or you can write about the same thing the other blogger is writing about.

Social Networks
Places like Digg and other social networks make it easy to find something to write about. If you just look at their top stories, there will probably be at least 1 or 2 stories that you can write about.

I’m sure there are a lot of other resources for finding topics to write about, but these 4 are the ones that I use the most. If you have any suggestions on finding topics please leave a comment and let me know.]]>
431 2008-04-29 13:16:01 2008-04-29 17:16:01 open open what-to-write-about publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267154734 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 22979 2008-04-30 02:01:33 2008-04-30 06:01:33 1 0 0 23032 2008-05-02 01:46:32 2008-05-02 05:46:32 1 0 0 23143 2008-05-05 06:51:23 2008-05-05 10:51:23 1 0 0 22963 2008-04-29 18:28:16 2008-04-29 22:28:16 1 0 0 22955 2008-04-29 15:22:16 2008-04-29 19:22:16 1 0 0 22987 2008-04-30 05:19:06 2008-04-30 09:19:06 1 0 0
The Pens Head to the Eastern Conference Finals Mon, 05 May 2008 18:05:28 +0000
I haven’t talked about hockey here on the blog for a while so it is about time. It’s May why am I talking about hockey? Well for most teams the season is over, but for 4 teams the season is still going strong. One of those 4 teams is the Pittsburgh Penguins! Yesterday they eliminated the New York Rangers to go on to the Eastern Conference Finals. I was lucky enough to be able to go to a playoff game and man was it crazy! I had never heard Mellon Area so loud in my life! You can check out photos from the game on my Flickr page.

So it’s on to the Eastern Conference finals where we will play the Philadelphia Flyers. People are saying this is going to be the best series of all of the playoffs. For one it’s an inner-state rivalry and two the teams hate each other. All of the games we have played against them in the regular season have been brutal and have had fights in them. Honestly I think we are a better team then the flyers with players like Malkin, Crosby, and Hossa, but it is going to be a tough series for sure. The Flyers always have a way of beating us, but that was the case with the Rangers too, but we were able to take them out in 5 games.

Last year everyone thought the Penguins were going to make it all the way. We won our division and everything, but the thing we lacked was experience and we got knocked out in the first round. This year we have the experience and have gone through a lot with Crosby and Fleury being out for extended periods of time with injuries. All of that brings a team together and makes them want to win even more. With that said I think the Penguins can take the Flyers in 6 games. Game 1 is on Friday in Pittsburgh so LET’S GO PENS!!

432 2008-05-05 14:05:28 2008-05-05 18:05:28 open open the-pens-head-to-the-eastern-conference-finals publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267258994 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:77:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 aktt_notify_twitter no 23157 2008-05-05 17:13:35 2008-05-05 21:13:35 1 0 0 23196 2008-05-07 10:29:55 2008-05-07 14:29:55 1 0 0 23228 2008-05-08 23:45:09 2008-05-09 03:45:09 1 0 0 23260 2008-05-10 08:29:52 2008-05-10 12:29:52 1 0 0
Living a Healthier Lifestyle Fri, 09 May 2008 16:07:24 +0000 All my life I really never concerned myself with eating healthy or living a healthy lifestyle. I have never been overweight, probably because I have a high metabolism. Over the past 2 years I have noticed myself becoming very tired easily and not having as much energy as I used to. I wondered why since all I was doing was sitting at the computer and doing work. I was so tired because of my lack of activity and I was not eating that great either, so a few months ago I started to change things around.

I would usually eat whatever I felt like, it didn’t really matter to me, but now I really watch what I eat. First I try to make a full meal, not just 1 thing. If I’m making a steak I will make a salad and have fruit or something like that. Also I have been eating a lot of organic food, which is supposed to be better for you. Another thing that I have eliminated from my diet is fast food, I rarely get fast food anymore. It is just bad for you. Also making your own food is much more cost effective than eating out everyday.

I used to live on caffeine, I would drink pop (or soda to you non Pittsburgher’s) like it was nothing. I would have probably 5 cans of Mt. Dew a day if not more. Also if I felt tired I would drink energy drinks all of the time. I have pretty much eliminated caffeine from my diet. I don’t drink pop at all anymore, now I just drink vitamin water and Gatorade. The only time I may have caffeine is when I go to Starbucks, but that is not that often.

The Gym
I really never thought I would join a gym, but I had to do it. A while ago I bought weights and decided to start working out, but that lasted about a week. Even when I lived at a place that had a free gym I would rarely go. So I decided to pay to join a gym, knowing that I’m spending money to go there is motivation to keep on going. I’m not looking to get big or anything, but I plan on staying in shape. Also working out seems to make me less tired and gives me more energy throughout the day.

Sleep Schedule
Before I would rarely have a good sleep schedule, I would stay up late and end up sleeping through most of the day. That is no way to be productive! Also if I would sleep too long it would make me even more tired. Now I am on a good sleep schedule where I’m not sleeping my day away, but still getting enough sleep. ]]>
433 2008-05-09 12:07:24 2008-05-09 16:07:24 open open living-a-healthier-lifestyle publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266926775 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1952481018;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 24047 2008-06-04 02:16:58 2008-06-04 06:16:58 1 0 0 23371 2008-05-14 10:15:41 2008-05-14 14:15:41 1 23345 0 23372 2008-05-14 10:15:57 2008-05-14 14:15:57 1 23345 0 23259 2008-05-10 08:22:40 2008-05-10 12:22:40 1 0 0 23345 2008-05-12 18:41:43 2008-05-12 22:41:43 1 0 0
Happy Mothers Day! Sun, 11 May 2008 18:57:37 +0000

434 2008-05-11 14:57:37 2008-05-11 18:57:37 open open happy-mothers-day publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266300049 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 24020 2008-06-03 09:35:18 2008-06-03 13:35:18 1 0 0 23403 2008-05-15 17:45:16 2008-05-15 21:45:16 1 0 0 23320 2008-05-11 17:57:09 2008-05-11 21:57:09 1 0 0 23355 2008-05-13 01:51:37 2008-05-13 05:51:37 1 0 0 23315 2008-05-11 16:58:09 2008-05-11 20:58:09 1 0 0 23336 2008-05-12 07:06:21 2008-05-12 11:06:21 1 0 0
Living the Dot Com Lifestyle Tue, 13 May 2008 13:00:27 +0000 Many people think the dot com lifestyle is something that is unachievable, they also think that it is all about traveling all over the world and fast cars. This is not true, as I am living the dot com lifestyle and I am not doing these things. So what really is the dot com lifestyle? Well in my eyes living the dot com lifestyle means you make 100% of your income online and are enjoying life. I meet those 2 qualifications and anyone can do the same, so why don’t they?

Well the biggest reason I think people do not try to make a living online is that they are programmed from a young age to go to school , get a job, and retire when they get older. I myself was on that track until my eyes were opened by John Chow. After my eyes were opened I asked myself questions like do I want to work at a job I don’t like? Do I want to work for someone else? Do I want to work till I’m 65? All of my answers to these questions were no, so I decided to work for myself and now I am enjoying the dot com lifestyle.

Like I said the dot com lifestyle is not all about making a ton of money and owning every gadget imaginable, it is about liking what you do and being happy doing it. After doing this for over 2 years now I cannot imagine going back to the real world and getting a normal job. That is my motivation to keep on pushing myself and working hard. I may not have the exotic car and I may not be making $30,000 a month but I am happy with what I’m doing.

If you are stuck at a dead end job or are unhappy with your current situation then ask yourself 1 question, wouldn’t you rather be happy? If you answer is yes then throw away that old mindset and join the dot com lifestyle. If that does not convince you then check back soon as I will have a follow up post on the reasons why I enjoy what I do so much. ]]>
435 2008-05-13 09:00:27 2008-05-13 13:00:27 open open living-the-dot-com-lifestyle publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917613 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 23438 2008-05-16 13:43:22 2008-05-16 17:43:22 1 0 0 23524 2008-05-19 03:11:20 2008-05-19 07:11:20 1 0 0 23370 2008-05-14 09:35:55 2008-05-14 13:35:55 1 0 0 23369 2008-05-14 08:33:43 2008-05-14 12:33:43 1 0 0 23359 2008-05-13 12:27:51 2008-05-13 16:27:51 1 0 0
Some Cool New Products Fri, 16 May 2008 16:00:58 +0000 previous post I really enjoy what I do. One of the main reasons for that is that I get to check out a ton of really cool products each week. Here are 3 of the more interesting products I got in recently.

First up is the Lenovo Ideapad U110 11.1-inch laptop. I have been waiting to get this laptop since CES when it was first announced. It comes in black and red, we received the black version. The lid has a really cool design engraved into it. This laptop is perfect for blogging, with the dimensions of 10.8” x 7.7” x 0.88” it is very small and light. The system also features a LED backlit screen, 120GB SSD hard drive, and integrated webcam. For me the only thing that is missing is built in EVDO. The Ideapad retails for $1899.00.

I have been reviewing PC cases for the longest time, but only a few have really impressed me. Cooler Master was nice enough to send me one of their CSX cases. CSX is a new division of Cooler Master that will customize your PC case, laptop, iPod, and even DS. We received the Broodling case, which is a skull design on the very popular Cosmos 1000 case. This custom case retails for $999.

I’m sure a lot of you have seen the Asus Eee PC before. It is an extremely small laptop with limited capabilities, built on linux. It is very small with only a 7-inch screen, but as I said it is limited. We received the 2G Surf version which only has a 2GB SSD hard drive and 512mb of memory. As I said it is very small so it could be a great choice for a blogger who does not want to carry a large laptop, but the keyboard is much smaller than a regular laptop keyboard so it will take some time to get used to. The Eee PC 2G Surf retails for only $299.

Expect to see reviews of these products very soon on ThinkComputers. I will be making posts like this every week or every other week to let you know some of the cool stuff we have coming in at ThinkComputers.]]>
436 2008-05-16 12:00:58 2008-05-16 16:00:58 open open some-cool-new-products publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267078031 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 23437 2008-05-16 13:42:32 2008-05-16 17:42:32 1 0 0 23439 2008-05-16 13:50:12 2008-05-16 17:50:12 1 23437 0 23446 2008-05-16 18:28:42 2008-05-16 22:28:42 1 0 0 23497 2008-05-18 05:58:10 2008-05-18 09:58:10 1 23457 0 23441 2008-05-16 15:35:15 2008-05-16 19:35:15 1 0 0 23494 2008-05-18 03:32:37 2008-05-18 07:32:37 1 0 0 23473 2008-05-17 12:58:57 2008-05-17 16:58:57 1 23446 0 23457 2008-05-16 23:50:28 2008-05-17 03:50:28 1 23441 0 23821 2008-05-28 18:50:44 2008-05-28 22:50:44 1 0 0
Keeping Track of Things Mon, 19 May 2008 14:53:12 +0000 As I have always said it is good to keep a daily task list. This way you know what you need to get done for that day. When you are running your own business it is very easy to get distracted and forget things that you need to get done for that day. Also it is helpful for many people to write weekly and monthly tasks down. This is a great idea, but it is useless if you lose the list or just have the list in your head. There are some ways to keep track of a daily task list.

Writing your daily task list down is probably the first and easiest choice for someone. Make sure you write down you daily task list on something you can set in front of you. It is easy to get distracted so if you have something sitting in front of you it makes it easier to get back on task. What I usually do is once I write out the list I stick it on my monitor so it is right in front of me.

White Board
A white board is great for anyone’s home office. Not only can you write your daily tasks on there you can make other lists and even use it for brainstorming sessions. The only thing about a white board is that it is not right in front of you so it might not be as effective, but it is still a good choice.

Google Calendar
Physical task lists are good, but virtual ones on your computer and online are even better. Google Calendar is a great start. You can easily setup your daily tasks on there and since it is online you can access it anywhere. Another thing that is great about it is you can schedule by time too, so if you have a deadline you can write it in at a specific time.

I have talked about Netvibes before and it is probably my favorite of all things listed in this post. Netvibes is like a personal home page, so you can have task lists, RSS feeds, etc all on one page. I really like it because I have my daily, weekly, and monthly task lists on there and I also have lists of what products my reviewers have. It really helps me keep track of everything I need to get done. Just make sure you set it as your home page.

Post-It Software
If Google Calendar and Netvibes are a little to complicated for you then Post-It actually has their own Post-It software. It is just like a regular post-it note, but it sits on your desktop. Right now they have a 30 day trial, but there is an old free version on The only downfall of using this is that it is limited to your computer, whereas Google Calendar and Netvibes can be used with any computer with an internet connection.]]>
437 2008-05-19 10:53:12 2008-05-19 14:53:12 open open keeping-track-of-things publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267298616 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1958136067;s:7:"retweet";i:1958032289;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 23543 2008-05-19 21:17:27 2008-05-20 01:17:27 Tomboy is fantastic in Linux, specifically in GNOME! It does WikiWords and can do backups or syncing via SSH or DAV. It can also export to HTML to make a decent little online Wiki. sudo apt-get install tomboy to install it!]]> 1 0 0
Were Going to the Finals! Tue, 20 May 2008 17:17:35 +0000
That’s right Pens fan we are going to the Stanley Cup Finals! We have not been to the finals since 1992, for those who are bad at math that’s 16 years. Honestly after last years defeat in the first round of the playoffs I did not see us getting this far. And when Crosby got hurt the playoffs were even in doubt, but players like Malkin and Malone really stepped up. The team has really grown up since last year and has come together as a whole. Also the blockbuster trade bringing Hossa, Dupuis, and Gill over has really helped us out and solidified our team.

The excitement around Pittsburgh is crazy, it’s good to see people excited about hockey and not football. It seems everyone knows about the Steelers, but have no clue who the Penguins are. If you drive anywhere around Pittsburgh, you will see signs that say, “Let’s Go Pens” in windows of homes and business’s. Even bus’s have that on their digital signs that say the routes. If anyone wants a Gary Roberts for President poster you can print them out here.

I was lucky enough to get tickets for game 5 against Philadelphia and the atmosphere inside the arena was just insane. It was the loudest I’ve ever heard the arena before. The Pens just destroyed the Flyers 6-0. It was awesome counting down the last seconds of the game and seeing the Price of Wales trophy being brought out onto the ice. Hopefully I will be able to get tickets for one of the finals games, it will be even crazier.

We will be playing the Detroit Red Wings in the finals. They won the President’s Trophy for being the best team during the regular season. During the post season they had to go to six games against the Predators, they swept the Avalanche, and also had to go to six games against the Stars. The Penguins swept the Senators, went to 5 against the Rangers, and went to 5 against the Flyers. The Penguins have not played the Red Wings at all this year and we haven’t played a team like the Red Wings in the post season so this will be a very good series. The Red Wings will get home ice for the first 2 games, which could be a big factor in the series. My prediction is Penguins in 6. LET’S GO PENS!!!

438 2008-05-20 13:17:35 2008-05-20 17:17:35 open open were-going-to-the-finals publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267129010 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 aktt_notify_twitter no 23619 2008-05-22 02:20:34 2008-05-22 06:20:34 1 0 0
Twitter and Why I Use It Wed, 21 May 2008 15:13:54 +0000
I’m sure by now most of you have heard of Twitter, it is very big now. I first mentioned twitter back in October of last year, then again in January when I was in Vegas, and finally in my article about social networks and their importance. So I have been using Twitter for quite some time, but recently it has really caught on. Even the root of all evil is using it. I really enjoy Twitter, I have found a ton of useful information on it and it makes it easy to see what my friends are up to.

What is Twitter?
Well in my eyes Twitter is a mico-blogging platform. Unlike a regular blog where you can write a long post on Twitter you are limited to 140 characters, so you need to make it short and sweet. Many people use it as an update system of what they are currently doing. Just like any other social networking platform you have friends which “follow” you. If someone is following you they get your updates. You can also reply to someone’s updates, it’s just like having a conversation. If you still don’t understand Twitter then here is a video that gives a better explanation than I did.

Why Do I Use It?
I first joined Twitter because many people in my favorite podcasts were using it and it gave me a way to keep updated on new shows and also what they were up to. Since Twitter has grown I follow a good amount of people now from friends to people I do business with. Even my old roommate from college uses Twitter, I hadn’t talked to him in a few years and now since he started following me on Twitter we have reconnected. My local news station even uses Twitter to send out news stories, so I don’t even have to watch the local news.

Twitter also allows you to have a conversation with someone you probably would never talk to. All of the big names are on there, Kevin Rose, Jason Calacanis, and Scoble. So it is a very good networking tool. Also to me it is very interesting to see what these people are up to. With things like TwitPic you are even able to post pictures directly to Twitter from your phone with ease.

From a marketing standpoint Twitter can be very useful too. Right now I have 180 followers, which is an audience to me. So if I post something new on ThinkComputers I can send out the link via Twitter and those 180 people will see it. I know 180 people is not a lot but many people have over 1,000 friends. The more followers you get the more powerful Twitter can be for you. Twitter Apps Twitter is web based so all you have to do is go to the website to see your friend’s updates and to post an update, but you don’t want to have to sit on the website and hit refresh every 5 minutes to see the updates. There are a ton of third party applications for Twitter, I have used a ton since I have been with Twitter for so long. The one that really stands out to me is twhirl. I wanted something that was visually appealing, but also very functional, twhirl is that. Built on the Adobe Air platform it works great, and gives me easy access to my friend’s updates and allows me to easily post an update without even having to go to the twitter website.

Now you might not be able to be at a computer at all times that is why Twitter allows you to send updates via mobile txt, but if you have an iPhone there is a great app called Mobile Twitter. It has TwitPic built in, so say you are out to dinner you can take a picture of your dinner use Mobile Twitter to post an update and upload the picture to TwitPic.

Follow Me!
If you want to know what I’m up to make sure you follow me on Twitter. I will be doing a follow up post on another really cool Twitter related project that I have been using lately. ]]>
439 2008-05-21 11:13:54 2008-05-21 15:13:54 open open twitter-and-why-i-use-it publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267069288 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 23649 2008-05-23 03:05:25 2008-05-23 07:05:25 1 0 0 24145 2008-06-07 14:38:09 2008-06-07 18:38:09 twitter-gx, a simple command-line/GUI tweeter. I use feeds to track updates, replies, and etc, so I don't need those features in a client.]]> 1 0 0 23691 2008-05-24 12:17:41 2008-05-24 16:17:41 1 0 0 23597 2008-05-21 17:03:18 2008-05-21 21:03:18 1 0 0
My Mahalo VLOG Idol Pick Thu, 22 May 2008 17:34:59 +0000 Mahalo Daily. It was a very good show and they covered a lot of really interesting topics. Their host Veronica Belmont left to join Revision3 so they are in search of a new host. They are doing it Idol style! They are down to the final six, here is what I think about each host, starting from least favorite to the one I think should be the winner.

Although she had a fun topic to cover she also did not seem that interested and looked like she was not having any fun at all.

Not a bad host, the topic of the video was not the best and she did not seem that interested in what she was doing.

The host was a lot more interested in what she was doing, but her topic was extremely boring.

She seemed like she was gasping for air in the opening segment, but the rest of the interview was very good.

Great host, great smile, does a great show, but not as excited as about what she is doing compared to some of the other hosts.

She seemed super excited and really enjoyed the show, if she can bring that much excitement to the show then you have a winner.]]>
440 2008-05-22 13:34:59 2008-05-22 17:34:59 open open my-mahalo-vlog-idol-pick publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267144282 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Why Personal Blog Posts are Important Wed, 28 May 2008 16:42:38 +0000 As most of you know this blog is not just about business, I talk a lot about my personal life on here too. The blog would not be called if it was strictly about business. Actually I started the blog as a place to write down my thoughts and talk about traveling and other personal topics. Many blogs do not include personal blog posts, but I do think that they are very important to any blog out there.

Intimidation Factor
When you read a blog of someone who is highly successful there is an intimidation factor there. Having personal blog posts helps you to realize that they are just like you. John Chow has done a great job of this, especially with all of the videos he has posted on his recent trip to Shanghai.

Other Topics
This blog is mainly about making money online and starting your own business. Most of the people that visit the site are interested in those topics, but if they are not they might be interested in one of the personal blog posts. Just like my hockey blog posts, I have got comments from people who have never commented on the blog just on those.

A Look into Your Life
I always found that if you are open to a certain point you can connect with more people. I originally started this blog as part of ThinkComputers so my readers could see that I am a normal guy. By posting personal posts about trips, family, etc you give your readers a look into your life and they are able to connect with you. For example if I was talking about a bad experience at the airport someone might have had the same experience and would comment on the post. ]]>
441 2008-05-28 12:42:38 2008-05-28 16:42:38 open open why-personal-blog-posts-are-important publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1267265240 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:68:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 23924 2008-05-31 23:53:25 2008-06-01 03:53:25 1 0 0 23871 2008-05-30 03:58:22 2008-05-30 07:58:22 1 0 0 23994 2008-06-02 05:24:17 2008-06-02 09:24:17 1 0 0 23830 2008-05-28 23:41:15 2008-05-29 03:41:15 1 0 0 23812 2008-05-28 13:42:02 2008-05-28 17:42:02 1 0 0 23877 2008-05-30 13:41:44 2008-05-30 17:41:44 1 0 0
Why I Enjoy What I Do Mon, 02 Jun 2008 13:00:07 +0000 A few weeks ago I talked about living the dot com lifestyle. I really enjoy living the dot com lifestyle and I’m so happy that I am able to make a living online. It was a big step for me to quit college and go full steam with the internet business and at the time I had doubts on if it would work out, but now I couldn’t imagine it any other way. While running your own business can be very stressful and you can easily lose motivation, but there are always positive points to what I’m doing and whenever I’m feeling stressed out I always remember them and think I could be working a regular 9-5. So here are the major reasons why I enjoy what I do.

Love My Job
I have always been interested in computers and the internet and I am glad that my job revolves around that industry. I really like that I am able to check out new gadgets each week and be able to go to conventions like CES and E3. Many people can say they like their job, but not that many can say they love their job, honestly I cannot see myself doing anything else.

I’m My Own Boss
The one thing that I really hated about all of my previous jobs were my boss’s. They always seemed to be pissed off all the time and always had a bad attitude and would take their frustrations out on me. There is nothing better than being your own boss, there is no one telling you what to do, yelling at you, and always looking over your shoulder.

This probably has to be the thing that I enjoy the most about what I do. I’m not stuck inside an office every day from 9-5. I don’t have a set number of hours to work each day or week. I have no real schedule, which means if I want to stay up late I can, or if I want to sleep in till noon I can. Because I have freedom I am able to do things when I want and if you are able to do that you should be happy. I don’t have to worry about calling off work if something comes up I know I can just go.

The list of reasons why I enjoy what I do could go on and on, but these are the three most important to me. With good things there are bad, I will be following this post up with one on some of the bad things that go along with running your own business. ]]>
442 2008-06-02 09:00:07 2008-06-02 13:00:07 open open why-i-enjoy-what-i-do publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266917576 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 24322 2008-06-14 07:27:55 2008-06-14 11:27:55 1 0 0 24016 2008-06-03 01:29:03 2008-06-03 05:29:03 1 0 0 24017 2008-06-03 01:34:56 2008-06-03 05:34:56 1 0 0 24022 2008-06-03 09:56:15 2008-06-03 13:56:15 1 0 0 24061 2008-06-04 16:05:03 2008-06-04 20:05:03 1 0 0
Crazy Thunderstorm! Thu, 05 Jun 2008 17:22:20 +0000 Early this morning I was awakened by thunder and lightning flashes. I am a very light sleeper, almost anything will wake me up, so the thunder most definitely woke me up. I was lying in bed trying to fall back asleep and I heard thunder and lightning flashes every few minutes. Then about 5 minutes later they were so loud and the rain was so hard I had to go outside and check out the storm. Standing out on my deck I saw 3 lightning strikes right in front of me! I ran and got my laptop and jumped on so I could record the storm. I was lucky enough to catch lightning on the camera. Also you can tell how loud the thunder was! Too bad I was not able to get more video of the lightning, by the time I got my camera setup most of the storm had passed. Check out the video below!

443 2008-06-05 13:22:20 2008-06-05 17:22:20 open open crazy-thunderstorm publish 0 0 post 0 tweetbackscheck 1266293036 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 aktt_notify_twitter no 24090 2008-06-05 14:36:28 2008-06-05 18:36:28 1 0 0 24176 2008-06-09 05:30:32 2008-06-09 09:30:32 1 0 0 24101 2008-06-06 00:24:12 2008-06-06 04:24:12 1 0 0 24265 2008-06-11 18:50:58 2008-06-11 22:50:58 1 0 0 24114 2008-06-06 13:22:40 2008-06-06 17:22:40 1 0 0 24103 2008-06-06 03:54:18 2008-06-06 07:54:18 1 0 0 24096 2008-06-05 18:23:10 2008-06-05 22:23:10 1 0 0 24110 2008-06-06 09:35:36 2008-06-06 13:35:36 1 24101 0 24111 2008-06-06 09:44:49 2008-06-06 13:44:49 1 0 0
What A Season! Mon, 09 Jun 2008 12:00:24 +0000
As most of you know the hockey season is now over. The Penguins were not able to bring the Cup back to Pittsburgh, but even though they lost in the finals you have to commend them on such a great season. Don’t forget that only 2 seasons ago the Penguins finished the season in second to last place. Seeing this team grow over the past 3 years has been amazing. Also seeing the city get behind the team is great. All you ever hear around here is something about the Steelers, it was good to see the Penguins and the sport of hockey get some attention. I’m not a bitter fan, Detroit deserved to win. They played better and really wanted to win.

Going into the playoffs I was unsure of how the Penguins would do, although they did have some experience from last year, it was not a lot. After they knocked out Ottawa it was very exciting. When we defeated the Rangers to head on to the Eastern Conference Finals it was an unreal feeling. When we defeated them to head to the Stanley Cup Finals it gave me butterflies (I was at the final game of the Philadelphia series). It would be the first time we had gone to the finals in 16 years! It was very exciting and the city was a buzz! Another funny thing was that the last time the Penguins won the Cup there was a Bush in office, a Clinton was running for office, and the Jets won the Super Bowl. Of course Hillary is not running anymore, but at the time she was. It was a weird coincidence.

Although the Penguins did not win it gives us a lot to look forward to next season. Hopefully we will be able to keep many of our key players. Malkin, Fluery, Hossa, Malone, and Orpik all need contracts, and those are just a few. Hopefully Shero can find some way to keep them all!

This hockey season was filled with so many great moments and long nights of me watching the games then listening to the post-game show on the radio. Going to the games was also a lot of fun and the atmosphere inside the arena is amazing, especially during the playoff games. The tickets were expensive, but you cannot put a price on that kind of feeling. Thanks for a great season Penguins!]]>
444 2008-06-09 08:00:24 2008-06-09 12:00:24 open open what-a-season publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1212993842 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267026240 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1193074885;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 24215 2008-06-10 12:29:36 2008-06-10 16:29:36 1 24201 0 24212 2008-06-10 12:14:45 2008-06-10 16:14:45 1 0 0 24198 2008-06-10 03:22:13 2008-06-10 07:22:13 1 0 0 24201 2008-06-10 04:44:59 2008-06-10 08:44:59 1 24198 0
Free Stuff from Market Leverage and John Chow Thu, 12 Jun 2008 13:00:20 +0000 Market Leverage to give away 4 great prizes all to one person! These prizes include a Flip video camera, $200 Market Leverage Amex card, iPod Nano, and a USB drive pen. All of the prizes combined equal out to over $500!

Entering is easy all you have to do is reply to the contest post on, which will give you one entry into the contest. If you blog about the contest linking back to the contest post and Market Leverage you will get 5 entries into the contest. The contest runs until June 20th so get your entries in! ]]>
445 2008-06-12 09:00:20 2008-06-12 13:00:20 open open free-stuff-from-market-leverage-and-john-chow publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1213251140 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267293289 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:76:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 24289 2008-06-12 16:12:41 2008-06-12 20:12:41 1 0 0
The Sunday Routine Mon, 16 Jun 2008 00:15:46 +0000 I have received many e-mails and comments wanting to know what my daily routine is like. The thing is because I’m my own boss my routine changes all the time and it can be different each day depending on what I’m doing. Although my Sunday’s usually are always the same. I use Sunday as sort of a catch up and relax day. It is always good to have at least one relax day a week. You can’t be working 7 days a week, you will eventually get burnt out.

I never set an alarm on Sundays, I just sleep in till whenever I feel like getting up. I usually try to catch up on my blog reading on Sunday too. I have about 20 blogs in my bookmarks that I enjoy to reading so I usually sit out on my deck, enjoy the weather (if it’s nice) and read blogs for a few hours. Sundays for me also means a nice big lunch. Since I have more time on Sunday’s I usually make a big lunch that takes a while to make. That way I can sit and enjoy eating, not rush through it.

Catching Up
As I said I do not do a lot of work on Sundays, but I do get some work done. A lot of the time I get behind on e-mails, so I use the weekend to get caught up on them. I also use Sunday to research blog topics and article topics for ThinkComputers. Another part of Sunday is spent doing little tweaks to my websites like adding new features or redesigning. As many of you know ThinkComputers usually posts 5 reviews a week so I prepare Monday’s review on Sunday night. So it is not a lot of work on Sunday, but it is nice to be able to be productive in a relaxed atmosphere.

I recently got a Flip Ultra to review on ThinkComputers so I decided to make a video of my outside “workstation” (old computer chair), and show you the view from my apartment. If you enjoyed the video please let me know and I will continue to make more of them.

446 2008-06-15 20:15:46 2008-06-16 00:15:46 open open the-sunday-routine publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1213575346 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267234781 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1297080256;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 24356 2008-06-15 23:50:15 2008-06-16 03:50:15 1 0 0 24362 2008-06-16 05:21:16 2008-06-16 09:21:16 1 0 0 24398 2008-06-17 02:05:05 2008-06-17 06:05:05 1 0 0
Pho Minh in Pittsburgh Mon, 16 Jun 2008 18:53:22 +0000
It has been a while since I had my last Pho, and that experience was not authentic according to John Chow. He said you need to go to small place not a place in a Vegas hotel. I have been craving Pho, especially since the guys go each week. Now there are not many Pho places to choose from in Pittsburgh, but I had heard good things about Pho Minh so fellow ThinkComputers staff writer Colin and I headed down there for dinner.

Pho Minh is right on Penn Ave. in Bloomfield. It is not very big at all, walking into the place there are maybe 20 seats at most. We seated and our order taken right away. I ordered the normal Pho, but with added steak. Colin ordered Pho with beef and chicken (next time I will remember the names). Both our orders came out very quickly and steaming hot!

After the first taste I knew I would be coming back to Pho Minh. The Pho I had in Vegas did not even compare with Pho Minh. The broth was extremely tasty and not bland at all. Well I’ve only been to 2 Pho restaurants, but this one is my favorite so far.

I had never had tea before unbelievably. Colin said I should try it so I did. While being a little bland it was good and if it’s filled with caffeine I’m all for it! I brought the Flip Utra along with me to Pho Minh and Colin took this short video...

Colin and I plan to make this a weekly thing, maybe start a Dot Com Pho Pittsburgh? If anyone is interested in joining us be sure to contact me and I will let you know when we are going again. ]]>
447 2008-06-16 14:53:22 2008-06-16 18:53:22 open open pho-minh-in-pittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1213648879 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267130854 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:8:{i:1205237253;s:7:"retweet";i:1204350448;s:7:"retweet";i:1204348358;s:7:"retweet";i:1193394599;s:7:"retweet";i:1193203879;s:7:"retweet";i:1193181990;s:7:"retweet";i:1483416708;s:7:"retweet";i:1483113954;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 16 aktt_notify_twitter no 24526 2008-06-19 19:42:03 2008-06-19 23:42:03 1 24374 0 24373 2008-06-16 15:04:40 2008-06-16 19:04:40 1 0 0 24375 2008-06-16 16:08:39 2008-06-16 20:08:39 1 24374 1 24391 2008-06-17 00:01:17 2008-06-17 04:01:17 1 0 0 24397 2008-06-17 02:01:24 2008-06-17 06:01:24 1 0 0 24424 2008-06-17 12:25:37 2008-06-17 16:25:37 1 0 0 24374 2008-06-16 15:14:28 2008-06-16 19:14:28 1 0 0 24386 2008-06-16 18:09:04 2008-06-16 22:09:04 1 0 0 24608 2008-06-23 08:40:50 2008-06-23 12:40:50 1 0 0 24401 2008-06-17 03:31:09 2008-06-17 07:31:09 1 24397 0 24552 2008-06-20 21:47:50 2008-06-21 01:47:50 1 0 0
Brightkite – Location-based Social Networking Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:37:24 +0000
A while ago I talked about Twitter, if you still do not know what Twitter is make sure you check that post out. I got a Brightkite invite a while ago and while I did not really fully understand what it was I of course went to check it out. I really like how with Twitter I was able to let people know what I am doing when I am out, but unless they are from the area where I’m at they have no clue really where I am. That is where Brightkite comes in.

Getting Setup
Brightkite is all about where you are, that is why they call it the location-based social network. Once you create an account you can setup your profile with all your information. Make sure you put in your mobile number and your Twitter information (under sharing). Once you are all setup then you are ready to check in. Britekite is based on where you check in at. You do not have to be specific, for example you can put Pittsburgh, PA and it will just check you in at Pittsburgh. But if you want to be specific you can be too.

Mobile Use
Like I said I like to update my Twitter when I’m out, but I can do the same thing with Brightkite when I’m out through text (remember Brightkite will update your twitter status). To check in all I have to do is text @ “My Location”, example: @ Pittsburgh, PA. It is really that easy. Say you are at a restaurant, but do not know that address. Brightkite has a built in business search, so if I’m at Pho I can text: ? Pho Minh and it will list the top 5 closest businesses with that name and once I select one I can check in there. Once checked in at your location you can text: say “your message”, example: say at pho! You can also upload pictures to Brightkite, they will provide you with an e-mail address to send pictures to. When you send pictures the title of the e-mail will be the text in your tweet, like this one. If you click on the Brightkite link it will take you to a page with the picture and a Google map of the location that I sent the picture from, very cool!

Real Social Networking
Something really interesting happened when I went to the Penguins vs. Flyers game back on May 18th. Of course I was using Brightkite and I checked in a Mellon Arena. About 15 minutes after I checked in a got a text message back from Brightkite saying another user checked in at the same location and how I could chat with them. So I decided to say hi to the other user and we were chatting all through the game. It was very cool, that is real world social networking for you!

Other Features
For iPhone users Brightkite has an iPhone site at and I really like it, although I rarely use it, texting works fine for me. Just like on Twitter you have your stream with all of your friend’s updates, but also you have and Around Me stream that will list all of the updates from users that are around you, so it makes it easier to add them as friends. Also you can see all of the places that you have checked in at, Brightkite will even display them on a map, which is really cool.

Invites Anyone?
Brightkite is still in beta, but right now I have 5 invites so if you would like one please comment at the bottom of this post, make sure you include your e-mail since that is how I will send you the invite. If you are already a Brightkite member make sure you add me as a friend! ]]>
448 2008-06-18 12:37:24 2008-06-18 16:37:24 open open brightkite-%e2%80%93-location-based-social-networking publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1213807044 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267268944 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:84:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 24516 2008-06-19 06:28:54 2008-06-19 10:28:54 1 0 0 24668 2008-06-25 08:26:55 2008-06-25 12:26:55 1 24516 0
50 Best Website’s and How They Make Money Thu, 19 Jun 2008 13:00:48 +0000
Time has listed their 50 best websites of 2008. Now reading through the lengthy list of sites will maybe give you an idea for a new site, but do these sites make money? Valleywag went through the list and found out how each site makes money online, very interesting. No surprise that Google Adsense is used by most, following that private ad sales, then Yahoo, then finally Microsoft, which only 1 of the 36 sites that actually are ad supported uses. Here is a short list, head on over the Valleywag for the full list.

449 2008-06-19 09:00:48 2008-06-19 13:00:48 open open 50-best-website%e2%80%99s-and-how-they-make-money publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1213843808 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266883287 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:80:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 24796 2008-07-01 04:36:52 2008-07-01 08:36:52 1 0 0 24699 2008-06-27 04:48:00 2008-06-27 08:48:00 1 0 0 25349 2008-07-23 23:11:13 2008-07-24 03:11:13 1 0 0 26036 2008-08-19 16:05:16 2008-08-19 20:05:16 1 0 0 24539 2008-06-20 10:27:51 2008-06-20 14:27:51 1 0 0 25788 2008-08-09 21:51:57 2008-08-10 01:51:57 1 0 0
A Week off from Blogging Mon, 30 Jun 2008 17:49:33 +0000 Well as you may notice it has been a while since I have updated the blog. Believe me I’m not going to quit blogging, but I just needed a break. I hate it when I go through my bookmarks and see that sites have not updated in a while, so to my loyal readers I’m sorry for that. With everything in life you need to take a break once in a while and the past week I took a break from blogging, I still had a lot going on so taking blogging out of the picture really helped with a lot of other things.

I have been really working hard at ThinkComputers. Usually the summer time is the slow time for the site, but we have just as many products in as during Christmas time so it’s just as much work. It’s kind of a bummer since it is summer, but it’s by business and if I want it to grow I have to work hard at it. We have some really great reviews coming up too. We just posted a review of the Lenovo IdeaPad U110 11.1-inch laptop, make sure you check it out. It is the perfect laptop for a blogger or mobile user.

Personal Time
Since I took some time off from blogging it gave me extra time to myself. The biggest problem being a writer is burnout. I don’t want to get burnt out and not update all of my sites, so I decided it would be best to take blogging out of the mix and I think it worked out well. It was one less thing to worry about. It is nice just being able to relax and not think about all the things you have to do.

Over the past few weeks my place has turned into a mess! I just had so much to do that the little free time that I did have I just felt like relaxing. Well because of that my place was a mess and when you are living in a mess it really hurts your motivation. So I took an entire day and cleaned my entire apartment. I even rearranged my office to give it a new feel, which should really help with my motivation. Stay tuned for a blog post about that.

If you are feeling crushed with work and are always stressed take one thing out of the mix. I really didn’t think that just not blogging for a week would help, but it really did.]]>
450 2008-06-30 13:49:33 2008-06-30 17:49:33 open open a-week-off-from-blogging publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1214848174 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266970609 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 24807 2008-07-01 16:43:25 2008-07-01 20:43:25 1 24803 0 24803 2008-07-01 11:55:25 2008-07-01 15:55:25 1 24788 0 24795 2008-07-01 04:34:41 2008-07-01 08:34:41 1 0 0 24788 2008-06-30 22:29:31 2008-07-01 02:29:31 1 0 0 24818 2008-07-02 01:03:04 2008-07-02 05:03:04 1 0 0 24979 2008-07-10 23:16:45 2008-07-11 03:16:45 1 0 0
Some New Review Products... Tue, 01 Jul 2008 13:00:28 +0000 ThinkComputers. That means we have a ton of products in to review. While CPU coolers and motherboards are not that exciting we do get some cool things in to review. Here are 3 of the more interesting items we have received lately.

You have seen this in action already, the Flip Ultra. If you do not know what a Flip is, it is a small video camera that records right to its built-in hard drive and makes it very easy for you to transfer videos from the device to your computer via a USB connection. These have become very popular lately so I decided to e-mail Flip and get one to review. The Flip Ultra has a 2GB storage capacity, which is about an hour of video at 640 x 480 resolution. You can get a Flip Ultra for $149.99

Now this laptop is just sick, its Alienware’s latest notebook the m15x. This 15.4-inch laptop is one of the most powerful laptops money can buy. Powered by an Intel Core 2 Extreme and an Nvidia GeForce 8800M GTX it can play any game that is out right now. To all you people who are not into computers you will like Alienware’s AlienFX System lighting. The keyboard, touchpad, logos, etc all light up. Not only that you can customize what colors they are, all with the included software. There are 12 different colors to choose from and you can even have the lights change from color to color, definitely cool! The m15x starts at $1,499, but a totally tricked out system will go for over $5,000!

I know everyone has seen iPod speaker systems, but the Orb from mStation is actually pretty cool and sounds good too. It is a 2.1 system that has a dedicated subwoofer so you can actually get good bass out of it. The system also will connect to your computer so you can dock your iPod right from the Orb. The system sells for $129.95.

Stay tuned to see these products reviewed on ThinkComputers!]]>
451 2008-07-01 09:00:28 2008-07-01 13:00:28 open open some-new-review-products publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1214884162 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266670169 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 24808 2008-07-01 16:44:50 2008-07-01 20:44:50 1 24800 0 24800 2008-07-01 10:59:38 2008-07-01 14:59:38 not enjoy owning a tech site?]]> 1 0 0 24830 2008-07-02 17:06:52 2008-07-02 21:06:52 1 0 0 24857 2008-07-03 21:51:14 2008-07-04 01:51:14 1 0 0 24836 2008-07-02 21:59:42 2008-07-03 01:59:42 1 0 0 24939 2008-07-08 04:48:50 2008-07-08 08:48:50 1 0 0 24823 2008-07-02 04:05:58 2008-07-02 08:05:58 1 24800 0 25366 2008-07-24 10:49:13 2008-07-24 14:49:13 1 0 0 24978 2008-07-10 23:11:43 2008-07-11 03:11:43 1 0 0
Thoughts on the Top Affiliate Challenge Thu, 03 Jul 2008 15:53:04 +0000 If you follow affiliate marketing, John Chow’s blog, or Shoemoney’s blog you have probably heard of the Top Affiliate Challenge. The Top Affiliate Challenge is an online reality show that takes 12 internet marketers, divides them into 3 teams, and then it is up to the teams to make money promoting real affiliate products. Each team is led by a guru, Jeremy “ShoeMoney” Schoemaker, John Chow, and Ken McArthur make up the 3 guru’s. There are some pretty interesting contestants like Jonathan Van Clute and Ian Fernando. After watching the first 2 episodes I am not really impressed at all, honestly it’s more of a joke.

When I first starting watching the first episode I thought I was watching something from 1995, the intro is horrible and the graphics look so dated. Watching the first episode you can blatantly see where they cut scenes and it just looks so unprofessional. And it’s not like it happens once or even twice during the show it happens all the time! It’s so bad that in episode 2 John Chow is talking about his blog and they cut him off at the end! I’ve seen video bloggers put together better videos than this! Also the quality of the uploaded video is just horrible. I guess that is because they are using Google Video to host the videos. They should have used a service like BitGravity to serve high quality video.

The Host
Well at least they picked an attractive host, but besides that she really does not bring anything. You can really tell that she is just reading from a script, not much emotion or anything. And in some scenes in episode 2 you can see that she is reading from the script on the floor! When I saw that I just laughed. No wonder they have to cut the video so much.

The Content
Now this is actually the only good part of the show. Watching the teams devise ways to make money with affiliate marketing, although through the first 2 shows they really do not show you how they do it or really give you any insight. I do like the battles going on between the teams and how determined some of the contestants are. It is a good opportunity for them to learn and make money at the same time. I have talked to some of the contestants and they say the show is really a joke, but they are enjoying the experience.

Hopefully the next few episodes will be better, but I don’t expect much on the production side of things. Here are the first 2 episodes…

452 2008-07-03 11:53:04 2008-07-03 15:53:04 open open thoughts-on-the-top-affiliate-challenge publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1215100385 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267237498 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:70:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 24876 2008-07-04 18:51:08 2008-07-04 22:51:08 1 0 0 24885 2008-07-05 01:37:23 2008-07-05 05:37:23 1 24876 0 24977 2008-07-10 23:05:46 2008-07-11 03:05:46 1 0 0 24853 2008-07-03 14:51:03 2008-07-03 18:51:03 1 0 0 24854 2008-07-03 14:54:54 2008-07-03 18:54:54 1 24853 0 24869 2008-07-04 09:55:07 2008-07-04 13:55:07 1 24854 0 24905 2008-07-06 00:43:55 2008-07-06 04:43:55 1 24885 0
The Website is Down! Wed, 09 Jul 2008 15:24:41 +0000

453 2008-07-09 11:24:41 2008-07-09 15:24:41 open open the-website-is-down publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1215617132 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266917588 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 25348 2008-07-23 22:58:32 2008-07-24 02:58:32 1 0 0 24960 2008-07-09 22:57:36 2008-07-10 02:57:36 1 0 0 24981 2008-07-11 00:59:11 2008-07-11 04:59:11 1 0 0 24976 2008-07-10 22:58:57 2008-07-11 02:58:57 1 0 0 24953 2008-07-09 13:39:55 2008-07-09 17:39:55 1 0 0
Crazy Weather Mon, 14 Jul 2008 19:27:00 +0000 new apartment I have noticed its location is great for watching storms. I have already caught a few storms on video. From my porch I am able to watch storms roll right in, it is pretty cool. Here are some pictures of some the storms and other weather over the past few weeks.

Crazy Clouds

Crazy Fog

Rainbow after a storm

Clouds moving in…

454 2008-07-14 15:27:00 2008-07-14 19:27:00 open open crazy-weather publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1217198196 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266943583 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:73:{i:1199511125;s:7:"retweet";i:1358389642;s:7:"retweet";i:1358363526;s:7:"retweet";i:1358703571;s:7:"retweet";i:1358683787;s:7:"retweet";i:1358524749;s:7:"retweet";i:1358522091;s:7:"retweet";i:1358511389;s:7:"retweet";i:1358473078;s:7:"retweet";i:1358427008;s:7:"retweet";i:1358770985;s:7:"retweet";i:1358768573;s:7:"retweet";i:1358750555;s:7:"retweet";i:1379434228;s:7:"retweet";i:1371239436;s:7:"retweet";i:1371133459;s:7:"retweet";i:1362355966;s:7:"retweet";i:1362217543;s:7:"retweet";i:1361973922;s:7:"retweet";i:1361659136;s:7:"retweet";i:1361136959;s:7:"retweet";i:1360768887;s:7:"retweet";i:1360699377;s:7:"retweet";i:1360694768;s:7:"retweet";i:1360352182;s:7:"retweet";i:1360346064;s:7:"retweet";i:1360296520;s:7:"retweet";i:1360233550;s:7:"retweet";i:1360224692;s:7:"retweet";i:1360089053;s:7:"retweet";i:1360068016;s:7:"retweet";i:1360015396;s:7:"retweet";i:1359938439;s:7:"retweet";i:1359897293;s:7:"retweet";i:1359831611;s:7:"retweet";i:1359825830;s:7:"retweet";i:1359819649;s:7:"retweet";i:1359805883;s:7:"retweet";i:1359735530;s:7:"retweet";i:1359604992;s:7:"retweet";i:1359593966;s:7:"retweet";i:1359571646;s:7:"retweet";i:1359507794;s:7:"retweet";i:1359488548;s:7:"retweet";i:1359464881;s:7:"retweet";i:1359421181;s:7:"retweet";i:1359401499;s:7:"retweet";i:1359349188;s:7:"retweet";i:1359317135;s:7:"retweet";i:1359268626;s:7:"retweet";i:1359244998;s:7:"retweet";i:1359204135;s:7:"retweet";i:1359156631;s:7:"retweet";i:1359156318;s:7:"retweet";i:1359128556;s:7:"retweet";i:1359117521;s:7:"retweet";i:1359110332;s:7:"retweet";i:1359094078;s:7:"retweet";i:1359087825;s:7:"retweet";i:1359077230;s:7:"retweet";i:1359037671;s:7:"retweet";i:1359017806;s:7:"retweet";i:1359013964;s:7:"retweet";i:1358979206;s:7:"retweet";i:1358970604;s:7:"retweet";i:1358964694;s:7:"retweet";i:1358955808;s:7:"retweet";i:1358928759;s:7:"retweet";i:1358927891;s:7:"retweet";i:1358900276;s:7:"retweet";i:1358873025;s:7:"retweet";i:1358868331;s:7:"retweet";i:1358861138;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 307 aktt_notify_twitter no 25127 2008-07-16 22:32:41 2008-07-17 02:32:41 1 0 0 25086 2008-07-15 00:57:13 2008-07-15 04:57:13 1 0 0 25083 2008-07-14 23:28:54 2008-07-15 03:28:54 1 0 0 25347 2008-07-23 22:55:11 2008-07-24 02:55:11 1 0 0 38558 2009-08-02 13:24:40 2009-08-02 17:24:40 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0
TweetBeep Your Twitter Alert System Fri, 18 Jul 2008 19:39:19 +0000
I’m sure a lot of you have heard of Google Alerts. It will allow you to be notified if a specific keyword comes up in Google results. It is really cool to see what other sites are linking to you and to see who is talking about you. I have alerts for ThinkComputers as well as my name. Having web alerts is nice, but what about Twitter? Twitter has become extremely popular and with its growing user base it would be nice to see what people are saying about you on Twitter.

That is where comes in. It is an alert system for Twitter. It is very much like Google Alerts. Once you create an account you are able to start creating alerts. You can create alerts by either keyword or domain name. With the keyword alerts you can have it check hourly or daily. You can also have it search for text only, which is nice because you don’t want alerts every time someone replies to you.

For the domain alerts you do not get as many options. You cannot do hourly or daily alerts, the domains are checked in real time. I wish they could be done daily, thats how I have my Google Alerts setup. One thing that is really cool about TweetBeep is that even if the domain is shortened with TinyURL or Snurl TweetBeep can still pick it up!

Once you have all of your alerts setup you can view them all to delete or make changes to them. Depending on your settings when one of the keywords comes up in a tweet TweetBeep will e-mail you. It is a pretty cool service, now you can see who is talking about you on Twitter! Remember to follow me on Twitter! ]]>
455 2008-07-18 15:39:19 2008-07-18 19:39:19 open open tweetbeep-your-twitter-alert-system publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1216409959 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267213203 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:3:{i:1953768685;s:7:"retweet";i:1952414556;s:7:"retweet";i:1952332415;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 5
Being Transparent Mon, 21 Jul 2008 13:00:58 +0000 All of the time you see these big companies like Microsoft and Google and you wonder what goes on there? Or what is it like at the Google campus? Many companies do let you in on what is going on, but some do not. I really like that many companies let you see what goes on behind the scenes and it makes you realize that most people who work at these companies are just like you and me. Some major companies still do not know how to be transparent and I think that it would benefit them if they would open up even just a little bit. Here are some ways that you or your company can be more transparent.

Starting a company or personal blog is the easiest way to open yourself or your company to the world. On a blog you can talk about what you have going on, some of the new things you are working on, and even introduce some of the people that work for your company. Blogs are extremely easy to setup and to update. So this would be my first choice when it comes to making your company more transparent.

Personal Blog Posts
Well if your business is a blog then you can do some personal blog posts. Many professional bloggers have done this and it has worked out really well. If you go on a trip you can blog about it or you can talk about a nice restaurant you have gone too. It gives the blogs readers a more personal view of your life and gives them a change from the normal posts on your blog.

