Being Sick…

Well for the past few days I have been sick. I’m not sure what I really have, I think that it’s some type of throat cold. My throat hurts really bad and the past 2 days I woke up I have been spitting up blood. So right now I am taking throat and sinus medicine. Hopefully that will make whatever I have go away. I really do not want to have to go to the doctors.

With this cold I have been very tired and because of that I have been unmotivated to work. I am behind 2 reviews on ThinkComputers and I planned to write a big article for ThinkGaming this weekend. It does not look like that is happening either. I do not have anyone else to do the work so I guess I just have to be behind. That is one problem about running everything yourself if your sick, hurt, etc. you will fall behind. I have been looking for staff for both sites. I have a few people interested, but I am still looking for more. If you are interested in either site please e-mail me. Hopefully I will be 100% in the next few days.