Behind the Scenes
Well maybe you don’t have a blog, but you still want to let people know what’s going on in your company, how can you do so? Many companies have podcasts or vidcasts that let people know what they are up to. Most of them or sort of the behind the scenes kind of thing. One of the best examples of this is the Revision3 Gazette. It’s really cool being able to see what all goes on behind the scenes at Revision3.

Finally this one has to be the most personal and one that you won’t see that often. A lifecast is basically turning on a webcam and letting anyone view what you are doing. I actually have a lifecast that I’m on each day (usually). It lets people see how I work and see what I do on a daily basis. Another good example of this is TwitLive. ]]>
456 2008-07-21 09:00:58 2008-07-21 13:00:58 open open being-transparent publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1216607733 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267285667 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1965781294;s:7:"retweet";i:1965018954;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 25242 2008-07-21 10:43:58 2008-07-21 14:43:58 1 0 0 25358 2008-07-24 04:53:57 2008-07-24 08:53:57 1 0 0 25801 2008-08-11 03:20:24 2008-08-11 07:20:24 1 0 0
Review Number 800 Tue, 22 Jul 2008 17:18:19 +0000 Well if you head over to ThinkComputers today you will see the Griffin Wave iPhone Case Review. There really is nothing special about the review itself, but it is review #800 for ThinkComputers! That is sure a lot of products we have reviewed over that past 6 years! We posted review #700 back at the end of January so we are doing a good bit of reviews. Hopefully over the next couple of month we will be posting 5 reviews a week! I wouldn’t be able to do all this myself so I want to thank my staff, Colin Dean, Frank Stroupe, Greg Baden and Michael Kwan. Here are some of my favorite reviews from 700 to 800.

It seems like I have been writing reviews forever, but I love doing it and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Hopefully in another 4-5 months I will be making another post about review #900. ]]>
457 2008-07-22 13:18:19 2008-07-22 17:18:19 open open review-number-800 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1216747179 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266778668 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 25493 2008-07-28 19:37:47 2008-07-28 23:37:47 1 0 0 25362 2008-07-24 06:30:26 2008-07-24 10:30:26 1 0 0 25414 2008-07-25 12:05:29 2008-07-25 16:05:29 1 0 0 25367 2008-07-24 10:51:45 2008-07-24 14:51:45 1 0 0 25470 2008-07-27 14:59:37 2008-07-27 18:59:37 1 0 0 25802 2008-08-11 03:22:40 2008-08-11 07:22:40 1 0 0
John Chow’s Market Leverage Affiliate Challenge Fri, 25 Jul 2008 20:42:49 +0000
It looks like John Chow and Market Leverage have teamed up again to bring you another contest. All new Market Leverage members to sign up through the contest have the chance to win an iPod Touch and $200 Market Leverage American Express Rewards Card. They are doing the contest much like the Top Affiliate Challenge. So the top Market Leverage earner in 1 month will win the prizes. The iPod Touch and $200 Amex card give you some motivation to get into affiliate marketing if you haven’t already.

John is also giving away 10 2GB Market Leverage USB pens! The first 10 people who make $10 with Market Leverage will be sent a 2GB USB pen. Not only that, John is giving away a Flip Mino too! If you are already a Market Leverage member or do not want to compete in the contest then all you have to do is reply to the contest post for an entry into Flip Mino giveaway. If you blog about the contest you will be given 5 more entries!

This is a really great contest if you are looking to get into affiliate marketing. The prizes will definitely give you some motivation to really work on offers etc. I think I will be doing the challenge, hopefully I will have time. I got into affiliate marketing after I go back from Ad:Tech, but I was not that successful with it. Hopefully I can do better this time around. Check out all the details over at the contest page on John’s Blog.]]>
458 2008-07-25 16:42:49 2008-07-25 20:42:49 open open john-chows-market-leverage-affiliate-challenge publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1217018684 _edit_last 1 _wp_old_slug john-chow%e2%80%99s-market-leverage-affiliate-challenge tweetbackscheck 1267051564 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:77:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 25803 2008-08-11 03:24:52 2008-08-11 07:24:52 1 0 0
Grilled Shrimp Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:53:09 +0000 One thing that people always assume is that I eat out a lot, I’m really not sure why that is because I rarely eat out. I work from home so it really is a pain to drive somewhere to eat and fast food is really bad for you too. I really do enjoy cooking and always try to learn new recipes, especially ones for food that is cheap and easy to make. I also like trying new things and seeing if they turn out ok. Well today I will show you how to make some really good grilled shrimp. Since it is summer you are going to be grilling a lot so this is the perfect thing for that summer barbeque.

First you will need some shrimp, I usually get a bag of frozen shrimp and set them out to defrost in the morning. After the shrimp have thawed go ahead and put them on skewers.

Now for our seasoning. The seasoning I make is a mixture of olive oil, pepper, garlic salt, and of course old bay seasoning.

Once you have your seasoning mixed go ahead and put the skewers on the grill and use a brush to season the shrimp. About 10 minutes and 3-4 flips the shrimp should be done.

This is a simple snack that takes only about 15 minutes to make and tastes great. One thing that I always try to do is find things that do not take a lot of time to cook because the longer it takes to cook the less time I have for work. Try making this shrimp and tell me what you think.

459 2008-07-27 16:53:09 2008-07-27 20:53:09 open open grilled-shrimp publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1217191989 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266964491 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1020311871;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 25855 2008-08-14 12:14:57 2008-08-14 16:14:57 1 0 0 25492 2008-07-28 19:37:18 2008-07-28 23:37:18 1 0 0 25475 2008-07-27 18:58:44 2008-07-27 22:58:44 1 0 0 25804 2008-08-11 03:27:35 2008-08-11 07:27:35 1 0 0
Make Money with Performancing Ads Mon, 28 Jul 2008 15:46:42 +0000
The popular blogging community has started a new ad network called Performancing Ads. What is unique about Performancing ads is that it is a marketplace for 125 x 125 ads only. The 125 x 125 ad placement has becoming extremely popular with blogs like TechCrunch, and other large blogs. Almost all blogs now have a 125 x 125 ad placement and if they don’t there is probably room for one.

How it Works
The first thing you want to do is sign up for Performancing Ads. After you are all signed up you can go ahead and add you blog. Performancing Ads work by listing your blog on the marketplace where advertisers can browse the inventory and choose blogs that match what they are trying to promote. For the ads to be displayed on your blog you just paste a small code on your blog and once ads are booked they are automatically displayed. Ads are sold on a 1 week basis and you are able to set your own rates. You get a 60 / 40 spit of the profit (via Paypal).

The Publisher Exchange Program
Performancing Ads publisher exchange program gives a nice perk to publishers by giving them credits whenever their ads are sold. Credits then can be redeemed for free ad space on similar sites. It’s a good way to give exposure to everyone, even small blogs.

The Referral Program
Performancing Ads has a very nice referral program. You will earn $10 for every person you refer. Not only that you will earn 5% of any ads sales generated by the new referral for life! That’s right for LIFE! You can definitely see the potential here in making easy passive income.

The Verdict
I think that Performancing Ads is going to do great. Just look at the blogs you visit on a daily basis, how many of them have 125 x 125 ads? Selling ads yourself can be time consuming and frustrating at times so it is nice for someone to do it for you. Performancing Ads is going to be great for smaller blogs and I will be implementing them on this blog very soon!

Sign Up for Performancing Ads Today! ]]>
460 2008-07-28 11:46:42 2008-07-28 15:46:42 open open make-money-with-performancing-ads publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1217260002 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267293849 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:64:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 25491 2008-07-28 19:36:31 2008-07-28 23:36:31 1 0 0 – Video Twitter? Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:26:20 +0000 A couple of days ago I saw a few twitters about people saying they had posted their first 12seconds video. I wondered what 12seconds was so I decided to check it out. It is a video sharing site, but the thing is you can only make videos that are 12 seconds long. Just like how twitter is limited to 140 characters 12seconds is limited to 12 seconds. It is a really cool idea and something that you are like, “Why didn’t I think of that!”. It is currently in public alpha, but John Chow was nice enough to give me an invite.

Getting setup is pretty easy, you create a username and fill out a few other details. You record your video directly on the site itself, no uploading. Although you are able to upload videos from your cell phone. I assume if they are over 12 seconds they are just cut to the first 12 seconds. When you create a video you put in the title, tags, and location. It is pretty easy to figure out. Also you can add your twitter information so it sends a tweet every time you post a video. Just like twitter you can follow people and have followers. Here is my first video…

As you can see there is not much you can say in 12 seconds, that’s what makes it unique. Now is it better than twitter? I do not think so, yes it is video but say I want to tell people about something I have posted on ThinkComputers I can only say, “check it out on ThinkComputers”, while on Twitter I can give them the direct link. I do like that it is video though, it is much more personal than typing something out on Twitter. I would really like to see a 12seconds app like how you can add videos to Pownce and they show up right in the application, which would be really cool. Like I said 12seconds is only in alpha so we will have to see how things go. Right now I have 8 invites so if you would like one comment on this post, make sure you include a valid e-mail address because that’s where I will be sending the invite. If you are already a 12seconds member be sure to follow me. ]]>
461 2008-07-29 12:26:20 2008-07-29 16:26:20 open open 12secondstv-video-twitter publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1217349175 _edit_last 1 _wp_old_slug 12secondstv-%e2%80%93-video-twitter tweetbackscheck 1267266314 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1192222539;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 25917 2008-08-15 22:04:38 2008-08-16 02:04:38 1 0 0 25528 2008-07-29 23:18:42 2008-07-30 03:18:42 1 0 0
Some New Gear Wed, 30 Jul 2008 16:53:15 +0000 ThinkComputers so much. We have been getting a lot of products in lately, everything from motherboards to LCD monitors. Here are a few of the things that I will be checking out in the next week or so.

You may be thinking that this is just another FM transmitter for your iPod, but this is one of the only FM transmitters that will work with your iPhone. The Griffin iTrip Auto Pilot not only works with your iPhone it also features Griffin’s SmartScan technology that will scan for open frequencies and save them for you.

Ah a GPS…I really haven’t messed around with a GPS unit so it will be cool to check this out. TomTom is one of the best I’ve heard, along with Garmin. Not sure how often I will use the GPS considering I don’t drive that much, but I think it will come in handy sometime.

This has to be one of my favorite products I received lately, The ASUS MK241 24-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor! This will be the 3rd 24-inch display I have looked at and so far it’s the best. The huge 24-inch display will give you a nice large 1920 x 1200 resolution, it also features a 2ms response time, 3000:1 contrast ratio, and has an HDMI input so you can watch Blu-ray movies or play PS3 on it, very cool!

Stay tuned to see these products reviewed on ThinkComputers! ]]>
462 2008-07-30 12:53:15 2008-07-30 16:53:15 open open some-new-gear publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1218488855 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267255736 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 25571 2008-07-31 11:44:57 2008-07-31 15:44:57 1 0 0 25543 2008-07-30 14:35:32 2008-07-30 18:35:32 1 0 0 25609 2008-08-01 22:20:38 2008-08-02 02:20:38 1 0 0 25546 2008-07-30 16:07:57 2008-07-30 20:07:57 1 0 0 25547 2008-07-30 16:29:55 2008-07-30 20:29:55 1 0 0 27531 2008-10-06 20:04:11 2008-10-07 00:04:11 1 0 0 25750 2008-08-08 07:16:50 2008-08-08 11:16:50 1 0 0
24 Hour Business Tue, 05 Aug 2008 15:00:03 +0000 If you run a website or your own company it is always on your mind. I find myself thinking about work when I'm at the gym, when I'm driving home, and even before I go to bed. Even though thinking about work is a good thing if you are always thinking about work it can stress you out! I have been going pretty full steam on ThinkComputers for the past few weeks and it has been stressful, so getting my mind off work is always a relief. It is very hard to get my mind off work but here are some things I do to escape from work.

Movies and TV
I really recommend watching a movie. Most movies are close to an hour and a half long and usually if its a good movie you won't be thinking about work when you are watching it. Of course you really can't watch movies everyday so TV is also a good escape. I never thought I would really use my DVR, but I have been using it a lot lately.

Video Games
Video games have always been a great escape for me. They definitely keep your mind off work, just don't get a game that is addicting like World of Warcraft!

Going Out
Lately I have been on a really good schedule where I am working all during the week and on the weekend I usually go out one of the nights and hang out with friends. It is always good to get out and if you are sitting at home all the time you need to take 1 night a week and get out of the house.]]>
463 2008-08-05 11:00:03 2008-08-05 15:00:03 open open 24-hour-business publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1217948403 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266917547 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 25709 2008-08-06 02:24:01 2008-08-06 06:24:01 1 0 0 25749 2008-08-08 07:14:35 2008-08-08 11:14:35 1 0 0
The New Layout Wed, 13 Aug 2008 09:03:59 +0000
Well you should notice a big change here on the blog, we have a new layout! I’ve had the MistyLook theme on here for way too long. Although it was very functional it was just getting old and when you are looking at the same theme for a long time you get bored of it. Even worse it does not give you motivation to write blog posts. I have been wanting a new blog layout for some time, although I really did not want to pay a lot for it because this blog really does not make any money. It is just a place to talk about what I do and give tips to people who are also running their own business.

Over about a 2 month period I looked for a good theme and could not find one that I liked. My friend Nate from Unique Blog Designs knew I was looking for a design and was nice enough to hook me up with their Personal Blog theme. The actual character in the logo was made by my friend Chris. He does really good work and he charges a lot less than most people.

As you can see I have changed the Personal Blog theme around a bit. The first thing that I had to do was fit my logo in. I thought it would be easy be that whole process took me around 2.5 hours! Next I changed the colors, the green looked nice but I wanted my blog to look unique, so I used blue. I did some more CSS changes then worked on the sidebar. I would say the hardest thing was getting my Flickr stream to go into 3 columns. Overall I like how the theme turned out, although I still need to do some work on it, but I wanted to get it out to give myself more motivation to write blog posts. Also my birthday is next week and I wanted to have the new theme up before that.

Some of the things I still want to do is install some SEO plugins, somehow get brian’s threaded comments to work with this theme, and find out how to replace the Gravatar icons with MyBlogLog ones. If anyone knows how I would really appreciate the help! Please let me know what you think of the new theme and if there is something you think I left out make sure to let me know!

The Contest
Getting the new theme up is a big thing for me so I’ve decided to have a contest. I myself will be giving up prizes but I have also enlisted John Chow and Ian Fernando to give some prizes. I will be announcing the contest next week, but if you would like to get in on the contest let me know by e-mailing me. Any type of contest prize will be appreciated. Stay tuned!]]>
464 2008-08-13 05:03:59 2008-08-13 09:03:59 open open the-new-layout publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1218618239 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266970910 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 25867 2008-08-14 14:29:14 2008-08-14 18:29:14 1 0 0 25858 2008-08-14 12:38:29 2008-08-14 16:38:29 1 0 0 25843 2008-08-14 01:56:57 2008-08-14 05:56:57 1 0 0 25848 2008-08-14 03:51:39 2008-08-14 07:51:39 1 0 0 25830 2008-08-13 11:41:00 2008-08-13 15:41:00 1 0 0 25825 2008-08-13 07:40:34 2008-08-13 11:40:34 1 0 0 25828 2008-08-13 09:31:10 2008-08-13 13:31:10 1 0 0 25876 2008-08-14 22:24:07 2008-08-15 02:24:07 1 0 0 25926 2008-08-15 23:27:27 2008-08-16 03:27:27 1 0 0
CST Mountain Adventure Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:08:25 +0000
This past weekend a group of about 10 of us from CST headed up to Laurel Mountain to go camping. I really haven’t gone many places this summer and I have been working pretty hard so it was good to just get away, although I did bring my laptop and EVDO card. Luckily for me there was no cell phone service at all where we were at so my laptop was basically useless. Laurel Mountain is about an hour and 45 minutes from my apartment. Once you get up there, there really is not much there, which makes it feel like you are away from civilization.

We stayed in a cabin that has been in Nik’s family for a while. It is normally used for teen camps and things like that. The cabin is a short walk from Laurel creek where you are able to go fishing and swimming. Some parts of the creek are 10 feet deep! There are also large rocks that you can go climbing on.

We found a random cabin that was in the woods. Surprisingly it was left unlocked so we decided to check it out. It was really creepy inside and there was a journal dating back to 1995.

The camping trip was great and it gave me a chance to totally forget about the stress of work, especially since we really had to contact with the outside world. Hopefully we will go on another camping trip soon! ]]>
465 2008-08-14 14:08:25 2008-08-14 18:08:25 open open cst-mountain-adventure publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1218737306 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266917604 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 aktt_notify_twitter no 25893 2008-08-15 10:16:03 2008-08-15 14:16:03 1 0 0
Get a Free $500 John Chow Review Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:31:50 +0000 My good friend John Chow is running a promotion with Yaro Starak since he has relaunched his Blog Mastermind program. Blog Mastermind is probably the most comprehensive course on blogging that you can find online. The course is a 6 month course that when you have completed it you shouldn’t have a problem making a living from blogging! If you want to get into blogging and are serious about it you should really enroll in the program.

A FREE John Chow Review
Anyone that enrolls in the program from John’s blog post will receive a free review on John’s Blog! That is a $500 value! This offer is only valid until the end of the month. To qualify for the free review, simply enroll for option 2 (six months all at once) or option 3 (six months plus access to the next course) and remain a member for at least 31 days. Yaro offers a 30 day money back guarantee on his course. It wouldn’t be right for someone to order the course, get the free review and then get his money back. Those ordering the course with the $97 per month for six month option will receive the free review after they’re completed the course.

Win a Slingbox Pro
Not only do you get a free $500 review from John Chow he is also giving away a Slingbox PRO. The Slingbox PRO allows you to watch and control up to four video sources, including one HD video source, from anywhere in the world on your laptop or cell phone. I got a chance to check out the Slingbox PRO first hand at CES and it’s a really cool device.

Win a Blog Mastermind Course
Not everyone has the money to enroll in the Blog Mastermind course. If you make a blog post about the offer (like I am), you have the chance to win a free course! So there is no reason to get in on this offer!]]>
466 2008-08-15 17:31:50 2008-08-15 21:31:50 open open get-a-free-500-john-chow-review publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1218835977 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267179969 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1193269660;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 25916 2008-08-15 22:03:40 2008-08-16 02:03:40 1 0 0
Friends in Business Mon, 18 Aug 2008 12:30:58 +0000 If you are in any business there is one thing for sure, it is good to have friends within that business. I’m not sure I would be doing what I am doing without some of the people that I have met in this business. You cannot be in business alone and by yourself. In my opinion you can only go so far by yourself, then you need people to help you out and take you to the next level.

Lending a Helping Hand
I have had many of my friends help me out with my business. Just recently Nate from Unique Blog Designs was nice enough to hook me up with a Wordpress theme. You can see people helping each other out all over the blogosphere, people giving prizes for contests, endorsing each other, etc. Besides things like that it is always good to have someone there when you have a problem. Usually if they work in the same type of business as you they can easily help you out. Also since you have the “friend” relationship it is not that hard to ask for help.

This sort of goes hand in hand with helping out but many of my friends in business have really guided me in the right direction. Back when I first started getting serious about ThinkComputers John Chow was the one that showed me how to put ads on my site and the things to do to make more money.

One thing I really like about having a lot of friends in my business is seeing things before everyone else does. I have been invited to many alpha and private beta testing’s for websites and products. Also I have been able to see many things before they come out, which is really cool.

Party Time!
Probably the best thing about having friends in business is partying with them. Usually at every conference I go to there are always friends there and it is good to see them because usually you only get to see them a few times a year. And the parties at the conferences are always the best!

467 2008-08-18 08:30:58 2008-08-18 12:30:58 open open friends-in-business publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1219023021 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266917570 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26000 2008-08-18 09:34:34 2008-08-18 13:34:34 1 0 0 26003 2008-08-18 10:34:06 2008-08-18 14:34:06 1 0 1 26027 2008-08-19 05:50:34 2008-08-19 09:50:34 1 0 0
New Design Giveaway! Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:47:12 +0000 One of the main reasons I did the new layout on the blog was to revitalize it. I really was not updating the blog or really caring about it. Well that is going to change as you can see already! To help bring more traffic to the blog I am having a contest! Contests are an easy way to bring more traffic to any blog or website. This time we have some really great prizes for you guys! So let’s get into what you can win…

Prize #1: 1 month Stripe Ad - $250 Value. This is the ad that you see on the top of – Provided By John Chow.

Prize #2: Griffin iPhone Prize Pack - $185 Value. This prize pack includes 1 iTrip Auto Pilot, 1 Power Dock (2-dock), and 1 Wave Case 2 Pack. – Provided By ThinkComputers.

Prize #3: OptIn Comments Wordpress Plugin - $97 Value. OptIn Comments will directly capture a reader's name and email address from his comment on your blog and then directly send it to an email form of your choice. Then you can use your own email marketing campaign to build relationship and earn potential income. – Provided By Ian Fernando.

Prize #4: 50 Answers from - $19.99 Value. is the first of our kind, finally you can buy Yahoo! Answers or posts at a reasonable price. Let us do the work for you in posting answers to gain leads, backlinks, and traffic. Posting Answers to questions has been a very lucrative way to market your product or website for years now. – Provided By Jon Waraas.

How to Enter to Win
So we have about $550 in prizes! Now there are many ways to enter. The easiest way is by just commenting on this post, that will get you 1 entry into the contest. Next you can subscribe to the RSS feed via e-mail, that will give you another entry. Finally you can write a blog post letting everyone know about the contest, that will give you 5 entries into the contest. You must link to and the contest thread in your post. If you do blog about it make sure to post the link in a comment below!

So there it is 4 great prizes up for grabs, good luck everyone! ]]>
468 2008-08-20 11:47:12 2008-08-20 15:47:12 open open new-design-giveaway publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1221457497 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267021547 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1180534396;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 26501 2008-08-31 08:31:21 2008-08-31 12:31:21 1 0 0 26412 2008-08-29 12:25:23 2008-08-29 16:25:23 1 0 0 26390 2008-08-29 06:53:57 2008-08-29 10:53:57 1 0 0 26399 2008-08-29 10:15:57 2008-08-29 14:15:57 1 0 0 26400 2008-08-29 10:17:02 2008-08-29 14:17:02 1 0 0 26404 2008-08-29 10:53:12 2008-08-29 14:53:12 1 0 0 26411 2008-08-29 11:42:43 2008-08-29 15:42:43 1 0 0 26471 2008-08-30 16:28:28 2008-08-30 20:28:28 1 0 0 26463 2008-08-30 09:22:06 2008-08-30 13:22:06 1 0 0 26467 2008-08-30 11:22:57 2008-08-30 15:22:57 1 0 0 26462 2008-08-30 09:18:41 2008-08-30 13:18:41 1 0 0 26968 2008-09-15 12:09:43 2008-09-15 16:09:43 1 0 0 26461 2008-08-30 09:02:30 2008-08-30 13:02:30 1 0 0 26485 2008-08-31 00:39:21 2008-08-31 04:39:21 1 0 0 26442 2008-08-30 04:37:47 2008-08-30 08:37:47 1 0 0 26436 2008-08-30 01:55:40 2008-08-30 05:55:40 1 0 0 26530 2008-08-31 20:08:56 2008-09-01 00:08:56 1 0 0 26502 2008-08-31 08:35:48 2008-08-31 12:35:48 1 0 0 26371 2008-08-29 02:29:34 2008-08-29 06:29:34 1 0 0 26357 2008-08-28 17:35:34 2008-08-28 21:35:34 1 0 0 26358 2008-08-28 18:23:49 2008-08-28 22:23:49 1 0 0 26359 2008-08-28 18:29:05 2008-08-28 22:29:05 1 0 0 26362 2008-08-28 19:24:33 2008-08-28 23:24:33 1 0 0 26363 2008-08-28 19:30:05 2008-08-28 23:30:05 1 0 0 26364 2008-08-28 19:47:17 2008-08-28 23:47:17 1 0 0 26366 2008-08-28 20:36:27 2008-08-29 00:36:27 1 0 0 26422 2008-08-29 16:24:29 2008-08-29 20:24:29 1 0 0 26706 2008-09-03 17:12:06 2008-09-03 21:12:06 1 0 0 26443 2008-08-30 04:44:56 2008-08-30 08:44:56 1 0 0 26447 2008-08-30 04:57:52 2008-08-30 08:57:52 1 0 0 26430 2008-08-29 18:25:50 2008-08-29 22:25:50 1 0 0 26106 2008-08-21 06:14:06 2008-08-21 10:14:06 1 0 0 26217 2008-08-24 06:34:05 2008-08-24 10:34:05 1 0 0 26843 2008-09-07 17:58:00 2008-09-07 21:58:00 1 0 0 26887 2008-09-09 15:15:01 2008-09-09 19:15:01 1 0 0 26971 2008-09-15 14:41:33 2008-09-15 18:41:33 1 0 0 26110 2008-08-21 08:43:49 2008-08-21 12:43:49 1 0 0 26079 2008-08-20 13:03:57 2008-08-20 17:03:57 1 0 0 26305 2008-08-27 01:50:59 2008-08-27 05:50:59 1 0 0 26180 2008-08-23 01:16:18 2008-08-23 05:16:18 1 0 0 26682 2008-09-03 12:36:08 2008-09-03 16:36:08 1 0 1 26714 2008-09-03 21:28:52 2008-09-04 01:28:52 1 0 0 26072 2008-08-20 12:08:45 2008-08-20 16:08:45 1 0 0 26073 2008-08-20 12:22:12 2008-08-20 16:22:12 1 0 0 26074 2008-08-20 12:25:50 2008-08-20 16:25:50 1 0 0 26080 2008-08-20 13:44:51 2008-08-20 17:44:51 1 0 0 26081 2008-08-20 13:51:00 2008-08-20 17:51:00 1 0 0 26083 2008-08-20 15:31:24 2008-08-20 19:31:24 1 0 0 26084 2008-08-20 15:43:51 2008-08-20 19:43:51 1 0 0 26089 2008-08-20 19:58:25 2008-08-20 23:58:25 1 0 0 26086 2008-08-20 18:21:09 2008-08-20 22:21:09 1 0 0 26094 2008-08-20 21:27:09 2008-08-21 01:27:09 1 0 0 26097 2008-08-21 00:56:31 2008-08-21 04:56:31 1 0 0 26100 2008-08-21 02:56:33 2008-08-21 06:56:33 1 0 0 26124 2008-08-21 12:38:46 2008-08-21 16:38:46 1 0 0 26131 2008-08-21 16:37:08 2008-08-21 20:37:08 1 0 0 26838 2008-09-07 10:00:01 2008-09-07 14:00:01 1 0 0
Turning 24 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 14:27:12 +0000 Well last Thursday was my birthday and I turned 24. I know 24 is not that old, but it sure felt different then turning 23. I guess this time I really thought about what I have done so far in my life and that it has been 5 years since I graduated high school. Also most of my friends have finished college and are now working full time jobs, so it guess that makes me feel older too. I guess it’s just kind of weird knowing that school has started back up and nothing really is changing for me.

So far in these 24 years I think I have accomplished a lot. I think the biggest change in my life was quitting college to run ThinkComputers full time. At the time it might not have been the best idea, but I am so glad that I did it. I have been able to do so many more things because of it. I have always wanted to go to Las Vegas and I have gone 3 times over already. I also always dreamed of going to California and I was able to do that this year too!

Besides just traveling it feels really good knowing I own my own company and I have made it into what it is today. You really don’t know how hard it is to run a company until you do it. It is very stressful and sometimes you hate it, but it is well worth it in the end.

Now there are things that I have not yet accomplished that I hope to in the next few years. As always I want to keep ThinkComputers growing. It has grown a lot since I started doing it full time and with continued hard work I hope it will keep on growing.

One thing that I have always wanted to do is travel to Japan. I really hope I am able to in the next few years. It will be a really great experience as some of my friends have traveled there and say it is unlike any other place in the world.

So here is to another year of hard work and making money online! ]]>
469 2008-08-25 10:27:12 2008-08-25 14:27:12 open open turning-24 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1219674432 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267258670 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:41:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26435 2008-08-30 01:38:57 2008-08-30 05:38:57 1 0 0 26255 2008-08-25 11:04:25 2008-08-25 15:04:25 1 0 0 26252 2008-08-25 10:30:39 2008-08-25 14:30:39 1 0 0 26253 2008-08-25 10:42:08 2008-08-25 14:42:08 1 0 0 26289 2008-08-26 08:37:44 2008-08-26 12:37:44 1 0 0 26263 2008-08-25 22:57:18 2008-08-26 02:57:18 1 0 0 26264 2008-08-25 22:58:14 2008-08-26 02:58:14 1 0 0 26288 2008-08-26 08:22:31 2008-08-26 12:22:31 1 0 0 26257 2008-08-25 14:00:41 2008-08-25 18:00:41 1 0 0 26270 2008-08-26 01:05:56 2008-08-26 05:05:56 1 0 0 26741 2008-09-04 05:40:44 2008-09-04 09:40:44 1 0 0
Unique Blog Designs 1 Year Anniversary Contest! Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:30:19 +0000
Being so busy with my own contest and my 24th birthday I didn't even realize that it was Unique Blog designs 1 year anniversary! I can remember back when I met Nate and they were first starting the company. He would always tell me about his 12-16 hour days and working in the cramped apartment. Now they are living in a nice house and are doing well for themselves. It just shows you that hard work does pay off! Unique Blog designs have done many custom blog designs blogs like John Chow, Shoemoney, Zac Johnson, and Uber Affiliate. Nate was also nice enough to help me out on my new layout.

To celebrate their 1 year anniversary they are giving away a brand new 8GB iPod Touch and their new Citrus Wordpress theme. There are also 3 runner up prizes which are a copy of the new Citrus Wordpress theme.

To enter the contest all you have to do is reply to Nate's post on his blog. And for 5 more entries you can write a blog post about the contest linking back to the post. Their contest will go on until the end of August so hurry up and enter!]]>
470 2008-08-26 08:30:19 2008-08-26 12:30:19 open open unique-blog-designs-1-year-anniversary-contest publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 1 _edit_lock 1219716315 tweetbackscheck 1267283301 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:77:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26690 2008-09-03 14:14:58 2008-09-03 18:14:58 1 0 0
Facebook Hits 100M Users! Sat, 30 Aug 2008 12:30:34 +0000
Wow I thought having 2000 users on a website was an accomplishment, but can you even imagine 100 million! That is just crazy! I can’t imagine how hard it is to manage all the data for all of those users, not to mention scale the site that has that many users. I really was not even aware that Facebook hit 100 million users until I saw a thing for a free 100M gift on my main page. Go see if the gift is still available, you are only allowed to give it to 1 person though.

I remember when I was in college and everyone saying, “I’ll Myspace you!”. Now it seems everyone is saying, “I’ll Facebook you!”. Since I first found out about Facebook I liked it a lot more than Myspace. It had that clean look, you could find people you were going to school with or went to school with and most importantly there were none of the errors that were all over Myspace.

At the beginning Facebook was only limited to College’s but in September of 2006 it was opened up to everyone over the age of 13. That is when the user base really started to take off as you can see from the graph below.

In the fall of 2007 Facebook was signing up over 1 million users a week! That’s 200,000 daily!! Talk about growth! We all also remember when Microsoft bought 1.6 percent of Facebook for $240 million! That meant Facebook was valued at over $15 billion making them the 5th most valuable US internet company!

Congrats on 100 million users Facebook! If you haven’t already add me on Facebook.]]>
471 2008-08-30 08:30:34 2008-08-30 12:30:34 open open facebook-hits-100m-users publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1220072263 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267285296 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26566 2008-09-01 06:58:19 2008-09-01 10:58:19 1 0 0 26590 2008-09-01 20:34:04 2008-09-02 00:34:04 1 0 0 26651 2008-09-03 00:28:48 2008-09-03 04:28:48 1 0 0 26629 2008-09-02 13:49:47 2008-09-02 17:49:47 1 0 0 26689 2008-09-03 14:13:34 2008-09-03 18:13:34 1 0 0
Go Hard Mon, 01 Sep 2008 04:24:04 +0000 So many people think that it is easy to make a living online. Even though a good amount of people do make a living online they did not get there by being lazy and only working a few hours a day. Almost anyone who has a successful business has worked their ass off for it. And most likely people who have a successful business are still working hard to keep it that way or make it better. That is why if you want to be successful in this business you need to work hard.

No Easy Way to the Top
I hate when I see the advertisements for the get rich online schemes. More than half of them are just affiliate offers selling e-books that have information that you can find online, for FREE. In the internet business there is no easy way to the top you have to work hard and eventually you will make progress. Don’t expect to be making a lot of money if you just start a blog or website.

No 5-hour Work Weeks
In order for you business to do well you need to work and work hard! Most people I know who have successful online business’s work full work days like they are at a normal job. Some even do 12-16 hour days at times. Your business is only as strong as you are and if you are only working a few hours a day then don’t expect your business to grow that much.

Don’t Stop
If you have made your way successful business then don’t stop there, make it better, grow even more, etc. I have known people who were making over 10K a month online and decided to become lazy and let their business slip away and now they barely make 1K a month and had to go out and get a real job. Laziness is a killer in this business so don’t become lazy!

I guess the main reason for this post is to let people know that making money online isn’t the easiest thing to do, it takes hard work! ]]>
472 2008-09-01 00:24:04 2008-09-01 04:24:04 open open go-hard publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1220243045 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267145515 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:38:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26565 2008-09-01 06:56:18 2008-09-01 10:56:18 1 0 0 26580 2008-09-01 15:18:06 2008-09-01 19:18:06 1 0 0 26770 2008-09-04 23:04:14 2008-09-05 03:04:14 1 0 0 26710 2008-09-03 19:09:22 2008-09-03 23:09:22 1 0 0
Lulu’s Noodles Tue, 02 Sep 2008 14:40:51 +0000
A few weeks ago I got a chance to get some Pho again, but this time it was not at Pho Minh. This time we decided to check out Lulu’s Noodles. Lulu’s is located on Craig Street, which is right between the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. Unlike Pho Minh, Lulu’s is a much larger restaurant seating probably 30-40 people. One thing that I liked about it was the atmosphere, it is very open, just tables inside no booths. Also because of its location between 2 major universities there were a lot of college students there.

Now Lulu’s does not just serve Vietnamese style food they serve a mix of Chinese, Korean, and Thai. The menu is quite large and they do specialize in bubble tea. I decided to get the Pho because we were originally supposed to go to Pho Minh anyways.

The Pho was good, not bad for a more mainstream place. It was definitely better than my first Pho, but not as good as Pho Minh. I want to go back to Lulu’s and try many of their other dishes because it is one of the only places in Pittsburgh where you can get those dishes. ]]>
473 2008-09-02 10:40:51 2008-09-02 14:40:51 open open lulus-noodles publish 0 0 post 0 _wp_old_slug lulu%e2%80%99s-noodles _edit_lock 1220368718 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266906223 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:44:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 aktt_notify_twitter no 26712 2008-09-03 20:49:29 2008-09-04 00:49:29 1 0 0 26762 2008-09-04 16:53:11 2008-09-04 20:53:11 1 0 0 26642 2008-09-02 19:52:54 2008-09-02 23:52:54 1 0 0 26649 2008-09-02 23:46:29 2008-09-03 03:46:29 1 0 0 26732 2008-09-04 02:07:16 2008-09-04 06:07:16 1 0 0 26725 2008-09-04 00:41:15 2008-09-04 04:41:15 1 0 0 26630 2008-09-02 14:04:39 2008-09-02 18:04:39 1 0 0 26621 2008-09-02 11:26:32 2008-09-02 15:26:32 1 0 0 26688 2008-09-03 14:11:56 2008-09-03 18:11:56 1 0 0 26708 2008-09-03 18:59:51 2008-09-03 22:59:51 1 0 0
3 Things Every Website Should Have Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:23:20 +0000 When you are making a website there are things you should always have setup. Whether it’s a website or blog, whether is a professional site or just a personal blog. Last night I was going through in my mind the 3 things I think every website should have. There are many features you can add to every site, but these 3 are on every site I have and in my opinion they should be on your site too.

Tracking Software
You always want to know where your traffic is coming from. If you have a huge traffic day it is nice to know where all of that traffic is coming from. Also with tracking software you can see what your most popular pages are and when the most people visit the site, which might make you rethink when to post articles. Probably the most popular tracking software is Google Analytics, it is also free. I have also used Mint, which works well.

A Contact Form
You always need a way for your readers to get in touch with you. If there is a problem with you site or someone wants to give you a suggestion makes sure there is a way for them to do so. A contact form is probably the best idea for that since it will not reveal your e-mail address to anyone. If you don’t want to do a contact form you can do a contact me section where you list a contact e-mail address.

Ad-Serving Software
This is something I really never thought about until about a year ago. If you have ads on your site this is a must, for a few reasons. First you want to see how many people are clicking the ads. This helps with placement and to see if it is actually worth having ads on your site. Another good reason to have ad-serving software is what if you have an in-article ad on each page of your site. If you manually put it in there and you wanted to change it you would have to edit every page. With ad-serving software you can easily change the ad on every page. Finally if you have a private advertiser they might want to know how many impressions / clicks they are getting. On all of my site’s I’m using OpenAds, which is free.]]>
474 2008-09-03 12:23:20 2008-09-03 16:23:20 open open 3-things-every-website-should-have publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1220459000 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267154441 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:65:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26684 2008-09-03 13:06:32 2008-09-03 17:06:32 1 0 0 26697 2008-09-03 15:11:55 2008-09-03 19:11:55 1 0 0 26705 2008-09-03 16:48:11 2008-09-03 20:48:11 1 0 0 26683 2008-09-03 12:46:57 2008-09-03 16:46:57 1 0 0 26724 2008-09-03 23:43:58 2008-09-04 03:43:58 1 0 0 26733 2008-09-04 02:08:40 2008-09-04 06:08:40 1 0 0 26778 2008-09-05 02:40:56 2008-09-05 06:40:56 1 0 0 26709 2008-09-03 19:03:52 2008-09-03 23:03:52 1 0 0
The Evolution of My Desk Thu, 04 Sep 2008 17:13:59 +0000 Even since I got my own computer I’ve always had a “workstation”. I always liked having a workstation instead of just a regular desk. When you have a good working environment you tend to get a lot more work done and it is sure nice to be working on a nice clean desk then a messy table or something like that. Although as you will see in the pictures below I wasn’t always the cleanest when it came to my desk. I tried to find as many pictures as I could of my many workstations over the years. So here is the evolution of my desk. Also if you want to share what you desk looks like you can do so in the comments below.

Desk #1 – 1999

This was my first real computer desk. I remember when I went to go buy it with the money I had saved up from working. I think it was around $80 at the time. It was a bitch to put together as most wooden desks are. As you can see I used to collect SoBe bottles. If you can see the blue bottle on my CD player it was called Qi, probably one of the best drinks out there. Too bad it was discontinued. Also you can see a bunch of skateboarding posters on the wall, it was really into skateboarding back then.

Desk #2 – 2002

Well as you can see it is the same desk, messy as ever. This time I got rid of all the SoBe bottles and put a bunch of other junk on my desk. I also still had the same old monitor and mouse. As you can see though I did have 2 computers at this time. Also in this picture you can see one of my first mods on the side of the case.

Desk #3 – 2003

Ah college, where I really did not have much of a desk at all. Our dorm rooms at RMU were actually quite large compared to others I’ve been at other schools. I finally upgraded my monitor to a Sony CRT. Wow and look at that old Nokia phone on the desk….haha.

Desk #4 – 2004

I had finally bought a nice glass desk. It is really hard to see, but this is one of the only pictures I have of my desk at this apartment, which was my first. I took this picture when I added the lights to my case, which as you can see are very bright. I was still rocking the Sony CRT too.

Desk #5 – 2005

Wow what a mess! This is in my 2nd apartment, which was a dungeon. You can see I finally upgraded to a LCD. Look at all the bottles of Bawls! They kept me going when I was doing both school and ThinkComputers at the same time. You can also see my old laptop, the Dell 700m, I loved that thing!

Desk #6 – 2007

Ah finally a nice clean desk! This is when I had started doing ThinkComputers full time and I realized how important a clean working environment is. Another new case and keyboard as you can see. I really liked this setup because there was a window right there that I could look out of.

Desk #7 – 2008

Once again I was keeping it clean on this setup. I upgraded my desk to a nice large corner desk from IKEA. Still had the same LCD, and keyboard. New case and a few new accessories. I also really liked this setup because there was a huge window that I could look out of while doing work.

Desk #8 – Current

This is what my current desk looks like as of today. I still have the same IKEA desk, but as you can see there are a lot of new things in this picture. I have a new keyboard, monitors, and chair. Once you go dual LCD’s you can’t go back! Also I finally got a new chair, which is extremely comfortable, and it should be considering I’m in it 4+ hours a day.

Well that’s the evolution of my desk, if you want to show me what you desk looks like you can do so in the comments!]]>
475 2008-09-04 13:13:59 2008-09-04 17:13:59 open open the-evolution-of-my-desk publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1220548439 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267224424 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1180175029;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 26761 2008-09-04 15:29:51 2008-09-04 19:29:51 1 0 0 26819 2008-09-06 16:27:05 2008-09-06 20:27:05 1 0 0 26792 2008-09-05 14:52:11 2008-09-05 18:52:11 1 0 0 26768 2008-09-04 22:36:29 2008-09-05 02:36:29 1 0 0 26777 2008-09-05 02:37:39 2008-09-05 06:37:39 1 0 0 26754 2008-09-04 13:19:39 2008-09-04 17:19:39 1 0 0 26755 2008-09-04 13:21:05 2008-09-04 17:21:05 1 0 0 26756 2008-09-04 13:22:34 2008-09-04 17:22:34 1 0 0 26769 2008-09-04 23:00:04 2008-09-05 03:00:04 1 0 0 26773 2008-09-04 23:25:57 2008-09-05 03:25:57 1 0 0 26774 2008-09-05 01:05:22 2008-09-05 05:05:22 1 0 0 26789 2008-09-05 13:07:48 2008-09-05 17:07:48 1 26777 0 26795 2008-09-05 16:43:25 2008-09-05 20:43:25 1 0 0
Summer is Over Sat, 06 Sep 2008 20:00:24 +0000 Well that’s right summer is over! For some of you this is not a big change and for others you will be going back to school and work. The end of summer for me signifies the time to start working hard again. Right around the corner is the holiday season and that means tons of products to review on ThinkComputers. Also internet traffic as a whole increases as summer comes to an end. So this is the time to really put in the extra effort and make more money for a nice vacation next summer.

Back To School
Being 24 many of my friends are still in college so now they are busy pretty much all week. This means they are not nagging me to hangout all the time, which means I can get more work done. Also many of them go away to school so they are hours away. Another thing to keep in mind is that most college students also have a job so on their free days they just want to lay in bed.

Weather Change
Well this is going to be different for everyone, but here in Pittsburgh the end of summer means cold weather is coming. In the summer when it is nice out you want to go out every day and hangout with your friends or go to the pool. When it is cold and rainy you just want to sit inside. That means you could be getting a lot more work done.

Increased Traffic
As I said internet traffic increases during the end of summer because students are back to school and they are on their computer a lot. That is one of their only forms of entertainment at school. Also many people are back to work and if they are at an office job they are surfing the net at work. Finally the holiday season is coming around and many people do their shopping online so that will definitely boost traffic.

Things to look forward To
Even though the nice weather is gone, many of your friends are at school, and you have a ton of work to do it is not all bad. There are a few things to look forward to like college football, hockey starting back up, and snowboarding. You also have to think if you take advantage of the increased traffic and less distractions you will make more money!]]>
476 2008-09-06 16:00:24 2008-09-06 20:00:24 open open summer-is-over publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1220731224 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266917562 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:45:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1193231595;s:7:"retweet";i:1548012732;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 26831 2008-09-07 02:04:12 2008-09-07 06:04:12 1 0 0 26818 2008-09-06 16:21:30 2008-09-06 20:21:30 1 0 0
Hulu Launches Fall Lineup Mon, 08 Sep 2008 20:49:33 +0000
Last week Hulu announced their Fall Premier Linup. If you do not know Hulu is a website that offers free ad-supported streaming video of TV shows and movies from NBC, Fox, and others. The video quality is actually really good too, definitely better than YouTube quality. I found out about Hulu back when it was first launched and I was lucky enough to get a beta invite. Although at the start Hulu did not have a ton of content now you can find a ton of TV episodes and movies from many different content providers. It is a great way to catch up on past seasons of shows you have missed.

It’s fall again and so many great shows are coming back like Prison Break, Heroes, Lost, Chuck and many more. As expected you are able to watch the premier episodes of your favorite shows the same day they premier on Television. But interestingly enough Hulu will debut the premier episode of Knight Rider, Lipstick Jungle, Chuck and Life one week before they air on broadcast television.

This is a very big change in the ordinary business model of television studios. If you would have asked any of them a few years ago about debuting a show on the internet a week before it is broadcast on television they would have laughed at you. It seems they have finally seen the light and have changed their ways. Also they do realize there is money to be made on the internet. Hope everyone enjoys the fall lineup of TV shows available on Hulu. To see what’s all going to be on Hulu check out their Fall Lineup page. ]]>
477 2008-09-08 16:49:33 2008-09-08 20:49:33 open open hulu-launches-fall-lineup publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1220906974 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266917592 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26888 2008-09-09 16:12:22 2008-09-09 20:12:22 1 0 0 26867 2008-09-08 17:20:12 2008-09-08 21:20:12 1 0 0
Should You Start a Blog? Tue, 09 Sep 2008 20:47:08 +0000 People ask me all the time what is the easiest way to get started online. I usually tell them to start a blog. With services like Blogger and you can easily start a blog without any major knowledge of the internet or computers. Also bloggers are not a small group anymore, blogging has become mainstream and there are so many services that help bloggers make money it is stupid to not have a blog. But before you just rush into blogging here are some things to think about.

Unless you are doing a personal blog you really need to think of a topic. Even if you just want to do a personal blog you should think of what you are going to talk about. Even though this is a personal blog I talk a lot about business and making money online. When picking a topic think of something you are passionate about and that you are really interested in. That way you won’t have any problems coming up with new ideas for posts.

If you are serious about blogging then you need to have time to do it. Content is king in this business and if you are not updating your blog then no one is going to come back to read it. I would say try to keep a blogging schedule that you can keep up with. I try to update this blog at least 4-5 times a week.

What Platform
So you have your topic and you know you will be able to update the blog regularly. Now what platform are you going to use for your blog? Well if you are a beginner I would suggest Blogger or, because you don’t need to worry about hosting or any of that stuff. If you want to host your own blog the obvious choice is Wordpress. It is become the most popular blogging software out there. Also there are many different themes and plugins for it that you can get for free. ]]>
478 2008-09-09 16:47:08 2008-09-09 20:47:08 open open should-you-start-a-blog publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1220993228 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267191536 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26912 2008-09-10 23:18:52 2008-09-11 03:18:52 1 0 0 28701 2008-12-09 03:49:02 2008-12-09 07:49:02 1 0 0 37637 2009-06-09 02:12:57 2009-06-09 06:12:57 1 0 0 38275 2009-07-13 10:38:07 2009-07-13 14:38:07 Steven Lance’s last blog post..How to Stop Sweaty Armpits Effectively and Safe]]> 1 0 0 40250 2010-01-13 00:17:13 2010-01-13 04:17:13 1 0 0 40552 2010-02-26 08:12:35 2010-02-26 12:12:35 spam 0 0
Some New Gadgets Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:50:25 +0000 Well things are really starting to pick up over at ThinkComputers. We are moving up to at least 5 reviews / articles a week, but I’m pushing towards new content each day. Hopefully I don’t wear myself out by trying to keep up this schedule. I always like checking out new technology that’s why I love updating ThinkComputers. Anyways here are some of the more interesting gadgets that we will be taking a look at over the next few weeks.

Lenovo ThinkPad X300

The Lenovo X300 is the business users MacBook Air. The 13.3-inch widescreen notebook is only .73" thin and weighs in at 2.93lbs. Of course the 13.3-inch screen is LED backlit and even though it is so thin you still get an optical drive. This is an ultraportable so you get a 64GB SSD drive too! This ThinkPad is not lacking either, it has all the features you would expect from a ThinkPad, the roll cage, lithium polymer batteries, fingerprint reader, integrated EV-DO and of course the ThinkVantage suite. Starting at over $2000 it is quite expensive though!

Seagate FreeAgent Go

When I first saw this I thought, "Oh just another portable drive". Well this is a portable drive, it is very small and it gets its power from USB so you don't need to bring a big power adapter around with you, which makes it great for traveling. The thing is there are a ton of drives like this so what makes it so special? The thing that I really think sets the FreeAgent Go apart from other portable hard drives in the included Creedo application. It allows you to install programs directly on the drive, everything from Outlook to AIM. This is awesome because I can go onto any computer, plug my FreeAgent Go drive in and have all my programs ready to go. And since all the programs are running off the drive I don't have to worry about any data being stored on the host PC. The FreeAgent Go comes in capacities ranging from 80-250GB. The review is alreay up on ThinkComputers, so check it out!

SilverStone Raven Gaming Mouse

SilverStone is not a copmpany known for making peripherals, they are known for making great high-end PC cases. Their home theater PC cases are very popular, I have reviewed quite a few of them. So a mouse is something new for them. They have an entire flash website made up for the mouse so it must be a big deal for them. It features a laser sensor capable of up to 3200dpi, on the fly dpi adjustment, flip 3D scroll wheel, and 5 programmable profiles. It will be interesting to see how well it works.]]>
479 2008-09-12 12:50:25 2008-09-12 16:50:25 open open some-new-gadgets publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1221238226 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266670145 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 26927 2008-09-12 13:02:10 2008-09-12 17:02:10 1 0 0
Contest Reminder! Mon, 15 Sep 2008 12:30:56 +0000 I just wanted to remind you that the New Design Giveaway ends this Friday! So if you still want to enter you better do it quick! You can enter by replying to the giveaway post (1 entry), subscribe to the RSS feed via e-mail (1 entry), and if you write a blog post about the contest linking back to BobBuskirk and the contest post that will give you 5 entries! There is $550 up for grabs so be sure to enter! Here are the prizes for anyone that does not know...

Prize #1: 1 month Stripe Ad - $250 Value. This is the ad that you see on the top of - Provided By John Chow.

Prize #2: Griffin iPhone Prize Pack - $185 Value. This prize pack includes 1 iTrip Auto Pilot, 1 Power Dock (2-dock), and 1 Wave Case 2 Pack. - Provided By ThinkComputers.

Prize #3: OptIn Comments Wordpress Plugin - $97 Value. OptIn Comments will directly capture a reader's name and email address from his comment on your blog and then directly send it to an email form of your choice. Then you can use your own email marketing campaign to build relationship and earn potential income. - Provided By Ian Fernando.

Prize #4: 50 Answers from - $19.99 Value. is the first of our kind, finally you can buy Yahoo! Answers or posts at a reasonable price. Let us do the work for you in posting answers to gain leads, backlinks, and traffic. Posting Answers to questions has been a very lucrative way to market your product or website for years now. - Provided By Jon Waraas.

Good luck everyone!]]>
481 2008-09-15 08:30:56 2008-09-15 12:30:56 open open contest-reminder publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 1 _edit_lock 1221457912 tweetbackscheck 1267212604 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 27145 2008-09-22 08:58:18 2008-09-22 12:58:18 1 0 0
No Power Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:52:01 +0000 Well I have been without power for at least 2 days now. The outer bands from Hurricane Ike ran through Pittsburgh a few days ago bringing with them some very heavy wind storms. These wind storms knocked out the power of course but also downed many trees, which was evident the next morning when I was driving through the city. The night of the storm I invited my friend over to watch the Steeler game, but of course the power went out, so we decided to go to his place since the power was still on there. I ended up staying the night since I was already out there. The next morning I drive back to my place to find out that I still don’t have power and I might not get it back on till Thursday! So I’m staying at my friend’s house so I can get work done.

Not having power makes your realize a lot, especially regarding work. Here are some tips that will keep you working if you end up losing power for a few days and have to stay at a friend’s house.

If you don’t have a laptop it would be a pain to drag your desktop computer all the way out to your friend’s house. My desktop sits in a Thermaltake SwordM case, which is HUGE so taking it somewhere is definitely out of the question. A laptop gives you the freedom to work from anywhere. Right now I’m using a Dell XPS M1210, which is small and easy to carry.

Portable Storage
About a year ago I started storing all of my work materials on a portable drive so if I needed to work from the road I could easily just unplug the drive and take it with me. I recently reviewed the Seagate FreeAgent Go, which not only is a portable drive it allows you to actually install programs right on the drive so not only do you have your data but all the necessary programs you need for getting your work done. If you still want to rely on internal storage you could invest in a hard drive dock like the Thermaltake BlacX that allows you to take any internal drive and dock it so you can use it with any computer with a USB connection.

Online Apps
So many apps are moving online. One of the most popular is e-mail. Why have all of your e-mail stored on 1 computer. If the power goes out you cannot access your e-mail. That’s why services like Gmail are great for online e-mail. You can even use your own e-mail addresses, not just the gmail ones. Google docs is also a great online app. It is just like Microsoft Office, but online. So you can be writing a paper save it and access it from any computer that has internet access. ]]>
482 2008-09-16 11:52:01 2008-09-16 15:52:01 open open no-power publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1221580321 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267029520 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:39:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1958953125;s:7:"retweet";i:1958953069;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 27026 2008-09-18 02:49:34 2008-09-18 06:49:34 1 0 0 26986 2008-09-16 15:46:35 2008-09-16 19:46:35 1 0 0 26995 2008-09-17 00:15:19 2008-09-17 04:15:19 1 26993 0 26993 2008-09-16 22:08:03 2008-09-17 02:08:03 1 0 0 26985 2008-09-16 13:53:19 2008-09-16 17:53:19 1 0 0 26988 2008-09-16 17:59:23 2008-09-16 21:59:23 1 0 0
SEO 101: Page Titles Thu, 18 Sep 2008 12:30:13 +0000 SEO is a word that you probably hear a lot. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which basically means improving the traffic you get from search engines, or making your website show up higher in the search engine results. There are many things you can do to make your website more search engine friendly. One easy thing to start with is page titles. I have been able to bring the search engine traffic for ThinkComputers up significantly because of adding the correct titles to my pages. Let’s take a look…

If you look at this old review you can see the title is just “ – The Place That’s All About Computers”, that really does not tell you what the product being reviewed is. The product is a Thermaltake Big Water SE cooler, but by having the plain title you are not telling the search engines what is being reviewed. So you have to rely on the body of the review to help you out in the search engine results. People are going to be searching for the product not “ThinkComputers” most of the time so we needed to make a change so we would get better search results. If we look back when we were using the plain page titles you can see that most of our traffic was coming from referring sites.

The change was simple, just make the titles of the pages the actual product that is being reviewed, you can see the change in the title on the ViewSonic VX1962wm LCD review. That way when people search for that product we will show up higher in the search results. Since doing this we have seen an increase in traffic from search engines and traffic overall.

If you have a blog then this is even easier. I had to go back and change many of the reviews by hand since ThinkComputers is not on a CMS. With Wordpress you can just install the All in one SEO pack, which will do titles plus a lot of other good things for your blog. ]]>
483 2008-09-18 08:30:13 2008-09-18 12:30:13 open open seo-101-page-titles publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1221688308 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267300074 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 27044 2008-09-18 12:03:51 2008-09-18 16:03:51 1 0 0 27144 2008-09-22 08:56:47 2008-09-22 12:56:47 1 27044 0 27225 2008-09-24 21:25:45 2008-09-25 01:25:45 1 0 0 27037 2008-09-18 09:27:44 2008-09-18 13:27:44 1 0 0
New Design Giveaway Winners! Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:21:49 +0000 This contest had to be the best contest I have run on the blog, probably because of the great prizes! I want to thank John Chow, Ian Fernando, and Jon Waraas for providing the prizes for the contest. We had 57 comments on the post, many people blogged about it, and we had quite a few people sign up for the RSS by e-mail. Having all of the entries made it a pain to go through and randomly pick winners. I used excel and a custom script to pick the winners. It is much easier than printing out the names and picking them out of a hat. Stay tuned for a post about doing random selection in excel. Anyways here are the winners… 1 month Stripe Ad: Danny
Griffin iPhone Prize Pack: seb.majin (RSS via e-mail winner)
OptIn Comments Wordpress Plugin: banji
50 Answers from David Lithman
Congrats to all of the winners! Most of the people who provided the prizes are still coming back from Blog World Expo so expect few days before you get contacted about your prize. Thanks to everyone for participating in the giveaway and if you have any suggestions for a new contest please let me know!

Contests are a great way to bring more traffic to your site. Many people blogged about this contest so that brought extra traffic, plus since John Chow provided a prize he blogged about it. And we all know how much traffic that can bring to your blog! Also when people subscribe to your RSS feed that increases your reach even further.]]>
484 2008-09-22 15:21:49 2008-09-22 19:21:49 open open new-design-giveaway-winners publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1222111310 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267253245 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:3:{i:1191385882;s:7:"retweet";i:1191363705;s:7:"retweet";i:1455115843;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 27235 2008-09-25 07:24:14 2008-09-25 11:24:14 1 0 0 27179 2008-09-23 13:09:50 2008-09-23 17:09:50 1 0 0 27163 2008-09-23 00:42:10 2008-09-23 04:42:10 1 0 0
Going Hard - 20 Days of Content! Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:30:28 +0000 Well if you have been checking out ThinkComputers lately you would have noticed something new on the site for the past 20 days! That is definitely a record for us! Normally we would be posting 3-5 reviews a week, but I decided to take it to the next level and really step it up. 7 reviews a week really is a lot, but we have great sponsors sending us a good amount of product and I have a solid team of writers getting the reviews done. I big thanks goes out to them, Colin Dean, Frank Stroupe, Greg Baden, and Michael Kwan. Before I decided to really push the limit there were a few things I had to consider…

Why am I Doing this?
Well I also say I want to take ThinkComputers to the next level. That means producing more content, working with larger companies, and letting more and more people know about ThinkComputers. We have be slowly moving up the ranks and larger companies have been working with us, but I really wanted more. I wanted more traffic, more products, and most importantly more name recognition. These are the reasons and my motivation for doing this.

The System
My old system was a lazy system. I have come to realize that ThinkComputers is what is most important to me, over this blog and other projects. I mean if ThinkComputers fails I have to go back to working a 9-5 and who wants that? So my old system of work was not going to cut it. Before I had no real schedule and I was posting reviews at night. Now I have a strict schedule and I’m posting reviews as soon as I get up in the morning. Getting a review posted each day is the most important thing so I get that out of the way first. I also installed dada mail on my server so I can easily send out the mass e-mail from anywhere, not just from my main computer.

Free Time
Before it seemed like I never had any free time. Probably because I was waiting all day to do the most important thing, post a review. Now I have that done and most of my other work done by 3-4PM so I have the rest of the day to do other things. In order to push this much content you can’t be working 24/7 because you will eventually burn out.

Well I went 20 days straight doing this and the only reason I missed day 21 is because of bad traffic and I forgot to bring my portable hard drive over to my friend’s house! Since that one missed day I have yet to miss another one. Right now we have a good amount of products coming in that we should be able to keep this pace up. ]]>
485 2008-09-25 08:30:28 2008-09-25 12:30:28 open open going-hard-20-days-of-content publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1222315321 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267134080 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 27238 2008-09-25 10:29:04 2008-09-25 14:29:04 1 0 0 27300 2008-09-27 17:40:44 2008-09-27 21:40:44 1 0 0 27244 2008-09-25 14:16:16 2008-09-25 18:16:16 1 0 0 27288 2008-09-26 21:58:36 2008-09-27 01:58:36 1 0 0
The [ED]ition Contest! Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:42:33 +0000 Fellow blogger Ed Lau is having a contest, and has put together a pretty good list of prizes! We will get to them in a second! Ed’s blog is one of my favorites and is on my bookmark list (I don’t use a RSS reader). Over the past few months I have been reading his blog extensively. He took quite a long trip to Japan and blogged about it all! Being a fan of all things Japanese I checked his site every day! Some of my favorite posts include, Lost in Harajuku!, Sushi Dai @ Tskukiji Fish Market, Yebisu Beer Museum, and Torafugtei – Posonous Fugu! It is really great that Ed blogged his trip, it gave people like me who have yet to travel to Japan a sense of what it is like and some of the crazy things he saw.

Now for the contest! Like I said Ed has a good list of prizes, they include:

- Prize #1: A stripe ad for 1 month, which usually costs $250. This is the ad that appears at the top of the site. Sponsored by John Chow.
- Prize #2: A 125×125 ad (this is the box ad you see to the top right) on my site for 3 months, a 2GB USB Flash Drive from Gigabyte.
- Prize #3: Apple iPod Nano 2G Black 8GB. I was going to give this away a long time ago but forgot about it. Still brand new. Not as pretty as the new 4G Nano but still an 8GB iPod Nano. Also, a 2GB USB Flash Drive from Buffalo.
- Prize #4: A box DVD of the 1st season of one of my favorite TV shows How I Met Your Mother and a 4GB USB Flash Drive from Sony.

It is really easy to enter the contest too! For 1 entry you can comment on the contest post. For 3 entries you can follow Ed on Twitter. And for 5 entries you can blog about the contest! Wish me luck! ]]>
486 2008-09-29 14:42:33 2008-09-29 18:42:33 open open the-edition-contest publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1222713753 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266954075 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 27374 2008-09-30 19:27:35 2008-09-30 23:27:35 1 0 0 27344 2008-09-29 14:47:16 2008-09-29 18:47:16 1 0 0
Become Part of the Community Fri, 03 Oct 2008 12:30:34 +0000 One great way to bring traffic to your site or blog is to become part of the community that surrounds your site. Many people know me as Bob from, Bob from ThinkComputers, Bob from, or just Bob Buskirk. The thing is whatever your site is about you want to become part of that community and network with people in that community. I have already talked about how important friends in business are, but putting yourself in the community is just as important.

Social Networking
This has to be one of the easiest was to network with people who have similar interests as you. Facebook and MySpace really make it easy to meet people who live close to you and like the same things. Also on many social networks there are groups for certain things. By joining these groups you have the chance to connect with people who are into the same things as you. These groups usually also have a message board or something similar where you can talk to other group members.

Events are probably the best way to become part of the community that you are working in. There are events for every niche there is! For my affiliate marketing interest I attended Ad:Tech in San Francisco and for ThinkComputers I attend CES every year in Las Vegas. These events bring you face to face with the people you work with as well as allow you to meet other people that are working in the same field. Some of my good friends I have met at these events.

Online forums are another great way to meet people. Some of the big forums that come to mind are Sitepoint Forums and the Digital Point forums. Both of these forums are targeted towards people who work online or own a website. Not only do they provide great information, but also you can meet some very helpful people.

Commenting on blogs not only gives your blog exposure, but allows you to have a conversation with other bloggers interested in the same topic as you. When I go through the comments on my blog and see someone I don’t know I always check out their blog. I’m sure other bloggers do the same thing. ]]>
487 2008-10-03 08:30:34 2008-10-03 12:30:34 open open become-part-of-the-community publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1222985475 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266954186 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:5:{i:1196402521;s:7:"retweet";i:1195118784;s:7:"retweet";i:1195085116;s:7:"retweet";i:1195082214;s:7:"retweet";i:1857842799;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 5 27574 2008-10-08 18:56:39 2008-10-08 22:56:39 1 0 0
Finally Hockey is Back! Sun, 05 Oct 2008 23:21:50 +0000
This weekend was the kick-off of the NHL season! The NHL decided to start the season overseas in Prague and Stockholm to bring more attention to the NHL. It seemed like a cool experience for the players and good exposure for the NHL, but I’m really not a big fan of it. For one the time change is hard for the players to adjust to and the condition of the rinks are different (glass is lower, ice is smaller, etc.). But, hey there is nothing to I can do about it, and it was a great weekend of hockey so I can’t complain.

Let’s start with the first match up, the Rangers and Lightning. A lot of people including myself call the Lightning Pittsburgh south because in the off season they picked up Ryan Malone, Adam Hall, and Gary Roberts, who were all on our team last year. Well those players really are not making an impact on that team and Ryan Malone is way overpaid. The Lightning lost both games and were out-shot almost 2 to 1 both games. The Rangers are looking like a good team this year, their pickup of Naslund is the off season is looking good.

Now onto the Pens, the Senators are always a hard team to play, we always seem to have trouble with them. Over the past few years a real rivalry has started too. The Penguins took game 1 with 2 goals from Tyler Kennedy. He is really looking good so far this season! The Senators took the second game with a 3-1 final score. The Pens really looked bad in this game! Their powerplay was horrible in both games. One of the main reasons for this is because Sergei Gonchar is out for at least 4 months. He was basically like our quarterback for the power play. The Pens just look lost out there without him. They really need to work on their powerplay to be successful this year. A lot of the pens new players are looking good, it was great to see Matt Cooke set up and be an enforcer on the team.

It is going to be an interesting year for the Pens for sure. Over the summer I had wanted to start a Penguins blog, I have the domain ready and everything, but with all the work over at ThinkComputers I’ve had limited time to work on it. If anyone wants to help out shoot me an e-mail. ]]>
488 2008-10-05 19:21:50 2008-10-05 23:21:50 open open finally-hockey-is-back publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1223248910 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267168880 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 27556 2008-10-07 23:26:14 2008-10-08 03:26:14 1 0 0 27506 2008-10-06 00:39:11 2008-10-06 04:39:11 buzz marketing]]> 1 0 0 27499 2008-10-05 21:04:53 2008-10-06 01:04:53 1 0 0 27512 2008-10-06 04:48:56 2008-10-06 08:48:56 1 0 0 27557 2008-10-08 00:30:39 2008-10-08 04:30:39 1 27556 0
3 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Making Money Mon, 06 Oct 2008 21:43:52 +0000 It’s so funny how many people think you can just put a website up with a little bit of content slap some adsense on it and you will be making enough to living off of it. So many people assume that is how I make money online, when in reality adsense really does not make me that much at all. And I work my ass off on my sites, I don’t have 1 hour work days. I get e-mails from people asking me why their website is not making any money and it’s easy to see why. Here are 3 very important reasons why your website isn’t making money.

This has to be one of the most important things for a website. You can’t just put up a website and expect it to make money without updating it. That is why you see so many websites updating once a day if not more. At ThinkComputers we post a minimum of 5 reviews a week if not more. People are not going to keep on coming back to your website for the same things, you need to update! Also try to make your content valuable to your readers, that way they will keep coming back for good content.

How are you going to make any money if no one is visiting your website? Traffic is key for any type of ad system’s whether it be 3rd party ads like adsense or if you are selling private ads. No one is going to buy an ad off you if no one is visiting your website. You can get traffic to your site by using good SEO, buying traffic via google, yahoo, etc, or you can try and spread the word through many of the social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Also good content plays a big role in your traffic and I pointed out above.

Ad Placement
So many people plaster ads all over their site thinking the more ads the more money I will make. This is not always true. Each ad you add decreases the value of the ads as a whole. You need to strategically place your ads so they do not decrease the value of each other. Also you need to do a good deal of testing to see which ads are performing best and keep those and drop the ones that are not really making you that much money. If you are using adsense mess around with the ad colors too, testing which colors perform best on your site. ]]>
489 2008-10-06 17:43:52 2008-10-06 21:43:52 open open 3-reasons-why-your-website-isnt-making-money publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1223329670 _edit_last 1 _wp_old_slug 3-reasons-why-your-website-isn%e2%80%99t-making-money tweetbackscheck 1266917661 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:75:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1958770599;s:7:"retweet";i:1958742679;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 27714 2008-10-13 04:33:03 2008-10-13 08:33:03 1 0 0 27568 2008-10-08 11:48:19 2008-10-08 15:48:19 1 0 0 27573 2008-10-08 18:51:12 2008-10-08 22:51:12 1 0 0 27548 2008-10-07 18:21:52 2008-10-07 22:21:52 1 0 0 37636 2009-06-09 02:11:29 2009-06-09 06:11:29 1 27714 0 38111 2009-07-03 21:49:53 2009-07-04 01:49:53 Steven Lance’s last blog post..How to Stop Sweaty Armpits Effectively and Safe]]> 1 0 0
Check out HoopStick! Thu, 09 Oct 2008 19:44:40 +0000 Logo
A couple of weeks ago I saw a tweet about a site called, the tweet said 500GB hard drive for $5! I was like damn I know storage is cheap, but not that cheap! So I decided to check out the site, and it was setup like that of Woot, selling one product a day, but unlike Woot where the product has a set price, at HoopStick there is dynamic pricing based on their supply and the consumer demand. So if there is a product and a ton of people are buying it the price will go up, but if not many people are buying it the price will go down. It is quite an interesting system and enables you to get some great deals on products.

So when I got to the site the price of the drive was up to $6.26 based on the demand. Not knowing much about the site I worried about giving my credit card information out, but thanks to Citi Cards virtual account numbers I really didn’t have to worry about that and I figured if the site was BS then I wouldn’t be losing that much money. So I ordered the drive for $6.26. About a week later I received a box from HoopStick with the drive and a sticker! So the site is definitely not BS and I got a 500GB SATA drive for $6.26! It will give me something to do with all the external hard drive enclosures I have laying around! Box 500GB Hard Drive and Sticker

At first HoopStick was going to do a new product every day, but since all of their popularity they are doing new products on the weekend. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8AM PST you will be able to see the new “Stick of the Day”. I would definitely put the site in your bookmarks as you can find some really great products at amazing prices. ]]>
490 2008-10-09 15:44:40 2008-10-09 19:44:40 open open check-out-hoopstick publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1223586226 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267298582 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 27614 2008-10-10 13:15:00 2008-10-10 17:15:00 1 27597 0 27600 2008-10-10 03:10:23 2008-10-10 07:10:23 1 0 0 27597 2008-10-09 22:35:34 2008-10-10 02:35:34 1 0 0
Seriously, Don’t Vote Fri, 10 Oct 2008 19:42:55 +0000

The election is right around the corner and I hope everyone that reads this blog will vote. It will be a good change once this horrible administration is out of office, no matter who you vote for, so vote!]]>
491 2008-10-10 15:42:55 2008-10-10 19:42:55 open open seriously-dont-vote publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1223667861 _edit_last 1 _wp_old_slug seriously-don%e2%80%99t-vote tweetbackscheck 1267240197 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1193626226;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 27883 2008-10-22 11:52:42 2008-10-22 15:52:42 1 0 0 27704 2008-10-12 22:31:40 2008-10-13 02:31:40 1 0 0 27656 2008-10-11 17:03:22 2008-10-11 21:03:22 1 0 0 27774 2008-10-15 07:23:38 2008-10-15 11:23:38 1 0 0 27919 2008-10-26 09:18:49 2008-10-26 13:18:49 1 0 0 27882 2008-10-22 11:51:12 2008-10-22 15:51:12 1 27774 0 27888 2008-10-22 20:30:26 2008-10-23 00:30:26 1 0 0
ThinkPenguins Launched! Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:18:37 +0000
As I said in an earlier post I wanted to start a Penguins blog. I love hockey and I’ve been watching the Penguins play for as long as I can remember. So over the past weekend I got to work on it since the season has started. I stuck with the “Think” theme that I have with many of my other sites, so ThinkPenguins was born. Luckily I was able to find a good Wordpress theme that matched the colors of the Penguins well. I really did not have to do much to the layout except change the logo. Please let me know what you think of the site.

The site is going to cover all pens news and I will be doing game recaps for every game. Also if there is any interesting NHL news I will be posting it also. I created a twitter account, so make sure you follow!

Since this is a brand new blog I did a fresh install of Wordpress. Here are some of the plugins that I’m using: Akismet, All in One SEO pack, Contact form 7, Feedburner FeedSmith, and Similar Posts. I think for any blog you should have these plugins installed.

This is my first sports blog so we will see how it goes, wish me luck!]]>
492 2008-10-13 11:18:37 2008-10-13 15:18:37 open open thinkpenguins-launched publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1223911117 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267283551 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 aktt_notify_twitter no 27725 2008-10-13 11:30:42 2008-10-13 15:30:42 1 0 0 27726 2008-10-13 14:05:32 2008-10-13 18:05:32 1 0 0 27783 2008-10-15 17:44:15 2008-10-15 21:44:15 1 0 0 27755 2008-10-14 15:28:19 2008-10-14 19:28:19 1 0 0 27869 2008-10-21 14:58:47 2008-10-21 18:58:47 1 0 0
Are You Working Hard? Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:34:14 +0000 I made a post a while ago talking about how summer is over. That means that most people are going back to school or work. For me that means it’s time to dig in and work even harder. During the summer there is less internet traffic and it’s nice so you want to go out. In the fall / winter you see an increase in internet traffic and since its cold and cloudy most of the time it’s not like you want to go outside all the time. I have been working really hard on many things, here is what I’ve been up to.

As I mentioned earlier I have been really pumping out content on ThinkComputers. We did 20 straight days of content last month and we are averaging around 5 reviews a week if not more. This is a hard thing to accomplish but I have a very good system in place to get things done. Also we have a steady flow of products coming in and my staff is really kicking ass!

There are some new features on ThinkComputers too. I have revamped the articles page. Now the articles are separated into categories instead of a long page of all the articles on the site. This way they are easy to find and navigate and it gives more exposure to older articles.

ThinkComputers also has an official staff blog now! It will give ThinkComputers users a behind the scenes look at what we have going on. It will be updated once a week or so, nothing major but something to keep people coming back to ThinkComputers.

I will also be adding more features to site in the coming weeks too!

I launched a new website, ThinkPenguins. Since launching it has been great so far. I have met many people who write about the Pens and it is great to write about something other than technology and the internet. I love hockey so writing posts is easy. I’m averaging a post a day!

I hope to get a good following going in the Pittsburgh area, we will see how it goes!

The Blog
I haven’t done much with the blog since the new layout was launched, but I have a long list of things I want to implement. Hopefully you will be able to see them in the coming weeks. If you have any suggestions for the blog please let me know and they will go on the list!

I hope everyone is working hard during this busy internet season, make that money so you can take it easy during the summer months! ]]>
493 2008-10-17 14:34:14 2008-10-17 18:34:14 open open are-you-working-hard publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1224268454 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267185867 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 27818 2008-10-17 14:40:14 2008-10-17 18:40:14 1 0 0 27821 2008-10-17 17:48:21 2008-10-17 21:48:21 1 27820 1 27885 2008-10-22 16:40:52 2008-10-22 20:40:52 1 0 0 27934 2008-10-27 13:09:59 2008-10-27 17:09:59 1 0 0 27899 2008-10-23 20:53:52 2008-10-24 00:53:52 1 0 0 27820 2008-10-17 16:52:56 2008-10-17 20:52:56 1 0 0 27868 2008-10-21 14:57:03 2008-10-21 18:57:03 1 0 0 27881 2008-10-22 11:50:31 2008-10-22 15:50:31 1 0 0 28415 2008-11-22 06:16:12 2008-11-22 10:16:12 1 0 0 28681 2008-12-08 10:09:18 2008-12-08 14:09:18 1 0 0
My First Game of the Season Tue, 28 Oct 2008 21:18:03 +0000
As most of you know I’m a huge hockey fan! Hockey is my favorite sport and I usually make it out to 4 or 5 penguins games a year. Usually I don’t go till later in the year but my friend Brian was nice enough to invite me to the game against the Flyers, of course I took him up on the offer. The Penguins have really gained a lot of popularity this year since they made it all the way to the Stanley Cup Finals last season. So the Penguins and Trib total media started the Faceoff Festival outside Mellon Arena for the first 4 home games. The festival included a video board to watch the game if you didn’t have tickets, food vendors, and special booths. Good to see stuff like this go on in Pittsburgh.

The tickets Brian got for the game were actually gold circle tickets. Gold circle tickets are special seats in every section. They include a TV for watching replays and a place to put food or drinks down. They even include a phone so you can order food so you don’t have to leave your seat. Definielty some good seats, but I would never pay for them…haha.

The Flyers are probably the Penguins biggest rivals and it was great to go to a game against them. I was at the last game we played against them where we defeated them to go to the Stanley Cup Finals. The rivalry is definietly still alive as there was a fight in the first period.

So something interesting happented in between the first and 2nd period. I sat back down in my seat and it just broke. The penguins do have the oldest building in the NHL and that is proof of it. We let the usher know that our seat broke and they were able to move us into Igloo East 3 rows behind the Flyers bench. This was the closest I’ve ever been, definitely cool but I wouldn’t want to watch a game from that close because you have to stand up to see plays in each end. It was cool being that close to the players though.

The game ended up going into overtime and the Pens won! You can check out my full recap of the game at]]>
494 2008-10-28 17:18:03 2008-10-28 21:18:03 open open my-first-game-of-the-season publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1225228730 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267071651 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:3:{i:1826775093;s:7:"retweet";i:1958815957;s:7:"retweet";i:2054595650;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 3 27944 2008-10-28 17:26:12 2008-10-28 21:26:12 1 0 0 27945 2008-10-28 17:33:16 2008-10-28 21:33:16 1 27944 1 28019 2008-11-03 06:31:19 2008-11-03 10:31:19 1 0 0
October Thoughts Mon, 03 Nov 2008 18:14:35 +0000 Well I decided to start this type of post back up. I was doing it for a few months back in 2007, but then stopped. I think reflecting on the previous month is a great way to come up with new posts for your blog and looking at what people are actually reading can help you find new topics to write about. Well it’s already November and last month was not a good month a blogging for me, I only wrote 8 posts which is the lowest post count since December 2007! I really hope that his month I can get a lot more blogging done. My favorite post from October was the 3 Reason’s Your Website Isn’t Making Money post.

Popular Posts
Well what was everyone else reading in October? Here are the top 5 posts from that got the most traffic in October. It was good to see the one of my posts from 2007 is still getting a lot of traffic!

Traffic Sources
Where is all that traffic coming from? Here our my top traffic sources for October. Notice that Facebook and are listed in the top 5 traffic sources, social networking can bring you traffic!

Stats Tracker
Moving on to November I really hope to post more than 8 posts in November, this will be #1 so I’m pretty sure I can make get 7 more posts done atleast. This time of the year is crazy for me because of ThinkComputers and that I just started ThinkPenguins, but I don’t want to stop blogging so expect more posts! ]]>
495 2008-11-03 14:14:35 2008-11-03 18:14:35 open open october-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1228242577 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267292647 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28169 2008-11-13 20:31:18 2008-11-14 00:31:18 1 0 0 28024 2008-11-03 15:06:56 2008-11-03 19:06:56 1 0 0 28027 2008-11-04 01:51:13 2008-11-04 05:51:13 1 0 0
Get Out and Vote Today! Tue, 04 Nov 2008 12:30:54 +0000 Well today is the big day, the day you can go out and make a difference and vote! Honestly I hate politics, mainly because a lot of it is BS and it causes things like this to happen, which makes me wonder what is wrong with some people in this country. But as you are reading this I’m probably out voting, not because I feel obligated to, but because I want my voice to be heard. Whatever reason you have for wanting to vote make it count and go out to the polls today.

If you remember my Seriously Don’t Vote post from last month it included a video from Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way, which was very entertaining. Well they have done a follow-up (make sure you watch the first video if you have not seen it), so if you are not sure whether or not to vote check out this video…

496 2008-11-04 08:30:54 2008-11-04 12:30:54 open open get-out-and-vote-today publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 1 _edit_lock 1225794065 tweetbackscheck 1266736240 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28033 2008-11-04 10:52:34 2008-11-04 14:52:34 1 0 0 28035 2008-11-04 12:52:38 2008-11-04 16:52:38 1 0 0 28036 2008-11-04 12:56:24 2008-11-04 16:56:24 1 0 0 28412 2008-11-22 06:12:36 2008-11-22 10:12:36 1 0 0
Checking Out Woopra Thu, 06 Nov 2008 00:40:46 +0000
I received an e-mail a while ago asking me if I wanted to check out the Woopra beta. Having no clue what Woopra was I went on their website and discovered that it was web analytics software. Like most people I run Google Analytics on my sites for analytics and for the most part it provides me with the information I need. Learning that Woopra was actually desktop software I decided to try it out. I always like being able to check out new things, especially when they are still in beta.

Just like any analytics system you need to sign up. After you are all signed up you can add your websites. For most of you it will take some time for Woopra to approve your website. Once your website is approved you can get started. First you need to install the Woopra code on your website, if you are using Wordpress they have a plugin to easily insert the code and add the analytics to your Wordpress dashboard. After you have the code installed on your site you can download the Woopra program, they not only support Windows, but OSX and Linux too.

Once you have Woopra installed on your computer you can login from the main screen. The Woopra program is java based, which gives it a cool look and makes it easy to use. Once you are logged in Woopra will connect to your sites tracking stats. They will show up as tabs on the top of the program window. Once you enter the dashboard screen there is a ton of things to look at…

I really cannot go over everything in the Woopra program, because this post would be extremely long, but I will go over a few things. The main dashboard of Woopra has 6 main sections, the top graph, daily / hourly traffic overview, content, referrers, searches, and visitor map. Also along the bottom is a ticker of relevant information.

One of the coolest things about Woopra is being able to see live visitors on your site. If you click on the live icon on the side you will be brought to the live visitors page. Here you can see all of the live visitors on your site, not only that there is a map showing you where the visitors are located. There is even more information to get about the live visitors, their IP address, country, city, language, browser, platform, screen resolution, and what page they are currently viewing.

The search and analytics buttons will give you even more information about what is going on with your site. After thinking I would not be impressed with Woopra I’m actually blown away! It has to be one of the coolest analytics packages I have seen. What makes it so great is that it is in real time! Check it out for yourself and see if you can get into the beta! ]]>
497 2008-11-05 20:40:46 2008-11-06 00:40:46 open open checking-out-woopra publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1225932047 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266917570 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28170 2008-11-13 20:33:50 2008-11-14 00:33:50 1 0 0 28103 2008-11-09 17:21:18 2008-11-09 21:21:18 1 0 0 28054 2008-11-05 20:51:45 2008-11-06 00:51:45 1 0 0
Pumped For Gears of War 2 Thu, 06 Nov 2008 22:16:42 +0000
It’s not often I play a lot of games, mostly because I’m busy working hard on my sites. And the free time I have I usually just like to relax, we all know that some games can take up a lot of time (World of Warcraft etc.) so I normally don’t really get into games that much anymore. If I do feel like playing a game it will load up hockey or Counter-Strike: Source (Gungame Deathmatch is awesome). That pretty much feeds my need for gaming. I do own an Xbox 360, but like I said I don’t have that many games for it, the last game I bought was NHL 09.

One of my favorite games for my 360 is Gears of War. When it first came out the graphics and gameplay were amazing, it was one of the most anticipated games for the 360. I’m sure a lot of your remember the Mad World trailer that was played on TV for a straight month before the game came out. Watching that trailer really got you excited for the game. Well just like the original Gears of War there is another trailer just like that for Gears of War 2.

These trailers are great, they really portray Gears of War as not just a game, but a great story, and playing through the original Gears of War felt like I was living the story. Not many games can do that, and not many games look amazing like Gears of War. Gears of War 2 not only has new weapons, but new game modes and much more!

The Gears of War figurehead is Cliff Bleszinski who is the design director for game development at Epic Games. I’ve been playing his games for the longest time, even since Unreal Tournament, which was one of my favorite games of all time and I still own all Unreal games all the way up to Unreal Tournament 3. I know a game is going to be good if Cliff is involved.

So I’m all set for tonight, I have my Gears of War 2 LE preorder all paid off, have a 6 pack of Vault, and 3 frozen pizzas! I will be waiting in line to get it at midnight! If you follow me on twitter I will be posting photos from the GameStop at my mall. If you are getting the game add me to your friends on Xbox Live, my gamertag is Enigma5.]]> 498 2008-11-06 18:16:42 2008-11-06 22:16:42 open open pumped-for-gears-of-war-2 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1226009802 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266665109 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{s:10:"2202081002";s:7:"retweet";s:10:"2201929032";s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 28129 2008-11-12 06:08:29 2008-11-12 10:08:29 1 0 0 28076 2008-11-07 11:42:50 2008-11-07 15:42:50 1 0 0 28067 2008-11-06 19:40:06 2008-11-06 23:40:06 1 0 0 28071 2008-11-07 01:09:11 2008-11-07 05:09:11 1 0 0 28259 2008-11-17 06:17:29 2008-11-17 10:17:29 1 0 0 28070 2008-11-06 22:41:02 2008-11-07 02:41:02 1 28067 1 Tell-a-Friend Wordpress Plugin Tue, 11 Nov 2008 23:20:41 +0000 I have seen quite a few people using this plugin on their blog so I decided to check it out for myself. If you notice at the bottom of every post is a little Tell a Friend button. If you hover over it, it will bring up a box where users can tell a friend about that post via IM, E-Mail, or a Social network. What's great about this plugin is that it allows users to do this without leaving your site to do it.

Tell a Friend was launched by Social Twist and is free to download and install. Now you don't need to sign up to Social Twist to download the widget but if you do signup to Social Twist you are able to customize the widget and have access to usage statistics. I went ahead and signed up for an account. Once you download the plugin, just upload it to your wordpress plugins folder and active it and you a good to go. It can't get much easier than that. The plugin can also be used on other platforms like TypePad, Blogger and Textpattern. It will be interesting to see if anyone uses the widget on the page, check it out for yourself.

Here is a video that shows how Tell a Friend can be useful to the visitors to your site.

499 2008-11-11 19:20:41 2008-11-11 23:20:41 open open tell-a-friend-wordpress-plugin publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1226445770 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266461997 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28128 2008-11-12 06:05:21 2008-11-12 10:05:21 1 0 0 28167 2008-11-13 13:36:06 2008-11-13 17:36:06 1 0 0 28171 2008-11-13 20:35:55 2008-11-14 00:35:55 1 0 0 28124 2008-11-11 22:57:13 2008-11-12 02:57:13 1 0 0 28494 2008-11-24 06:27:59 2008-11-24 10:27:59 1 0 0 28137 2008-11-12 17:52:41 2008-11-12 21:52:41 1 0 0 38273 2009-07-13 09:46:39 2009-07-13 13:46:39 Steven Lance’s last blog post..How to Stop Sweaty Armpits Effectively and Safe]]> 1 0 0 37326 2009-05-18 01:12:04 2009-05-18 05:12:04 Pepe’s last blog post..Paint Powerpoint Template]]> 1 0 0
Giving Away 3 Thermaltake Cases! Fri, 14 Nov 2008 21:42:57 +0000

ThinkComputers has teamed with Thermaltake to bring you a great Holiday Giveaway! It is that time of the year, snow is on the ground and Christmas is right around the corner. We have decided to give the ThinkComputers readers a surprise. Thermaltake will be providing 3 different cases for us to give away. First is the Speedo ($199.99), then the V9 Gaming Case ($139.99) and finally the Armor+ MX ($139.99). There are quite a few ways to enter this contest...

Forums: Reply to this post and have a minimum of 35 posts - 1 entry

ThinkComputers Blog: Be one of the top 5 commentators on the ThinkComputers blog - 2 entries (1 for November, 1 for December)

Newsletter: Subscribe to the ThinkComputers E-mail Newsletter - 1 entry

So there are quite a few ways you can qualify, you can get up to 4 entries total. The contest will run from today, November 12th to December 25th. Winners must be located in the US and Canada to receive prizes. Head on over to ThinkComputers to check out the contest!

]]> 500 2008-11-14 17:42:57 2008-11-14 21:42:57 open open giving-away-3-thermaltake-cases publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1226699016 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267248295 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28248 2008-11-16 22:00:13 2008-11-17 02:00:13 1 0 0 28181 2008-11-14 20:08:01 2008-11-15 00:08:01 1 0 0 28231 2008-11-16 09:22:36 2008-11-16 13:22:36 1 0 0 40490 2010-02-15 04:55:09 2010-02-15 08:55:09 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0 40489 2010-02-15 04:54:35 2010-02-15 08:54:35 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0 A Great Blogging Laptop Thu, 20 Nov 2008 13:30:46 +0000

One thing that is so great about blogging is that you can do it from pretty much anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. Wordpress makes things even easier, and the Wordpress App for the iPhone means you don't even need a computer to publish blog posts on your website. Although something like that app is not really that realistic for someone who wants to add images and other media in their posts. A blogging laptop does not need to be that powerful, just needs to have a capability to do some word processing and be able to surf the web and possibly resize images. The most important thing is that you want it to be portable.

I recently had the chance to check out the Lenovo Ideapad S10 10.2-inch laptop. You can check out the full review over at ThinkComputers. It is a perfect little laptop for blogging. First let's talk about the size, it is only 9.8" x 7.2" x 1.2" and only weighs 2.64lbs. This means you can easily carry it around with you it and it could fit in a backpack or medium to large size purse without a problem. During my testing I took the S10 everywhere I went and it was not like carrying a regular laptop around at all.

So it's small, but what about performance? The S10 has a 1.6Ghz N270 Intel Atom processor and has 1GB of memory. So of course you will be able to do word processing and web surfing but also you will be able to use programs like to resize and edit images. Also unlike most small laptops like this the S10 has a regular hard drive not an SSD. This means you actually have a lot of space, not 4-8GB that you get with an SSD, the S10 has a 120GB hard drive. Lenovo tries really hard to give you as much screen size as possible with a 1024 x 600 resolution LCD.

The thing that really sets the S10 apart from other small laptops that are around the same price is the ExpressCard slot. Having an ExpressCard slot gives you a lot of expansion options. One of the most important things would be an EVDO card so you can have internet anywhere. My Sprint EVDO card is an ExpressCard and its awesome that I can use it with the S10. If you want more information on the S10 check out my review over at ThinkComputers.]]>
501 2008-11-20 09:30:46 2008-11-20 13:30:46 open open a-great-blogging-laptop publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1227163454 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267059410 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28395 2008-11-21 21:00:00 2008-11-22 01:00:00 1 0 0 28493 2008-11-24 06:26:19 2008-11-24 10:26:19 1 0 0 28644 2008-12-05 14:09:54 2008-12-05 18:09:54 1 0 0 28347 2008-11-20 21:03:21 2008-11-21 01:03:21 1 0 0 28333 2008-11-20 10:42:50 2008-11-20 14:42:50 Mogo Mouse, a slimline Bluetooth mouse which recharges while in the ExpressCard slot!]]> 1 0 0 28359 2008-11-21 03:51:50 2008-11-21 07:51:50 1 0 0 28406 2008-11-22 02:38:36 2008-11-22 06:38:36 1 0 0
A Weekend Off and Some Fun Mon, 24 Nov 2008 18:48:48 +0000
Well I decided to take this weekend off from work, I really needed it since I usually always work the weekends anyways. My friends and I had been planning a trip up to Penn State for a while now. A few of our friends go there and we really wanted to go to a football game. So this past weekend we decided to take the 2 hour drive up to state and enjoy the weekend up there. I debated on whether or not to take my laptop, I decided not to because I know if I would have brought it I would have been on it way too much.

We made it up to state late on Friday night because of a crazy snow storm in Pittsburgh. We had a good time that night and got up early the next day for the game. Penn State is a very large school, especially to me since I went to Robert Morris. I also like how everything is centered around the school, you have bars, restaurants, etc all within walking distance of the campus. That would have been nice at Robert Morris. We got to the tailgate around 10:30 and it was crazy, I had never been to a tailgate for a big school before, there were people everywhere!

We headed into the game a little before it started and we all sat in the student section, which was crazy. During the entire game no one sat down once, even though it was completely freezing and snowing! Penn State won the game 49-18, here is a short video I made to give you an idea of what the atmosphere was like inside the stadium.

502 2008-11-24 14:48:48 2008-11-24 18:48:48 open open a-weekend-off-and-some-fun publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1227558270 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267279574 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28593 2008-12-01 15:33:26 2008-12-01 19:33:26 1 0 0 28512 2008-11-24 23:01:57 2008-11-25 03:01:57 1 0 0 28502 2008-11-24 15:09:29 2008-11-24 19:09:29 and RMU are huge compared to my alma mater, Westminster College. There's only ~1400 at WC!]]> 1 0 0 28514 2008-11-25 00:58:52 2008-11-25 04:58:52 1 0 0
Soulja Boy Tell Em - Personal Branding Done Right Wed, 26 Nov 2008 19:29:06 +0000 Soulja Boy Tell Em
A few weeks ago a friend of mine sent me to a YouTube video of Soulja Boy. If you don't know Soulja Boy is a 17 year old rapper. He is most known for the song Crank That, I'm sure most of you have heard it at least once. After watching the video my friend sent me I checked out a few more since the first was funny as hell. After looking around at a few of his videos I went to his website and looked around for a bit. I realize unlike most people doing what he does he really does a lot to promote his personal brand. Here are just a few of the things he does.

Unlike most artists who only post up their music videos and some interviews Soulja Boy does video blogs, which are really a lot more interesting than the interview cause it's just him saying whats on his mind. One thing that was really cool that he did was take videos when we was overseas in Japan and Hawaii. It gave you a sort of behind the scenes look into what he was doing on each trip. You really don't get that with most popular rappers out there. His YouTube page has over 10 million views and 147,238 subscribers. is a live webcasting service that allows you to broadcast live video from your computer or supported cell phone. Soulja Boy uses this service whereever he is at so you know what he is up to. He has the stream embedded on his myspace page and his website, whenever he starts streaming you can watch live what he is doing. This is even more of a behind the scenes look, especially since it is live! Unlike most artists who use Kyte to showcase music videos Soulja Boy actually just records what he is up to.

Xbox Live
Like most people his age Soulja Boy likes to play video games. He lets everyone know his Xbox Live gamertag - Souljaboytellem, and displays his gamercard on his website. He is also started a gaming group called SODMG Gamers.

These are just a few of the things he is doing to promote his personal brand, but he sure is doing a good job at it. Like I said he is one of the only artists doing this on a constant basis. If you look at just at what YouTube has done for him over the past year then you will understand the power of personal branding.]]>
503 2008-11-26 15:29:06 2008-11-26 19:29:06 open open soulja-boy-tell-em-personal-branding-done-right publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1227727746 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267063640 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:78:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28569 2008-11-28 17:56:12 2008-11-28 21:56:12 1 0 0 28565 2008-11-28 10:37:47 2008-11-28 14:37:47 1 0 0
Black Friday is Tomorrow! Thu, 27 Nov 2008 18:28:08 +0000
Well tomorrow is the day, Black Friday. It is the craziest shopping day of the year! People start heading to stores at 3-4am trying to be first in line to get the best deals of the day. Honestly it is insane, people basically killing each other for a better deal on a TV or Laptop. I have never gone out for a black friday and I probably never will. I hate waiting in lines and even more than that I hate traffic, you are going to see a lot of that tomorrow so that is why I'm staying home, also I really don't need anything. If you do play on going out tomorrow then I urge you to find the deals you are looking for ahead of time, and some you can even get online as well as in the store. Here is a list of black friday sites...
Black Friday Page @ GotaDeal

Probably the best deal I found was...

52-inch Samsung 1080p LCD TV /w Free Geek Squad Install
Here are the links to online sales that are going on now...

Circuit City
Best Buy

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday!!]]>
504 2008-11-27 14:28:08 2008-11-27 18:28:08 open open black-friday-is-tomorrow publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1227810489 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267268909 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1191757102;s:7:"retweet";i:1958214763;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 28564 2008-11-28 06:00:12 2008-11-28 10:00:12 1 0 0 28562 2008-11-27 16:55:35 2008-11-27 20:55:35 1 0 0 28604 2008-12-02 16:51:52 2008-12-02 20:51:52 1 0 0 28561 2008-11-27 16:46:23 2008-11-27 20:46:23 1 0 0 28590 2008-12-01 07:52:39 2008-12-01 11:52:39 1 0 0 36846 2009-04-12 10:12:42 2009-04-12 14:12:42 Positive Thinking’s last blog post..Positive Affirmations - Create a Better Life]]> 1 0 0 37007 2009-04-27 14:16:42 2009-04-27 18:16:42 1 0 0
November Thoughts Tue, 02 Dec 2008 19:00:17 +0000 Well November was once again another slow blogging month for me. Once again it is because of ThinkComputers, it is the holiday season so we are pumping out reviews like crazy. Also I have been working really hard on ThinkPenguins as well. I only managed to get out 10 blog posts this month, which is only 2 more than last month. Hopefully I will be posting more this month, but who knows. Time management is going to be a key thing for me this month! Out of the 10 posts I made this month my favorite was A Weekend off and Some Fun. It was great getting away for a weekend and seeing a Penn State football game!

Popular Posts
What was everyone reading in November? Here are the top 5 posts that received the most traffic in November.

Once again some of my older posts are still getting good traffic.

Traffic Sources
So where is all this traffic coming from? Here are the top referring sites from November.

Once again and Facebook are in my top traffic sources, social networking will bring you traffic!

Top Commentators
I actually remembered to take a screenshot of the Top Commentators for November...

The top commentators were Mike Huang, Women's Clothes, BigMan, Josh Zehtabchi, and Michael Kwan.

Stats Tracker
Moving on to December
Once again I hope to write more posts then I did in November, I need to get back into the blogging groove. It has been hard for me to find things to blog about, especially since I haven't been checking out other people's blogs that often. If you know a cool blog I should check out add it in the comments!]]>
505 2008-12-02 15:00:17 2008-12-02 19:00:17 open open november-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1228244512 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266917550 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28623 2008-12-04 01:10:44 2008-12-04 05:10:44 1 28616 0 28602 2008-12-02 15:16:49 2008-12-02 19:16:49 1 0 0 28603 2008-12-02 16:50:46 2008-12-02 20:50:46 1 0 0 28645 2008-12-05 14:10:54 2008-12-05 18:10:54 1 0 0 28606 2008-12-03 00:21:28 2008-12-03 04:21:28 1 0 0 28618 2008-12-03 20:53:23 2008-12-04 00:53:23 1 0 0 28616 2008-12-03 19:27:19 2008-12-03 23:27:19 1 0 0 28700 2008-12-09 03:40:10 2008-12-09 07:40:10 1 0 0
New Setup! Thu, 04 Dec 2008 22:22:13 +0000
You would think that my computer changes all the time, but it really does not. My main (work) computer relatively stays the same and I used 2 other test machines to test out computer hardware. I do this because if something happens to my main computer it limits how much work I can get done. A few years ago my CPU ended up getting damaged while I was installing a CPU cooler, and I was without a computer for 3 days. That was 3 days without getting any work done. So I have separate computers for testing everything out now. I was using a HUGE case, the Thermaltake SwordM. Although it was cool at first it was just too big and I really did not need all that room inside the case. Also since the case was huge it was a pain to take with me to LAN parties, so a change was definitely needed.

Bgears recently sent me their B-envi case to review. Its a cube-style case that fits a mATX motherboard. I did have a mATX system, but its old. I mainly use it for a HTPC I wouldn't trust it as my main work system. So thinking about how awesome it would be to have a cube system as my main system I went to look at mATX motherboards. Most mATX motherboards are made for HTPC's nothing really for gaming or real intense use. I was out of luck in finding a good mATX motherboard until I found the DFI LanParty Jr. P45-T2RS. Not only did this motherboard have a full ATX motherboard chipset, it has 2x PCI-Express slots if I ever get back into gaming and has a ton of other features that you just don't find on mATX boards. I was definiely sold on the board so I went ahead and ordered it.

Fitting everything in the B-envi was a bit stressful, everything is very cramped....

But it is definiely worth all of the desk space I will be saving with the smaller case. I also I started from scratch with a brand new install of Windows Vista 64-bit. I chose 64-bit so I can use the 4GB of memory I put in the system. It feels refreshing to start from the clean slate on the system. So far things are running great and I expect them to stay that way. Finally I'm done lugging the HUGE case to LAN parties!]]>
506 2008-12-04 18:22:13 2008-12-04 22:22:13 open open new-setup publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1228430024 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266568466 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:40:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28643 2008-12-05 14:08:13 2008-12-05 18:08:13 1 0 0 28627 2008-12-04 20:31:33 2008-12-05 00:31:33 1 0 0 28628 2008-12-04 20:47:13 2008-12-05 00:47:13 1 28627 0 28655 2008-12-06 10:21:57 2008-12-06 14:21:57 1 0 0 28641 2008-12-05 10:51:23 2008-12-05 14:51:23 1 0 0 28637 2008-12-05 08:17:29 2008-12-05 12:17:29 1 0 0 28651 2008-12-06 04:14:49 2008-12-06 08:14:49 1 0 0 28676 2008-12-08 07:06:34 2008-12-08 11:06:34 1 0 0
Toys for Tots Raffle and Fundraiser Sat, 06 Dec 2008 22:34:23 +0000
Well it is that time of year again, the holidays. Every holiday season many people and organizations try to do something to help the needy. This year our friends over at TheTechLounge are doing something that no only helps the needy but also gives you something for your contribution. They have teamed with Toys for Tots and SmoothCreations to bring you a great Raffle and Fundraiser.

For every $5 you donate you get a chance to win 1 of 80 prizes and the grand prize of a SmoothCreations Custom Gaming PC. All donations will be going to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. The other prizes are not that bad either, I’m not going to list them all but some of the prizes include: a SumoLounge SumoSac Sultan, SilverStone KL02 case, Razer Lycosa keyboard, and a Corsair 16GB survivor drive. Also that gaming machine is not to shabby either with a Core 2 Duo quad core processor, GTX 280, and 4GB of memory. For only $5 you can get in on these prizes.

Head on over to the Giveaway page to make your donation and get your name in the raffle for the prizes. This contest will only run until the end of the month so make sure you get your entries in! From what I’ve heard they do not have that many donations yet so if you get in you most likely have a chance of wining something! Good luck to everyone and happy holidays! ]]>
507 2008-12-06 18:34:23 2008-12-06 22:34:23 open open toys-for-tots-raffle-and-fundraiser publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1228602864 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267264505 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Pano iPhone App Sun, 07 Dec 2008 23:49:55 +0000
Since FINALLY upgrading my phone to the 2.0 software I have been checking out a lot of the apps in the app store. Not only free ones, but paid ones as well. Although I had my iPhone jailbroken before to get apps before the app store was created there are so many more now that the app store is up. It's crazy the things you can do with the iPhone now, it is really becoming a mobile platform and so many people are developing for it. One paid app that I took a look at lately was the Pano app from Debacle Software.

Pano will allow you to create panoramic images from the photos you take. I have been looking for an app like this for a while. After reading the reviews of all the panoramic apps Pano seemed to be the best so I forked over the $2.99 to get it. The Pano app is really easy to use. It will first ask you to take the left most photo then work your way right. When you go to take the second photo it will show a outline of the last part of the pevious photo so you can lineup the next photo.

You can take up to 4 photos to make your pano, but if you only want to use 2 or 3 you can simply hit cancel and it will ask you if you want to make your pano now. Since getting this app I have taken quite a few panos, here are some of my favorites.

Outside My Apartment

Inside My Apartment

Parents House

This app is definitely worth the $2.99 price tag. It is great being able to make cool and unique panoramic images with your iPhone, and very easily I might add. Check out the full sized photos on my Flickr Page.]]>
508 2008-12-07 19:49:55 2008-12-07 23:49:55 open open pano-iphone-app publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1228693915 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267205439 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28684 2008-12-08 12:51:31 2008-12-08 16:51:31 1 0 0 28744 2008-12-12 08:31:15 2008-12-12 12:31:15 1 0 0 28689 2008-12-08 15:58:49 2008-12-08 19:58:49 1 0 0 28722 2008-12-10 18:59:28 2008-12-10 22:59:28 1 0 0 28839 2008-12-18 17:26:28 2008-12-18 21:26:28 1 0 0 28669 2008-12-07 20:04:44 2008-12-08 00:04:44 1 0 0 28675 2008-12-08 02:55:05 2008-12-08 06:55:05 1 0 0 39598 2009-10-08 11:59:36 2009-10-08 15:59:37 1 0 0
ThinkComputers 2008 Budget Holiday Gift Guide Mon, 08 Dec 2008 22:04:49 +0000
Well usually around this time of the year I am pumping out buyers guides for all different types of things. I really like doing the price is no object guides, but those buyers guides really don't fit this year as people are spending way less on holiday gifts then ever before. Because of this I have decided to do the Budget Holiday Gift Guide, where I showcase 4 items under $25, $50, $75, and $100. This way you can find the right tech gift for anyone on your list! Go check it out now!]]>
509 2008-12-08 18:04:49 2008-12-08 22:04:49 open open thinkcomputers-2008-budget-holiday-gift-guide publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 1 _edit_lock 1228773889 tweetbackscheck 1267029579 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:76:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28752 2008-12-12 18:41:41 2008-12-12 22:41:41 1 0 0 28827 2008-12-17 04:39:26 2008-12-17 08:39:26 1 0 0
Do it Yourself, with some help from the Internet Sun, 14 Dec 2008 22:15:04 +0000 I love the entrepreneur spirit, doing things yourself the way you want to do it. I have been thinking lately about people who have really made a name for themselves, using social networks and the internet. That’s what so great about the internet, you can reach so many people and it can really help you promote yourself or your company. I have listed 4 people below that have used the internet to help them get to where they are. I’m not sure if you would call off of them entrepreneur’s but they did it by themselves and that in itself is very impressive.

Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em
I have already talked about Soulja Boy and how he does personal branding right, but out of anyone on this list he is probably the most successful. Back in 2005-2006 no one had ever heard of him, he was a nobody. He started recording his own songs at that time and he posted them on SoundClick and created MySpace and YouTube accounts. He was making all his music by himself and posting videos on YouTube. His songs and videos were becoming very popular and he was then discovered by Collipark Records and signed to a record deal. His song “Crank That”, which he recorded before the record deal spent 7 weeks at the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100, was Grammy nominated, and is the most downloaded song of all time. Not bad for a 17-year old who decided to put his songs online to see what people would think of them. Right now he is working on his third official album which will be in stores on December 16th.

Fellow Pittsburgher Justine Ezarik or as most of you know her iJustine has really used the internet to build her personal brand and help her to really make a career about it. I first discovered her on where she basically broadcasted her life live on the internet. It was quite interesting and she gained many fans this way. She really broke out when she posted her 300-page iPhone bill video on YouTube; it currently has over 1.4 million views on YouTube. Because of the video’s popularity she was interviewed by many news outlet’s which only added to her popularity. Since then she has appeared on many video podcasts, TV shows, and even commercials. Pretty good for a girl who decided to make funny videos on YouTube and broadcast her life to the world. She currently is working on many projects, but you can still see what she is up to by checking out her blog.

Kina Grannis
Another musician who has used the internet to catapult her music career in the right direction. I first discovered Kina when her song Gotta Digg was featured on Diggnation. She was a very good singer so I decided to check out her YouTube and found out she was in the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl contest. To help herself promote her song for the contest she posted a daily video on her blog each day until the contest. Because of this she not only gained many fans, she won the contest! Her song “Message From Your Heart” was played during the Super Bowl and as an artist what more can you ask for? She now has a record deal with Interscope Records and her songs are featured in movies and TV shows.

John Chow
A few years ago most of you probably did not even know who John Chow was. At that time he was running I had met him at CES back in 2005 and we started talking about starting blogs. Back then blogs were really not that popular but we both started a blog. He decided at start talking about making money online on his blog and how he has made money online. This really struck a chord with people as not that many people were willing to expose their secrets and tell people how to make money using the internet. His blog quickly gained popularity and he is now an authority on making money online, speaking at industry events and letting everyone know about the latest ways to make money online. You can check out what he is up to at his blog.

These are just 4 examples, but I’m sure there are many more people using the internet to help them with whatever their business is. It is such a big platform there is no reason not to use it to your advantage. What I really like about all 4 stories is that these people did it by themselves. No matter if you like them or not you have to give it to them for that, they put in the hard work, they started doing it for nothing, and now are making a living off of it. If someone tells you it’s not possible, here are 4 great examples that say otherwise.]]>
510 2008-12-14 18:15:04 2008-12-14 22:15:04 open open do-it-yourself-with-some-help-from-the-internet publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1229295697 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266974010 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:78:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28788 2008-12-14 18:29:52 2008-12-14 22:29:52 1 0 0 28790 2008-12-14 20:58:45 2008-12-15 00:58:45 1 0 0 28793 2008-12-15 03:08:07 2008-12-15 07:08:07 1 0 0 37619 2009-06-08 07:52:34 2009-06-08 11:52:34 1 0 0 38350 2009-07-20 11:40:27 2009-07-20 15:40:27 Bladder Infection And Its Remedies =-.]]> 1 0 0 38274 2009-07-13 10:20:39 2009-07-13 14:20:39 Steven Lance’s last blog post..How to Stop Sweaty Armpits Effectively and Safe]]> 1 0 0
ThinkComputers 900th Review Tue, 16 Dec 2008 13:30:52 +0000 Well yesterday was another milestone for ThinkComputers, we posted our 900th review! The review was of the Thermaltake Spinq CPU cooler. I can't believe that since 2002 we have reviewed 900 products! That is sure a lot of taking product photos, testing the product, writing the review, and then getting it up on the site. Review #800 was posted back at the end of July and only 4 months later we have review number 900! I want to thank everyone that works on ThinkComputers, Colin Dean, Frank Stroupe, Greg Baden and Michael Kwan. Without them I would not be able to keep ThinkComputers going. Here are some of my favorite products that were reviewed since review #800... Well hopefully in another 4 to 5 months we will be publishing review #1000 at ThinkComputers! I can't believe I have been doing this for over 6 years now. Honestly I never thought this would turn into my full time job, but now I couldn't imagine doing anyhting else. Thanks again to everyone who supports ThinkComputers and has helped out with the site over the years.]]> 511 2008-12-16 09:30:52 2008-12-16 13:30:52 open open thinkcomputers-900th-review publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1229414549 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267247020 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:58:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 28840 2008-12-18 17:30:39 2008-12-18 21:30:39 1 0 0 28834 2008-12-18 04:37:24 2008-12-18 08:37:24 1 0 0 28847 2008-12-19 18:11:46 2008-12-19 22:11:46 1 0 0 28826 2008-12-17 04:36:30 2008-12-17 08:36:30 1 0 0 28848 2008-12-19 22:20:08 2008-12-20 02:20:08 1 0 0 Pixelpipe iPhone App Sat, 20 Dec 2008 13:00:46 +0000
Well since the Pano iPhone App did so well and I got a lot of feedback on it I decided to post about another iPhone App that is quite handy. My buddy Colin told me about this app and I really like it, it is called Pixelpipe. What it allows you to is upload photos to Pixelpipe then it will distribute it to all of the services you use like Facebook, Flickr, Brightkite, Twitpic, etc. What's great about this app is that it's free and it not only works on the iPhone but there are apps for Android and Nokia N Series phones. If you are stuck on a Blackberry you can still use the service via MMS and E-mail.

The first thing you are going to want to do is get the app on your iPhone then setup an account, you can do that either via your phone or the web. Once you have your account setup you can add pipes. Pipes are services that you use like Flickr and Picasa. Pixelpipe supports pretty much every services you can think of, you can even set it up to post photos directly to your blog. You can also setup pipes via the app or the web.

Once you have all your pipes setup you are ready to start uploading. You might want to go into the settings and change some things. You can change the photo size and setup default keywords. If you tap the photos tab at the bottom you will shown all of the photos in your album. If you tap the arrow you can go in and name the photo, add a caption and add keywords, these will all be saved. Once you save everything you can select the photo by taping it. Tap all the photos you want to upload then tap the upload button. Your photos will then be uploaded, you can check the progress in the queue section.

There is really not much to complain about with this app, the only thing I don't like is that for Facebook it wants to create a new album called Pixelpipe for the new photos instead of putting them into the mobile uploads album. If anyone has used this software and knows how to change this let me know! For a free app this is a great addition to your catalog of apps and easily allows you to upload photos to all of your services at once.]]>
512 2008-12-20 09:00:46 2008-12-20 13:00:46 open open pixelpipe-iphone-app publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1229767671 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267276186 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 30239 2009-01-01 03:32:24 2009-01-01 07:32:24 1 0 0 30238 2009-01-01 03:30:07 2009-01-01 07:30:07 1 0 0 28864 2008-12-20 19:07:48 2008-12-20 23:07:48 the multimedia application for the Android. Come January when the next release of Android--"cupcake"--is out, it will have video recording capabilities. Pixelpipe will become even more useful! I like to think of Pixelpipe as a for pictures and video.]]> 1 0 0 28866 2008-12-21 00:32:55 2008-12-21 04:32:55 1 0 0 39088 2009-09-02 15:54:22 2009-09-02 19:54:22 What’s Up Wednesdays: August’s Top Thinkers =-.]]> 1 0 0
Heading to Vegas for CES Fri, 26 Dec 2008 18:51:07 +0000
Well it is almost the end of the year that means CES is coming up! The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is North America’s largest trade show and is usually the second week of January each year, this year it’s the 8th-11th. CES is the show were electronics companies show off the new products they will be releasing in the coming year. If you do anything with computers, electronics, gadgets you are at this show. It is also in one of the best places to have a conference, Las Vegas! Vegas is one of the only cities that has the hotel and convention center space for such a large show.

This will be my 4th year attending CES and I’m really looking forward to it. It comes at the perfect time of year because I’ve been in the cold and snow of Pittsburgh and it is nice to get out to Vegas and enjoy the warmer weather, although it did snow in Vegas just a few days ago! I hope that it nice this year as it has been in the past. Also the past 2 months have been crazy with the holidays and all the reviews ThinkComputers has been doing, it will be good to get out and enjoy the Vegas nightlife a little.

While at CES I will be meeting with many companies and talking to them about what their plans are for 2009, what products they will be launching, and what they have in the works. It is one of the only times that I really feel like I’m working a real job because I’m running around all day going to meetings and actually talking to companies face to face. It is a hectic week for sure, but definitely worth it!

Finally one of the things I really look forward to when going to CES is seeing friends. I’m good friends with many of the people that I work with and that run other websites. There are many parties and events that these people will be at and it will be good to see them because it is one of the only times in the year that I get to do so. If you are heading to CES in January let me know and maybe we can meet up! ]]>
513 2008-12-26 14:51:07 2008-12-26 18:51:07 open open heading-to-vegas-for-ces publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1230317468 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266961333 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 30393 2009-01-02 07:44:26 2009-01-02 11:44:26 1 0 0 30237 2009-01-01 03:27:34 2009-01-01 07:27:34 1 0 0 29437 2008-12-26 16:15:20 2008-12-26 20:15:20 1 0 0 29444 2008-12-26 18:36:01 2008-12-26 22:36:01 1 0 0 29818 2008-12-29 05:06:05 2008-12-29 09:06:05 1 0 0 30120 2008-12-31 10:33:23 2008-12-31 14:33:23 1 0 0 30417 2009-01-02 11:44:49 2009-01-02 15:44:49 1 0 0
December Thoughts Sat, 03 Jan 2009 23:47:23 +0000 December was crazy for me! It was crazy busy with reviews at ThinkComputers and just the holidays. Also a lot of my friends were home from school so I took some time out to see all of them. I only managed to pump out 9 posts, which was actually 1 less than last month. My time management was horrible this month, but I really needed to concentrate on ThinkComputers and getting everything scheduled for CES, which is a really stressful. Out of the 9 posts I did last month my favorite was Do it Yourself, with some help from the Internet. In that post I talked about 4 people who have really made a name for themselves using the internet, I love stories like that.

Popular Posts
So what were the popular posts in December? Here are the top 5...

It's good to see that some of my older posts are still getting good traffic, and it looks like writing about iPhone apps generates good traffic as well.

Traffic Sources
Once again you see social networks in my the top traffic sources, they will bring you traffic!!

Top Commentators
Not much conversation going on in December, but we do have the regulars.

The top commentators were Play Games Win Prizes, Kitchen Cabinets, Josh Zehtabchi, acai berry diet, and Colin Dean.

Moving on to January
Well it's a new year and that means CES is right around the corner! I will be blogging my trip (when I have time), so you will see all of the action in vegas! I also hope to get in more than 9 posts in January!]]>
514 2009-01-03 19:47:23 2009-01-03 23:47:23 open open december-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1233699577 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266961534 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1191014872;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 30831 2009-01-07 13:11:36 2009-01-07 17:11:36 1 0 0 33265 2009-02-13 18:54:55 2009-02-13 22:54:55 1 0 0 31843 2009-01-13 07:58:56 2009-01-13 11:58:56 1 0 0 32021 2009-01-14 03:44:35 2009-01-14 07:44:35 1 0 0 30535 2009-01-03 22:07:30 2009-01-04 02:07:30 1 0 0 30647 2009-01-05 06:18:12 2009-01-05 10:18:12 "It’s good to see that some of my older posts are still getting good traffic, and it looks like writing about iPhone apps generates good traffic as well." - What sort of levels are we talking about?]]> 1 0 0
Finally Back From Vegas Thu, 15 Jan 2009 02:41:56 +0000 Wow what an amazing week I've just had. If you didn't know I was in Vegas for the Consumer Electronics show. I love going to CES, not just for the show, but to just get away. When I left Vegas I was wearing at t-shirt and it was sunny, when I got into Pittsburgh it was freezing cold and there was 4 inches of snow on the ground! It just made me want to get on a plane and go back to Vegas! It was definitely a nice escape to be in warm weather for a week.

This is my 4th trip to Vegas so I have it down a system. My first year I stayed at the Flamingo, then to Treasure Island for the next 2 years. This year I tried Bill's Gambling Hall, which is right beside the Flamingo. I went with Bill's because of the location and the price. The room was not bad at all and even had a 42-inch LCD TV! Bill's is not that large of a place, only 4 floors and a small casino on the first floor.

During the week I not only had to go to the convention center each day, but I had meetings at many different hotels so getting around Vegas in a timely fashion is key. The monorail definitely helps you get around much easier and saves you money. So you try to have your hotel close to a monorail station. That is also why Bill's was my choice this year, it is right beside the Flamingo so my walk to the monorail was about 5 minutes.

Besides just getting around you want to know where things are in the hotels. Hotels is Vegas are MASSIVE so its good if you know where things are so you can get around easily and are not late for your meetings. In the 3 previous years in Vegas I have become very familiar with the Flamingo, Venetian, MGM Grand, Mirage, Bellagio, Wynn, Treasure Island, and Caesars. You can spend an hour or more trying to find your way around a large hotel in Vegas so it pays to know where you are going.

This year was once again another sucess for ThinkComputers, we met with many of the companies that we deal with and met new companies to establish business relationships with. I had so much fun, it is really depressing to be back in Pittsburgh. Stay tuned over the next week for post of all the fun I had in Vegas, also check out the ThinkComputers Blog for some of the stuff that the TC crew did during the week.]]>
515 2009-01-14 22:41:56 2009-01-15 02:41:56 open open finally-back-from-vegas publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 1 _edit_lock 1231987341 tweetbackscheck 1267246969 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 32210 2009-01-15 00:35:13 2009-01-15 04:35:13 almost healed, haha. My back is getting better, but I'm certainly missing the dry Vegas air. My nose started running the moment I got off the plane in Pittsburgh! </whinging> Seriously, great trip. I met four times the number of people (by business card count). I can't wait to get some of this stuff in, especially the Razer Mamba mouse. I've been needing a new mouse for a while now, and the Mamba seems to be it!]]> 1 0 0 32489 2009-01-16 09:36:42 2009-01-16 13:36:42 1 0 0 32526 2009-01-16 12:34:36 2009-01-16 16:34:36 1 0 0
2009 PC Race for Charity Mon, 19 Jan 2009 18:36:30 +0000 Every year at CES I make it a point to make it to the Tiger Direct PC Race for Charity. Mainly because it is good to do something for charity and it has some of the best food out of all of the press events during CES. The PC Race is a PC building competition where members of the press all compete to see who can build a computer the fastest. The winner gets $10,000 to the charity of their choice and the computer they build as goes to that charity. Even if you get last place in the race the computer you build still goes to your charity so you are helping a charity out even if you lose.

The PC’s are already half way built with the motherboard, CPU, CPU cooler and power supply already installed. All you have to do is install the hard drives, optical drives, memory, video card, sound card, etc. The thing that makes it hard is that you have to follow guidelines like 4 screws per hard drive etc. If you miss a screw you get penalized. So you really have to read the directions and concentrate on what you are doing.

I have competed in the PC Race before but this year I decided to let Colin do the race. The PC race is usually the first night of CES and by that time I’m completely exhausted and I just want to relax and get some food. So Colin went ahead and did the race for ThinkComputers and did well placing 4th with a time of 6:37. Here are some pictures from the event.

516 2009-01-19 14:36:30 2009-01-19 18:36:30 open open 2009-pc-race-for-charity publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1232390190 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267287079 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:7:{i:1063905478;s:7:"retweet";i:1063693257;s:7:"retweet";i:1063689680;s:7:"retweet";i:1063686794;s:7:"retweet";i:1063608721;s:7:"retweet";i:1062747023;s:7:"retweet";i:1062715610;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 7 32900 2009-01-19 15:49:58 2009-01-19 19:49:58 1 0 0 32896 2009-01-19 14:53:37 2009-01-19 18:53:37 1 0 0 32897 2009-01-19 14:55:59 2009-01-19 18:55:59 1 32896 1 33264 2009-02-13 18:54:07 2009-02-13 22:54:07 1 0 0 32943 2009-01-20 12:44:03 2009-01-20 16:44:03 1 32900 0 32952 2009-01-21 03:30:48 2009-01-21 07:30:48 1 0 0
The Night Before CES Party Wed, 21 Jan 2009 01:01:56 +0000 One thing that is always great about CES is the parties. Every year that I’ve gone to CES I’ve attended the night before CES party. This year it was hosted by Redux, Futurelooks, and Techware Labs. They picked an awesome place to have the party too, on the 56th floor of the newly-built Palms Place tower. The 56th floor has 4 penthouses that have everything you would want to throw a party, 3,120 square feet of space, pool table, full kitchen, and five 42-inch plasma TV’s.

The night before CES party is always great because it gives me the chance to catch up with old friends and meet and network with new people. Many people who go to the party I’ve been friends with for quite a while like Tyler Dikman, Stephen Fung, Michael Kwan, and even Fatal1ty. This party is actually before CES so I’m not totally exhausted so I really have a good time at it and of course get my drink on!

The view from the balcony was amazing, here is a Pano I took on my iPhone.

I had a great time at the party and it was good to catch up with old friends. Here are some more pictures...

517 2009-01-20 21:01:56 2009-01-21 01:01:56 open open the-night-before-ces-party publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1232499787 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267183737 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 32958 2009-01-21 09:07:46 2009-01-21 13:07:46 1 0 0 32976 2009-01-22 14:13:30 2009-01-22 18:13:30 1 0 0
The CES 2009 Swag Fri, 23 Jan 2009 23:45:16 +0000
If there is one thing you always walk away with from any trade show it is swag, free goodies that companies give away when you come to their booth to look at their products. Looking back at what all I got last year I probably got half as much if not less this year. The economic climate probably has a lot to do with what people were giving out this year. Also I was all about business this year and really didn’t worry about getting free stuff that I probably would never use anyways. One thing that I did notice is that many companies went back to CD’s for their press kits instead of flash drives; I guess that saves them money.

Anyways on to some of the stuff that I got this year. Well as a member of the press you always get a CES press bag. This year they went with the traditional laptop bag rather than the book bags that we have seen the past 2 years, it was a nice change although I didn’t use that bag at all when I was at CES, I had my Lowepro for my camera and laptop. Cooler Master probably was the most gracious company as they gave me a shoulder pack, armband and flash drive. Also Antec had a cool gift as well, they gave me a Liuli glazed glass candle holder. Other notable things I got included a flash from CyberPower, organizer and 8GB flash drive from BFG Tech, and Internet Security Suite Plus 2009.

Like I said this year was not the best for swag, but hey I still managed to get some cool stuff!]]>
518 2009-01-23 19:45:16 2009-01-23 23:45:16 open open the-ces-2009-swag publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1232754316 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266965001 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 32988 2009-01-23 19:48:21 2009-01-23 23:48:21 1 0 0 32990 2009-01-23 20:30:53 2009-01-24 00:30:53 1 0 0 33573 2009-03-06 17:26:27 2009-03-06 21:26:27 1 0 0
IANteract Dinner at Rum Jungle Sun, 25 Jan 2009 01:25:27 +0000
Well as many of you know I was in Las Vegas for CES, but also Affiliate Summit West was going on towards the end of our stay in Vegas. I debated on whether to attend the show or not, but I decided against it because I was already crushed with work for ThinkComputers. I know quite a few people who work in the affiliate marketing industry and Ian Fernando is one of them. I met Ian for the first time back at Ad:Tech in April, since they we have kept in touch and bounced ideas off each other about business and other things. He was nice enough to invite me out to the IANteract Dinner since I was in Vegas when he was having it.

As I always say networking is very important in business and what better way to network then to have a dinner. A dinner provides a more intimate meeting place where you can actually talk business and get to know people better rather than the busy show floor of a convention. Ian has his first IANteract dinner back in August at Affiliate Summit East and it was a big success so he has been having them at conferences that he has been going to ever since then.

Our dinner was held at Rum Jungle, which is located inside Mandalay Bay. It is home to the world’s largest rum bar measuring 144 feet long and 19 feet high. The food has a Caribbean-style theme to it. After looking at the menu I went with the Rodizio Fire Pit. It is a unlimited 5 course tasting menu comprised of rosemary, chili and garlic marinated angus beef sirloin, roasted garlic and sage marinated turkey breast with mango-habanero glaze, hot-smoked “mai-tai” cured salmon with tropical fruit relish, bacon wrapped jerk spiced chicken with guava-chipotle barbecue sauce, and roasted Spanish chorizo.

The reason they call it a tasting menu is because they bring out the 5 courses one by one and after the 5th you can tell them what one you want next. The food was amazing and you can’t complain about unlimited food, we kept on ordering for quite a while! Here are some photos, sorry I only had my iPhone and everyone was grabbing food as soon as it came!

519 2009-01-24 21:25:27 2009-01-25 01:25:27 open open ianteract-dinner-at-rum-jungle publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1232846727 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267174491 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1145952332;s:5:"33195";} tweetcount 1 33195 twitter:27905192/itsmesnitches_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 @bobtv thanks for attending the ianteract dinner in vegas - great write up too bro -]]> 1 tweetback 0 0 33008 2009-01-24 23:04:31 2009-01-25 03:04:31 1 0 0 33023 2009-01-26 05:30:08 2009-01-26 09:30:08 1 0 0 33572 2009-03-06 17:24:58 2009-03-06 21:24:58 1 0 0
In-N-Out Burger Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:59:37 +0000
In-N-Out Burger is basically a west coast institution, so many people from the west coast are surprised that we don't have In-N-Out's here. In-N-Out burger was first opened in 1948 in Baldwin Park, California. Since then it has expanded with restaurants all over California and in Arizona and Nevada too. I was hanging out in Vegas with my good friend Jack, who is from San Diego and he said I just had to try In-N-Out, even though it was off the strip and we had to take a taxi to get there. When we arrived at the In-N-Out it was packed! I'm not used to seeing a fast food place as packed as In-N-Out was, that can only mean 1 thing...the food must be good! Once it was our turn to order I was surprised to see that there were only 4 menu choices, a Double-Double (double cheeseburger), cheeseburger, hamburger, and fries. That keeps it pretty simple, I decided to get a double-double with fries. I've heard of a secret In-N-Out menu and in fact there is one, some of the items include a 3 x 3, 2 x 4 burger, "Animal Style" burger, etc. There are even stories of people doing a 100 x 100!

Well how did it taste? Honestly I have to say for a fast food place In-N-Out has the best tasting burgers I've had! They taste nothing like that crap you get from Wendy's or McDonalds! Jack and I both destroyed our food. Going to In-N-Out was definitely worth the cab ride and I encourage anyone who has not tried In-N-Out to do so. Too bad they don't have these on the east coast!

520 2009-01-26 19:59:37 2009-01-26 23:59:37 open open in-n-out-burger publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1233014405 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267298551 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:46:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 33209 2009-02-10 07:33:06 2009-02-10 11:33:06 1 0 0 33029 2009-01-26 20:41:11 2009-01-27 00:41:11 1 0 0 33031 2009-01-26 22:57:17 2009-01-27 02:57:17 1 0 0 33032 2009-01-26 23:03:33 2009-01-27 03:03:33 1 0 0 33034 2009-01-27 07:34:27 2009-01-27 11:34:27 1 33029 0 33571 2009-03-06 17:23:20 2009-03-06 21:23:20 1 0 0 33036 2009-01-27 11:20:50 2009-01-27 15:20:50 1 0 0
Working From Home – No Motivation Tue, 27 Jan 2009 22:48:41 +0000 As I always say there are ups and downs to doing what I do. I work from home, mainly working on ThinkComputers. While to some this may seem like an awesome job, I make my own hours, I’m my own boss, etc. There is 1 thing that is hard to overcome, it’s the lack of motivation I have some days. This lack of motivation causes me to get less work done and makes doing work not at all that interesting. I mean I am getting paid obviously to do what I do, the checks come each month but lately that really is not that motivating.

I think that many people that work from home have this same problem. I have been thinking about it and I’ve come up with a few solutions for people who work from home and have no motivation.

Change Your Workspace
Sometimes you feel like you’re stuck when your workspace is always the same. Take a few hours and change it around, move your desk etc. This way you feel like you have a clean slate to get back to work. If you can’t change things around then at least clean up, even that will help you out. Another thing you might want to try is taking a day per week to work from a coffee shop or a place like Panera Bread. This way you are in a different environment.

Go To Conventions
One thing I look forward to every year is CES. It is one of the only times that I feel like I have a real job. I have meetings every day and I actually have a real schedule that I have to keep. I also have to wear dress clothes! People acknowledge ThinkComputers and what I do, that gives me so much more motivation then talking to someone over e-mail. If there is a convention for the industry that you are in definitely check it out, it will be worth the trip.

Another great way to meet new people and gain motivation is to check out some local meetups in your area. Check out and see if there are any meetups that might interest you in your area. If you are a Twitter user tweetups are becoming popular, they are basically a meetup of twitter users. Meetups are really cool because you can explain what you do to other people and if they are interested in it that gives you motivation.

One of the easiest ways to escape from your normal work is to start a blog. You will be surprised how many people you will meet through blogging. Just like when you meet people out in the real word if people are interested in what you do that will give you motivation to work hard and make your business better. ]]>
521 2009-01-27 18:48:41 2009-01-27 22:48:41 open open working-from-home-%e2%80%93-no-motivation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1233096521 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266963495 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:72:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 33045 2009-01-28 10:24:03 2009-01-28 14:24:03 1 0 0 33046 2009-01-28 10:24:06 2009-01-28 14:24:06 1 0 0 33112 2009-02-03 07:58:03 2009-02-03 11:58:03 1 0 0 33101 2009-02-02 18:47:21 2009-02-02 22:47:21 1 0 0 33170 2009-02-06 22:29:40 2009-02-07 02:29:40 1 0 0 36666 2009-04-07 08:45:29 2009-04-07 12:45:29 1 0 0 33129 2009-02-04 00:48:20 2009-02-04 04:48:20 1 0 0 33207 2009-02-10 07:29:41 2009-02-10 11:29:41 1 0 0 33334 2009-02-19 06:47:29 2009-02-19 10:47:29 1 0 0 33570 2009-03-06 17:16:22 2009-03-06 21:16:22 1 0 0 33376 2009-02-22 04:49:55 2009-02-22 08:49:55 1 33121 0 33039 2009-01-27 20:29:08 2009-01-28 00:29:08 1 0 0 33093 2009-02-02 06:58:37 2009-02-02 10:58:37 1 0 0 33095 2009-02-02 07:01:02 2009-02-02 11:01:02 1 0 0 33106 2009-02-03 03:27:38 2009-02-03 07:27:38 1 0 0 33120 2009-02-03 18:57:38 2009-02-03 22:57:38 1 33101 1 33121 2009-02-03 18:59:09 2009-02-03 22:59:09 1 33106 1 33132 2009-02-04 04:34:17 2009-02-04 08:34:17 1 0 0 33155 2009-02-05 20:19:02 2009-02-06 00:19:02 1 33132 0 33044 2009-01-28 09:15:26 2009-01-28 13:15:26 1 0 0 33054 2009-01-29 18:10:44 2009-01-29 22:10:44 1 0 0 37635 2009-06-09 02:10:50 2009-06-09 06:10:50 1 0 0
Super Bowl Champs! Mon, 02 Feb 2009 22:46:46 +0000
Although I am a crazy hockey fan, I do enjoy watching football as well. Being from Pittsburgh we usually always have a good team so the games are a lot of fun to watch. This year the Steelers made it all the way to the Super Bowl, the second time in 3 years! Not many people thought that they could so it with all the injuries and guys being out, but they did. Unlike most people in the city I’m not a crazy Steeler fan, but since they were in the Super Bowl I was pretty excited and decided to have people over for the Super Bowl.

One thing that is great about Super Bowl parties is that there is always a lot of food and beer and we had plenty of each. We had wings, chips and salsa, spinach dip, rolled tacos, pizza, and a few other things. It is one of the only times I’ve actually had a good amount of people over my house for an event, it was pretty cool.

The Steelers started out the game strong going up 10-0 in the first half, but the Cardinals slowly started coming back making it a 10-7 game. Just when you thought they were going to score again Harrison came up huge and made and interception and ran the ball back down the field 100 yards for the touchdown, that made it 17-7 going into the half.

Wow what a boring half time show, seriously Bruce Springsteen? I can’t remember the last half time show that was actually entertaining, do you?

The second half started with the Steelers getting a field goal and going up 20-7. The Cardinals were not going away though, Fitzgerald scored to make it a 20-14 game. Then the Steelers were back at their one yard line and got a penalty in the end zone which is an automatic safety. The Steelers were in more trouble as Fitzgerald caught a 64-yard touchdown pass, putting the Cardinals up 23-20. The Steelers marched back down the field with only 2:30 left on the clock. Then it happened Big Ben threw a rifle pass to Holmes at the corner of the end zone for a touchdown. What a sick catch, the Steelers were up 27-23 with 35 seconds left and they went on to win the Super bowl! The 6th Super Bowl in Steelers history, the most by any NFL team! ]]>
522 2009-02-02 18:46:46 2009-02-02 22:46:46 open open super-bowl-champs publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1233701726 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267176463 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 aktt_notify_twitter no 33111 2009-02-03 07:53:57 2009-02-03 11:53:57 1 0 0 33113 2009-02-03 08:54:42 2009-02-03 12:54:42 1 0 0 33114 2009-02-03 10:38:14 2009-02-03 14:38:14 1 0 0 33119 2009-02-03 18:56:25 2009-02-03 22:56:25 1 33113 1 33201 2009-02-09 09:48:56 2009-02-09 13:48:56 1 0 0 33208 2009-02-10 07:31:17 2009-02-10 11:31:17 1 0 0 33108 2009-02-03 05:31:20 2009-02-03 09:31:20 1 0 0 33128 2009-02-04 00:39:36 2009-02-04 04:39:36 1 0 0 33133 2009-02-04 04:36:31 2009-02-04 08:36:31 1 0 0 38110 2009-07-03 21:35:11 2009-07-04 01:35:11 Steven Lance’s last blog post..How to Stop Sweaty Armpits Effectively and Safe]]> 1 0 0 37852 2009-06-18 15:14:53 2009-06-18 19:14:53 1 0 0
January 2009 Thoughts Tue, 03 Feb 2009 22:50:41 +0000 January was a great month for me, as always in January I headed to Las Vegas for CES. It was great to get away and I had so much fun on that trip. Coming back to Pittsburgh made me realize that I really need to seriously consider moving out to California. There is no point to living in Pittsburgh with the job that I have. I want to live where it never snows and is sunny most of the time. This month I only managed to get out 8 posts, most of which were about my trip to Las Vegas. I have really been putting my all into ThinkComputers so that really does not leave that much time for other things like this blog. My favorite post of January was Working From Home – No Motivation. It was the only post of last month that was not about my trip and it got the most comments. It’s always good to see people interested and commenting on your posts.

Popular Posts
So what were people looking at this month? Here are the top 5 posts from this month.

Once again many of my older posts are getting picked up and linked by other sites, that is why they still get good traffic!

Traffic Sources
Interesting to see StumbleUpon at the top, but that is because the Starting Your Day off Article got stumbled! Also Facebook is in the mix again!

Top Commentators
Another slow month for comments, but we did have a few people getting in on the conversation.

The Top Commentators for January 2009 were Colin Dean, Abalone Beads, Make Money Online, Tyler, and Moulinneuf. Thanks for contributing to the conversation guys!

On To February As always I want to blog more, I really enjoy blogging and it gets my mind off other things that can stress me out. My time management has been much better, I have been getting a lot done between ThinkComputers and this blog, so hopefully I can keep it up!]]>
523 2009-02-03 18:50:41 2009-02-03 22:50:41 open open january-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1234141132 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:52:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} tweetbackscheck 1266961347 twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 33169 2009-02-06 22:04:50 2009-02-07 02:04:50 1 0 0 33186 2009-02-08 20:36:19 2009-02-09 00:36:19 Shawn Knight’s last blog post..French Fried Onion Baked Chicken]]> 1 33136 0 33200 2009-02-09 09:33:54 2009-02-09 13:33:54 1 0 0 33122 2009-02-03 19:04:56 2009-02-03 23:04:56 1 0 0 33131 2009-02-04 04:28:59 2009-02-04 08:28:59 1 33122 0 33127 2009-02-04 00:32:17 2009-02-04 04:32:17 1 0 0 33130 2009-02-04 04:27:27 2009-02-04 08:27:27 1 0 0 33135 2009-02-04 12:50:12 2009-02-04 16:50:12 1 33130 1 33136 2009-02-04 13:11:36 2009-02-04 17:11:36 1 33135 0 33159 2009-02-06 00:32:48 2009-02-06 04:32:48 1 0 0
Some Blog Upgrades Tue, 10 Feb 2009 20:53:30 +0000 The other night started out as finally upgrading Wordpress to 2.7, but ended up making some big changes to the blog. The upgrade to Wordpress 2.7 went very smoothly, no real issues at all. 2.7 is such a change from 2.6, the entire dashboard and interface is different. It took me a little while to get used to it, but I really like it and it is a big improvement over 2.6. While checking out all of the changes in 2.7 I realized that a lot of the coding was different, so I thought I could make some improvements to the blog. One of the things that I really didn't like about the blog was the comments. I am using the Personal Blog Theme from Unique Blog Designs, but for the comments.php page I actually was using the comments.php from my previous theme because it was a custom comments.php made for Brian's threaded comments. The new version of Wordpress does support threaded comments, but the new scheme does not allow you to customize the comment output, which I only found out after I was done coding the comments.php page! So there was an hour wasted right there!

So going back to the original comments.php from the Personal Blog theme I did a little hacking and was able to keep the style of the comment output, but I didn't want the Gravatar icons, I wanted the MyBlogLog ones so I had to make it so those would show up. I still wanted threaded comments as well. I found the plugin wp-thread-comment and it works really well. I also had to customize the output of the threaded comments so they would go with the theme of the blog and display the MyBlogLog avatars. That took me about an hour an a half to get everything working and looking right.

Talking about comments I added the CommentLuv plugin to the blog. What it does is when you post a comment it will search your supplied URL for your latest blog post and post it below your comment. I hope this encourages more people to comment since you are getting a link back to your blog if you comment. The plugin is very easy to install and works great so far.

I did a few other small things like add a RSS and Twitter counter to the sidebar, although I really don't like the way they look right now. Tyler Ingram has a really cool Twitter counter on his blog, I would like something like that but I haven't had the time to really look into how to code that so it works with a picture. Finally I added the date to each post and I changed the link colors slightly. Hopefully you guys like the changes to the blog. If I get some more time I will work on a few more improvements. ]]>
524 2009-02-10 16:53:30 2009-02-10 20:53:30 open open some-blog-upgrades publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1234299241 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267132109 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 33232 2009-02-11 01:33:22 2009-02-11 05:33:22 1 0 0 33234 2009-02-11 07:50:09 2009-02-11 11:50:09 1 0 0 33271 2009-02-14 09:00:01 2009-02-14 13:00:01 Make Money Online’s last blog post..What Kind Of Blog Design Annoys You?]]> 1 0 0 33552 2009-03-05 20:25:33 2009-03-06 00:25:33 1 0 0 33563 2009-03-06 10:07:41 2009-03-06 14:07:41 1 0 0 37851 2009-06-18 15:11:14 2009-06-18 19:11:14 1 0 0
Be Productive on the Road Thu, 19 Feb 2009 22:44:02 +0000
When I go to conventions and even on vacation I need to have a laptop with me at all times. You never know when the site might go down and you need access to the internet to fix things. Also my sites do not run themselves so I always have to check on things and do work, even when I'm on the road. Usually when I'm at a hotel I setup my "workstation". It is a big change going from my normal desktop computer to a laptop. With my desktop I have 2 24-inch LCD monitors, which is sure a lot of desktop space. Going from that to a small laptop screen does take some time to adjust. Well I thought I would let you guys get a glimpse of my mobile workstation and some of the gadgets I bring with me to make things as productive as possible.

Currently I am using the Lenovo X200 tablet. Having a tablet is nice, but I mainly use it as a normal notebook. One thing I really like about the X200 Tablet is the battery life. I can get between 4-6 hours of battery life out of it, which is great when I'm on the road. It does have built in EVDO as well so I can always get on the internet anywhere there is a cell signal. Sometimes this is a life saver when the hotels internet is horrible, which is usually the case. If you have ever owned a ThinkPad you know about all the extra features it has to keep your hardware safe as well.

Notebook Stand / Keyboard
Before when traveling I never really used a stand or external keyboard, but this year during CES I tried it, mainly because I had the Logitech Alto, which I recently reviewed, and I knew it would make me more productive. The Logitech Alto is a stand a wireless keyboard combo. The stand not only holds your notebook it is the receiver for the wireless keyboard. It also includes 2 extra USB ports, which is nice when you are traveling. When your laptop is on the stand the screen is actually level with your eyes which means you don't have to look down all the time, this means less stress on your neck overall making a better working environment.

The mouse I use while on the road is just the simple Logitech V220 wireless mouse. It just makes it so much easier than using a touchpad or the trackball on my ThinkPad. I'm thinking about getting the VX Revolution though since I already use the MX Revolution as my main mouse. The VX Revolution is basically s smaller version of the MX. I also bring an old Alienware mousepad with me.

Even if you laptop does have a lot of storage space it is always a good idea to have some extra storage just incase. I have been using the Seagate FreeAgent Go 320GB hard drive. It is nice and small and has a very short USB cable so it is easy to carry around with me. Usually when I'm on trips I use the external storage to back up all of my work and photos I take, that way when I get home I can easily transfer everything back to my main system.

Besides the main things you would expect I do have a few other things that make working on the road easy. First is the DigiMate III digital wallet, it is a hard drive with a card reader on it. It allows me to take my full CF card from my digital camera put it in the card reader, dump the photos onto the drive then format the card so I can take more photos. My CF card is only 2GB so it can fill up fast, especially if I'm at a trade show, this makes getting the files off the drive simple and much easier than opening up my laptop to do it. I also carry a 55-in-1 card reader along with me as well.

Finally I have one of the smallest power strips you can get, the Targus Travel Power Outlets, this very small (5.5" x 1.25" x 1.0") power strip has 4 outlets and is small enough that it can fit basically in any size bag that I have. You know how large some power strips are and I always need one because hotel room only usually have 1-2 free outlets so it is nice to have something that provides an extra 4 outlets and is small.]]>
526 2009-02-19 18:44:02 2009-02-19 22:44:02 open open be-productive-on-the-road publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1235083443 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267256023 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 33417 2009-02-25 23:18:06 2009-02-26 03:18:06 Shawn Knight’s last blog post..Burnt Mail]]> 1 0 0 33561 2009-03-06 09:56:22 2009-03-06 13:56:22 1 0 0 33346 2009-02-20 01:06:13 2009-02-20 05:06:13 1 0 0 33350 2009-02-20 04:49:26 2009-02-20 08:49:26 1 0 0 35402 2009-03-27 16:30:58 2009-03-27 20:30:58 1 0 0 34140 2009-03-16 06:29:17 2009-03-16 10:29:17 Sony Ericsson Themes’s last blog post..Sony Ericsson OS Theme]]> 1 0 0 37740 2009-06-14 05:40:28 2009-06-14 09:40:28 1 0 0 37515 2009-05-31 09:07:56 2009-05-31 13:07:56 1 0 0 37850 2009-06-18 15:07:30 2009-06-18 19:07:30 1 0 0
Where Did Bob Go? Sat, 28 Feb 2009 17:44:05 +0000
Honestly I have been asking myself that same question over and over again. Just a month ago or so I came back from CES and was really charged up to really get things going with ThinkComputers and this blog along with some other things. Well pretty much I've had the most unmotivated month of my life, the motivation is just not there. Let's first start off with me moving. I recently moved, but not to another apartment, back home. The reason I moved back home is because I want a roommate and I have to wait for my friends lease to be up so we can get a place in the city. There was no point in me trying to get a place for 4 months or him trying to get out of his lease. So this is a temporary situation, but it is still kind of hard. I haven't lived at home since I was 18 so it is taking some time to adjust, also its taking time to adjust to the smaller space. The actual move home was not that bad, most of my things went into storage. But it just took a lot of time, time that I could have been working on other things.

Another thing that I have noticed a lot is that I get tired really easily. This is because I haven't been easting the best food for myself, and I haven't gone to the gym in about 2 months. That needs to change! Since moving back home I have joined a gym around here and I have started back to eating food that is better for me. This should definitely help out with that! If anyone is in the North Hills area I joined Fitness 19 in McIntyre square. It is a pretty nice gym and you can't beat the price!

So how am I going to get this motivation back, like I said I joined a gym and I'm starting to eat better, but that isn't going to cut it. I need to make the best out of my current living situation, make my room a place of relaxation where I can really think straight. I plan on getting some posters and things like that to give the place a better feel. Also another thing I'm going to do to get myself motivated is print out pictures of the things I want. Like a picture of the car I want, a picture of the beach for vacation, etc. This way while I'm working I can look at those pictures and know what I'm doing has a purpose. Hopefully I can get back on a roll and back to the normal Bob that we all know, wish me luck!! ]]>
531 2009-02-28 13:44:05 2009-02-28 17:44:05 open open where-did-bob-go publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1235843046 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267303828 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:47:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1317680189;s:5:"33824";} tweetcount 1 33463 http://nigmanith 2009-02-28 14:47:58 2009-02-28 18:47:58 1 0 0 33475 2009-02-28 21:56:26 2009-03-01 01:56:26 Jon Daniel’s last blog post..Subverting Large If Blocks To Do Your Bidding]]> 1 0 0 33476 2009-02-28 23:03:00 2009-03-01 03:03:00 reward is not so rewarding after it has been attained. It's much more about the journey. Michael Kwan’s last blog post..Freelancers Need Distinct Lunch Breaks]]> 1 0 0 33484 2009-03-01 05:42:16 2009-03-01 09:42:16 Shawn Knight’s last blog post..Burnt Mail]]> 1 0 0 33487 2009-03-01 13:39:44 2009-03-01 17:39:44 1 33476 1 33503 2009-03-02 08:21:05 2009-03-02 12:21:05 1 0 0 33532 2009-03-03 18:50:51 2009-03-03 22:50:51 1 0 0 35034 2009-03-24 09:11:07 2009-03-24 13:11:07 1 0 0 35401 2009-03-27 16:28:22 2009-03-27 20:28:22 1 0 0 33824 twitter:91564106/twitter_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 @michaelkwan You read this post right: that should explain it]]> 1 tweetback 0 0
February 2009 Thoughts Mon, 02 Mar 2009 17:16:34 +0000 Well if you frequent this blog you know that not much has gone on this month, check out my previous blog entry to see why. This month was a total blur to me, trying to keep up with ThinkComputers and dealing with moving and everything else really made things really stressful. I did make some blog upgrades, which I think make the user experience better, but I only managed to get out 5 posts! That's the lowest number I've had since 2006! Out of those 5 posts my favorite was Be Productive on the Road, where you got a chance to see how I try and make things as productive as possible when I'm on the road.

Popular Posts
So what was everyone looking at in Feburary? Let's see...

I still see some of the same posts getting good traffic, good to see!

Traffic Sources
Good to see some traffic is still coming on from StumbleUpon and Facebook.

Top Commentators
Well, as crappy as last month was for me I forgot to take a screenshot of the top commentators for Feburary, I promise I will not forget this month!

On To March I'm really hoping that March is a better month for me, I really need to get my motivation back and really kick ass at ThinkComputers and keep everyone updated on my blog. Wish me luck!]]>
532 2009-03-02 13:16:34 2009-03-02 17:16:34 open open february-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1236014195 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267242446 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1272055911;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 33527 2009-03-03 09:22:37 2009-03-03 13:22:37 1 0 0 35400 2009-03-27 16:26:50 2009-03-27 20:26:50 1 0 0 33846 2009-03-13 04:07:47 2009-03-13 08:07:47 1 0 0
HootSuite - The Ultimate Twitter Toolbox Tue, 03 Mar 2009 22:35:31 +0000
Twitter is growing at an exponential rate, it is everywhere now. Even celebrities are using it! You can find people like Ashton Kutcher, Britney Spears, and even Shaq. For these people Twitter is just another way for them to connect their audience and promote new projects. Actually for most of us that’s what Twitter is, we use it to connect with people and promote things. Also we use it to keep in touch with people as it is a social network. Recently my friend Michael told me about a site called HootSuite, so I decided to check it out.

Once on the site I setup an account and added my Twitter information. From there I could post tweets and even do timed tweets. Timed tweets are great because say you timestamp a post of your blog you can make a tweet at the same time the post goes live to promote it. Also say you are not going to have internet access, like if you’re on a plane or something you know your tweet will get out. So the timestamp feature is cool, but I think that the best thing about HootSuite is the click tracking. I use Twitter to promote this blog and ThinkComputers, so when something new is posted on either site I make a tweet about it, but there is no way to see if anyone is actually clicking on the link. With HootSuite there is! When you are posting a new tweet I will ask you to attach a URL and shrink it.

HootSuite uses their own URL shrinking service called (owly), which allows you to track clicks. The only downside to this is that when someone clicks the link there is a bar at the top with the HootSuite logo and a Charity: Water add. You can actually add in your own Adsense code and HootSuite will show your ads half of the time and theirs the other half, not that bad.

So why is click tracking so important? Well you want to see if people are actually clicking on your links right? I use Twitter both for personal and business use. Many people will stop following you if you post only about business things, so it is good to see if people are actually clicking the links in your tweets, that way you can leverage if it is actually worth using Twitter as marketing tool without diminishing your personal brand. Another reason why tracking clicks is important is because you want to actually see what people are clicking on. It is a good way to see what you want to write about.

You can track stats on each tweet in your dashboard, but if you click on your Twitter account on the right and then click on the stats tab you can get some pretty in-depth stats. You can see where all of your click are coming from, locations of the people clicking on your links, and your most popular tweets. Just like any analytics software you are able to select a date range for your complete stats.

I really like HootSuite, mostly for the click tracking feature, but it is also nice to have timestamped posts and the other features the HootSuite offers are really good. I will definitely be using HootSuite from now on if I want to track clicks on my Twitter posts! Don’t forget to folow me on Twitter!]]>
533 2009-03-03 18:35:31 2009-03-03 22:35:31 open open hootsuite-the-ultimate-twitter-toolbox publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1236119755 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266961438 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:69:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 36693 2009-04-07 16:30:57 2009-04-07 20:30:57 1 36685 1 33562 2009-03-06 09:59:53 2009-03-06 13:59:53 1 0 0 36685 2009-04-07 09:44:04 2009-04-07 13:44:04 1 0 0 36887 2009-04-14 14:01:13 2009-04-14 18:01:13 1 0 0 36888 2009-04-14 14:02:03 2009-04-14 18:02:03 1 36887 0 34143 2009-03-16 09:24:14 2009-03-16 13:24:14 Make Money Online’s last blog post..Taking A Closer Look At How Pros Make Money Online]]> 1 0 0
Working from Panera Bread Sat, 07 Mar 2009 20:48:01 +0000
I have talked about working from Starbucks before and some other coffee shops, but nowhere else really. The main reason for that is that I usually want coffee when I'm working and in Pittsburgh there really are not that many places you can go, bring a laptop, and get on the internet unless you have an EVDO card. Also so many places do not give you a real relaxed atmosphere to work in. I have really never been to a Panera Bread before going to one with my friend Brittany a few months ago. After going there for the first time I realized it is the perfect place to work at. Since moving back home I have been going to the Panera Bread on Mcknight road. It is one of the biggest Panera's that I've been to! It has a ton of seating, booths, nice chairs, a fireplace, and even a conference room!

As I said I have been at the Panera on McKnight a lot mainly because I have been meeting with my friend Carley to help her out with her blog. She just got into blogging so I have been helping her out getting her blog setup and showing some tips and tricks that I know. It is always good to teach people new things and get them into blogging. Panera is great because it offers free WiFi, you don't even have to buy anything, but I normally grab at least a coffee. At Starbucks I am only limited to the 2 hours I get with my Starbucks card, so having unlimited times is nice, especially if I need to get out of the "office" for a day and work from somewhere else. Another great thing I like about Panera is the food. As I said I have been trying to eat healthier and Panera offers food that is much better for me than stopping at some fast food place.

With the relaxed atmosphere, free WiFi, and healthy food Panera bread is a great place to work from.]]>
535 2009-03-07 16:48:01 2009-03-07 20:48:01 open open working-from-panera-bread publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1236458882 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267116482 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:56:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1305572069;s:5:"33823";} tweetcount 1 aktt_notify_twitter no 33926 2009-03-13 23:37:08 2009-03-14 03:37:08 1 0 0 34139 2009-03-16 06:27:24 2009-03-16 10:27:24 Sony Ericsson Themes’s last blog post..Sony Ericsson OS Theme]]> 1 0 0 33661 2009-03-10 22:03:00 2009-03-11 02:03:00 Jacob’s last blog post..All Those Little Liberties? Yeah, They’re Still Mine, President Bush]]> 1 0 0 33587 2009-03-07 17:18:51 2009-03-07 21:18:51 Boulevard of the Allies or the one at Penn Center in Monroeville the most often. The unfortunate thing is that power outlets are a valued commodity at both of these locations, especially at the first. Colin Dean’s last blog post..Regarding the mandated data retention sections of the SAFETY Act of 2009]]> 1 0 0 33588 2009-03-07 17:29:04 2009-03-07 21:29:04 1 33587 1 33596 2009-03-08 01:04:58 2009-03-08 05:04:58 Ed Lau’s last blog post..Watchmen Opens Tonight]]> 1 0 0 33736 2009-03-11 20:25:47 2009-03-12 00:25:47 Jacob’s last blog post..Thou Shalt Keep Thy Religion To Thyself]]> 1 33711 0 33798 2009-03-12 15:10:23 2009-03-12 19:10:23 1 33736 0 36886 2009-04-14 13:57:02 2009-04-14 17:57:02 1 0 0 33823 twitter:47616142/SR_icon_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 @bobtv Is she using a Flip as a webcam? -->]]> 1 tweetback 0 0 33847 2009-03-13 04:09:44 2009-03-13 08:09:44 1 0 0 34142 2009-03-16 09:22:32 2009-03-16 13:22:32 Make Money Online’s last blog post..Taking A Closer Look At How Pros Make Money Online]]> 1 33596 0 33711 2009-03-11 12:11:49 2009-03-11 16:11:49 1 0 0
What Gets You Pumped? Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:49:59 +0000 Is seems that I talk a lot about motivation on this blog, and that is probably because I do! Motivation is a key thing when you are running your own business. If there is no motivation you tend to not get as much done and you definitely are not as happy. On the other hand when you are motivated you are most likely going to be in a good mood and tend to get a lot more done. Being motivated is one thing, but let's take it to the next level! Let's get pumped!! I have been motivated before and then I have been pumped! Being pumped like I said is taking the motivation to the next level and really kicking ass at whatever you are doing. Some good examples of me being pumped is the week at CES where I'm working like crazy, getting 3-4 hours a sleep and going hard each day, also the times where I stay up all night to get work done, that's not motivation, that's being pumped!

So what triggers that next level of motivation? Well there are a few things, but usually for me its when I listen to someone who is just as pumped talking about what they do. A perfect example of that is Gary Vaynerchuk, whether he is talking about wine or the internet he is always very passionate about it and loves to encourage people to do the same with whatever they are doing. Check out this video I found of him talking at a rally in NYC, he is just talking to a group of people, but look how excited he is.

Watching stuff like this really makes me want to get up and do something! No only does it give me motivation it gets me pumped to go out there and kill it! When I was in Vegas I was always pumped to go to my meetings and tell different companies about ThinkComputers and what we do. If you can reach that next level of motivation you can really get a lot done and if you cannot get pumped about your business then you might be doing the wrong thing!]]>
537 2009-03-12 11:49:59 2009-03-12 15:49:59 open open what-gets-you-pumped publish 0 0 post 0 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:51:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} _edit_lock 1236873000 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267207264 twittercomments a:1:{i:1316689374;s:5:"33826";} tweetcount 1 33826 twitter:91564106/twitter_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 @garyvee]]> 1 tweetback 0 0 33884 2009-03-13 13:27:24 2009-03-13 17:27:24 1 33859 1 33845 2009-03-13 04:05:42 2009-03-13 08:05:42 1 0 0 33859 2009-03-13 09:54:54 2009-03-13 13:54:54 1 0 0 34207 2009-03-17 02:07:23 2009-03-17 06:07:23 1 0 0 34359 2009-03-18 09:57:50 2009-03-18 13:57:50 1 0 0
Follow Friday for March 13, 2009 Fri, 13 Mar 2009 13:00:37 +0000
If you follow me on Twitter you might have noticed that the past few Friday's I've been telling you who I think you should follow on Twitter. Follow Friday started when someone thought it would be a good idea to give a shoutout to the people that they thought were interesting and other people would like to follow. You can read this post about how follow Friday got started. I decided to make this post because I wanted to do a lot of shoutouts in many different categories and why I actually follow these people. Twitter is not only a networking tool it is a great way to gain information and meet new people. So here are some people I think you should follow...

Motivational People
@iamdiddy - Ah, P. Diddy! He is always pumped no matter what he is doing! Everytime I read one of his tweets I am pumped to get back to work.
@garyvee - Gary Vaynerchuk, he always has interesting posts and always talks about making the most of things, definitely follow him!
@tedmurphy - Ted Murphy, founder and CEO of IZEA, always talking about good stuff...WOOOOOO!

@johnchow - If you run a blog and don't know who John is then you need to get out from under that rock!
@tyleringram - Tyler is a Vancouver based blogger and he always has interesting things to talk about.
@ianternet - Ian Fernando, friend and great guy who is doing his thing on the internet.
@michaelkwan - Michael Kwan, another friend and blogger who always has something interesting to post or talk about

@iphoneincanada -, great iPhone blog even if you are not in Canada!
@gizmodo - Where I get all of my gadget news.
@thinkcomps - ThinkComputers newly created twitter account!

@rainnwilson - Rainn Wilson, we all know him as Dwight from the office.
@aplusk - Ashton Kutcher, Surprisingly more interesting then I thought he would be.
@kevinrose - Kevin Rose, founder of and host of Diggnation.
@JasonCalacanis - Founder of Mahalo, he always has something interesting to talk about.

Pittsburgh Based
@carley - My good friend Carley, she just got into blogging and is always on Twitter!
@colindean - Colin Dean, ThinkComputers staff write and all around good guy!
@wpxi - Yes, WPXI has twitter...and actually knows how to use it!

I'm not sure how often I will do a post like this but it is always good to point out interesting people. Remember when doing a follow friday tweet use the #followfriday hash tag. Make sure you are following me on Twitter!]]>
538 2009-03-13 09:00:37 2009-03-13 13:00:37 open open follow-friday-for-march-13-2009 publish 0 0 post 0 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:62:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} tweetbackscheck 1266961502 _edit_last 1 _edit_lock 1236936080 aktt_notify_twitter no twittercomments a:3:{i:1323095515;s:5:"33885";i:1324954740;s:5:"33923";i:1399918117;s:5:"35354";} tweetcount 3 36664 2009-04-07 08:42:10 2009-04-07 12:42:10 1 0 0 34357 2009-03-18 09:51:41 2009-03-18 13:51:41 1 0 0 33885 twitter:91564106/twitter_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 @Carley I also linked you in my latest blog post:]]> 1 tweetback 0 0 36885 2009-04-14 13:54:37 2009-04-14 17:54:37 1 34141 0 34141 2009-03-16 09:08:52 2009-03-16 13:08:52 Make Money Online’s last blog post..Taking A Closer Look At How Pros Make Money Online]]> 1 0 0 34145 2009-03-16 10:03:27 2009-03-16 14:03:27 1 0 0 34206 2009-03-17 02:03:37 2009-03-17 06:03:37 1 0 0 35354 twitter:99593922/1_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 @SirCumference]]> 1 tweetback 0 0 33923 twitter:91564106/twitter_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 @iamdiddy @garyvee @tedmurphy @tyleringram @ianternet @michaelkwan @iphoneincanada @aplusk @carley]]> 1 tweetback 0 0
Celebrating St. Patty's In Pittsburgh Mon, 16 Mar 2009 22:15:33 +0000 Well St. Patty's day really isn't until tomorrow, but the celebrations went on this weekend in Pittsburgh. There were events going on all over the city. We had planned to go to the parade, but we just went to Market Square instead. Market Square is at the intersection of Forbes Avenue and Market Street in downtown Pittsburgh. They have it closed off for the celebrations. My friends and I took the bus down because there was no way we were going to be sober enough to drive back home. We got down there about 10AM and it was already pretty crowded. This was my first time down at Market Square for St. Patty day so I did not know what to expect.

All of the bars that are in the square had green beer and all kinds of specials. Within an hour or so of being there the entire square was packed with people and everyone was having a good time. I ended up seeing a lot of people that I haven't seen in a long time. We stayed at Market Square for a few hours then walked across the bridge to Mcfadden's, which is a bar on the North Shore. They had a lunch buffet, which was much needed after drinking all morning. We stayed there ate, watched the jello wrestling and drank some more. From there we made it home and I took a nap before going back out to BarRoom to party the rest of the night. It was a crazy weekend for sure, but I had a great time! I made a short video of Market Square, thanks to my friend Brian for being the host!

540 2009-03-16 18:15:33 2009-03-16 22:15:33 open open celebrating-st-pattys-in-pittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267284393 _edit_lock 1237241734 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:66:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 34583 2009-03-20 08:17:10 2009-03-20 12:17:10 1 0 0 36663 2009-04-07 08:39:58 2009-04-07 12:39:58 1 0 0 34768 2009-03-22 03:31:46 2009-03-22 07:31:46 Ben Pei’s last blog post..Can You Really Make Money Online With T3Leads?]]> 1 0 0 34769 2009-03-22 03:32:44 2009-03-22 07:32:44 Make Money Online’s last blog post..Can You Really Make Money Online With T3Leads?]]> 1 0 0 34356 2009-03-18 09:49:08 2009-03-18 13:49:08 1 0 0 36884 2009-04-14 13:51:29 2009-04-14 17:51:29 1 0 0 34205 2009-03-17 02:01:38 2009-03-17 06:01:38 1 0 0 34351 2009-03-18 05:25:06 2009-03-18 09:25:06 1 0 0 34360 2009-03-18 10:20:20 2009-03-18 14:20:20 1 0 0 34365 2009-03-18 11:58:13 2009-03-18 15:58:13 Bob Buskirk’s last blog post..Celebrating St. Patty’s In Pittsburgh]]> 1 34356 0
ColorSplash iPhone App Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:21:26 +0000 I’m really not big on paid apps, but if there is one that I think is worth the money I will buy it and check it out. I was looking through my friends Flickr page and noticed a few photos titled ColorSplash and they were black and white with single objects colored in. I noticed that the photos were taken with an iPhone so I decided to lookup ColorSplash. After reading some reviews it seemed like a cool app. I found it on the iTunes store for $1.99, I figured what the hell and I bought it.

What ColorSpash allows you to do is take any of your stored photos and converts them to black and white. Then you can easily select sections of the photo to go back into color. This is really cool and makes some great photos. The interface is really easy to use, just open the app and select a photo. At the bottom of the interface you can select between color and gray. If you select color you can go ahead and start reclaiming sections of the photo you like by drawing with your finger. If you mess up there is an undo button at the top or you can just select grey at the bottom and you can fix the problem.

One thing I noticed when I first started using the app was that my brush size was way too big. To change this you need to exit the app and go into the iPhone settings. Towards the bottom you will find a ColorSpash menu. Once inside there you can change the brush size and change a few other settings. Here are some of the photos I’ve used ColorSplash on.

Most of these only took about 5 minutes to make. As you keep on using the app you will get better at it too. If you want to see the full size versions of these photos check out my Flickr page. For $1.99 this app is definitely worth it! ]]>
543 2009-03-23 11:21:26 2009-03-23 15:21:26 open open colorsplash-iphone-app publish 0 0 post 0 twittercomments a:1:{i:1376012824;s:5:"34919";} tweetcount 1 tweetbackscheck 1266958850 _edit_lock 1237821721 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} aktt_notify_twitter no 34919 twitter:91564106/twitter_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 1 tweetback 0 0 35033 2009-03-24 08:27:13 2009-03-24 12:27:13 1 0 0 36883 2009-04-14 13:49:36 2009-04-14 17:49:36 1 0 0 35017 2009-03-24 05:28:26 2009-03-24 09:28:26 1 0 0 37614 2009-06-08 02:15:34 2009-06-08 06:15:34 1 0 0
Your Own Personal Brand Sat, 28 Mar 2009 01:29:02 +0000 It seems that many people are 50/50 on this subject. Many people feel that personal branding is extremely important and can help your business. Others seem to think that personal branding is not important at all and will do nothing to help your business. In my opinion personal branding is important and if done right, it can really help out your business. I've already talked about a few people who have used personal branding with great success. If you are new to personal branding and social media here are some thing you might want to do to improve your personal brand.

Your Name Dot Com
Having your own dot com is a definite thing you want to do is you want to improve your personal brand. I use as a blog, but you don't need to have a blog on yours. You can have your resume there, an about me section, or a simple website with the current projects you are working on. If you do choose to have a blog, it can greatly improve your personal brand because people will become interested in you and what you are up to. If people are interested in you then most likely they will be interested in your product or company as well.

Facebook Page
Creating a Facebook account is a great way to network with people and is one of the easiest things to do. With facebook you can connect with people on a more social basis and give people an insight into your life. Not only that you can make pages for your products and get your friends on Facebook to become a fan of that product. If you think that Facebook is another Myspace, it is much more than that and you can really use it to improve your personal brand.

Ah good old Twitter! If you haven't heard of Twitter by now you must be living under a rock! Twitter is a micro-blogging system that everyone seems to be using now. Even P. Diddy and Shaq are on it! Many people are using Twitter to promote their products and even themselves. You can do the same, I follow people who I think are interesting so if you are interesting people will follow you on Twitter. It is just another outlet for people to become interested in you and your brand. ]]>
545 2009-03-27 21:29:02 2009-03-28 01:29:02 open open your-own-personal-brand publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267129798 _edit_lock 1238203744 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 35713 2009-03-30 04:24:13 2009-03-30 08:24:13 1 0 0 35442 2009-03-28 00:12:10 2009-03-28 04:12:10 Dan Schawbel’s last blog post..10 Ways to Brand Yourself with AllTop]]> 1 0 0 35430 2009-03-27 21:32:55 2009-03-28 01:32:55 Colin Dean’s last blog post..24]]> 1 0 0 35431 2009-03-27 21:34:06 2009-03-28 01:34:06 1 0 0 36208 2009-04-03 09:22:54 2009-04-03 13:22:54 1 0 0
Into the Twittersphere!! Sat, 28 Mar 2009 16:58:08 +0000
Hahaha if you haven't seen this video yet you have to watch it! It has to be one of the funniest Twitter-themed videos I have seen! It is so true too, because if you are on Twitter you love it and are really into it. If you are not on Twitter you tend to not care and wonder why so many people are so excited about Twitter. Also the fail whale in the video is great! Thanks to Carley for finding the video! ]]>
546 2009-03-28 12:58:08 2009-03-28 16:58:08 open open into-the-twittersphere publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} _edit_lock 1238259489 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267133964 twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 36412 2009-04-05 07:15:35 2009-04-05 11:15:35 1 0 0 35714 2009-03-30 05:39:08 2009-03-30 09:39:08 1 0 0 37640 2009-06-09 02:18:33 2009-06-09 06:18:33 1 0 0
Crazy Mocha Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:25:07 +0000
In my never-ending search for cool, relaxing places to work at during the day I have come upon a really cool place that anyone who lives in Pittsburgh should know about, Crazy Mocha. My first experience with Crazy Mocha was at the Southside Works location on East Carson street. The first thing I noticed when I walked inside was that it was not extremely big, but hey I'm used to going to Starbucks, which are usually always big. I ordered a Mocha and found a place to sit down. Unlike Panera where power outlets are a luxury Crazy Mocha has them everywhere. They understand that most people coming in are going to want to do work on their laptops and need a power outlet. Also Crazy Mocha has free unlimited WiFi, which means you can spend all day there working, unlike Starbucks where you only get 2 hours. The atmosphere inside was nice and relaxing and you could easily get a lot of work done when you are there. I spent about 4 hours at the Crazy Mocha in Southside.

A few days ago my friend Sebastian and I went to the location in Shadyside and just like the location in Shadyside it was nice and relaxing. We worked for a few hours and it was nice and relaxing. What's cool about Crazy Mocha is that it's open till midnight, whereas much Coffee shops are only open till maybe 10 if not earlier. It gives people like me who like to work at night a place to go. Besides Coffee Crazy Mocha also sells deserts, but I have yet to try any. If you are in Pittsburgh check out a Crazy Mocha, they have quite a few locations. Too bad they don't have one in North Hills or I would be there every day!

Sorry about the quality of the pictures, all I had was my iPhone!

547 2009-03-29 18:25:07 2009-03-29 22:25:07 open open crazy-mocha publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1238365556 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267169888 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:42:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 36411 2009-04-05 07:13:19 2009-04-05 11:13:19 1 0 0 36519 2009-04-06 05:17:01 2009-04-06 09:17:01 1 0 0 35673 2009-03-29 19:27:28 2009-03-29 23:27:28 Colin Dean’s last blog post..24]]> 1 0 0 35715 2009-03-30 06:17:10 2009-03-30 10:17:10 1 0 0 35789 2009-03-30 21:48:24 2009-03-31 01:48:24 ms danielle’s last blog post..I am Blogging This, Yes I am]]> 1 0 0 38557 2009-08-02 13:22:57 2009-08-02 17:22:57 1 0 0 39100 2009-09-03 08:45:52 2009-09-03 12:45:52 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0
Positive Positive Positive! Tue, 31 Mar 2009 02:54:50 +0000 Don't you just hate negative people? I know that I do! Being negative is never a good thing. I hate when I'm in a negative mood and I try to get out of it as quickly as possible. When you are running your own company you need to have a positive attitude because more often than not there are going to be days when things don't go right for you. When that happens you are not going to want to dread on what when wrong, but instead on how to solve the problem. So many people stress on what actually happened rather than trying to fix the problem. Just like how people complain about not making enough money, but they don't go out there and work hard to make more. Negativity can really kill production and motivation, so here are some tips to get that positive vibe back.

I know all of you have a few songs that when you hear them they always make you feel good. I have a whole feel good playlist that when I need to get a ton of hard work done I put on and I'm always in a good mood. Music is a great way to put yourself in a good mood because unlike other things listed below it can be done almost anywhere. If you are working in an office you can just put on a pair of headphones, if you are on the way home you can throw on your iPod. Music is definitely a quick fix to regain that positivity.

Now this will take some time because you actually have to sit down and watch a movie, but it still works. There are a few movies that after I'm done watching them I'm in a great mood and am ready to work. If I'm having a really crappy day and have no motivation and can't seen to get in a positive mood I will take a break, get lunch, and throw on a movie. After the movie I'm charged up and ready to tackle whatever I have to get done that day.

Get Out!
Do you live with a negative person? Is it hard to be excited about something when they always have to point out something wrong with it? If that is the case then take a few days a week and get out of the house to work. I'm sure where you live there are places like Starbucks and Panera, where you can get work done without being around that negative person. ]]>
549 2009-03-30 22:54:50 2009-03-31 02:54:50 open open positive-positive-positive publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267205250 _edit_lock 1238468091 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:57:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1405507229;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 35956 2009-04-01 09:47:29 2009-04-01 13:47:29 1 0 0 35915 2009-04-01 02:19:45 2009-04-01 06:19:45 1 0 0 36209 2009-04-03 09:27:32 2009-04-03 13:27:32 1 0 0 36206 2009-04-03 08:44:21 2009-04-03 12:44:21 1 0 0 37023 2009-04-28 08:24:51 2009-04-28 12:24:51 1 0 0
I Never Thought the Day Would Come Wed, 01 Apr 2009 23:52:08 +0000 Just like the title says I never thought this day would come. I started ThinkComputers back in 2002 as just a hobby, nothing I took seriously until my second year of college. From there it became a job to me, but not really. You can't really call something you love and enjoy so much a job. Well over the past week I had to make a big decision that would not only impact me, but a few other people as well. It was probably one of the hardest decisions I've had to make my entire life. Following negotiations of this past week today, April 1st ThinkComputers was acquired. Right now I cannot say who has acquired ThinkComputers, but I just wanted to let everyone know. You will see a press release online in the next few days.

Like I said it was a really hard decision for me to make. All I can say is that I was given an offer that I couldn't refuse. The deal and the money was right. I really won't have to have a job after this. I'm not sure what they plan on doing with ThinkComputers, but I will let you know as soon as I can talk about it.

So what am I going to do now? I think I'm going to take the rest of the year off and travel a little bit. There are so many places that I would like to see in the world. I'm thinking Japan, Germany, and a few other places. I will fill everyone in on the details of everything once the press release comes out.]]>
550 2009-04-01 19:52:08 2009-04-01 23:52:08 open open i-never-thought-the-day-would-come publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267107235 _edit_lock 1238629928 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:65:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1435447706;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 36114 2009-04-02 21:29:00 2009-04-03 01:29:00 1 0 0 36492 2009-04-06 02:00:42 2009-04-06 06:00:42 1 0 0 36027 2009-04-01 22:35:44 2009-04-02 02:35:44 Colin Dean’s last blog post..24]]> 1 0 0 36067 2009-04-02 09:33:18 2009-04-02 13:33:18 1 0 0 35995 2009-04-01 20:08:37 2009-04-02 00:08:37 1 0 0 36029 2009-04-02 04:08:22 2009-04-02 08:08:22 1 0 0 36207 2009-04-03 09:19:05 2009-04-03 13:19:05 1 0 0 36205 2009-04-03 08:35:10 2009-04-03 12:35:10 1 0 0
March 2009 Thoughts Tue, 07 Apr 2009 01:40:48 +0000 Well as most of you have found out by now I did not sell ThinkComputers….gotcha!! Was that a good April fool’s joke or what? Anyways March was a good blogging month for me, well compared to previous months. I wrote 11 posts, which is the most since September 2008! I’m starting to get back in the rhythm of things here, which is a good thing. It means I’m getting more done and I’m more motivated, which just makes everything better. So what was my favorite post last month? It would have to be Celebrating St. Patty’s In Pittsburgh. I really enjoy telling personal stories and that was one of the first times I got to use my Flip MinoHD!

Popular Posts
So what was everyone reading in March? Let's see...

I still see some of the same posts getting good traffic, good to see!

Traffic Sources
Looks like people are clicking those links I post on Twitter via HootSuite.

Top Commentators
Ahh geez I forgot to take a screenshot of the tom commentators again!! Does anyone know a plugin that will give me a list of the top commentators each month? Let me know!

Interesting to see that the RSS number is going down and Twitter keeps on going up, is Twitter the new RSS?

On To April Well summer is coming soon so I hope to work my ass off and really work hard to make a lot of money over the next few months so I can have a fun summer. It just takes the right motivation and time management! April should be a good month all around!]]>
551 2009-04-06 21:40:48 2009-04-07 01:40:48 open open march-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1266889006 _edit_lock 1239068740 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1467970137;s:5:"36645";} tweetcount 1 36596 2009-04-06 21:54:05 2009-04-07 01:54:05 1 0 0 36598 2009-04-06 22:14:34 2009-04-07 02:14:34 Colin Dean’s last blog post..24]]> 1 0 0 36599 2009-04-06 22:15:43 2009-04-07 02:15:43 Colin Dean’s last blog post..24]]> 1 0 0 36646 2009-04-07 05:54:20 2009-04-07 09:54:20 1 0 0 36645 twitter:118582451/Twitter1_bigger.jpg 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 1 tweetback 0 0
Getting out of Town Tue, 07 Apr 2009 19:57:17 +0000 Last week I had a refreshing break from it all. You ever wish you could just get out of town for the day, or take a day to get away from it all? Well it's been like that for me so I decided to take a day and get out of Pittsburgh. My friend Ellen wanted to hang out and she lives in Washington, DC so I decided to head down that way. It was about a 3 hour drive, but since it was mainly on 2 roads it was not that bad at all. When I got down into DC we went to lunch then decided to go to Greak Falls Park, which is only about 15 miles outside of DC. I had never been there before so I did not know what to expect. We we got down there I saw what it was all about, I can see where it gets the name Great Falls. Out of nowhere there are these really cool waterfalls! Even better you could climb right down to the water. Ellen and I hung out there for a few hours just relaxing and enjoying the scenery.

After Great Falls Park Ellen took me to the National Harbor, which is a relatively new development 15 minutes outside of DC on the Potomac river. Even though it was a bit cold we decided to walk around and check things out. The development is filled with new condos, restaurants, shops, and hotels. One thing I was really surprised to see was a Gaylord Resort. If you have never seen or heard of Gaylord Resorts they are HUGE hotels that have a big atrium that makes it feel like you are outside even though you are inside. After walking around and hanging out on the pier for a while we decided to get dinner.

After dinner I was going to head home, but it was raining like crazy so I just got a hotel and got some rest. The next day I headed home. It was such a relief to get out of Pittsburgh for the day. Work was not on my mind at all the entire trip, which is rare since I'm always thinking about work. This trip really was not the expensive either, except the hotel room, which I wouldn't have got, but it was raining like crazy and I didn't want to drive in that. If you have the chance to take a day off and get out of your city, you should try it, it's very refreshing!]]>
554 2009-04-07 15:57:17 2009-04-07 19:57:17 open open getting-out-of-town publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267106516 _edit_lock 1239134239 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:6:{i:1487215292;s:7:"retweet";i:1487103119;s:7:"retweet";i:1486928989;s:7:"retweet";i:1486897386;s:7:"retweet";i:1486897239;s:7:"retweet";i:1471571384;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 12 36711 2009-04-07 17:14:27 2009-04-07 21:14:27 Colin Dean’s last blog post..24]]> 1 0 0 36692 2009-04-07 16:30:40 2009-04-07 20:30:40 1 0 0 36787 2009-04-08 09:24:43 2009-04-08 13:24:43 1 0 0 36751 2009-04-08 05:53:26 2009-04-08 09:53:26 1 0 0 37177 2009-05-09 19:30:21 2009-05-09 23:30:21 1 0 0 36808 2009-04-08 18:08:01 2009-04-08 22:08:01 1 0 0 36809 2009-04-08 18:11:27 2009-04-08 22:11:27 Spicoli’s last blog post..spicoli: @BrianHarnish AWESOME! TOTALLY AWESOME! Thanks, and a follow back.]]> 1 36808 0 36810 2009-04-08 18:29:30 2009-04-08 22:29:30 1 36809 1 36899 2009-04-16 13:55:09 2009-04-16 17:55:09 1 0 0
The Money Makers 2009 Edition Fri, 10 Apr 2009 18:59:54 +0000 It has been a while here since I actually talked about how I make money online. It really has not changed much since the last time I talked about it, but here is a rundown for some of the new people who frequent the blog. As you all know I run ThinkComputers, which is a computer hardware review site. Out of all my sites it makes the most money and is where most of my income comes from. So what are the money makers for ThinkComputers?

Just Relevant
The number 1 money maker for ThinkComputers is Just Relevant, our comparison shopping engine. We moved over to Just Relevant about 6 months ago and it has been great. The backend is very robust and it has many features other comparison shopping engines just do not have. We are on a flat CPC rate, which means if someone clicks on an ad we get paid, even if they do not buy it. I like CPC over commission because more often than not people are not going to buy the product, so if you are on commission you won’t make anything off the ad. If you have a large website and want to apply to Just Relevant please let me know before you sign up and I will get you application forwarded to the right people.

EchoTopic, which is owned by Exponential, is a contextual ad service. Most of you have probably heard of Kontera or Vibrant Media. EchoTopic is relatively new into the game, but since they are backed by Exponential they know what they are doing. They invited me to the service since I was already a Tribal Fusion publisher. They offered me a flat CPM rate that was better than what I was getting with Vibrant, so I went over to them. They are the red double highlighted links you see on the ThinkComputers reviews. The service has been good and so are the paychecks!

Google Adsense still makes me a good amount of money. We have quite a few ads on ThinkComputers, the one that makes the most money is the in-article 336 x 280 ad, mainly because it is actually in the review / article you are reading so more people see it and are more likely to click on it. Google Adsense is a great way for people starting out online to make some extra money, but you are not going to make that much with it.

Private Ads
Private ads is where I was really banking last year. We had quite a few private ads running on ThinkComputers throughout 2008, but most companies did not renew because of the horrible economy. We are hoping to pick up some more private ads, but I haven’t really pushed it as much as I really should have. That is something I’m going to be working on in the next few weeks.

Besides those 4 major money makers I also do some affiliate marketing, but nothing really major. Hopefully if I get some more time I will be getting into affiliate marketing a lot more.]]>
555 2009-04-10 14:59:54 2009-04-10 18:59:54 open open the-money-makers-2009-edition publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267023184 _edit_lock 1239389997 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:60:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:2:{i:1476502316;s:7:"retweet";i:1476307153;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 2 36955 2009-04-21 08:47:32 2009-04-21 12:47:32 1 0 0 36978 2009-04-23 09:00:42 2009-04-23 13:00:42 Ricky Peterson’s last blog post..Google monopoly unfavorable for web marketers]]> 1 0 0 36988 2009-04-24 06:59:37 2009-04-24 10:59:37 1 36955 0 36910 2009-04-18 02:38:01 2009-04-18 06:38:01 1 0 0 37613 2009-06-08 02:14:16 2009-06-08 06:14:16 1 36988 0
Making a Custom Twitter Background Mon, 13 Apr 2009 13:00:36 +0000 If you use Twitter then you should be using it as a way for people to connect with you. When people view your profile you don’t want them to see the plain boring default Twitter background. You want them to see something that catches their eye and shows them that you are interesting. That way they will follow you. I’ve noticed lately a lot of people have been changing their Twitter backgrounds and even people selling custom twitter backgrounds. I decided to jump into it and make my own custom Twitter background.

You really don’t need much design experience to make a custom Twitter background, but this tutorial assumes you have some basic Photoshop knowledge. You don’t have to use Photoshop, and imaging software will do, but I used Photoshop. First you want to create an image that is 570 x 1200, that is an ideal size for Twitter. Next to give it some dramatic effect you can use the gradient tool and make the color fade from one to another. This will make it look better, I used white and blue for my gradient.

Next you can go ahead and add whatever you want to the background. I would suggest maybe a picture of yourself, your blog URL, a paragraph describing what you do, links to other social networks you are on, or whatever else you think is relevant. For mine I used the comic book picture of me, my blog URL, and links to my Facebook, LinkedIn, and Flickr. That way people can connect with me on more than just Twitter.

So that’s the final product, sized down to fit into this blog post of course, you can see the full thing over at my Twitter page. Now when you add the background on Twitter you will notice that it will not stretch all the way across the screen. You can change the rest of Twitter background to a solid color by going to the design tab in your settings, then going to change design colors. There you can also change the links, text, sidebar, and sidebar border colors. So make them match up with your background so the page looks good.

Let me know what you think of my Twitter background and if you have made a Twitter background link your Twitter profile in the comments so I can take a look. ]]>
556 2009-04-13 09:00:36 2009-04-13 13:00:36 open open making-a-custom-twitter-background publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1239585364 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267159044 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:65:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:18:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1613476039;s:5:"36996";} tweetcount 1 36921 2009-04-19 05:49:38 2009-04-19 09:49:38 1 0 0 37176 2009-05-09 19:26:43 2009-05-09 23:26:43 1 0 0 37062 2009-05-02 03:07:32 2009-05-02 07:07:32 Free Twitter Backgrounds’s last blog post..Abstract Twitter Background - Blue Sci Fi]]> 1 0 0 36868 2009-04-14 04:33:39 2009-04-14 08:33:39 1 0 0 37028 2009-04-29 01:48:19 2009-04-29 05:48:19 1 0 0 36898 2009-04-16 13:36:55 2009-04-16 17:36:55 1 0 0 36977 2009-04-23 08:54:32 2009-04-23 12:54:32 Ricky Peterson’s last blog post..Google monopoly unfavorable for web marketers]]> 1 0 0 36996 twitter:69300957/chris_bigger.png 1969-12-31 23:59:59 1970-01-01 03:59:59 1 tweetback 0 0 37017 2009-04-28 01:18:33 2009-04-28 05:18:33 1 0 0 37612 2009-06-08 02:13:34 2009-06-08 06:13:34 1 0 0 37213 2009-05-11 09:07:34 2009-05-11 13:07:34 1 0 0 37241 2009-05-12 12:46:27 2009-05-12 16:46:27 1 37213 1 37243 2009-05-12 12:49:26 2009-05-12 16:49:26 1 37176 1 40492 2010-02-15 04:59:07 2010-02-15 08:59:07 spam 0 0
Sushi Too in Shadyside Tue, 14 Apr 2009 17:47:02 +0000
Sushi places are few and far between in Pittsburgh and actually finding good ones is even harder. A few weeks ago I was in Shadyside looking at apartments with my friend Sebastian and it was getting late so we decided to look for places to eat. Shadyside is a great place to find unique restaurants. We were right by Walnut so we decided to cruise down and see what restaurants were there. There were quite a few, but out of all of them I really wanted sushi so we decided on Sushi Too.

Sushi Too is not that big at all (which is usually a good sign for sushi places), there are only about 10-15 booths at most. Once inside we were seated and I got a chance to take a look at the menu. Their sushi menu was quite large, they had almost everything you would expect a sushi place to have. They also had quite a few other dishes that were both Chinese and Japanese. One thing I did notice was a dry-erase board with some special sushi items listed. One thing that caught my eye was the spicy California shrimp tempura roll, so I ordered that and an order of shrimp tempura rolls, plus some wonton soup.

The spicy California shrimp tempura rolls where quite interesting. Basically they are a spicy california roll, dipped in tempura batter with a shrimp on top and the spicy sauce on top of that. They were not bad, not sure if I would order them again. My regular shrimp tempura rolls and wonton soup was great though. One thing that is great about Sushi Too is that it's part of the Campus Food program so if you live within 2 miles of Sushi Too you can order completely online and they will deliver to you! Sushi delivered, now that's what I'm talking about!

Overall Sushi Too is one of the better Sushi restaurants that I've been to in Pittsburgh. If I'm ever in Shadyside and want sushi I know that place to go now!]]>
561 2009-04-14 13:47:02 2009-04-14 17:47:02 open open sushi-too-in-shadyside publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1239731290 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267297504 twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 36954 2009-04-21 08:38:08 2009-04-21 12:38:08 1 0 0 36894 2009-04-15 06:55:54 2009-04-15 10:55:54 1 0 0 37424 2009-05-23 04:45:39 2009-05-23 08:45:39 1 0 0
How To Redirect to a Website Fri, 17 Apr 2009 00:49:40 +0000 After posting my new Twitter background I got a few e-mails from people asking me how I made go to my facebook page. It is really a really easy thing to do and when you do it you are putting your brand first which is really important. Also it makes remembering URL's really simple. No one wants to try and memorize someone's facebook URL or any other long URL like that. So making a redirect using your blog or website is so much easier and like I said it's putting your brand first so people will remember So there are a few different ways to actually do a redirect. I will go over just a couple in this small tutorial.

The redirect method I like the best is .htaccess redirect. On your webserver you should see a .htaccess file. If there is not one, just go ahead and create it. Then open it up to start editing. Here is the code that I am using for my redirects...

Redirect 301 /flickr
Redirect 301 /facebook
Redirect 301 /linkedin
Redirect 301 /twitter

You can see the coding is pretty simple and easy to use. You can make as many redirects as you want. Another really easy redirect method is the meta tag redirect. The only catch with this is you need to create a file for it to work. So if I wanted to use with this method I would have to create a /flickr directory on my webserver and then add an index.htm file there with the following code in it.

< meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=" >

So when someone would go to it would load the index.htm file then be directed to the appropriate page. The content="1 is how many seconds till the redirect happens. ]]>
563 2009-04-16 20:49:40 2009-04-17 00:49:40 open open how-to-redirect-to-a-website publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1266962388 _edit_lock 1239929674 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 36922 2009-04-19 17:19:37 2009-04-19 21:19:37 1 0 0 36953 2009-04-21 08:35:55 2009-04-21 12:35:55 1 0 0 36928 2009-04-20 07:23:12 2009-04-20 11:23:12 1 0 0 36929 2009-04-20 08:50:16 2009-04-20 12:50:16 Jon’s last blog post..Subverting Large If Blocks To Do Your Bidding]]> 1 0 0 37004 2009-04-27 10:44:35 2009-04-27 14:44:35 portable color scanners’s last blog post..What to Look at When Buying a Portable Color Scanner]]> 1 0 0 37038 2009-04-29 22:42:01 2009-04-30 02:42:01 1 0 0 36985 2009-04-24 02:57:37 2009-04-24 06:57:37 1 0 0 36976 2009-04-23 08:48:51 2009-04-23 12:48:51 Ricky Peterson’s last blog post..Google monopoly unfavorable for web marketers]]> 1 0 0 36905 2009-04-17 05:33:41 2009-04-17 09:33:41 1 0 0 37106 2009-05-06 03:20:06 2009-05-06 07:20:06 1 0 0 37339 2009-05-18 22:54:20 2009-05-19 02:54:20 1 0 0 37021 2009-04-28 06:14:28 2009-04-28 10:14:28 1 0 0 37639 2009-06-09 02:18:04 2009-06-09 06:18:04 1 0 0
Pittsburgh's NHL Tweetup Fri, 24 Apr 2009 22:40:30 +0000
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to participate in the first NHL Tweetup in Pittsburgh! Before I get into it, let's explain what a Tweetup is. I'm sure by now you are familiar with Twitter, if you are not check out my post about it. A tweetup is basically a meeting of twitter users in a specific areas. There has been a Pittsburgh tweetup group for a while, but I've never had a chance to make it to one of the events. I heard about the NHL Tweetup from a few friends and I considered going. Then I heard it was actually being sponsored by the NHL and the Penguins so I decided I had to go. This was not the only tweetup going on, NHL tweetups were going on in 21 other cities as well!

The Pittsburgh NHL Tweetup was held at the Robinson TGI Friday's. There was an entire section of the restaurant blocked off for us. I went there with my friends Sebastian (@sebdov) and Brian (@iron_citytv). When we got there we checked in and were given a bag with a 2009 Stanley Cup playoffs puck, Winter Classic magnet, and a 20% off coupon to the NHL online shop. They also had these cool name tags made for the event that has a spot for your Twitter name and your real name.

During the event we watched the game and enjoyed meeting new Pens fans. There were some really good prizes being given away as well. Some of them included autographed jerseys, autographed pucks, tickets to a playoff game, and even a NHL Gamecenter package. Although I didn't win anything I had a great time and would definitely love to go to another NHL Tweetup in the future. Here is the story from WPXI who came to check the event out.

570 2009-04-24 18:40:30 2009-04-24 22:40:30 open open pittsburghs-nhl-tweetup publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1240612831 tweetbackscheck 1266969328 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:54:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 37003 2009-04-27 05:58:42 2009-04-27 09:58:42 1 0 0
How are you Spending your Days? Wed, 29 Apr 2009 18:23:30 +0000
For most of us summer is right around the corner. Here is Pittsburgh we have been experiencing amazing weather for the past week. It just makes you want to go outside and enjoy it. I am fortunate enough to be able to have a good amount of free time to enjoy the nice weather. Although some days I can be crushed with work so I don’t get to enjoy it that much. Enjoying nice weather can be really relaxing and just gets your mind off work, but how can you fit it into your work day? Here are a few tips…

The easiest way to enjoy the nice weather is to take your lunch outside with you. Over the past week I’ve had a lot of work to do, but I have been able to get outside for my lunch each day. I finally put the chairs and the table on the deck, now I have a nice place where I can enjoy the sun and my lunch at the same time. If you are working in an office maybe find a nice place nearby to have lunch like a small park or public area.

If you work from home like me you know that your office space can get quite boring and that causes you to be less motivated. I always suggest getting out of the office at least once a week if you can. Since it is nice out try and find a place to work at that has a nice patio or deck that’s outside. There are not that many in Pittsburgh, but a few include Panera Bread, Starbucks, and Crazy Mocha.

Now this final tip is a bit drastic, but I actually know a few people that work this way. Instead of wasting their day inside and working they do all their work at night, say from 6-12 or something like that. I actually did this for a while a few summers ago. My girlfriend and I would spend the day at the pool or out somewhere then when we would get home we would do work. It’s hard to keep this up, but it allows you to enjoy most of the day.

When the weather is nice make sure you are making time to enjoy it! ]]>
571 2009-04-29 14:23:30 2009-04-29 18:23:30 open open how-are-you-spending-your-days publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267212813 _edit_lock 1241029412 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:1:{i:1668878487;s:7:"retweet";} tweetcount 1 37034 2009-04-29 15:11:33 2009-04-29 19:11:33 Colin Dean’s last blog post..My new hobby: stock trading]]> 1 0 0 37035 2009-04-29 15:21:21 2009-04-29 19:21:21 1 0 0 37049 2009-05-01 04:18:03 2009-05-01 08:18:03 1 0 0 37051 2009-05-01 06:08:15 2009-05-01 10:08:15 1 0 0 37052 2009-05-01 06:46:30 2009-05-01 10:46:30 Ricky Peterson’s last blog post..A Must 5s for blogging success]]> 1 0 0 37536 2009-06-02 08:24:58 2009-06-02 12:24:58 1 0 0 37423 2009-05-23 04:43:44 2009-05-23 08:43:44 1 0 0 37244 2009-05-12 12:53:23 2009-05-12 16:53:23 1 37035 1
April 2009 Thoughts Fri, 01 May 2009 22:51:19 +0000 April was an interesting month for me, I was quite busy with ThinkComputers getting things back on track and really pumping out reviews. As far as blogging goes I took it a bit easy only writing 9 posts, which is only 2 less than the month before, but I want to keep in increasing in numbers not decreasing! My favorite post in April was the Money Makers 2009 Edition post. Many people are curious as to how I make money online and that basically explains it. If you have any questions about that post or how to get those services setup let me know.

Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let's take a look...

Haha my April fools joke is up there, good stuff!

Traffic Sources
Wow interesting to see how many people are clicking those links I post on Twitter via HootSuite.

Top Commentators
Finally this month I remembered to take a screenshot of the top commentators, so here they are...

1. Play Games Win Prizes, 2. Colin Dean, 3. Best CSS Gallery, 4. Komodo Dragon, 5. seo india

Well everything is going up! Look at the HUGE increase in Twitter followers! I will be making a post on how I was able to get so many followers.

On to May
May should be a good month for me. It seems in the past few days I've had so much motivation I should be rolling through reviews on ThinkComputers and pumping out blog posts! I hope everyone had a good April, on to May!]]>
572 2009-05-01 18:51:19 2009-05-01 22:51:19 open open april-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1266917569 _edit_lock 1241218280 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 37077 2009-05-04 01:21:14 2009-05-04 05:21:14 Ricky Peterson’s last blog post..Are You Having Problems Being Successful Online?]]> 1 0 0 37125 2009-05-07 02:52:16 2009-05-07 06:52:16 1 0 0 37063 2009-05-02 03:11:11 2009-05-02 07:11:11 1 0 0 37079 2009-05-04 04:34:23 2009-05-04 08:34:23 1 0 0 37422 2009-05-23 04:41:59 2009-05-23 08:41:59 1 0 0 38776 2009-08-13 23:26:26 2009-08-14 03:26:26 1 0 0
Getting that Brand Recognition Mon, 04 May 2009 16:41:03 +0000 When see you a Nike swoosh, Apple logo, or the golden arches, you instantly know what they are and what they stand for. This is brand recognition and I believe the it is very important. You should really think of your blog as a brand. You want people see not only see it as "you", but see it as a "brand". When people see you as a brand it gives you instant recognition and people know who you are and what you do. There are a few things you can do for free and a few that you can pay for to boost your brand recognition or start to get that initial brand recognition.

Photo of Yourself / Brand
This seems so simple, but so many people don't do this. If you have a blog make sure it has a logo or a picture of you on it. Then people can identify that blog with you. No one wants to look at a plain jane blog layout with no logo or identity. A picture of yourself or logo gives you an identity.

Custom Design for Anything that offers it
I'm sure most of you have Twitter account's, but how many of you have made a custom background for it? If you want people to recognize your brand you need to customize everything you can to match your brand. That's why when you go to my Twitter page it has a background promoting this blog. Custom designs may take some time, but I'm sure people will notice. When I look at someone's Twitter profile and they have a custom background I instantly go and check it out. If you want to know how to make a custom Twitter background you can check out my post here.

Your Name First
This is another simple thing you can do to promote your brand. If you notice on my custom Twitter background I have my facebook as and all my other links that way as well. Putting your URL first not only makes it easier for people to remember but it puts that brand name in people's head. The custom URL's are easily made, you can check out my tutorial on how to do it here.

Be Willing to Pay for being different
How many blogs have you been to that look the same? If you really want to create an identity for yourself your going to want to have a custom blog / website layout. Why do you think that people like UberAffiliate and Zac Johnson pay top dollar for their custom blog layouts. This not only has to do with layout but anything that is going to help you promote your brand. Pay for things that will make you different than other people out there doing the same thing.]]>
573 2009-05-04 12:41:03 2009-05-04 16:41:03 open open getting-that-brand-recognition publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267178564 _edit_lock 1241455264 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:61:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 37097 2009-05-05 04:28:16 2009-05-05 08:28:16 1 0 0 37151 2009-05-08 05:07:58 2009-05-08 09:07:58 1 0 0 37152 2009-05-08 05:26:46 2009-05-08 09:26:46 1 0 0 37107 2009-05-06 03:23:37 2009-05-06 07:23:37 1 0 0 37084 2009-05-04 12:54:44 2009-05-04 16:54:44 1 0 0 37085 2009-05-04 14:05:39 2009-05-04 18:05:39 1 37084 1 37421 2009-05-23 04:41:26 2009-05-23 08:41:26 1 0 0 37217 2009-05-11 10:42:00 2009-05-11 14:42:00 1 0 0
Happy Mother's Day Mon, 11 May 2009 00:11:13 +0000
Look's like Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake are back with a sequel to the Dick In a Box video. Just in time for Mother's Day it's called Motherlover, make sure you go watch the dick in a box video first before you watch Motherlover. Great video's that definitely make you laugh, Happy Mother's Day everyone!]]>
574 2009-05-10 20:11:13 2009-05-11 00:11:13 open open happy-mothers-day-2 publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1266930985 _edit_lock 1242000674 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0
Get 1000 Followers on Twitter Easily Tue, 12 May 2009 16:36:28 +0000
Twitter is exploding and it seems like everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Many people think that Twitter is just an extension of Facebook status updates, but it is so much more than that. Twitter is great for meeting new people, passing around information, getting news, and it’s a great free platform to market to people on. So the more people you reach on Twitter depends on how many followers you have. Over the past couple of weeks I was easily able to gain over 1000 twitter followers without much work at all. I will show you how to do the same…

Set up Auto Follow
So you want people to follow you? Give them an incentive by following them back. I would normally follow people back that would follow me on Twitter, but when a lot of people add you each day it becomes a pain to follow people back. So you are going to want to setup auto follow on your account. There are many sites that can do it for you but I use to do it, it is really easy to set up.

Follow other peoples Followers
When I started to want to get more followers I would check out some of Twitter power users in my niche and started following their followers, for the most part they would follow me back seeing that we were in the same niche. This takes a little while to do but if you want followers you can easily take 15 minutes a day and start following people.

Find Lists
Many people have compiled lists of people who will follow you back and who are interesting Twitter users. One list that really boosted my follower number was the Top 250 people that are the coolest, most influential or neatest. Other lists to look for are local Twitter users in your area, you can look up the top Twitter users in your area on Twitterholic, here are the top 100 users in Pittsburgh, PA, I currently sit 28th. If people see you are from their area they will most likely follow you back.

Follow Groups
This is probably the easiest way to gain followers on Twitter. There are many websites that you can join that are follow groups, websites where you agree to follow people back and you are listed on the site. The first site like this I started using was Twitter Follower. You simply create an account and you are listed in their people that follow back directory. Once I got my account setup I gained about 30 followers right off the bat! Other follow groups include iFollowBack and TopFollowed.

Getting followers is easy, keeping them is the hard part. So make sure you are tweeting some fun and interesting things so people will keep on following you. I will be making another post on how to keep your current Twitter followers. Happy tweeting and remember to follow me on Twitter! ]]>
575 2009-05-12 12:36:28 2009-05-12 16:36:28 open open get-1000-followers-on-twitter-easily publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267122424 _edit_lock 1242146189 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:67:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 37361 2009-05-20 04:19:39 2009-05-20 08:19:39 1 0 0 37341 2009-05-19 06:42:28 2009-05-19 10:42:28 1 0 0 37338 2009-05-18 22:50:53 2009-05-19 02:50:53 1 0 0 37535 2009-06-02 08:23:13 2009-06-02 12:23:13 1 0 0 37253 2009-05-13 06:12:17 2009-05-13 10:12:17 1 0 0 37638 2009-06-09 02:17:01 2009-06-09 06:17:01 1 0 0 37645 2009-06-09 13:01:26 2009-06-09 17:01:26 1 0 0 37838 2009-06-18 05:55:51 2009-06-18 09:55:51 1 0 0 37568 2009-06-04 15:09:57 2009-06-04 19:09:57 1 0 0
My Thoughts on Star Trek Fri, 15 May 2009 00:02:25 +0000
It seems like May is a good month for Movies, we have Terminator Salvation, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and of course Star Trek. I usually don't talk about movies here on the blog, but after seeing Star Trek last Friday I definitely wanted to talk about it. I really was never a Star Trek fan growing up, it was all Star Wars for me. Star Trek always seemed old and lame to me when I would see it. I heard about the movie and I wasn't that excited until I saw the trailer. Wow a retelling of the story, that's exactly what I needed since I never really knew the real story of Star Trek.

The movie starts out with you getting right into the action, this is probably one of the best starts to a movie that I've seen in a while. After about the 15-20 minutes of action you follow the crew members as they make their way through Starfleet Academy and eventually onto the Starship Enterprise. The story was easy to follow and it gave you a better understanding of Star Trek if you were not familiar with the series.

All of the actors and actress's played their roles really well. I was surprised to see John Cho in this movie, he is "Harold" from the Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle series. He played his character well and did not seem out of place at all. One of the best performances was by Zachary Quinto, who played Spock. Most of you know him from the TV Heroes as Sylar. He pretty much fit the role perfectly.

I'm not going to give out any spoilers or anything like that, but I do encourage you to go check out this movie if you are all into Sci-Fi or action movies, you will not be disappointed! ]]>
576 2009-05-14 20:02:25 2009-05-15 00:02:25 open open my-thoughts-on-star-trek publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267163762 _edit_lock 1242345747 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 38165 2009-07-06 10:13:38 2009-07-06 14:13:38 1 0 0 37292 2009-05-15 05:43:10 2009-05-15 09:43:10 1 0 0 37294 2009-05-15 08:03:33 2009-05-15 12:03:33 David Lithman’s last blog post..Zappos Culture Book]]> 1 0 0 37382 2009-05-21 05:33:59 2009-05-21 09:33:59 Dino’s last blog post..A-track - Official Kanye West Dj]]> 1 0 0 37342 2009-05-19 06:46:26 2009-05-19 10:46:26 1 0 0 37543 2009-06-02 23:07:08 2009-06-03 03:07:08 1 0 0 37839 2009-06-18 06:00:17 2009-06-18 10:00:17 1 0 0 37562 2009-06-04 06:07:20 2009-06-04 10:07:20 1 37543 0 37360 2009-05-20 04:13:30 2009-05-20 08:13:30 1 37292 0 37359 2009-05-20 04:11:48 2009-05-20 08:11:48 1 0 0 37318 2009-05-16 17:05:27 2009-05-16 21:05:27 Bigman’s last blog post..Super Talent Upgrades UltraDrive Series SSDs]]> 1 0 0 37563 2009-06-04 06:13:43 2009-06-04 10:13:43 1 0 0
Kanye West Calls out Twitter Thu, 21 May 2009 19:45:56 +0000 A little over a week ago Kanye West called out Twitter on his blog, complaining about someone having a fake Kanye West account. After reading his post I was like wow....what an idiot. Before I go into that here is his post...


Well as you can see Kanye is quite mad, but for what reason? First off he calls out the "heads" of twitter and blames them for the fake account. Kanye I'm pretty sure the "heads" of twitter are more concerned about making the service scale and work right rather then who is making fake celebrity accounts.

Kanye also asks, "Why would I use Twitter???". Well Kayne if you didn't know twitter is a FREE marketing tool for you and a great way for you to connect with you fans (if you even care about them). I'm sure you know about marketing Kayne, since you require me to fill out a long form just so I can post a comment on your blog. And I'm pretty sure I will get an e-mail from you announcing your tour dates or new cd or something like that since I filled out the form. Wouldn't you like to be able to send out that message to hundreds of thousands of twitter users as well? Other artist have a great following on twitter (@iamdiddy,@coldplay, @50cent) and I'm sure with as many followers as they have it has helped them in some way.

Kanye also says that we wouldn't tell the world what he is up to. This is the common perception of twitter that people have, it is not just status updates! It is marketing, link sharing, a meeting place, etc. I use twitter as a marketing tool as well as a way to let everyone know what I'm up to. What's on yout twitter account is up to you, so don't complain about "telling the world", because you don't have to if you don't want to.

Do you think Kanye would benefit from a Twitter account? Let me know if the comments! And remember to follow me on Twitter!]]>
577 2009-05-21 15:45:56 2009-05-21 19:45:56 open open kanye-west-calls-out-twitter publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1242935213 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267280629 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:59:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 37533 2009-06-02 04:28:14 2009-06-02 08:28:14 Ed Lau’s last blog post..Travel Tips: Hitting The Wall]]> 1 0 0 37405 2009-05-22 14:05:40 2009-05-22 18:05:40 Miss Virtual Reality’s last blog post..Tomorrrow You Can Download The Almost Finished Windows 7]]> 1 0 0 37542 2009-06-02 23:06:14 2009-06-03 03:06:14 1 0 0 37534 2009-06-02 08:19:53 2009-06-02 12:19:53 1 0 0 39156 2009-09-08 11:36:17 2009-09-08 15:36:17 1 0 0 37396 2009-05-22 05:56:08 2009-05-22 09:56:08 1 0 0 37625 2009-06-08 15:37:48 2009-06-08 19:37:48 1 0 0 37441 2009-05-24 13:51:28 2009-05-24 17:51:28 1 0 0 37465 2009-05-26 12:51:47 2009-05-26 16:51:47 1 0 0 37561 2009-06-04 06:01:10 2009-06-04 10:01:10 1 0 0 37564 2009-06-04 06:19:39 2009-06-04 10:19:39 1 0 0 37567 2009-06-04 15:08:30 2009-06-04 19:08:30 1 0 0
May 2009 Thoughts Thu, 04 Jun 2009 12:00:02 +0000 Wow what a crazy month it has been! I finally found a new apartment! So this month has been really crazy getting everything ready to move and still finding time to get reviews posted and maintain ThinkComputers. For that reason I barely blogged at all, which I intend to change this month once I get everything unpacked. And don’t worry there will be a post showing you the new place. My favorite post in May was Get 1000 followers on Twitter Easily, Twitter is exploding and that post will show you just how easy it is to get 1000 followers.

Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let's take a look...

Interesting that the 3 most popular post are all guides.

Traffic Sources
Wow interesting to see how many people are clicking those links I post on Twitter via HootSuite.

Top Commentators
As expected I forgot to take a screenshot for this month's top commentators. Hopefully next month I will remember! Stats
Looks like my Twitter method of getting followers is really working!

On to June
Well looking on to June I really want to get back to blogging and keep working hard on ThinkComputers. I'm moved into my new place so getting more work done should be a lot easier since I'm not living in a 10X11 room!]]>
579 2009-06-04 08:00:02 2009-06-04 12:00:02 open open may-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1244082833 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267238750 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 37575 2009-06-05 05:32:47 2009-06-05 09:32:47 1 0 0 37578 2009-06-05 10:30:54 2009-06-05 14:30:54 1 0 0 37624 2009-06-08 15:34:28 2009-06-08 19:34:28 1 0 0 37629 2009-06-08 20:12:25 2009-06-09 00:12:25 1 0 0 37768 2009-06-15 05:40:46 2009-06-15 09:40:46 1 0 0 37566 2009-06-04 15:06:24 2009-06-04 19:06:24 1 0 0
Back in the Finals! Fri, 05 Jun 2009 15:09:55 +0000
I meant to post this last week but the move kind of put it on the back burner. As many you know I’m a huge hockey fan. Being from Pittsburgh of course I’m a fan of the Penguins, I’ve been since I was a little kid. As you might have known the Pens went to the finals last year, which was the first time they made it to the finals since 1992! A few months ago you wouldn’t have thought the Pens would be in the finals, or even in the playoffs. They were struggling really bad so they fired their coach Michel Therrien and replaced him with Dan Bylsma. Bylsma’s style works with the Pens a lot better because it is an offensive up tempo style, unlike Therrien’s defensive style. You don’t want players like Malkin and Crosby worrying about defense.

Also around the trade deadline the Pens picked up Chris Kunitz from the Ducks in exchange for Ryan Whitney. Many people didn’t like the trade, but it has really paid off as Kunitz is playing with Crosby and adding some grit to the Pens top line. The Pens also picked up Bill Guerin from the Islanders for a conditional 2009 draft pick. Now that is a pickup, getting the captain of another team for a conditional draft pick! Guerin is also on Crosby’s line and he adds much needed experience to the team.

Interestingly enough the Pens are playing the Red Wings again. Crazy that both teams from finals last year are in the finals again! The Red Wings are a good team and they have kept most of their players since last year and even picked up a few other good players like Marian Hossa and Ty Conklin.

I believe that the Pens are a much better and more experienced team this year. Most of them went through the playoff run last year and went all the way to the finals and lost. They know what that feels like and they know what it takes to win.

Right now the series is tied 2-2, with the Pens dropping the first 2 games in Detroit and taking the next 2 games at home. We will be going back to Detroit for game 5, where we need to win on Detroit ice. Good luck Pens!!]]>
580 2009-06-05 11:09:55 2009-06-05 15:09:55 open open back-in-the-finals publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1266953636 _edit_lock 1244217223 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 37580 2009-06-05 11:17:55 2009-06-05 15:17:55 1 0 0 37590 2009-06-06 12:57:12 2009-06-06 16:57:12 1 0 0 37623 2009-06-08 15:29:59 2009-06-08 19:29:59 1 0 0 37630 2009-06-08 20:16:47 2009-06-09 00:16:47 1 0 0 37713 2009-06-13 00:06:54 2009-06-13 04:06:54 1 37630 0
What is Your Escape? Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:00:01 +0000
If you have a very time consuming job or work for yourself it can be very stressful. I know at times I always have work on my mind and it seems like everything revolves around work. That can not only be stressful for you, but they people around you will notice as well. So how do you get work off your mind? There are quite a few ways, say playing a video game or something like that, but lately I've been being more social has really got my mind off work. Usually when I would go play a video game or say watch a movie I would still be thinking about work. So when I'm actually out doing something work does not even enter my mind. So what can you do to get your mind off work?

Athletic Activities
Not only will this keep your mind off work it is good for you! Maybe join a gym and get in shape. Or join a league of your favorite sport? Hell even going down to a local park for a pickup game of basketball or soccer will be good for you. It gets you out of the house / office away from work and you will meet new people. I have been trying to make it to the gym more, hopefully that will change once I'm all settled in the new place.

It's the summer so there are probably a ton of events going on right now in your area. In Pittsburgh there is a lot of stuff to do every weekend. The picture above was taken about a week ago outside the Pirate game. I'm really not into baseball but tailgating and going into the game was so much fun and work didn't enter my mind the entire game. We all plan on going to another game and some other fun stuff that is happening in Pittsburgh soon.

Night Life
This might not be for everyone, but having a night out on the town is always a great way to let some steam off. Even grabbing a few drinks at a local bar is a great way to meet new people and get out. Usually 1 day out of the week I go out with friends to a club, it is always a good time.

Just Get Out!
The biggest change over the past 6 months for me has been getting out of the house. Normally I would go out maybe 1 day a week maybe, now I'm out 3-4 days a week, even if its just for an hour or 2. I've noticed my stress level has been down and I'm an all around happier person. Maybe this is just what you need! ]]>
599 2009-06-10 09:00:01 2009-06-10 13:00:01 open open what-is-your-escape publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_lock 1244619732 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267292469 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 38164 2009-07-06 10:08:55 2009-07-06 14:08:55 1 0 0 37694 2009-06-12 03:06:23 2009-06-12 07:06:23 1 0 0 37934 2009-06-24 05:06:02 2009-06-24 09:06:02 1 0 0 37676 2009-06-11 05:10:10 2009-06-11 09:10:10 1 0 0 37720 2009-06-13 04:28:19 2009-06-13 08:28:19 1 0 0 37769 2009-06-15 05:47:49 2009-06-15 09:47:49 1 0 0
Zack Morris is Back! Thu, 11 Jun 2009 13:00:59 +0000
Ah Saved By the Bell…I like grew up on that show. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every episode at least a few times. Zach Morris was my idol when I was growing up, I wanted to be just like him! I’m sure if you’re around my age you have seen Saved By the Bell and it has a special place in your heart. It seems Jimmy Fallon does as he is trying to organize a Saved By the Bell reunion. I’m sure all fans of the show would love that, as we all grew up with the show.

Mark-Paul Gosselaar was a guest on the Jimmy Fallon show a few days ago and he did the entire interview completely in character as Zack Morris. Not only was he acting like Zack Morris, he dressed like him and even had the legendary Zach Morris phone!

During the interview Mark brought up some old Saved By the Bell memories like his SAT score and his summer at Malibu Sands. The entire show was just like watching the show, the time outs and Zack…err Mark talking to the camera not Jimmy. This really brought back old memories and makes me want to get the entire season on DVD. Check out the video of the interview below...

600 2009-06-11 09:00:59 2009-06-11 13:00:59 open open zack-morris-is-back publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1244674451 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267271960 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:50:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:17:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 37719 2009-06-13 04:24:26 2009-06-13 08:24:26 1 0 0 37678 2009-06-11 09:47:25 2009-06-11 13:47:25 1 0 0 37696 2009-06-12 04:31:32 2009-06-12 08:31:32 1 0 0 38016 2009-07-01 07:19:29 2009-07-01 11:19:29 1 0 0
Stanley Cup Champs! Mon, 15 Jun 2009 21:56:04 +0000
That’s right, your 2009 Stanley Cup Champs are the Pittsburgh Penguins! I was so excited that we were back in the finals and now it’s unreal that the Cup is back in Pittsburgh. This series with Detroit had it’s up and downs, losing game 1 and 2 in Detroit, coming back to Pittsburgh and winning the next 2, then getting embarrassed in Detroit 5-0, saving the season in game 6 with a victory, and finally winning it all in game 7. I said last year that the Pens didn’t want it enough and this year they proved they did. It was a very close series and one I really enjoyed. It was great to see Sidney Crosby raise the Cup for the first time, it brought chills to the back of my neck!

It’s crazy how the pens have grown up right in front of our eyes. Malkin was a monster in the regular season and in the playoffs, he really matured over this past year. Jordan Staal who is only 20 years old improved both his offensive and defense game. Fluery really learned how to fight adversity this year bouncing back and helping the Pens win the cup. Finally Sidney Crosby, what a great leader and person you could count on when we needed him.

It has been 17 years since the Pens won the cup and it was about time we brought it back to Pittsburgh. The whole city went nuts Friday night and I was out at Steelhouse in Station Square for the game. It was a great atmosphere to watch the game and an even better atmosphere to celebrate the win! Instead of posting pictures I made a video you can check it out below. Check out my Stanley Cup Champs Flickr set for all the pictures from the night.

602 2009-06-15 17:56:04 2009-06-15 21:56:04 open open stanley-cup-champs publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267266039 _edit_lock 1245103046 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:18:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 38155 2009-07-06 05:17:13 2009-07-06 09:17:13 Pozycjonowanie Poznan’s last blog post..Odsiwiacz]]> 1 0 0 37891 2009-06-20 20:13:31 2009-06-21 00:13:31 Love Poems & Love Quotes’s last blog post..Either Make Money Or Make A Million Dollars For Her]]> 1 0 0 38015 2009-07-01 07:17:50 2009-07-01 11:17:50 1 0 0 37804 2009-06-16 15:59:05 2009-06-16 19:59:05 1 0 0 37800 2009-06-16 06:31:06 2009-06-16 10:31:06 1 0 0 40249 2010-01-13 00:13:45 2010-01-13 04:13:45 1 0 0
Pandora Internet Radio Wed, 24 Jun 2009 19:01:37 +0000
If there is one thing that gets me through the long work day sitting at my computer it is music. Music puts you in a good mood and you can listen to a variety of different music depending on your mood. Sometimes I want to listen to techno when I need to get pumped up or have a long night of work ahead of me, other times I want to listen to something chill like Coldplay. The thing is I have a few different playlist's setup in my iTunes and it just gets boring to listening to the same thing over and over again.

I had heard of Pandora a while ago especially when all of the internet radio laws were being talked about, but I never really checked it out. Then I heard about it again when the iPhone App came out. Finally last week I decided to check it out and I'm glad that I did. Pandora is not your typical online radio station. You can pick specific types of music like Hip Hop, Jazz, Rock, etc, but you can actually type in an artist or song same and Pandora will try to find songs not only by that artist but songs that are similar. The best thing about this service is that it is free, there is the occasional ad every 10 songs or something like that, but being able to listen to new music everyday for free is great.

So say you are listening to something and you don't like what's playing you can give it a thumbs down and songs like it will not be played anymore. I had to do this because when I put in Coldplay it kept on wanting to play Dave Mathews Band and I can't stand them so THUMBS DOWN and I don't have to hear them again. Pandora not only lets me listen to music, but it also helps me find new artists and songs that I might have never heard of before. The best thing about Pandora is that you can listen to it at anytime as long as you have a computer or iPhone! So if you are getting bored of your normal music try Pandora!]]>
604 2009-06-24 15:01:37 2009-06-24 19:01:37 open open pandora-internet-radio publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267292558 _edit_lock 1245870098 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:53:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:18:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 38176 2009-07-06 15:39:45 2009-07-06 19:39:45 1 0 0 38154 2009-07-06 05:15:53 2009-07-06 09:15:53 Pozycjonowanie Poznan’s last blog post..Odsiwiacz]]> 1 0 0 38359 2009-07-21 02:06:18 2009-07-21 06:06:18 1 38176 0 37951 2009-06-25 04:03:10 2009-06-25 08:03:10 1 0 0 37947 2009-06-24 16:38:33 2009-06-24 20:38:33 Shawn Knight’s last blog post..Conan’s New Super Mario Bros. Set]]> 1 0 0 37977 2009-06-26 23:59:57 2009-06-27 03:59:57 josh zehtabchi’s last blog post..About V2interactive:]]> 1 0 0 38017 2009-07-01 07:20:32 2009-07-01 11:20:32 1 0 0
June 2009 Thoughts Sun, 05 Jul 2009 20:25:02 +0000 Its funny how fast time flies when you are busy and enjoying things. June when by so fast it's crazy! I really hope the summer isn't like this! I have been busy with of course ThinkComputers and adjusting to life in the new apartment, which I love. As promised I will have a post about the new apartment very soon. Last month was once again a slow month for blogging and I am changing that this month. I am relaunching this blog, I hate when I see blogs that I enjopyed reading die out and I don't want that to happen to this blog so I have quite a few posts ready to go so expect a lot more content on here! Out of the 6 posts from last month my favoite was What is Your Escape?.

Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let's take a look...

Good to see some old posts getting traffic.

Traffic Sources
Wow interesting to see how many people are clicking those links I post on Twitter via HootSuite.

Top Commentators
As expected I forgot to take a screenshot for this month's top commentators. Hopefully next month I will remember! Stats
Nice to see everything going up, hope that trend continues!

On to July
Well summer is upon us and it has hard to break away from all the fun that summer brings, but like I said expect a lot more content here on the blog!]]>
605 2009-07-05 16:25:02 2009-07-05 20:25:02 open open june-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267209531 _edit_lock 1251552517 _edit_last 226 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:49:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:18:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 38159 2009-07-06 05:47:40 2009-07-06 09:47:40 1 0 0 38174 2009-07-06 13:41:16 2009-07-06 17:41:16 post -> write method, but since I was getting behind I have quite a few posts ready to go...]]> 1 38153 1 38153 2009-07-06 05:14:21 2009-07-06 09:14:21 Pozycjonowanie Poznan’s last blog post..Odsiwiacz]]> 1 0 0 38151 2009-07-06 01:56:33 2009-07-06 05:56:33 Free Arcade Games’s last blog post..Warrior Doll]]> 1 0 0 38175 2009-07-06 15:29:28 2009-07-06 19:29:28 1 0 0 38179 2009-07-06 17:33:52 2009-07-06 21:33:52 josh zehtabchi’s last blog post..About V2interactive:]]> 1 0 0
The New Apartment Mon, 06 Jul 2009 21:05:31 +0000 As I said in my May 2009 thoughts post I would show you guys my new apartment! The apartment is right around the Shadyside / Squirrel Hill area right off Fifth Ave. I really like this area a lot; it is right around the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, and Chatham College so there is a lot of young people in the area. It also has some great restaurants and shops on Walnut street and Forbes Ave. in Squirrel Hill. This is probably the closest I’ve lived to the actual city of Pittsburgh, and technically we are inside the city limits. The area has a much more urban feel and I like that.

We live in an old house that has been converted into apartments, we have the entire second floor. We decided on this apartment because it had recently been renovated with central air and is all electric, which means no gas bill. Also it is quite large for the area. Here are some pictures of the new apartment.

The living room

The Kitchen, all new appliances and marble countertops

My roommate’s room

His bathroom

My bedroom

My bathroom

The office

My setup

It is nice finally having my own place again, although I was only stuck at my parents for a few months it was hard to get focused and get work done. The new place still needs a few things and we hope to make it more comfortable and relaxing, but for now it is great. This is a 3 bedroom apartment so we are using the master bedroom as an office so we have a place to get work done, and we can go into the living room or our bedrooms and relax. Separating work and relaxation is very important. If you have any questions about the new apartment feel free to ask! ]]>
606 2009-07-06 17:05:31 2009-07-06 21:05:31 open open the-new-apartment publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no twittercomments a:0:{} tweetbackscheck 1267205284 _edit_lock 1246916358 _edit_last 1 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:48:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:18:"";s:5:"bitly";s:20:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} tweetcount 0 38361 2009-07-21 02:16:14 2009-07-21 06:16:14 1 0 0 38184 2009-07-07 04:27:46 2009-07-07 08:27:46 1 0 0 38178 2009-07-06 17:30:35 2009-07-06 21:30:35 josh zehtabchi’s last blog post..About V2interactive:]]> 1 0 0 38177 2009-07-06 17:18:57 2009-07-06 21:18:57 Sean’s last blog post..Happy Fourth of July]]> 1 0 0 38180 2009-07-06 17:47:40 2009-07-06 21:47:40 Colin Dean’s last blog post..Out of SPNG, 7% profit, back in and holding]]> 1 0 0 38247 2009-07-11 04:41:29 2009-07-11 08:41:29 1 0 0 38232 2009-07-10 01:44:14 2009-07-10 05:44:14 Free Arcade Games’s last blog post..Scrawlder]]> 1 0 0
ThinkComputers Publishes It's 1000th Review! Tue, 07 Jul 2009 21:41:59 +0000 Wow just a little while ago back in December I was talking about ThinkComputers 900th review, now ThinkComputers is over 1000 reviews! Making it to review #1000 really means a lot and thinking back over those 1000 reviews it has been quite a fun ride! The site started as my senior project for school way back in 2001 and we started reviewing things in early 2002. From there it grew and grew and now it is my full time job and I love what I do. I never thought it would turn out like it has but I am really glad it has! I want to thank Colin Dean, Greg Baden, Frank Stroupe, Michael Kwan, and everyone else that has helped out with ThinkComputers over the years! Here are some of my favorite reviews since review #900... So whats next? Well we will continue to publish reviews and hopefully keep on getting more and more traffic to the site. Hopefully we can reach 2000 reviews faster than we did the first 1000!]]> 613 2009-07-07 17:41:59 2009-07-07 21:41:59 open open thinkcomputers-publishes-its-1000th-review publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:73:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:18:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} tweetbackscheck 1267290677 _edit_lock 1247003291 _edit_last 1 twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 38221 2009-07-09 11:54:17 2009-07-09 15:54:17 1 38211 1 38243 2009-07-10 12:23:24 2009-07-10 16:23:24 1 38231 1 38198 2009-07-07 19:56:44 2009-07-07 23:56:44 Michael Kwan’s last blog post..Who Defines Who You Are?]]> 1 0 0 38200 2009-07-07 20:39:24 2009-07-08 00:39:24 Colin Dean’s last blog post..Out of SPNG, 7% profit, back in and holding]]> 1 0 0 38211 2009-07-08 16:21:21 2009-07-08 20:21:21 1 0 0 38207 2009-07-08 04:15:47 2009-07-08 08:15:47 1 0 0 38213 2009-07-08 18:18:00 2009-07-08 22:18:00 1 0 0 38246 2009-07-11 04:39:08 2009-07-11 08:39:08 1 0 0 38231 2009-07-10 01:39:09 2009-07-10 05:39:09 Free Arcade Games’s last blog post..Scrawlder]]> 1 0 0 38277 2009-07-13 15:23:20 2009-07-13 19:23:20 Bigman’s last blog post..Patriot Doubles their Cache for SSD]]> 1 0 0 City of Champions Parade Mon, 13 Jul 2009 21:25:48 +0000 This was another post that I meant to get done last month, but with everything going on I didn’t have time to finish it. After the Pens won the Stanley Cup the city of Pittsburgh celebrated the victory by holding a City of Champions parade downtown. You know me being a crazy hockey fan I would be down there! My friend Jason and I headed down around 10AM and it was already packed! People had been getting there since 5AM! We ended up getting a pretty good spot right along the parade route. I of course brought my camera and took as many pictures as I could. You can see them all in my Flickr set. City officials said that over 375,000 people showed up for the parade, which was more than the Steelers parade in February! It was a great way to spend the afternoon and definitely good to see the cup back in Pittsburgh!

Here are some of the pictures that I took…

615 2009-07-13 17:25:48 2009-07-13 21:25:48 open open city-of-champions-parade publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no tweetbackscheck 1267244426 _edit_lock 1253189223 _edit_last 226 shorturls a:7:{s:9:"permalink";s:55:"";s:7:"tinyurl";s:25:"";s:4:"isgd";s:18:"";s:5:"bitly";s:19:"";s:5:"snipr";s:22:"";s:5:"snurl";s:22:"";s:7:"snipurl";s:24:"";} twittercomments a:0:{} tweetcount 0 38286 2009-07-14 17:13:09 2009-07-14 21:13:09 1 0 0 38304 2009-07-16 15:06:13 2009-07-16 19:06:13 Perfect Shot =-.]]> 1 0 0 39101 2009-09-03 08:52:51 2009-09-03 12:52:51 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0
The 4th of July in Pittsburgh Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:34:17 +0000 For the first time in quite a few years I actually went out and did something on the 4th of July. This year I decided to go hang out with friends and try and enjoy the day. We all headed down to station square and once down there we walked across the Fort Pitt Bridge to the point where they had boat racing and other water events going on. From there we walked across the Fort Duquesne bridge to the north shore where most of the regatta events were going on. We got to check out some freestyle motocross, which I had never seen live, and there was other fun things to do like rock climbing and some other games. Also there was a ton of food, which everyone seemed to like. The weather was a little overcast, but luckily there was no rain, which would have ruined the day.

A few of my friends tried the "hard" side of the rock climbing wall. If you were to complete it you would win $100. No one that we watched in the 30+ minutes we were standing there made it more than a few feet off the ground on the hard side. It was funny to watch them try though! We finally headed back over to station square to watch the fireworks and relax after the long day of walking around. The fireworks were pretty good and I have to say this was one of the best 4th of July's that I've had in quite a while! Here is a quick video that I made of the day...

]]> 616 2009-07-17 16:34:17 2009-07-17 20:34:17 open open the-4th-of-july-in-pittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1247862893 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267298175 38323 2009-07-18 11:31:53 2009-07-18 15:31:53 Jacksonville, Florida Fireworks =-.]]> 1 0 0 38352 2009-07-20 11:50:08 2009-07-20 15:50:08 Bladder Infection And Its Remedies =-.]]> 1 0 0 38360 2009-07-21 02:08:44 2009-07-21 06:08:44 1 0 0 38322 2009-07-18 07:19:59 2009-07-18 11:19:59 1 0 0 Setting the Right Goals Sun, 19 Jul 2009 22:50:33 +0000 Setting goals is something you should always do. Goals give you direction and help you stay focused on the task at hand. The thing is people often set the wrong goals for themselves and when they do not accomplish them they tend to get discouraged and that just leads to them being unproductive. I always have goals set for myself, but most of the time they are realistic. Just like I said I really don't set goals that are too high because I know they cannot be accomplished, but I do set strong goals that will keep me motivated. There are 3 types of goals I usually have: daily goals, monthly goals, and long term goals.

Daily Goals
Let's start with daily goals, now don't get this confused with a to-do list. A daily goal would be like finish the to-do list. My daily goals usually consist of completing my to-do list, doing some sort of exercise or workout, and getting ready for the next day. My daily goals are usually easy to accomplish, but if I for some reason do not get them done I do not get bummed out because the daily goals are just to keep me on track.

Monthly Goals
Months goals are great to set and they really do keep you on track and keep you motivated. Once again don't see these really high, but high enough to keep you working hard towards those goals. My monthly goals are usually things like, post at least 15 reviews on ThinkComputers, post more blog posts than I did last month, lose 5lbs, etc. These goals are pretty easy to accomplish, but they keep me from slacking off. That's a good thing, because there needs to be something to keep me motivated!

Long Term Goals
I'm sure everyone has some type of long term goals. Just like everyone else I do too. Luckily for me I have actually accomplished one of my long term goals, which was make a living online. Even though I have accomplished one of my long term goals I do have a few more. These are the high goals for me. One's that might take me quite a while to accomplish. When you are setting long term goals make it something that you can strive towards that will give you motivation when you are thinking of it.

Whatever your goals are make sure they are a mixture of easy to accomplish and hard goals, that way accomplishing the easy ones gives you motivation to work hard towards the hard ones. ]]>
618 2009-07-19 18:50:33 2009-07-19 22:50:33 open open setting-the-right-goals publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1248043834 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267248865
Pittsburgh's First TasteCasting - Melange Bistro Bar Mon, 20 Jul 2009 19:25:04 +0000
A while ago I was invited into the Pittsburgh TasteCasting group. TasteCasting is a team of people that get invited to restaurants and eateries for a complementary tasting. In exchange the team members share their experience with their collective networks of friends on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. The Pittsburgh TasteCasting group is a new addition to the ever growing number of cities that have TasteCasting groups. The first TasteCasting was at Melange Bistro Bar in downtown Pittsburgh. I rarely eat downtown so I was excited to check it out. Melange is located at 136 sixth street, which is baiscally a walk from anywhere in the cultural district of downtown. Melange is a new restaurant opened on March 7th, so you probably have not heard about it.

The atmosphere inside the resturant is great, it gives you a relaxing feeling. One thing I really liked was all of the large photographs on the wall. There restuarant can probably fit around 50 people, maybe a little more. There is a full bar and they even had a live DJ mixing music all night.

The name Melange means mixture in French and that is what Melange wants to offer it's customers, great food from all over the world. Our tasting started with beet chips with fruit salsa. This was something totally different for me and it was great! I could eat the fruit salsa all day! It was made of fresh melons, mango, cilantro, and a touch of vinegar.

Next we had crab cakes topped with a balsamic glaze. They are normally stuff with smoked salmon, but for us they had the salmon in the middle of the plate.

To show us that they offer foods for everyone they next served us a sampler plate of 4 of their entrees. It included chicken marsala over parmesan potatoes, shrimp scampi over a bed of rice pilaf, spiced lamb with curried cous cous, and duck breast with blueberry glaze. Out of the 4 entrees the duck was my favorite.

Finally we were served Tiramisu for dessert. It was a great way to finish off the tasting and it tasted great!

After eating a Melange I would definitely go back! They have something for everyone on the menu! Chef Noxon was very nice and came out and explained all of the dishes to us. They have specials if you work in the city and show you ID, which is nice. If I worked downtown Melange would be a great relaxing place to spend my lunch break. Melange is very web-savvy too, you can make reservations online and they even have a twitter account, @melange_bistro. You can follow them and they tweet out specials and other events that they have going on. You can see all of the pictures I took at the event in my Flickr set. Here is a short video Carley and I made...

Thanks to Melange and TasteCasting for this great event!]]>
619 2009-07-20 15:25:04 2009-07-20 19:25:04 open open pittsburghs-first-tastecasting-melange-bistro-bar publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1248124472 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267168997 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 38377 2009-07-22 10:13:33 2009-07-22 14:13:33 About V2interactive: =-.]]> 1 0 0 38383 2009-07-22 17:15:04 2009-07-22 21:15:04 Paper Planes =-.]]> 1 0 0 38504 2009-07-30 23:01:21 2009-07-31 03:01:21 Three step to clean up your blog at no cost =-.]]> 1 0 0 38570 2009-08-03 05:14:45 2009-08-03 09:14:45 1 0 0
3 Free Marketing Tools Your Website Should Have Sat, 25 Jul 2009 23:02:02 +0000 If there is one thing that everyone want's for their website or's traffic. It's great when your blog or website gets traffic. It can make you money, get you more members, or just get more people interested in what you are writing about. Many people think that you have to pay to get a lot of traffic, but there many free options when it comes to bringing people to your website and once they are at your website getting them to come back. Repeat traffic is great and you always want people who come to your site to return again. So here are 3 free marketing tools that you can use to bring people to your website and keep them coming back.

RSS Feed
Now this is basically common sense for most site owners and bloggers, but if you don't have a blog you might not have an RSS feed. An RSS feed is a simple file that when read correctly through an RSS reader lets people know the latest updates of your website, or anything really. With blogs your RSS feed is automatically generated so you really don't have much to worry about, but with regular sites like ThinkComputers I have the write the RSS feed myself. It is an easy process and if I didn't do it I would be missing out on the 600+ RSS readers that ThinkComputers has. You can use services like FeedBurner to track RSS subscribers.

E-mail Newletter
An e-mail newsletter is something else that a website should really have, especially if your site does not have an RSS feed. An e-mail newsletter, just like an RSS feed allows you to update users on whats going on, but in a more personal way since it delivers the message right into their inbox. You can have a e-mail newsletter that is sent out once a month just to update users on whats going on or have a daily one with your daily content it is totally up to you. If you don't want to take the time to really write an e-mail newsletter, you can have FeedBurner deliver your RSS feed via e-mail to users.

Of course you know this had to be on the list. Twitter really has become a great marketing tool and what's even better is that it's free. Many people I know think Twitter is just stupid or they don't understand it. Look at it this way, I currently have over 5000 followers on Twitter. Every time I send out a message on Twitter 5000+ eyes see it, even if they don't click the link in the tweet or are interested in what I have to say they still see it. Being able to reach that many people for free is definitely a plus, you wonder why Twitter has become so popular over the past year.]]>
622 2009-07-25 19:02:02 2009-07-25 23:02:02 open open 3-free-marketing-tools-your-website-should-have publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1248562923 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267232604 38448 2009-07-27 03:16:46 2009-07-27 07:16:46 Boomerpop =-.]]> 1 0 0 38503 2009-07-30 23:00:11 2009-07-31 03:00:11 Three step to clean up your blog at no cost =-.]]> 1 0 0 38513 2009-07-31 04:42:26 2009-07-31 08:42:26 1 0 0 38571 2009-08-03 05:26:32 2009-08-03 09:26:32 1 0 0 38658 2009-08-06 12:09:52 2009-08-06 16:09:52 1 0 0 38662 2009-08-06 12:13:43 2009-08-06 16:13:43 1 0 0
In Myrtle Beach for a Week Mon, 27 Jul 2009 18:53:25 +0000 If you follow me on Twitter you know that I’m at the beach! Finally a much needed vacation! Last year I really didn’t get much of a vacation at all, I mean I did go on the CST mountain adventure, but that was only a weekend and it was only about an hour outside of Pittsburgh. This time I’m at the beach 11 hours away from Pittsburgh! Earlier in the year when my friends talked about the trip I was totally excited about it because I haven’t been to the beach in 2 years! We are staying in North Myrtle Beach, which is in on the South Carolina coast.

We are not staying right on the beach, but on the bayside. Many people like to stay on the beach, but we are not in a hotel room we have a full-sized house! This house is extremely nice and is only a 5 minute drive to the beach. It gives us a nice place to relax and get away from the craziness of the beach. Also we have a full kitchen, etc so we are not eating out every day of the trip.

I have been here since Friday and I love it so far. Since it is a really relaxing atmosphere I can still get work done and not be all stressed out. We plan on staying till Thursday or Friday. The weather has been nice and the beach is awesome! Be sure to follow me on Twitter as I will be updating it a lot during the trip! ]]>
623 2009-07-27 14:53:25 2009-07-27 18:53:25 open open in-myrtle-beach-for-a-week publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1248720807 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267175605 38453 2009-07-27 15:54:57 2009-07-27 19:54:57 Do All These Megabytes Make Me Look Fat? =-.]]> 1 0 0 38572 2009-08-03 05:36:40 2009-08-03 09:36:40 1 0 0 38573 2009-08-03 05:39:17 2009-08-03 09:39:17 1 0 0 38470 2009-07-28 15:45:25 2009-07-28 19:45:25 Crazy Go Nuts 2 =-.]]> 1 0 0 38478 2009-07-29 01:57:32 2009-07-29 05:57:32 Spending Money on Guilty Pleasures =-.]]> 1 0 0 38505 2009-07-30 23:02:04 2009-07-31 03:02:04 Three step to clean up your blog at no cost =-.]]> 1 0 0 38569 2009-08-03 05:03:05 2009-08-03 09:03:05 1 0 0 38657 2009-08-06 12:07:12 2009-08-06 16:07:12 1 0 0 38661 2009-08-06 12:12:31 2009-08-06 16:12:31 1 0 0
July 2009 Thoughts Mon, 03 Aug 2009 17:33:07 +0000 Wow another month that has flown by! I guess that what happens in the summer it seems like it goes by so fast! This month was a very productive one for me! ThinkComputers has really been pushing out content and our traffic has been up a lot. Since being in my new apartment it seems I'm getting more work done and I'm definitely more motivated! Now as far as the blog goes I did manage more posts than last month, but I would have liked do to more, but I was away in Myrtle Beach for a week! My favorite post from July would have to be Pittsburgh’s First TasteCasting – Melange Bistro Bar, TasteCasting is a great idea and I'm glad to be part of it.

Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let's take a look...

Interesting that 3 iPhone App posts are up in the top 5 posts.

Traffic Sources
It seems traffic is still coming from the same sources, hopefully that will change soon!

Top Commentators
As expected I forgot to take a screenshot for this month's top commentators. Hopefully next month I will remember!

Once again another month with all of the stats going up! Hope I keep that trend going!

On to August
Wow summer is almost over! I still hope to get away for a weekend and as always I hope to improve the number of posts here on the blog. I've been having some trouble trying to find things to blog about so if you have anything you would like me to write about please let me know! ]]>
624 2009-08-03 13:33:07 2009-08-03 17:33:07 open open july-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1249320790 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1266961418 38585 2009-08-03 13:39:08 2009-08-03 17:39:08 About V2interactive: =-.]]> 1 0 0 38691 2009-08-07 21:06:22 2009-08-08 01:06:22 How to Earn Commission from linkshare | affiliate program =-.]]> 1 38669 0 38669 2009-08-06 18:39:24 2009-08-06 22:39:24 Neon Maze =-.]]> 1 0 0 38597 2009-08-04 04:57:36 2009-08-04 08:57:36 1 0 0 38749 2009-08-11 10:50:05 2009-08-11 14:50:05 1 0 0 38590 2009-08-03 21:35:53 2009-08-04 01:35:53 1 0 0 38591 2009-08-03 21:37:29 2009-08-04 01:37:29 Enjoy fast food at popeyes chicken and biscuit restaurant =-.]]> 1 38585 0 38881 2009-08-20 14:38:02 2009-08-20 18:38:02 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 38656 2009-08-06 12:06:34 2009-08-06 16:06:34 1 0 0 38660 2009-08-06 12:12:04 2009-08-06 16:12:04 1 0 0 38677 2009-08-07 02:05:28 2009-08-07 06:05:28 1 0 0
Make Money Online with Super-Resell Wed, 05 Aug 2009 22:07:28 +0000
The following is a paid review:

I’m asked all the time by many people how can I make money online? I mean it really isn’t the easiest question to answer, especially if I really don’t know the person asking the question. Well recently I was shown a website that not only can make you money online, but really makes it easy. I really never thought of making money this way, I thought the only way you could do something like this was through affiliate marketing, but I was wrong.

Super-Resell is a directory of over 1000 resell right products that you can download and resell for pure profit. So what is a resell right product? They can be anything from eBooks, software, scripts, to audio books. Looking through the website there is quite a few products that I wouldn’t mind reading myself. You may be thinking that the products are all about the internet or something like that, but they have all types of products like eBooks on fly fishing and audio books on marking. There really is a wide variety of products available for download.

All Ready to Go
So you want to resell these products, but you don’t know how to create a website, don’t worry Super-Resell has you covered! On the website they have a list of products with ready-made websites that come with them. So not only are you getting a product that you have the resell right’s to you are getting a ready-made website that you can sell the product from, it does not get much easier than that!

Also they have Turnkey websites that you can download, which are free websites that a pre-made and ready to make you money right off the bat. I have used turnkey websites in the past and they are a great source of passive income.

Is it worth it?
You would think with the access to all of these eBooks, software, etc that the price of membership at Super-Resell would be well over $100, but you get access to everything for only $37! Some of the products that you have access to sell for more than that! So if you make one sale you are making the money back that you already spent on the membership. Also as a member you get unlimited download of all current and future products listed on the website. Not a bad deal right there!

Would I Recommend It? So if you asked me how to make money online would I recommend Super-Resell to you? Most definitely! First the membership is only $37, which is a very low price to get started and you will make that back very quickly selling just a few products. Also the variety and large number of products available means you always have something you can sell. I think the thing that really sold me on this service was the packages that come with ready-made websites. That means if someone does not have that much experience with the internet they don’t have to worry about making a website to resell the right product. If you are looking for a new income stream go ahead and try Super-Resell.

625 2009-08-05 18:07:28 2009-08-05 22:07:28 open open make-money-online-with-super-resell publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1249510077 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1266854125 38927 2009-08-22 07:04:46 2009-08-22 11:04:46 1 0 0 38643 2009-08-05 21:10:26 2009-08-06 01:10:26 How to choose keyword for make money with adsense =-.]]> 1 0 0 38959 2009-08-24 08:38:12 2009-08-24 12:38:12 1 38880 0 38726 2009-08-10 02:29:43 2009-08-10 06:29:43 1 38659 1 38675 2009-08-07 00:26:56 2009-08-07 04:26:56 1 0 0 38860 2009-08-19 05:50:00 2009-08-19 09:50:00 1 0 0 38748 2009-08-11 10:49:06 2009-08-11 14:49:06 1 0 0 38732 2009-08-10 14:14:36 2009-08-10 18:14:36 1 0 0 38880 2009-08-20 14:33:28 2009-08-20 18:33:28 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 38648 2009-08-06 04:09:52 2009-08-06 08:09:52 1 0 0 38655 2009-08-06 12:01:22 2009-08-06 16:01:22 1 0 0 38659 2009-08-06 12:11:06 2009-08-06 16:11:06 1 0 0 38676 2009-08-07 02:03:45 2009-08-07 06:03:45 1 0 0
Why Social Media Isn't Going Away Mon, 10 Aug 2009 15:45:24 +0000 Ahh good old social media, if you want to know what exactly I'm talking about Wikipedia defines social media as online content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. Social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content; it supports the human need for social interaction with technology, transforming broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). So social media is basically sharing information with a lot of people and creating a conversation around that information. Just like when I'm done publishing this blog post I will link it on Twitter, which then updates my Facebook. All of that also ends up on my FriendFeed.

Social media is huge now! With the Twitter explosion this year and Facebook last year it seems everyone wants to share information and it just keeps on growing and growing. Now you see big companies using Twitter and Facebook with great success and it is not only helping them with their business but also helping them build their online identity. So is this all a fad? Is it just going to go away? I really don't think so and here a few reasons why.

Targeted Audience
This is huge! With social media it is not like you are sending out a mass e-mail to a bunch of random people, people have to follow you on Twitter, join your group or fan page on Facebook, and subscribe to your videos on YouTube. This means people are actually interested in what you have to say or your product. That means if you are promoting something the people who are going to see it will most likely be interested in purchase the product or service.

Easy To Use
Another thing that's great is that sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are really easy to get your profile setup and running. Anyone with the slightest bit of computer knowledge can start using social media sites with ease. Once you get the hang of how each service works you can start using them to their full potential.

There a over 250 million active users on facebook and probably what like 15 million users on Twitter? So let's say 10,000 people think you are interesting on Twitter and you send out a Tweet, that's 10,000 people that see that message! Most likely you have more followers than RSS readers and more followers than subscribers to you e-mail newsletter, so that means people who might not have even know about your website or product will know about it! Using social media gives you a much larger audience then just your website or blog would.

Its Free!
This is the reason you should be using social media, it's free! It costs nothing to setup a Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube account. Just a few minutes of your time and you are good to go. I bet if you told someone 5 years ago there would be a free service that would allow you to market to hundreds or even thousands of people they would just laugh at you, but now it's a reality and if you are not using social media then you should be! ]]>
628 2009-08-10 11:45:24 2009-08-10 15:45:24 open open why-social-media-isnt-going-away publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1249919125 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267174496 38755 2009-08-11 18:34:27 2009-08-11 22:34:27 About V2interactive: =-.]]> 1 0 0 38859 2009-08-19 05:42:20 2009-08-19 09:42:20 1 0 0 38747 2009-08-11 10:47:19 2009-08-11 14:47:19 1 0 0 38731 2009-08-10 14:12:33 2009-08-10 18:12:33 1 0 0 38757 2009-08-11 21:12:48 2009-08-12 01:12:48 Free advertise on my blog - win the prize =-.]]> 1 0 0 38879 2009-08-20 14:29:39 2009-08-20 18:29:39 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 38742 2009-08-11 05:38:07 2009-08-11 09:38:07 1 0 0
Getting Into Tea Thu, 20 Aug 2009 19:35:23 +0000
Surprisingly enough I had never had any type of tea up until last year. The first tea I had was at Pho Minh, a Vietnamese place here in Pittsburgh. I really enjoyed it and started looking into tea, and since I watch Diggnation and follow Kevin Rose on twitter, I learned about loose tea. So I went online and found an infuser, tea pot, beginner set of tea, and a tin of jasmine pearls, because that was the type of tea they served at Pho Minh. So why use loose tea? Most people I know that drink tea use tea bags, but tea bags usually consist of smaller pieces of tea leaves that give a stronger, quicker brew, but lack the fine quality of larger loose leaf tea. That means tea bags will have a more harsh flavor and since they lack the quality of loose leaf tea you can not re-brewed over and over like you can do with loose leaf tea.

So how do you brew loose leaf tea? First you need an infuser, I got the glass mug & infuser from Adagio, which is great for brewing tea for 1 person. Now take your tea and put the proper amount in the infuser (you can look this up online, but most teas will have a label that tells you how much to put in per cup and how long to brew). Today I am brewing the Jasmine Pearls from Adagio, so I just put the infuser in the mug and boil water. Once the water is boiling just pour it in the in mug with the infuser and close it up. Now just let it brew for the designated time then take the infuser out and your ready to drink the tea!

The thing that is great about loose leaf tea is that you can re-brew it quite a few times before it loses flavor. So besides the fact that tea tastes good, why drink it? There are many health benefits, just a few I will go over here. First tea is practically calorie-free and can play a major role in maintaining bodily fluid balance. Many teas contain anti-oxidants, which may help to reduce the risk of cancer. Tea contains polyphenols, which are thought to help inhibit the absorption of cholesterol into the blood stream and help prevent the formation of blood clots. And the best part is the tea contains caffeine, which we all need from time to time and why not get the caffeine jolt from something that is good for you!

So where should you start? If you want to look online Adagio is a great place to start. You can get the infuser and 4 sample teas for under $20! They also have the Jasmine Pearls I was talking about, which is probably my favorite everyday tea as of right now. If you want a more hands on experience you can see if Teavana has a location near you. They just opened a location in Ross Park Mall here in Pittsburgh.

I just starting to get into tea and I love it! If you ever had doubts about tea go ahead and try and out and see if you like it. ]]>
629 2009-08-20 15:35:23 2009-08-20 19:35:23 open open getting-into-tea publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1250838298 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267174492 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 38895 2009-08-20 21:18:19 2009-08-21 01:18:19 Test the compatibility of your blog – blogging killer tips =-.]]> 1 0 0 38903 2009-08-21 03:22:20 2009-08-21 07:22:20 1 0 0 38893 2009-08-20 17:11:20 2009-08-20 21:11:20 Which is Better? A Pack Rat or a Trash-It-All? =-.]]> 1 0 0 38923 2009-08-22 01:06:17 2009-08-22 05:06:17 1 0 0 39140 2009-09-06 18:05:41 2009-09-06 22:05:41 Pixel =-.]]> 1 0 0 38963 2009-08-24 11:07:45 2009-08-24 15:07:45 1 0 0 38960 2009-08-24 10:58:45 2009-08-24 14:58:45 1 0 0
Turning 25... Fri, 21 Aug 2009 15:41:09 +0000 I guess after 21 this is the next big birthday...Well I turn 25 today! Thinking back on the last 25 years of my life is crazy, just thinking that I've been alive for 25 years is crazy in itself. When you are young you always imagine what you will be doing when you are 25 and honestly I couldn't even imagine that I would be running my own company. I always knew I wanted to do something with computers, but I never thought ThinkComputers would actually be my full time job. I thought I would be working in some boring office, having a crappy boss, and everyday being the same. But since going full time with ThinkComputers every day brings something different and there is always something exciting going on. Besides computers I really never thought about doing anything else with my life, and I'm really glad how things have turned out. It's crazy to think back and if you didn't make certain decisions you life could be totally different...

I think I've really done a lot of growing up the past few years. I realized that it really takes hard work to make it in this world and that's why I work so hard at ThinkComputers. I know if I'm able to make a living off of it I can make it better and better, it just takes hard work. Nothing really comes easy, you have to really be dedicated and work at it. I've also come to appreciate things a lot more, especially my good friends. Really good friends are hard to come by and as you get older you really realize who your true friends are. There are only a few people that I can really call my good friends and I really appreciate their friendship.

As I said I'm very happy with my life right now I've been able to experience a lot that I couldn't even imagine doing when I was growing up. Going to CES every year is such a treat and it is probably the best time I have all year. Probably because it is a mix of work and partying all at the same time. Just being able to travel to different cities and I haven't been to before is something I never thought about before and I'm glad I'm able to do it. Being able to travel and go to events I have been able to meet some really great people that not only have helped my business, but have become really good friends. I was also in a very serious 3 year relationship that ended about a year ago. I really think that it was a good thing for me because it really taught me not only about myself but about everything. It is something that I think everyone should go through at least once in their life.

Sorry if this post was a little off the wall, just thoughts that were going through my head at the time that I had to write down. I hope the next 5 years of my life are as great as the past 5 have been... ]]>
631 2009-08-21 11:41:09 2009-08-21 15:41:09 open open turning-25 publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1250869270 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267303594 38909 2009-08-21 14:44:05 2009-08-21 18:44:05 I turned a quarter century a couple years ago. Working online from home may be hard work sometimes, but it's definitely worth it. .-= Michael Kwan´s last blog ..Which is Better? A Pack Rat or a Trash-It-All? =-.]]> 1 0 0 38914 2009-08-21 20:51:19 2009-08-22 00:51:19 1 0 0 38917 2009-08-21 21:18:37 2009-08-22 01:18:37 1 0 0 38922 2009-08-22 01:04:01 2009-08-22 05:04:01 1 0 0 38910 2009-08-21 15:08:28 2009-08-21 19:08:28 1 0 0 38955 2009-08-24 04:19:37 2009-08-24 08:19:37 1 0 0 38962 2009-08-24 11:03:29 2009-08-24 15:03:29 1 0 0 38961 2009-08-24 10:59:25 2009-08-24 14:59:25 1 0 0
Castaways Outside Inn Wed, 26 Aug 2009 15:05:26 +0000
Last week I headed out to Bridgeville for Pittsburgh’s second TasteCasting event! This time it was held at Castaways outside Inn, which is located right on the main drag in downtown Bridgeville. The place really isn’t hard to miss with the bright yellow awning. Castaways calls themselves a sports bar / restaurant and that is exactly what they are. Some of best food that I’ve had has been at a bar! When you come into Castaways there is a large bar area and some restaurant seating in the back. If you walk around the corner there is a door that leads to the outside area. Most of the outside area is covered, which if you know Pittsburgh weather that is a good thing! The outside area has another large bar and quite a few tables for people to sit at.

Instead of us ordering food we were served buffet style, which is nice because you get to try quite a few of their selections and you may try things you might not order regularly. They had potato salad, wings, ribs, pulled pork, and fried green beans.

Castaways is known for their wings and on Thursdays from 5:00-11:00 PM they have FREE WINGS! That’s right free wings! I don’t know of any place in Pittsburgh that does this! No one can complain about free food! I started off with a plate of wings and pulled pork. Castaways had all of their sauces out and I tried all of them. My favorite was the honey jalapeno, which has a very distinct flavor; nothing that I have tasted from any other wing place. The pulled pork was great, I could eat it all day! My second plate was mostly the ribs, which had caramelized onions on top. The ribs were cooked perfectly and fell right off the bone! I think I almost ate an entire rack myself!

The atmosphere inside and outside of Castaways was great and I wouldn’t mind spending a night here just relaxing and having a few drinks with friends. This place definitely has to be packed during Steelers and Penguin games! If you are local to Bridgeville definitely check out Castaways, you will not be disappointed!

Are you a local Pittsburgh blogger and want to be part of Pittsburgh TasteCasting? We are looking for more members so if you are interested please contact me! ]]>
635 2009-08-26 11:05:26 2009-08-26 15:05:26 open open castaways-outside-inn publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 1 _edit_lock 1251299127 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267199503 39106 2009-09-03 12:23:00 2009-09-03 16:23:00 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 39005 2009-08-26 21:07:38 2009-08-27 01:07:38 Bing versus Google for the most powerful search engine =-.]]> 1 0 0 39139 2009-09-06 18:03:24 2009-09-06 22:03:24 Pixel =-.]]> 1 0 0 39002 2009-08-26 14:12:08 2009-08-26 18:12:08 1 0 0 39028 2009-08-28 00:21:37 2009-08-28 04:21:37 1 0 0 39015 2009-08-27 03:55:47 2009-08-27 07:55:47 1 0 0 40491 2010-02-15 04:57:31 2010-02-15 08:57:31 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0
August 2009 Thoughts Wed, 02 Sep 2009 19:45:25 +0000 Well I guess that's it, summer is over! September 1st marks the end of summer for most people, they go back to school or start getting too busy to go out all the time. Things do seem different now that it is September, but let's look back on August. August was another slow blogging month, I think the main reason for that is because I was trying to get the most out of my summer. Last summer I really didn't do anything, this year it seemed like I was always doing something, which was good. I also turned 25 this month so you know I celebrated my birthday that entire weekend! Out of the 6 posts from August my favorite one would have to be Turning 25... it was good to look back and be happy with how my life has turned out so far!

Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let's take a look...

Looks like some of the same posts are getting a lot of traffic.

Traffic Sources
New to the traffic sources are BackType and Nate Whitehill, thanks for the traffic!

Top Commentators
Finally I remembered to take a screenshot for the top commentators! They are as follows...Branding Sydney, Mother of Pearl Beads, Kitchen Cabinets, EarningStep, and Coast guard gifts. Thanks for contributing to the site!

All of the stats keep on going up! Every stat went up higher than they did last month!

On to August
As I said summer is pretty much over so it will be prime time to really start kicking ass at ThinkComputers and this blog! If you have any suggestions on what you would like me to blog about please let me know, thanks!]]>
637 2009-09-02 15:45:25 2009-09-02 19:45:25 open open august-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1251920909 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267174494 39138 2009-09-06 18:01:32 2009-09-06 22:01:32 Pixel =-.]]> 1 0 0 39115 2009-09-04 05:40:02 2009-09-04 09:40:02 1 0 0 39104 2009-09-03 11:19:08 2009-09-03 15:19:08 1 0 0 39105 2009-09-03 11:19:56 2009-09-03 15:19:56 1 0 0 39099 2009-09-03 08:43:30 2009-09-03 12:43:30 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0
Sponsored Tweets - Make Money with Twitter Thu, 03 Sep 2009 16:03:06 +0000
By now you should know what Twitter is, but did you know you can make money from Twitter. A couple of weeks ago Sponsored Tweets was launched by IZEA, the company that has brought us PayPerPost. Think of Sponsored Tweets as a PayPerPost for Twitter. Sponsored Tweets will connect you with advertisers and they will pay you to Tweet their message. There are quite a few Twitter advertising platforms where you can make money from Twitter but this is the best one yet, especially since it is coming from IZEA. I had heard about them launching this platform and I signed up as soon as I was able to. So I have been using Sponsored Tweets for a few weeks now and here is what I think so far....

Getting Setup is Easy
Getting setup with Sponsored Tweets is easy, just go ahead and click on the big signup button. From there you will be asked to connect your Twitter account to Sponsored Tweets. From there you will be asked for your charge per tweet and charge per click. Sponsored Tweets will put in a suggested value depending on your Twitter stats. I left those values in there for myself, but you can change them if you want. Then you can go ahead and enter in the rest of the information. Once you are done filling out the form you are all signed up and ready to go!

Easy To Use, Full Disclosure
Once you are all signed up you can click on the oppurtunities tab at the top and see if you have any opportunities you can take. If you have one it will be listed there, also the @spontwts bot will send you a direct message on Twitter letting you know you have an offer for a sponsored tweet. If you have an offer you can go to it and see what they want you to tweet. If you decide to take the opportunity either a tweet will be made up for you or you can make one up depending what the advertiser wants. Also you have to choose a disclosure method, either something like "(sponsored)" or "tweet sponsored by". IZEA is known for a great disclosure policy and Sponsored Tweets is no different.

Once you have chosen what you want to Tweet it will be sent to the advertiser and if they approve it, it will be tweeted from your account automatically within the given time frame. So you don't even have to worry about when you have to tweet the message, it is done for you. And just like that you are paid for posting a message on Twitter! Thats easy money if you ask me! You can cash out the money in your account once it reaches $50.

A Referral Program
When Sponsored Tweets first launched it did not have a referral program, but now it does! They way it works is for everyone you sign up you get 10% of Sponsored Tweets portion of revenue for each successful transaction that they make. Sounds like a good way to increase your earnings with Sponsored Tweets!

Sign up for Sponsored Tweets here!

Get More Followers
So now you have a great way to make money with Twitter! Remember how much you make per tweet usually depends on how many followers you have so get those follower numbers up! If you need some tips read my post on How to the 1000 twitter followers easily. That should get you a good amount of followers in a very short time! ]]>
639 2009-09-03 12:03:06 2009-09-03 16:03:06 open open sponsored-tweets-make-money-with-twitter publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1251999370 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267189410 39147 2009-09-07 10:01:38 2009-09-07 14:01:38 1 0 0 39148 2009-09-07 10:03:01 2009-09-07 14:03:01 1 0 0 39137 2009-09-06 17:58:54 2009-09-06 21:58:54 Pixel =-.]]> 1 0 0 39114 2009-09-04 05:38:01 2009-09-04 09:38:01 1 0 0 39117 2009-09-04 08:22:18 2009-09-04 12:22:18 1 0 0 39107 2009-09-03 21:17:56 2009-09-04 01:17:56 My monthly report - EarningStep dot com august report =-.]]> 1 0 0 39400 2009-09-22 03:56:33 2009-09-22 07:56:33 So gehen Blogger mit negativer Kritik um =-.]]> 1 0 0 39157 2009-09-08 11:39:44 2009-09-08 15:39:44 1 0 0 39135 2009-09-06 13:40:27 2009-09-06 17:40:27 Categories are fixed! (Kind of) =-.]]> 1 0 0 39218 2009-09-12 01:22:14 2009-09-12 05:22:14 1 0 0 40443 2010-02-08 12:58:26 2010-02-08 16:58:26 1 0 0
Awesome Labor Day Weekend Sat, 12 Sep 2009 03:59:23 +0000 This past weekend was Labor Day weekend and I sure took advantage of it! When you run your own business it is very stressful and being able to have an escape from all the craziness is nice. I started the weekend out celebrating my friend Cory’s birthday down at the new River’s Casino. If you haven’t been down there yet it is a great place to spend some money and have fun! The next day I went to a cookout at my friend Nick’s house. It was sure one hell of a cookout too, we had 3 grills going at once! All of us just relaxed, enjoyed the good food and had some beers. It was great being able to just relax.

After the cookout I headed home for a little bit then headed down to Pitt. The 2009 school year at Pitt just started and my friend Will was having a party so I decided to check it out. College parties are always fun and Will’s was no exception! It was a great first party, I think I was there till 4am!

The next morning I had to wake up early to go on my friend’s boat. We took it from the dock all the way up the river to PNC Park. Once we were there we parked it and walked up to the Rib Fest that was going on at Heinz Field. It was packed! I decided to get food and head back down to the boat. I got a half-rack of ribs from Armadillo’s and they were awesome! They fell right off the bone and the sauce was amazing! We took the boat back down the river, which was enjoyable. I’m surprised there were not that many boats out, it was a beautiful day!

After the boating trip I headed out to my friend Matt’s birthday party. With any big birthday party there was food, I think I ate more this weekend than I did all of last week! We all just hang out at Matt’s and enjoyed the nice weather.

It was great being able to spend all weekend with friends having a good time! I had 3 solid days of relaxation! If you didn’t get out this past weekend you should take a weekend and totally relax and have a good time. It is a great way to charge up for the work week!]]>
641 2009-09-11 23:59:23 2009-09-12 03:59:23 open open awesome-labor-day-weekend publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1252728387 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267296658 39399 2009-09-22 03:49:12 2009-09-22 07:49:12 So gehen Blogger mit negativer Kritik um =-.]]> 1 0 0 39267 2009-09-13 21:44:05 2009-09-14 01:44:05 Top commentator contest winner – Free advertise on my blog =-.]]> 1 0 0
The New Workstation Mon, 21 Sep 2009 13:28:49 +0000
Since moving into my new apartment in May I’ve had to make a small yet very effective change to the way I had the office setup. Originally I had my desk facing the wall where I could look out the window. This worked well for a while, but I guess I just got tired of it. Also it really wasn’t like I was able to really look out the window because my 2 LCD monitors were in the way. So I decided to turn my desk and have it facing out towards the other side of the room. This way it makes it so I have my own area and if I’m ever stressed out at work I can just look to the left and check out what’s going on outside.

When organizing my desk I wanted it to be as clean as possible, but with all the cables for my 4 external hard drives, 2 monitors, and other devices I knew it would be pretty hard. So I thought about it for a little while and came up with what you see above. I have arranged all 4 hard drives on the desk so they hide all of the cables running behind the monitors. This not only keeps things neat, but having all 4 drives standing up looks pretty cool and people always ask me about them if they come into the office. I had quite a large space on the right side of the desk for review items, as you can see I have the Shuttle X50 sitting there right now, check for a review of that very soon on ThinkComputers.

I am using 2 ViewSonic LCD’s but one was a bit taller than the other so instead of using a large book or something to keep them inline I decided to use the LUXA 2 notebook cooler I recently reviewed. It not only lifts my LCD off the ground, most of the wires are tunneled under the back of it for some pretty good wire management.

As I said having my desk this way makes it like I have my own area in the office, sort of like my own cubicle. This enables me to really get down to work and concentrate on what I’m doing. If someone really wants to bother me they have to walk around to the other side of the desk. So I’ve been able to get more work done and be more efficient, all because of simply rearranging my desk! ]]>
643 2009-09-21 09:28:49 2009-09-21 13:28:49 open open the-new-workstation publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1253539812 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267229964 39391 2009-09-21 20:08:14 2009-09-22 00:08:14 An Organized Mob for Climate Change =-.]]> 1 0 0 39383 2009-09-21 09:43:04 2009-09-21 13:43:04 Wither MacBook Pro, or not? =-.]]> 1 0 0 39398 2009-09-22 03:47:09 2009-09-22 07:47:09 So gehen Blogger mit negativer Kritik um =-.]]> 1 0 0 39384 2009-09-21 10:15:52 2009-09-21 14:15:52 1 0 0 39573 2009-10-05 21:57:32 2009-10-06 01:57:32 Momentum Missile Mayhem 4 =-.]]> 1 0 0 39387 2009-09-21 12:51:15 2009-09-21 16:51:15 1 39383 1 39385 2009-09-21 11:16:02 2009-09-21 15:16:02 About V2interactive: =-.]]> 1 0 0
Experiencing Conferences on the Web Wed, 23 Sep 2009 15:32:04 +0000
Well yesterday was the 140 Twitter Conference in Los Angeles, CA. I Love Twitter and would have loved to have been at the event, but it really wasn’t worth going to for the costs involved. So I found out via Twitter that they were streaming the conference live! So all day yesterday I watched the conference while doing work. Now what was the point of that? Most of the sessions were streamed and I got a lot of insightful information from them, even though I was not physically there at the conference.

I have noticed this a lot, with services like, and Stickam that many conferences are being streamed over the internet. What great about this is that it is completely free not only for you to watch, but for the conference organizers to setup because the services I just listed are free to use for anyone.

So what’s so great about watching a conference online? Like I said for me the 140 conference was just too much of an expense to go to (plane ticket & hotel), so being able to watch it online was a way to still take in the information without any cost to me at all. Also as I said most of the sessions I watched were very interesting and I learned and got ideas from them. Finally most online streaming services allow users to record or save their broadcasts so if you missed the conference yesterday you will probably be able to watch it online on your own time when it is convenient to you.

So next time you hear about a conference and are not able to make it physically to the conference see if they are streaming it. If so you still will be able to check out the speaker sessions and maybe more. The 140 Twitter Conference is still going on today so check it out if you can. ]]>
645 2009-09-23 11:32:04 2009-09-23 15:32:04 open open experiencing-conferences-on-the-web publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1253719925 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267182142 39566 2009-10-05 12:14:26 2009-10-05 16:14:26 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 39421 2009-09-23 21:32:00 2009-09-24 01:32:00 Complete video about how to make money with clickbank – clickbank for beginner =-.]]> 1 0 0 39426 2009-09-24 04:15:40 2009-09-24 08:15:40 1 0 0 39432 2009-09-24 20:40:07 2009-09-25 00:40:07 Make Money – Start Blogging =-.]]> 1 0 0 39470 2009-09-28 09:32:09 2009-09-28 13:32:09 Two Voices going Blog Crazy .-= Tweetboy´s last blog ..I still can’t believe the 49′ers lost like this! =-.]]> 1 0 0 39471 2009-09-28 09:52:46 2009-09-28 13:52:46 1 0 0
Seesmic Desktop Mon, 28 Sep 2009 14:19:53 +0000
Since signing up for Twitter I had used Twhirl as my client. I really prefer using a desktop client over Twitter's website or other sites. It is nice since I'm running dual displays so I can have Twitter and other related clients on 1 screen and my work on the main screen. When using Twhirl I was only limited to 1 column, which was not bad but since growing my Twitter group it was really hard to follow my friends since I'm following everyone that follows me. It's just too hard so I wanted a client that I could make a group with, well after asking a few people they all suggested TweetDeck. After 5 minutes of using it I was not impressed at all. So I did a little more searching and stumbled upon Seesmic Desktop.

Seesmic actually started as a video sharing service, sort of like a "Twitter for video". Early in 2008 they actually acquired Twhirl then a little under a year later they launched Seesmic desktop, which actually integrates both Twitter and Facebook. Just like Twhirl it is based on Adobe Air so it will look nice whether it is on Windows or Mac. Moving from Twhirl to any other Twitter client would take some time to get used to, but after using Seesmic Desktop for just an hour or so I was pretty easy to use.

First let's talk about the layout. If you like the 1 column layout of Twhirl you will definitely like Seesmic desktop as you can also use it as a 1 column or as many columns as you want. On the left hand side you have your "Home", "Replies", "Sent", and "Favorites". Then it lists your accounts, userlists, and searches. Moving over you have your main twitter timeline with updates. If you have more than 1 twitter account you are able to view updates from both accounts here. Now if you are a basic Twitter user this should suffice for you.

If you are following a lot of people like I am you know it is extremely hard to follow your friends updates, the timeline goes so fast you miss a lot of things. This is where userlists come in, they allow you to group your friend so you just have a timeline of their updates. In Seesmic desktop you can easily create a userlist then go in and add your friends, or even add friends from the main twitter feed. This was one of the main reasons I switched to Seesmic desktop because it offered userlists. You can have your friends list in a sperate column or have it overlay the main feed when you want to see it. I use it in a seperate column so I can always see my friends updates.

Another powerful thing about Twitter is a search functionality. Seesmic has the search built right in, you can just search at the top right and the search will overlay your main stream or just like the friends list you can make it have it's own column. All of your searches are saved in the left side unless you close them completely.

All in all I think the Seesmic is one of the most powerful Twitter clients out there. I really haven't gone over all of its features just the things that I use it for. So if you are looking for a new Twitter client check out Seesmic, you will not be disappointed. ]]>
646 2009-09-28 10:19:53 2009-09-28 14:19:53 open open seesmic-desktop publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1254147594 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267161526 39549 2009-10-04 12:31:52 2009-10-04 16:31:52 1 39520 1 39561 2009-10-05 04:38:24 2009-10-05 08:38:24 How to optimize keyword on your blog – increase your blog quality instantly part two =-.]]> 1 0 0 39486 2009-09-29 09:15:58 2009-09-29 13:15:58 Wither MacBook Pro, or not? =-.]]> 1 0 0 39520 2009-10-01 12:26:16 2009-10-01 16:26:16 1 0 0 40233 2010-01-10 21:33:30 2010-01-11 01:33:30 1 0 0
My G20 Experience Tue, 29 Sep 2009 18:41:50 +0000 If you are a Pittsburgh resident you knew that the G20 summit was here last week. If you are not a Pittsburgh resident the G20 summit was a meeting between a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies. So basically we had 20 world leaders including President Obama in Pittsburgh for a few days. Downtown Pittsburgh was basically shut down because the Summit was being held at the Convention Center. This was not really a big deal to me since I work from home and really do not have to drive through the city to get groceries or anything like that.

With any major summit like this there is going to be protestors and people who are against the government. Pittsburgh was ready for it bringing in police from many different states to help out and keep Pittsburgh safe. Also with the president in town the Secret Service, National Guard and Coast Guard was here.

Since Pittsburgh has never hosted an event like this I really did not know what to expect, some said there would be 25,000 protestors coming in etc. Well the day before the world leaders started showing up Greenpeace did one of the most creative and peaceful demonstrations that I’ve seen. They repelled down from the West End Bridge and hung a huge banner that said, “Danger Climate Destruction Ahead Reduce CO2 Emissions Now”. The 4 people hung from the bridge for 2-3 hours to get their point across. No one was injured during this demonstration.

Over the next few days I followed the G20 events on Twitter and the local news and it seemed that there were some anarchist groups in Pittsburgh demonstrating. Down in Lawrenceville they protested and were confronted by police, they then decided to wheel a dumpster into police! Things just went downhill from there.

Friday night there was a demonstration down in Oakland and many people were caught in it as the University of Pittsburgh is right there. Many students went outside to see what was going on and were tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets by police. I’m sure police could tell the difference between students and protestors, I know that I could! Also Friday night many places in Oakland got their windows broken including Pamela’s which is a local family owned restaurant.

Saturday rolled around and I decided I wanted to check out the action myself. So during the day I went down to Oakland and checked things out. I was first surprised by all of the police in full riot gear on every corner of Oakland. We stayed in Oakland throughout the night and there was a small demonstration going on at Schenley Plaza. After just 15 minutes there had to be at least 300 police in full riot gear surrounding the Plaza.

Not wanting to get tear gassed we moved from the Plaza across the street by the Schenley Memorial Fountain. All together there were 5 of us, me, my 2 friends, and 2 reporters with official press credentials obviously visible. We were allowed to stand over there for about 15 minutes until around 100 police officers turned and started marching our way. Obviously when we saw this we started moving away, but couldn’t they just simply ask us to move? I mean there were only 5 of us, all not protestors and 2 official press.

From there we were told to go across the street and upon going across the street we were told to go back the other way. It seemed like they didn’t even know where to tell us to go. Like I said we were just obvious bystanders. One officer even pointed his shotgun at us and cocked it saying, “You better get out of here”. So we decided to get out of there, we walked across the bridge and cut through CMU to get back on Forbes. We were lucky to get out because everyone who was on Forbes from Schenley Plaza down was surrounded, tear gassed and even shot with rubber bullets. This includes Pitt students, people who were simply observing what was going on, and qualified press. The police even stormed the Pitt dorms and campus arresting anyone that was outside.

If I was a Pitt student I would be quite upset that the Police were able to just come onto my campus and go into residence halls without probable cause. Also the fact that they were injuring and tear gassing many students. And arresting anyone that was outside regardless of what they were doing.

I never thought I would see something like this in Pittsburgh, but it was quite crazy. I really did not feel safe with Police who had nothing better to do than beat up students and shoot rubber bullets at them. Some police officers even had the nerve to take photos with captured students. Overall I think the Pittsburgh Police did a horrible job in Oakland and as a resident of Pittsburgh I am quite upset at what went on. You can view my entire G20 FlickR set here, feel free to use any of the pictures. ]]>
647 2009-09-29 14:41:50 2009-09-29 18:41:50 open open my-g20-experience publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1254249714 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267204126 39565 2009-10-05 12:11:32 2009-10-05 16:11:32 1 0 0 39560 2009-10-05 04:37:27 2009-10-05 08:37:27 How to optimize keyword on your blog – increase your blog quality instantly part two =-.]]> 1 0 0 39519 2009-10-01 12:25:04 2009-10-01 16:25:04 1 0 0 39571 2009-10-05 21:55:27 2009-10-06 01:55:27 Momentum Missile Mayhem 4 =-.]]> 1 0 0 40230 2010-01-10 16:38:19 2010-01-10 20:38:19 1 0 0 39490 2009-09-29 15:02:47 2009-09-29 19:02:47 Wither MacBook Pro, or not? =-.]]> 1 0 0 39488 2009-09-29 14:58:35 2009-09-29 18:58:35 1 0 0 39489 2009-09-29 14:59:48 2009-09-29 18:59:48 1 0 0
1 Sale a Day Wed, 30 Sep 2009 20:19:50 +0000
If you are anything like me you love finding a great deal online. I’m sure by now if you shop online you know about and I already talked about HoopStick, which is currently no longer offering items for sale. About a week ago my friend Brittany told me about Which is actually exactly what the title URL says it is. offers 1 product a day at a great price and it is only available for 24 hours and they will not sell it again.

Sometimes I am a little skeptical of these types of sites, some can be rip offs others can be scams, but Brittany said she ordered stuff from all the time so I decided to give it a try. There was a kitchen set on there that had something like 15 knifes, a knife block, cutting board, 4 different spatchula’s, measuring cups, a bottle opener and more. It was only $7.99 so I figured what the hell, even if the knifes were crap $7.99 for all of that is a great deal!

Shipping for the set was only $4.99 and I was easily able to check out via PayPal. About 3 days later I received the set and for $13 I was very pleased with my purchase. Currently actually has 5 different things for sale each day now. They are in categories so you have the generic 1saleaday which can be anything, wireless which is obviously a wireless product, watch which is a watch, family which is anything family related, and jewelry which is of course jewelry.

So if you are looking for a great deal check out, they also have a Facebook page and Twitter account so you can follow them. ]]>
648 2009-09-30 16:19:50 2009-09-30 20:19:50 open open 1-sale-a-day publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1254342016 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267260263 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 39559 2009-10-05 04:36:17 2009-10-05 08:36:17 1 0 0 39570 2009-10-05 21:49:16 2009-10-06 01:49:16 Momentum Missile Mayhem 4 =-.]]> 1 0 0 39632 2009-10-22 00:32:08 2009-10-22 04:32:08 1 0 0 39743 2009-11-13 04:55:40 2009-11-13 08:55:40 1 0 0 39518 2009-10-01 12:23:49 2009-10-01 16:23:49 1 0 0 39914 2009-12-01 23:57:47 2009-12-02 03:57:47 Porcelain Bathroom and Kitchen Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 39724 2009-11-04 14:44:28 2009-11-04 18:44:28 1 0 0 40018 2009-12-11 18:21:36 2009-12-11 22:21:36 1 0 0 40009 2009-12-11 00:53:53 2009-12-11 04:53:53 1 0 0 40010 2009-12-11 00:55:38 2009-12-11 04:55:38 1 0 0
September 2009 Thoughts Sun, 04 Oct 2009 16:28:44 +0000 Another month has gone by and as always it went very, very fast. This month was more like a chill month I didn't get as much work done as I would have liked to, but I still worked pretty hard. Towards the end of the month I really started to get cold here in Pittsburgh that really made me realize that summer is over. I only managed to publish 8 post in September, which was an improvement from August, but still is not what I would like to be posting. Out of those 8 posts my favorite was My G20 Experience. It was a really crazy experience and I never thought something like that would happen in Pittsburgh.

Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let's take a look...

Glad to see some of my new posts getting a lot of traffic.

Traffic Sources
Nice to see some new traffic sources up there!

Top Commentators
Looks like I forgot to do this again, I really need to make a script that does this!

All of the stats keep on going up!

On to August
Well it's starting to get cold here in Pittsburgh, that means I will not be going outside as much which means I will be working more on this blog so stay tuned!]]>
650 2009-10-04 12:28:44 2009-10-04 16:28:44 open open september-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1254673725 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267200640 39606 2009-10-09 10:27:44 2009-10-09 14:27:44 1 0 0 39563 2009-10-05 08:07:17 2009-10-05 12:07:17 1 0 0
Image is Everything Wed, 07 Oct 2009 16:31:59 +0000
I'm writing this blog post because something interesting happened this past week when I was grocery shopping. I was at Walmart walking down the snack isle looking for some stuff and I walked by a large section of Great Value chips. At first I did not realize that they were the Good Value brand because of the new packaging. Usually when I would see Good Value I would just walk by and get something else, but because of the new packaging I decided to pick up a bag of chips. Its crazy that just because the packing was different I got chips that I would normally not get. I'm sure some of you have done that before too. This really shows how important your company logo is...

Your logo really is your identity. What do you think of when you see the Nike "Swoosh" or the Apple logo? When you see those logos you instantly think of the brand, whether it is good or bad. Usually when I would think of the Great Value brand I would think of the crappy food. Now with the new logo I think of sort of hip good priced food. The logo really helps the brand I think. That is why you see so many brands that will update their logo after a while to bring more people in.

Spend the Money Getting a new logo or rebranding something can cost money, but if it is going to get more people interested in your product or service then it is definitely worth the cost. That is why Walmart invested some of their 250 billion dollars in sales and expanded and rebranded the Great Value brand. If you look at some of the before and after pictures of the Great Value brand you will see the difference, which is much more appealing to customers. Branding something is all about the logo so whether it's for your company or for your blog spend some money on a good logo that when people see it they will instantly think of your brand.

651 2009-10-07 12:31:59 2009-10-07 16:31:59 open open image-is-everything publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1254933145 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267244406 39607 2009-10-09 13:24:24 2009-10-09 17:24:24 1 0 0 39601 2009-10-08 12:52:05 2009-10-08 16:52:05 1 0 0 39590 2009-10-07 21:33:38 2009-10-08 01:33:38 Shows your real time statistics about your blog with statpress reloaded – best wordpress plugin =-.]]> 1 0 0 39605 2009-10-09 10:26:12 2009-10-09 14:26:12 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 39613 2009-10-12 11:50:59 2009-10-12 15:50:59 USB 2.0 SATA IDE Adapter =-.]]> 1 0 0 39710 2009-11-01 19:12:20 2009-11-01 23:12:20 1 0 0
The 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins Thu, 08 Oct 2009 18:36:47 +0000
I really does not seem that long ago that I was celebrating the Pens winning Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals and going downtown for the City of Champions parade. It was sure a short summer for the Pens and I'm so glad hockey is back! The Penguins were able to keep most of their core players over the summer so they did not lose anyone that important. There were some people that left and some new faces in town so let's take a look at what the 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins looks like.

New Faces
Let's start with the new forwards. I guess the biggest name the Pens picked up in the off season would have to be Mike Rupp from New Jersey. Rupp is basically a grinder that you will most likely see on the 3rd or 4th line. Also on offense the Pens acquired Chris Bourque of the waiver wire from Washington. He is the son of All-Star defensemen Ray Bourque. He definitely has talent, but not that much size being only 5ft 8in. He will also end up being on the 4th line at times. On defense the Pens picked up Jay McKee. He is hard working and known for blocking shots. He was picked up to replace Rob Scuderi who went to the LA Kings. Finally the Pens picked up a new backup goalie in Brent Johnson. The past 2 years he was playing for the Capitals and had a SV% of .908.

The Core
As I said the Pens were able to keep their core players. So we have the same 4 centers, Crosby, Malkin, Staal, and Adams. It will be interesting to see how Crosby plays since all the pressure of winning the cup is off of his shoulders, although there will be the pressure of being the captain and still being successful. Malkin was a beast in the playoffs and I hope he continues that as this season starts. It is Jordan Staal's 4th season in the NHL and it has been great seeing him develop as a player as well as Tyler Kennedy. Of course in goal we have Fluery, he played great in the playoffs last year and he seems a lot more confident this year. Gonchar and Letang are still back on defense and Goligoski has a permanent spot on the team now.

Being Successful
So do you think the Pens can repeat winning the cup? Honestly I don't think that anyone can make that prediction so early in the season. It takes time for the new players to get used to playing with the team and you have no clue what can happen throughout the 82 game season. There can be injuries, trades, etc. Unlike at the start of last year the Pens know what it takes to win as they won the Cup last year. Going through all that it takes to win the cup really brings a team together. I really hope that the Pens can be a successful team for years to come, making the playoffs every year.

New Arena
Well this year is the last year the Pens will play at Mellon Area, or as we all know it...the Igloo. I've seen some great games at the Igloo including the raising of the banners back in 92' and when the Pens won the Price of Wales trophy 2 years ago beating the Flyers in 5 games. That was an insane experience, the crowd was so loud at that game. So if you are able to make it to a game this year make sure you enjoy it because it will probably be the last game you will see at the Igloo. Next year the Pens will be playing at the Consol Energy Center right across the street from the Igloo. I'm really excited to see the new arena, I will definitely be going to some games when the new arena opens.]]>
653 2009-10-08 14:36:47 2009-10-08 18:36:47 open open the-2009-pittsburgh-penguins publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1255027008 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267272709 39604 2009-10-09 10:24:54 2009-10-09 14:24:54 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 39730 2009-11-06 13:33:07 2009-11-06 17:33:07 Designer Porcelain Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 39602 2009-10-08 21:47:15 2009-10-09 01:47:15 Shows your real time statistics about your blog with statpress reloaded – best wordpress plugin =-.]]> 1 0 0 40073 2009-12-17 21:06:19 2009-12-18 01:06:19 1 0 0 39719 2009-11-04 00:34:04 2009-11-04 04:34:04 1 0 0 40047 2009-12-15 03:25:40 2009-12-15 07:25:40 trash 0 0
PodCamp Pittsburgh 4 Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:42:57 +0000
This past weekend I spend Saturday and Sunday at the Art Institute downtown. Well what was I doing down there? I was at PodCamp! PodCamp is a free conference that has been put together to help people learn about podcasting, blogging, social media and more. I’ve heard of PodCamp for quite a while and really wanted to go to the one last year but other things came up. Once I found out the dates for this year’s event I definitely made time to go.

This is was the fourth year they have held a PodCamp in Pittsburgh so the organizers really knew what they were doing. If you have never been to a conference like this you basically sit in on sessions and learn from the speakers. There were a lot of really great sessions this year, most of the ones I attended were on blogging, but I also went to a few on social media and branding. It was great to hear other people’s knowledge and insight on topics I just knew a little about.

The best thing about conferences, especially local ones is the networking that you can do. Having an event were most of the people there are interested in blogging and social media you really can’t pass up the chance to meet new people and network. You might end up working together on a project or doing business with people you meet at a conference. Another great thing about going to a conference is that it gives you motivation to keep on working on your blog or website. After going to PodCamp I feel very motivated to keep on blogging.

Over the next week or so I will be doing a few blog posts about some of the sessions I went to so stay tuned for that. PodCamp is not just a local Pittsburgh thing they have them all over the world! Check out the PodCamp website for a listing of upcoming PodCamps! Thanks to everyone who made this year’s PodCamp Pittsburgh great!]]>
655 2009-10-12 09:42:57 2009-10-12 13:42:57 open open podcamp-pittsburgh-4 publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1255354978 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267266776 39631 2009-10-22 00:24:59 2009-10-22 04:24:59 1 0 0 39611 2009-10-12 10:26:25 2009-10-12 14:26:25 1 39610 1 39612 2009-10-12 11:29:28 2009-10-12 15:29:28 USB 2.0 SATA IDE Adapter =-.]]> 1 0 0 39610 2009-10-12 09:53:51 2009-10-12 13:53:51 Thank You =-.]]> 1 0 0 39715 2009-11-02 11:18:10 2009-11-02 15:18:10 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 40053 2009-12-15 17:14:16 2009-12-15 21:14:16 trash 0 0 40054 2009-12-15 17:14:54 2009-12-15 21:14:54 trash 0 0
A Few Blog Changes Tue, 13 Oct 2009 15:27:57 +0000 If you come to this blog often you know that I don’t change things up that much. Well finally I made a few changes, some of the stuff I’ve been meaning to do for a while actually, and I just never got around to it. It is always good to change up your blog from time to time, that way people notice if you actually make a change. The changes that I made are very small actually, mostly tweaks and other things like that.

First off let’s start with the contact page. For some reason the contact form was not sending out e-mail. So if you sent me a message from the contact form in the past month or so I most likely did not get it. I’m really not sure what the reason for it not working was, but I updated the plugin and the contact form works great again!

Moving over to the side bar I finally added a Subscribe to my RSS Feed link under feed. I just had the FeedBurner feed counter and my Twitter Counter there. Now you can use the link to subscribe to the RSS feed as well as subscribe via e-mail all from the sidebar. I hope this will increase RSS subscriptions, I’m not sure if many people really notice the RSS subscription box at the top of the blog. I was using for a while to display my current Twitter status, but I decided to just use the regular Twitter widget. The one I’m using is actually the Myspace widget, I like it better than the website widget. Finally I added the PGH Bloggers chicklet under all of that to show some love to the PGH Bloggers website.

Probably the most noticeable change has to be the Header Image. I changed the style and font on it a little bit, but if you check back in an hour the header image will be different. This is because I am using the WP Header Image Rotator plugin that will automatically rotate my header image every hour. So I actually have 5 different header images right now. They all have different sayings on them. The current plugin that I’m using only allows for 5 images, I might just buy the pro version of it for $2 so I can use more than 5 images. If you are for some reason seeing 2 different images in the header press crtl+f5 to refresh the page. Here is a peek at one of the images I’m using as a header.

Check back to see the other images as they are in rotation. Let me know what you think of the updates in the comments!]]>
656 2009-10-13 11:27:57 2009-10-13 15:27:57 open open a-few-blog-changes publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1255447678 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267248443 39624 2009-10-20 03:23:40 2009-10-20 07:23:40 1 0 0 39853 2009-11-23 23:10:14 2009-11-24 03:10:14 Porcelain Bathroom and Kitchen Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 39649 2009-10-27 01:36:21 2009-10-27 05:36:21 1 0 0 39716 2009-11-02 11:22:55 2009-11-02 15:22:55 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 39614 2009-10-14 21:40:29 2009-10-15 01:40:29 Optimize your own blog style - increase your blog quality instantly part three =-.]]> 1 0 0 39918 2009-12-02 02:16:21 2009-12-02 06:16:21 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 39917 2009-12-02 02:15:02 2009-12-02 06:15:02 1 0 0 40510 2010-02-19 19:01:25 2010-02-19 23:01:25 Toda la informacion que buscas sobre ganar dinero Hemos encontrado la mejor pagina web en internet de como ganar dinero desde casa. Como nos ha sido de utilidad a nosotros, tambien les puede ser de interes para ustedes. No son solo formas de ganar dinero con su pagina web, hay todo tipo de formas para ganar dinero en internet... recomendamos entrar a Ganar dinero]]> spam 0 0 40444 2010-02-08 13:02:55 2010-02-08 17:02:55 1 0 0 40553 2010-02-26 08:33:40 2010-02-26 12:33:40 What is/are Zovirax Tablets? What are acyclovir tablets or capsules? ACYCLOVIR (Zovirax®) treats standard types of viral infections, specifically herpes infections. Acyclovir pleasure not cure herpes infections; it see fit remedy the sores heal faster and expropriate to relieve the pain or discomfort. Occasionally acyclovir is postulated to helper enjoin the infection from coming back. Acyclovir also treats shingles and chickenpox infections. Generic acyclovir tablets and capsules are available. What should I tell my well-being distress provider ahead I crook this medicine? They prerequisite to recollect if you have planned any of these conditions: •dehydration •neurological condition •kidney disease •seizures (convulsions) •an peculiar or allergic reaction to acyclovir, ganciclovir, valacyclovir, valganciclovir, other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives •in the pudding club or vexing to receive pregnant •breast-feeding Zovirax non perscriptionZovirax without a rx order Zovirax next daycod Zovirax overnight saturday no prescription Zovirax overnight delivery saturdayZovirax shipped COD on saturday delivery Zovirax without a presciptionhow to get a doctor to prescript Zovirax order Zovirax without a prescriptionZovirax xr buy online cheap Zovirax without presciptionZovirax overnight delivery cheap Cheap Zovirax NO RXZovirax ONLINE FEDEX COD FREE CONSULT Zovirax on sale cheap onlineZovirax non prescription for next day delivery overnight delivery of ZoviraxZovirax c.o.d overnight delivery ordering Zovirax online without a prescriptioncod saturday Zovirax U.S. pharmacies for Zovirax without rxZovirax online without prescription no prescription Zovirax overnightbuy Zovirax cod delivery Zovirax online no prescription overnightZovirax cheap fed ex delivery fedex delivery ZoviraxZovirax order overnight shipping nextday ZoviraxZovirax cod accepted buy Zovirax online ukZovirax no prior script Zovirax with doctor consultbuy Zovirax online no membership Zovirax delivered overnightZovirax no doctor prescription buy Zovirax online overnightbuy Zovirax with no prescription order Zovirax cod next day deliveryZovirax no prescription required]]> spam 0 0 40559 2010-02-27 01:27:36 2010-02-27 05:27:36 business loans, which can help you.]]> 0 0 0
SEO 101 with Jami Broom Wed, 14 Oct 2009 17:43:29 +0000
While at PodCamp Pittsburgh 4 this past weekend I was able to attend Jami Broom's session on SEO for Wordpress. Jami is an Internet Marketing Strategist at I already know a lot about SEO, but I figured I would sit in on the session to not only learn more, but share what I learned here on my blog.

Permalinks and Robots.txt
What SEO is all about is making it easier for search engines to find your content. Not only that, but for you to rank higher in the search results. One of the easiest ways to do some easy SEO with Wordpress is to change your permalink structure. On a normal install Wordpress will by default have your permalink structure like thisL That is not a good permalink structure for search engines. To change this go ahead into your Wordpress admin panel and go to Settings -> Permalinks and you are given the option to change the permalink structure. Right now I am using the custom option on this blog with this as my structure /%postname%/ which seems to be the standard for many blogs. Jami also pointed out that if your site does not have a robots.txt file you should create one. The robots.txt file basically tells search engines what part of the site they can index. A basic robots.txt file should look like this:

User-agent: *
Keywords are extremely important on any website or blog. They allow search engines to know what your website is about and provide better navigation for your users. I know from experience that keywords can really help with your search engine traffic. About 2 years ago on ThinkComputers the title of every page was just, obviously that is horrible for SEO. Now if you go to any review on the site and look at the title it is the product being reviewed. This way when someone searches that product in Google we come up in the search results. We have seen our traffic from search engines go from 20% to 60% in just a short time and of course a large increase in traffic because of this. So when you title your posts make sure that reflects what you are talking about in them. To make sure your keywords are effective make sure you have something like Google Analytics installed to track keywords.

Now that you know a little bit about SEO let's make it a little easier for you. If you are running Wordpress there are many plugins that will improve your SEO automatically. Probably the most popular one out there would have to be the All-in-One SEO Pack. I use this plugin and it works great! Some of the other plugins that Jami mentioned were Google XML Sitemap, which will create a Google sitemaps compliant XML-Sitemap of your WordPress blog. SEO Friendly Images which automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes. Redirection manages 301 redirections, keeps track of 404 errors, and generally tidys up any loose ends your site may have. There are a ton of other SEO plugins out there as well. Another helpful plugin that Jami talked about was Google Analyticator, which adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google Analytics logging on any WordPress blog. They way if you don't know much about editing your blog template this is the easy way to get Google Analytics running on your blog.

Content is King
Even though SEO is very important you need to remember that your content is very important. People are not going to return to your site if you barely have any content on it. Also the more content you have on your site the more posts there are for the search engines to index. So essentially the more you write the more you are getting your site out there and noticed by search engines.

Thanks to Jami for leading the session on SEO! ]]>
657 2009-10-14 13:43:29 2009-10-14 17:43:29 open open seo-101-with-jami-broom publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1255542250 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267259519 39835 2009-11-22 00:56:13 2009-11-22 04:56:13 About V2interactive: =-.]]> 1 0 0 39630 2009-10-22 00:21:23 2009-10-22 04:21:23 1 0 0 39638 2009-10-23 18:17:12 2009-10-23 22:17:12 site is only getting serp on Bing, not google. I have about 340 indexed at google and 24 for Bing.]]> 1 0 0 39642 2009-10-24 06:51:59 2009-10-24 10:51:59 1 0 0 39650 2009-10-27 01:56:47 2009-10-27 05:56:47 1 0 0 39718 2009-11-03 23:56:46 2009-11-04 03:56:46 Designer Porcelain Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 39615 2009-10-14 21:41:37 2009-10-15 01:41:37 Optimize your own blog style - increase your blog quality instantly part three =-.]]> 1 0 0 39634 2009-10-22 19:35:24 2009-10-22 23:35:24 1 0 0
Schenley Plaza Thu, 15 Oct 2009 17:30:24 +0000
As most of you know I moved to Shadyside not that long ago. Since moving I've been discovering new places and things. One of the places I've been spending a lot of time lately is Schenley Plaza in Oakland. Schenley Plaza is located between the Carnegie and Hillman Libraries and directly across from the Cathedral of Learning. If you live in Oakland or the surrounding area's you probably know where Schenley Plaza is. If you have ever driven down Forbes Ave. you probably have passed it.

Schenley Plaza is sort of like a mini park in the middle of Oakland. There is a large field, many benches, chairs, tables, a large tented area for shade, bathrooms and even places to eat. As I have always said it is good to get out of the house or office at least once a week and my escape lately has been Schenley Plaza. But how can I get work done at Schenley Plaza?? It has WiFi! Free WiFi too! When I heard that Schneley Plaza had free WiFi I knew that I had to check it out.

Going down to the Plaza I grabbed a table and sure enough I was on the internet in seconds. It is nice being able to relax and get out of the office, but still be connected to the internet and be able to work. Schenley Plaza is a great place to do work too, being in between Carnegie Mellon University and The University of Pittsburgh there are always students around and things going on. Also you can spend the entire day there because they have 4 dining kiosks, but you can also walk up to Forbes Ave. and grab food too.

There are also many events that go on there throughout the year. I few weeks ago I was able to catch Jessica Lea Mayfield perform and she was great. If you've never heard of her she has done some great songs that are actually on the Starbucks playlist. Check out their Music Schedule to see who will be playing there next.

Schenley Plaza is run by the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, they have a blog that is updated quite often so check that out.]]>
659 2009-10-15 13:30:24 2009-10-15 17:30:24 open open schenley-plaza publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1255627964 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267187816 39623 2009-10-20 03:22:50 2009-10-20 07:22:50 1 0 0 40105 2009-12-21 12:33:54 2009-12-21 16:33:54 1 0 0 39640 2009-10-24 06:50:12 2009-10-24 10:50:12 1 0 0 39641 2009-10-24 06:51:07 2009-10-24 10:51:07 1 0 0 40273 2010-01-15 04:05:41 2010-01-15 08:05:41 trash 0 0 39708 2009-11-01 09:26:14 2009-11-01 13:26:14 1 0 0 39709 2009-11-01 09:27:21 2009-11-01 13:27:21 1 0 0 39616 2009-10-15 21:21:47 2009-10-16 01:21:47 How to Make a connection with your blog reader – increase your blog quality instantly part four =-.]]> 1 0 0 39652 2009-10-28 07:32:06 2009-10-28 11:32:06 1 0 0 39656 2009-10-30 15:37:50 2009-10-30 19:37:50 Two Guys Blog Life]]> 1 0 0 39916 2009-12-02 02:11:42 2009-12-02 06:11:42 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 39721 2009-11-04 00:41:44 2009-11-04 04:41:44 If you register your site for free at =-.]]> 1 0 0 40049 2009-12-15 05:05:06 2009-12-15 09:05:06 1 0 0 40048 2009-12-15 05:03:29 2009-12-15 09:03:29 1 0 0 40015 2009-12-11 07:11:03 2009-12-11 11:11:03 1 0 0 40023 2009-12-12 04:37:26 2009-12-12 08:37:26 1 0 0
Old Media Using New Media Fri, 16 Oct 2009 17:01:41 +0000
When I was registering for PodCamp Pittsburgh 4 I noticed that 96.1's Morning Freak Show hosts Mikey and Big Bob were leading a session called, "We Do a Radio Show … But Not Really". I listen to the Freak Show in the morning and I also follow both Mikey and Big Bob on Twitter so I was interested in seeing what they had to say. I also figured that the session would be funny and it ended up being the best session of the day. The reason I titled this post "Old Media Using New Media" is because Mikey and Big Bob do a show on traditional radio, which is considered old media.

Being a Pittsburgh Blogger I try to follow as many people from Pittsburgh as I can. I started Following Mikey and Big Bob on Twitter a good while ago and always enjoyed their tweets. Being the hosts of Pittsburgh's most popular morning show they are sort of celebrity's here in Pittsburgh. So it is cool to see what they are up to by reading their tweets and check out their twitpic's, except for Big Bob's poop pic's! Having Twitter accounts allows them to connect with their audience by other means then just the radio show.

In their session they also talked about using Twitter to run contest for Penguins tickets and other prizes. They said that Twitter allowed them to tell people about the contest when they did not have access to the radio station since they received the Penguin tickets after their radio show was over. Also Twitter allows them to say things that they may not be able to say on the radio.

Mikey and Big Bob have used YouTube with huge sucess. If you can make any video you make become viral you can bring a tremendous amout of attention to yourself. This is evident from iJustine's 300-page iPhone bill, Chocalate Rain, and many others. Probably the most popular video Mikey and Big Bob have made is the In a Snuggie video. It has got over 130,000 views on YouTube! The song has actually been played all over different radio stations too! Because of the popularity of the Snuggie video 96.1 and Mikey and Big Bob did a Snuggie bar crawl on the southside, which was a huge sucess.

Both Mikey and Big Bob have accounts where they boradcast their shows and whatever else they may be doing while at work. This let's people who may not live in the Pittsburgh area watch their shows and it also gives the listeners of the show some insight into what they do. During their session they recalled a funny moment when they were in the office and the Pitt cheerleaders showed up and Mikey was in a wrestling mask for no apparent reason.

Does it Work?
So does traditional media using new media work? I think Mikey and Big Bob are great examples of how well traditional media can use new media to give them more exposure and build their audience. It is great to see that they are doing it right, hopefully more traditional media will follow in their footsteps.

Like I said this was one of the best sessions at PodCamp, thanks to Mikey and Big Bob for taking the time to lead the session!]]>
662 2009-10-16 13:01:41 2009-10-16 17:01:41 open open old-media-using-new-media publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1255712503 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267284185 39622 2009-10-20 03:22:07 2009-10-20 07:22:07 1 0 0 40206 2010-01-07 00:56:33 2010-01-07 04:56:33 1 0 0 39741 2009-11-13 04:54:01 2009-11-13 08:54:01 1 0 0 39742 2009-11-13 04:54:40 2009-11-13 08:54:40 1 0 0 39740 2009-11-13 04:53:45 2009-11-13 08:53:45 1 0 0 39625 2009-10-20 10:43:45 2009-10-20 14:43:45 1 0 0 39915 2009-12-02 02:09:55 2009-12-02 06:09:55 1 0 0 39913 2009-12-01 23:56:13 2009-12-02 03:56:13 Porcelain Bathroom and Kitchen Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 39910 2009-12-01 16:37:35 2009-12-01 20:37:35 1 0 0 40188 2010-01-01 12:31:08 2010-01-01 16:31:09 1 0 0 39711 2009-11-01 19:14:51 2009-11-01 23:14:51 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 39712 2009-11-02 01:41:36 2009-11-02 05:41:36 1 0 0 39720 2009-11-04 00:37:47 2009-11-04 04:37:47 1 0 0 40022 2009-12-12 04:35:34 2009-12-12 08:35:34 1 0 0 40530 2010-02-22 10:31:55 2010-02-22 14:31:55 mukminin =-.]]> spam 0 0 40014 2009-12-11 07:09:53 2009-12-11 11:09:53 1 0 0 40041 2009-12-14 02:23:14 2009-12-14 06:23:14 1 0 0 40259 2010-01-13 23:41:56 2010-01-14 03:41:56 1 0 0
October 2009 Thoughts Wed, 18 Nov 2009 18:20:02 +0000 Wow what a crazy month it has been! First you may have noticed I have not updated this blog in a over a MONTH! That is way to long without an update! There is a good reason for this, if you head on over to ThinkComputers you will notice the new design. Not only did ThinkComputers get a new design it was moved to the Wordpress platform and we even gave it it's own hosting! So this past month has been pretty crazy, but things are slowing down a little bit. So thinking back to October my favorite post would have to be Old Media using New Media. That session was my favorite at PodCamp and was very interesting as well as funny.

Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let's take a look...

Awesome that the PodCamp articles are getting some traffic!

Traffic Sources
Nice to see some new traffic sources up there!

Top Commentators
Looks like I forgot to do this again, I really need to make a script that does this!

All of the stats keep on going up!

On to November
Well November is already almost over, but I want to get a few more posts in before the month is over! Also stay tuned for a lot of Wordpress-specific posts as I am using it on a daily basis with ThinkComputers!]]>
663 2009-11-18 14:20:02 2009-11-18 18:20:02 open open october-2009-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1258569725 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267297045 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 39950 2009-12-04 03:27:57 2009-12-04 07:27:57 If you register your site for free at =-.]]> 1 0 0 39936 2009-12-03 10:54:29 2009-12-03 14:54:29 1 0 0 39926 2009-12-02 11:01:18 2009-12-02 15:01:18 1 0 0 40190 2010-01-01 12:35:59 2010-01-01 16:35:59 1 0 0 40189 2010-01-01 12:35:19 2010-01-01 16:35:19 1 0 0 39836 2009-11-22 00:59:04 2009-11-22 04:59:04 About V2interactive: =-.]]> 1 0 0 40278 2010-01-16 12:57:35 2010-01-16 16:57:35 Vinyl Bathroom & Kitchen Floor Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 39986 2009-12-08 10:28:10 2009-12-08 14:28:10 1 0 0 39985 2009-12-08 10:27:08 2009-12-08 14:27:08 1 0 0 39854 2009-11-24 11:00:12 2009-11-24 15:00:12 1 0 0 40008 2009-12-11 00:53:13 2009-12-11 04:53:13 1 0 0 40050 2009-12-15 05:06:09 2009-12-15 09:06:09 1 0 0 40093 2009-12-20 05:16:15 2009-12-20 09:16:15 Buy custom essay papers about this post, because it is very easy to get know about *** with the good help of the custom writing service.]]> trash 0 0 40114 2009-12-24 06:40:00 2009-12-24 10:40:00 submit article service.]]> trash 0 0 40013 2009-12-11 07:08:19 2009-12-11 11:08:19 1 0 0
ThinkComputers now on Wordpress! Fri, 25 Dec 2009 17:35:44 +0000
You notice I have not updated this blog in quite sometime. That is because over the past 2 months I have been working on ThinkComputers like a mad man! ThinkComputers has been run on a flat-file system since I started it back in 2001. We used a simple PHP script to pull pages and help with navigation. Although the site layout has changed a few times, the backend if that's what you want to call it has been the same. What this meant is that I had to code every review myself and hand code all of the index pages and even the XML file for the RSS feed. This was all so time consuming, so I knew the next thing to do was move ThinkComputers over to a database-driven system that did most of the hard work for me. Why Wordpress? Many people have asked me why I picked Wordpress instead of something like Joomla or Drupal. The main reason is because I've had previous experience with Wordpress and I understand how it works. Of course this blog is running Wordpress so I've been familiar with it for quite some time. Also it seems that Wordpress is constantly getting updated and made better, you don't want to base your website off something that might not be developed for that much longer. The thing that really sold me on Wordpress was all of the addons that can be used with it. If you want to add a feature to your website there is probably a Wordpress addon or plugin for it. So I decided on Wordpress! A New Layout Too! If you have been to the site lately you can see it looks nothing like the old site at all. After many days of looking for a good theme and considering getting a custom theme I finally found a theme that I though would work, but it would need a lot of hacking for it to really work for ThinkComputers. One thing I really like about the new layout is the 4 "featured" placements on the top of the site. This allows us to features articles that might get burried in the front page. Another thing that really makes the site different from previous versions of the site is that it only has 2 columns now, not 3. This was a hard decision for me to make, but I think the 2 column design makes it easier to read the actual reviews. Less Ads This new layout does one thing that we have gotten complaints about for quite a long time, that is the ads. The old layouts had ads all over them. With this new layout we have 3 main ad placements (728 x 90 on the top, 300 x 250 on the right, and 160 x 600 on the right). We will occasionally throw ads in the reviews themselves but they are for the most part ad-free. You will notice at the top and bottom of each review there are Just Relevant ads. We first had them at the bottom of each review, but then decided to add them at the top as well as our clicks were down ALOT! The top section of each review was custom coded by me and the Just Relevant ads are dynamically generated by using a custom field in each post. That way I don't have to make up an ad for each review. If there is not an ad to display it will play a default ad from another network. I also coded all of that myself. Disqus Comment System Instead of using Wordpress's built-in comment system I opted to use Disqus. I had heard about it for quite a while and wanted to give it a try. The main reason for this is that with Disqus you can post comments with your facebook login, twitter login, OpenID, Disqus login, or post as anonymous. I trusted that Disqus was a good platform since large sites like Mashable were using it. So far I am very impressed with Disqus, it makes it very easy to moderate comments and it very feature rich with the widgets they offer as well. New Hosting ThinkComputers was hosted on a server we had Co-located at a local datacenter. This server has been there for a few years now and is not that powerful. When we first setup the server I had a friend install everything on it, but lately he has not been around so there is VERY old software on it. Once we switched the site over to Wordpress the server completely crashed! If you know anything about Wordpress you know it is a resource hog and our server just couldn't handle it. I considered getting another server, but that would cost a lot and as I said I really didn't have anyone to set it up for me and manage it. So since the site was down I hurried up and went with a normal hosting company. They provided me with a semi-dedicated server and once we moved everything to there the site loaded, but load times were very slow. Sometimes it would like 30 seconds to load a page, which was not acceptable. Since the site was at least functioning I did some research and came across The Rackspace Cloud. It seemed that many people were happy with their service and they had a 30-day money back guarantee so I decided to give them a try. Everything about their service was superior to the previous host and pages load extremely fast! If you have a high traffic blog I would really recommend The Rackspace Cloud, I am very satisfied so far! Makes things easier! So as I said the old site was a flat-file system so once I completed a review it would take a good hour to get it posted on the site, now it takes maybe 20 minutes? This extra time allows me to do other things with the site and make it even better. Also not having to write the RSS feed, review index pages, and main page by hand is really nice. Everything is automated and its such a relief to finally be on a system like this. Also Wordpress makes SEO, indexing and linking to our page easier. This is probably one of the biggest updates to ThinkComputers and I'm relieved that it has been completed. It has been one crazy month! Merry Christmas Everyone! ]]>
667 2009-12-25 13:35:44 2009-12-25 17:35:44 open open thinkcomputers-now-on-wordpress publish 0 0 post 0 _wp_old_slug thinkcomputers-now-on-wordpress-3 _encloseme 1 _pingme 1 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1261766690 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267031904 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 40186 2009-12-31 00:41:30 2009-12-31 04:41:30 1 0 0 40308 2010-01-20 10:14:53 2010-01-20 14:14:53 trash 0 0 40123 2009-12-27 23:36:11 2009-12-28 03:36:11 1 0 0 40231 2010-01-10 21:27:08 2010-01-11 01:27:08 1 0 0 40486 2010-02-13 15:00:06 2010-02-13 19:00:06 UGG Boots UGG Boats UGG Purses]]> spam 0 0 and Why I Use It Mon, 28 Dec 2009 16:47:36 +0000
If you have not heard of I'm sure you have seen a link around somewhere. is a URL shortening service that allows you to take large URL like this: and turn it into something like this: So what is the reason to shorten a URL? URL shortening makes it easier to remember URL's, but I really never used a URL shortening service until twitter. With Twitter you only get 140 characters to send your message so why would you want most of your message to be a URL? That's where URL shortening comes in, to cut that long URL down so you have more room to explain what you are linking to. There are tons of URL shortening services out there, but why do I use When I first really started using URL shortening services I mainly used HootSuite's URL shortener, which I did like very much. It has stats tracking and everything, but there was a problem. When you would go to an link there was a toolbar at the top of the page. This really did not bother me at first, but when I was listening to a podcast someone said that when they see a toolbar at the top when clicking on a shortened URL they immediately would close the page, no matter what it was. I thought if one person thought that way there has to be more people like that as well. So I was looking for a new URL shortening service and I found is very simple and easy to use. You can easily goto their website and create a short URL, but also has an API so it is built into many Twitter applications and Twitter actually uses it as their official URL shortener. You do not need a account to use, but if you want to track clicks you will have to create one. Once you have an account every link you create with your account is tracked. When you login to it will list all of the short URL's that you have created. Beside each link you will be able to share the link, copy the link, check the info on the link and delete the link. When you click on each link to that a look at the info for the link it will give you all the information you would want to know about the link including a graph of clicks, referrers, and locations.

Another great thing to check out is your click summary. It will show summary graphs of all of your clicks for the past 7 or 30 days. This is great because it shows what days get the most clicks, your referrers, and the locations of where the clicks are coming from. This gives you an outlook on where your traffic is coming from and when to best post content.

If you are looking for a new URL shortening service then check out]]>
677 2009-12-28 12:47:36 2009-12-28 16:47:36 open open bit-ly-and-why-i-use-it publish 0 0 post 0 _encloseme 1 _pingme 1 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1262020002 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267150192 40187 2009-12-31 07:10:44 2009-12-31 11:10:44 buy thesis service.]]> trash 0 0 40185 2009-12-31 00:40:15 2009-12-31 04:40:15 1 0 0 40306 2010-01-20 08:15:45 2010-01-20 12:15:45 trash 0 0 40232 2010-01-10 21:29:01 2010-01-11 01:29:01 1 0 0
My 2009 Year in Review Sat, 02 Jan 2010 18:16:57 +0000
Wow it's 2010! Not only a new year, but a new decade! This past year was a very good year for me, there were all kinds of ups, downs, and in between's. If you have a blog you know how great it is that you are able to look back on things you have done and be able to see the good times, reflect on your mistakes, and just remember some things you may have forgot. So here is my 2009 year in review, hope you all enjoy it! 2009 started off like most year's with my trip to Las Vegas for CES. Some of the highlights from that trip were the Night before CES Party, IANteract Dinner at Rum Jungle, and the PC Race for Charity. While in Vegas I also experienced my first In-N-Out Burger! It's the best fast food ever! The Steelers won their 6th Super Bowl! They have won more Super Bowls (6) than any other NFL team! I talked about being productive on the road. It is very important, the first couple times I tried to do work while on the road it did not work out so well! I'm really hate negative people and I hate when I get in a negative so I gave you some ideas about how to get out of a negative mood. Celebrating St. Patty's day in Pittsburgh is something I think everyone should experience, it was so much fun! Crazy Mocha is a local Pittsburgh coffee company and I started going there a lot. It is always nice to get out of town, so I took a small trip to Great Falls Park and Washington, DC. I definitely need to go back there soon! As many of you know I'm a big hockey fan so I went to Pittsburgh's first NHL Tweetup. I discovered another great sushi place, Sushi Too in Shadyside. When you work online your income streams can change a lot so I let everyone know what was making me money in 2009. Twitter really exploded in 2009 and I showed you how to easily get 1000 followers. Brand recognition is very important and I talked about how to get that brand recognition. Star Trek was a big movie in 2009 and I gave you my thoughts on it. The Pittsburgh Penguins have been building their team for the past few years and it all payed off when they won the Stanley Cup this past year! Since I'm a hockey fan I went crazy! I was out that night too and Pittsburgh was sure a party city! Working from home can be annoying so I told you some of the things I do to escape. Since the Pens won the Stanley Cup they had a parade downtown, you know I wouldn't be missing that! I moved once again, this time to a more urban area very close to the city, I really like my new apartment. I was invited to Pittsburgh's first TasteCasting at Melange Bistro Bar and it was great. I was able to give myself a vacation this year. I went to Myrtle Beach with some friends and it was a blast! I turned 25 this year and it really gave me some time to reflect on the past 5-10 years of my life. Over the past year I really started getting into tea and now I drink it almost daily. I went to another Pittsburgh TasteCasting, this time it was at Castaways Outside Inn. The G20 Summit was held in Pittsburgh this past year and those few days were full of surprises. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience! I started using Seesmic Desktop in 2009 and I'm still using it. The best twitter app that I've ever used! This summer was really a fun one for me and I did so many things, Labor Day weekend was no exception! I finally attended PodCamp this year in Pittsburgh and it was definitely worth it! I can't wait to go next year! I hung out quite a few times at Schenley Plaza over the summer, it is a great place to relax and even work since they have WiFi! I did some maintenance on the blog and I changed the header image to ones that rotate every hour with different sayings on them. is a great URL shortening service and I use it basically every day. ThinkComputers finally got a new redesign and we moved the site over to Wordpress. It was an annoying process, but totally worth it! Everyone likes ThinkComputers so much better now! Well that was my year, crazy to think that I've been blogging since 2005. Here is to 2010! ]]>
678 2010-01-02 14:16:57 2010-01-02 18:16:57 open open my-2009-year-in-review publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1262458860 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267174490 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 40195 2010-01-03 22:32:07 2010-01-04 02:32:07 1 0 0 40208 2010-01-07 01:07:58 2010-01-07 05:07:58 1 0 0 40214 2010-01-07 12:06:04 2010-01-07 16:06:04 trash 0 0 40222 2010-01-08 06:41:43 2010-01-08 10:41:43 1 0 0 40198 2010-01-04 14:27:26 2010-01-04 18:27:26 Vinyl Bathroom & Kitchen Floor Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 40202 2010-01-05 09:28:24 2010-01-05 13:28:24 1 0 0 40210 2010-01-07 01:37:00 2010-01-07 05:37:00 1 0 0 40209 2010-01-07 01:36:18 2010-01-07 05:36:18 1 0 0 40211 2010-01-07 01:52:40 2010-01-07 05:52:40 1 0 0 40212 2010-01-07 01:53:21 2010-01-07 05:53:21 1 0 0 40238 2010-01-11 09:11:50 2010-01-11 13:11:50 1 0 0 40496 2010-02-16 06:55:44 2010-02-16 10:55:44 ykrljhknabnf, [url=]rnyqomlyjkxg[/url], [link=]wdnvuqtzzwuv[/link],]]> spam 0 0
Tracking Events on Twitter Mon, 04 Jan 2010 18:13:48 +0000 I have been using Twitter for quite some time now and I really did not find out its potential until a few months ago. Many people think that Twitter is just for seeing what your friends are up to or in my case seeing what I'm having to eat, but it is really a useful resource for tracking current events and things that are going on right this minute. This is really where you see the power of Twitter and why hashtags are extremely useful. A few months ago when the G20 was happening in Pittsburgh there was sure a lot going on in the city. There were many demonstrations, riots, and other interesting things going on. When everything first started happening I really did not have any urge to go downtown and check things out. So since I am on the computer a lot I loaded up Seesmic Desktop and put in #G20 and #Pittsburgh in a search column and the tweets that included those hashtags started coming up. As the G20 started getting closer the more and more tweets came up, I saw pictures of blackhawk helicopters over the city, pictures of protesters, etc. It was very cool, and more informative than the news about the G20 that was on TV.

As one of the first protests was getting broke up by riot police twitter was going crazy! People were explaining it as it was happening and telling people who were stuck in the crossfire where to go. Reading all of these tweets I felt like I was really there in all of the action! It was like I was in a war room overseeing the battle! Like I said it was better than watching the news! I finally decided to go down to check out the action the second night of the protests. With my iPhone I was able to still track the hastags and found out where the protests where happening and was able to know where to go to be safe and out of the line of police, who were basically taking arresting anyone who was out that night. This really shows what a useful resource Twitter is and how it can keep you safe! It will be fun to track things going on at CES when I'm there in just a few days!]]>
Twitter for quite some time now and I really did not find out its potential until a few months ago. Many people think that Twitter is just for seeing what your friends are up to or in my case seeing what I'm having to eat, but it is really a useful resource for tracking current events and things that are going on right this minute. This is really where you see the power of Twitter and why hashtags are extremely useful.]]> 681 2010-01-04 14:13:48 2010-01-04 18:13:48 open open tracking-events-on-twitter publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1262630094 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267267351 40207 2010-01-07 01:03:15 2010-01-07 05:03:15 1 0 0 40221 2010-01-08 06:39:31 2010-01-08 10:39:31 1 0 0 40218 2010-01-07 17:42:35 2010-01-07 21:42:35 1 0 0 40201 2010-01-05 09:26:03 2010-01-05 13:26:03 trash 0 0 40213 2010-01-07 12:04:04 2010-01-07 16:04:04 1 0 0 40248 2010-01-12 23:57:49 2010-01-13 03:57:49 Vinyl Bathroom & Kitchen Floor Tiles =-.]]> 1 0 0 40239 2010-01-11 09:15:35 2010-01-11 13:15:35 1 0 0 40556 2010-02-26 09:01:45 2010-02-26 13:01:45 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0
In Vegas for a Week Wed, 06 Jan 2010 07:48:49 +0000
Well it’s that time of year again, off to Vegas for CES. This trip is always a lot of fun and it sure gives me a break from all of the holiday madness of the past month. It also is good to get out of Pittsburgh and the cold, although it is only around 50 degrees in Vegas it is sure a lot better than like 15-20 degrees in Pittsburgh, and there is no snow! Getting through the Pittsburgh airport was very easy, there was no line at the security check at all. We went right through and were in the terminal within 10 minutes. Instead of going right to our gate Colin and I decided to grab food so we stopped in O’Briens, which is sort of like an Irish Pub. The food wasn’t that bad, I got a steak salad.

Once we boarded our plane we seriously waited for over 30 minutes waiting for them to load luggage on to the plane. After that our plane had to be de-iced, which took another 15 minutes. Takeoff was a little bumpy, but we are finally up in the air. If you want to track my trip you can easily do that by following me on Twitter, friending me on Facebook, following my Flickr stream, or just by checking back to this blog. Also if you want to meet up when you are in Vegas please email me or shoot me a message on twitter. I am in Vegas for CES, which I go to every year for ThinkComputers so make sure you follow the ThinkComputers twitter account as well. ]]>
CES. This trip is always a lot of fun and it sure gives me a break from all of the holiday madness of the past month. It also is good to get out of Pittsburgh and the cold, although it is only around 50 degrees in Vegas it is sure a lot better than like 15-20 degrees in Pittsburgh, and there is no snow!]]> 682 2010-01-06 03:48:49 2010-01-06 07:48:49 open open in-vegas-for-a-week publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1262765460 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267189238 40220 2010-01-08 06:34:23 2010-01-08 10:34:23 1 0 0 40217 2010-01-07 17:40:22 2010-01-07 21:40:22 1 0 0 40215 2010-01-07 12:07:25 2010-01-07 16:07:25 trash 0 0 40204 2010-01-06 12:00:03 2010-01-06 16:00:03 1 0 0 40224 2010-01-08 11:20:01 2010-01-08 15:20:01 Restaurants and Twitter the Perfect Match For Keeping In Touch With Patrons =-.]]> 1 0 0 40272 2010-01-15 04:04:33 2010-01-15 08:04:33 trash 0 0 40237 2010-01-11 09:03:43 2010-01-11 13:03:43 1 0 0
The 2010 Night Before CES Party Wed, 13 Jan 2010 20:51:01 +0000
Everyone knows the Night Before CES Party is always the best! It’s always packed, there is a great DJ, free food and drinks and of course they have it at the best location, Palms Place. This year the party was hosted by Cooltronics, Futurelooks, and Redux. Last year we were on the 56th floor of Palms Place, but this year we were up on the 58th floor! Once again this floor only has 4 suites all of which feature 3,120 square feet of space, a pool table, full kitchen, and five 42-inch plasma TV’s. It’s the perfect place to have a party! This year’s party it seemed like everyone knew who I was. It was not me going up and saying hi to people it was the other way around, which was actually pretty nice. I finally got to meet Cameron from TweakTown, he flew all the way from Taipei to come to CES! One thing that is great about this party is the view, you can see the entire strip from the balcony of the suite!

Cooltronics, Futurelooks, and Redux. Last year we were on the 56th floor of Palms Place, but this year we were up on the 58th floor! Once again this floor only has 4 suites all of which feature 3,120 square feet of space, a pool table, full kitchen, and five 42-inch plasma TV’s. It’s the perfect place to have a party!]]> 683 2010-01-13 16:51:01 2010-01-13 20:51:01 open open the-2010-night-before-ces-party publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1263417964 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267294518 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 40282 2010-01-18 02:31:05 2010-01-18 06:31:05 The truth behind the demise of cabinet made furniture pt3 =-.]]> 1 0 0 40291 2010-01-18 23:28:17 2010-01-19 03:28:17 Contest: Who Wants Some CES Swag? =-.]]> 1 40255 0 40286 2010-01-18 08:20:57 2010-01-18 12:20:57 1 0 0 40255 2010-01-13 19:31:03 2010-01-13 23:31:03 1 0 0 40258 2010-01-13 23:38:26 2010-01-14 03:38:26 1 0 0
The CES 2010 Swag Fri, 15 Jan 2010 22:01:36 +0000
One thing that is great about going to conferences is all the free swag you get. Since I go to these events as media many companies have made up gift bags especially for media members. Another thing that I've also noticed is that the more established your site is the better swag you get! This year I really didn't want to pick up that much swag mainly because I never really use half of it and it is a pain to pack in my suitcase, but I did get quite a few useful things this year. The first thing that is always a keeper in the CES press bag. This year it was a vertical messenger bag, that had room inside it for a laptop and a few other accessories. It was a decent bag, but still does not beat the rolling backpacks CES had a few years back, those were awesome! It seems like every year since then CES has been giving media cheaper and cheaper bags. Some of the best things I received this year would have to be a new motherboard from Cyberpower, Keyboard from OCZ, Geforce 210 video card from Shuttle, a pillow from Cooler Master, a 128GB SSD from Kingston, and a 500GB hard drive I won at the night before CES party! This was definitely a year I actually received swag that I'm going to use, maybe I'll do a giveaway with the rest of the swag, stay tuned for that! ]]>
685 2010-01-15 18:01:36 2010-01-15 22:01:36 open open the-ces-2010-swag publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1263606521 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267260433 40288 2010-01-18 19:18:54 2010-01-18 23:18:54 Contest: Who Wants Some CES Swag? =-.]]> 1 0 0 40279 2010-01-16 15:30:26 2010-01-16 19:30:26 Are Business Cards Still Relevant? =-.]]> 1 0 0 40277 2010-01-15 20:46:09 2010-01-16 00:46:09 1 40276 1 40276 2010-01-15 18:35:56 2010-01-15 22:35:56 2009 Year in Review: Writing, stocks, coding, and more =-.]]> 1 0 0
The 2010 PC Race For Charity Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:12:52 +0000
The PC Race is one of the best events to attend during CES. Not only is it for a good cause, but you really get to network with a lot of people and hell it has the best food! Also it's probably the only place you will be able to find most of the tech media all in one place! So the way this event works is that 30 contestants all tech media see who can build a computer the quickest with the winner getting $10,000 towards the charity of their choice. Second and third place also get cash prizes for charity and everyone's computer that gets built does get donated to their charity so it is a win-win! This year the event was live streamed on Ustream, but we have the recording of it embedded below.

In the end Chris Ramseyer of TweakTown took first place with a build time of 6 minutes 53 seconds. Here are some photos of the event! ThinkComputers very own Colin Dean!

Fellow Pittsburgher @iJustine

Rob of Techgage

Dan of TechwareLabs

Paul of Hi Tech Legion

Chris of TweakTown....the winner!

Jason of TechwareLabs

PC Race is one of the best events to attend during CES. Not only is it for a good cause, but you really get to network with a lot of people and hell it has the best food! Also it's probably the only place you will be able to find most of the tech media all in one place! So the way this event works is that 30 contestants all tech media see who can build a computer the quickest with the winner getting $10,000 towards the charity of their choice. Second and third place also get cash prizes for charity and everyone's computer that gets built does get donated to their charity so it is a win-win!]]> 686 2010-01-18 20:12:52 2010-01-19 00:12:52 open open the-2010-pc-race-for-charity publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1263860015 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267167165 40307 2010-01-20 10:12:57 2010-01-20 14:12:57 Let’s Compare Pine and Oak Bedroom Furniture =-.]]> trash 0 0 40289 2010-01-18 20:41:34 2010-01-19 00:41:34 About V2interactive: =-.]]> 1 0 0 40304 2010-01-19 23:20:08 2010-01-20 03:20:08 2009 Year in Review: Writing, stocks, coding, and more =-.]]> 1 0 0 40290 2010-01-18 20:41:41 2010-01-19 00:41:41 Contest: Who Wants Some CES Swag? =-.]]> 1 0 0 40305 2010-01-20 08:14:20 2010-01-20 12:14:20 trash 0 0
Lenovo’s Blogger Nights Wed, 20 Jan 2010 20:49:01 +0000
Another really cool event I was able to attend during CES this year was Lenovo’s Blogger Nights. This was a 3 day event hosted at AquaKnox at the Venetian. The entire event was hosted by Lenovo, but each night was co-hosted by someone else. Wednesday night was co-hosted by social media club, Thursday Night was co-hosted by Social Media Jungle and Friday night was co-hosted by GDGT. Because CES was so crazy we were only able to make it on the last night, which was Friday. I had never been to AquaKnox before and it is a really cool place. There were tons of free food and an open bar as well. Lenovo’s idea for the blogger nights was getting everyone together in a relaxed atmosphere where reps are not trying to shove products in your face. Lenovo did have products setup and a demo room, but you were not required to demo any of the products. One thing that was missing from this event was free WiFi. I had brought my laptop to actually do some work at the event and I was unable to get on the internet. If you are brining tech media and bloggers together you should have some free WiFi! All in all it was a good event though! Here are some photos from the event.

Lenovo’s Blogger Nights. This was a 3 day event hosted at AquaKnox at the Venetian. The entire event was hosted by Lenovo, but each night was co-hosted by someone else. Wednesday night was co-hosted by social media club, Thursday Night was co-hosted by Social Media Jungle and Friday night was co-hosted by GDGT. Because CES was so crazy we were only able to make it on the last night, which was Friday.]]> 688 2010-01-20 16:49:01 2010-01-20 20:49:01 open open lenovos-blogger-nights publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1264020793 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267301039 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 40314 2010-01-20 17:09:37 2010-01-20 21:09:37 1 0 0 40427 2010-02-05 17:30:14 2010-02-05 21:30:14 1 0 0 40344 2010-01-25 04:27:34 2010-01-25 08:27:34 Post and Content Frequency =-.]]> 1 0 0 40529 2010-02-22 10:30:52 2010-02-22 14:30:52 mukminin =-.]]> spam 0 0 40528 2010-02-22 10:30:20 2010-02-22 14:30:20 spam 0 0
Is CES Slowly Going Away? Sat, 23 Jan 2010 19:06:26 +0000
I myself have been going to CES for 5 years now. For ThinkComputers it is really the highlight of the entire year, we really don’t attend any other trade shows. We get to see the latest technology, new products and catch up with old friends, not to mention getting to spend a week in Vegas. Something really stood out to me this year during CES…it was very small! Also this year CEA (the company that runs CES) tried to kick out many exhibitors who opted to use hotel rooms instead of paying for a booth. Where was everything? If you were on the show floor at all you definitely had to notice it was smaller. There were completely open spots on the show floor! The North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center, which normally is car audio, was almost completely empty! Apparently what was left of car audio was moved to the Palms, which not only is off the strip you can’t even take the monorail to get there. The Sands Expo at the Venetian, which usually held a lot of niche products and vendors, was not even used; take a look at our Sands Expo article from last year. Many large companies who normally have decent size booths either opted for a very small booth or had meeting rooms instead. Another thing that bothered me were the press rooms, rooms specifically for press members that have free WiFi, computers, printers, etc. In past years the press room was a nice comfortable place to work, they even had free drinks and snacks. This year the only free drink in the press room was water and there were no snacks at all. Press lunches used to be a big buffet, now you get a lunch ticket and a boxed lunch. The computers in the press room were running Windows XP Professional. You’re telling me you can’t get a large company to sponsor the press room? A sign of the times I guess? Another thing that many companies have done in recent years is use a hotel suite to show off products. From what I’ve heard on average a booth at CES costs around $75,000 - $100,000 depending on the size and that is just for the space. Then you have to pay for construction of the booth etc, bringing costs up even more. I couldn’t imagine what large companies that have massive booth’s pay for them, I would guess some pay upwards of $500,000 in total cost if not more! Because of the hefty cost many companies display their products in a hotel. Let’s just say on average a hotel suite costs $1,000 a night during CES, include food and some other expenses, you are still under $10,000 for all of CES. You can see why many companies are doing this. CEA Kicks Out Companies The CEA who runs CES does offer a hotel suite package. The official CES hotels are The Venetian and Palazzo. Each had specific CES floors that allowed companies to display products, and get their name listed on the official CES Venetian / Palazzo suite guide. From what I was told this cost was $8,000 on top of the cost of the suite itself. And there is a catch, you are not allowed to sleep in the suite, it is just for display purposes only. So companies have to pay $8,000, plus the cost of the suite, plus the cost for another room for their employees. Many companies had no need to be listed on the CES guide and did not feel like paying the $8,000 to CEA, which is very understandable. So they just went ahead and booked a suite themselves making sure ahead of time that they were allowed to display products. Well apparently this year CEA was cracking the whip on companies that did this. All hotel staff was told if they saw products being displayed in rooms that were not official CES rooms to report it. I was in one such room being given a product demo when the hotel manager and security guards asked anyone not registered to the room to leave the room. Not only was this very unprofessional it was embarrassing for the company in the suite. I also met with a company later in the week that was kicked out of the Palazzo. They told me that they called ahead of time and made sure they were allowed to display products and have meetings. When the hotel found out they were displaying products and having meetings during the week they were asked to remove to products, but for some reason were allowed to have a party that night. Maybe because the party was being catered by the hotel? The next morning the company was asked to leave the hotel and still pay for the 4 days they had the room booked, when they only stayed 2. Funny they did this AFTER the party that was catered by the hotel. I personally know of 2 companies that were asked to leave their suites at the Venetian / Palazzo, but I heard of up to 30 companies being ousted from the hotels. Because CEA has a deal with the Venetian and Palazzo I guess they can do this, but it is very unprofessional and many companies have done this in the past without any issues. It makes me think that the CEA put pressure on the Venetian / Palazzo to kick out companies that did not pay their fee. DailyTech and Hardware Secrets both have articles on their experiences getting kicked out of hotel suites while meeting with companies So is CES Going Away? I really hope that CES is not going away, but this year the show was noticeably smaller and there was all of the drama within the Palazzo and Venetian. This could just be a sign of the times, but I hope that the 2011 CES is much larger and more exciting. I think next year you are going to see many companies using other hotels for meetings rather than the Venetian and Palazzo. I originally posted this at ThinkComputers, but I figured I would post it here as well. ]]>
ThinkComputers it is really the highlight of the entire year, we really don’t attend any other trade shows. We get to see the latest technology, new products and catch up with old friends, not to mention getting to spend a week in Vegas. Something really stood out to me this year during CES…it was very small! Also this year CEA (the company that runs CES) tried to kick out many exhibitors who opted to use hotel rooms instead of paying for a booth.]]> 690 2010-01-23 15:06:26 2010-01-23 19:06:26 open open is-ces-slowly-going-away publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1264273769 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267298176 40428 2010-02-06 03:13:04 2010-02-06 07:13:04 Purchase Scrap Gold =-.]]> 1 0 0 40532 2010-02-23 01:45:48 2010-02-23 05:45:48 spam 0 0 40328 2010-01-23 21:23:53 2010-01-24 01:23:53 Win a Copy of Sociable! By Replying To This Post =-.]]> 1 0 0 40330 2010-01-24 14:41:10 2010-01-24 18:41:10 1 0 0 40544 2010-02-24 10:13:36 2010-02-24 14:13:36 Valid business solution is the rule of success =-.]]> spam 0 0
Backupify – Secure Your Online Life Mon, 25 Jan 2010 19:08:21 +0000
I use many online services and I’m sure you do too. If you don’t think you do you probably at least have a Facebook account. So you put tons of photos on there, write long notes, get tagged in photos etc. What if for some reason Facebook crashed and you lost all of those images and other important things on Facebook? This is very unlikely to happen, but it is always good to have a backup of everything. This is where Backupify comes in. It’s a service that backs up many cloud services and for a limited time (till Jan 31st) the service is free. The Services So do you use a service that Backupify supports? They have all the big online services covered, Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, Gmail, Google Docs, Flickr, and Wordpress. Other services include Delicious, Zoho, Photobucket, Basecamp, Blogger and Hotmail. They also have support for YouTube, Xmarks, Rss Feeds, and Tumblr coming very soon.

How It Works Getting Backupify setup is pretty simple. All you do is create an account and go to the settings tab. There it will list all of the services. Then you go ahead and click on what service you want to back up, enter your credentials and hit create. You can also select how often Backupify backs up your data. You can select weekly or daily backups and you can have them e-mail you a digest of what gets backed up. So when Backupify starts backing up your files you can go in and see what all has been backed up. Just click on the Archives tab at the top then select your service. Depending on the service the files will be backed up differently. They make a nice PDF for Twitter updates. Other things are stored in .xml files or things like photos are simply backed up.

Sign up Fast As I said Backupify is currently free, after January 31st the service will go back to a paid pricing structure. If you signup during this free period your account will remain free and unlimited. Even if they do not support your service you should sign up. They are planning on adding many services in the future and you can’t beat it since it’s free! ]]>
Facebook account. So you put tons of photos on there, write long notes, get tagged in photos etc. What if for some reason Facebook crashed and you lost all of those images and other important things on Facebook? This is very unlikely to happen, but it is always good to have a backup of everything. This is where Backupify comes in. It’s a service that backs up many cloud services and for a limited time (till Jan 31st) the service is free.]]> 692 2010-01-25 15:08:21 2010-01-25 19:08:21 open open backupify-%e2%80%93-secure-your-online-life publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1264452086 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267291821 40388 2010-02-02 04:54:07 2010-02-02 08:54:07 1 0 0 40346 2010-01-25 15:16:25 2010-01-25 19:16:25 2009 Year in Review: Writing, stocks, coding, and more =-.]]> 1 0 0 40377 2010-01-30 11:44:07 2010-01-30 15:44:07 Verified by Visa (and MasterCard SecureCode) Is Insecure =-.]]> 1 0 0 40382 2010-02-01 07:12:42 2010-02-01 11:12:42 Purchase Scrap Gold =-.]]> 1 0 0 40527 2010-02-22 10:29:21 2010-02-22 14:29:21 mukminin =-.]]> spam 0 0 40521 2010-02-21 20:05:04 2010-02-22 00:05:04 1 0 0 40442 2010-02-08 12:51:56 2010-02-08 16:51:56 1 0 0
January 2010 Thoughts Thu, 04 Feb 2010 23:22:07 +0000 Wow it's already a month into 2010! January was a really crazy month for me as I was in Las Vegas for CES. I tried to fill everyone in on my trip, but I still have 3-4 posts to publish, so stay tuned for those. Out of the 9 posts from January my favorite would have to be My 2009 Year In Review. It is always good to look back and see what you were doing and having a blog enables you to look back. That is why I love blogging, from time to time I will go back and read my old posts to remember fun times, get new ideas, and just to look at old photos. That's just another reason to start blogging if you haven't already.

Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let's take a look...

Awesome that the PodCamp articles are getting some traffic!

Traffic Sources
Nice to see some new traffic sources up there!

Top Commentators

The Top commentators for January were Caterers Sydney, Voyage Montreal, Bathroom Wall Floor Tiles, Colin Dean & Michael Kwan. Stats
I'm sort of disappointed that my twitter numbers went down.

On to February
As I said I still have a few CES and Vegas posts to publish and I want to blog about a ton of other things so let's see if I can get February's post number in the double digits!]]>
My 2009 Year In Review. It is always good to look back and see what you were doing and having a blog enables you to look back. That is why I love blogging, from time to time I will go back and read my old posts to remember fun times, get new ideas, and just to look at old photos. That's just another reason to start blogging if you haven't already.]]> 695 2010-02-04 19:22:07 2010-02-04 23:22:07 open open january-2010-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 _edit_lock 1265325728 _edit_last 1 tweetbackscheck 1267301779 40517 2010-02-20 10:26:29 2010-02-20 14:26:29 spam 0 0 40515 2010-02-20 10:23:49 2010-02-20 14:23:49 spam 0 0 40445 2010-02-08 19:47:10 2010-02-08 23:47:10 1 0 0 40430 2010-02-06 16:48:15 2010-02-06 20:48:15 The Rumors Are True: Here’s the Book =-.]]> 1 0 0 40509 2010-02-19 08:48:12 2010-02-19 12:48:12 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0 40470 2010-02-12 04:30:02 2010-02-12 08:30:02 1 0 0
Snowed In! Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:38:43 +0000
If you live anywhere from the mid to north east part of the country this weekend should have been interesting for you. It all started Friday evening when a light snow started to fall and by late that night we had about a foot of snow on the ground and it didn't stop snowing until sometime Saturday! It was pretty crazy, seeing people try to dig their cars out and failing horribly. Luckily I didn't really have to go anywhere all weekend and I had enough food to last me so I didn't have to leave my apartment. My friends came over Friday night and were stuck here till Sunday! On Sunday we decided to finally get the cars out. That was an adventure since no one at either of the 2 houses here had a shovel. So we were using buckets, trash cans, and even hockey sticks to get all of the cars out. It was actually a lot of fun and gave me a workout! All of our neighbors helped and we got everyone out safely. Here are some pictures I took during the 2 days...

696 2010-02-08 14:38:43 2010-02-08 18:38:43 open open snowed-in publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1265654746 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267243425 40539 2010-02-24 06:02:30 2010-02-24 10:02:30 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0 40526 2010-02-22 10:28:18 2010-02-22 14:28:18 mukminin =-.]]> spam 0 0 40514 2010-02-20 10:20:29 2010-02-20 14:20:29 spam 0 0 40520 2010-02-21 20:03:53 2010-02-22 00:03:53 1 0 0 40543 2010-02-24 07:17:38 2010-02-24 11:17:38 Valid business solution is the rule of success =-.]]> spam 0 0 40457 2010-02-10 21:42:10 2010-02-11 01:42:10 Managing Your Public and Private Lives =-.]]> 1 0 0 40446 2010-02-08 19:49:37 2010-02-08 23:49:37 1 0 0 40447 2010-02-09 00:00:13 2010-02-09 04:00:13 1 0 0 40454 2010-02-10 09:02:06 2010-02-10 13:02:06 Purchase Scrap Gold =-.]]> 1 0 0 40508 2010-02-19 08:42:00 2010-02-19 12:42:00 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0 40474 2010-02-12 05:13:15 2010-02-12 09:13:15 1 0 0
Super Bowl Ads 2010 Tue, 09 Feb 2010 21:26:54 +0000 I'm not a huge football fan, especially when the Steelers are not playing, but I did watch the Super Bowl this year. The Reason? The ads of course! Before we get into that congrats to the Saints for pulling out the 31-17 victory over the Colts, the onside kick to start the 2nd half was brilliant. According to the Super Bowl XLIV Wikipedia page the broadcast had a US audience of 106.5 million viewers and scored a Nielsen rating of 46.4 with a 68 share, the highest for a Super Bowl since Super Bowl XX in 1986. The ads this years were really not that impressive at all, some of them made we wonder why the companies even paid the money for the spot. What was really surprising was all of the Budweiser and Bud Light ads. They had a total of 8 ads! One that's sure a lot of money to drop on ad spots and two all those ads are not going to make me choose Bud Light over Miller Lite! Out of all the ads the one that stuck out the most was the Google Search On Ad. This ad marks Google's first major push into TV advertising. It just showed how powerful Google is and what you can do with it.

The Motorola phone ad was funny, it's like if you create a crappy phone just put a hot actress in the commercial then people will buy it!

This year's ads were not that impressive at all! ]]>
Super Bowl XLIV Wikipedia page the broadcast had a US audience of 106.5 million viewers and scored a Nielsen rating of 46.4 with a 68 share, the highest for a Super Bowl since Super Bowl XX in 1986.]]> 698 2010-02-09 17:26:54 2010-02-09 21:26:54 open open super-bowl-ads-2010 publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1265750816 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267277491 40501 2010-02-17 19:20:25 2010-02-17 23:20:25 Twitter – Autoresponder (Web) 2.0 =-.]]> 1 0 0 40525 2010-02-22 10:27:16 2010-02-22 14:27:16 mukminin =-.]]> spam 0 0 40534 2010-02-23 02:02:19 2010-02-23 06:02:19 spam 0 0 40502 2010-02-17 21:13:08 2010-02-18 01:13:08 1 0 0 40494 2010-02-15 12:14:15 2010-02-15 16:14:15 Capture Your Dogs Wacky Misadventures with this Dog Collar Camera =-.]]> 1 0 0 40540 2010-02-24 07:07:31 2010-02-24 11:07:31 Valid business solution is the rule of success =-.]]> spam 0 0 40546 2010-02-25 04:17:41 2010-02-25 08:17:41 1 0 0 40522 2010-02-21 20:06:37 2010-02-22 00:06:37 spam 0 0 40506 2010-02-19 08:33:52 2010-02-19 12:33:52 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 40513 2010-02-20 10:16:14 2010-02-20 14:16:14 spam 0 0 40538 2010-02-24 06:00:06 2010-02-24 10:00:06 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0 40469 2010-02-12 04:25:29 2010-02-12 08:25:29 1 0 0 40473 2010-02-12 05:12:19 2010-02-12 09:12:19 1 0 0 40475 2010-02-12 05:48:19 2010-02-12 09:48:19 1 0 0
SUSHISAMBA at the Palazzo Wed, 10 Feb 2010 23:19:41 +0000
When you think of Las Vegas you think huge casinos and gambling, but Las Vegas has some of the best restaurants in the county. Hell even some of the buffets are really good! I've had some of the best meals of my life in Vegas. The Rodizio Fire Pit at Rum Jungle was awesome, my monstrous shrimp cocktail and 22oz porterhouse at Envy Steakhouse was just great and the 5-course meal I had Zeffirino was simply amazing. Oncec again this year in Las Vegas I had one of the best meals of my life, definitely the best sushi of my life! It was pretty late at night and Colin, Jack, Ramzi and I were originally going to go to the Pho place at Treasure Island, but it was closed. So we walked across the street to the Palazzo and ended up at Sushi Samba. Sushi Samba isn't just a Japanese sushi place its a mix of Japanese, Brazilian and Peruvian cuisine. The inside of Sushi Samba is very chill and relaxing. I started things off with a Mojito, which is becoming one of my favorite drinks.

The menu was quite big, they seemd to have a lot of things that I might have wanted to try, but I was here for Sushi! They had most of the normal Sushi you would find most places but they had many unique rolls that were a mix of Japanese, Brazilian, and Peruvian all in one. I first ordered the BoBo Brazil which is comprised of seared american kobe beef, avocado, kaiware, shiso, red onion and chimichurri. Then I was about to order a shrimp tempura roll, when our waitress told me they had this special which was a shrimp tempura roll topped with seared Japanese Kobe beef and avocado spread. So I decided on that instead.

When the Sushi was brought out I tried the BoBo Brazil rolls first and they were just great! One of the better rolls I've had in a long time, it had quite a lot of different flavors to it. After trying to BoBo Brazil roll I tried one of the special rolls. When I put it in my mouth it just like melted! The Japanese Kobe beef was so tender and had a taste that I never experieced before, it was amazing! There have only been a few times in my life when I ate something and was like, "Wow this food is just AMAZING!" this was one of those times. There is definitely a difference between Japanese and American kobe beef too! This was the best Sushi I've ever had in my life and would fly to Vegas just for it! Thats how good it was! If you are in Vegas you definitely have to check out Sushi Samba!]]>
Rodizio Fire Pit at Rum Jungle was awesome, my monstrous shrimp cocktail and 22oz porterhouse at Envy Steakhouse was just great and the 5-course meal I had Zeffirino was simply amazing. Oncec again this year in Las Vegas I had one of the best meals of my life, definitely the best sushi of my life!]]> 700 2010-02-10 19:19:41 2010-02-10 23:19:41 open open sushisamba-at-the-palazzo publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1265845140 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267217975 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 40533 2010-02-23 02:00:02 2010-02-23 06:00:02 spam 0 0 40495 2010-02-16 01:50:18 2010-02-16 05:50:18 spam 0 0 40542 2010-02-24 07:15:07 2010-02-24 11:15:07 Valid business solution is the rule of success =-.]]> spam 0 0 40493 2010-02-15 07:25:46 2010-02-15 11:25:46 spam 0 0 40468 2010-02-12 04:24:19 2010-02-12 08:24:19 1 0 0 40519 2010-02-21 20:02:54 2010-02-22 00:02:54 1 0 0 40456 2010-02-10 21:40:58 2010-02-11 01:40:58 What’s Up Wednesdays: Money and Blogging =-.]]> 1 0 0 40548 2010-02-25 04:26:50 2010-02-25 08:26:50 1 0 0 40507 2010-02-19 08:37:58 2010-02-19 12:37:58 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0 40512 2010-02-20 10:13:11 2010-02-20 14:13:11 spam 0 0 40472 2010-02-12 05:11:36 2010-02-12 09:11:36 1 0 0
Things I Love About Pittsburgh Tue, 23 Feb 2010 18:31:29 +0000
Well if you didn't know I've been living in Pittsburgh all my life. I've live in the suburbs most of my life but I moved closer into the city about a year ago. You really learn a lot about a city when you live in it. I've learned even more since living closer to the city and going out more. I originally got the idea for this post from Michael Kwan who did 2 posts about the things he likes and dislikes about Vancouver. So I figured I know a lot about Pittsburgh I should let you know the things I like and dislike about Pittsburgh. This post is the things I love about Pittsburgh, but believe me there are things I dislike so stay tuned for that post as well! Sports Pittsburgh is definitely a sports city! The Penguins and Steelers are both great teams and have won championships in the past few years. The Steelers rarely have a bad team and the Penguins have built their team up over the past few years to really be one of the best teams in the league, they have been to the Stanley Cup finals 2 years in a row now! Small City While Pittsburgh is a major city, it is a very small city as far as actual size goes. The downtown area is very small and you can drive through it in just minutes. Most people do no live in the city, they just work there. They drive in from the suburbs, which gets to the reason why I enjoy the small city. It is very easy to get around anywhere in the city! I rarely drive more than 20 minutes to get anywhere in the city! The Rivers Many people call Pittsburgh the city of bridges, that's because we have 3 rivers that go right through the city and form the ever famous Point, where Point State Park is located. The rivers are not only interesting, but also provide for some great activities in the summer. There is the Regatta, which I went to for the first time this past summer. Also there are tons of watersports that can be done on the rivers as well. If you have a boat the rivers are a great place to relax and party, especially in the summer! Inexpensive to live here One thing that I'm sure many people enjoy about the Pittsburgh area is how inexpensive it is to live here! The cost of living is extremely low, especially if you live in the suburbs around the city. This is another reason why many people come to Pittsburgh to work and live. Blue Collar Town Pittsburgh really is a working-class city. Many people here work for large corporations like UPMC and Highmark. These people work 40 hours a week if not more and are ok with that. Remember Pittsburgh was a Steel town and I think that's where most people get their work attitude from. People who live in Pittsburgh have a great attitude towards work and I think that's one thing that makes Pittsburgh special. It's a developing city If you've lived in Pittsburgh over the past 10 or so years you have really seen the city change a lot. Years ago not a single person lived in the city, but now they are turning old office buildings into lofts and developing many new residential areas in the city itself. Also we have seen many changes recently with the new casino being put in and all of the new development on the North Shore. I really like what Pittsburgh has done over the past 10 years and it will be interesting to see where it all goes from here!]]>

Well if you didn't know I've been living in Pittsburgh all my life. I've live in the suburbs most of my life but I moved closer into the city about a year ago. You really learn a lot about a city when you live in it. I've learned even more since living closer to the city and going out more. I originally got the idea for this post from Michael Kwan who did 2 posts about the things he likes and dislikes about Vancouver. So I figured I know a lot about Pittsburgh I should let you know the things I like and dislike about Pittsburgh. This post is the things I love about Pittsburgh, but believe me there are things I dislike so stay tuned for that post as well!]]>
703 2010-02-23 14:31:29 2010-02-23 18:31:29 open open things-i-love-about-pittsburgh publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1266952293 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267279575 40547 2010-02-25 04:24:02 2010-02-25 08:24:02 1 0 0 40541 2010-02-24 07:11:27 2010-02-24 11:11:27 Valid business solution is the rule of success =-.]]> spam 0 0 40554 2010-02-26 08:55:48 2010-02-26 12:55:48 1 0 0 40537 2010-02-24 05:58:35 2010-02-24 09:58:35 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> spam 0 0 40536 2010-02-23 15:25:16 2010-02-23 19:25:16 Why I Love Vancouver 10 Things I Hate About Vancouver .-= Michael Kwan´s last blog ..Giveaway: Who Wants Some Free Pizza? =-.]]> 1 0 0 40557 2010-02-26 21:09:54 2010-02-27 01:09:54 mortgage loans or just term loan.]]> 0 0 0
Mentioned in the New York Times Wed, 24 Feb 2010 18:39:59 +0000
Back in January I wrote an article on ThinkComputers about this year's experience at CES, where companies were getting thrown out of hotels because they did not register with the CEA. I also reposted the article on this blog as I wanted to share my experience with all of the readers here. About a week after the article was posted I was contacted by the New York Times, they interviewed me for about 30 minutes about the article and my CES experience this year compared to last year. I was pretty cool being interviewed, I have only been interviewed 2 other times and it was by websites, not a big publication like the New York Times. Here is a quote from the article...
Bob Buskirk, who attended the electronics show and owns a Web site, ThinkComputers, that reviews hardware and software products, said he had “never been kicked out of a hotel room or even heard of companies being kicked out.” But this January, he said, two of his meetings were disrupted when the vendors were ejected by hotel security. “From what I’ve heard anecdotally, the amount of unlicensed vendors was certainlly the most it’s been in recent memory,” said Mr. Reese of the Sands. Mr. Buskirk, who has been attending the show for five years, said that the show’s exhibits seemed to take up much less space this year. A spokeswoman for the association confirmed that the show’s size dropped to 1.4 million square feet of exhibit space.
The article is online here and appeared in print in the February 16th New York Edition of the Times. What is interesting is that most of the things I write are for a reason, a company sends me a product I have to write the review etc. I just felt that this was something that needed to be talked about and interestingly enough it got a lot of attention.]]>

Back in January I wrote an article on ThinkComputers about this year's experience at CES, where companies were getting thrown out of hotels because they did not register with the CEA. I also reposted the article on this blog as I wanted to share my experience with all of the readers here. About a week after the article was posted I was contacted by the New York Times, they interviewed me for about 30 minutes about the article and my CES experience this year compared to last year. I was pretty cool being interviewed, I have only been interviewed 2 other times and it was by websites, not a big publication like the New York Times. Here is a quote from the article...]]>
705 2010-02-24 14:39:59 2010-02-24 18:39:59 open open mentioned-in-the-new-york-times publish 0 0 post 0 aktt_notify_twitter no _edit_lock 1267038212 _edit_last 1 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 tweetbackscheck 1267280645 _pingme 1 _encloseme 1 40555 2010-02-26 08:59:37 2010-02-26 12:59:37 Sentimental cheap romantic gift ideas =-.]]> 1 0 0 40551 2010-02-26 03:43:03 2010-02-26 07:43:03 spam 0 0